Chapter 1068: ε=ε=????(((??曲?)?? evil...

The liquid crystal in the sky outside is completely dark. Today’s night is very dull, with gloomy clouds covering the top, and the gloomy wind gusts across the river surface in the inland wharf area. You can't see the bright stars and the bright moonlight of the past.
At this time, in this remote and slightly dilapidated cargo storage warehouse at the inland river wharf of Gongmen City, the five heroes and six heroes of a certain dragon who came to Gongmen City today and made a big noise, then Sitting around a campfire, silently watching the fire and the charred dough, radishes, and other mess of fruits and vegetables that were roasted on the fire.
Today, during the day, they had just raided the prison in the Black Dragon District, so now, there are still a large number of Sirius soldiers pursuing them from house to house in the outer city, so that they have to avoid their sharp edges. Abandoned hotels and houses and hid here, planning to stay here for one night?
'Hey! Monkey King, this seems to be cooked, do you want some baking dough? ’
‘No, I’ll just eat fruit...’
‘Little Dragon, how about you? ’
'Do not! I don’t want to, thank you...’
'cough! Po, aren’t you good at making noodle soup? But look now. We have dough here, as well as radishes and green vegetables. I can also cut them for you with tongs, but why do we want us to eat such hard stuff? ’
Holding the battered and extremely hard dough, handed it to the Golden Monkey King and Qiao Xiaolong. After seeing the two of them decisively rejecting their kindness, the mantis sighed and turned his head to face Asked the panda man Abao who was sitting side by side with the fierce Jiaohu silently.
After all, this time they came to Gongmen City to perform an arduous, high-intensity task, and their raccoon master said, that is absolutely not allowed to fail! And if you can’t even eat well now, and don’t have enough to eat, then the next task is really a bit awkward.
"Noodle soup?"
Hearing what the other party said, Bao came back to his senses from his meditation.
"You're right……"
"Quite mantis, I can knead the dough, and I can pull the noodles. I am very good at that kind of thing, but... Tell me, what do you want me to use when there is no such pot that can make soup? Cook noodle soup for you to eat, do you use my belly?"
"I've looked for it before. Except for some pottery bowls, I didn't even find any smaller pots. They were confiscated by Lord Shen's men a long time ago. Whether they are made of copper or iron, I have none of them. could not find it!"
"and so……"
Pandaren Abao shrugged helplessly. He said that he didn't want to eat these things either, but he had no good way, because it is very likely that there is no iron pot for boiling soup in the entire palace. ...
If they don’t want to steal food from other people’s homes, that’s all! Although, what they are eating now is secretly taken in the freight terminal area?
'Oh! ’
‘I forgot about this...’
‘That’s indeed a sad story...Guys, maybe we should beat the Lord Shen quickly and help the poor people in Gongmen City completely liberate here and regain their cooking pot? ’
After thinking about it, Kuai Mantis quickly cut the test dough in his hand into slices, and then he quickly discovered that if he eats like this, it will be very crispy, fragrant and delicious?
So, he thought for a while and ate by himself, without telling his companions, because he was afraid that they would ask him to help cutting, but it would be very troublesome.
‘What we have to do is not just for those pots! ’
‘That’s right! ’
Qiao Xiaolong and Lao Linghe suddenly added this point.
‘Fast mantis, what do you want us to do? There are only six of us here. Hero Crocodile and Hero Iron Bull are unwilling to help us, and they refuse to escape from that prison. They are already afraid of Lord Shen! ’
‘It’s not easy to defeat Lord Shen! ’
The Golden Monkey King, who picked up a bite of the fruit and threw it into his mouth, was a little frustrated, because he had a hunch that the task they came to perform in Gongmen City this time might not be too easy?
