Chapter 1207: ?(ψ`?′)o Do you think people will follow...

‘! ? ’
'what! ! ’
In the palace of Riyestije, when the commander of the warrior Geoff Stronov was practicing swords during the break of King Rambosa III’s rest, a soldier suddenly rushed in and watched After the warrior commander took the long sword in time and almost didn't cut him alive, he stammered and saluted and said loudly:
‘Report, report! ’
‘I’ve said many times, don’t come in suddenly when I am practicing swords, sometimes I can’t control some of the sword aura, it’s not good to hurt you! ’
‘Let’s say, what's wrong with this rush this time? ’
Slowly put away the long sword and exhaled. After slowly retracting the sword into its sheath, Ge Gefu, the warrior chief, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, and glanced at the bravely intruder. Only later did the soldier hesitate to ask.
‘Your Excellency the Warrior! ’
‘This is the intelligence sent by the first team of the military intelligence outside. It is said that you have specifically confessed it. Would you please take a look? ! ’
After swallowing secretly, and sighing in his heart for the strength of the warrior commander Ge Jeff, the soldier hurriedly handed a volume of letters covered with black ink pad and sealed to the opponent. Hands.
'Well? ! ’
'I know…...'
‘You go out first! Remember to explain to them, no matter what, don't do anything to her, they just monitor and don't be discovered by the other party, understand? ’
'Yes! ’
‘Your Excellency, the subordinate has retired first! ’
Seeing the seal on the intelligence in his hand, Gu Geoff couldn't help but frown, then waved his hand to signal that the soldier who had come to send the interrogation to leave and then pondered for a while, reached out and crushed the sealed ink pad. It is spread out and read quickly.
‘! ! ’
‘The butler, Olazadark Hellyar... the maid chief Altria Hellyar, and a large group of male and female servants...’
‘All guys who don’t know where they come from? ’
‘Hey! interesting! ’
'Sure enough, I should have known for a long time, the identity of that little guy is definitely not simple...Look at it now, before we make the necessary arrangements, she found so many servants all at once, presumably from Did she get it from her own home? ’
'Humph! It's really a good method, so many people popped up in an instant, is it the kind of high-level magic that teleports? That's something not even the Magician Guild possesses! ’
The warrior commander Ge Gefu did not understand, that little girl, did she want to settle here in the capital of King Ryestige, or simply because she wanted to live here temporarily? Or is it...she still has another purpose?
‘Forget it! It is better to report to His Majesty the King later and let your Majesty go down and decide! ’
After thinking for a while, I didn’t understand the powerful adventurer of the'brilliant diamond' level, the warrior chief Geoff, who didn’t understand the purpose of the dragon mage Anne Hasta, had to sigh softly, and then Collect the latest surveillance information carefully, prepare to submit it at an appropriate time, and then let their king go down and decide.
However, no matter what, before the little girl did more action or showed any hostility against the kingdom, they would definitely not make any inappropriate actions against each other in a targeted manner, at most, It's just staring at each other.
What's more, let alone that they are still unable to figure out the purpose of the opponent in the Kingdom of Riyestige. In this case, under the premise that the opponent is a strong one. , As long as the other party is not too hostile, they will definitely not ask for trouble to embarrass each other.
'Humph! ’
‘So, let’s end today’s training...’
I found some things that made me feel scratching and thorny, and the training was interrupted, Gu Geoff did not have the mind to continue, he just pulled his coat on the hanger, and then pressed his waist. His sword walked outside the training room.
And at this time, in front of the courtyard gate of a mansion in the Xicheng District of King Liyestij...
"Ms. Altria Hellyar, I am going out to play now!"
A certain little girl is wearing a maid costume, is petite, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with soft snow-white skin, blond hair with a shawl, turquoise pupils, and a pretty face without makeup. At the beginning, the hair looked gentle, dignified and beautiful, and there was a maid with a dull hair bowed and watched, and left her temporary residence with a grin.
"You don't need to prepare lunch for others, but dinner must be a little richer! People will probably be back when it gets dark!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
That's right!
