Chapter 1037: o(`^?)o Humph! Anyway, anyway...

‘? ? ’
It was just that the fireball that seemed to be thrown by the opponent was caught off guard and exploded. The magic treasure Jinlian under his feet started to make waves of abnormal tremors and uneasy screams?
This kind of situation that had never happened before made Jing Huan Xiangu's heart horrified, so she hurriedly used all kinds of fairy methods and methods to stabilize her magic weapon again and blessed various means of protection.
‘! ! ’
'please stop! Be sure to listen to me first! ’
Then, because she didn’t know where the other party came from, couldn’t see the opponent’s heels clearly, and couldn’t understand the opponent’s strength, so she didn’t want to be an enemy at will in this situation, so she hurried again. Speak, intend to stop the other party first, and listen to her to explain a few words first.
Although, she is also very curious in her heart, and she doesn't know what the origin of that little girl is. However, given the fireball that the other party had just caused great pressure on her, Fairy Jinghuan felt that if If the white bear messing around in the mortal world is the opponent's mount, she may be able to accompany it a little bit and let the other party take it back to be taken care of, and then these things in the mortal world have never happened?
But it is a pity that the little girl who doesn't know what's coming from seems to be a little unreasonable, isn't it? She hadn’t taken the initiative to fight back. She had already been severely weakened by the other side. She wanted to communicate and explain some of the misunderstandings between the two sides, but the other side still reluctantly threw it back again. A fireball? !
'you! ! ’
As a last resort, Aunt Jinghuan had to throw out a magic weapon of her own, let the bright and red 9th grade kapok bone flower, only see it rise up against the wind, and then quickly become bigger, then opened the five petals at once. The bright red and crisp petals directly swallowed the second fireball that the little girl threw towards here and closed the petals again...
Boom~! !
However, what makes Jinghuan even more surprising is that her ninth-grade kapok magic weapon, which can attack and defend, can be big or small, ever-changing, and collect everything, actually exploded into a ball of fire, and in an instant Was burned to several pieces of ashes scattered on the ground?
"Wow! You bad guy still dare to stop?"
"Burn you to death!"
"Let you bully my little bear, let you bully more and less, let you stand on such beautiful lotus in such beautiful clothes!!"
Annie said that she was definitely not out of jealousy, she was just a little bit angry.
Think about it, she worked hard for a long time in order to protect the endless plane world. She also asked many people to help catch those dangerous elements, so that they would not cause chaos in other worlds, or even make trouble. The bear Tibbers, who never leaves himself, is dispatched...
But the result?
These bad guys actually beat her bear cubs behind her back, and stuck several spears on each other's body, making their whole body covered with blood. It looks pitiful. Wouldn't she not give her Queen Anne face? !
So, now that the other party says nothing is useless, she has to beat him up no matter what, first vent her anger to her little bear!
‘Fengyue Baojian! ’
Reluctantly, I saw that the other party didn’t listen to advice, and threw a fireball at me for the third time. I didn’t dare to block it. I was afraid that the strange dark flame would burn my alarm. After hurriedly ascending a safe distance, I did it again. At the fireball that whizzed towards him, he threw a bronze mirror that could illuminate both the front and back.
That's right, that mirror is the "Fengyue Baojian" she lent to the lame Taoist before!
This mirror is a magic weapon for both offense and defense. At the same time, it is also a magical mirror that "specializes in treating evil thoughts and has the power to save life". It has been placed on the ethereal hall of the too illusory realm before, and it was handed over some time ago The lame Taoist took it down.
However, because the lame Taoist was accidentally burned into charcoal by the white bear spirit with thunder, she had to take off her body and reincarnate. She just took it back and carried it on her body when she was just descending. Send it back, now it's just for her to defend against the enemy.
Jing Huan believes that with that face of life mirror and that face of "Fengyue Baojian", she should definitely be able to prevent the attack of that savage little girl.
'Well? ! ’
boom! !
What makes Jing Huan feel a little unexpected is that her magic mirror, the "Feng Yue Bao Jian", while blocking the fireball, was directly blown up and melted and exploded. It was so hot after melting. The copper juice fell from the sky like rain in an instant, and it spread all over the battlefield in front of the Tai Chi Hall of the Imperial Palace. After being spilled on the ground, it not only scorched everything it encountered, but also The white smoke billowed up, and the soldiers who had been watching the excitement were screaming and screaming, and they never dared to come closer.
'what? ! ’
Upon seeing this, Xiangu Jinghuan couldn't help but exclaimed again.
