Chapter 1254: ??(??`?)??? Harvest full of happiness

Today is a good day, the weather is fine, and occasionally a few clouds hang on the edge of the sky, but they just block the slightly dazzling sunset that shines on Annie’s ranch, so that a little girl can continue to stay in her house. Dangling in the big yard.
   Anyway, Xiao Anni wouldn’t tell anyone that she got the cloud in the sky that was so dying and just blocking the sun from reaching her ranch!
Yes, Annie is on her ranch at this time, swinging under the apple tree, waiting patiently for Uncle Zach, who has recovered from his injury, to come and pick up the goods. She went to sea yesterday and was busy until midnight. The fishes that were just brought back are counted and taken away, and the payment for the goods she deserves should be settled to her as soon as possible, because she will use that large sum of money tomorrow.
Beside Anne’s swing, the huge and conspicuous hive was still hung on the tree trunk, and then the industrious little bees just buzzed in and out, but they didn’t even want to attack her. They mean the culprit of honey.
   Annie didn't mean to be afraid of them at all, because she knew that as long as she didn't dig out their dens, they would definitely not come to mess with her, nor would they come to sting her. She was very experienced in this.
And ah, it doesn’t matter even if they actually dig out their nests, as long as she runs fast enough by then, she will definitely not be unlucky, and she will not be like a stupid big man who still runs when she knows there is danger. Sloshing under the tree!
  ’! ! ’
'Hey! brat! ’
  '? ? ’
  ‘Anne, what’s wrong, don’t you have to work today? This is the first few days of seems to be the tenth, right? But look at you, why your ranch is still so unchanged, can't you go and work a little bit? ’
  ‘Originally, we thought we could eat fresh vegetables from your ranch this season...’
At this moment, while Annie was swinging comfortably under her apple tree, a guy in uniform and tie waved at her from a distance, walked towards her, and pointed at the ranch. The large field of which is still deserted and the weeds are taller than people complained to her angrily.
   Obviously, the guy who is coming is the only police officer in this town, Mr. Harris.
After hearing what the other party said, Annie was angry and ignored the other party. She still swayed back and forth on her swing. She watched the other party walk towards her step by step and stopped in front of her. Then he looked up at the other party in doubt and said:
"Harris millet, if you want to eat vegetables, you can come here to grow your own. You are welcome to do it yourself! Also, the tools are placed in the bullpen over there. You can use what you need. Get it, and plant as much as you want. If you plant more, you can sell it for money!"
   Yes, this is Annie's truth!
   She really doesn't mind someone coming to help her farm. It doesn't matter if all her family's fields are occupied. Anyway, she will definitely not mind.
   "I can't grow..."
   Harris does not know how to farm, because he graduated from police school, not agricultural university!
Besides, if he wants to plant it, based on his relationship with the mayor Thomas, he can let the mayor transfer this farm to his Harris name long ago, and there is no need to wait for the little guy in front of him to come. Taking such a big advantage for nothing?
In fact, no one in the entire Ore Town would have that kind of idea, because the residents of Ore Town have their own lifestyle and rhythm, and no one would ask for trouble to occupy such a pasture, otherwise it would also It will not be abandoned for so many years.
   "Then do you think people will grow them when they are so small?!"
Annie had her plan. Before she finished remodeling the house, it would be useless for anyone to let her farm. Now she wants to let them continue to be abandoned here. Whoever doesn't like it will plant it, she It will definitely not be blocked.
   "Well, I'm sorry Annie, I shouldn't have urged you in such a hurry, it is really unreasonable for you to do that kind of thing for a little guy..."
After a short pause, after thinking about it, Harris, who was really so reasonable, had to smile in a jealous way, and touched the back of his head awkwardly, feeling that he was really unreasonable just now, and really shouldn’t be. Anxious or too harsh on such a little guy.
After all, the people in Ore Town know it. The little guy in front of him is indeed just an eight-year-old girl. I blamed Mayor Thomas for being too impatient, thinking that the other party was with his family and hurried. The pasture was given to the other party, but the result... Now, since the other party can support themselves and make a lot of money, it is really amazing, and their requirements really shouldn't be too high.
   "I don't care about it, the police officer who likes to patrol hot springs is bad..."
   "Anne! I must correct you a little bit: I patrol the hot springs as a routine, normal behavior, not what you think!"
Police officer Harris, who was planning to leave after a few words of greeting, was so frightened when he heard that Little Annie said that. He quickly turned around and stared solemnly at a little guy who was still dangling on the swing. Said with bluffing eyes.
