Chapter 1239: The dark side shadow of Coruscant

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey ( Find the latest chapter!
Once again, Anakin, Padmé, and Obi-Wan, who did not die on the planet Geonosis, were "lucky" when they came from the unknown and terrifying alien race who was attacking Geonosis. After the star escaped, he naturally did not choose to immediately return to Naboo, who didn’t know what he was already like, nor did he take care of those who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive, or where they were imprisoned before and Padmé. As well as the parliamentarians and Jedi guards who accompanied Obi-Wan on an ambassador's mission, they sneaked away in advance despite their efforts.
Because, when they saw the trade alliance spacecraft and the separatist alliance warships in the universe being defeated by those weird, alien biological warships and biological warplanes of unknown origin and they were routing, they were afraid of being affected. Immediately, he fled the galaxy far away.
Immediately afterwards, after the three people discussed urgently on the spacecraft, they directly located and returned to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, before receiving the news from Speaker Palpatine, who is likely to be the Lord of Darkness. , Using the previously unregistered spacecraft that Anakin had obtained to Padmé, sneaked and landed on this silvery planet in the sun, and sneaked to the Jedi Temple for the first time. The elders of the Jedi Council, their encounters on Geonosis and all the information they know so far.
‘! ! ’
‘It’s really shocking and terrible news...’
‘It’s incredible how bad the situation is! ’
In the high tower committee hall on the west side of the Jedi Temple, Mes Windu, Master Yoda and several other elders were all here, and they secretly returned to explain peace with Anakin and Obi-Wan. Shocked by the shocking news expounded.
Originally, they only knew that the news of the petitioner’s envoys and Obi-Wan and others was suddenly interrupted for a few days. They thought it was because of the solar storm that erupted in the galaxy of Geonosis star, which caused communication frustration, and they didn’t care too much. But how can I think that the truth of the matter turned out to be so amazing?
‘Anakin! Obi-Wan! ’
‘I’ll ask you again: Can you guarantee that what you said is true without any deception? The Supreme Speaker of Palpatine... Is he really the Lord of the Sith, that Darth Sidious? ! ’
‘This is a very serious accusation, and it’s a big deal! ! ’
Therefore, after the initial shock, the headed Master Metz Windu hurriedly asked carefully and tried to confirm again.
"These things were told by Earl Dooku and our teacher himself!"
"Earl Dooku is the disciple of Lord Sith, his Sith name is'Darth Terranas'? And elders, our teacher Qui-Gon King seems to have joined the Separatist League... "
"And at that time, the Geonosians had already sentenced us to death. If it wasn't for those races of unknown origin who suddenly fought with the Geonosians and raided the Geonosians, I am afraid the three of us would have already died! "
Obi-Wan looked at the person next to him who didn’t know what he was thinking. It seemed that Anakin was a little unfocused. After seeing that the other party didn’t seem to be ready to speak, he had to rush to answer Master Maes Windu positively. The problem.
"Master Qui-Gang Jin?"
"No...Obi-Wan, I know Master Qui-Gang King. Although he has always been dissatisfied with the corruption of the Republic and certain practices of the Jedi Council, he even refused to become an elder for certain things, but I believe , He is not that kind of person..."
"Perhaps, he must have some purpose, or some other idea..."
What both Anakin and Obi-Wan did not expect was that at this time, Master Yoda would actually excuse their teacher directly?
"Qui-Gang Jin and the race in that position will not be discussed, because that is not the most important thing!"
"Because, if what Anakin and Obi-Wan just said are true, I think I can understand why Master Qui-Gang Jin didn’t send this news back to the Jedi Temple in time, because... The extent to which the temple is infiltrated by the Second Republic Army and Speaker Palpatine, once he does that, he will definitely be informed by Palpatine. At that time, I am afraid that the Jedi Order and the Temple will be in danger!"
"It's just that, I don't understand. Since he may have known it a long time ago, why didn't he return to the temple himself to inform us earlier, or use our private encrypted channel?"
Master Mays Windu also couldn't figure out why, so he could only ask Master Yoda and the other masters in doubt.
‘Maybe he can’t get away, or he’s also being watched? ’
‘It’s possible! ’
‘However, our private encrypted channel may not be safe anymore...’