But I really never thought that her precious mirror, her side can reflect righteous and evil, can communicate yin and yang, can see people's hearts, can cure licentiousness, and even collect people’s souls in "Feng Yue Bao Jian". Was also destroyed by a fireball from the opponent? !
o(`^??)o Humph!
"It depends on whether you have more magic weapons or others have more fireballs!!"
Regardless of what the other party thinks, she only knows that the other party has bullied her cub, so she must beat the other party to vent her anger anyway, and she will definitely not be easy to burn the other party. Abandoned.
and so,
After seeing the other party using something messy and insignificant to offset her playful fireball twice and three times, the anger grew from her heart to her guts, so she just kept doing it and stretched it out. That white and tender finger, and then several broken fires the size of a basket roared towards the tall fellow in the sky!
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
‘! ! ’
'not good! ! ’
I just wanted to explain the alarming illusion again, but I thought that the other party would come back, and several huge fireballs came at once. She didn't give herself the slightest opportunity to explain or speak, so she had to continue to bite the bullet. response.
Therefore, no one dared to underestimate the enemy, and there is no illusion of the confidence to underestimate the enemy. After seeing that the opponent seems to be real this time, he can only grit his teeth and quickly take out a white jade bottle from his cuff with heartache. Then he quickly spilt the fireballs that were coming towards him.
In an instant, the essence of water from the heavens of Li Hate, the essence of the sea of ​​sorrow, the essence of the sea of ​​sorrow, the kind of magical water that is said to be able to extinguish the fire of a city, formed a water The curtain, and at the same time, the fireballs were covered!
boom! boom! boom!
After three consecutive explosions, that precious curtain of melancholy water was instantly evaporated, directly forming a large swath of water mist in the sky.
Boom~! !
Then there was another explosion sound. Amidst the steaming water mist and the explosion of fire, it seemed that a certain fairy standing on the golden lotus was finally blown up firmly for the second time?
'Ok! ! ’
A muffled hum came down clearly. Obviously, the deity who claimed to be an alarmist should have suffered some trauma.
'Humph! ’
‘What an unreasonable little girl! You indulge the white bear under your seat to cause harm to the world, I kindly came down to surrender to it, not let it cause too much harm, and kindly helped you reduce some causal sins. On the contrary, you destroyed my magic weapon and hurt my body? ’
‘That’s the case, let’s leave the matter for today, wait and do it yourself! ! ’
With the lingering sound in the sky, soon, when the flames of the explosion and the dreamlike water vapor that filled the sky slowly dissipated under the action of the wind, the goddess fairy appeared from the colorful glow There is no trace now, just a few burning lotus petals and broken silk clothes that fell with the wind...
Undoubtedly, in that short battle, the Jinghuan Fairy who lived in the illusory realm of Fangchun Mountain Qianxiangdong from the sky of Li Hate, in the sea of ​​sorrow, was defeated, and was defeated miserably! It was only after the 9th-grade kapok, Fengyue Baojian, the Essence of the Sea of ​​Worry, the Golden Lotus were destroyed, and the vestments and golden body that he carried with him were injured.
As for her injury, it is unknown! However, obviously, judging from the fact that she still has the strength to speak, she must have not died, and it shouldn't be too serious, right?
Annie didn't continue to chase, nor did she rush to speak, she just stared at the place where the opponent left in the sky, seeming to be thinking about some kind of problem? But soon, she curled her lips and put the kind of thing the other party said completely behind her.
That person is not stupid and wants to reason with her eight-year-old girl. How could she listen?
Besides, is she a reasonable place here?
If it is useful to be reasonable, what does she work hard to learn and do? Why can the Federation of her Nakpulu region still build battleships, star destroyers, fusion bombs and Titan destroyers? When everyone encounters a dispute, just sit down and shout and protest to see who is more reasonable? !
"Really, what use are you talking about now? People don't care about that much. Who told you to bully the little bear first?"
I don’t care whether my little bear is reasonable or unreasonable. Anyway, now her Queen Anne has the biggest fist. She has won, so she is reasonable, she is right, wrong and right!
If anyone dared to say half a word, did she see the big shattered fire that she threw out before? The fairy girl who was beaten so embarrassed just now is a naked example!
And ah, she is still a little bit merciful. After all, it was Little Bear who made trouble first. Although Queen Anne was the one who was reasonable, she was always good to talk, always reasonable, and always had to be forgiven. She was forgiving, she was only slightly punished, and she didn't directly kill the opponent!
Otherwise, it would take so many fireballs to throw so many fireballs there, and the fairy aunt would have stared to death.
at this time,
The surrounding emperors and court soldiers who had just been extremely excited just now found desperately: the previous one who claimed to be living above the sky of hate, in the sea of ​​sorrow, located in the illusory realm in the Qianxiang Cave of Chunshan Mountain , The customs of the world, the monthly debt, the illusory master of the earthly girl who resents the man, the Jinghuan fairy ran away very dishonest under the blow of the blond evil devil?
