Chapter 1210: (*???`?) Yes Yes Yes! You are the best!

Night fell...
In this piece of woodland that can hide the troops outside the palace castle of the capital of the Kingdom of Riestije, a large number of elite soldiers from the royal family led by warrior Geoff Storonov and a large number of supporters from Leibunhou Ruo agreed The soldiers are camping here and are listening to the command and formation of the commander of the warrior and the assignment of "Cang Qiangwei" Rafasi.
In addition to the elite soldiers, many adventurers have also gathered here, and have been formally informed of the real mission and the purpose of hiring them!
However, after knowing the facts, they did not have much reaction, because they saw it. In addition to two teams of stainless steel adventurers, there was also the strongest warrior leader in the kingdom. With the addition of a large number of soldiers, it is relatively easy for them to eliminate the eight strongholds with this lineup!
In addition, those who are hired and come here are all adventurous teams with a strong sense of justice (second attribute), so they do not have much resistance to doing such things that benefit the country and the people.
‘! ! ’
‘Captain Warrior! The people on our side are all here, what about the little guy and the dragon army she promised, why have I not seen anything until now? ! ’
Seeing that this vast action is about to unfold in the capital of the kingdom, and a cruel fight will inevitably happen soon, the captain of Cang Rose, Rafas Elbein Drew Eindola After discovering that a certain little girl and the dragon army promised by the other party seemed to be in place for a long time, she couldn't help rushing to the coordinating warrior chief Ge Gefu, and questioned in front of many people. With.
‘Rafasi, please rest assured! She said that she would respond to us according to the circumstances, and the dragon would appear in the sky at the right time. We just need to act according to the plan! ’
‘Now, you and the soldier Momo are responsible for coordinating the adventurers, and prepare to carry out the plan in groups according to the original plan. There should be no problem, right? ’
Compared with the furious Lavasi, Ge Gefu, the warrior chief, was obviously a bit tepid.
This kind of team commanding and dispatching one to two thousand people did not stump him at all. At the moment, there is no sense of mess in this temporary operation barracks. Everything here seems to be in order, and the soldiers know what they should do and prepare. What to do, so that the adventurers waiting around inevitably increased their confidence in victory a little bit.
‘I have no problem! ’
‘Our Cang Qiangwei people are already ready, Mr. Momo, how about you? ! ’
Hearing the commander of the warrior said this, although the Cang Qiangwei’s Rafasi was still a little dissatisfied, she was not good at the commanding of the warrior, so she could only move towards the one next to her that recently emerged. Momo asked, a very powerful'stainless steel' adventurer warrior.
‘I’m ready too, ready to act! ’
However, what Rafasi and the warrior chief Gejiefu didn't know was that after a certain soldier Momo heard that there was a nasty little girl participating in this operation, he was already scolding!
It's just that, now that he has to send the arrow on the string, he can't express too much, let alone directly change a certain plan that they have made and arranged! As a result, he had no choice but to secretly communicate the information he knew to his subordinates, so that they could pay attention and react accordingly.
'well! ’
‘So! Everyone listens: Now that the operation has officially started, please be sure to wipe out the Eight Fingers in one fell swoop. All Eight Fingers members who find resistance or try to escape will be killed without any mercy! ! ! ’
‘! ! ’
"Drink~! ’
'Yes! ! ’
‘Yes! For the kingdom! ! ’
‘Annihilate the Eight Fingers! Long live the kingdom! ! ! ’
'Humph! ’
‘All have, let’s go! ! ’
After making a simple mobilization, giving orders and quickly stopping the shouts of the soldiers and those adventurers, as the warrior commanded a sharp wave of his hand, the nearly two thousand troops and countless people who had gathered here originally gathered A team of high-level adventurers and aristocratic private armies filed out of this royal garden and began to march quickly to different streets in the city.
Soon, because one of the teams was the closest to the first goal, that is, the team that the princess’s little friend Bankrem was with, they arrived at their destination first, and also met an old acquaintance butler who went to the appointment alone. After urgent consultations, the two parties resolutely decided:
The old butler Sebas entered the assault from the front door and contained the enemy, while Clem and others outflanked the area from the back. Other soldiers surrounded and stood by. They waited until the assaulter gave instructions and started to act and ensured that they must not Let anyone with "eight fingers" escape here! !