‘I know it’s not easy! But monkey, we are not afraid of him! ’
‘I’m not afraid! ’
‘Not afraid? But what's the use? That prince Shen's subordinates are numerous and powerful, and their manpower is thousands of times ours! ’
‘No, Monkey King, to be precise, it should be more than ten thousand to twenty thousand times, because they have at least one hundred thousand Sirius army! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Don’t tell me that desperate figure, old Linghe! You know I am not the Thunder Rhino master who was shattered by a shell, and I can't single-handedly kill the tens of thousands of Serpent Legion like him! ’
'But the Monkey King, I have to remind you that even if you are as powerful as the Thunder Rhino Master, you have no chance to defeat the one hundred thousand Sirius Army...because we all know that they have that kind in their hands. The terrifying'fire and steel' artillery, even if it is a master of thunder and rhinoceros with high martial arts and an incorruptible body, it will be easily blasted to pieces by that thing! ’
‘! ! ’
'well! Then tell me, what are we doing here in Gongmen City now, come to die? ’
‘I don’t know, don’t ask me, I didn’t say that...’
‘Okay, don’t quarrel, Xiaolong, help throw the dough over, Monkey King, eat a little too, you will get burnt if you don’t eat it. ’
'Do not! I don't eat that kind of baked dough! ’
‘But you always have to eat something, right? We all know that you have not eaten anything all night, and the fruit is not hungry! ’
‘This...does any of us have bananas here? ’
‘! ! ’
'No! Only radish and cabbage, which one do you want? ’
‘Get me a carrot first, thank you...’
'Give you! You're welcome. Just eat. There are still several ships of carrots and vegetables at the dock outside, enough for us to eat for many years. ’
'many years? Believe me, we won’t stay here long...’
‘Of course, I know. I’m just making an analogy. I also hope to finish the task tomorrow and leave here and return to our Peace Valley! ’
'hope so……'
After discussing the dispute for a while, the Golden Monkey King, Qiao Xiaolong, Kuai Mantis, and Old Linghe had to be quiet again, and they continued to surround the fire, dullly eating what they had in their hands. Eat, but you have to eat it in order to eat something and provide strength.
"Hello, Hu Niu?"
At this time, after looking around and hesitating for a while, A Bao finally couldn't help it, and had to speak carefully to the fierce tiger on the side:
"When are you going to set off to attack the Peacock Tower in the city, and then defeat the White Peacock Lord Shen?"
Po, who felt that it was definitely not a way for him to stay here like this, and didn't think it would be a good idea to wait forever, so he looked at the other person's frowning face and asked.
Yan Jiaohu did not speak, but raised his head and looked around at the companions who had been watching.
"I... I don't know..."
"Maybe wait a few more days?"
"Anyway, we are already arrogant and scared today. It would definitely not be a good idea to go to the Peacock Tower rashly now! At least, we have to wait for them to think that we have already retired, or think that we are no longer in the palace city. Find a chance to start after searching for us?"
Obviously, making suggestions is not the strong point of the fierce Jiaohu, but she vaguely knows that she will not end up rushing to shoot now, so she can only bite the bullet and explain it to her companions like this.
'Wait? ’
‘But if this continues, how many more days will you have to wait? ’
'do not know! ’
‘Abao, I remember that when your father, Mr. Ping, we came, didn’t he stuff a lot of buns and flatbreads that can be used as dry food in the salute? ’
‘! ! ’
'Yes indeed! I also remembered, Abao, where did you hide those things? ’
‘No more! ’
‘Why is it gone? We remember that there was still a lot left yesterday, and eating those is better than eating these rotten radishes! ’
‘Really gone! Didn’t we put the salute on the boat when we went ashore? But now, that ship has been confiscated by the wolves of the Sirius Army. Where do you want me to find it for you? ! ’
'what? ’
‘Gosh, this is really a sad story...’
"Okay, you guys are safe!"
Seeing that my friends are still in the mood to fight, watching the Golden Monkey King and Kuai Tanglang on the side have overturned A Bao and rode on each other, rummaging around indiscriminately. Only then did the tiger show a rare smile and soothed.
She actually knows it, maybe, this time her master Raccoon Master gave them the task it will not be too easy... But as long as there are these companions, as long as everyone is still together, she will have the confidence to complete that The seemingly impossible task, defeat Wang Ye Shen and bring him to justice, to prove it to the master, to the two cowardly crocodile heroes and the Iron Bull hero, to prove it to everyone in the world:
She firmly believes that these five heroes and dragon heroes from the Emerald Palace must be the most powerful, and kung fu must also be a weapon that can defeat those evil and vicious!
‘Wow~! ’
Suddenly, a wolf howl sounded in the distance, instantly causing the Five Heroes and Dragon Heroes hiding in this warehouse to stop their conversation and play, and they couldn't help becoming a little nervous.
