Chapter 1084: (?-?*)Is the identity of the little girl a mystery?

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The next day, at 8:37 on July 25, 2552, in the Noble (noble) squad camp, I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning. The morning training has been completed. Captain Noble No. 1 Carter, who finished breakfast, was yesterday. After reporting on the Visgrad relay station and the detailed course of the battle in the evening, and expounding in detail the reason for the highest warning of the'winter is urgent', today, he once again contacted their officer-Holland Colonel De.
‘Carter, I don’t have much time, do you have anything important? ’
Obviously, Colonel Holland in the video conversation seemed to be a bit busy. So, for the noble squad captain Carter contacting him again this early morning, he was a little surprised and impatient?
"Report sir!"
"I just want to know. Have you read our report for the little ‘survivor’ girl we brought back yesterday afternoon? I want to ask, how do you plan to place her?"
To be honest, for the ignorant and ignorant little genius girl, Carter himself was a little bit conflicted. Although they brought it back from the Visgrad relay station yesterday, after contact, he seems to have a little liked. The little girl who helped them so much, and also faintly moved with compassion, wanting to send each other to their parents or relatives as soon as possible, and stay away from the kind of tragic that shouldn't be endured by the other's age. War and suffering.
The war is tragic and merciless. Think about the training process of a Spartan soldier with service number A259 in the third phase of Spartan. Think about the war with the Star Alliance over the years and the clear eyes of the little girl. In the end, it prompted him to get through the call with Colonel Holland.
‘Placement? ’
'Sorry! Noble 1, how do you want us to settle her? ’
Colonel Holland in the picture was taken aback for a moment, and when he heard that the other party was actually asking about this, he sighed and gave Carter a wry smile.
Of course he could smell a trace of his own powerful captain, what kind of thoughts this lieutenant colonel of the Spartan team directly belongs to, but he said he was somewhat powerless and also said that the other party just came to ask now. It's already a bit late?
For the little girl, they have already made arrangements, and now the other party is planning to interfere, obviously there will be no results.
'Presumably you also know, we have never encountered such a strange little guy. Let's not talk about her talents. Just because of her identity, I am afraid that it will drive those ONI intelligence agents crazy. Up! ’
Because ONI has to admit that even after investigating through various means and super-artificial intelligence networks used for advanced data processing in Zhiyuanxing: the little girl, the eight-year-old girl named Anne Hasta, she was in Reach, and even the entire human world, does not exist in the entire UNSC database at all!
Yes, it just doesn't exist...
After investigation, ONI's intelligence officers finally gave him Colonel Holland's feedback: No such person was found!
Yes, the one who showed his talents outside the Wisgrad relay station, using a SRS99 special-purpose sniper rifle picked up on the ground and several magazines 14.5x114mm AP-FS-DS shelling wing stable armor-piercing bullets laid a small scale The victory of the battle, the amazing performance like the hand of God, provided the little girl with great long-range sniper assistance and support to the Noble team. She simply'does not exist' in this world!
At least, does not exist in the database?
It’s hard to imagine that, in today's world where science and technology are extremely advanced, in this era when space navigation and colonization can all be carried out, an eight-year-old girl does not have any birth records, medical records, enrollment records, or anything else that can be found. Identity, even if it is a record and proof of the existence of a trace?
To be honest, if it weren’t for the little guy that Kaart found and brought back, and the other party did help them UNSC a lot, they killed countless Star Covenant soldiers who planned to destroy the Wisgrad relay station, and they looked like It is indeed a normal human with blond hair and blue eyes, and if the basic physical examination is not too much of a problem, they almost even doubt whether the other party is some ulterior conspiracy prop of the Star Alliance!
"Of course I know, Colonel!"
"But that's not a big problem, is it? Regarding Annie's identity, it's nothing more than the possibility of smuggling from another planet, because Zhiyuan is rich enough and prosperous, compared to other remote and harsh environments. As far as the colonial stars are concerned, the living conditions here are better, the job opportunities are greater, and the money they make?"
"Worst, she is just a family member of a certain rebel. As far as I know, people like that are accepted in the UNSC orphanage. Besides, Annie is still just a child. She also helped us a lot, and I don't think that is a problem."
"So, Colonel..."
When Carter wanted to continue to say something, he was interrupted by Colonel Holland during the video call.
‘Noble 1...’
'If you can prove her identity, we will give her a proper placement, and may even send her to her relatives or parents... But if not, you just need to let her stay in yours. In the camp for a while, we waited for the final arrangements made by the UNSC Army Special Operations Team and the superiors for her. ’
‘So, do you have any questions? ’
Colonel Holland is already a bit impatient, because he is very busy now, and now that the infiltration forces of the Star Alliance have been found on Zhiyuan, this kind of thing is very difficult for UNSC!
