Chapter 1177: ?(ψ`??′)o bad old man! can…

After being pulled and having to follow Edgy, Dadong, and Ash to the podium in a huge ballroom with a red curtain, Annie soon was in the ballroom with faint green light and smoke. I found a lot of weird dancers dancing on the dance floor like the cliff "Void" following a certain classical music.
Obviously, just like the evil spirits, changing zombies and some super-healed young ladies of the "black long straight" she encountered outside, these dancers in front of them are all wearing gowns, but they are actually There are zombies who have completely decayed, ulcerated, have abscesses, maggots, and emit disgusting stench!
Here, this is the first time that Annie feels a little disgusted by why this backward VR game has to be so real...Of course, maybe she shouldn’t use the kind that is more than the'X1 Touch Set' More advanced and many times more comprehensive tactile, olfactory collection and feedback gaming equipment for gaming, right?
"Is it here?"
"But where is the key? Where is it? Isn't it going to fight those zombies again?!"
? (??Д??≡??д??)!?
Annie was looking at the strange dance floor where all the zombies were suspended in the air, and she looked at the broken place where she was dancing on the green, weird green smoke and gleam. Asked the young lady Artemis who came here with a non-mainstream hairstyle and hair color.
"I don't know the key, but the key person has found it!"
"It's her!"
"Have you seen? The only normal ‘woman’ among those zombies—Kira!"
"If I'm not mistaken, this is the zombie circle in "Mansion of Chaos", one of the earliest games developed by Halliday! And the Shining is only a small part of this, don’t be fooled. Up!"
"So I can basically be sure: the key to unlocking the second clue must be the only woman who seems normal!!"
Artemis stared at the NPC ‘Kira’ who was dancing up and down on the dance floor and dancing with the zombies, and after watching for a while, he made her judgment firmly.
They came to the library to look for the curator before, and it was true that they entered "The Shining"!
Isn't this?
They found the "ex-girlfriend" that Harry Di obviously liked the most but did not dare to confess, and the Harry Di specially arranged this scene and left the specious clues, nothing more than wanting others to know his story , Knowing that he is not an old bachelor who wants to bachelor to death, but a lover who really has a favorite woman but dare not confess or accept it?
Anyway, Artemis thinks it's probably the same thing! As for whether it was that way, she couldn't confirm it. After all, a young girl like her couldn't guess too much about what a dead widowed old man thought.
To be honest, if the easter eggs left by the other party are not related to the actual manipulation of those stocks and the "Oasis" game, those things have a huge effect on their careers, and even whether they can beat IOI sixth. Human, if she defeats that online creative company, she will definitely not easily guess and guess what perverted thoughts a disgusting old man has?
"Zombie again..."
"But how are we going to find her? I don't know how to fly, and I didn't bring any flying equipment or vehicles with me!"
To be honest, if it hadn't been for Ashura to pull himself, Edgie might have wanted to run out a long time ago. Where would he stay in a copy full of resentful spirits and terrible zombies?
"Maybe we can jump over!"
"Look! Through those zombies, use them as pedals and climbing props, and then try to get close to the ‘Kira’ in the middle, trying to crack the clue?"
Artemis was a little eager to try.
Because she can basically be sure, sure, and sure now, that the second key and the second important clue must be on the only normal female NPC who is surrounded by countless zombies, it must be like that!
"Jump over? From the zombies?!"
"No no no!"
"Forget it, Artemis, I'm going to you, anyway, I will definitely not pass, I think I should almost withdraw from this bad copy!"
Edge hurriedly waved his hands and took two steps back. Now that he can face those terrible rotting zombies here, it is already very embarrassing for him. If he wants to jump and climb from the terrible zombies to the woman's side. , Then forgive him, maybe he would rather not ask for the second key?
Anyway, he doesn't think he can be among so many stronger competitors, surrounded by these friends and those IOI sixth people, really become the first to obtain the three keys and seize the easter egg of Halliday. Lucky guy!
