Chapter 1081: |????)? Huh? There are aliens who don’t have eyes...

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King Pilaf’s expedition to Mars and the successful counter-attack on behalf of the people of the earth, defeated the evil Kinyute team that attacked, and successfully saved the earth from the terrible aliens, became loved and watched by the people and won the history. More than three months have passed since the matter of the best king.
During this period, the earth was calm and no aliens had ever been to the earth, nor received any warnings. Therefore, people including Kulin, Bick, Yamucha, and Tianjin Fan gradually I believe that the earth is completely safe, and I firmly believe that they can relax completely from now on, and no longer have to worry about any evil existence that can pose any form of threat to the earth.
Because, the earth people have used their own efforts to prove to those aliens who have bad intentions on the earth, they are not easy to mess with the earth people!
Although, when fighting the aliens who came to invade the earth twice and three times, Kulin, Yamucha, Tianjinfan and others did nothing? However, that does not prevent them from enjoying the hard-won peace.
So today, when the night falls, the little bald-headed Kurin and the big bald-headed turtle immortal who live here all the year round in the hut of the turtle immortal come here to supervise the grandson by visiting the Sun Gohan who openly work in the name of the turtle immortal Kiki of Gohan, Miss Bulma of Universal Capsule Company, Little Annie, and her little classmate Alale, plus a certain one who regretted not being the first old turtle to fly out of the earth, just on the beach. Relax and chat, barbecue, drink fresh coconut water and cheer to celebrate the Qixi Festival.
Although, it’s always weird to celebrate this kind of holiday with a team composed of small bachelors, old men, single dogs, little girls, robots, resentful widows, little boys, and old turtles? However, that does not stop the enthusiasm of the people who gather here for fun and entertainment.
Guixianren’s island is not that big, but the environment here is really quite good!
It is located in the deep sea with a beautiful private beach and is not disturbed by outsiders. At the same time, the sea is very clear and has not been polluted too much. There are many coral reefs and fish under the sea, whether it is barbecue or diving on the beach. Playing in the water is the best choice. In addition, it deviates from the main routes of the earth’s major sea routes. There is no channel within a hundred nautical miles, and it is rarely disturbed by ships or airplanes. Therefore, it can really be said here. It is now a rare leisure resort on this busy earth, and it is still private and not open to the outside world.
Therefore, after being invited, Bulma once again brought little Annie and a little girl robot Arale, who had nothing to do with nothing to do, and participated in this party. It couldn't be more normal.
"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I really didn't expect that these crises that the earth has experienced one after another can be easily solved without the help of our martial arts masters. That is really good..."
Wearing beach trousers, revealing his tendons, drinking iced orange juice, lying on the beach chair in the sea breeze enjoying the rare night, Kulin sighed.
Looking at the barbecue grill not far away, Bulma, Kiki, and Sun Gohan who are skewered to serve certain two little girls, and a certain person just keeps drooling and constantly He pleaded, but he couldn't the old turtles from the two messy little girls, and he couldn't help laughing easily.
Today’s night is very good, and the sea breeze is very comfortable. The stars in the sky look like they are flashing, while the slightly calm sea is reflecting the stars in the sky. The sea and the sky are the same color, which makes people can’t help but feel lost. And indulge in...
In short, Kulin feels that tonight is the right time to host this kind of leisure and entertainment party between friends. If you can always enjoy this peaceful and quiet night in the future, it would be great.
"It's really good, it's round and big..."
However, a certain old man replied indiscriminately. At this time, his eyes behind the sunglasses that he wore even at night, he kept heading towards the barbecue, Bulma in swimsuits and slightly dressed Kiki in some conservative one-piece swimsuit glanced.
Not to mention, after that Kiki changed the clothes of the old-fashioned housewife, even if she was a person who had given birth to a child, she did not seem to lose to Bulma at all, and it still made him very The surprised posture like an innocent girl?
Of course, if she doesn’t always look at Gohan with her mother’s love and a stern look in her pampering, her face often reminds me that she is not only a beautiful woman of twenty-four years old, but also a Ha Dong Would it be better for a roaring young woman?
"What is so round and big?"
Kulin suddenly became a little puzzled. He didn't know that this was the night next to him. There was no dazzling sunlight and he had to wear sunglasses. What did Teacher Wu Tian mean? Why did he always feel that the other party was talking upside down tonight? It's unbelievable, so he always feels that it seems a little off the edge?
"I just said that the moon is round and the sea is big..."
After swallowing, Immortal Turtle who gave a random explanation had to sigh lightly in his heart.
Now everyone is very familiar with each other, so he can only look at it, and no longer dare to molest or ask for unreasonable demands such as petting as before. Therefore, this inevitably makes him feel a little sad, Feeling how cruel and ruthless the passage of time is.
"But Teacher Wu Tian, ​​isn't the moon already knocked out by Piccolo?"