Although I don’t know why the master he served had to launch a raid on the "Eight Fingers" today, Sebastian finally acted according to the order and came here... He had to come because he managed to save his life. That woman was taken away by these scum bugs again!
'Humph! ’
‘That’s why you kidnapped Qiyale again while we were away. Am I right? ’
‘Why are you only four here, aren’t six arms left with five? ’
Walking up to and standing in this courtyard, I saw the large group of people around me and the few members standing in front of them who seemed to be the "six-arms", the old man who seemed confident, and Sebastian. With a cold snort, he questioned the scum of the "Eight Fingers" organization present.
He is very angry now, because he managed to save Qi Yalei, who was temporarily affirmed by his master a few days ago, was robbed by these people in front of him, and it happened to be today, just when he was away. This made him feel humiliated and feel very, very dissatisfied!
‘Hey! ’
‘Look at everyone, they are all here, how can that old man dare to be so arrogant! ? ’
'Be careful! I heard that he fights very hard! ’
‘Haha! Awesome? No matter how powerful, these uncles with our six arms are even more powerful? ’
‘That’s definitely not there! ’
‘He is dead! ’
‘It’s a pity, that little girl is not allowed to touch... You don’t know, she has become more fluid again after being cured, that figure, that face...I am so greedy! ’
‘Then shall we later...’
'Hey! ’
‘Let’s go together later? ’
'it is good! ! ’
The little guys around, didn't take the bad old man who was brought here by them to heart at all, they laughed loudly and unscrupulously, and said something that only they could understand.
'Humph! ’
‘You all shut up! ! ’
However, without waiting for those who continued to clamor, one of the four'six arms' turned his head and yelled at them, making them quiet in an instant.
‘After waiting so long, you are finally here!
‘We’ve heard, old man, it’s said that you fought very hard and you arbitrarily snatched our female slave and wounded the person we came to ask for? ’
‘You may not know, even if we have been in trouble recently, it’s not something people like you can easily afford. Do you think about the price? ’
The Lich, who did not seem to be a normal living person, just saw that the people around him were too noisy, so he screamed, and after immersing him in the surroundings, he sullenly faced the people standing in the circle of them. The old housekeeper pressed.
He admits that the opponent's ability to fight is really good, and the average low-level personnel really can't help each other, but... if it is facing their existence of the level of'six arms', it is definitely not enough .
'okay! ’
‘Let’s stop talking nonsense with him. Since this old man started the matter first, let’s end it with him! ’
‘We’ve invited a lot of guests this time, just to let them take a good look at what will happen to the people who are fighting against our Eight Fingers? ’
After waiting for a short half of the night, after seeing that the main act was finally about to take place, the red-haired man with one of the six arms urged impatiently.
‘End? ’
'Humph! ’
However, after scanning the surroundings, and then looking at the four unexplained guys in front of him, the old butler Sebastian gave a cold hum, and put his white gloved hands directly behind him. Standing with his hands behind him, he looked at the unconscious guys in front of him arrogantly.
In his opinion, the lives of these mortals are inherently small and short, compared to his existence like a flash of a finger... But now, if they don’t cherish it, they don’t want to take shortcuts. I won't blame him later!
‘Sure enough, he’s a stubborn guy just like in the information! ’
‘Never mind! ’
‘Now that’s the case, let’s start quickly...old man, now let us be your opponents and let you know what is the real power? ’
‘Don’t worry, we won’t kill you soon, otherwise the audience won’t be able to appreciate your wailing before you die and the helplessness of a praying man’s arm car...’
The guys who claim to be members of the Six Arms also claim to be "Thousand Kills" Mamsters, "Blood Dance Scimitar" Edstein, "Space Slash" Peshlian and "Undead King" Daeva Knock’s guys first pretended to play a POSS each, and after doing enough for themselves, they showed their weapons one after another, ready to kill the guy who was coerced by them and had to come here and dared to confront their organization. Bad old man.
Although, what they want to deal more with is actually another little guy who has been violent with them recently, but since that guy is a little bit powerful and difficult to deal with, they have to pick the one in front of them that seems to be bullying. The old guy of the first started and became aspiring.
‘! ! ’
'Oh? The undead king? ! ’
The nameless fire in Sebastian's heart began to brew...
Originally, as a dragon man with a sense of justice, he himself could not see these nasty and evil people in front of him. He had long wanted to do it. He heard that there was a stupid, despicable undead creature on the opposite side. Knowing that such a noble title, his murderous aura was rising.