"No way!"
"We have to jump over, you let me first, I think I can try..."
While talking, Artemis began to take a few steps back, intending to speed up a run-up from here, and then jumped onto the pair of dancing zombie girls and gentlemen zombie closest to them, and then moved closer to that one. The center of the dangerous dance floor?
"Huh? Annie, what are you doing?"
But it's a pity that Artemis had not had time to speed up, and she was grabbed by a little guy at the trousers, which made her a little anxious and puzzled and lowered her head to ask.
Because time is running out now, they have to try to crack and get the key and find clues quickly. If that woman is not the key issue of the clue, then they must quit and try again!
"No need to jump, they are a mage..."
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"So, let someone go and take a look for you? At least, they must be a little bit faster than all of you combined!"
After that, no matter what Edgy and Miss Artemis thought, Annie flashed directly, and easily reached the sky above the woman also called'Kira', and swiped her magic wand to follow her. The dancing zombie opened the scoop and hit it into the bottomless abyss.
Then, she cast the spell again, dragging the woman and slowly sliding down to the floating rock in the middle of the dance floor.
"Is there anything else to do?!"
After using the slow fall technique Qi Qi and the Obasan named'Kira' landed on the floating rock in the middle of the dance floor, Annie turned her head and asked the people at the entrance of the dance floor on the other side. .
‘! ! ’
‘It turns out that the mage is so convenient, but it’s Khalidi’s own son... No, I’m going to learn spells and become an archmage someday! ’
'what? ’
‘Don’t forget it! Edge, you definitely can't learn it. Those spells may be more difficult than the advanced mathematics and analytic geometry in the university, so save it! ’
'No way? But Dadong, you are not Faye, how did you know? ’
‘Because I learned! ’
'and then? ’
‘No more! Do you know why there are so few wizards in the game? Why is it even rarer to get the title of Arcane Mage? ’
‘? ? ’
'why? ’
‘Because Arcane is more difficult than ‘Olympics’! There is the title of Arcane Archmage, I have only seen Annie in so many years! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Really so amazing? ’
‘Of course it’s amazing. Otherwise, why can she get away with it for so long as the dark girl, why don’t even the IOI and the Fan League guild help her? ! ’
‘When you say that, if you think about it, it’s really...’
‘Then Dadong, I really can’t learn spells? ! ’
‘It’s not impossible. Faye is really difficult, but maybe you can go to academician’s magic or priest’s? ’
‘Does this make a difference? ’
‘The two professions are not the same as Faye. It’s said that you don’t need to learn too much. One only needs to be cruel to oneself, and the other only needs to be cruel to others (fudge fiercely)? However, those two professions require some prerequisites, and they are not so easy to learn...’
'what? ’
Aiqi, Ashiu, and Dadong ignored the already impatient little the dance floor, they just kept talking loudly about the differences and opinions between Lord Fa and warlocks and priests.
"Hey! Say it quickly, what should people do next?!"
Seeing those guys actually talking on one side, Annie finally got a little impatient, and she couldn't wait for a flash to transmit over and then kick them all by herself!
'I know! ! ’
‘Annie! ! ’
'fast! Hurry up and invite her to dance or kiss her! then……! ! ’
At this time, Artemis had just told her guesses that she knew, but in an instant, a strong suction appeared in the direction of the stage gate, and then the five of them were sucked outside in an instant and disappeared directly. No, it has been teleported to the entrance of the Shining.
Obviously, the five-minute time limit has been reached, and those players who have not completed certain judgment conditions of the dungeon are naturally sent directly by the system.
Seeing Miss Artemis and the others were sent out before they finished speaking, and she couldn't use her friend communication at all, she had no choice but to frown, and turned her head and stared suspiciously at the Ou who was smiling at her. Basang. In the current situation, I am afraid that she can only decide what to do on her own. Those guys definitely can't count on it.
"Invite her to dance or kiss her?!"