Looking up at the dark sky full of stars, the sky formed by the galaxy, the doubts in Kulin's heart became more intense.
"Kulin, you have to know, the moon will come back sooner or later. It has always been hanging in the sky, round, big, white and bright... In short, you only need to think and observe with your heart, and there will always be Do you understand what you found?"
"That... is the highest state of martial arts!"
After that, with the shade of sunglasses, Immortal Turtle’s eyes couldn’t help but look towards Bulma, who was picking up things on the grill, and Qiqi, who was bending over to sprinkle cumin. Then the corners of his mouth couldn’t bear it. The life was slightly cracked, and the saliva seemed to flow down.
"The highest state of martial arts, is that really like that..."
Looking up at the sky again, Kulin still didn't understand the meaning of the teacher Wu Tian next to him. He didn't know what to think about a moon that had not been restored.
"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​to be honest, it's really a pity, I actually still want to fight and fight against those powerful aliens!"
Kulin, who didn't know what Wu Tian teacher was talking about or thinking, he looked at the one in the distance who was robbing another little girl Annie to eat Arale.
He knew that the second batch of evil alien Saiyans who came to the earth and were ready to destroy all human beings were solved by a wish of the little robot girl, and the third time, despite the tide of reports outside It’s said that they were defeated by the King Pilaf and Pilaf’s men, but Kulin knew the inside news. In fact, one of the most powerful evil alien captains was the two little guys who had been defeated. He was defeated by a fighter plane, and it was after Pilaf's men had a big defeat!
It is said that the strong enemy at the time was because the breathing device was broken by the air cannon by that Annie, and then Arale, who didn't need to breathe, was dragged to the opponent's respiratory failure and fell into a coma where there was no air to breathe. So far on the surface of Mars?
He had never thought that those two little guys who seemed to have no abilities would have some kind of talent to fly fighter jets and defeat such a powerful enemy?
"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I also know that in this universe, there are people outside the sky, the kind of terrible enemy with a fighting force of 120,000. I never even dared to think about it, and I knew I could not defeat it, but if I could see Now, if you can know the higher realm of martial arts, it will be worth it even if you die!"
In fact, the kind of terrifying enemy with a combat power of 120,000, he didn't even dare to think about it in his heart, let alone fight that kind of existence! Now, it was just a fluke that he pretended to sigh with hypocrisy. If such an enemy really ran to the earth, I am afraid he would not be thinking like this now.
"Ahem! Come on, Kurin, I never want to meet such a guy, and I never want them to come to Earth!"
"My old fellow still wants to watch the sunset for dozens of years!"
Hearing what Kulin said, I was just looking at Bulma and Kiki’s barbecue grill, admiring the wonderful round and moonlight Turtle Fairy that most people can’t understand. I almost didn’t get squeezed from my cup. The coconut juice was choked, and then he hurriedly wiped the hem of his flowered shirt, and hurriedly angered at the disciple who wanted to find his way and wanted to die.
The other party didn't want to think, 120,000 combat power, such a guy, can the martial arts masters on Earth be able to deal with it?
Anyway, as far as Wu Tian himself knows, if the combat effectiveness tester repaired by Bulma is accurate enough, then, I am afraid that all the martial artists he knows on the earth, including Wukong who died and were not resurrected, their Combat power, including his own one hundred and thirty-nine combat power added up, I am afraid that there is no such terrible existence of fractional high!
In that situation, what do they use to fight others?
"If you can't fight, it's better not to fight?"
Kulin also knew that his combat power of at most 3,000 was definitely not qualified to confront such an existence head-on, so he touched his bald head in some embarrassment, and then turned his head to the barbecue grill again. Looking towards the warm scene of Bulma, Kiki, and Monkey King.
"that's nice……"
"Counting the time, after more than half a year, Dragon Ball should almost recover, and then Wukong can be resurrected by Shenlong, and then everyone can get together again."
The only regret that Kulin feels right now is that Wukong is not here. If the other party is there, I am afraid it will be more lively here, right?
Of course, if Goku is there, Bulma and Kiki will be even more busy, because now the skewers that those two grilled to feed the two little guys and Gohan over there are a bit difficult. Let alone fill up the super appetite of Wukong who looks like an alien!
But think about it, isn’t Wukong just an alien?
If Raditz is right, Goku should indeed be the kind of evil alien Saiyan with a long tail. He was sent to the earth when he was very young and wanted to wipe out everything on the earth. biological?
Fortunately, Wukong was not as evil and cruel as the other aliens. He eventually became their friend and saved the earth from various forces and evil guys many times. I'm afraid , Is that what the aliens who sent Wukong to Earth were unexpected and caught off guard?
"Yes, Wukong will be resurrected in more than half a year of Kung Fu. We can continue to watch the sunset every day, the sea, the sunrise, the wind and rain, and... the billowing moon together. That's really great... of..."