The one who bowed and watched Annie leap from the gate of the mansion yard was the female Frost Dragon that Annie was riding before! Originally, the name of the other party was not this, but after Annie set up the specific appearance of the other party's human form, she generously gave the other party the name of such a new human form, that is-Alto Liya Hellyar!
Yes, this is the kind of bad taste of Annie!
She deliberately set the opponent to look like a dumb king when she turned into a human form, so that she could bully the opponent severely when needed?
As for the other Frost Dragons, or the old Frost Dragon butler, Ola Sadak Hellyar... She just didn't care about the human form they transformed into, and let them play by themselves! In short, most of the frost dragons in the other's nest were brought here by her. There are almost twenty of them. In the distant Andelia Mountains, there are only a few left to look after the nest, take care of the young dragons, and hatch. The need for the dragon egg is only the old, weak, green, strong, frost dragon.
'Yes! ’
‘Oh, master! ’
A certain silly hair mother dragon didn't say much, just bowed deeply, and when she raised her head again, the little master of her house had already gone far.
Immediately afterwards, she squinted and looked at the pedestrians passing by and some stupid humans who locked her with curiosity or sinister eyes, then gently closed the gate of the yard without comment, and turned to say nothing. Sent to the house.
Annie, who is full of energy and wandering around, will not care about the Frost Dragon. Anyway, in her opinion, it must be safe for a large group of Frost Dragons to stay in that house. There must be no one who dares to break through. In a'Dragon's Den'!
Therefore, she can just be happy in this city, and her servants certainly don't need her to worry too much!
"Which way should I go..."
After patrolling for a while in front of the crossroads of a lively street, Anne eventually plunged into the place with the most people, and soon disappeared.
Unfortunately, happy time is always short...
Before Annie didn't react, a whole day passed quickly, and this royal capital, which was several times bigger than Ye Lan Tier City, could only go to two or three bustling commercial streets to eat. I bought and bought some messy things.
At this time, the evening sun made the sky a little orange, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street. So, there was no alternative, Annie had to walk back regretfully.
"La la la..."
In a blink of an eye, Annie has been having fun all day, basically seeing her who has had enough excitement and snacks. Now that the sky is getting darker, she feels that it is time to go back for dinner, or otherwise , Those dedicated Ssangyong servants will be waiting!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
∑(′△`)? !
"that is……"

Suddenly, on the way back, she had to stop, and carefully poked her head out from the corner of the street, looking at the conflicting two people in the dim alley ahead...Ah no, To be precise, it should be three people?
‘! ! ’
'let me go! You bad old man! ! ’
'Who is she? ’
‘Don’t be nosy! She is an employee of our shop, let me go! ’
'Employee? ’
'Ah! Do you think I'm an idiot like a guy like you? ’
Bang! !
‘Uh! ’
‘The money is treated as her ransom, I’ll take her away now, do you have no opinion? ’
'Are you crazy? Don't you know that she is the goods of eight fingers? Please, I'm not embarrassing you, you just don't see anything, can't you? She is dying anyway, what good is it for you to save her back? ! ’
‘Perhaps you are right...’
‘But since I met, since she is struggling to ask me for help, I won’t leave it alone! ’
‘Are you crazy? You will die, so will I! ! ! ’
'and so…...'
‘The money should be enough for you to escape, maybe it’s still too late now, goodbye! ’
'Hey! wait……'
'Hey! ! ’
Soon, Annie saw: when a bad old man in that dim alley took away a dying young lady, the big fat man also quickly picked up the ground. Qian Qian turned around and ran, leaving the bastard's alley to become deserted again, and there were no pedestrians.
"It doesn't matter if a dragon is so spicy that it looks like an adult, it's still so polite to that kind of bad guy?!"
Just holding the tortured dying man, there is no special way to designate the true identity of the old lady who can’t save her, Annie can see at a glance, but it is more than the one in her family Ollazar who was also turned into a dragon by her. Dalk Hellyar is so powerful that he is so powerful that even the nest of dragons in her family is not an opponent of the other party?
But of course, compared to her omnipotent Queen Anne, the other party is still so much worse...
"Forget it!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
"People who do good deeds are worthy of praise and affirmation. They can get a small red flower stuck on the wall! So, Tibbers, since it's all right here, let's go home quickly!!"