"Forget about that kind of thing...People think it might be easier to burn her directly?!"
After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to react, Annie directly raised her hand and it was a flame impact, causing a blazing flame to swept and licked directly towards the other party, and instantly burned the other party into a scream and exclamation. Mission fly ash.
ε=(????`●))) alas
Before Annie started to burn the surrounding zombies again, she saw that as the woman was burned to ashes by her, the surrounding zombies also instantly shattered into pieces like ashes. Then they quickly gathered in front of her, and finally formed the image of a hooded prophet who she said was very familiar.
There is no doubt that Annie cracked the second clue and found Halliday, that is, the game image of the other party, the bad old man she particularly hates-Prophet Anok!
"Aha! I caught you!!"
"watch out!!"
Seeing that the bad old man, Halliday, appeared, Annie couldn't wait to smash one of her long-planned, calm and idle blasting fire art directly at the opponent! !
! !
Halliday was a little caught off guard. He didn't know what the little girl in front of him was thinking. She was crazy, doing that to him as soon as they met?
"and many more?!"
Boom~! ! !
In the next instant, a certain unlucky Halliday just appeared and comfortedly took out a green emerald key, and was about to hand it to the other party to open the treasure chest of the second clue. He was horrified to discover: a huge blasting inflammation technique The fireball had hit his hood, and his whole person was burned in a huge explosion in an instant, and it instantly turned into pieces of fly ash...
ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !
"Guys who don't learn well, do you dare to encourage those bad guys to cheat in the game?!"
(??????????) Hey!
A fire burned the opponent, and then received the emerald key. Anny immediately felt refreshed and comfortable. She didn't even look at the other party's ashes. She directly teleported and returned to the'shining'. At the entrance of the big house in the theater, I managed to see Edgie, Miss Artemis and others who had already been waiting impatiently outside.
‘! ! ’
‘How is it, Annie? ’
'Great! This is the second key, is it the emerald key? ’
‘Hurry up and tell us, what did you say in the clue that the second key opened? ! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Annie? ’
Seeing a little girl coming out and seeing what the other person was holding, Artemis, Edgie, Dadong and others surrounded them one after another, intending to listen to the clues that the other person was saying. of.
"That one……"
"I just forgot to open the box and just came out..."
Anne, who was heartless and completely indifferent to such trivial matters, seemed to have recovered at this time. She felt that she was too happy for a while after'burning' the clone of that bad old man Anok, so she didn't. Forget something important when you are careful?
‘! ! ’
‘It seems our guess is correct, it’s the woman Kira! Artemis, hurry up, let's separate the teams and enter the dungeon one by one, try to get the keys and clues as soon as possible, but don't be robbed by the IOI people! ’
'what? Good, good! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Edge? Won't you go? ! ’
'Do not! I dont go! You can go by yourself, don't worry about me, I'm here! ’
‘Are you scared? ’
‘I’m not afraid! ! ’
‘You’re just scared! We just figured it out. Annie got the key. Now we only need to run to the dance floor and find the woman as fast as we can. What are you worried about? ’
‘Anyway, leave me alone! Artemis and Parsifal have entered, you two should go in quickly! ’
In the end, Edgie, who seemed to be a little timid, or did not have much resistance to those evil spirits, still stubbornly did not choose to enter, but just watched his four companions leave the team and ran in from the entrance. ... Then, he just got the key with someone, but didn't remember to look for the clues, and waited patiently at the exit.
"Did you see Halliday again? What did he say this time?"
Although he didn't plan to go in, it didn't prevent Edgie from asking a little girl next to him about the content he was more concerned about.
"What did you say?"
∑(°ー°〃)? !
"I didn't say anything, he was burned by a fireball as soon as he said'wait'!!"
"You attacked Halliday?!!!"
Unconsciously, Edgie's voice became a little sharp in vain, and he stared with round eyes, half-bowed his body with an exaggerated gesture, and looked directly at someone who didn’t mind and unbelievably. Worried little girl with impatient expression.