After all, the UNSC headquarters can be located here, plus the importance of Reach itself, so they are now urgently deploying some missions, but there is no time to waste too much time with Carter on the issue of a little girl. !
Although, that little girl is talented or something, but now is the critical moment of Reach, they will not waste too much time on such a little guy, that is what other non-combatants should care about. .
"Damn it!"
"Sorry, sir, I was not talking about you just now..."
"It's just that, I don't understand, and you know, we saw her kill at least dozens of Star Alliance soldiers, and she is indeed a human being. Is there any proof for this?!"
Carter became a little agitated, his voice became higher involuntarily, obviously disagreeing with some of the views of his boss, Colonel Holland.
‘Yes! ’
‘This is the crux! ’
‘All our intelligence agencies can’t find out her identity information, whether it’s ONI’s intelligence agents or our UNSC Army intelligence agents, so, where do you ask us to send her? Is it possible that those who sent her to her who didn't know where they were, or even the parents of the rebels who didn't even know were dead or alive, asked her to turn their guns to deal with us? ’
Yes, until now, Colonel Holland prefers that the little girl Anne is a family member of a certain rebel army active in Reach, rather than some inexplicable smuggling from another colony star to Reach. customer?
Because, five months ago, Reach's rebels attacked the relay station at Hamani, causing the reconnaissance facility to shut down, and also stole two transport ships from the dry dock!
Only the family members of the rebels can let the other side be exposed to SRS99 special-purpose rifles at this age, and even at a younger age, and can use them smoothly and correctly. Only the children of the rebels can There may be no records at all in the ONI and UNSC databases!
And if ordinary children smuggling Hakka people, let alone whether they can continue to remain calm in that environment, I am afraid that they don't even know how to load weapons, how to open insurance, and how to fire them?
Even if you fiddle around and shoot successfully, but if the posture and method are wrong, I am afraid that the powerful recoil of the SRS99 special purpose rifle can almost shatter her immature shoulders with a single shot, and where will she have the opportunity to shoot? After so many guns, the guns were not missed, and the performance was so amazing, even surpassing a battle-tested Spartan in shooting? !
"The sir, can I ask, do you have any plans?"
After a short silence, Carter, who was a little frustrated, had to say regretfully. Because, when he heard this, he probably knew what was waiting for that little guy.
‘Carter! ’
‘I have a great place for her. Some people have heard about her and are very interested in her! However, I am still a little hesitant about this, I don’t know if I should do it like that... Originally, I wanted to wait a few days and wait until the investigation of the Star Alliance infiltration of Reach is completed. However, since you are asking now , Then decide today! ’
'and so……'
‘Lieutenant Colonel Carter, are you and your team members willing to trust her, and are willing to jointly guarantee and recommend her? ’
Colonel Holland didn't say how to arrange the little girl Annie's affairs, but suddenly asked.
"Yes, we are all willing, sir, do you have any good suggestions?"
Although I don't know why the other party asked so suddenly, but after hesitating for a while, Lieutenant Colonel Carter said firmly on behalf of his team members.
Because the little girl can be regarded as helping them no matter what, so he feels that he and his team members should help each other no matter what, and as to whether it will cause any trouble or something, It doesn't matter! After all, the existence of their Sparta itself is a super big trouble and is in trouble all the time, he has nothing to fear.
'well! ’
‘Then she will be admitted exceptionally to the New Alexandria Military Academy and become a new student! ! ’
Colonel Holland didn't sell anything anymore, but directly stated his decision that he didn't intend to say in such a hurry.
Originally, he planned to continue to observe the little girl for a while, and wait until the exact identity and more information of the other party was investigated before making the next step. However, he suddenly felt that it would not be a good idea to let the opponent get in contact with the noble squad and get too many secrets in this state of war, so he temporarily changed his mind.
"But sir, I don't remember that Star Atlanta has a military academy?"
‘I didn’t have it before, but now I have it! ’
"what does that mean?"
‘Lieutenant Colonel, don’t you think you’re asking too much? ’
"Sir, what do you really want to do?"
After staring at the reluctant Carter for a while, finally, Colonel Holland suddenly laughed like a loss in his uniform.
'Is such that……'
'An old friend of mine, he has always been very'interested' in the Spartan project. There are some things that shouldn't have been told to you, but since you are willing to give the little girl a guarantee and name recommendation, then talk about it. It doesn't matter. ’
‘In short, he is going to pick some people and train a group of outstanding fighters, a group of fighters who are not defeated by your Spartans? ’
‘So, after seeing your report and knowing about the little girl, I have been trying hard to ask me to make someone...’
‘Maybe, that’s really a good choice for her? ’
Colonel Holland in the communication spread his hands indifferently. After all, the little girl must not stay in the Noble team's camp all the time, and it is a bit wasteful to be thrown into the orphanage, so this matter is basically decided like this .