While talking, seeing Qiqi in a one-piece swimsuit walking over with a basin with a few strings, the tone of the turtle fairy's speech became a little trembling, and she couldn't help swallowing again. .
However, it is open to question whether his swallowing action is for people or food.
"Ah, it's pretty good..."
At this time, Kulin, who finally saw something awkwardly from Teacher Wutian’s sight, finally remembered some of the bad qualities of the bad old man around him, and then looked at Qiqi who came over, where did he pay? I don’t know what the other party means?
However, he did not stare at others like the other party. He just looked away from his eyes with an awkward smile, and turned to look at the quiet and peaceful distant place, toward the night sea that can wash people’s souls. Look.
The night here is very nice and charming! And the earth is still very peaceful, everyone is fine, everyone is fine, and Wukong is about to be resurrected. That's it, they can't expect too much.
"What's so good? There's still more than half a year, two years in total, I'm going to get old!!"
"I can hear the divination mother-in-law said that after death, the age of a person will not change. When Wukong is resurrected next year, I will be two years older than him. What a damn!!"
"Here! These are your skewers, just these are left. If you don’t eat them, they won’t! The rest is not enough to feed the two little guys. Our Gohan doesn’t have much to eat tonight. Skewer, it's cheaper for you now!"
Maybe it was because I heard some key words in the conversation between Kurin and Guixianren and misunderstood a little bit. Therefore, Kiki, who was still smiling and radiantly face, instantly coldened her face, and raised her brows fiercely. The skewers took a strong photo of the little couple in the middle of the beach chairs of Kulin and Guixianren, and he twisted and walked away.
"I know how to practice martial arts and fight and kill all day long. What's so good about that? No matter how powerful your martial arts school is, King Pilaf can still save the earth and the world? That king did not speak, you guys. The vagrant knows to be nosy and fiercely fighting, and when people die, they haven't learned the lesson. It's really annoying to an old lady!"
"Wait, when he comes back, I have to beat him hard..."
Kiki scolded and scolded the martial arts guys including her husband Goku, and then walked away on the soft and beautiful beach step by step, and returned to the barbecue rack far away. .
As for the Turtle Immortal who was silent and afraid to say anything, and what kind of thoughts and attitudes Kurin had after hearing her words, then she couldn't control that much.
‘Have you seen it all? Kiki is really scary...’
‘Yes, but she was not like this before, she was cute and beautiful before, since she married Goku and gave birth to Gohan...’
‘Hush! Kulin, you can keep your voice down, her ears are so good, be careful that she will use the sword to cut you down later! ’
'what! I forgot……'
"Seriously, Kiki is the most terrifying creature in a rage state, even I don't dare to fight her seriously..."
‘Teacher Wutian, if you can fly, maybe you don’t have to be afraid. Qiqi can’t fly, and she can’t do great qigong. She shouldn’t practice martial arts for many years, right? ’
'Humph! fly? Kurin, you mean dancing in the sky? I won't learn the kind of crane fairy flow! ’
‘Don’t you know how to learn? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Okay, okay, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​you put down the fire, I don’t say it’s always okay? ’
Seeing that Qiqi didn’t seem to hear the conversation between the two of them, the immortal turtle started to take up delicious skewers to enjoy with Kulin who was also lying on the beach chair next to him, while quietly facing someone who still seemed The beautiful, but sometimes terrifying and fierce woman talked in whispers, and started to talk about it elsewhere.
"But Kulin, look. Goku is already married and has children. Even Gohan is so old and almost six years old, but you, don't you have any plans?"
Since he was the other party's master, and now the other party was still living with him, Immortal Turtle thought about it, and suddenly turned his head seriously and asked Kulin about this important matter.
"Um, Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I don't know myself..."
Kurin smiled bitterly. Although he was very powerful, he was even confident that he would not lose to Tianjin Fan. He was completely the strongest among the people on earth! However, his situation is like this. Even if he trains a whole body of tendons, his height is still like this. It is estimated that he is really hopeless in this life except for seeking a wish from Shenlong... So, I want to find someone who really likes it. My own girl must be a little bit difficult.
However, although Shenlong can solve his troubles, Kulin does not intend to do that, because he is Kulin, even if he is born with a certain defect, he is still the strongest among all the'pure' people on earth. Yes, this is where his pride lies! Therefore, he just thinks about certain things at best, and has never really planned to use the power of Dragon Ball and Shenlong to solve those insignificant troubles for himself.
‘When you see the right one, you can talk to Teacher Wu Tian. When the time comes, the teacher will go to match you to ensure that it is done properly! ’
'you? ! ’
‘If it’s Mr. Wu Tian, ​​let’s forget it. I’m afraid that you will be the guardian and steal! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Look at what you said, teacher Wu Tian, ​​is my character so bad? Am I that kind of person? ’
'Yes! ’
‘In that kind of problem, you really are like that! ! ’
‘Nonsense! ’
‘I’m an immortal turtle with status and status, how could I do the nasty things you imagined? ! ’
"Then Teacher Wutian..."