Obviously, Annie will not be so idle that she has to take care of everything, especially when good things have been taken care of and done in advance?
Therefore, she now ran to her house with peace of mind, because she had already explained that she had asked the dragon people in her family to prepare a sumptuous dinner in advance. If it is too late to go back, I am afraid it will not taste good later! What's more, it's not far from her home, and it's two streets around to Xicheng District. This distance is not too long for her, especially when she just'swish' directly before no one is paying attention. In the case of using teleportation magic to return to the door of your house?
"Strange, has any stranger come here?!"
However, Annie, who just ‘swished’ and ran to the gate of her mansion’s compound, quickly discovered something was wrong, because ah, there was a strange carriage parked outside the door that she didn’t recognize?
"Hello everyone, they are back! Why, are there any strange guests here today?"

?˙?˙) Hello?
Completely ignoring the salute of a servant who opened the door, Annie first came in from outside the door, and when she saw that two people she didn’t know were sitting in the living room, she walked in and confronted the housekeeper Ou, who was standing by. Lassadark Hullillar asked.
"It's great, but it really made us wait... So, is the master finally back? I am the itinerant envoy of the king's city, Stefan Henveshu, this is Saqilunte, we should be able to Have a good talk?"
Seeing that the owner is indeed a small person with a lot of money in the intelligence, the fat man who claims to be a security officer and the guy beside him have a scar on his face, and he knows that he is the'good man' and exchanged together. A tacit look was made.
"Two weird guys!"
Annie didn’t know why these two strangers came to her home and wanted to talk to herself... However, Annie was not too entangled, because there are too many strange people in this world, such as the big skeletons pretending to be knights. , The dragon pretending to be a maid butler, and the terrible old man she just ran into outside, she was used to it anyway!
So, thinking that the other party really had something important, she sat openly opposite the two weird guys, and both sides looked at each other across the small coffee table.
"Do you have anything to do? If not, you can leave now. People are hungry and don't have much time to chat with strangers like you, and they don't want to know you too much!"
These two guys in front of her were not very good for Annie's senses, so she urged her unceremoniously, indicating that the other party had something to say quickly, and if there was nothing to go away! After all, her Queen Anne’s time is very precious, so many delicious things are waiting for her to eat, so there is no time to ink with these guys!
"Humph! What good things have you done, don't you ask your servant yourself?!"
"Although the matter has nothing to do with you, but since it was done by your servant, then you can't escape the relationship!!"
Seeing that the other party was so defiant and not big or small, the obese Kingdom Security Officer instantly sullen his face, and then lashed out with a vicious tone.
"Hey! Ola Sardark, what the do these guys who don't look like good people come to someone's house?!"
Hearing the poor tone of the other party, Annie didn't bother to talk to the other party, turned her head and asked, and at the same time provoke the two visitors again, making the other party's expression when looking at her suddenly become colder.
"the host!"
"Is such that……"
"A thief broke in this morning, and he wanted to kidnap Altria...Then, that guy was not good at it. After being discovered by Altria, he was caught by the servants and killed!"
The Dragon Butler, Ola Sadak Hullillar, did not say that the thief was kicked to death by his daughter, but explained it slightly euphemistically.
(? ̄? ̄?)
"It turned out to be like this... Then what else do you have to do here?"
Annie blinked and nodded, indicating that she knew it, she turned her head to look at the fat official and the bad guy who seemed to know that he was not a good person.
There is no doubt that her Queen Anne is very short-term, and she will definitely favor her own dragon, so if they want to judge, they are really looking for the wrong place, because there is no reason for her family. It can be said that no matter whether she is reasonable or unreasonable, there is no reason to speak!
So, if the other party is interested, it's best to apologize and leave, before she changes her mind?
ε=(′?`●))) alas
"Of course!"
"You have to compensate immediately!"
"Since you just confessed, then things will be easier!"
"She is the main suspect, we want to take away, as well as the servants who participated in the murder case! Then, as compensation and the master's inaction, you need to pay us a fine of three thousand gold coins, now!!"
"Otherwise, I will consider whether or not to get you in jail together!"