They couldn't imagine that there would be such horrible things in this world. The dignified fairy was really defeated by the owner of the white bear spirit, by the little girl with blond hair and blue eyes who looked very weird. ? !
‘The fairy lost? ’
‘The evildoer is so rampant that even Xiangu was beaten away? ’
‘Really, the gods have left us! ’
‘Look! That white bear spirit, he, he came over! ! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Hiss~! ’
‘This, this...she left and left, but what should I do? ! ’
Seeing the situation reversed again, everyone present could not help but exclaimed again, even having just burned two and red blisters on the shoulders and buttocks by the copper juice, at this time they were embarrassed by the support of the two soldiers. At this time, the emperor couldn't help but grinned and wailed.
"My name is Annie, hello everyone!"
Seeing that the guy who was in the way and bullying her bear was beaten away by herself, Xiao Annie turned around playfully, blinking at the soldiers around him and the emperor who was terrified and didn't know what he was thinking. They couldn't help but step back several steps, as if they had seen some terrible monster.
"Don't be so surprised. Anyone who knows someone knows that they are actually a good boy, so you don't need to be so scared at all!"
Yes, as long as you don't provoke her Queen Anne, and don't make her feel unhappy, she is indeed a good child, cute and loving, and still looks harmless to humans and animals? Of course, it's just what it looks like. As for other things, just think about it, don't be too real.
"The group of guys behind, they have seen you! Now who dares to run first, they promise that they will be burned directly to ashes!!"
boom! ! !
Unexpectedly, some bad guys were so shameless about themselves. They were talking badly about themselves while planning to turn around and run away. Xiao Annie smashed a fireball towards that side, blasting the palace gate directly. While directly blowing up the walls and palace gates, a large pool of fire was formed there and the ground burned a lot.
‘! ! ’
‘Weird, monster! ! ’
'Wow! So hot! So hot! My feet? ! ’
‘Back! Go back! ! ’
Seeing that the palace gate was destroyed, the soldiers who had just planned to flock to the emperor immediately came down. Even the soldiers holding strong crossbows or bows and arrows on the palace wall were seeing the little girl. After the method, thinking about the opponent's ability to fight even immortals, they coincided with each other and slowly lowered the weapons in their hands.
Just now it was just the white bear spirit, and their weapons were helpless. Now that a more powerful little fairy came, it was even more impossible for them to deal with each other effectively! Otherwise, their emperor had just ordered an attack, instead of trying to sneak away from the palace gate, trying to escape from the other side's eyelids.
Finally, after seeing that my little master appeared, he successfully defeated the who claimed to be Jinghuan Xiangu, and also successfully suppressed the mortal soldier, so that they no longer dared to talk or escape casually, felt that they seemed in no hurry. In order to retaliate against a certain Tibbers who ordered him to stabbed himself with a spear, he grinned and drew his spear while walking pitifully to its little master.
"Great, dear little master, you are finally here..."
(ㄒ?? ㄒ)
"The little one thought I would never see you again... By the way, the omnipotent master, have you taken care of all the entangled planes?"
First, after pretending to cry for a while, knowing that it seemed to be unable to deceive his little master, he suddenly changed the conversation and asked about the kind of things he was interested in.
"You said those troublesome worlds mixed together..."
"Of course..."
Organizing countless large-scale projects with huge workloads in the world, at least in units of one Genesis dollar or 100 million years, can it be completed so quickly?
Tibbers said he was puzzled. Since he hadn't taken care of it, why did the little master suddenly come here? Is it possible that she was going to give up?
"It's easy!"
"Because, people suddenly thought of a good note: Xiong, think about it, since there is no way to restore them to their original state in a short time, and it takes too much time to completely reorganize them, just let them maintain the status quo! Then ah, It took them a little time to stabilize all their worlds at a certain moment, so that they would not continue to merge or collide!"
"How about it, little bear, are they super smart?!"
After figuring out everything, Annie must be unwilling to spend countless Genesis dollars or countless billions of years to do such thankless things, so now she can only do that.
You know, it’s good for her to spend so much time on maintaining the status quo. If it were changed before, she might have quit and let their messy worlds fend for themselves. Now, how can you find a way to integrate the forces of Bear Shield and the various worlds, and let them exercise their power to maintain world order and stability?
But anyway, now her Queen Anne has completely gotten rid of those things, so she came here to pick up her own little bear and throw the poor white bear back to Freljord.