‘What happened to the moon you just saw, can you tell us all about it? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Ahem! Kulin, come, eat skewers, eat skewers, if you don’t eat it, it won’t taste good once it gets cold! ’
‘Ahem! ’
‘Kulin, look, are Bouma’s figure, appearance and skin extremely good? ’
After sitting for a while, while enjoying the delicious food, the turtle fairy who was blowing the cool sea breeze in autumn and summer suddenly asked Kurin sneakily.
'what? You mean Bouma? That really is...’
‘Like this, or, I’ll go tell you? ’
'Say what? ! ’
‘Of course it’s the thing we talked about just now! ’
‘! ! ’
‘No no no! Teacher Wu Tian, ​​you must never go, Bouma will definitely kill me, she will definitely! We are just ordinary friends, really, don't be foolish, please! ! ’
‘Hey! Kulin, are you sure, are you really just ordinary friends? ’
‘Really! I swear! ! ’
"That would be a shame..."
‘That’s what a pity, don’t be foolish! ’
‘Think about it, Bouma’s family is so rich, and Universal Capsule Company is the world’s richest man, and she is currently single, she is beautiful, and she knows everything. If you marry her, you can fight for at least 10,000 years! Gee! It's a pity, I don't know who got cheaper in the end? ’
‘Teacher Wutian, you shouldn’t take care of that kind of thing, right? Besides, am I so bad, do I still need to rely on women to support myself? ’
‘Haha! ’
‘Yes, I’m just talking casually, Kulin, don’t take it to your heart, and don’t tell Bouma that I said it...’
‘I’m not stupid! ’
'That's good……'
'correct! Let me tell you, last time, I saw a chick in a magazine, her figure is...’
Soon, after defensively for a while, Immortal Turtle started to lower his voice again, sneaking in the ears of his disciple Kulin, who was very similar in certain things...So, the two masters and apprentices Just like this, while eating skewers, while watching the seascape and whispering something, from time to time, there were one or two strange, low-pitched laughs that only men would understand.
∑(??△`)? !
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Ala Lei! Don't mess with the oil on the skewers, we won't eat the disgusting stuff you like!!"
However, Annie's words were just finished. The skewers that Arale had secretly coated with motor oil ignited a fire under high temperature baking, and billowed black smoke.
"Arale! Go away for me! Also, put your engine oil away for me, don't put it out and make trouble, we are already very busy!!!"
"Throw it away!"
"Really, Arale, don't mess with us. We are already very tired. We have been busy and have no food. We have been serving you little guys."
The sudden fire and the black smoke and stench caused Bulma and Kiki, who were already very impatient, to scream and anger, and then smashed the string of burning flames and black smoke. Skewer it and threw it into the bucket aside, let it go out in the bucket instantly, and a bunch of oily flowers popped up, finally eliminating the smell of burning oil.
"I warn you, don't think about making poop... If you dare to do that disgusting thing, I will definitely beat you up!"
So far, Annie still hasn’t been able to teach some evil habits of a nasty robot, like imitating animals or doing crazy things, to add obstacles to other people, but to eat motor oil and play. Poop is what Annie can't stand!
"Then Sister Annie, did we roast it? It seems to be of no use. I only know how to eat it all night, and we robbed us of several skewers."
Some regretful watching the other party threw the string of oiled meat that he had originally expected into the bucket, first shrank back only stubbornly, but once again stubbornly moved to the front of the grill, Allale suddenly suddenly He reached out and pointed to a certain old turtle who only knew how to eat, but was of no use, suggested.
She felt that since octopus can be grilled, large yellow croaker can be grilled, and seaweed and kelp can also be grilled, then the big tortoise in front of her can definitely be grilled!
"Aren't you a guy who only knows to eat? I haven't seen you help, and you're a robot eating more than all of us combined!!!"
Seeing that the other party actually said to roast himself, not knowing whether the other party was joking or serious old turtle, he stretched his head and protested loudly.
"But you look really delicious..."
Arale wanted to say something, so she was directly gagged by a string of meat skewers stretched out by Miss Annie.
"Eat yours!"
"Now, if you eat one skewer, you will lose one skewer. There will be no more in a while. The rest belong to Aunt Qiqi and Sister Bouma, but you don't have your share!"
(??~??) Delicious!
Holding in his hand the dozen or so skewers that Arale was talking, she only passed a small skewers to Annie, who said and ate like this.
Although, a certain old sea turtle had thought about eating it a long time ago, but since the other is a talking intelligent creature, and may be very old and rough, she reluctantly let it go The other party...
Anyway, it's not because you are too familiar with the problem.
"Wait! Little Annie! Why do you call me aunt but her sister? She is obviously two years older than me, she is 26 years old this year!!"
