Chapter 126: The Battle of Stratholme (2)

Now, the undead Scourge led by the dreadlord Varimathras and the Fire Elemental Army under the Queen of Flame Anne are still fighting in Stratholme, an almost abandoned city.
Various green undead poisonous fog and red hot flames reflected each other in Stratholme city. On the ground battlefield, the roar of the retreating undead, and the shouting and cries of the fire elements sounded from time to time.
Here, the fire elements do not need to make any reservations. The power of the fire source on them ignites everything that can be burned around, including the undead! The toxins and claws of the undead do not have much effect on the life of the fire element. As long as they are not broken into pieces on the spot, the flames on them will naturally purify all the toxins, whether it is holy light or flames. , They are both the nemesis of undead natural disasters, no one can doubt this!
Whether in the wide streets or narrow corridors of Stratholme, the agile lava dogs are playing their natural agility and vigor in accordance with local conditions. They are in groups like that, whether they are one-headed or two-headed, they are all very cunning at the moment, and from time to time they attack the undead who are fighting with other fire elements.
Once they find an opportunity, they will rush forward fiercely, biting on the leg of a ghoul or zombie or a small abomination and dragging it out desperately, and then..., the other evil dogs that have been prepared in the periphery, Soon they will pounce on them together, and they can dismantle each other's limbs and heads into a bunch of useless bits and pieces with just two or two!
The fastest, the most bold moves, and the most tactical ones are the lava rushers. This kind of fire elemental life consisting of hot lava and collapsed air currents is born to charge, and they often disdain to fight side by side with other fire elements.
In the urban battlefield, they can be seen everywhere, such as lone rangers, who are capable of charging. They often inspire the power of the flames on their bodies, and then take the fire to the sky directly to the places where the undead is densest. After rushing in and causing massive aoe damage, he quickly turned around and rushed out. In the end, what was left for the undead was only two charge lines with fire and a chaotic formation...
The unbound ember lords and unbound smoldering elements who look more like lava rushers play more conservatively. They are often led by a lord in different numbers, or a dozen or dozens. The small smoldering elements are fighting in small teams.
Once a large number of or more valuable undead natural disaster forces are found in the city, their ember lords will directly cast spells to light all the small smoldering elements on the fires that will explode from time to time, and then they will let them go. These smoldering elements rush into the pile of undead, as long as they persist for a while not to be broken into pieces, all the undead can be burned!
The lava giants are more brainless, and they can't play a big role in this huge city. They just wandered aimlessly, seeing the undead smaller than their own, they rushed forward and smashed them indiscriminately; and when they encountered an abomination that was not much different in size, they would either provide assistance to their friendly forces or directly perform. They can control the talents of the earth, and use ground thorns to string the abominations that can only be brute force into huge burning skewers...
Those who fear and hate the undead the most are not the ones above. Now, the undead or the wizards of the cursed sect who are still alive, they are most afraid of the tortoise squad led by the flame giant elite lord Teropene. Up!
These hateful tortoise have a hard shell of lava spikes on their bodies. If they are just hard to chop, then forget it. But they even rebound physical damage. Whoever cuts them will be unlucky! Whether it was hatred, ghouls or zombie skeletons, they rushed to surround these turtles and hacked and bit them, and in the end they were all dead, and the other party still shrank and shuddered!
At first, the necromancers thought that these giant flame tortoises were just physically defensive, so they never played close combat against them anymore, instead they played long-range spell-casting attacks, but... Unexpectedly, these tortoises would still magically reflect the shields, no matter what spells hit them, they would all reflect back frantically? This also prevents the undead from the natural disasters? They feel that this is simply broken!
As a result, after paying a heavy price, these flame tortoises became the most unwilling existence of rational undead and cursed cultists before they could not find a solution for the time being.
The undead turned to deal with the other fire elements, and ran around the turtle as soon as they saw the tortoise, just allowing them to slowly and domineeringly in the city. Suddenly, the majesty of the turtle kings, among all the fire elements, undoubtedly ranked first!
Compared with the above-mentioned unorganized and undisciplined fire elements scattered on all roads in Stratholme, and all kinds of waves, the fire monsters appear to be much more standardized. In comparison, they are more like a fire monster. Train numerous fire elemental armies!
They are now divided into countless small teams, arranged in a neat formation, each unit cooperates with each other, long-range and close combat support each other, the hunter's dog is on the periphery, and the inner circle is treated by the wizard and the lava burning walker.
