Chapter 1234: Naboo and the new crisis

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey(
The newly promoted Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker resolutely implemented some of the related matters that the elders of the Jedi Committee gave him, and directly took Padmé on the road on the first night and got a ship without any legal registration information. In the middle of the night, the high-speed spacecraft quietly left Coruscant without notifying anyone.
No one knows when they left...
For the Jedi Knights who belonged to Coruscant and surpassed all official management agencies, Anakin was already very familiar with Coruscant’s system of combating and intercepting smuggling spacecraft, so he was so blatant. The official'smuggling' behavior naturally avoided all legal inspections and patrol spacecraft without using any privileges, and then quietly left the capital of the Galactic Republic without knowing it.
Maybe Anakin's secrecy work is really good, maybe Padmé no longer has that kind of positioning device, maybe some bounty hunters were scared out of their guts? Of course, it is most likely that the cutting-edge spaceship he chose is so fast that the bounty hunters can't catch up at all?
Therefore, on the way back to Naboo, Anakin and Padmé were not intercepted or obstructed in any form at all. They arrived at Naboo easily and comfortably in a few days and met with Naboo’s team. After the new queen handed over some jobs, they once again ran to the beautiful mansion in the Naboo Xing Lake area where they stayed for a short time and lived in without shame.
Today, it is the eighth day that Anakin and Padmé have stayed here...
In this beautiful place, besides Anakin, Padmé, and a few servants and chefs, there are no other people. This makes the original galactic republic, separatist alliance, division, war and Padmé, who was troubled by endless pursuits and killings, was finally relieved. She no longer had to worry about those things, and finally was able to stay with the people she liked again, even though they were mutually exclusive. Ma's identity still makes her scrupulous?
"It's so beautiful..."
In the distance, the stars of the Milky Way above the sky reflect on the vast lake, and then are reflected by the rippling lake. The sky and the lake are shiningly intersecting, making the scenery of the stars and the Milky Way more and more intense The land is so charming that Padmé, who is leaning on the railing, is almost drunk.
"You said, if there are no more disputes, no fights and misfortunes in the galaxy in the future, we can always live here like this without worrying about anything, and living a leisurely life like this every day? How good is it?"
Although Padmé herself felt that that kind of life was unlikely to happen to herself and Anakin, it did not prevent her from dreaming about it.
"There will be one day!"
"Padme, I solemnly promise you here, in the name of Anakin Skywalker, there will be such a day!"
"At that time, we can always live here like this, without having to worry about anything, just living leisurely every day, boating, frolicking, picking wild fruits, and then at night, just like this, watching the scenery here, Forever……"
After squinting slightly and speaking firmly, Anakin took two steps forward and walked to Padmé’s side. He stretched out his hand directly around the other party’s waist wearing a tulle nightdress, just like that. The other party leaned on a railing and looked into the distance, looking at the stars in the sky and the gorgeous lake scene under the dark night.
"Anakin, you can really coax people..."
Without resisting the overbearing hug of the opponent, Padmé turned her head and looked at Anakin's firm cheeks for a long time, and finally smiled and shook her head and gently leaned her round side face against her. On the other's strong shoulders.
She knew that the other party was just comforting her with sweet words, that kind of thing could not happen, but, in this situation, she did not intend to expose him, she wanted to enjoy the comfort at this time. Sense of security, and then don’t think about anything.
"in case……"
"Anakin, what I'm talking about is that if... if there really is that day, I think I will be very happy..."
Yes, that's just an if.
Because Padmé Amidala is the Senator of Naboo, it is foreseeable that this position will be with her for a long, long time... and Anakin is indeed a Jedi who is not allowed to have marriage and family. She She and him are destined to have no results in the future, especially after her matter is resolved and no protection is needed anymore. By then, the number of times she will meet with him will probably decrease with age. Come and get more and more distant, until each other will only exist in each other's memory forever?
"Will do!"
"Padme, do you know? That little head of the Hero Federation, that little fellow Anne Hasta, should you remember?"
After hesitating, after thinking about it, Anakin continued to say:
"At that time..."
"She gave me a gift, she said, as long as I have it, I can have whatever I want in the future, and I can use it to change everything, including your and my destiny!"
"So, Padme, don't worry, one day, I will give you the life you want, and we will be here and live happily forever on this beautiful planet!!!"