At this time, without waiting for Arale or others to speak first, Kiki, who was still applying sauce to the skewers on the shelf with a brush, stood up, hands on her hips, and viciously turned towards some nasty little girl. The girl asked.
"Ah! This..."
Annie said that she didn't know why. She just saw that Aunt Kiki took Sun Wufan to call her sister. It might be a bit inappropriate to call her sister, so she subconsciously called the other aunt... …
Moreover, she herself asked Sun Gohan to call her aunt, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with that kind of thing.
"Kiki, I have tolerated you for a long time, can you not reveal the age of a little girl casually? That's a secret!"
"I remind you that I seem to be younger and more fashionable than you, and I met Annie when I was very young. What's wrong with Little Annie continuing to call my sister?"
For some nasty guy, some bad woman who snatched Monkey King while she was still hesitating, Bulma had long been resentful, but it was done. After seeing that the other's son can make soy sauce, She can only admit her fate when there is no way to save it.
Therefore, now the other party dared to say that when he was two years younger, and finally managed to get along with each other peacefully for one night, Bulma, how could he bear it?
'what? ’
‘Just you are a little girl, but you are younger and more fashionable than me? No matter how you are, you are two years older than me! Moreover, there is only an old pervert and a little dwarf. Who do you want to seduce in such a fashionable dress? ’
'you! ’
‘You yellow-faced woman who gave birth to a child! What are you so proud of wearing this style of swimsuit decades ago? ’
‘Yellow face woman? ! ’
'you! You can't marry a vixen! ! ’
‘It’s better than you yellow-faced woman! ’
‘Vixie! No one wants it! ’
‘The yellow face woman who died her husband! Black Widow! ’
'you! ! ’
‘Why, want to fight? ’
"Mom! Aunt Bulma, stop arguing between you two!!"
Never thought that his mother would quarrel with Aunt Bulma in such a peaceful and beautiful situation, Sun Gohan finally recovered and hurried forward, ran between the two of them, and reached out to stop him. The two who are about to stage a full martial arts trip.
Although Sun Wufan also knew that if the two of them really fought, it must be that Qiqi's mother who participated in the 22nd World No. 1 Budokai and successfully reached the quarterfinals by virtue of her ability would be stronger? However, no matter how strong it is, it is estimated that it is too strong. It must be Aunt Bulma who couldn't resist a disagreement and took out the capsule and planned to transform the machine gun...
Annie didn't understand, she just yelled twice in a friendly manner, which caused the two of them to make a fuss like this?
What's more, what she didn't understand was that "Auntie" and "Sister" are just a title, so what's the dispute? Anyway, she herself wouldn't mind how others call her, like that kind of aunt or aunt, and it's not that no one has called her like that!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
In the distance, Kulin and Immortal Turtle, who were whispering something, were also frightened and hurriedly sat up because of the two horrible women's battles. However, when they saw that Monkey King had stopped a conflict that was about to break out with absolute combat power, they were relieved a little and lay back slowly again with lingering fears.
'That one……'
'Well? Kulin, what do you want to say? ’
‘Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I suddenly don’t want to find my wife, those women are really scary...’
‘Not all women are like that, Kurin, those two are just examples...’
'really? ’
'what! Teacher Wu Tian, ​​is this the reason why you have never been married? ’
‘I don’t know, maybe it is...’
‘Then I might also want to learn from you. Maybe it’s better for me to live alone? ’
'Do not! Kulin, you should go find a wife quickly! ’
'why? ’
‘Because, I don’t want to see your eye-catching little bald head every day. If there is a woman in the house dangling, it might look a little more eye-catching? ’
"Huh! Yellow face woman!"
"Bah! Old woman who can't get married!!"
No one knows what the two of Guixianren and Kulin said quietly after hiding there. Anyway, after Sun Gohan finally persuaded his mother Kiki and Bulma, the two suddenly looked like The enmity-like women ran to the two sides of the beach with their respective grilled skewers angrily, and ate at themselves like a puff, no one had the idea of ​​going back to grilling and serving others.
"Sister Annie, are you really leaving in a few days?"
Squatting next to the barbecue rack, watching the hot charcoal fire, staring at the meat skewers on the rack that has just been put on by myself, and at this time, it is still "sizzling". Still not forgetting Arale, who was waiting on the shelf, suddenly asked softly.
Then, she just felt that the skewers in her hand were not very fragrant, and the skewers on the shelf were nothing to look forward to. She didn’t even have the desire to grab something to eat with Miss Annie and the Monkey King. How much.
"It should be almost..."
"After all, people have stayed in this world for more than a year, so I should go to other places to see... Also, Arale, your vacation is coming to an end, and you should go back to school and find your home. My little card played with the doctor, they should all be thinking about you, you can't just wander outside all the time!"