They just lined up in a neat and orderly formation, moving forward a little bit according to their assigned district streets. They just followed the traces of other fire elements after the waves, and attacked forward peacefully. At the cost of almost zero casualties, they easily harvested all the remaining undead...
Of course, before they left, the fire monsters did not forget to add two more fires to the buildings that the forward fire elements had not burned, in case there were still zombies or skeletons inside.
Compared with the ease and comfort of the battlefield on the ground, the battle in the sky seems a little bit heroic.
Because this is Stratholme, the largest city in the Eastern Plaguelands of Lordaeron, so there are the most gargoyles made by the undead! Those black shadows that are crushed and covered in half of the sky are at least three to four thousand in number! I don’t know, how long did the undead gather to get so many air forces?
Since the fire eagles only have more than a thousand in number, these gargoyles are at least three times more than them! Even if the opponent’s size is less than half of the fire eagle, the problem is: these gargoyles don’t seem to be afraid of fire. Only a powerful fire eagle or several small fire eagles breathe at the same time to successfully melt a gargoyle. , But now, the quantitative advantage lies in the other side! They often cannot breathe twice, and the opponent has already swooped up to the front.
Therefore, when the fire eagles saw that the scorching breath did not have much effect, they could only fight hand-to-hand with the gargoyles who had already rushed forward, and fierce air battles began... from time to time, some gargoyles died. Broken rock fragments or a certain fire eagle that had been torn into pieces fell down from the sky with a mournful cry.
If it weren't for Xiao Anni's distressed look at her Fire Eagles, and she hurried up to help, it is estimated that the number of fire eagles lost in air combat would not be as simple as dozens! Even if only dozens of fire eagles were lost, it really made her feel distressed for a long time. They were all her pets, and they finally summoned them from the land of flames.
This battle did not last long with the great strength of the Fire Elemental Army and Annie's rescues everywhere.
Actually, since the wall of the southern gate of Stratholme was summoned by Annie, the super hellfire was demolished, and the lava giant led his hundreds of men into the city first, and the subsequent fire elements After the army followed them in swarms, there was not much suspense in the entire Stratholme battle.
In less than an hour, the fire caused by the fire elements began to ignite from the southern gate of Stratholme, and then gradually spread northward.
It seems that the slaughter fire that had been ignited in Stratholme was once again burning here...
It’s just that before, Alsace set off a sinful fire as an excuse to slaughter suspected innocent people in the city; but now, what is burning is the purifying fire that the Kingdom of Flame lit to eliminate the natural disasters of the undead. ! The meaning of these two flames is completely different!
After the flame army's offensive advanced to a huge massacre plaza north of Stratholme, the attack stopped temporarily.
They found that there was a huge slaughterhouse here, and that towering huge spiked millstone was even taller than the lava giant Otuk of the Flame Kingdom!
And here, it seems that the undead and natural disasters specialize in producing abominations. Except for the numerous abominations that have been burned by the fire elements on the square, there is still a disgusting rancid smell, plus the fire elements. We were grilling the undead in the city like a joyous barbeque. After these temperatures mixed together, the little Annie who came here couldn't help but frown... Maybe, she might not want to eat meat for several days, right?
On the way to this place, how many undead the Fire Elemental Army burned in Stratholme, not only did not know Anne, but also Shan Knox, who was the general manager!
Anyway, their fire element has killed all the big spiders, abominations, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, banshees, poisonous insects, rats and cursed cultists who got in the way! As for the number... who knows? Unless... after the fire is extinguished, they will send out people to collect the ashes of the dead to weigh the weight and estimate it?
As for those barons, ladies, undead lords and the like burned by the Fire Legion's fire element army, it is even more impossible to count them, and Chief Shanknox does not want to count these!
Anyway, it only knows that everything is floating clouds under the fire element's army front!
What about even the heroic undead strong? Among their fire elemental creatures, there are also more lord-level ones, and a swarm of bees rushes up, is it still cut into and burned into ashes? There are not five foot men here, there are more than 50,000 powerful fire elements here!
Even the royal guards of their queens are all high-level peak fire demon elites, and there is no way to have a whole group of heroic guards!
It's just that fire elements generally like to call the powerful existence of the hero rank as the lord level, like the little lord, the big lord, the legendary lord, etc...