Fortunately, the howl of the wolf may not mean anything, because after that abrupt sound, there was no more movement outside, which made the six people holding their hearts all loose. In one breath.
'Scared me! ’
‘It seems that it’s just barking like a watchdog, not for us. You know, there are too many evil wolf soldiers in Gongmen City now, and some will bark. ’
After listening to the side for a while, he found that the Golden Monkey King, who was no longer moving, spread his hands, and lay down on the ground again, lying on the ground, while propping his head with his arms, while eating his radish to explain.
‘It’s probably the end of the Haishi, right? Maybe they are playing watchdog? ’
‘Monkey King, don’t talk nonsense. They are wolves and not roosters that noisy people to sleep. How come they crow in the middle of the night? ’
‘Haha! Xiaolong, you are not a wolf, how do you know they can't? ’
‘Even if I’m not a wolf, I know they won’t do that! ’
‘But they have already done that. ’
'you! Not anyway! ’
‘Yes! ’
'Little dragon, think about it, even the big geese in the Heping Valley will yell and croak with the roosters in the middle of the night and in the morning, let alone the wolves here, they are a hundred thousand. So many heads! ’
‘Anyway, that’s definitely not a crow! ’
‘Then what do you mean? ’
'do not know……'
Talking about it, in the warehouse that hadn't been quiet for a long time, it was the turn of Kuai Mantis and Qiao Xiaolong to start a fight again. The two of them were so stubborn, and they started to argue with each other.
"Shut up all to me!!"
Suddenly, he was amused watching his companions quarrel about a little thing, and wanted to intervene to say something. The fierce tiger, who didn't care too much about howling a wolf, suddenly shrank. She raised her brows suddenly, and even the word'王' on her forehead was wrinkled into the word'three', she stretched out her hand, motioned everyone to shut up, and at the same time listened carefully.
"What's wrong again, is there something wrong? Why didn't I hear anything?!"
Pandaren Abao’s hearing is obviously not very good, so after seeing the actions of the fierce tiger, he just put his ridiculous and furry little ears up in vain, completely unaware of the fierce tiger and other simultaneous changes. The comrades who had serious faces and were listening carefully to what they were listening to.
"There are very light and light footsteps, very dense, and getting closer..."
This is the voice of Kuai Mantis. Obviously, he, the guy who vowed to find a mantis girl to get married and let the other party eat his head, also found the problem.
"Yes, there are indeed small vibrations on the ground, and it feels a bit messy, but it is certain that there are a lot of them, maybe one or two thousand or more!"
Sitting and lying, standing and lying, walking and lying, lying down, Qiao Xiaolong is very sensitive to the movement from the ground. Just because she was frolicking, she didn’t pay attention, but after being reminded by the fierce Jiaohu, she I soon felt something was wrong.
"There is a strong killing intent..."
"They are here!"
Old Linghe slowly stood up straight, and stretched its slender neck as much as possible, constantly looking around the warehouse with vigilance.
"Yes, they are here..."
"Be careful, everyone, I can smell the stench of those wolves!!"
Now everyone is in the bright and broken warehouse with a bonfire, but outside is a dark wharf with no fingertips. In such a moonless night, they must not be able to easily see the situation outside. ...But that didn't prevent the fierce tiger from smelling the smell of the evil wolves from the wind blowing in from the broken window.
"Wow! Guys, something is not good!"
"I saw countless pairs of green eyes. We are now surrounded by Sirius Army!!"
Kuai Mantis rushed to the window at a speed barely visible with the naked eye, and then flew back quickly. Although he also failed to see the specific situation outside clearly, he saw the pair of green eyes that were permeating outside and in the distance!
There is no doubt that the eyes that glow in the dark, here in Gongmen City, except for the evil wolves of the Sirius Army, I am afraid that there is really no one.
Obviously, they, who were unfamiliar with their lives in Gongmen City, had not been able to spend the first night safely in this abandoned warehouse, they were found by the Sirius Army spies and once again began to deal with them. round up.
‘Wow~! ’
Before everyone in the warehouse could react, the howls of wolves sounded one after another from far and near. Then, after the howling that was like passing orders, there was a sudden sound of violent panting footsteps and weapons outside. The harsh sound when colliding with the armor...
