Chapter 1149: ?(????)?? Make a small ambush

Little Annie is riding on a blue banshee winged beast with beautiful patterns, which is the kind of magical large winged flying creature called Icaran by the Na'vi people, soaring freely in the sky of Pandora and Wandering casually.
She has just been to those endless mountains suspended in the mid-air of Pandora because of the abundance of superconducting ores, connected by thick vines, like the'Hallelujah' mountain range like a fairyland on earth. , I have seen islands that are particularly suitable for transforming into floating cities or magic towers.
However, it is a pity that those floating islands have been left vacant. Except for the large number of Banshee Wing Beast tribes building nests on them, none of the Na'vi people thought about living or building houses on them.
In this regard, Annie is actually helpless...
Because she thinks, if those Na'vi people no longer drill into the big tree in the form of a tribe, and live the primitive life like monkeys or some green-headed elves, but instead run to the floating mountains to build A village or a big city, I believe it will be beautiful, right?
And, there, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Most of the time, you don’t have to worry about the threats from the beasts on the ground. In addition, the Na'vi people also have their own flying mounts, and they can also hunt and even go freely. It's farming directly on the floating island, how good is that?
But it's a pity...
The Na'vi people are still too backward and stubborn. They are more willing to live in the trees of their homes and lead the tribal life like primitive people. If they want them to evolve to a higher level of civilization, God knows that they have to wait until The year of the monkey
Anyway, Annie herself definitely didn't count on them, and this ‘Oasis’ game, I’m afraid, could not last when they evolved.
So, she doesn't need to think about the messy things now, just play with her own, so she won't worry about the messy things about the life and residence of the NPCs!
o(〃'▽'〃)o so high...
"Quick! Stupid bird, hurry up, let's go and find a magical place!!"
Annie is now heading to some magical place she accidentally heard.
It is said that there is a very strange big tree there? That is, the sacred tree of the Na'vi people, the Virgin and so on, which is said to be able to connect to the "Eva". Anyway, you will know when you get there. It is said that the tree is the tree of life worshipped by the Na'vi people. The tree contains the voices or "souls" of the ancestors of the Na'vi people, as well as the virgin "Eva" they worship, and the holy tree is like The computer port of a large database is average. Can the Na'wei people use their nerve link tips to establish a mental link with it?
The seeds of the holy tree are said to be tree elves. Like dandelions, they are freely floating in the sky of Pandora, scattered throughout the Pandora's dense forest, and they will sparkle, very beautiful!
"This direction should be right?"
Annie stood up directly on the back of the banshee wing beast, and then staggered and looked around. She is checking the position and distance. It stands to reason that she has been flying for so long, and it should be not too far away.
Of course, the premise is... if she, or some hapless bird under her control did not fly in the wrong direction?
If she had known it earlier, she shouldn’t have been brave before, and directly asked the Na'vi people who met halfway for directions... Yes, on the way here, she did meet two flying companions. Na'vi hunters, it's a pity that she had always turned a blind eye to their reprimands at the time, and even gave back a few big grimaces, and she didn't even think about asking for directions.
"What they said, that place is easy to recognize..."
"Is it really because of this disobedient stupid bird that made the mistake?!"
"Ha! I saw it, it must be over there!!"
Finally, when Annie was about to give up, she suddenly discovered a valley in the Pandora’s dense forests. Then, there were strange ring-shaped stones, and there were broken pieces on the outside, already covered by vegetation. The covered spacecraft wreckage and the most important one, which looks very big, with white branches floating in it, like a weird willow tree?
That's right, that tree must be the sacred tree she was looking for! !
However, it may be because it is daytime, it looks pale from a distance. Although it is obviously different from other Pandora vegetation, she has not been able to see that it is like a strip of LED lights. The gorgeous pink or violet brilliance.
"Go!" ’
Although it wasn't the evening that made Annie a bit regretful, it was not a big problem, because ah, she could go down and have a look first, and then wait until the evening!
If it doesn't work, she can break off a branch or just wait around and take a good look when it gets dark.
"Huh? There seems to be something underneath?"
"Wow! Stupid bird, hide away!!"
She was about to fly down, and then took a good look at the real Annie. Suddenly she found something wrong, because, ah, she unexpectedly found a lot of weird flying machines around that ‘sacred tree’? Moreover, looking at the weird look, it is obvious that they are those made in ‘oasis’!