It’s not a trivial matter, but it’s related to the reputation of Police Officer Harris. He must correct the opponent in time, but he must not allow the opponent to form such a concept and then promote it in the town, otherwise, once he is intentionally or unconsciously Preach it out, once that happens and others hear it, then he is really done! !
   "What is it like what people imagine?"
   Annie blinked, her face looked innocent.
   Because she just said it casually, she didn't think about anything, how could the other party know what she was thinking?
   "That's it!"
   gritted his teeth secretly, but Harris, who couldn't explain too clearly for such a little girl, had to stare bitterly, he knew, this cunning little guy knew what he was referring to.
   "Oh! It means you went to spy on Miss Populi and their hot springs, right?"
   "Don't worry, Harris, people will definitely not tell others the kind of bad things you have done!"
   blinked again, Anne slowly stopped the swing, nodded clearly, and then swiped a small fist to the other party and said loudly.
"Do not!"
   "It's not right! If you don't tell me anything, I have never done it like that! I don't need your guarantee!!"
   "Damn it, you!!!"
Harris was a little anxious, but when he saw Zac's figure appearing at the gate of the ranch in the distance, he was worried that the other party would accidentally hear a few words and cause more misunderstandings, so he could only stare again. After a glance at a certain little girl, the conversation hurriedly stopped and strode towards the gate of the ranch to the north.
He decided: when he came back from the patrol, he would never pass through the other’s farm and return to the town. Instead, he would continue from Goetz’s hut and the trail in front of the logging yard, from the east intersection. go back! Although it may be a little farther away, he might be more willing to take that long road than meeting such a difficult little guy every day?
'what! ’
  ‘Hello, Harris! ’
  ‘Hello, Zach...Your hands are restored, can you work normally? ’
'Yes! Dort said I can work now. ’
'That’s good, don’t get hurt anymore, otherwise our town will really be messy. You may not know. Uncle Mucci and Aunt Mana have complained to me many times, saying that our town There has been a big problem in logistics recently, and it is often found that the goods are not shipped in time? ’
'what! Harris, I’m sorry, but I really didn’t mean it...’
'You don’t have to apologize to me. I’m not in charge of this. I just give you a reminder... But as long as you work hard, there should be no problem. I understand you well, because that little guy is indeed a bit difficult. Wrap around? ’
'what! Thank you, Harris...’
  ‘No, so, let’s find a time to go to Dart’s for a good drink later? ’
'it is good! ’
  ‘Then it’s settled. ’
The two met at the gate of the ranch and they greeted for a while and soon separated. After all, they both have their own jobs. They are not like a little girl who can eat, drink and play every day, or sleep until the afternoon and then wake up. Come and play on the swing in the ranch.
   "Hello, big Uncle Zach! You are finally here, but they have been waiting for you all day!!"
   Yes, Annie is waiting in her dream...
   But anyway, seeing the uncle Zach who had been waiting for a long time finally appeared on time at 17:00 this afternoon, Annie hurriedly jumped off the swing and greeted the other party.
   "Hello, Annie..."
   "By the way, your bees...they are not rioting today, right?"
However, Zach did not rush to the shipping box and start counting the shipments. Instead, he stood there hesitantly and stared at the apple tree where Annie had just been swinging, for fear of a certain group of terrible things. The black shadow formed by the little thing that would'buzz'.
   "Of course not! I didn't eat honey today~!"
   Annie is not stupid, how could she play that kind of boring game with bees stinging people every day? Because she knew that the same method of punishing people would definitely not work again.
   "Then you don’t put anything in your shipping box, such as dangerous snakes?"
To be honest, Zach is a little scared now when he sees the shipping box, especially the shipping box in the ranch of the little guy in front of him. He is afraid that he will grab something terrible again and then put it on his wrist. Last bite?
   Therefore, there are some things he must ask clearly, otherwise, he really dare not touch it casually.
   "Of course not!"
   "People didn't go digging for mountain products today, only the large pile of fish that they got back late last night!!!"
   Annie dared to use her Tibbers dog head to assure that the things in her shipping box today are all animals living in water, so there is no snake that can bite people!
   "Ah! I remember!"
   "It turns out that there are only fish, that's good, that's good..."
Both Zach and Joan knew about Anne’s renting a boat to go fishing at noon yesterday, and they knew that the other party worked so hard to come back in the middle of the night. They were so scared that they were worried for a long time, so they didn’t think about Harry directly. Si called the police or asked the mayor Thomas for help.