The wolves of the Sirius Army who didn't know when to lurch around finally started their actions at this moment.
Next second!
A group of Sirius soldiers armed with wolf-toothed knives, grim-faced, grinning, and disgusting salivation, suddenly broke in from all sides of the warehouse or broke doors or windows, and landed and saw the situation inside. After that, they all howled and accelerated towards the Five Heroes who jumped up for the first time and A Bao, the Pandaren.
"not good!"
"Run! We are really surrounded by them, quickly! Stop them first, and then quickly find a way to rush out!!"
Bang! !
A certain evil wolf soldier who rushed the fastest just broke through the window of this cargo warehouse and rushed in front of the fierce tiger. Before he could raise the knife in his hand, he was beaten by the fierce tiger. The mouth was deformed, the saliva spattered and flew upside down, and even directly hit the pack of wolves who were roaring from the window and rushed up from the window, howling and rolling into a ball.
Bang! Bang!
Fierce Jiaohu once again rushed towards the places where the formation and rhythm had been disrupted by her attack, and one after another beat the wolves who had jumped in from the warehouse window to howl miserably, and once again Smashed a piece of wood and flew out of the warehouse.
Immediately afterwards, the fierce tiger kept fisting, she was the only one, and he firmly guarded the wall, letting the wolves outside that seem to be layered on top of each other clamoring in a hurry, they could not rush in any one. !
‘! ! ’
'on! Catch them for me! ! ’
At this moment, a small Sirius army leader kicked open the wooden door from the gate and rushed in. After seeing the situation inside, he grinned and commanded a large group of wolves who rushed in with him, commanding at least a few. The ten-headed wolves viciously surrounded the guys who had become fat and dared to run into the chaos of their prince's palace.
‘Kill! ! ’
‘? ? ? ’
‘! ! ’
'what? ! ’
‘Damn it! ! ’
'what happened? ! ’
There was a sound of falling iron...
They discovered that they had not had time to rush forward a few steps, and before they had time to fight the enemy, they just felt light in their hands. Before they recovered, they realized that they could no longer hold the sharp blade in their hands. Unsteady, fell straight to the chaotic ground?
'Wow! ’
'my hand! ! ’
‘Ah! ! ’
It turned out that Kuai Mantis cut the wrists of these Sirius soldiers in an instant? Then, before they recovered, they saw that the golden-haired monkey rushing up with a bamboo pole among the enemies raised the bamboo pole in the opponent's hand high and waved towards them fiercely.
Bang! Bang!
"Wow~! ’
‘Stop it! ! ’
'Do not! ! ’
On the other side, the nimble little dragon is like a moving whip, easily stunned or knocked out by the wolves who came in from the broken paper-wood windows on the other two sides of the warehouse...
‘! ! ’
‘Kill that panda! ! ’
The panda Abao, who was half a beat slow due to his body fat and reaction, was also spotted by a few evil wolves who were lucky enough to rush into it, and he vigorously brandished the mace knives in their hands and shouted. Rushed towards him.
"Kill me? Who do you think I am? I am the legendary dragon hero!"
Sweep the legs!
In an instant, the fat panda's little short legs carried a trace of real qi, rolled up a qi, and quickly swept past A Bao! Then, the wolves who were encircling Abao were swept away by the legs and fell to the hard ground.
"It's not over yet!!"
Disillusionment kick!
Before the wolf soldiers fell on all sides and got dizzy, and before they had time to recover and get up, A Bao walked forward again and rolled for a certain distance, and once again raised his leg, it was an energy shock wave. The five wolf soldiers who fell to the ground kicked directly.
Bang~! !
‘Uh~! ’
‘Oooh! ! ’
Slap~! Bang~!
With the sound of a crash, the wolves were hit on the beams, pillars, doors and windows of the warehouse, and some of the rotten wall panels and fragile paper-wood windows were hit by them and shattered with a miserable howling. The wood fragments flew out, and the Sirius soldiers who were about to break through the wall and the window to enter were so frightened.
"Wow! Huniu! There are too many people outside of them, what should we do?"