Therefore, before the enemy found herself, to be on the safe side, she hurriedly pulled the two nerve-linked braids of the Banshee Winged beast, letting it in mid-air, moving away from that place. The position landed.
Annie didn't guess wrong. At this time, at this sacred tree worshipped by the Na'vi people, more than a dozen members of the fan league were indeed gathered!
Moreover, in the name of patrolling, they just found this holy place of the Na'vi people, and then looked around this place with a strong eddy current, unable to easily scan and detect, and no way to navigate, only visually flying. Magical place.
‘There should be nothing wrong here! ’
'what! ’
‘This tree must be the Eva of the Na'vi people, right? ’
A player who looked like Usopp in One Piece was reaching out with great interest to touch those sacred branches with weird appearance and weird touch. Then, it didn’t matter if he touched it, he even reached out directly, very rudely. He broke off two things that looked like wicker, and then analyzed it with his player holographic interface.
'Do not! ’
‘It cannot be said to be Eva! ’
‘Because, this sacred tree, it can only be regarded as a port to connect to Eva, and Eva is the biological computer of this planet! On this planet, there are many large and small trees of this kind, but should this be the largest or larger one? ’
Another fan guild player, the female player who appeared to be the "Furukawa Sanae" character in an anime, gently stroked the sacred branch behind the sacred branch that was cold like running water and gave a mysterious touch. Said with a sigh.
Of course, whether she is a female player or a big foot-scraper in the skin of an anime female character, it is temporarily unknown. After all, not every ‘Oasis’ player is as big-hearted as Little Annie, and completely reproduces his real scan appearance 100%.
‘Whatever it is! ’
"Okay, let's connect now..."
At this time, a fan guild player with a beautiful female image with sunglasses became a little impatient. He took two steps directly, then clicked on the holographic data window of his character, and began to try to analyze and connect the weird branches of the sacred tree.
‘Okay, it doesn’t seem to work! We don't have that kind of nerve link endings of the Na'vi people, and the access was directly denied! ’
Looking at the big red warning pattern on the holographic data window of his character, the fan guild player with sunglasses and a tall beautiful female figure shrugged helplessly, and looked at those around him. Said his companions.
‘It’s really amazing! This thing is weird. It clearly detects the flow of information, but can it still recognize the interface? ’
'who knows? may be…….'
‘God stick Mengde, you are a druid, what can you do? ’
‘Brother! Brother, I’m a druid, yes, but brother, I’m not a Na'vi... and I will not change into a Na'vi...’
The guy who was called by his teammates as Mengde, the druid master who had become a fat, stupid, cute, ecstasy-dancing owl animal form helplessly spread out his paws, indicating that he was powerless.
'Hey! Brothers, how about? Shall we chop it? ’
'what? ’
‘Chop it, why? ’
‘And why? ’
‘It’s the most important tree species on Pandora. It’s the ‘Holy Tree’. The wood must be very valuable! You also know that because of the copy limit, we can't dig a mine now. Is it possible that we can't even cut a tree? ’
‘Yes! good idea! ’
‘Meng De! what do y'all think? ’
'it is good! ’
‘Cut it! ! ’
'cut! ! ’
I wandered here and studied for a while, and found that they did not understand the sacred tree of these Na'vi people at all, and the members of this young fan guild who couldn't connect to the biological network were discussing urgently for a while, and felt that they could not come for nothing. , They couldn’t go back empty-handed, so they just said and did it. A group of people opened their prop panels, and then copied out all kinds of wood axes from inside, and then scattered them one after another, aiming at the holy tree that they saw. All parts, just lift the axe and do it.
puff! Bang! Bang!
With the sawdust flying around, the sound of logging began to rang...
For a qualified gamer, anyone who has not opened a mine or felled wood is not qualified, let alone their senior ‘oasis’ gamers! Obviously, although they don’t know what the wood of this sacred tree has, they only know that this kind of wood must be a very rare kind, and cut it and bring it back to sell or let those engaged in forging alchemy make it. If you become a magic wand, you will definitely make a fortune!
‘! ! ’
'Be careful! ! ’
Suddenly, outside the sacred tree, a sharply angled arrow struck, and then, a certain player who looked like Usopp and had no armor at all, who was cutting down the sacred tree severely. The man of, was shot at the temple with an arrow, and then the thick and long arrow directly penetrated!
