Chapter 131: The death of Cenarius

Mannoroth, the abyss lord of the Burning Legion, and Tichondrius, the first lord of the Nathrezim clan, are now leading part of the Burning Legion pioneers, sneakingly hidden in a valley in Ashenvale. In this place, the first outpost camp of the Burning Legion on the continent of Kalimdor was established.
"Tichondrius! Can you be sure that what we did before will be effective? Those orcs, will they really be fooled and drink the spring water mixed with my blood again?"
Mannoroth grumbled, staring at the little bug in front of him in a tone similar to a low roar, and said that the Lord of the Abyss was very unaccustomed to the behavior of these dreadlords. Because he is more willing to fight with real swords and guns, to kill, to slaughter the enemy, to dye his sword and strong body with the enemy's blood, to use the wailing of the enemy's defeat and the screams before death. Come to compose your own victory movement!
Rather than being like this, what kind of conspiracy and tricks he is hiding behind the scenes like this little bug! These methods are not at all the affiliation of his abyss lord. Mannoroth is a powerful vanguard of the Burning Legion. He is more eager to slaughter the enemy and drink the blood of the enemy than he is now!
"Mannoroth, just relax for a while! I'm pretty sure, those orcs will definitely drink it! What if they know what those spring waters are? But they have to do that now. Hey... …"
"If they don't drink the water from the wells, then there is only a dead end waiting for them! Those night elves and the mighty forest demigod Cenarius will never spare them the orcs!"
The dreadlord Tichondrius smiled obsessively, these orcs rushed to Kalimdor and the door of the night elves without saying hello.
Now, the stupid orcs not only cut down huge forest trees in large numbers, trying to settle here for a long time, but also killed many night elves and other forest creatures. How would those night elves tolerate their orcs in Ashenvale, which they regarded as their back garden. Messing up? Not to mention want to settle here! By the couch, how can you let it sleep soundly? What's more, a tribe of orcs that looks bloodthirsty and evil? The night elves will never fail to understand this!
Therefore, Tichondrius believes that the dispute between the two parties is only the beginning, and all he needs to do is to add a fire to the two sides of the pinch, so that the inferior orcs have a chance to regain the balance. , And then... Before the arrival of their army, they only need to slowly watch the two sides continue to consume their strength!
"And if their orcs drank those well waters, their endless rage, rage, and bloodthirsty power would overwhelm their lack of reason! At that time, they will be with the dark night. The elves are inextricably fought, and when they are both defeated and can no longer take care of other things, presumably, our great Archimonde has also led the powerful Burning Legion to cross the sea... Hehehe..."
Tichondrius was very satisfied with his strategy this time. It was a naked conspiracy. He just threw the spring water mixed with the blood of the abyss demon king there, if the orcs didn’t know it, but when they got it After getting the news and going there, after discovering the well water, do the orcs have other choices?
"At that time, our Burning Legion doesn't even need to spend too much effort to clean up these badly wounded orcs and those night elves!"
Tichondrius had to patiently explain to Mannoroth, the huge and restless Abyssal Demon Lord standing in front of him.
This time I came to Kalimdor to set up a pioneer outpost, and the elite troops led by the two of them were not too many. After all, sneaking through the portal to send Legionnaires over can not cause too much movement, otherwise it will lose its meaning.
But when they came here, they discovered that something embarrassing happened to them... In the Ashenvale in front of them, whether it was the orcs who were doing things here, or those who had lived here for 10,000 years The night elves, no matter which side they are, it is estimated that they have the ability to easily clean up their burning legion vanguard!
Therefore, when Tichondrius discovered that the orcs were constantly rubbing against the night elves due to a large number of deforestation, and causing considerable casualties, a small conspiracy soon began to brew in the heart of the Dreadlord... …He has been waiting patiently until now, when he saw that the orc was beaten by the demigod and night elves, and was unable to resist, he finally felt that the time was ripe!
