Chapter 12: Cheating that is not caught on the spot is not considered cheating!

   New York, Juilliard School is located on York Avenue on the Upper East Side. This is a private aristocratic school. Not only the campus facilities are beautiful and luxurious, but the area around the school also feels like a park.
  Although the nearby Carl Schurz Park (Carl Schurz Park) has less green space than the Central Park, it has a unique space for children to play. The school has a long history. It not only teaches full-time courses, but also ingeniously and dynamicly integrates modern science and technology into the classroom atmosphere. It also closely cooperates with local cultural organizations to carry out many artistic and creative extracurricular activities, so the teaching resources are unprecedentedly excellent.
   Of course, the high school sponsorship fee excludes most children from ordinary income families! Children who can come here to go to school are generally rich or expensive, so don't think too much about others.
   And now, this school is exactly where Annie is going! She is now a transfer student! In order to forge a full set of identity certificates for Annie, a file team of S.H.I.E.L.D. worked overnight and finally falsified all her birth certificates, parental details, school attendance records, medical records, insurance records, and so on!
   S.H.I.E.L.D.'s professional archives team came out, Annie's information has no flaws! All information, whether paper or electronic, is archived in the central database of the federal government! Even if the paper files are worn out, no one wants to find any clues! For the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, it is not too simple to provide a whole set of identity information for a little girl!
   Although it is not the enrollment season, under normal circumstances the school no longer accepts new students! But under the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., the school dare to say nothing? No matter how inconvenient, no matter how substandard procedures, they can only grit their teeth and try to find a place for Annie!
   "Good morning, classmates! I will introduce a new classmate to you today, everyone applauds and welcome!"
   Sally Katla, a female teacher in charge of teaching English (English LanguagesArts), walked into the classroom with Annie's hand, introduced it to the 14 students in the classroom, and motioned Annie to the podium to introduce herself to everyone.
   In order to improve the quality of teaching at Juilliard School, generally the number of students in each class will not exceed 20, or even less! Now this class has fourteen people, and if you add Annie, it will be exactly fifteen.
Annie was holding two books in her arms, replaced her with a magic dress in the style of Little Red Riding Hood, and put on a long school uniform from Juilliard School. She carried a schoolbag on her back, but there were no books in the schoolbag, so she only contained them. Her little bear Tibbers!
   In fact, at the beginning, in view of the powerful deterrent power of Tibber Bear, this extremely dangerous pet toy, Coleson and Melinda were unanimously opposed to Anne taking it to school!
   But then Annie said that if Tibbers is too far away from her, it is likely to break the contract and return to the shadow bear posture of the giant flame bear. That would be too dangerous!
  ! So in the end, after considering it, Coleson and Melinda agreed to Annie's idea of ​​taking Tibbs to school, but they asked her to put Tibbs in her schoolbag, not to take it out casually!
   If Tibbers could speak, he actually wanted to refute at the time! These words of Annie can only deceive the natives of the earth who do not understand magic! Is the soul contract so easy to break free?
   Look at the warlocks who enslaved the demons! They separated countless planes, and summoning those contract demons was as simple as summoning a dog? Do you see those demons daring to break the contract and try? Tibbers' contract with Annie is much stronger than those to enslave the devil!
   was led to the stage by the teacher. Seeing the dozen or so pairs below staring at her with a little curiosity, Annie was a little happy. This is the school? It seems to be fun!
   "Hello everyone! My name is Annie! Annie Hasta! Nice to meet you all." Maybe this will be a pleasant day, Annie thought.
   In the morning class, Annie is very honest, she didn't do anything extra before she got familiar with it! She is still observing, observing the school of this novel earth human! It turns out that they really don't teach magic, all they teach are simple and strange things!
   In the afternoon, the school music classroom. Saying it is a classroom, it is actually better to say it is a small theater with a stage and audience seats. At this time, a teacher was playing a piece of tune on the piano on the stage, and Annie and a group of classmates sat in a row in the audience below.
This is the last music class before school. The teacher who teaches music is John Phillips, a male teacher with long hair, who is said to be a very famous Hollywood music producer. Next to Annie, there is a The chubby classmates admired him very much, saying how good he is, how great he is! But Annie said that she didn't know this old man at all!
"Aha~! I seem to have found a new face! Let me see, Anne, right?" After John Phillips played a song, he picked up the roster and found the new name easily. , That's Annie.
   "Yes, teacher! Nice to meet you." Annie stood up and bowed slightly.
"Oh! Okay, I'm very happy to meet you too, Annie. But..." John Phillips closed the roster and thought for a while, "According to our rules, newcomers must give their classmates Let’s play a new piece!"
   As soon as he finished speaking, a chubby student immediately raised his hand. His name was Jack Harper, the son of an entrepreneur, and he was the fat guy who admired the music teacher! My hobby is to eat, so I grow very fat. Of course, it is also possible that the talent has been added by mistake, and it has been added to the fat, so the brain is not good! Usually looks very straightforward, honest and honest!
   "Teacher, we don't seem to have this rule." After raising his hand to get the teacher's consent, Jack Harper stood up and said.
   "So now! Okay, please sit down!" The teacher asked him to sit down impatiently and looked at Annie.
   "Student Annie? What kind of instrument would you play? Piano? Or violin?"
   Annie bit her finger and thought for a while, she can play herself, but the piano? violin? do not know! But she can play Yueqin, and her mother taught her a little trick!
"I can play that Yueqin!" Annie pointed to the musical instrument storage room on the right side of the stage, where all kinds of musical instruments were stored. Among them, the large and the small two exquisite harps were placed there. The larger ones were obviously used by adults , It is estimated that it is prepared for teachers, the smaller size just fits the pupils with small arms and legs.
