Chapter 124: Reactions from all sides

The Kalimdor continent to the west, on the night elves’ sacred mountain of Hyjal, under the shade of Nordrassil, a huge world tree that shades the sky, Tyrande Whisperwind is in the Moon Temple , Was doing daily prayers to the moon Elune.
   I don't know why recently, but she vaguely feels that the peace and tranquility of the night elves for nearly ten thousand years will be broken.
   Right now, just south of Ashenvale and Azshara, a group of vicious and ugly orcs came there. They not only deforested and built fortresses in Ashenvale to try to settle here, but also had a very serious armed conflict with the night elves. Now, it is estimated that the forest demigod Cenarius has led those sentinel troops to fight with their orcs. Right?
   don’t know, what's the situation like now?
   In fact, Tyrande, as the high priest and leader of the night elves, was not too worried about this problem. After all, she never thought that those ugly orcs could hurt a demigod like Cenarius. That is a powerful demigod of nature, and he is still fighting in the forest. Maybe the weapons of those orcs can't break the defenses of natural blessing on Cenarius?
  These orcs are also one of them. Recently, the sentry also discovered that in which wild swamp to the east of Dustwallow Marsh, a new intelligent species was discovered!
   After initial contact, the night elves discovered that these self-proclaimed human species, like the orcs, are also from the eastern continent. It is said that they came to avoid danger? They are now building a castle on a small island and preparing to settle down. At the same time, they also brought some information about the orcs and the eastern continent for the night elves.
Fortunately, these humans prefer to build castles with stones instead of cutting down forests like those hateful orcs. In addition, Dustwallow Marsh is not the range of the night elves, so the two sides did not provoke them. Any conflicts are just exchanges of information, and on the whole it's OK to get along.
   Thinking of this, Tyrande couldn't help but feel a little worried about going out to sea with Shandris, and his husband Malfurion, who went to the eastern continent to investigate intelligence? Stormrage, don't know how he is now? According to what the humans said, the eastern continent is not very safe. Otherwise, they would not travel across the endless sea and come to Kalimdor to take refuge...
Moreover, just recently, High Priest Tyrande, who prayed to Elune, the goddess of the moon, on time every day, discovered that the goddess who was always silent suddenly responded to her prayers. He vaguely foretells something to her. Danger, it seems that a great crisis is coming to the night elves...
   So, because of the above signs, Tyrande has only recently been so concerned about the battle report in the south. She wants to know how the war between the demigod Cenarius and the orcs is going on?
   It's just that, because night elves usually rely on owls or horned eagles to transmit information, the efficiency seems a bit low without the quick magic communication before.
So, so far, she only knows that, in the south of Ashenvale, their night elves’ sentry forces against the orcs have gained an absolute advantage with the help of the demigod Cenarius. As for the follow-up situation. How, she is not too clear now, I hope everything goes well, right?
Just as the high priest Tyrande was about to end her prayer today, and wanted to go back and take a good rest, the night elf guards outside the Moon Temple suddenly discovered that there was an eagle slamming towards the Moon Temple above the sky. Li Fei rushed down, and its goal was just the high priest who had just finished praying, turned his back to the outside, and was about to get up-Tyrande!
The guards of the Moon Temple were wondering why this wild animal suddenly attacked the Moon Temple, and when they were about to bend their bows and shoot down the eagle, they discovered that the huge bird turned into a night elf. The appearance of...This made the guards secretly relieved, and at any rate they didn't shoot the bow and arrow in their hands!
   It turned out that the bird of prey that rushed down turned out to be the Arch Drew who suddenly left after waking up some time ago—Imafurion Stormrage.
   "You are... Malfurion?! Why did you come back alone like this? How about Shandris and others?"
   found out that his husband turned into an eagle and flew back directly, Tyrande was very puzzled. A few of their ships, a sentry unit of thousands of people, didn't they go to the eastern continent to investigate the situation? Why are you suddenly coming back like this now? And he came back alone? What about the rest?