‘! ! ’
‘Haitian line? ! ’
‘Enemy attack! ! ! ’
Seeing someone with the skin of Usopp, but was pierced by the neurotoxin-like long arrow of the Na'vi people, and fell straight and leaning against the roots of the sacred tree, twitching twice. Haitian's partner, who had never moved anymore, was attacked to death, and the others screamed in exclamation, then hurriedly stopped and took out their weapons.
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
However, more arrows, at least dozens of random arrows, suddenly rushed in from the outside at this time, and then, the tall woman with sunglasses in the appearance of'Furukawa Sanae' and the previous one, Almost one after another, several arrows pierced through the body, and then they were nailed to the trunk of the sacred tree, belching directly...
‘Silky clouds make the moon? ! ’
‘Don’t forget the flowers! ! ’
After the rest of them had resisted those arrows, they saw that two more companions were shot into hedgehogs from the side and behind when they were embarrassed to meet the enemy, and they exclaimed again.
'Oh! ’
'Oh! ! ’
‘Vrrtep! ’
‘Tìhawnu, swotu! ’
‘Terkup! ! ’
Soon, in the Pandora's jungle around this sacred tree, blue-skinned Nawei men holding bows and arrows quickly popped up, and they made various fighting shouts just like that. After killing the three, the remaining members of the Fan League guild surrounded under the sacred tree.
‘! ! ’
‘It’s a Nawi! ! ’
'fast! rush out! Be careful of their bows and arrows, they are very poisonous, and being shot is a kill! ! ’
‘Here, I’m going to make a big move! ! ’
Sure enough, it was the Na'vi people who rushed out. I don’t know if there are more Fan League guild members around who dared not love the fight, so they shouted, and then they moved towards where they came. The direction of the parked aircraft rushed over!
‘Group Entanglement! ! ’
Don't dare to fight, for fear of attracting more enemies and then be beaten by the sacred stick Mengde directly released a group control druid spell, so that green vines with barbed vines quickly grew on the ground , And then they directly entangled the enemies within fifteen yards of their assault direction, and caused the Na'vi people to be directly anchored in place and unable to move in a panic.
'fast! ’
'rush out! ! ’
Seeing the magic stick Mengde with his spells in effect, he rushed out in the form of cooing, and by the way used his claws to tear off the heads of two imprisoned Nevilles.
'Humph! ’
'kill! ! ’
A player who was sitting in a saber form and whose name was also saber also rushed out, and then a chopping chop easily resulted in several Nevilles, causing those enemies to scream and scream and be directly split into two.
‘Go! ’
‘Don’t fight them in the jungle! ’
'fast! Let's run out first! ! ’
‘Uh! ! ’
‘Damn it! FXH is also dead! ! ’
When the crowd rushed out with wild shouts, they suddenly heard a horrible cry. When they hurriedly looked back, they discovered that their hapless companion was actually pierced in the back of the head by the Na'vi people, and then shot sharply. The previous paragraph pierced through his exclaimed mouth, the old man, let alone how miserable...
‘Run! ! ’
‘Don’t look back! ! ’
It looked like several teammates were killed in battle, and the others didn't dare to stay anymore, and immediately accelerated forward.
Because they all know that the Na'vi people are not inferior to ordinary players in terms of strength or agility, plus the vicious, one-shot bow and arrow, super high precision head, and the shadowy figure in the dense forest. It will definitely be a nightmare for players like them, even if they are mostly advanced players!
Therefore, when they are not sure how many enemies there are, they definitely don't dare to love fighting.
‘! ! ’
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
However, just assaulted several tens of meters forward, everyone had to stop again, and desperately blocked them, knocking off the arrows that were shot at all.
‘No! There are many people in front! ’
‘Where are they? ’
‘On the tree! At least dozens! ’
‘Damn it! Go here! Run away! Can run one by one! ! ’
‘Asshole! ’
Seeing the front, I saw that there were at least dozens of Na'vi people lying in ambush in various positions on the tree in the landing area of ​​their aircraft. These fans of the fan alliance left their duties without permission. They were obviously air patrols, but they had to come here to kill people The guys of the mighty sacred tree had to lament that they gave up their plan to board their guild vehicles, and instead scattered and fled in the dense forest.