He defeated five enemies with ease in one breath. The panda Abao, who just wanted to sigh, had not had time to make a handsome move. He found out that he had just been knocked down and flew out to the wall. After smashing through several holes, more wolf soldiers rushed in viciously?
However, the fierce tigers who are busy fighting with the enemy or the other five heroes, how can they have time to pay attention to what a certain panda Bao said?
Because, at least hundreds of Sirius soldiers have flooded into this warehouse now! And even worse: outside the warehouse, they obviously have more! Even if they howl, thousands of wolves will arrive here!
'on! ’
‘You all go together! ’
‘Try your best! If you can't catch the live ones, kill them directly! ! ’
That wrist had been injured just now, and the little wolf boss, who was still flew away by a stick, rushed back to the gate of the warehouse, and a little angrily shouted at those who had rushed in to start with the enemies. The fighting Sirius soldiers shouted and ordered.
‘Kill! Kill them! ’
Cang! !
"Wow~! ’
clang! !
‘! ! ’
‘Come on! You guys too! ’
Bang! puff! !
‘Kill! ! ’
‘Wow~! ’
'on! ’
'Go together! Even with teeth! Even with paws! Even if you tear them up, you still have to take them down for Lao Tzu! ! ’
The habits of wolves have always been fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty, and fearless to die, especially under the command of a wolf?
and so,
Although at least one or two hundred evil wolf soldiers were killed or wounded or maimed under the attack of the Five Heroes and Dragon Heroes, more wolves are still fighting. Under the command of the little bosses, they fiercely brandished the weapons in their hands, rushed into the abandoned warehouse one after another, and filled the inside with it, seeming to want to use the wolf sea tactics Is the enemy captured or killed on the spot?
As a result, the terrible howling of wolves, the clashing of weapons, the sound of slashing, the muffled sound of fists to the flesh, and the terrible howling of the evil wolves when they were blown out of the pier began to appear slightly worn out, but The huge cargo warehouse rang one after another and continued for a long time.
Correspondingly, it is the kind of shadowy fire and chaotic scenes that follow the sway of the bonfire and the running and moving of figures.
There are constantly new wolves holding weapons screaming fiercely and rushing in. At the same time, there are also more and more wolves being beaten and screaming, mixed with a lot of broken wood chips and blood. Fly out...
Obviously, the Five Heroes and the Pandaren Dragon Hero are not easy to deal with, even if they only have six people, even if they are already surrounded in a warehouse that is not too big!
However, even if that was the case, the Sirius soldiers who had surrounded the warehouse from the outside still continued to reinforce and attack the warehouse in an orderly manner, even if the surroundings and the gates of the warehouse were beaten to pieces. The casualties are getting worse, and they still have no intention of stopping.
at last……
Rumble! ! !
Perhaps the dilapidated warehouse couldn't stand it, couldn't hold on to it in the fierce fight? Or, who accidentally broke an important load-bearing beam?
Anyway, the soldiers of the Sirius Army who surrounded the warehouse full of dangling were only surprised to find that the fighting inside the warehouse did not last long, and the dilapidated large warehouse quickly groaned with wood. The sound of the'bang' collapsed, and then the shattered wood and tiles covered everyone inside. After the fire inside was instantly extinguished, the dust in the sky successfully blocked the soldiers of the Sirius Army. The pair of green eyes glowing.
‘! ! ’
‘Good job Linghe! ’
‘Retreat! ’
'Faster! ’
‘A Bao! Here? ! ’
At the same time, as the warehouse collapsed, as the fire extinguished, and at the moment when the surrounding sky suddenly fell into darkness and dust, several figures quickly smashed away the broken tiles and wood from the broken eaves. Leaving the pier, he quickly moved and leapt away in the direction of the city with more complicated terrain.
"Wow! Why are you all gone? Wait for me!!"
Seeing those clever ghost companions actually took advantage of Linghe's air current attack and destroyed the warehouse to slip into the city, the last one awkwardly opened the tiled piece of wood and crawled out of the chaotic field. Bao was so scared that he almost didn't cry.