So, he joined forces with the Lord of the Abyss to attack, and their two powerful demons led the same powerful army elite, and soon attacked a small village of night elves. After killing all the night elves nearby, and after persuading Mannoroth to contaminate the well with blood, he disguised himself as a troll wizard, found and informed the orc warrior of the Warsong clan, and told him , Somewhere there is a spring with infinite power, and that spring is the key to their victory over the night elves!
Tichondrius believed that those orcs would definitely drink the well water according to his plan, because they had a reason to do so! In this way, the vanguard of their army does not need to do any dangerous things, just stay in the camp honestly, try to hide yourself, sit and watch those night elves and orcs go shopping non-stop. That's it!
"Tichondrius, I hope you are right... Otherwise, if I miss the opportunity, I will probably cut you in half first, and then crush those elves and those useless orcs! "
Mannoroth waved his huge long-handled halberd impatiently, and repeatedly trampled the ground under his feet with his four hooves. Under the infection of his body, the weeds around the footprints also began to slow down. Slowly withering, the evil powers in this abyss lord's body are really too powerful and violent!
Thousands of years ago, it was the elves who defeated and exiled the invincible Burning Legion, and brought the Burning Legion to shame! And now, the enemy from ten thousand years ago is right in front of him, and Mannoroth cannot step forward to avenge and kill him, which makes him very irritable!
If it weren’t for this dreadlord who was sent by Master Archimonde to assist him, or if this little bug’s plan seemed so reliable, he would have led the army’s vanguards to rush out, and those damned The night elves are in a battle!
"Humph! Stupid guy!"
The dreadlord Tichondrius gloomily looked at the abyss lord Mannoroth who turned and left, this idiot with no power! He would fight and kill, didn't he know that the only ones who arrived at Kalim Continent now were these few demon pioneers? In such a situation, just fighting casually, besides sending death and exposing the existence of the Burning Legion, and allowing the night elves to be aware and guarded, what else is there?
It’s a pity that what Tichondrius, the dreadlord didn’t know, was that in this timeline, due to the big bomb that little Annie accidentally placed, it suddenly awakened the night elves that should have been. The archdruid, Malfurion, who was still asleep in the Emerald Dream, asked the other party to take a boat ahead of time to go to the eastern continent to investigate the situation.
Now, the night elves not only know that the Burning Legion will return to the world of Azeroth, but also know the basic situation of the undead natural disaster forces under the Burning Legion. By now, Malfurion is probably starting to wake up druids in large numbers, and Tyrande is also preparing for the pre-war mobilization of the night elves...
Grom Hellscream led his warriors from the Warsong clan to Ashenvale. This is the place where the troll witch doctor they met was directed. They finally found this place... However, in After killing a group of shofar monsters that looked a lot like night elves, they were silent around the well water that was indeed full of energy.
The orcs in their presence, except for the new generation, almost all know what the contents of this well are... the mysterious troll witch doctor did not deceive them. The water in front of them may really be The opportunity for their orcs to defeat those strong elves. As long as they drink them, Grom, the chief of the Warsong clan, he even has the confidence to find the mighty forest demigod again!
It's just that... this well is also an evil poison... Once the Warsong clan drank the water again, the curse that they had finally got rid of will haunt them again... Or... they will suffer again. The control of the devil!
Because, in this well water, there are things they were once so familiar with! Because, in this well water, people have been mixed with evil demon blood! But Grom had to admit that it... is indeed full of infinite power, which allows them the Warsong clan to defeat the elves and gain the powerful power to get rid of the current predicament!
"Is the chief crazy? Still staring at this evil thing and refuses to leave?"
"Shhh! Keep your voice down! No big or small!"
"Hey, what is the chief doing?"
"I don't know... Maybe... the chief might still want to drink this stuff, right?"
"Still drinking?!"
"Captain! Why are you so afraid of this well?"
"Because... this is the blood of the devil!"