"Hey hey hey~!"
Suddenly, there was a clear laugh.
‘? ? ’
'who is it? ! ’
In this situation, Sebas, the old housekeeper who originally planned to rush forward and kill the four so-called'six-arms' members one by one, suddenly stopped his steps abruptly, and then suddenly turned his head. , Looked towards the place where the sudden laughter came from, and yelled with his extremely magnetic voice.
'what? ’
'That is……'
‘! ! ’
'hateful! It's that little girl! ! ’
Sebastian’s actions obviously alarmed the members of the'Six Arms' and those who belonged to the'Eight Fingers', and when they looked towards a certain place, they found that there was nothing on the eaves of the house. When a smiling little girl was sitting there, they all exclaimed.
Obviously, the little girl who has made them extremely embarrassed with the "Eight Fingers" recently and has lost all of their soldiers and soldiers, and has still been helpless until now, the rumored "Bright Diamond" adventurer and the "Dragon Mage" must be recognized by them!
And now, seeing the other party voluntarily approaching and appearing here for the first time, some riots inevitably occurred.
‘Shut up! ’
‘Just right when she came! ’
‘Now five of our six arms are here, just to get rid of her and this old man together, without leaving one! ! ’
'it is good! ! ’
The guys who signed up just now, the so-called "Thousand Kills", "Space Slash", "Undead King" and other messy guys, after the initial consternation, they drank the slightly chaotic ones. , While stabilizing the order and clamoring and grinning.
"That one……"
"It’s not that people say you guys! You guys, a hundred may not be enough for the bad old man below, and a hundred guys as powerful as that bad old man can’t be beaten by one hand. ...So, how can you bad guys deal with others?"
Annie really didn’t know where the self-confidence of these bad guys came from, but that didn’t prevent her from explaining to them the strength of the bad old man they just wanted to deal with and the power of their own. Disparity between.
‘! ! ’
Hearing what Little Annie said, an old housekeeper named Sebas couldn't help but tremble!
Undoubtedly, he believed the little girl's words, because he knew what it was like for two existences stronger than him to face the little girl! Therefore, his eyes narrowed slightly, originally intending to attack those six-armed fists, but instantly began to secretly defend against certain attacks that a little girl might suddenly violent.
'you! ’
‘Great arrogance! ’
‘Small chopsticks, come down without fear of death! ! ’
‘Let’s just capture her alive and give it to Koktor for a good training? ’
'good idea! But is it too small? ’
‘It’s not young anymore, it’s almost enough to raise it for a few years. Look at that face, it will be very popular then! ’
‘Hahaha! Then do this? ’
Those guys and the four self-thinking "Six Arms" members clamored as hard as they could, even before they started playing, they seemed to think they were set to win, and they still figured out how to deal with it. Their captives?
Sure enough, it is a group of stupid fools!
Silas squinted slightly, squinting at the eight-finger members and six-arms, not knowing what correct words should be used to describe them now.
"Blame old man, can you let these bad guys like them to others to play for a while? You may not know, someone will ask someone to help raid this eight-finger or nine-finger stronghold, if you kill all of them , People will be very embarrassed then!"
What didn't say, some guys who wanted to die made Annie angry, so she thought that she didn't need help here, she suddenly felt that it was time for herself to show her a hand and let some guys know how good she was?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
Blame the old man?
"Huh! What if I say no?"
Sebastian didn't have much affection for the little girl, because the host they served was beaten by the other party for no reason, and Albedo was too! In addition, he is very dissatisfied with the attitude of the other party now, so his answer is also faintly with strong hostility.
"Then I will also burn you down by the way!!"
Annie caught a shattering fire and let it exude terrifying energy.
She believed that with the ability of the dragon man below, she must be able to easily see that she was not just a threat.
"Understood, please, please! However, if you can't eliminate them, I will make another move. There should be no problem, right?"
After hesitating again and again, and secretly contacting the master he served, he wanted to test the opponent's Sebastian, but in the end he didn't do it, but took two steps back with a cold hum.
"Of course there is a problem!"
Seeing that the opponent was a little aggressive, Sebastian quickly clenched his fists again and was ready to fight the opponent here.
"Because they are much better than you, a finger is enough to destroy them, how can they not be destroyed?"