However, he was anxious and wise, he hurriedly swept the surrounding reaction with a trick to'sweep the legs' again and rushed towards him, intending to catch his evil wolves, and then hurriedly performed two consecutive'rolling flips' towards him. Those guys quickly rolled dozens of steps away in their direction, and after knocking over a large group of Sirius soldiers who were lined up, they hurriedly before the enemy's broadsword slashed. Supplemented with a'xianglong in the sky' directly soared into the air, rushed towards his companions quickly, and quickly disappeared into the night sky all at once, leaving only those angrily and depraved at the wharf and warehouse, but again The helpless Sirius Army...
'and many more……'
'Hey! Hu Niu! Wait for me! ’
‘I said, what are you doing so fast, where are we going now? ’
For a long time, the pandaman A Baocai, relying on his own anger, caught up with the fierce tiger and the fierce tiger who was quickly moving and jumping and running dexterously on the roof tiles and roof ridges of high-rise houses. Other heroes of the world.
'Humph! ’
‘Of course, go to the Peacock Tower and take down the Lord Shen! ! ’
Fierce Jiaohu said murderously, and the other Five Heroes beside her also had the same tense face and said nothing, seeming to agree with her in silence?
‘! ! ’
‘But, didn’t you just say that the time is not right. You have to wait a few days and wait until the wind and waves are calm before going? ’
Going to trouble the white peacock, A Bao would definitely not object, but he couldn't figure out why the fierce tiger suddenly changed his mind?
'Humph! ’
‘Because things are different now! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Where is it different? ! ’
‘Because they have found us! The more it drags on, the more disadvantaged we are! If you don't want to be consumed by them, you must take advantage of the strength now, and directly attack the tower when they think we will run away in embarrassment! "
‘We want to be fast! Because this is our only chance! ’
After explaining to Abao, the fierce Jiaohu stopped talking, but rushed silently with a calm face and breathlessness, because they had to rush to the Peacock Tower before Lord Shen and the Sirius Army could react. And try to see if you can rush in in one go, and then surprise and defeat the instigator Shen Wang who committed all kinds of serious crimes?
'I understand! ’
‘Then, let’s do that big thing now! ! ’
Hearing that he was really going to deal with the white peacock, Pandaren Abao instantly became energetic, and tried to carry his precious innocence, dragged his fat body, cheered and followed the five heroes. At the same pace, he ran and jumped quickly on the houses in this palace gate city.
As for the tiles of a lot of people along the way that they stepped on and could cause rain to leak or something, that mattered to them.
After all, they are the Five Heroes and Dragon Heroes. They are now trying to control of the city from the evil Lord Shen and punish each other. Therefore, if there are some flaws in the process or something else. , I really can't blame them for these kung fu heroes.

It's late at night...
However, inside the Peacock Tower, a certain white peacock is still lighting up the lights in the study to fight at night, and is still focusing on the paintings of railroad tracks, steam engines, locomotives, airplanes, internal combustion engines, generators and other magical instruments. The drawings were busy making signs and recordings.
That's right!
His Lord Shen has indeed successfully obtained dozens of various drawings from the hands of a nasty little girl! And these are of immense use to him, the Sirius Army under him, and even the entire country he is about to rule!
Therefore, he must now look at them again as soon as possible and think carefully about his next development and construction plan.
‘Internal combustion engines, generators, and airplanes and tanks are not in a hurry. They are too complicated. It is a systematic project. I’m afraid I can’t make it for the time being...’
"And these missiles..."
‘If you abandon those flashy control and navigation devices, you only need to install stabilizer wings and explosive parts, and make good use of its long flight distance, it will have some similarities with fireworks? ’
‘Indeed, this can be tested and developed first, and it is definitely not worse than the Shenlong Cannon. ’
‘And those black oil, coal...’
‘The next step, and the most important thing, should be to make a steam engine and a steam lathe driven by a steam engine. That is the mother of industry! ! ’
‘Of course, there are even more important iron and steel plants...’
‘Always sending people to grab pots and pans is not an option. I’m also a prince anyway, but I can’t keep doing things that make people complain! ’
‘When the coal is dug, the iron and steel plants and the blast furnaces are out, the king will send ten pots to each household! ! ’
After reading the blueprints in his hands roughly, straightening out his thoughts and picking out the important ones, the White Peacock Lord Shen let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Then, he subconsciously Gently touched his tail.
'Uh! ’
Shout out!