"Yeah! I do miss Baogua and Doctor a little bit, as well as Xiao Qian, Sora Dou Taro, Xiao Xiong and everyone from Penguin Village, and those fun poo!"
Cheering, Arale, who jumped up, quickly put all the unhappiness behind him.
Sure enough, Annie knew that the other party would be like this.
"Forget it! Whatever you do..."
After thinking for a while, after curling her lips, Annie no longer had any expectations for someone who seemed to be less heartless than herself, but continued to lower her head to eat her own things.
"Sister Annie!"
However, before Annie had a few bites, a little girl robot turned her head and Mengmengda moved towards Annie.
"What do you want?!"
"That one……"
"There are so many skewers in your hand. Give someone two more skewers?"
Ala Lei coveted Harazi and leaned towards her Miss Annie, and she just reached out without any kind of politeness, as if she was planning to grab it?
"go away!"
"After Sister Bouma and Aunt Qiqi walked over there, didn't you bake a few skewers by yourself? Go away, stare at your skewers, don't come and beat others' ideas!!"
After kicking the other party and letting him plant a caterpillar directly on the beach, Annie hurriedly ran away with a bunch of delicious food in her hand, even a certain bad bear she threw on the beach temporarily I can't pick it up.
"Sister Annie, I want two strings! It's really two strings. Please trust me!!"
Upon seeing this, Arale quickly got up and chased after him, and stepped on the head of a poor bear in the sand.
If she always used to, she would definitely take the little bear away to play while Miss Annie was not paying attention. But now, she only wants the delicious things. As for someone who can’t eat, it’s a matter of course. She was also abandoned by her!
"Don't give it! You guy, you ask for one string and then another string. Do you think I don't know your tricks?"
Annie continued to run on the beach, just not letting a little guy behind her catch up and grab the slightest chance of her own delicious food.
"Really, the last string!"
"Sister Annie, I really don't lie to you, who lie to you is a puppy!!"
Arale, who threw an empty shot, still did not give up, and once again turned around and circled the sandy beach outside Guixianren's hut, chasing after it step by step.
"You want to lie to me again. You think I don't know. Isn't your favorite thing to imitate those little animals? It's not your first time to pretend to be a puppy!!!"
Realizing that his conspiracy was seen through, Arale opened his hands again and rushed towards the opponent.
puff! !
But it was a pity that she threw herself into the air once again, and slammed into the beach fiercely, dropping a sand full of head and face.
"You can never catch me!"
"Wow! Sister Annie, your little bear fell over there, don't you want it?"
Seeing that he couldn't catch up with her, Arale, who was unable to find a way to make a living, suddenly stopped and pretended to point to a beach behind her for the first time.
"No more! I will give it to you to play tonight!"
In the eyes of Xiao Annie now, what is her little bear, and where is the spicy skewers more important?
"Damn it! Sister Annie, eat slowly and save me some!!!"
I looked at the little bear behind me, and then at the front Miss Anne who was eating her mouth full of oily faces and the skewers in her hands. In the end, Arale finally came out with her. The same conclusion of the little sister of, that is: at this moment, little bear or something is definitely not as important as good food!
"Hurry up! Wait for me!!!"
Therefore, she bitterly accelerated to catch up with the petty guy in front again.
"Haha! You can't catch me!!"
The night is getting deeper and deeper, just like this, on this beautiful island outside the hut of Guixian's house, these old and young people began to frolic or quarrel on this sandy beach, enjoying their joy. And entertainment time, enjoying this beautiful night.
I don't know that after a long time, the charcoal fire in the grill is about to go out, and the skewers on the shelf have been grilled like dried meat.
At this time, Bulma and Kiki, who had just had a fight, and were almost about to fight, didn’t know when they were snuggling together, roasting each other and lying under the coconut tree, sleeping in the cool summer. On the beach; while Monkey King was lying on the old turtle’s shell, sleeping soundly one by one; Kulin and Guixian were still lying on their beach chairs and didn’t know they were When have you been snoring?
As for Xiao Anni and Ala Lei, these two messy little girls who didn’t break the house for three days, of course, didn’t know when they ran on the roof of the Guixian’s house, just lying on the roof ridge like a little The cats are usually close together and huddled on top, and from time to time there are a few dreams and soft whispers of unknown origin.
As for a certain bear?
Well, it's still staying on the beach now, and then I don't know whose feet have stepped its head deeply into the beach, making it so motionless that it can only move its head down and its limbs upside down in the waves. Gently tap the damp place on the edge...
????????????:! !
(Tibbers had protested before, but it was soon suppressed by its mischievous little owner, and could only continue to stay here like this, silently waiting for the dawn.)
This is a wonderful and memorable night, everyone thinks so...
At least, if it weren’t for the bright and non-bright beginning of the sky, the stars in the sky would have disappeared. At the darkest moment before dawn, Kulin suddenly
from his beach chair. Before they were shocked and jumped up, they really thought so and almost believed it!