Unlike the orc warriors behind him who were restless, confused, or frightened, or whispering to each other, Grom Hellscream just stared at the well with squinting eyes and was silent for a while. He is now Thinking...
No orc warrior would know what the chiefs of their Warsong clan are thinking about now, why are they staying here, and why they still stare at the evil well and refuse to leave? Isn't their orcs being tortured by such things enough? Now it's hard to get rid of this evil thing!
Finally, after a long while, Grom sighed deeply, strode forward two steps, reached out and picked up a large wooden spoon, resolutely scooped the first ladle from the well. water. Then, he turned around abruptly and looked at the warriors of the Warsong clan who had retreated several steps in fright by his actions.
"Brothers and sisters of the Warsong clan! Brave and tenacious soldiers!"
Grom paused, and then glanced at the big wooden spoon that he was laying flat on his chest and the scoop of well water inside, before he again resolutely looked up at the warriors of the clan in front of him.
"Don't worry, I'm not crazy, my mind is so clear now! I know...what I am doing now; I also know...what the well water in my hand is about; I I know... what will happen if I drink it again!"
Grom paused, looked at the well water again, and took another deep breath.
"But brothers and sisters, warriors of the Warsong clan, believe me, we! We now have no choice!"
Grom stopped again, and his gaze began to sweep across the faces of the warriors of the Warsong clan below, looking at the ones that were immature, or hideous, or vicissitudes, or full of war scars. face……
"In the last few days, fighting with the strange night elves in the forest, I am afraid you should have also discovered that they are not the kind of high elves we have seen. They are bigger and bigger than the high elves of the Eastern Kingdom. Strong, of course, more brutal!"
"Although I don't want to say it, we have to admit that even if we orcs are brave and never fear sacrifice, we can't easily defeat them after all...not to mention that among them, there is that The extremely powerful, impenetrable forest demigod—the monster that is as long as a sturdy stag!"
"We have proved it many times. Even if I use the most powerful blow, I can't cut through the mysterious defense on it. Our countless brave warriors have fallen around it. Those warriors... Did not stand up..."
Speaking of this, Grom stopped. It seemed that he was missing the warriors of the Warsong clan who rushed with him and rushed to the demigod in spite of their lives... They were all noble orcs, brave and fearless warriors. ...It's a pity that in the end, they hate each other's feet, their charges, their slams, in the eyes of the demigod, seem so ridiculous and meaningless...
"By now, believe me, our orc tribe has no retreat!"
Grom Hellscream suddenly pointed to the east with his free hand, and then continued to say in an angry tone:
"On the opposite side of the sea, on the eastern continent, I am afraid that it has been captured by the undead and demons. Both the Dark Portal and the planet of Draenor have been destroyed! We all know that we may never Can not go back……"
"We no longer have a home in Draenor, and the fertile Nagrand steppe has been destroyed by the power of the devil! We can never go back! And now, here, the Orgrim that is about to be built Ma is our new home! This land is our new home!"
"If our battle with those elves continues to retreat as before, believe me, warriors of the Warsong clan! Soon, our new city, Orgrimmar, will also be savage Destroyed by the elves, all our warriors will be killed by them one by one on the way back to the coast. In the end...all our women, children and elders who are unable to resist will also be driven down to the sea by them mercilessly. It has become a delicacy for fish and shrimp..."
"At that time, our orcs and our tribe will be the same as Orgrimmar that is under construction. They will collapse under the enemy's front and will no longer exist in this world of Azeroth! At that time, We orcs will become ridiculous losers, and thus be cast aside and forgotten by the entire world of Azeroth!"
"Tell me! Warriors of the Warsong clan, would you like to see such an outcome? Tell me! Warriors of the Warsong clan, do you promise such an ending?"
Speaking of the end, Grom Hellscream began to roar and roar, all he said were facts! If the new tribe does not want to change, and does not want to try to defeat those elves, what he just said will be the final outcome of the orcs!