However, Lord Shen quickly came back to his senses, and now there is nothing left in his butt...
Because, all his beautiful tail feathers have been pulled out by himself and used to talk to the little girl who will seduce the peacock like a devil and change all the drawings!
Now, behind his ass, there was nothing left except an empty covered by short hair and gorgeous silver silk dress!
If he weren't wearing that long cover-up dress, he would just go out like this, maybe other peacocks would think that Lord Shen is a mother bird, right?
Therefore, he decided: In the next few months, he will stay at the Peacock Tower in Gongmen City with great concentration in researching technology, and strive to create a complete industrial system for his empire, and to integrate one by one as soon as possible. An advanced industrial factory has been established to lay a solid and unbreakable foundation for your business!
Of course, after returning home, after another period of time, as early as ten and a half months, as long as one or two months, when the next batch of mass production rifled guns is developed, his Sirius army must be If you want to go out, you must go upstream and sweep the Central Plains!
Perhaps, when his tail grows back, and when he is here in Gongmen City, turning this city into the center of science and technology and heavy industry in the Central Plains, his subordinates should almost be able to give him more than half of the Central Plains. Right?
At that time, he will have more financial, material and manpower to carry out more research and development and deployment. At that time, no one can stop him armed with technology and steel who are loyal to him and have followed him for decades!
‘Kill~! ’
‘Enemy attack! ! ’
‘Hurry up and ring the bell! ! ’
'Wow! ! ’
Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!
'Well? ! ’
"What's going on outside? ! ’
At this moment, Wang Ye Shen, who was thinking of his ambitions and hegemony, was planning for the future of himself and his empire, and suddenly heard a loud exclamation, fighting, and misery coming from below. The screams and the rapid sirens made him feel a little curious, and he hesitated to walk to the window, stretched out his still heroic and beautiful head out of the window and looked down at the Peacock Tower.
At this moment, below, in the spacious Peacock Royal Plaza in front of his Peacock Tower, several dark figures are fighting with his Sirius guards and are rushing forward towards him. At that time, the carving Lan Yu Chena who smashed the Thunder Rhino Master quickly rushed.
‘So it’s them? ’
'Humph! ’
With his sharp eyes that are not inferior to the eagle, he glanced at the fire, knowing that it was those kung fu fighters who were complacent and insisted on blocking the rise of the Central Plains, and after knowing that they were the guys sent by the Emerald Palace, Lord Shen frowned. He chilled his face, and then quickly went back and collected his drawings that were more important than his own life.
You know, for the sake of this world, for the well-being of all the people, and for his dream of going up the country that day, he even plucked out the feathers that he cherished so much... But now, those stupid guys still want to Want to stop his great cause?
Those who are ignorant and unreasonable, he will not tolerate easily! !
‘Come! ! ’
After tidying up his own drawings and locking them into a beautiful sandalwood box and putting them away, Lord White Peacock Shen let out a soft cry.
‘Lord! ’
‘Please order? ! ’
A black chimpanzee with extremely strong muscles, the kind of guy named'Blackhearted', who is also the guard of Lord Shen, walked into the study for the first time and hammered his own hard. He asked respectfully after bowing his chest and half kneeling.
"Since they can get here, it means that the wolf boss guy must have gone empty..."
"Go, let the Musketeers guard in front of the tower, I will go down later!"
I originally wanted the opponent to issue an order to attract more Sirius troops and drown the enemy completely, but after thinking about it, I feel that I still have a new assassin. Even if I don’t need to mobilize a large Sirius army, I don’t need to use troublesome and cumbersome. The Shenlong Cannon could easily defeat those kung fu master Shen, so he waved his hand and issued his order to the guard.
‘Yes! ’
The urn replied angrily, and the burly black-hearted guest stood up, then turned and walked out.
At this time, in the square below the Peacock Tower, some of the Sirius guards who were caught off guard and whose defenses were slightly slack quickly retreated under the blows and fierce attacks of the Five Heroes and the Dragon Heroes, and they were about to The defeat retreated to the tower.
After all, in Lord Shen’s palace, here in this peacock tower, there are only more than a thousand Sirius guards who are stationed here. When the enemy takes advantage of the dark night, they suddenly attack, and all of them are high. In the case of a Kung Fu master who went there, they were indeed a little hard to fight.