"How, how..."
The first person to feel and be awakened was Kurin.
Anyway, when he was so frightened that he jumped and fell to the beach, he almost thought he was dreaming. Otherwise, how could he feel that terrible and nightmare-like breath? Anyway, he never felt so terrible, so evil, so that made him feel the existence of deep despair and fear when he felt the breath!
"this is……"
"Uncle Culin, do you feel it too?!"
The second black figure that was awakened and suddenly jumped from the shell of an old sea turtle on the beach was tense all over, as if it was Monkey Gohan stared at by some terrible carnivore! Obviously, after he has been trained by his Piccolo for a whole year, he has a strong sense of breath and can easily perceive the terrifying existence that is approaching.
After responding, Kulin stopped talking, just gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, trying to make himself less afraid, trying to control his own body that was almost trembling.
‘? ? ’
'what happened? ’
‘Gohan? Culin? It's still dark and you two are not sleeping. What's wrong with this? ’
Immediately awakened were the old sea turtle who was sleeping on Gohan's pillow, Kiki, who was connected by mother and child, and Bulma who was sleeping on Kiki. However, the only person who asked out loud for the first time was Qiqi who didn't know why.
"It's only a little over half past five, you guys, what is it like to make people sleep?!"
Looking at the bewildered shadows, Bulma, who couldn't tell who was who, looked at the watch on her wrist for the first time, when she saw the time in this time zone from the fluorescence of the beautiful ladies watch dial It was only '05:12', and after a while before dawn, she couldn't help but complain with a bit of anger.
Last night, they played crazy until one or two in the morning, and then they talked with Qiqi for a long time. They probably didn't barely fall asleep until three or four o'clock. Now they can't open their eyelids, and they're covered in the slimy sea fishy. She smells liquid dewdrops, she just wants to sleep until the sun rises and then get up, and take a morning sun bath by the way to take care of her skin?
Suddenly, the light just above the door of the immortal turtle hut lit up, illuminating the large beach in front of the house, so that everyone who was awakened could finally see each other clearly, and beside the switch by the door, the street light was turned on. , Who is the immortal turtle who is not grim?
‘Turtle fairy? ’
‘Old Turtle? ! ’
Bulma and Kiki, who felt that the light of the suddenly lit street lamp was a bit dazzling, subconsciously stretched out their white arms to block the light, and asked suspiciously towards the immortal turtle who was walking towards them seriously. Tao.
Neither of them felt anything wrong, nor did they know why these guys suddenly cramped at this hour of daybreak, and they didn't even sleep!
"A strong and evil aura, stronger than ever..."
"Gohan, Kulin, you should feel it too?!"
For the first time, Immortal Turtle, whose face was so dark as this terrifying, ignored Kiki and Bulma’s questioning, instead, with a calm face, he stood silently on the spot, sensing something like Gohan and Kurin. Asked.
"Evil never imagined..."
Kurin's brows were almost frowning, and even his body began to tremble?
Obviously, if he wants to overcome the fear of the terrifying enemy he perceives, it is not his will control! Although his power is more than ten times stronger than that of Guixian, but in terms of mind and control of power and body, he must not be able to compare with Guixian who is more than 300 years old and has seen any big winds and waves. of.
"very scary!"
"Mom! Aunt Bulma, run away, it's better to stay away from the earth!!"
Gohan, who couldn't help but sweat a little bit on his forehead, nodded, agreeing with the statement of Immortal Turtle and Kulin, and then he directly faced the other side, facing Qiqi who was standing under the coconut tree. Mom and Aunt Bulma urged.
"Hey! What's the matter with you, why is it suddenly strange?"
"What's wrong, Gohan?"
Obviously, neither Bulma nor Kiki responded, nor did they know what the Turtle Immortal, Kurin, and Gohan were talking about, and it was not why Gohan suddenly told them to escape from the earth. Kind of strange words.
"Bouma! And Kiki!"
"That's it, those enemies...the terrible aliens, they're here again!"
"Furthermore, this time, they are countless times more terrifying than ever before! I... never dared to imagine that there would be such a terrible existence in the world?"
"The breath alone can make people desperate..."
After speaking, Immortal Turtle walked to the beach silently, carrying his hands on his back, and looking towards the east in silence.
It is very possible that this time it will really be the last time he has seen the sunrise on the earth. As for the sunset... I am afraid he really has no chance to see it again.
Bulma exclaimed, and his bewildered head instantly became sober, and finally knew why these three people suddenly became so stern, and they were disturbed to sleep at this time.
"Alien? Enemy?"
"Have all of their aliens arrived on Earth? Oops, now that Wukong is not resurrected, what should we do?!"
Qiqi was also a little flustered when she heard that kind of thing.