Besides, in the real world of Azeroth, the positioning of this ability is not necessary. It is as powerful as Shanknox, which has reached the legendary level, but if it does not resist, the lord level Otuk stepped on it with one foot, isn't it still finished?
If you pass some more days, even the demigods will be hacked to death by the orc sword saint for you! Is it that a high energy level is great? The real world of Azeroth does not look at your data! Don't you dare to try Archimonde, the white knife goes in, the red knife goes out, and you die if you die!
Just like just now, a powerful abomination that seemed to be called Ao ran out of that huge slaughterhouse with the door open, and screamed that it was hungry and wanted to take the fire elements to open the meat.
But the result? In the next second, before it had time to see the situation clearly, Otuk stepped on it with a big foot! The cursed followers in the slaughterhouse hurriedly closed the door for the first time, so they didn't dare to put one more fart.
You see, the puddle of burning flames outside the closed door of the slaughterhouse is the only thing left by the abomination that just clamored for food. Maybe, if it can become a banshee. If you have a soul form, you can try to taste its own flesh?
"Hey~! I said you guys, what are you doing now? Why don't you quickly burn this stinky place together? Is it fun for you guys to get together here?!"
Annie felt a little angry. Now, without knowing when the great demon named Archimonde will come here, these idiots don’t rush to attack, clean up the last stronghold of the undead, and just surround here like this. ? Is there a celebration party?
"Uh... My Majesty. This is actually because the powerful big bat hiding inside, he said he wanted to surrender, so I had to order them to wait first, hoping to wait until you come here. Do disposal."
Anyway, the victory or defeat is now a foregone conclusion, and the powerful Flame Legion took this huge undead city with only a small price.
Up to now, the entire city of Stratholme, only this place is not wrapped in the fire. Since the big bat inside vowed to surrender, Shanknox must not dare to be self-confident, and had to wait for their queen to arrive here. Everything must wait for their Queen's decision.
"Ahhhhhhh? Surrender...Who is surrendering?"
There were undead who wanted to surrender, which made Annie a little strange.
On the way, didn't the undead they encountered all either rushed up to die desperately, or fled when they saw it from a distance? Why is there still surrender here? This thing is really rare.
"Hello, Honorable Majesty Queen of Flames! It's me... it's me Varimathras who will surrender to you. If you agree, I am willing to swear to yield to your feet and be your eternal servant..."
At this time, on the roof of the huge slaughter house, on a small platform with an exit, a dreadlord who also had the bat shape familiar to Annie walked out there. He was trying to put on an ugly smiling face, facing below He raised his head and said with a flattering smile to the little girl who looked at him.
Actually, Varimathras was about to run away before the flame army had attacked here.
But how did he know that this little human girl could be so cruel, and he didn't know what method she used to interfere with this large area of ​​Stratholme, so that he could not use any space to transmit spells. To escape.
Therefore, in desperation, he could only fight and retreat, and finally had to retreat into this last fortress. After just commanding the powerful abomination to go out and test, he was trampled by the foot when he went out. After the flesh was muddled, he could no longer afford the slightest thought of resistance.
At this point, there are not too many choices left for him now, either surrender, escape, or...die!
The fate of his kin, the idiot of Barnazar, can already prove that the fire elements have the means to target their demonic race like Nathrezim! They can kill a dreadlord completely! Therefore, Varimathras certainly did not dare to choose the option that he died in battle.
As for the option of escaping from the air, in the current situation of being trapped in an isolated city, if you rush to escape, it is estimated that those powerful fire eagles will not easily spare themselves, right?
Besides, although their Nathrezim also has a pair of wings, in terms of flight speed and air combat methods, it is definitely not better than those flame giant eagles!
And once the avatar bat is used to escape, it will lose too much strength. This makes him feel uncertain for a while. When it is not a last resort, he is unwilling to use that trick. Therefore, after procrastination, he Just drag it to now. He decided that he could surrender and wait until Lord Archimonde arrives, and then fight back!
"Oh... are you going to surrender?"
Annie tilted her head, looked at the big bat on it, bit her finger again, and thought for more than three seconds. Then, she immediately made up her mind and refused the other's request for surrender.
"I won't want an ugly servant like you! Attack immediately and burn them for me!"