What's the joke, how could Anne not be able to eliminate a few humble villains?
In fact, if it’s not for fear that others will not understand her methods, and if she doesn’t know how powerful Queen Anne is, she doesn’t even need a finger, just a thought, the other party will be completely wiped out of this world. It was wiped out!
Of course, it wouldn’t be fun if you did it that way, and that kind of method was beyond the comprehensibility of the little and powerful old dragon man monster in front of her, so she thought it would be better to use one finger to destroy the enemy. Your own strength?
"is it?"
"Very good! Then I'll wait and see..."
It turned out that the other party had such thoughts, which made Sebastian a little bit dissatisfied, but he still didn't say much, but he looked sideways at the four'six-arms' members who were gnashing their teeth and signaled that a little girl could start. She performed.
'Humph! Simply arrogant! ’
‘In that case, before we wipe out that bad old man, let’s take your little with your six arms! ’
‘I will cut off your meat piece by piece! ’
‘Then, I will also make your bones into a small skeleton that will always crawl under my feet? ’
'huh huh huh huh……'
‘Are you going to come down by yourself, or do we drive you down? ! ’
Six arms saw that Sebastian had actually stepped back two steps and prepared to stand by, and the two did not seem to be in the same group. After thinking about it, they grinned, copying out their weapons and props, and then step by step. Surrounded by a little girl sitting on the eaves of their secret base with eight fingers.
They don’t know if the bad old man Sebas is very good, but they only know that many of the good players in their organization have been planted in the hands of the little girl and his servants, so now they are better off Is it better to be a little more cautious?
What? What?
"Do you know? Someone tells you something interesting!"
"In the past, a skeleton frame used a magic on others, which seemed to be called'Heart Mastery' or something, and then they learned it at a glance, and found it very practical. Or, now they will show it to you?"
After finishing talking, Annie didn’t go any further, so she continued to sit on it, and then four red beating heart phantoms appeared in the air in front of her in a row. They didn’t know what was going on, they were beating. The frequency and size of each are also different, even one of them can't even jump?
Then, she first glanced at the guy who just dared to scold her and made her very annoying called'Thousand Kills', and then suddenly stretched out one of her fingers to the beating heart on the far left. One kill!
As if the blisters were smashed, the red beating heart phantom instantly exploded into a cloud of blood in the air and disappeared quickly.
‘? ! ’
'you! ! ’
At the same moment, the "Thousand Kills" Mammsters instantly rounded his eyes, and then the rapier in his hand fell to the stone floor with a bang, and then he knelt directly. , And tightly covered his own chest with both hands. While his eyes were widened, his mouth was opened one by one, trying to say something... However, he couldn't finish a single sentence. After swaying twice, he slammed into the icy ground. After twitching and struggling helplessly, he could no longer move.
'That is……'
'not good! That may be a spell above the sixth order, go and stop her! ! ’
'fast! Kill her! Don't let her cast spells! ’
Astonished and shocked, seeing a companion who was comparable in strength to him died so tragically on the spot. It seemed that he was really slaughtered and his heart was broken. This caused the remaining six-armed members to let the blood dance "The Scimitar" Edstein, "Space Slash" Peshlian, and "The Undead King" Divanoc were anxious all at once, and they all roared and wanted to rush forward to stop the terrible little girl from killing the rest. That hold their heart.
Seeing that the other party wanted to rush up, Annie hurriedly stretched out her hand, and quickly killed three times in a row!
puff! puff! puff!
Following her deliberate and unhurried movements, the phantoms of the three hearts in the air in front of her instantly exploded and declared annihilation. Then, the three bad guys who rushed up instantly fell down. After two, although the last remaining one did not fall, it was like a thunderstorm, and instantly fell to the ground from the floating posture that had been flying in the air.
"Why are you a bad guy not dead yet?!"
∑(′△`)? !
Annie suddenly felt a little strange, because although she learned and sold the spell, no matter what, she wouldn't miss it the first time she cast it, right?
"Ah! I remembered that you are an undead, so it's okay to kill your heart!!"
Soon, half of the opponent’s ugly ones rotted, and the other half was left with only the skinny ugly skulls. Annie finally understood why the little spell she just cast could not directly destroy the opponent. It turned out to be such a thing?