   However, since now the shipping box contains only the fish caught by the other party from the sea, Zach has nothing to worry about, and he is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief and walk quickly to the other's shipping box.
   "There are really only fish..."
   quietly glanced into the shipping box and found that there were only fish in it, Zach began to safely reach in and start today's work: inventory and shipment.
   "Annie, why did you get so many fish, and most of them are medium and big fish, this is a lot of money!!!"
   "Did you use a trawl net?!"
   Zach, who originally thought it was only dozens or hundreds of fish at most, exclaimed directly after digging for a while.
  Because he discovered that, except for a small amount of small fish, all the fish here are medium, large or extra large, and the number is likely to be as many as thousands or even thousands? !
   Therefore, I was afraid that I could not remember him, so he was just busy counting and recording in his notebook.
   "This is bonito..."
   "Ah! These are swordfish, they are really big fish in length..."
   "There are these black rock fish and boiling water fish..."
"Oh my God!"
   "There are dolphins and colorful fish? That's right, Annie, you must have used a trawl net!"
"this is……"
   "Long-toothed fish and willow fish? Well, that's right, they are, I recognize!
   "There are so many cod..."
   "Uh! This is the sea puffer...I have to categorize this thing separately, otherwise it will cause big problems if you are not careful!"
"Not bad!"
   "There are sickle fish and octopus..."
   "Ah! This tuna is really amazing! Here are sardines and sardines..."
   "Too much, it seems you really used a trawl net... But, is there a trawl on that boat? It doesn't seem to be towed, right?"
Just like that, I don’t know. Zach, who was shocked when I saw it, yelled and exclaimed, while busy recording the number, name and length of the fish on his account book so that he could Settle the account after the count.
   Of course, the doubts in his heart are indispensable.
   "Does this add up to thousands?"
   "My God, Annie...what method did you use, how did you get so many large and small marine fish in one day?!"
   When the inventory was gradually coming to an end, Zac exclaimed again, and then asked a little girl in surprise.
He knew that the other party had rented their boat to go fishing, but he absolutely did not believe that the other party had obtained so many fish by fishing. The other party must have used other methods or tricks, otherwise, such a big deal. The pile of fish is absolutely impossible to get in one day and night!
   "That's a secret!"
   Anyway, if she uses fireballs, which is the fire of fragmentation, to fry fish or something, Annie will definitely not tell the other party, even if they say they can’t figure it out, so just don’t say it!
   Zac didn't intend to continue to inquire, so he had to continue to ship, because now there are not many fish in the box, so he must move faster.
  "This is...Annie, you got a hairtail?!"
   After counting all the fishes and registering them in the register, Zach suddenly discovered that there was a band-shaped fish at the bottom of the box, which inevitably made him a little curious, and he reached out and touched it directly.
  ∑? !
   "Ah! Uncle Zach, wait a moment..."
   Annie suddenly remembered something important, and planned to run up to stop the other person.
"this is……"
   However, Annie said it was a little bit late, because ah, Zach had reached out and grabbed the slimy and long thing from the shipping box.
   "Not hairtail?"
   "This is a snake... No! Is this an eel? But, there doesn't seem to be such an eel in the sea, right?"
   "Wow!! Electric eel~!!!"
Soon, when something was wrong with his hand, Zac finally realized what he finally grabbed from the shipping So, in an instant, there were bursts of After the electric current passed, he convulsed and collapsed to the ground.
   "That...Uncle Zach, I just forgot to say, it's not a hairtail or a snake... It was a freshwater electric eel that I caught at the mouth of the river when I came back yesterday!!!"
   However, that kind of thing doesn't seem to make much sense to the shipper Zach, who has been foamed and fell on the ground and convulsed.
  Ε=)) alas
   "I will help you call Doctor Dot and Miss Allie..."
Seeing that the opponent was already lying down, and it seemed that there was no life-threatening appearance for the time being, Annie had to kick away the electric eel in the palm of the opponent's hand, which was still twisting, and sighed helplessly, preparing Hurry up to the hospital to find a doctor and nurse who rescued the wounded.
   After all, she is just a'normal' little girl now, but she can't move such a big guy, and she doesn't want to move.
   "I don't know if Uncle Dart can make eels..."
Anne, who jumped to the hospital north of Ore Town, quickly forgot a big man who had been stunned by the electric shock, and she remembered other things that were more important to her. Things.
   If you don’t vote, you will be as unlucky as Uncle Zach! ???
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