‘! ! ’
'Look! what is that? ! ’
With just one wing, dozens of Sirius guards were easily instigated, letting them scream and roll under the strong winds that their anger had stirred up, and directly gave way to the gate of the tower. , Old Linghe suddenly moved his heart, pointing to the hammer standing in front of the tall tower on the slate floor with terrifying deep ravines and exclaimed.
At the same time, he also saw that there was a hideous deformation on the strong giant hammer, which made the whole hammer a little distorted... It can be seen from this, what terrible force it had endured at that time!
'That is……'
‘Thunder Rhino’s hammer! ! ’
Squinting his eyes, the fierce Jiaohu flew a vicious wolf wielding a knife and slashed at him in one punch, and then exclaimed.
Obviously, the Thunder Rhino hero must have been defeated here!
‘Don’t worry about that much! ’
‘Old Crane! There are also fierce tiger girls, rush in, they are getting more and more, and if this continues, I will be unable to stand it! ! ’
Although I don’t know if a certain prince Shen officially ordered the mobilization of the army, the Pandaren only know that with the movement and the bells of the enemy attack, they are rushing in densely behind hundreds of thousands. Soldiers of the Sirius Army, and there are wolves howling one after another farther away, presumably more soldiers must be rushing towards this side! If they don't rush into the tower quickly to reduce the enemy's number advantage and quickly defeat the Lord Shen, they will be planted this time!
Therefore, I just rushed all the way and had wasted a lot of energy. I felt that I must be the first Pandaren Abao who couldn’t hold on again. He tumbling two times in a row, and he passed the old Linghe and He. The fierce tiger passed the thunder hammer standing alone in front of the steps, directly smashed the wooden door of the Peacock Tower and rolled in...
‘! ! ’
‘Abao is right! Hurry up, everyone rushed in and arrested that Lord Shen! ! ’
‘Go! ! ’
Under Pandaren Abao's first charge and setting an example, under the command of the fierce tiger, the Five Heroes also began to abandon their opponents, ready to rush into the tower, and then bring the Lord Shen to justice. !
Because, they felt that as long as they rushed into the tower, the number advantage of the Sirius Army soldiers would no longer exist. By then, the Lord Shen would definitely be dead! As for whether the other party would fly away in chaos, they didn't think so much at all.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ’
Huh! Huh! Huh!
However, instead of waiting for the Five Heroes, such as the fierce Jiaohu and Lao Linghe, to rush into the tower in order to eliminate the number advantage of the Sirius Army, they discovered that the first Pandaren who had just broken through the wooden door and rolled into the tower. Bao, their Shenlong hero, who has realized the magical effect of true qi and has become more and more powerful, has actually flew out with blood all over his body after bursts of bean-popping noises?
‘A Bao! ! ’
‘Abao? ! ’
'How are you doing? ! ’
Seeing this, he was still outside. The fierce tiger who was just planning to go in hurried up to assist the opponent, and followed the Golden Monkey King and the old Linghe, while being alert to the Sirius soldiers who were encircling behind, he was bloody. A Bao asked.
"rest assured……"
"It's okay, I just used the wind-walking monk's ‘not bad’ trick, they still can’t beat me..."
Although there were wounds and blood everywhere, even the white hairs on his body were dyed red and looked terrible, but after being stabilized by the fierce tiger, Abao the panda quickly patted his butt. While smiling and comforting the partners, don’t worry, while grinning and standing back, watching the squads emerge from the tower and quickly line up, aiming at their Sirius army with that kind of fire stick. soldier.
Obviously, those terrible guys just attacked him with something that didn't know what weapon it was!
Of course, what makes Abao and the Five Heroes feel anxious is the white peacock Lord Shen who arrogantly followed the soldiers out and the one next to him, looking at him with surprise. Look at the little girl Kung Fu master they think-Annie Hasta!
"People just said who was arguing about people sleeping, it turned out it was you bad guys!"
?? (??`▽????)╭??
Seeing those in front of you who were surrounded by a group of Sirius soldiers in the middle, and her apprentice Pandaren Abao, a heartless little girl actually Also laughed.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(????╰╯`??)?? Continue to ask for tickets?? (????╰╯`??)
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