Seeing that the little girl didn't seem to be able to communicate well, the security guard of the kingdom simply spoke out and threatened without any cover. After all, in his opinion, dealing with such a stinky little girl who doesn't know anything about the world, basically only needs to scare a few times to ensure that the other party will be obedient.
However, he is not in a hurry as to how to deal with such a group of unidentified guys. Today, he just asks for a fine and takes away the beautiful female suspect and a servant who is suspected of being involved in the lawsuit. Then, wait for him. After investigating the origin of the other party, it will not be too late to slowly concoct it!
Neither the old butler nor the silly hair dragon spoke, but coldly looked at the two ant-like men in front of them. To be honest, if it weren't for their master's presence, they would have eaten them with just one bite based on what these two people had just said?
"how about it?"
"Have you thought about it? We don't have much time to wait for you to consider it. Don't wait until we take compulsory measures. It will be too late to regret then!"
Seeing that this family seemed to be frightened and dared not speak any more, the obese kingdom security official urged again gloomily.
"Not so good! People don't bother to think about it!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"Your people rushed into other people’s houses indiscriminately. If you die, you deserve it! Also, you two guys know at a glance that they are not good people. They are now going to eat, and don’t plan to take care of you to affect your appetite. So, you should go quickly!"
Annie is already a little impatient. It's really unreasonable that these two bad guys dare to disturb herself with such a small matter! !
"You! Damn! You guys, you outsiders, who killed people in the capital, dare you to ignore the laws and majesty of the kingdom?!"
Seeing that the little girl had such an attitude, the fat official yelled at him, patted the table and roared to his feet, and began to play with his official power.
"Strange! That dead guy broke into someone's house and wanted to kidnap someone's sitting... Well, he wanted to kidnap his sister Mao, why didn't you say that he violated the laws of the kingdom at that time?"
"Humph! You kidnap when you say kidnapping, do you have any evidence?!"
The obese official's tone suddenly choked, but the cunning and sleek man quickly reacted and asked with a grin.
(°ー°〃), froze!
"Yes! Since you said there is no evidence for kidnapping, now, do you have any evidence that my servant killed someone?!"
"Hey! Don't change your words quickly, just say that you don't know that someone broke in, and you haven't seen anyone kidnapping Miss Da Mao, and Miss Da Mao didn't participate in killing the bad guy at all!"
There was no way. Annie reacted quickly when she saw the other party playing a rogue, and turned her head quickly, just in front of the other party, let her housekeeper and maids quickly change their words.
'Yes! the host! ’
'We have been staying at home today, completely unaware that anyone broke in, nor did we see anyone trying to kidnap Altria, and Altria did not kill at all, everything is peaceful here, and there are no corpses. , The traces are also processed by us, to ensure that no one can find anything! ’
The clue of the old housekeeper was stunned, then smiled, hurriedly lowered his head and changed his words aloud and announced.
"Ha! Alright, it should be all right now?"
mock up!
I want to fight her Queen Anne, these two guys are still a little tender! Don't they know that children have always played cards unreasonably and unreasonably? Now she wants to see what else they two bad guys have to say!
(● ̄? ̄●)
"you guys……."
The fat official was shaking with anger and could not speak.
He never expected that the other party would be so bold and dare to speak wild words and confess to his face in front of the security officials of the kingdom... This is really outrageous, really defiant!
He had never thought that there really were such unruly outsiders who would dare to come here in the capital of the Kingdom of Li Yestij? !
"So, do you want to fight our'eight fingers' right?"
At this time, the man who had been silent, had scars on his face and was still full of sorrow and lust, finally spoke.
"What are the eight fingers?"
∑( ̄□ ̄

Annie was puzzled, but she seemed to have a little impression again, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it, so she asked directly.
Seeing a little girl dared to be so arrogant after hearing their "Eight Fingers" name, this made the sullen man's face changed, and the expression in his eyes became more and more sullen.
"What are you doing? People didn't ask you!"
(?ˇΕˇ??))) Humph! !
Annie glanced at the other person, then turned to look at her housekeeper.
‘Sorry, master! ’
"We have never heard of eight fingers..."