‘This, I totally agree! ’
‘But it may be that Master Qui-Gang Jin has other ideas? I'm afraid everyone has known it a long time ago. Master Qui-Gang Jin has always been an extraordinary person. Sometimes, he always has some lawless... amazing insights? ’
‘What Master Shak Ti said is somewhat reasonable...’
"But anyway, fortunately now, we already know a few very important things, and that is: Speaker Palpatine may have a big problem, and the Second Republic Army has become untrustworthy... The same goes for the Separatist League. Very suspicious, they are probably just a puppet enemy deliberately made by Lord Sith to cover people's eyes and make it easier for him to grab more power? ’
‘! ! ’
‘If that’s the case, then our galaxy and republic are really dangerous! ’
‘Yes! ’
‘It’s not just the Republic’s danger, our Jedi Temple is the same! ’
'and also! Guys, I don’t know if you have found out. The more fearful fact is that our Jedi Committee is now isolated and helpless, and it is very possible that Palpatine, the Sith Lord, has learned of what happened on Geonosius. , Once the news of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padmé appearing in Coruscant is leaked out, I think he will most likely act on our samurai in advance! ’
‘It’s indeed possible, but what should we do now, are we going to raid the Galaxy Council and directly take down the highest speaker? ’
'good idea! You can't be merciless against Sith! ! ’
‘That is indeed a way, but before that, should we contact some MPs to let them know the true face of the Supreme Speaker and secretly support us? Otherwise, our Jedi Order will be slandered as a group of traitors even if it succeeds. ’
‘But who do we want to contact? We cannot guarantee that the MPs we contact must be trustworthy. There are very few such people. If one of them is a person of the Sith Lord, we will also expose it in advance! ’
‘Then what do you say? ’
"Unexpectedly, the situation in the Republic has become so bad. We are caught in a huge conspiracy. At this time, almost all Palpatine's people at home and abroad in the Republic, and the voices against him have become more and more. Little, he has been brewing for at least a whole ten years for this, but we know nothing from start to finish, and even helped him many times...'
‘Now that these are useless, let’s think of other ways! ’
‘Master Yoda, what do you think? ’
The elders present were talking for a while, and found that there seemed to be no safe solution, so they had to look at the Master Yoda who had been sitting in the seat meditating without speaking, and wanted to see if the other party had any. What effective solution to solve the problems they are facing right now.
'I do not know either……'
‘What you just said, the suggestion to eradicate Palpatine is undoubtedly correct... but the question is, what happens after eradicating him? What about the Second Republic Army and the Separatist League that are like a time bomb? ’
‘Do we have any way to fight them? ’
When Master Yoda thought of the wars between the Second Republic Army and the Separatist League and the Trade Union in recent years, they were actually nothing more than a solo show of Speaker Palpatine’s own left hand and right hand. Think about it again. So far, the Supreme Speaker Palpatine has seized enough political and military power in the name of safeguarding the security of the galaxy and the Republic, and now he has a dictator-like existence, even in the parliament. Some of the senators were members of the other party, or people who agreed with the other party's political views, and he felt a little worried.
Although the elders of their Jedi Temple now know almost everything, thinking about it carefully, it seems to be too late to know now, so that he just thought about it and couldn’t think of a way that would prevent the Galactic Republic from producing anything. How can you get rid of the opponent under turbulence or destruction?
Although, things are already clear now, taking advantage of the fact that the Supreme Speaker Palpata didn't know, and didn't realize that their Jedi Committee knew everything, they suddenly attacked and sent several powerful masters to launch a surprise attack. The other party will definitely die!
But the problem now is: the mess after the death of the opponent, such as the chaos and destruction that the increasingly large'Second Republic Army' within the Republic may cause, and the possible attack by the separatist alliances distributed outside the Republic. Wait, that is their biggest headache right now!
‘Then you should really think about it, now that Lord Sith is already in a big-ticket situation. If it is not handled well, it will be a huge disaster for the Republic...’