In normal times, Qiqi always scolds her husband Sun Wukong several times a day, but now, she suddenly hopes that the other party can appear quickly, and save them all again. I don’t know why this is always too much. The tragic earth.
"It's useless!"
"This time, I'm afraid there is no way for ten Wukong to resurrect... Because this time, it is Universe Emperor Frieza who is the master of those evil aliens, and is the most evil and powerful existence in the entire universe..."
The Turtle Immortal with his back to the crowd suddenly sighed and said, just now, Wukong has explained to him through the God of the Realm King that Frieza and the gang have arrived. This time, neither the Realm King nor the Monkey King have anything. The way, and similarly, the Turtle Immortal knew that they didn't have any of these people who were still alive!
"Is it really that Frieza here?!"
At this time, there was an exclamation from the turtle fairy hut.
It turned out that Arale, who was alarmed by the movement below, woke up. Then, when she heard the words of the turtle fairy, she couldn't help standing up and exclaimed from the roof.
"Arale, do you know that Frieza?!"
Kulin asked a little strangely, everyone also cast curious eyes at the little girl standing on the roof.
"Of course!"
"It's the Captain Kinou who was magically used by Sister Annie to get into other worlds. That villain finally told us to know!"
To be honest, Arale almost thought that the guy named Frieza was not coming, but how can I think that the other party actually came in the end, and he came on the day Miss Annie planned to leave?
"Arale, then why don't you tell us?!"
This time, it was Kurin's turn to exclaim.
He felt that if he had known it earlier, I am afraid that they would not have spent the past three months so idly, nor would they be caught off guard as they are now.
"But you didn't ask either!"
Arale felt inexplicable. She didn't know why the other party was so brutal to herself, and she did nothing wrong.
"It's over..."
With a wry smile, Kurin was taken aback for a moment and then his head dropped.
Fortunately, he thought last night that the world would be peaceful from now on, and he was ready to practice while enjoying life, to see if he could marry a wife and have children like Wukong, and then spend his life peacefully and beautifully, but how can he...
"Huh! Mom, you and Aunt Bulma quickly find a way to leave the earth, I will stop them now!!"
After finishing speaking, it seemed to feel that there was a few strong qi from the whole earth quickly converging towards the place where Frieza had landed. Knowing that it was Uncle Bick and their Son Gohan, they hurried towards their mother. After a reminder with Aunt Bulma, they soared into the sky, towards the east, towards the other side of the earth, and flew at high speed towards another time zone that might be the afternoon, and soon disappeared.
"and many more!"
"Gohan! Gohan?!"
Qiqi exclaimed, but how could she stop her son who might already have three or four thousand fighting power?
"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​I will help them, do you take care?"
After gritting his teeth, seeing that Gohan had set off, and feeling that both Yamucha and Tianjinfan flew towards the place where Frieza's breath appeared without hesitation, Kurin finally headed towards the Turtle Immortal, Bulma and others. After taking a look, he also hurriedly followed Gohan's back, swiftly skimming the sea to the east, flying higher and higher, and finally disappeared into the still dark sky in the distance.
"I'll go back and drive the spaceship right now, Qiqi, you go back quickly and bring your Bull Demon King!!"
After speaking, Bulma quickly threw out a universal capsule. After changing a flying machine, she couldn't even clean up her things and didn't change her clothes, so she jumped up in a swimsuit and started the flying machine to the west. Fly at full power, whistling away.
'what! ’
‘I’ll get those tortoise eggs and prepare them...’
Realizing that he seemed to have another chance to become the first big turtle in the history of the earth to fly into the universe, a certain old turtle also hurriedly said, climbed directly into the sea and disappeared in a few moments.
"How could this be……"
She was still playing and entertaining last night, but now, watching her companions leave one by one, watching the situation take a turn for the worse, Qiqi can't help feeling a little at a I don't know what to do now.
"This will be a difficult day..."
Immortal Turtle sighed and continued to stand silently on the beach, just looking at the east direction, ready to wait for the sunrise and meet his own, the last fate of the earth.
"Sister Anne! Sister Anne! Wake up soon, something super fun! You wake up soon!!"
Finally, after seeing that almost everyone was gone, Arale, who finally realized it, began to push the body of a young lady vigorously, trying to push someone who was still asleep, and then use a certain This kind of flying machine took her to watch the excitement, or did this brutally beat the aliens who were sent to the door?
"Ala Lei! Do you dare to disturb my sleep, realize it!!!"
Under the horrified gazes of Guixianren and Qiqi, they only saw that a little robot named Alale was kicked high by a sleepy little guy and flew high. Flew out in a parabolic spiral?
‘Wow! ! ! ! ’
With bursts of screams and exclamations and the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, soon, the island of the turtle fairy fell into calm again...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
At this time, a certain bear Tibbers was still standing upside down on the beach by the sea, motionless, and was gradually slapped by the sea water rising up from the high tide, and gradually saturated with his body.

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