   "Wow! It's amazing! I don't know how to teach this thing! This is called a harp! Annie, not Yueqin. Are you sure you can?"
   John Phillips immediately felt that this new girl was unusual! Because the harp is a relatively uncommon musical instrument, it is a large stringed instrument. It is one of the oldest plucked instruments in the world and originated in ancient Persia.
   The modern harp was designed by French pianist S. Herald in 1810. It has 47 strings of different lengths. Seven pedals can change the pitch of the strings and can play all the tonality. The appearance of the harp is exquisite, beautiful, and full of artistic temperament. It is elegant and pure as a pearl and has a clear tone like the dew.
   Of course, the harp has the most important point: expensive! Very expensive! In particular, a harp from a famous artist is definitely not something ordinary people can expect! If Juilliard School is not an aristocratic private school, I'm afraid I can't afford these two great harps, right?
   John Ferry walked over, played twice on the harp, and then stopped embarrassingly, not daring to continue, so as not to be embarrassed.
   "Alright! Annie, you can come up and perform!" He moved the trumpet harp to the front of the stage, put down a small square stool, and then signaled that Annie could come on stage.
   "Then, I will play a small song for everyone, called: Embrace of the Moon Goddess."
Annie jumped onto the stage, stood in front of Wu Qin, and gracefully gave a Valoran princess ceremony to her classmates and teachers. Then she sat on the small square stool, plucked the strings for a while, and stepped on Pedal, getting used to this harp which is a little different from Valoran Yueqin, then my little hand stopped and took a deep breath.
   Teacher John Fili and his classmates immediately calmed down, because they knew that Annie was about to start a formal performance. They have never heard of this kind of musical instrument performance, and everyone's face is full of curiosity or expectation.
   Annie was just about to start playing, but her sly eyes rolled, and suddenly recalled a trick her mother had taught her, and her mouth curled up triumphantly, like a little fox who stole grapes.
   A trace of magic power rushed to the fingertips, as the strings of the fingers flicked, an invisible ripple of magic power shook with the sound waves...
One, two, three, with the beautiful piano sound endless, as if a soft moonlight passed through the window and spilled on Annie on the stage. The moonlight was like a moon spirit beating on the strings, one by one. Flew out of the harp. Sometimes they are light clouds and flowing water, sometimes they leap with passion, sometimes they are like songs like weeping, and sometimes they are thrilling.
   All the listeners in the classroom felt dissipated into the world, plunged into the boundless universe, everything around them disappeared, only the vast white moon in front of them! And the notes floating in the ears...
   The song in less than five minutes is over! The audience still sat blankly, their eyes lost, as if they were still watching the void.
   Music teacher John Fili reacted first, looking at Annie with a shocked face, and cried out: "God, what did I just hear? I just embraced the moon!"
   That's right! He had just been immersed in the sound of the piano, floating with the notes, and when he finally reached the end of the music, he actually embraced the moon in the void!
   "A genius playing, oh! No! Annie, you must be an angel sent by God! I was so lucky to hear the voice of heaven! This course of mine will definitely give you A+!"
   "Wow! Wow~!" The audience also reacted at this time, but a blond little girl suddenly burst into tears. Teacher John hurriedly walked over to comfort him. "What's wrong? Angelina?"
"Wow! I, I saw my mother! Ooo!" It turned out that the little girl was crying happily. John remembered that in the student information, the little girl was named Angelina Roberts, from a single parent family, and her father was The mother of a company president is said to have died of cancer two years ago.
   Annie embarrassedly protruding her tongue and making a face, jumped off the stage. She wouldn’t tell them that, in fact, she didn’t play very well. Instead, she secretly used magic to entrap a charming trick in the sound of the piano. This magic would lead people to immerse themselves in the music and sometimes induce them. Some people have the strongest memory in their hearts, or let them see the loved ones they miss most.
(Master, is it really okay for you to do this? The enchanting magic is not suitable for piano music, right? If I remember correctly, it seems that Varoran’s performance convention prohibits this! I think you really should Seriously learn how to play the piano! Even if you can't play as well as the one called Sona, you can't play too badly, right? Your performance just now, to be honest, if you get rid of the charm of magic, UU看书www is really bad! I missed several syllables, and I missed several places, and the rhythm seems to be wrong...)
   "Shut up! Tibbers! You know so much!"
After    walked off the stage and sat back in her place, Annie punched her schoolbag twice! Dare to say that she plays poorly? She decided to go back tonight and double the bath time. Recently, the bear seems to be too dirty and needs a good soak!
Coleson and Melinda had a good time today. After they sent Annie to school in the morning, they drank coffee in a cafe next to the school and chatted about life until they saw Annie walk out from the school door after school. .
   Annie went to school this time, they took a big risk! Although they have repeatedly told Anne not to use magic in the school, and not to put the bears casually! Annie also promised! But there is always worry! I'm afraid that Annie will initiate a ruthless attempt to burn a certain unlucky egg to ashes! That thing will never end!
   It seems that everything is fine now! Annie can be regarded as observing the agreed rules, which made Coleson and Melinda secretly relieved!
   "Annie! How was your day?"
   Coleson drove the car to Annie and stopped and opened the door. Originally, Juilliard School had a school bus to pick you up and drop off from school, but Annie lives on the outskirts of the sea and is not within the pick-up area of ​​this school bus block, so she can only drive her own way.
"Very good! I had a few classes today. Although it was a bit boring, I played a tune in the afternoon, and the teacher said that I can get A+ for my music class!" Annie got into the back seat and took the car door. Taking out Tibbers from his schoolbag, he smiled triumphantly at the two people in the front row.
   "Is that so? It's awesome!"
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