‘It’s not to kill, it’s not to kill, what can I do? ’
‘Master Yoda, and Master Metz Windu, what do you think? In this situation, what should we do? ’
'Anyway, since we are still taking the initiative, the first thing to do is to seal the news that Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé have returned to the Jedi Temple. Before we make a decision, They must not be exposed to people! ’
‘This can at least buy us a few days or longer? ’
'This is simple. Fortunately, Anakin’s spacecraft is unregistered. Before he appeared in front of us, we didn’t even know that they had returned. Presumably, Speaker Palpatine was also sure. Would not know! ’
‘This is not necessarily true, the dark side of the force, many abilities are beyond our comprehension...’
‘It is indeed! ’
‘! ! ’
‘Master Yoda, or, let’s just organize a manpower to raid Palpatine’s office and try to catch him directly? ’
'good idea! ’
‘Master Yoda? ’
'Do not! ’
‘Either do it or don’t do it. Don’t have the idea to try it. It’s dangerous, especially when the situation is extremely unfavorable to us now! ’
In this way, a group of Jedi masters were directly in front of Anakin and Obi-Wan, and you communicated with each other. On the contrary, there was nothing about Anakin or Obi-Wan. No one asked their thoughts.
At this time, when he found Obi-Wan on the side looking towards him, he seemed to be asking himself, but what else could Anakin do besides giving him a helpless look?
Anakin would not tell the elders in front of him that the issues they are discussing now are not problems! Because, the problem of the weird unknown race that attacked Geonosius is the biggest problem that they have not cared about now, and they have not mentioned it again!
He would not even tell them that at this time, that kind of creature is at the bottom of Coruscant, on Naboo, and there are many more on Tatooine... If he Anakin now brazenly activate and let If they are fully fired, maybe they can really lift the Galactic Republic to the sky?
Yes, Anakin is confident about this!
Through the battle between Naboo and Geonosis, he has learned more and more about the fighting power of the Swarm. In these Jedi elders, they are still thinking of ways to fight against the Sith Lord and the separatist alliance. At that time, he was already thinking about how to go to the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole, thinking about a complete solution to the Sith Lord, the Separatist League, and the Jedi Committee plus the Galactic Republic.
It's a pity that his crazy ideas, of course, he can't let anyone know! After all, he is still an upright Jedi now, a young Jedi who obeys the Jedi Committee and who has just made great contributions and is trusted and respected by the elders?
"Anakin and Obi-Wan... You two are doing very well, and the Presbyterian Church and the Republic will remember your contributions! Now, you can go to rest first. Remember to take the secret passage and don’t let anyone watch. To your existence!"
"The elders may have to discuss for a while to develop a foolproof plan. Someone will be sent to inform you later. Go out."
Finally, after seeing the dispute for a long time without a perfect plan, Master Yoda spoke and asked Anakin and Obi-Wan, who had been absent-minded, to go down and rest first. As soon as I rush back, I will report to the elders as soon as possible. I must be very tired now.
"Masters, let's go out first..."
Anakin, who was already a little impatient, saluted with Obi-Wan, and then retired with a hood, letting the group of Jedi elders who hadn’t noticed for a long time continue just the one that made them angry again Urgently discussing the problem of helplessness.
"That one……"
"Obi-Wan, I suddenly have an immature idea, can you listen to it?"
While taking an internal secret elevator to move towards a certain room, Anakin suddenly asked Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan was a little dazed, not knowing what the other party wanted to say, or why the other party didn't say it in front of the elders just now.
"Is such that."
"You said, if people really reorganize this chaotic republic, would it be better than it is now?"
Hesitating, Anakin vomited out the words he had held in his heart for a long time.
"Anakin, why do you have such dangerous thoughts? Do you think that the Sith Lord Palpatine or Earl Dooku can manage this country?"
"Are you crazy?!"
Obi-Wan was so frightened that he exclaimed directly, and began to stare at Anakin, who seemed to dare not look at him, with extremely severe eyes.
"Obi-Wan, not what you think!"
"I just think……"
"If you change individuals, he is neither a separatist alliance nor a Sith Lord, but a Jedi Knight like us, or simply a Jedi Order like us to manage and reorganize this country, how could he not? Better?"
After a little reassurance, Anakin continued to tentatively ask.
"You must remember that the mission of our Jedi Knights is to defend and maintain the Milky Way Republic and the stability of the Milky Way!"
