Chapter 1248: Scrape the floor 3 feet Little Annie o(?^`)o

   In the end, Annie still couldn’t buy the seeds necessary for her farm...
   Because, she has no money now!
With only a tragic number '0G' left on the ranch’s account, it must be that no one wants to give her this stranger who just came to Mineral Town for the second day and looks a little unreliable. Son on credit! So, when gold can't be spent as money and it's not worth much, for the time being, she doesn't want to be driven away by a bad-nose old man Mayor Thomas for all kinds of unqualified reasons, so she can only decide: herself Think of a way to make money by yourself?
   So, Annie finally had to set off, and after eating and drinking in the shop of Miss Sister Lin's house, she went to the back mountain to kill!
   She remembered that Uncle Zach also told her that Hou Shan had a lot of valuable things, that is, those ‘small products’ that can be collected and sold when funds are insufficient?
and so……
   In order to save her ranch account, which is almost bankrupt, she has to do something.
   "This road is right, it should be not far ahead, right?"
The back mountain of Ore Town is also called Madonna Mountain. It is said to go south from the pasture that Annie had just obtained, cross the small river that draws water, and then cross a small piece of land with a wooden house and a woodcutter. The woods are here!
There are two mountain roads on the southwest side of the grove, one leads to the hot springs and waterfalls, where residents of Ore Town can go to the magical hot springs that are said to be able to restore their physical strength and relieve fatigue for free when they are tired. Go digging in the mine by the spring, or even throw tribute in the small lake by the waterfall by the spring, and then you can see the legendary goddess?
   But over the years, as the lives of the residents of Ore Town get better day by day, people rarely go to mines to dig. Similarly, for life and beauty, the residents of Ore Town who don’t have much demand rarely take the initiative to visit Lord Goddess, because they all know that even visiting or offering tribute is of little use, Lord Goddess generally doesn’t. Easily fulfill any of their wishes.
Therefore, I don’t want to dig or dig, and I don’t want to find Anne, who is the goddess of Rauchi, so I walked towards the back mountain of Our Lady of the Mountain...It is said that there is a large lake there in every season There are a lot of mountain products, and for someone like her who gave money to squandering on the first day of accepting the ranch, there, the kind of things that can be found as long as they are willing to spend a little time is the most suitable for her. A place to give play to their strengths.
   "Hey! Tibbers, tell me, these unique things should be the ones they said?"
  ?? 艹
The back mountain of Ore Town is not far away, and she soon came to Houshan Lake in Ore Town. Little Annie didn’t care about the very big one. It is said that kappa lives in the lake and there is a mine in the center of the lake. A lake that can only be entered in winter, but she ran to the lake on her own, and began to search around, and soon paid off, so that she really found several blue clover.
Then, she ran to her and picked up one and observed it for a while. It was clearly blue, but she didn’t know why it was described by sister Lin as a three-leaf green grass that could sell a full 100G. 'Was pulled up and observed carefully, and casually asked a certain dog-legged Tibbers who was turned into a "real dog-legged" by her magic.
  ‘Wow~! ’
"Forget it! I won’t ask you for this stupid fellow! Anyway, these grasses look very special, and there are not a few in total here. They are not the same as the dense and messy weeds around, it must be it. !"
After speaking, after categorizing and storing the blue'green grass' in a certain area in the bag that she temporarily received, Annie began to ran forward and took all the'green grass' she saw. 'They were all pulled out, and all of them were thrown into their bags.
   "Hey hey..."
Annie doesn’t care if it’s blue grass or blue grass. Anyway, she only knows that she has just pulled out six of them, and when she goes back, she throws them into the shipping box for shipment. The big Zach will definitely pay her. Six times one hundred, which is a small amount of six hundred G, which is enough for her to eat a big meal worth five hundred G in the shop of Uncle Dart and Miss Sister Lin.
  ! o
   "Tibbers, look at it, there seems to be a lot more here, let's put them all away!!!"
  ∑? !
   "That's a flower? It should be the kind of moon tears, right? No matter what, maybe you can sell it for money, and put it away!"
   "No matter! Pick it up!!"
   "Three-color flower? Unplug it!!"
"That is……"
   "Wow! Tibbers, look, it's bamboo shoots, there are so many!!"
Soon, Annie, who was searching by the lake, finally found a certain bamboo forest that Uncle Zach and Miss Sister Lin had mentioned, and successfully found the value five that is said to only emerge in spring around the bamboo forest. Ten G of bamboo shoots, so she didn't even want to stretch out her hand directly, a mage's hand uprooted them and received them in her bag.