"That's so strange!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"I wanted to burn it last time, if it wasn't for him to run fast... Forget it, I won't wait here with you, it's a bit boring, wait until they crack the third clue, let's talk about it!"
After speaking, after making a big grimace at Edgie, Annie immediately put away the emerald key that seemed useless, and waved her hands one by one, opening an oval Faye portal and going inside. One jump, and soon disappeared.
At this time, on the scoreboard of the Easter Egg Hunt game of Halliday, a little girl, a certain Faye Anne Hasta's name with the title of "Daughter of Darkness", and her originally ranked number one The score skyrocketed again, with a full increase of one hundred thousand, and the two, Parsifal and Artemis, who were in the second and third places, opened the elder part.
'report! ’
‘Sir, I think you have to look at this first? ’
Then, at the same time, at IOI Online Creative Company, the second largest company in the world in 2045, a small executive hurriedly called the company’s manager Nolan Sorrento, and he was very unhappy with him. Under the impatient eyes, an electronic panel showing the scoreboard of the Halliday Easter Egg game was handed respectfully to the place.
‘! ! ’
‘That girl of darkness again! ! ’
'Well? ! ’
‘Why is there that Parsifal? What the is going on, isn’t he already...’
If you see on the panel that the dark girl Anne Hasta, who has repeatedly antagonized their IOI company in the game and caused them heavy casualties just two days ago, makes him gritted his teeth, then, again Seeing that Parsifal's score changed, it really made Nolan Sorrento feel a little frightened.
Because, he obviously sent someone to blow the house of the dead otaku living in the slum to pieces... But now, why can the opponent's points change?
‘! ! ’
‘Tell me, what the is going on? ! ’
In an emergency, Nolan Sorrento, who did not say something with few insiders, stopped talking, and waited for a while, only to hold back some nameless anger and force the supervisor to ask. Tao.
'Is such that……'
‘One of our easter egg hunters saw these top-ranked guys in the scoreboard entering the library not long ago! ’
‘He sneaked over and heard them solve the clue...’
‘Next, as long as we win the "The Shining" Challenge, we can get the second emerald key! ’
‘However, that challenge seems to be a bit difficult, and I don’t know if those people have found any loopholes or bugs...In short, our personnel have lost hundreds of people, and we still haven’t found a way...’
‘In this way, at least six people are ahead of us...’
Pointing to the scoreboard, and then gestured to the boss to look at their horrible and yelling staff, the supervisor said helplessly.
Obviously, their IOI points are now seriously behind those few fast-moving casual In this way, if they continue to follow behind those people to solve puzzles, then there is nothing. Doubt, in the end, Halliday’s Easter eggs must have been missed by their company.
'All right! ’
‘I know about this, so go ahead! Remember, tell them to clear the shining level as soon as possible and get the last clue! ’
‘If you lag behind others this time, don’t even think about taking the prize money from their puzzle solving team this year! ! ’
Some impatiently waved and screamed, and asked the supervisor to stare at the useless employees to go to work and try hard to find eggs, Nolan Sorrento hurriedly walked to a place where no one was, and then quickly took it. Out of my cell phone and dialed a number.
‘Yes! it's me! ’
‘That boy, he is still alive! ! ! ’
‘Also, he may be with that nasty little girl now, with that girl of darkness! Therefore, I hope that you can find them for me in the shortest time regardless of all costs! ’
‘Yes, I’m talking about the real world! I need to find them in the real world and catch them! All this is for the company, do you understand it? ’
'very good! I hope you can bring me good news soon...’
'So be it! ! ’
After gloomily issuing a strict time-limiting order to a female field supervisor in the security department of her company, the manager of the IOI online creative company, Nolan Sorrento, suddenly hung up the phone communication , And then fiercely pinched it in the palm of his hand.

(??????`??)?? No girlfriend who does not vote?? (??????`??)
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