Anakin himself didn’t believe it before, but now he believes it more and more and has made up his mind. He will do his best to achieve it as soon as possible, and change him and Pade as a result. The fate of May!
"Gift? What gift can you show me?"
When I heard that it was about that amazing little guy, it was a gift from the head of Führer Anne to Anakin, Padmé was a little curious... You know, she also had a good relationship with that little guy back then. Didn't you give her a gift before she left?
Fortunately, she took good care of the little guy and provided various conveniences to the heroic Federation Garrison Naboo, but in the end, they said that they would just withdraw, but they didn't even have her gift? Therefore, when she was curious, she couldn't help but questioned with some unbalanced heart.
"It's not here now, but don't worry, you should be able to see it after a while!"
Looking sideways at Padmé who was leaning on his arm, Anakin didn't think much about it, and directly assured the other party, and was ready to show him his secrets at a suitable time.
"Are you trying to surprise me?"
After staring at Anakin's eyes for a while, and discovering that there was nothing in it to deceive or shirk, Padmé, who was still a little unbalanced, nodded and pressed his cheek to Anakin's again. On that strong arm.
"OK then!"
"Then I won't ask you for the time being, but Anakin...The scenery today is so good, let's go boating!"
Thinking that the other party was giving the mysterious little gift to Padmé who fell in Coruscant, he didn't think much about it, and put his hands around the opponent's neck, and then pleaded like a baby.
Today’s atmosphere is very good, and Naboo is also very safe. It hasn’t been a terrible attack like Coruscant for many days... Therefore, Padmé felt that between her and him, it seemed that he could go further. , Rowing a small boat to the center of the lake, where can you take the next step of sublimation of the already strong relationship between her and him while enjoying the beautiful lake and sky?
"I'm sorry, Padmé, I'm afraid not today!"
Although he was very unwilling to give up, Anakin shook his head regretfully after pondering for a while and gently pushed the opponent away from Padmé’s suddenly extremely disappointed gaze, and then from his waist. Out of his lightsaber.
"Anakin, they... are they here again?!"
Seeing Anakin take out the lightsaber, how can the clever Padmé still not know what is going on? So, after the untimely disappointment at the beginning, when she came back to her senses, she suddenly became nervous, and while clutching the other's shirt tightly, she turned her head and scanned around, wanting to find some people. The attacker who did not know where was hiding in the dark.
"Padme, you go to rest first, stay in the room and don't come out, leave it to me outside!"
After gently patting the back of Padmé's cold sweaty hands and beckoning the other party to let him go, Anakin easily persuaded him.
"Anakin, do you need me to call for support? Up to ten minutes, the Royal pilots of Naboo can come and support us!"
Padmé's face changed, and he walked to the door of the specially remodeled room for the first time in a tacit understanding, and turned around and asked nervously before entering.
"No need!"
"They have very few people, only three, I can deal with them!"
I used the Force to perceive and found that there were indeed only three enemies, and Anakin, who felt that he should be more than enough to deal with by himself, shook his head and rejected Padmé's kindness.
"Then Anakin, you must be careful!"
After turning around and kissing the other party on tiptoe, Padmé didn't get too long and walked into the room so well and locked the door.
However, she did not fully listen to Anakin's words. Instead, she contacted a special service squadron of the Royal Naboo Barracks as soon as she entered, and informed her of her condition, leaving that 24 hours on standby and full authority. The team responsible for their own safety hurriedly dispatched fighter jets and combatants.
Anakin didn’t care about Padmé’s small movements. After making sure that the opponent had walked into the safe room, he held his lightsaber hilt and walked down the lake-facing terrace without a word. , Walked unhurriedly towards the garden behind.
Soon, Anakin went to the beautiful back garden of this lakeside mansion, and stood under the dim street lamp without speaking, just looking at the front from something that was not very useful to the Jedi. The three bounty hunters who appeared in the stealth device asked:
"you guys……"
"It looks like it wasn't here to kill Padmé?"
Yes, looking at the three guys wearing the iconic, obviously Mandalorian armor, walking out in front of them, and then looking at the other side's faintly targeted movements towards the surroundings, Anakin knew it, as if this The enemy who struck at one time was not what he thought, but those guys who wanted to hit Padmé?
‘Yes! ’
‘Anakin Skywalker, we are actually here to kill you! ’
Anakin just finished speaking, the Mandalorian in the middle who held the DC-15 blaster rifle in both hands said directly and gloomily. However, it is also possible that his voice was a little dull because of wearing a helmet. ?