"But, dear little master, why hasn't this bear been able to contact you before, and the portable system seems to suddenly not work?"
"Oh, don't mind such little things, bear!"
Anyway, Queen Anne will definitely not admit that she accidentally messed up a little bit. As long as she didn't tell her, no one would know!
"Little Bear? She is..."
At this time, after the Jinghuan fairy aunt was beaten away, the two masters and servants, Lin Daiyu and Xueyan, who were previously immobilized and were of course also regained their freedom and walked over here a little nervously and asked.
"Oh! Ben Bear almost forgot about you two... Look, this is the most, greatest, and greatest little owner Ben Bear has often told you before!"
????????????: That's right! It's her who knows the bully of the bear all day~!
While introducing, Tibbers did not forget to pass to his two shovel officers a certain kind of little eyes that only they could care about.
However, upon hearing a bear's answer, Xue Yan and Lin Daiyu exclaimed together.
Obviously, they did hear their little bear talk about each other's affairs before, but what do you think, now the other party is really here... Although, the other party successfully beat the fairy and saved them and the little bear as soon as they shot. , But at this time, no matter it was Daiyu or Xueyan, no one could be happy.
Because they all know that the other party is definitely here to grab the cubs from them, and the appearance of the other party means that their cubs will leave them soon. This is something they can't easily accept anyway. After all, in the hearts of their masters and servants, certain bears have long become their irreplaceable existence, and become their most important family!
"Hi! Miss sister, how are you?"
"Although it is because of a little problem, but anyway, thank you very much for helping others to take care of the bear for so long. It shouldn't mess with you, right?"
"People are telling you secretly, little bear, it is very bad, there are some things, you must not listen to it nonsense!"
Anne is very grateful for the fact that the two young ladies in front of me took care of the bears for so long and allowed each other to eat and sleep in this world for a full two years. So, she was already thinking Now, I am going to give them some small thanks.
??Θ??Θ?? Humph~!
Neither Lin Daiyu nor Xue Yan dared to talk nonsense, because they were not familiar with the terrible little girl in front of them, so they could only stare at their little bears and the other side eagerly. Here to express some of their concerns.
"You may not know!"
"People thought it should have been beaten to death long ago, and they were planning to recover its soul, but it was a bit early to think that it was a shame!"
Judging from the menacing crowd around just now, if she comes ten days and a half month late, I am afraid she will only find a dead bear, right? Of course, there might be the tragic corpses of these two cute little sisters in front of you?
"I am going back now. I am glad to meet you!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
Although she said that, Annie never asked the names of these two young ladies from the beginning to the end...
"You have helped others to take care of the bear for so long, and they definitely can't treat you badly! So, they just told the people from Bear Shield, they will come here to help you handle things here soon, you think Just tell them what you want!"
After speaking, Annie waved her hand directly, her body gradually became transparent and quickly disappeared in front of Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan.
As the little girl left, the eyes of a certain bear suddenly went straight, and after shaking his body, he fell directly onto a messy ground.
‘! ! ’
‘Little Bear! ! ’
Seeing the little girl disappearing out of thin air strangely, and seeing the little bear fainting, Lin Daiyu and Xueyan were delighted that the other party did not take their little bear away, they exclaimed and pounced on the other side and began to check. The wound on the other side.
At this time,
The two of them didn’t even care about those around them when they were shocked and started to treat them badly, and soon there was a light door behind them abruptly, from which a lot of people in suits and weird looks came out. They just looked at it. The cubs in their family knew that the other party did not seem to be life-threatening, and only breathed out after falling asleep.
"Two! We are the third team of the Special Affairs Handling Team of the Storm Academy under the Bear Shield. I am Captain Clark Joseph Kent, this is Master Gandalf, and here is Bruce, our weapon supply and funding sponsor. · Wayne, now we are ordered to clean up the mess in your world, can you tell us the specific situation first?"
"A little girl, UU reading is she sent us..."
Clark ignored the hesitation or eager eyes of the soldiers around him, just smiled and walked to the two little girls who were protecting the big white bear and asked with a friendly smile as much as possible.
Yes, they are indeed ordered to come to this world to clean up the mess and meet some reasonable or unreasonable requirements of the little girl in front of them, relying on them and Bear Shield and the little girl standing behind Bear Shield. The various forces of girls, they absolutely believe that they have the ability to satisfy any of their wishes!
"you guys……"
Looking at the people in front of her who looked completely different from the people on the land of China, they looked like weird savages like Fanbang, and then looked at the little bear who was in desperate need of hemostasis and treatment of injuries, Daiyu didn't know what to say for a while.

(^▽^)?? Ask for a ticket?? (^▽^)
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