"General Shandris, they should be ready to land in the port in the northeast. They may be able to return to Mount Hyjal in a few days. I have to fly back early because of important things. of."
   shook the remaining feathers on his body, and after completely returning to the form of a night elf, Malfurion breathed out a little.
His Malfurion did come back with the fleet, but when he saw the continent of Kalimdor, he hurriedly changed into an eagle form, and then rushed back as fast as he could. . In just one day, he flew over half of Kalimdor from outside the port in the northeast, and flew all the way to the sacred mountain of Hyjal. As an archdruid, he was very tired right now. !
"Forget it, let's not talk about it now, there are more important things right now! Tyrande, please hurry up and mobilize all the night elves to prepare for a full-scale war. I believe it will be soon, like the ancients The kind of battle at that moment is about to come!"
After regaining a bit of strength, Malfurion said to his wife anxiously without taking a break. Now Tyrande is the leader of the night elves, and Malfurion can only take care of those things. Druids, like the order of total war mobilization, he said it was not counted, and he had to wait for his wife to give the order.
"Release War Mobilization? The goddess is here, Malfurion, are you sure you are not joking? Where is the full-scale war now? Just those orcs in the south? They resisted under the suppression of the demigod Cenarius. There is no ability. It is only a matter of time to eliminate them. The sentry troops in Ashenvale are enough. Where do you need to mobilize?"
Tyrande retorted incredibly. Now, the night elves have been multiplying for tens of thousands of years. Although those druids slept for a long time to have a side effect on the population's reproduction, but for such a long time, the night elves The population has surpassed ancient times in one fell swoop. Now, with such a large population base, is it going to issue a full-scale war mobilization order? Who is this going to hit?
   Tyrande was a little angry. You Malfurion slept for hundreds of years, and you suddenly woke up to go to the Eastern Continent and asked for investigation. But now, you rushed back in a hurry and asked her to mobilize for war? Although she is indeed the leader of the night elves, she can't be so messy, should you give a reasonable reason?
   If you are going to clean up those orcs, then you don't need to mention this. Anyway, Tyrande will never issue a mobilization order to fight those orcs!
   "No! Maybe you misunderstood, Tyrande... I'm not talking about the south, nor do I want to care about any orcs, I care about the east! Alas..."
   After sighing heavily, Malfurion finally began to talk to Tyrande about the anomalies that their group had detected in the eastern continent.
"Where in the Eastern Continent, we found the terrible plague of death, evil undead... and... the Burning Legion! They unexpectedly descended on Azeroth again, that big demon... We don't know the existence of that evil Is it Sargeras, but... I think, anyway, they will definitely not let Kalimdor go!"
"So, I think, maybe it won't take long. They will definitely come to the Western Continent again and attack our night elves again! After all, you also know that the thing under the World Tree-the Well of Eternity! So! , Tyrande, time is pressing, now please go and mobilize immediately! Another battle like the one ten thousand years ago may be coming soon!"
   "Burning Legion? Great Demon? Malfurion, are you sure you read it right?"
   When he heard the breaking news, Tyrande took a breath of air-conditioning, and took two steps back in shock, almost tripping over the steps behind.
   She didn't expect that after ten thousand years, the Burning Legion would not give up? Has descended on the world of Azeroth again? Also bypassed the surveillance of their night elves and descended on the eastern continent secretly? Could it be that a life-and-death battle of ten thousand years ago is about to come again?
   While the two elven races were preparing for the battle, in the Flame Canyon of the Eastern Plaguelands, in the Flame Palace of Little Annie, she was curiously receiving three important envoys from the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
   Actually, she knows these three people. Two of them are the undead who uses the sacred energy and the beautiful blonde sister that she rescued back then! As for the other one? What is the name of the paladin who came here last time? Okay, she has forgotten, anyway, it's just an uncle with a hammer...
   "So, big sister, are you really the princess of Lordaeron?"