"Not willing!"
"War! War! War!"
"Kill all those night elves!"
"Kill that four-legged demigod!"
"Warsong warriors of the Warsong clan! I have seen your courage, yes! Our Warsong clan, all our orcs, we never lack the courage to fight against the enemy, we have endless courage!"
Grom stretched out his hand to signal and stopped the yelling of the soldiers.
"We are never afraid of any enemy! Whether he is an elf or a human; whether his opponent is Gron or an ogre; we have raided the arakkoa kingdom; we have levelled the tiger’s lair; our Warsong clan even In the hinterland of the ogre empire, they are invincible, but they have nothing to do with us! No one can question the courage of our orcs!"
"But! Today, we want to defeat these new enemies, but courage alone is not enough! We also need strength! More powerful strength!"
After speaking, Grom took the lead in taking the large wooden spoon in his hand and drank the well water inside. Then, he forcibly endured the infinite power and violent anger that began to emerge from his body, using a flushed Looking at the orc team, he stretched the big wooden spoon in front of them.
"I know, what are the terrible consequences of drinking these... But! For the rebirth of the tribe, for the survival of the orcs in this world, we now have no choice! We must be sacrificed for this! After dropping these things, if you are destined to be tortured by the curse for life, then, for the tribe! I hope that the person who sacrificed... will be me!"
Seeing that Chief Grom of his clan took the lead in setting an example, the orc warriors of other Warsong clan also stepped forward, grabbed the spoon and began to drink the water from the well, and those who did not grab the spoon even just He rushed to the side of the well and directly picked up the evil water that they had previously regarded as poison...
Their chief, Grom, is right! For the new tribe, for the warchief Thrall, for the other orcs to survive in this beautiful Azeroth world, some of their orcs must make sacrifices for this!
After drinking the well water contaminated by the blood of the devil, what if they are cursed and tortured for life? What if they become slaves to the devil again? They have no regrets about the choice they made today!
All this, as Chief Grom said, is for the tribe! If you want to give hope to other people, you must first crush your own and turn it into a force to defeat the enemy!
"For the Horde! Goal: Elf's camp! Attack! Warriors!"
When all the warsong clan warriors drank the well water of the devil’s blood, and when they saw the muscles and muscles in front of him, a famous warsong warrior whose body became swollen and panting was ready, Grom finally stopped suppressing the growing anger and destruction in his heart. He waved his hand in the direction of the elf camp, and a group of warsong orc warriors who had drunk the blood of the devil shouted in a low voice. Then, he quickly went into the dense forest...
Now, they are already full of power, full of endless anger and destruction, and they are eager to find those night elves to vent them!
Except for those warriors of the Warsong clan who drank the blood of the devil, perhaps no one knows what happened to the place that day...
When the new tribe's warchief Thrall and the tauren's chief Kane? Bloodhoof, they left the camp and passed the battlefield of Ashenvale in order to find the prophet and club of the Medie culture, all they saw was full of eyes. Cangyi’s battlefield, broken elven sentinel corpses, countless nightsaber leopards that were directly split in half by huge power, and which one, extremely huge, still exuding a lot of natural power... a half-god remnant... …
"Mother Earth...what is happening here? Even the most powerful king of the forest and the demigod Cenarius have fallen here?"
As an aboriginal creature, Tauren Kane certainly recognized the powerful half-human and half-deer creature lying on the ground no longer moving. The force of nature constantly venting from his body made the ground around his body full of circles. Beautiful flowers... He is the son of the moon Elune and the demigod Malorne. Among the wild gods, Cenarius is one of the powerful demigods!
But now, the honest and honest Tauren Kane couldn't believe his own eyes, this extremely powerful existence, this omnipotent demigod in the forest, died here inexplicably like this? How is this possible? Who on earth has the power to kill a demigod? Moreover, looking at the wound and the messy battlefield around it, it seems that the orcs did it?