'call! ’
'call! call! ’
‘Wow~! ! ’
‘Cyan Corridor, wait! ! ’
'Sorry! Mengde, and Saber, I'll go back to move you to rescue soldiers, you must hold on! ! ’
At this time, a certain player named'Cyan Corridor' was running, thinking that this is not the way to go. He would definitely be caught up or surrounded by those Na'vi people who had been prepared for a while, so he directly looked up while running. With a howl of a wolf, he instantly changed from a handsome boy to a hideous werewolf, and then ran on the spaceship in the dense forest with his hands and feet, and disappeared in a moment.
‘! ! ’
‘Meng De! How to do? ’
‘Mengde? ’
Anyway, you can retrain if you die. Anyway, the guild will provide resources to the brothers and sisters who died in the battle to quickly retrain. Therefore, seeing the blue corridor running first, you feel that you are running slowly with a Saber. There would be a dead person, so he flew into the air suddenly, and then under the stunned sight of his companion, he changed from the form of the Cuckoo Owl to a black eagle.
"Huh~! ’
‘Saber, sorry bro! Brother will avenge you in the future! ! ! ’
After leaving a word of comfort to his teammates in a hurry, certain Mengde flew out of sight...
Obviously, Mengde is not stupid. When the enemy is waiting, he knows that the two-legged man must not be able to run the Neville, and the Neville must not be able to run the four-legged werewolf, and the four-legged werewolf must Can't run away with his flying cuteness!
So, seeing him in a bad situation, what else can he do besides transforming his teammates to escape without death? Could it be possible that he knew he was going to die, and he still had to fight the Na'vi people desperately?
‘! ! ’
'damn it! I remember you guys who don't talk about loyalty! ! ! ’
Seeing the teammates leaving one by one, seeing arrows flying around him from time to time, knowing that it would be useless to escape like this, and surely the Saber would be inevitable sooner or later, so he slammed the brakes and used his own clothes. After the beautiful plate-armored feet made a deep trajectory on the ground, he turned around abruptly and faced the incoming chasing soldiers.
'Humph! ! ’
‘I did it with you! ! ’
‘Sword of Oath of Victory! Excalibur! ! ! ’
It must be a death to continue to escape, because she can’t guarantee that she won’t be shot, and it’s also a death to stop to resist, because there are really too many enemies, so she feels that the left and right are dead saber, so she decided to fight. Now, it is his most powerful move-Excalibur! !
Saber began to gather energy... The golden light began to gather on her ‘Sword of Oath of Victory’ (pseudo), and the strong golden light made the Na'vi people who were reluctant to chase them blind.
'call! ’
'call! call! ’
At this time, in the dense forest of Pandora, a werewolf, the player Cyan Corridor of the Fan League Guild, was proudly, swiftly and quickly rushing through the woodland and grass.
After running for so long, his teammates and enemies have long been dumped by him...
However, he still did not dare to stop, because he knew that it was not safe yet and he had to run a little farther, and then he would use other methods to return to the base.
‘? ? ’
‘A Na'vi kid? ! ’
Suddenly, UU reading www. just rushed out of a purple cloister of mushroom-like plants that glowed in broad daylight and suddenly discovered that in front of him, there seemed to be a sneaky Na'wei kid with his back facing him?
'what! ’
Kill her! Just take revenge for the tragic death of the partners!
Since the opponent is blocking the way, since the opponent has only one person, then the cyan corridor as a werewolf will definitely not be missed! Therefore, he didn't care to think too much, and while running fast, he directly opened his blood basin, ready to bite towards the neck of the young Na'wei in front!
Here comes, he comes...
Super kills: Explosive Flame Art! !
‘! ! ’
'What's happening here? ! ’
In an instant, what made the werewolf's blue corridor incredible was that when he jumped up high, opened his blood basin, and was about to fall down from behind and snap the opponent’s neck instantly, he saw that the small Neville The girl turned around abruptly, and then a big ball of fire was stuffed into his open mouth...
Then, a werewolf felt that his eyes were dark, and then, in a daze, he realized that he had quit the game, and the login interface of the VR device did not know when the word "you are dead" appeared. Four big scarlet characters?
The Cyan Corridor was stunned, he didn't know what was going on...Anyway, he only felt at the end through the VR game somatosensory device that his whole person seemed to swell?

(????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??)
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