"Kill me? Who asked you to kill me, and how many rewards did you give?"
After a short pause, Anakin suddenly felt a little inexplicable.
If it is said that Padmé was once the queen of Naboo, he had irreconcilable contradictions with the trade alliance, and also caused the trade alliance’s fiasco, arrested the governor of the trade alliance, and then often talked to the Galaxy Council. The councillors of the Trade Union were struggling and directly or indirectly led the Galaxy Supreme Court’s sanctions on the Trade Union. They even directly'instigated' the army of the Federation of Heroes to attack the Trade Union several times, which led to the Governor of the Trade Union hating her. If you want to take her head at the expense of calling a lot of money, then, who did Anakin provoke him so that someone wants his life as a Jedi?
To tell the truth, he was very interested in this question, so he decided not to do anything for the time being, and let the three bounty hunters in front of him live for a while.
'Humph! ’
‘No bounty! No one let us come! ’
The other person on the left answered with a cold voice holding a small DC-15S version of the blaster.
"No one instructed you, so why?"
Anakin was even more strange. He looked up and down with puzzled eyes at the three guys in front of him who were using the ‘Second Republic Army’ standard equipment but were wearing Mandalorian armor.
‘It’s easy! ’
‘I heard that you killed more than two hundred hunters with one person, including a dozen powerful Mandalorians... We don’t believe that you have that kind of power! ’
‘So, here we are! ’
"I understand……"
"Do you want to challenge me to prove your bravery?"
Anakin remembered some of the legends of the Mandalorian, so he suddenly felt a little surprised.
‘The same can be said! ’
‘You can do it, we will fight you fairly, three to one! ’
The Mandalorian on the right holding the blaster pistol didn't know what model it was saying, and opened the insurance for his blaster pistol.
"You are very brave, you will die if you challenge me!"
Anakin didn't understand, the other party wanted to shamelessly three-to-one, so what's the fairness?
Fortunately, he hadn't planned to fight a fair battle with these bounty hunters who had troubled him a long time ago, so he wouldn't mind what they said.
'Humph! ’
‘Our ancient Mandalorians were famous for killing Jedi Knights and attacking the Jedi Temple. Now, although we will not attack the Jedi Temple, we can still attack you! ’
‘Anakin Skywalker, show your lightsaber, or you will have no chance! ’
After speaking, the three Mandalorians slowly dispersed, and after forming a semi-encircled formation, they aimed their respective guns at Anakin.
"I guess you haven't taken the initiative to attack. You probably want to know how I killed your Mandalorian team, right?"
The other party had the opportunity to shoot at themselves tomorrow morning, but they never did it. Even when they flirted with Padmé on that terrace, they had the opportunity to directly sniper at a long distance, but they attracted themselves here. As a result, Anakin tried to guess, and at the same time waved his hand, popping out his lightsaber.
"Not all right..."
'Humph! ’
‘Stop talking nonsense, just let it go! ’
Obviously, Anakin might have guessed part of it correctly, but the three Mandalorians did not explain much. They just held their blasting weapons tightly, pointed their muzzles at Anakin and stood by.
"Unfortunately, you found the wrong opponent today!"
"If you are ready, then I will launch an attack..."
Anakin habitually swung the lightsaber in his hand, so that the beautiful blade of the plasma beam bound by magnetism that popped out formed a blue round shield in the dark night, and was ready to attack. Related preparations.
However, Anakin, who played a sword flower, didn't rush forward, but squinted and stared silently at the three enemies in front.
And the three Mandalorians did not rush to do the same. They surrounded Anakin at a sixty-degree angle and a half...because they knew that the Jedi's force would foresee their attack route and react in advance. It even refracts or bounces their explosive energy beams, so they are not in a hurry, they want to wait for the enemy to rush up and attack one of them before firing.
In this way, the two sides faced each other silently at a distance of thirty to fifty meters, and the air began to permeate the atmosphere of killing.
"Do it!"
After a while, the Force told Anakin that the three Mandalorians in front of him were not simple. They all seemed to be kind of powerful and experienced guys, and if he dared to act rashly or rush up casually After going to die miserably...he finally couldn't help it. At the moment when the three Mandalorians were slightly astonished, they coldly hummed and screamed and gave an order that made the enemy inexplicable.