"I'm afraid, we will be in big trouble! Chief Kane, maybe, after we find the Prophet, I still need your Tauren's help..."
Unlike Tauren Kane who went to check the corpses of the demigods first, Warchief Thrall went to check the corpses of the orc warriors first, from the few corpses of the warsong clan orc warriors left on the scene, as well as their breath. Look, Thrall knows that this time the orc tribe might be in serious trouble!
The Warsong clan led by Grom Hellscream, they... actually drank the blood of the devil again! Are they crazy? Moreover, now he killed a demigod of the night elves?
You know, Thrall is preparing to go to the Prophet with Tauren Chief Kane, intending to follow the Prophet's arrangements, form an alliance with the night elves and humans, and jointly resist the coming Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge!
But now? You Grom killed the demigod of someone else without saying a word? What is this going to do? Maybe, from now on, the orcs of the new tribe will fight endlessly with the night elves and snakes here! How can we form an alliance to resist the Burning Legion?
During the not-so-short period of contact with the tauren Kane, he Thrall has fully understood the power of the night elves from the tauren elder! The troops who have been entangled with the orcs for so long here in Ashenvale are only a small part of the border sentry and a demigod. The main force of the people and the more powerful druids have been until now. Is there any sign of being dispatched?
This is good, he Thrall didn't pay attention, and Grom's Warsong clan had done such a big event!
As a new generation of orcs, Chief Thrall didn't understand. Are the orcs really so powerful after drinking the blood of the devil? Can the forest demigods who practice night elves be easily killed by Grom? If it weren’t for the fact that the side effects of Devil’s Blood were too great, Thrall would even try to drink two sips secretly...
"Well, Chief Thrall, if you need it, our tauren will definitely try to help you."
Although I don't know why Thrall said this, after watching the body of the demigod Cenarius in silence for a while, the Tauren chief Kane? Bloodhoof finally nodded and agreed to the other's request for assistance.
Due to the rotation of the planet, the day and night time difference between the two hemispheres in the same planet is not the same. Of course, the planet Azeroth also has a time difference.
Therefore, when the sun was officially shining on the western continent of Kalimdor, when the Warsong clan of Grom drank the blood of the devil, successfully killed the demigod Cenarius and ran around planning to continue to trouble the night elves , On the eastern continent, it was already late at night.
Little Annie, who had been fighting for a day with Archimonde and lost hundreds of super spells during the day, has now entered a deep sleep. She desperately needs enough sleep to relieve herself because of excessive Mental fatigue caused by casting spells.
"...Hehehe... I found you... little girl... I am the monster in your nightmare..."
While Annie was sleeping soundly, suddenly, a deep and hoarse voice rang in her mind, and then she was simultaneously drawn into a dark dream.
Little Annie didn't say anything, even in her dreams, she still felt very sleepy and sleepy, her eyelids were half drooping, she looked like she was awake, she was very angry now!
She was sleeping in the palace in the Flame Canyon just now, and when she was sleeping comfortably, when she was sleeping comfortably, how could she have thought that this thing would come again... Wouldn't it just eat and fight? Or is it that the last time I played it was not painful enough? Dare to come this time? Does it really want to die?
"...I am your lucid dream..."
The voice continued, completely ignoring Annie's half drooping eyes and the cold chill in half of her pupils.
"K'Thun! You dare to come and make me sleep again... I'll just ask you once, do you really want to die?"
Since this C'Thun still dared to come, Xiao Anni felt that after she had rested for a few days, she seemed to be able to take some time to lead her flame army to kill these who specialize in making her sleep.
Otherwise, she can't bear this coming like this several times a day! You know, what little Annie is most annoying and annoying is that others come to make her sleep!
When the little girl mentioned C'Thun's name, Yogg Saron was shocked.
It turned out that C'Thun’s difficult brother had come to contact this little girl? Don't know if it succeeded in corrupting her? And if he continues to shoot now, will he be a bit suspicion of getting over the boundary?