   "There is more over there!!"
Ten minutes later, the bamboo shoots of this bamboo forest and all the bamboo forests in Houshan suffered... because, compared to the other green grasses hidden in the weeds, those pieces of bamboo forests are too obvious. a little!
When all the bamboo shoots in the back mountain of Ore Town, those mountain products that others could not dig in a day, suffered and were uprooted by an unreasonable little girl, the remaining green grasses and the messy flowers I also suffered, all of them were wiped out after being automatically searched and marked with magic by a messy little girl!
   So, the arduous workload that other Ore Town residents might not be able to accomplish for several days was completed by Annie in less than an hour! She was the only one who wiped out all the wild products in the back mountain of Ore Town, and even pulled out all the wild flowers, leaving no one behind.
   "Get it done!"
   "Tibbers, look, it seems to be easy to make money, and it doesn't take a lot of effort to get all the mountain products!"
Although I don’t know how many mountain products I have obtained in the back mountain of Ore Town in this hour, Annie only knows that there are a lot of bamboo shoots, blue grass, moon tears and tricolors in her bag. Flower, she must win by quantity, she can definitely make a fortune with them, right?
   "Butterfly? Don't run!"
   Suddenly, a butterfly floated in front of Annie, and then she stretched out her hand with quick eyes and caught her.
   "Tibbers, do you think the butterfly can be regarded as a mountain product and can be sold for money? Forget it, I still don't ask you, you don't know anyway!"
After finishing talking, Annie also stuffed the butterfly into her bag, planning to throw it directly into the shipping box in the ranch, and throw it into the uncle Zach said, and it will be used by some'goddess'. I have blessed my godly, I can hold countless goods, and I can't pack it in a full shipping box.
   "What are you stepping on...Wow! Is it a snake?!"
  !? ?
   "Catch it!!"
A little green snake was lying leisurely on the lawn basking in the spring sun. However, when it was accidentally stepped on by a sad little girl, it was taken aback and was about to use it. When his fangs taught him how to behave... Instead, the little girl swiftly avoided him, and then grabbed his tail in one hand, and after trembling proficiently, he no longer had the strength to go. Moved, and then was thrown into a bag with infinite space.
   "It doesn't matter! All those who live in the mountains are mountain products, take it away!!"
  ??-- All petrochemicals!
  Since even innocent snakes and butterflies have suffered, then a wild monkey who is eating young leaves on a tree and daring to grin at her must not escape the clutches of Little Annie! So, it was hit by a petrification curse and fell straight to the ground, and was treated as an authentic ‘mountain product’ by Annie to the evil space bag that received her.
   "I don't know if Kappa is worth money..."
  Yes, Annie is now hitting the attention of a certain kappa again... However, Annie heard that sister Lin said that Kappa’s terrible things seem to come out only when they throw cucumbers in the lake? And if he throws something else, he will definitely not come out?
   But now, Annie doesn't have that kind of cucumber in her backpack, and even if there is, she will definitely not throw it into the lake!
   "Forget it!"
   "Kappa kind of things, those who live in the water are definitely not mountain products, they should not be sold for money, so let him go for the time being!"
After hesitating for a while, I felt that the kappa should be like a certain "goddess", an extraordinary existence in this world. In the end, she dispelled the attack on the lake to force a kappa to show up and then take the other party. The intention to ship it.
   Although she is indeed able to easily catch that kind of guy with very weak and weak power, but, a guy like that must be sure that no one will or dare to spend money to buy it, then forget it for the time being!
   "I found so many mountain products today, should it be ok?"
   At this time, Anne, who had been in the back of Ore Town for a long time, was finally ready to go home, because there seemed to be nothing to dig or grab, anyway, she hadn't seen it for the time being.
   "Go! Tibbers, we can go back!!"
   Nowadays, all the mountain products near the Houshan Lake have been swept away by Annie, and even a branch that fell on the ground has not been let go!
   So, Annie, who feels that she has gained a lot today and can make herself more fulfilled through labor, turned around and left after greeted a certain dogleg.
   "Wait! Over seems to be a wild dog? A wild dog should be considered a wild dog, and can be sold for money, right?"
   Annie, who had just left the lake, suddenly saw a puppy appeared in the distance, and it seemed that it was an ownerless dog without a collar?
   "Stop! Do you dare to run? Tibbers get on me, grab it, and take it back to ship!!"