"But sir! The recruitment of children in the military academy has always been controversial..."
'okay! Don't say anything, you have no right to oppose it! And you saw it yesterday, she has great potential! ’
‘That’s how it is decided...’
‘Or, if you can find her family, let her family protest to the NUSC Naval Special Operations Department? ’
Carter was silent, because he knew that what Colonel Holland said was obviously impossible, because they didn't even know who the little guy's parents were, and where they are now!
'by the way! ’
‘I can tell you in advance that you will receive new missions by tonight at the latest, and there may be more onerous combat missions waiting for you tomorrow. This is not the time to be distracted by those little things! ’
‘Let’s do that, in two hours, I will send a Fighting Falcon helicopter to your camp and pick up the little girl to New Alexandria. You just need to prepare for the handover! ’
‘Don’t worry, she will be well taken care of! ’
Carter opened his mouth and said nothing in the end, because he could see that Colonel Holland had decided, and he could not change anything.

After a few minutes……
When Lieutenant Colonel Carter finished the conversation with Colonel Holland, and returned to the players’ lounge with a trace of regret and helplessness, the members of the Noble Squad were talking happily at this time, with a hearty sound from time to time. Laughter.
From this point of view, Noble 6 has gradually integrated into his team, which Carter is happy to see.
As for that little girl...
Well, the opponent seems to be the object of his players' entertainment and teasing now?
Think about it too, in the interval of tense tasks after another, for the players whose nerves are already tense, at this moment there can be a blond, well-behaved little girl in their camp. Chatting with them, talking and laughing, bragging, and alleviating the depressed emotions, that’s great.
‘! ! ’
'team leader! ’
‘Lieutenant Colonel? ’
‘Sir! ’
At this time, seeing his commander, Lieutenant Colonel Carter, came out of the communication room, the members of the noble squad who had been talking stood up and greeted each other or looked at each other.
Annie didn't speak, she still sat in her seat properly, just curiously looking at each other with her big blue eyes. Because she was not too familiar with the serious Noble No.1, the captain of the lieutenant colonel, and was not even a soldier of the other party, so she felt that there was no need to salute or greet the other party.
'Well! ’
‘You are free...’
After signalling the players to be polite, and not planning to announce the task at this time, Carter finally stood in front of Annie and looked at each other with complicated eyes.
"Hi! Hello Carter, what's the matter?"
Not knowing why the other party looked at herself with that strange look, Annie responded to the two stunned expressions of the other party and asked Mengmengda back.
"Col. Holland just said that you, a non-combatant, can't stay in our camp all the time because it involves secrets...So, someone will pick you up in two hours, and you will be temporarily arranged to a new Alexandria. In military academies, until they investigate your origins and make new arrangements?"
"If you have something to pack, maybe you can prepare it now?"
Although that was the case, Carter did not feel that the other party had anything to pack, because when they brought the other party back from the Wisgrad relay station, except for the other party himself and the SRS99 , There really is nothing more.
Annie felt a little unbelievable. She felt that she had performed a little bit and defeated so many aliens. Then, they should not cry and beg her to stay, and then prepare a set for her. Is their beautiful Thor's Hammer armor right?
Why now, after just staying for one night, she can't wait to drive her away?
'team leader? ’
'How is this going? ’
‘How did they arrange it? ‘
'Wow! It's over, I just said that they are going to do something bad to this little guy Annie, she will definitely be trained miserably! ’
∑(??△`)? !
At this time, Annie became even more puzzled, and then she began to scan between the captain and the number 6 with puzzled eyes.
'To shut up! ’
‘Noble 6, don’t scare her anymore! Catherine, go her to pack some things and get ready! ’
To be honest, I’m afraid that even Carter himself didn’t know why he brought the opponent back to the UNSC reinforcements instead of handing it over to the UNSC reinforcements... But since Colonel Holland helped himself to this little guy After arranging the place to go, he is really not good at interfering too much, because that little guy is just a passer-by to them, it is better for them to focus more on the Star Alliance now?
Because, he had a hunch, Zhiyuanxing might not be too calm for the next period of time, they must go all out and stand by!
‘Okay, Lieutenant Colonel! ’
'Hey! Little guy, I remember, you don’t seem to have anything to clean up... But maybe I can give you some cR points so you can buy some delicious moa burgers in New Atlanta? ’
"But, sister Catherine, what is a moa burger?"
Annie did not resist, and obediently let the other party take her hand and walk to the accommodation area of ​​the camp behind.
‘That’s the best food on Zhiyuan! ’
"So, where can I buy it?!"

‘New Alexander must have...’
"Is it really delicious?"
‘You may know soon...’

??(ψ`??′)o?? Zhiyuanxing is still very calm for the time being, and tickets are coming soon??
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