Yogg-Saron hesitated, it didn't say anything again, it was considering...I don't know if it should make another move? If this little girl is really C'Thun’s intended target, continue to do so, but it is easy to cause conflicts! As a human hand, you can’t stretch your hands too long, and the same is true of being an ancient god! Although their hands are actually very long.
"Huh? It's not the weird guy with many eyes from C'Thun? It's replaced by you, an ugly monster with countless big mouths? Ha! Didn't your mother teach you? Are you ugly? , Come out casually will scare the kids!"
After breaking the opponent's camouflage shady casually, Annie discovered the opponent's true form. It turned out that this was another similar thing! She was still weird just now, and thought that C'Thun was really not afraid of death!
The thing that appeared in Annie’s mind now was a different thing. It had an ugly huge mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth. There were countless small mouths on the head and tentacles that were exactly the same. The disgusting tentacle monsters similar to Suen also look very similar to the last time C'Thun. They must be in the same group?
"...I am Yogg-Saron...I am a demon with a thousand faces... tremble in my true form..."
Although the distraction disguise was broken by the little girl, Yogg-Saron did not admit it.
At first it was still hesitating whether to continue to attack the little girl, but when it heard her harsh remarks, it became angry! Therefore, it decided that even if it really caught the bounds, even if it was hated by C'Thun, it would first take her down and punish her!
" dare to come to this set! I think you must have never contacted your brother C'Thun? Didn't it tell you not to come and disturb me to sleep?"
Little Annie tilted her head and looked at the monster in front of her a little bit, but she didn't see how much better it was than the last time C'Thun... Then how could she dare to come here to be a monster casually?
Or maybe, didn't the C'Thun ever warned it at all? Or are they both enemies? Deliberately fooling it here?
Anyway, little Annie now hates them two, one is C'Thun and the other is Yogg-Saron. Very good! Little Annie knows that there is always time to settle accounts, but don't let her know where their home lives!
"...Surrender before the of death..."
Yogg-Saron turned a deaf ear to Annie's warning. Every time when the ancient gods whispered to a certain creature, the other party always resisted fiercely at first.
Whether it's constantly warning or exaggerating harsh words, or death threats, it sees a lot! In the end, those existences will always succumb one by one, including the guardians of the Titans! Even the guardians were talked about by them to a nervous breakdown and were controlled by their ancient gods. What is this demigod girl now?
"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk with you monsters anymore, I will continue to sleep for a while! It's better to clean up you quickly, please remember, I am called Annie! When I have time, I will definitely go I am looking for you to have tea and chat!"
At this moment, Little Annie has already written down the names of C'Thun last time and Yogg-Saron this time in her little notebook. Then, she raised her hand, opened her palm and held it flat and aimed at the distraction of Yogg-Saron...
When Yogg-Saron just wanted to continue talking, UU Read www. suddenly found that the little girl switched her posture in an instant. It was a kind of... endless darkness, pure darkness... it almost thought it had seen the Dark Lord!
"Dark Sacrifice!"
A huge beam of dark energy shot at the opponent in an instant, and while smashing the opponent's distraction, it also attacked the opponent's body... Dealing with such monsters, Annie is already very experienced. After all, Once it’s fresh and twice it’s cooked, this time, it can be affected! Humph! Dare to come and disturb yourself to sleep? I want them to look good someday!
The Northrend Arctic Continent, which is far above the North Pole, suddenly experienced an inexplicable earthquake, which caused the entire Northrend Continent to oscillate slightly. This earthquake came quickly and went quickly.
The aboriginal creatures here don't know what happened just now, they all thought it was just a normal earthquake. Only a sleeping guardian dragon in the Temple of Wyrmrest raised his head slightly, and glanced suspiciously in the direction of Ulduar. It seemed... it was just a certain big fellow who was imprisoned... And struggled for a while? Is it an illusion?
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