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
Almost at the same time that Anakin ordered, three precise and vicious spines shot out from the flowers behind the three Mandalorians, and instantly pierced the Mandalorian’s steel armor. It plunged into their necks, and under the effect of the strong poisonous toxin, the three elite Mandalorians swayed and staggered with disbelief, throwing away their weapons and holding their throats softly. On the ground.
At this time, under the effect of that paralytic toxin, they even lost the strength to pull the trigger and aim...Even, within three seconds, there were two unlucky mandalores who were directly penetrated through the carotid artery. The man even slumped to the side without moving, apparently dead.
Seeing the tragedy of the enemy, Anakin didn't speak, but took his blue lightsaber step by step and walked to one of them that hadn't died yet, still clutching the spine at his throat, and stretched tremblingly. Before the Mandalorian who wanted to say something to him or grab something.
"right now……"
"You should know how I defeated those two hundred bounty hunters at the time, right?"
After sighing, Anakin finally slowly appeared behind Anakin an elite Hydralisk with a height of four or five meters and a very ferocious and strong growth. It just used its weak force to hide in the three of them. Behind him, and successfully used a spinal shot to easily kill the three self-righteous Mandalorians in front of him.
Not to mention the three in front of you, in Anakin's view, even thirty or three hundred are useless! Because this lake area has long been protected by a large number of insect swarm units he has deployed. He just deliberately let these three weird guys in, but how can you think that they are actually here to deal with him?
The Mandalorian wanted to say something and wanted to reach out and grab Anakin's ankle. However, Anakin silently waved his lightsaber and cut off his head in a sudden, ending his The pain of fighting toxins after being pierced in the throat by a spine.
Seeing the three Mandalorians who fell dead, and the guy whose head was beheaded off by himself, Anakin didn't say much, but just stepped forward and separated on the bodies of the other two Mandalorians. Two swords were pierced at the throat of the spine, creating the illusion that the opponent was killed by him, and at the same time, it completely eliminated those important exhibits—the spine.
"Keep on lurking, don't be easily spotted by the Naboo people, and don't let those bounty hunters have a chance to get in!"
After speaking, Anakin walked towards the mansion without looking back. At the same time, after the huge elite Hydralisk behind him made bursts of hissing noises, his figure gradually faded, and he quickly used the weak force obtained after evolution to disappear invisible. A trace.
However, the obvious rustling sound when it crawls and the impression of its huge weight on the turf on the ground have already betrayed its existence.
Anakin didn't take care of the three corpses behind him, nor did he let the insects drag him away, because he knew that Naboo's royal guard was coming soon. He thought it would be better to leave them to deal with?
But now, he needs to go back to explain the information and report to Padmé. I don't know, is she still in the mood to let herself go boating with her?
It must be that there is no such leisure time, right?
But it doesn’t matter. Anakin is not in the mood to accompany him to swim the lake at night. The scenery is good, but in his opinion, now he should spend more time contacting and planning his insect colony. It's At night, it's a rare time for him to be alone, swimming in the lake or something, maybe he can go again during the day?
However, what Anakin, who is somewhat straightforward in emotional intelligence, does not know is: At this time, on a certain orbit in the outer ring of the Milky Way galaxy where Naboo Star is located, several ships suddenly jumped out of superluminal flight. Huge spaceships, and looking at them, they are the kind of trade union mothers that have surrounded and almost occupied Naboo Star ten years ago, and have the characteristics of the trade alliance, and are converted into a round island by a merchant ship. Ship?
As for why they jumped to this place instead of directly encircling Naboo, it is temporarily unknown.
'report! ’
‘Your Excellency, you have arrived in the galaxy where Naboo Star is located. Will you continue to move on to blockade and land on Naboo Star? ’
In one of the trade union motherships in Cambridge, a green-skinned ceremonial robot walked up to Governor Newt Gunley and reported.
'No hurry, Naboo is already in the bag, but I want to go back to Geonosis first, there are things I want there, you first carry out the necessary investigations here, and at the same time make a disguise , Don’t let the Naboo people discover our arrival! ’
‘Then, waiting for my attack order? ’
Governor Newt Gunley's red protruding eyes stared at the beautiful Naboo star in the hologram for a long time before he gloomily gave the green-skinned ceremonial robot the order to hide and investigate.
‘Yes! ’
‘Your Excellency, I’ll make arrangements...’

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