The Dreadlord or something, they look so ugly, Annie doesn't want them to be her servants, they are so ugly, if they are taken out, people will lose her face when they see it! Therefore, please ask them to die quickly, as long as they are burned to ashes, they should not be embarrassed again!
"Yes, my majesty!"
Upon hearing the order, Shanknox, the chief general of the Flame Kingdom, hurriedly bowed and agreed.
Now, since Her Majesty the Queen has ordered, then there is nothing to talk about. Anyway, it does not want any races other than the fire element to be mixed into the power core of the Flame Kingdom. The big bat above does not seem to be a good thing, so it's better to kill it quickly! Just like the one last time, after catching it, slowly roast him with a gentle fire to ensure that his soul and his soul are burnt so that there is no residue left!
"The Fire Elemental Legion obeys the order and attack immediately!"
After Shanknox shouted and repeated the Queen’s order, the lava giant Otuk roared in excitement, and rammed directly into the huge slaughterhouse, like this tall and hideous stone and steel building. , It can best vent the endless destruction in its heart. The stronger their undead cultivation is, the happier it will hit Otuk.
After a loud noise, the lava giant who hit it was surprised to find that this big house had not collapsed. It never expected that the undead would have repaired this slaughterhouse so robustly! However, only this is the case, it can't be bothered! Therefore, its huge fist drew in directly from an upper window, and instantly tore a large skylight from above.
Since it can't be damaged, it can still be broken into pieces slowly! One by one, they are smashed and pulled down, and they don't believe it. Will they fall by then?
At the same time, above the high altitude, dozens of fire eagles breathed down, and the bows and arrows of the fire demon hunters, the fire demon and other ember lords, all kinds of flame magic were also directed towards this huge The slaughterhouse smashed past, and the soaring flames instantly enveloped the building...
"Asshole! You wait for me, I will definitely be back!!"
Varimathras was finally terrified, and now in this situation, he had to run without running.
However, when he was about to launch the disintegration of Huawei's sky bats unique to the Nasrezim clan to escape, he also uttered two ruthless words, and then turned into countless bats before the flames burned. Fly away with the surrounding sky...
"Huh huh! This is another trick?"
Annie curled her lips disdainfully when she saw it.
The big bat last time seemed to want to use this trick to escape, right? But the result? He now has no more dead scum left! And now, this second big bat also wants to use this to escape? Does he think that Annie can't handle this kind of trick herself?
So, this time, Annie didn't bother to use any more spells. She just stared at a certain bat in one direction. After countering the opponent's spell, the dreadlord Varimathras screamed. , Was directly shot out of the prototype from the deformed state, and instantly fell from the air.
"Haha! He is mine now!"
At this moment, after seeing the dreadlord accidentally fall in front of him, a small fire demon centurion leader wearing an elite fire-patterned armor yelled happily, and then his hot rune blade was fierce. He slashed across the neck of the Dreadlord who was about to get up. After a dark red blade light passed, the ugly head of Varimathras flew like that. After a few times in the air, it fell directly. In the muddy meat stall before the gate of the slaughterhouse...
"Who told you to kill him like this? I'm going to make trouble! Humph! I'm so angry!"
Annie just prepared to seal the dreadlord, and then throw it to the fire demons to deal with it slowly. But how could I think that there was a little fire demon who didn't wince here, so that he would kill the opponent with such a stroke? This is simply adding to the chaos, plus a big favor for the other party! This made her snorted directly, turned her head and left.
The little fire demon boss looked at her Majesty the Queen who had been mad at He didn't know what he did wrong just now. Didn't she say to kill them all? Didn't you do something wrong with this? Look, if you go down with a stab, you have a different place on your head, how simple and neat?
Snapped! ! !
"Ah! Who is it? Want to die?"
The little fire demon boss suddenly received a slap in the back of his head. It became angry. When he just wanted to copy the guy and come back and go up, he found that the person who just slapped his head was the fire. The big boss of the demon, the chief director of the Flame Kingdom! Looking at the other party's angry expression, it was so frightened that it quickly withdrew its hands, shrank its head, and dared not say anything more.
"You stupid! Don't you know that if such demons are killed directly like this, they can still be resurrected! Just like our fire element is summoned to the world of Azeroth, if you are strong enough, if you die, You can also resurrect weakly in the Land of Fire! Do you understand now? You idiot!"
After speaking, Shan Knox, who was still puzzled, shook his hand again, and slammed at the back of the opponent's head...
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