'you! ’
‘! ! ’
With an exclamation, he saw that the three companions behind him had died tragically, and the control heart of the other party had also caused huge damage to his body. "The King of Undead" Divanok turned directly, and then forcibly inspired himself With all the power in the body, let his body use flying techniques to fly directly towards the distant sky, and it is flying farther and farther...
Obviously, knowing that the strength of the enemy is very different, he decisively chose to admit counsel and fled.
"Bad guy, still want to run?!"
Fire of Fracture!
Since Annie said that she would only use one finger to deal with them, then she would only use one finger, she would never use two!
boom! ! !
As a fireball emerged from Annie’s fingertips and shot towards the dark sky far away, soon, a certain black shadow in the sky was caught up and burst into a ball like The flame like a firework.
Then, the flames in the sky quickly extinguished, causing the hustle and bustle that had just sounded to immerse again.
However, the blasting flame was like a signal of some kind of offensive, making the huge bustling city, the capital city of the Kingdom of Riyestige instantly noisy at night, and then countless fighting sounds. , Explosions, weapon collisions, crying, etc., began to sound everywhere...
"You just...Who else is cursing others?!"
After easily eliminating the four six-armed members who are said to have the strength of the steel grade, Queen Anne, the adventurer of the'brilliant diamond' rank, began to unkindly turn towards the stunned remaining in the courtyard. And some bad guys on the balcony on the second floor who still wanted to watch the excitement.
Some bad guys Annie is not ready to let it go, especially those bad guys who just used the most ugly words to scold her face to face! It's just that, she is now racking her brains to think, what kind of spell is she going to use to destroy them?
What? What?
Was it caught up and thrown to the octopus of the ancient gods who hadn't seen alive people and souls for a long time to torment them slowly...Or should they be completely burned by a fire?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Your excellency, good means! Now that the enemy has been resolved, let's play slowly, I'm going to save people first!"
At this time, a bad old man snorted coldly, and walked directly over those who were too scared to move, and walked quickly to the house in Bazhi's stronghold, looking for someone he had to find. went.
For Sebastian, who is full of justice, although the opponent is destroying some people, he can't agree with the bad words and deeds of the opponent! Therefore, I don’t want to have a conflict with the other party, but at the same time I don’t want to see him who abused and killed the ants, so I just made a blind eye, planning to find the partner abducted by the other party first, that is, the one who was finally given to him The rescued Kia Renina Veron!
"What's so great?!"
The attitude of the other party made Annie very uncomfortable, so she threw a ball of flame directly towards the same source on the ground, and when it exploded, it instantly summoned dozens of small fire elements from it. .
"You burn all the bad guys who scolded others, that's it!"
After speaking, Annie disappeared in a flash, and she didn't know where she went.
However, Annie left and left, but the orders she had just left embarrassed the summoned fire elements who had no wisdom on their own...because they didn’t even know what the other party’s orders were. How to implement it!
Therefore, after entangled and briefly used their insignificant'brains' to communicate urgently for a while, they soon reached a consensus, that is: since they don’t know the specific goal, then all the hostiles present will be there. Just burn all the targets!
‘! ! ’
‘Uh ah ah ah~! ’
'Help! ! ! ’
'Do not! ! ! ’
‘I don’t want to die...’
Boom~! !
As the fire elements outrageously took action, as the fire ignited in this courtyard, as the last fire element took the initiative to explode and return to nothingness, the members of the "Eight Fingers" who were originally here and those who were "Eight Fingers" and The aristocrats of the kingdom who were afflicted with the Eight Fingers who were invited by Six Arms to watch the battle were burned under the flames, and then quickly turned to ashes, and there was nothing left...
As for whether there is any innocent among them then it is temporarily unknown!
However, those members of the "Eight Fingers", even if they are just a small one, are certainly not regrettable. After all, most of the sins of the "Eight Fingers", the human tragedies, are mostly It is executed by the people at the bottom, they are not sorry to die! As for those aristocrats who are entangled with the "Eight Fingers", it is obviously not a good thing. They die if they die. I believe that in this turbulent time of politics, no one would be willing to go for them. People go to embarrass with a powerful mage.
Of course, even if you want to be embarrassed, it's useless...because ah, a little girl who is awful will definitely not admit it! Because she just asked the group of fire elements she summoned to help her burn some bad guys, and since those people were burned to death, they must be bad guys, no! !

↑Try to stick to the codeword, ask for overtime...
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