"The Jedi is a noble group. The force of our faith and respect is for protection rather than control! The birth of the Jedi can even be traced back to a more civilized and classical era in the history of the galaxy... Our Jedi Order is very old. It has lasted for more than a thousand generations. In the centuries of prosperity and development of the Galactic Republic, we have been serving the Republic as the guardian of peace and justice!"
"You have to remember that your idea just now is very dangerous. The Jedi Order belongs to the Ministry of Justice of the Galactic Republic and is responsible for peacekeeping and does not participate in political decision-making. This is an ancient tradition!"
"We will not and must not control or reorganize this country. We are Jedi Knights, not politicians. Those things should not be left to us people to worry about, it will cause trouble!!"
Obi-Wan sternly reprimanded Anakin, who was now a little taller than himself, just as he had always done when he taught each other for the past ten years. After all, compared to their irresponsible teacher, Qui-Gon King, who went to the Separatist League and didn’t know what he wanted to do, Obi-Wan was obviously more of Anakin’s mentor?
"But Obi-Wan, some of the current traditions are obviously not suitable for this era!"
Anakin is still fighting with reason. For him who has grown his wings and has gradually hardened, and has some confidence, some of Obi-Wan’s words are definitely not so easy to be accepted by him. He is no longer the same apprentice who should do whatever the other party said.
"You have to find out, Dark Lord Palpatine and the Earl Dooku, they probably think the same way about you!"
"Your thoughts are dangerous and crazy, do you understand?!"
Obi-Wan almost roared, and stretched out his fingers, gritted his teeth and lit Anakin's chest angrily. He hummed and retreated until he forced Anakin to stick to the metal wall of the suspended elevator. Take a step.
"I just talked casually..."
Yes, Anakin has finally given up his mind now. He actually knew it a long time ago. His kind of thoughts and what he is about to do must not be supported by Obi-Wan or other Jedi masters. ! Therefore, at this time, he didn't know what to say.
Perhaps, on the contrary, I don’t know why the irresponsible Qui-Gang Jin teacher who ran into the separatist alliance can understand him a little bit? Of course, that is only possible, and Anakin is not too sure.
"You go with Padmé first, she may be a little frightened these days, you stay here, don't go anywhere without the elder's order, I will stare at you!"
When the small enclosed suspended elevator that the two took stopped and arrived in a secret enclosed suite aisle on a certain floor of the Jedi Temple and opened the elevator door, Obi-Wan walked out and warned Anakin. And signaled that Anakin could go with Padmé.
Because he didn't want to report the personal affair between the two to the elders at this moment, and he didn't want to manage.
"I know I can't stop you, but..."
"Forget it, let's do this for today, I'm tired too, you guys should rest soon!"
Obi-Wan, who was eager to talk, didn't say anything in the end. He turned around and waved to Anakin, then walked to the door of his own room, and walked straight in after the automatic door opened.
"You are right, Obi-Wan, I and them are actually the same kind of people..."
"I am different from them, I am stronger than them!"
He laughed at himself as if talking to himself and watched Obi-Wan walk into the Anakin snorted coldly, gradually relaxed and adjusted his expression. Then he walked towards Padmé’s room.
As for his room, he doesn’t plan to live in it these days, so he can only leave it empty temporarily...Anyway, even Obi-Wan doesn’t want to care about him and Padmé now. What else does he covertly?
Besides, there will be a lot of things in the next few days, and the elders will definitely be overwhelmed. It must be that no one is too idle to look after him and Padmé’s affairs, so he will do very politely with them. ? !
Soon, when Anakin walked to the door of Padmé’s room and knocked on the automatic door, one seemed to have taken a shower, his hair was still moist, and he was wearing a close-fitting nightdress, and he threw himself directly. When he reached Anakin's arms, he hugged him and couldn't wait to walk into the room that closed the door automatically.
‘! ! ’
‘That thing! ! ’
At this time, in the room on the other side of the corridor, Obi-Wan just lay down on his bed and suddenly opened his eyes before he had time to rest. Then, it seemed that the Force had sensed something in his throat. After a sensation, he cursed fiercely and inexplicably.
After a long time, he closed his eyes again, and turned to face the inside of the bed, the room with his back facing the two guys that was not actually adjacent to him...

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