   Little Annie expressed surprise at this incident! You know, she just passed by and opened a portal for them, but unexpectedly, she was abducted back to a kingdom princess inadvertently? This is a bit too coincidental, right?
"Yes, Your Majesty Queen Anne, my original name is Kalia, Kalia Menethil, I was the princess of Lordaeron and the eldest daughter of King Terenas. Thank you very much for your help. I am really very sorry for hiding your identity and deceiving you."
  Kalia stepped forward two steps, gave a courtesy to Annie on the throne, and at the same time apologized solemnly.
   "Huh? Let's forget it, anyway, I didn't help you at all. Those undead were destroyed by the priest. Okay, then, what are you doing here again now?"
   Annie is a little curious about the three of them. Is it just to say thank you?
   If this is the case, Annie said that she has heard it now, and then... they can get out now, don't stay here to bother her, because... it's about to be her dinner time! Don’t be too annoying if you don’t have meetings or meet envoys all day long!
   "His Majesty the Flame Queen, this is what happened... We would like to request some reinforcements from you so that we can safely Her Royal Highness Princess Kalia back to Tyre."
   At this time, when Annie was about to order them to get out, she saw the annoying uncle Paladin take two steps forward, bowed a big gift to herself, and began to speak out their request.
   "Huh? Ask for reinforcements? Do you want those fire elements? It's not impossible, okay, then, how much do you want..."
  In Annie's view, this is just a small matter. Anyway, her army of fire elements is getting more and more, so it is not impossible to lend them a little bit.
   "We hope that you can send five thousand elite fire elemental soldiers! If you can, send another fire eagle unit!"
If it were only to refugees, the three thousand people under Dathrohan would be enough, but... now that he has Kalia, he feels that this manpower is probably not enough... after all, Kali Ya is too important, he will never allow the slightest accident.
   "This way..."
   When Annie was about to say yes, the fire demon chief Shanknox rushed to her to speak, stepping forward in time to stop Annie from preparing to nod and say yes. Once Her Majesty agrees, it's not easy to change your mouth!
"Wait! My Majesty, we don't have a lot of troops now. Those undead have started to become active recently. We are all preparing for an offensive. They still ask for five thousand. Where is such a cheap thing? Our flame army is not brought by a strong wind, but it takes a lot of energy to send an army!"
   In the eyes of the fire demon Shanknox, their queen saved their princess, and they should give themselves a generous gift of thanks to the Flame Kingdom! And now, you still want to ask for five thousand reinforcements? Go and dream!
   "Your kindness to Lordaeron will be remembered forever. In any case, please help us with some helpers."
In the past two days, a lot of things have happened. After UU reading knew Kaliya’s identity, plus some caring propaganda, the remaining three or four thousand refugees who were originally unwilling to leave Flame Canyon The doors began to shake one after another, and in the end, those who were still willing to stay in the Canyon of Flames were estimated to be around 1,000.
   And now, Dathrohan wants to so many people, among them, a small and a half elite will be dedicated to the princess, and the rest will seem a bit powerless.
  Although he has sent a small group of cavalry to go to the chapel and Tyr's hand first, to ask them to be prepared to respond. However, in order to prevent accidents in the middle, he could only bite the bullet and come here to ask for help from the Flame Kingdom.
   "At most, we can only send a few hundred lava dogs and a few fire demon hunters, plus some fire eagle troops to help you detect the road conditions, no matter how much...there will be no more!"
   Recently, the Flame Empire has gathered enough flame troops. They are about to launch a full-scale offensive against the undead and natural disasters of the Eastern Plaguelands in the near future. Where else can they be loaned to Lordaeron so many troops?
   Sending some dogs and fire eagles to alert them is enough, don’t they still have three thousand people? Besides, there is no formal alliance between the two sides, just a verbal agreement, so now Shanknox doesn't want to care about their life and death! What if the undead are driven away when the time comes, and their humans come to grab territory with the fire element?
   The one they support now is only a princess, not a queen! What she said, the intention to form an alliance against demons and natural disasters, will be effective in the end!
   End of update
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