You know, Oula Sardark Hellyar is a domineering old dragon who lives in the deep mountains and forests. Where does he know things that even his owner does not know? Moreover, this kind of mortal in the human kingdom looks like an ant to his old dragon. Where can he pay attention to a certain inexplicable organization in a group of ants?
"Ha! Look at it?"
"It seems that so many of us don't recognize your eight fingers, so your threat is useless!!"
"good very good!"
"You will regret it soon! Soon, our people will visit you again!"
Seeing that there was no way to negotiate, and that the people here were all madmen who were not afraid of death, the vicious man got up and turned around and left, planning to leave here, then go back and report, and find someone to clean them up!
"and many more!"
"Have anyone said... let you go?!"
What? What?
As soon as Annie’s words fell, the two servants at the door stepped forward and easily subdued each other, pressing him face to the ground fiercely on the floor, and then one of the servants stretched his leg and stepped on the other’s cheek. , So that the opponent's teeth popped out.
Upon seeing this, Annie frowned.
However, she was not afraid that doing so would cause the other party to retaliate or something, she just saw that the other party's teeth and blood were stained with the spotless beautiful mahogany floor and felt unhappy.
"You! Do you dare to kidnap and use force against this reputable citizen in front of the officials of the kingdom?!"
Soon, after seeing the family not playing cards according to common sense, and even daring to use force, the kingdom official was frightened and exclaimed directly. Obviously, he had never thought that the foreigners who lived here were so clueless that he was secretly annoyed, regretting that he was too big before, and he didn't want to take too much with him except the coachman outside. All men get up.
"Who said he was kidnapped?"
"People just think he is too bad, and they don't want to be worried about by such bad guys. In addition, he threatened others just now... So, Mother Amorim said that if you deal with such bad guys, you can start to burn them out. Theirs!"
What? What?
Yes, Annie never thought about kidnapping anyone, she just wanted to deal with the other party directly! Besides, what she said was indeed what the Amoryn Witch had said before!
For Amoryn, the shadow witch, the person who threatens a little girl is definitely not a good person. If you burn it directly, it will burn. As for whether it will burn you or something, what does it matter? After all, her baby girl Annie is always more important than any outsider, right?
"You you you you! Are you crazy?!"
The obese official exclaimed again, his voice trembling a little, because he faintly felt that the other party would not let him go easily?
"Asshole, asshole..."
‘We...we will never...will... let you go! ’
At this moment, the vicious man who was pressed on the ground with several teeth trampled off even threatened viciously with his mouth.
"Whatever you do!"
Just kidding, who is her Queen Anne, and how could she care about small things that might be retaliated against?
"Ola Sardark! Now this bad guy will take care of it for you, remember not to stain the house yard! As for him... throw it out, don’t fall to death, but if you accidentally break your hands or feet, people I certainly won't blame you!!"
Soon, UU reading saw that the matter was perfectly resolved, and felt that the hint she had given was obvious enough, so Annie didn’t wait for the dragon servants to deal with the prisoners, so she clapped her hands and prepared to go to the restaurant in the backyard for dinner. , So you won’t continue to waste time on such bad guys!
'you! ’
"You, you, you dare..."
"Wow! ! ! ’
With Annie's departure, soon after a scream, with the sound of heavy objects falling outside the courtyard of the mansion, the mansion returned to calm.
ψ(`~′)ψ Chew!
Then, Annie, who ran to the dining table and started to dine, just forgot the little things.
After all, they were just some small people and little gangsters. If the other party was so courageous and dared to run to her Queen Anne and still want to bully her, then the wrong person was really chosen! And if she hadn't just gotten hungry, she would have to torture them severely, let them know what infinite fear is!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
(Tibbers died for a certain stupid human being who was swallowed by a certain low-level servant Frost Dragon in silence! As for that fat guy... he was thrown out from such a far place, and he was still heavy The ground fell to the ground, maybe there are not a few bones left in the whole body, right?
Fortunately, those humanoid frost dragons were very obedient, and as expected, none of them fell to death. However, even if the opponent didn't fall to death, it might be the same in this life. You must know that some magical damage is difficult to recover with low-level healing spells and potions. )

(?????) How about the ticket? (?????)
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