   Now that Annie, who is full of only looking for mountain products and shipping to make money, will allow a living mountain product to escape from her eyes? Therefore, after seeing the other person running into the dense forest behind the mountain with her tail caught by her eyes, she angrily screamed at a dog leg who was following her listlessly.
  ∑? !
   "What are you looking at, don't you hurry up to chase it? If you can't catch it, don't come back tonight!!"
Seeing a certain'stupid dog' even dared to ignore her own orders, of course Annie wouldn't be polite to the other party. She kicked it hard and kicked it all at once until the wild dog escaped and disappeared. In the bushes...
  ‘Woo~! ! ’
   A whimper sounded, and a certain hapless dog leg quickly disappeared into the same piece of grass...
  ’! ! ’
  ‘What’s the sound over there and who’s over there? ’
At this time, it seemed that someone was passing by in the distance, and after hearing the movement, he ran over quickly and asked in exclamation, and soon he saw something standing in such a wild suburb. Little girl in the wild.
   "Huh? Who are you?"
   "Ah! I remember, a red skirt, a blond eighty or nine-year-old girl... You should be the new girl Annie who moved to the ranch?"
   An uncle with an axe, dirty and big beard on his face walked up to Annie, and after looking at Annie curiously for a while, he exclaimed in surprise.
   "Yes! This is the little girl!"
   "But, man, who are you? People don't seem to have seen you in the town..."
   Annie has never seen each other, although she may not have seen all the people in Ore Town.
   "You just came, of course you haven't seen it."
   "That's it. My name is Gotz. I am a carpenter. I live in the woods south of Ore Town."
   Uncle Beard began to introduce himself.
   "But, kid, what are you doing here? I seem to hear a strange sound just now..."
   After finishing speaking, Carpenter Götz looked back left and right, because he just seemed to hear the whimper of some kind of animal, so he ran following the sound.
   "I just collected mountain products to make money here, and I didn't hear any strange noises! Maybe it's because the dog Tibbers accidentally scratched some thorns, right?"
   "It turned out to be like this, are you here to dig mountain products?"
   "I actually plan to dig some bamboo shoots and go back to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots. At this time, the bamboo shoots are the tenderest of the year. They won't be eaten in summer, so I also want to dig a few to prepare them."
   A bamboo shoot is very big. For Gotz, who has now become single again, it is almost enough for him to eat for several days! Therefore, if he dug a few of them back today, in addition to enough for him to eat in the spring, he can also use them to make sour bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoots, and save them for summer, autumn and winter.
   Anyway, he lives like this every year.
Since his wife and daughter died because of a mountain disaster, in order to prevent others from having the same misfortune, he spontaneously asked Harris to let him patrol the mountains, besides doing carpenter work, patrolling the mountains and expelling wild animals. , I will also get some wild products to improve my life, such as mountain bamboo shoots in spring, wild grapes in summer, mushrooms and matsutake in autumn and so on.
   "Little guy, what's wrong with you?"
   Seeing that the other person's face suddenly became a little weird, Uncle Carpenter Getz asked strangely. After all, he is a patrol and forest ranger in the back mountain. If the other party has anything to do here, he will definitely be happy to provide help within his capacity.
   "No! It's nothing!"
   Annie wouldn't tell the other party: She just digs out all the nearby mountain products ~ The other party is here in Houshan, and it must be a bamboo shoot that can't be dug down.
"All right!"
"Little guy, since you're okay, then I'm going to be busy. From now on, don't drive alone in the dense forest, and don't leave the road too far. It's not safe here... Also, all the ranch houses have just been renovated. The place where you live is indeed a bit small. If you want to remodel your house in the future, please tell me that as long as you can afford it, I will be happy to remodel your house to be beautiful!"
   "Let's do this first, goodbye, Annie!"
Although I really want to talk to the other party about the specific matters of renovating the house, I think about the other party's current situation. Gotz, who knew that the other party must have no money, smiled, gave up the idea that he could make a fortune, and turned to Waved to the opponent to leave.
   "Goodbye, Uncle Gotz..."
  ヾ Bye~Bye~
   After speaking, Annie quickly turned around and ran back.
   She won't tell the other party that all the spring bamboo shoots in the back mountain were dug out by her alone. The other party is definitely useless to carry the big axe, and surely nothing can be dug!
   Maybe, the other party can only wait for tomorrow?
   But, if these mountain products are really valuable, then the other party will not want to dig them tomorrow, she will definitely come here every day!
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