Chapter 1272: ?(???*)? Happy harvest festival!

On the 9th of the autumn, the Harvest Festival is held at the Rose Square in Ore Town. It is a very important and valued festival for the residents of Ore Town throughout the year. It is a kind of celebration for people to celebrate a good harvest, pray for good weather in the coming year, and share joy. Alternative ceremony.
So, just at ten o’clock in the morning, many residents of Ore Town spontaneously came here with what they thought were delicious, and prepared to throw their own things into the middle of the square. The one in the middle of the square was using several stove doors and a lot of The wood, which is being burned with great fire, looks very huge and is like an iron blast furnace in an iron pot.
   At this time, there are already a lot of things in it, and when Annie came here calmly, it seemed that the tall and big pot had been boiling for a while.
  ‘Quick! ’
"Those who bring things, don’t rush to chat, come to my side first... Hurry up and pass the things you brought to me. Zach and I will help you check and put them in. This step must be early Do it a little bit, if you want to eat that delicious meal this year? ’
  ‘Hurry up, come here to line up! ’
'Oh! Little Annie! ’
  ‘Don’t hide, I saw you... Not bad, you brought a whole basket of things. You deserve to be the rancher of the largest ranch in Ore Town. I didn’t misunderstand the person! ’
  ‘But you should come here to line up first, remember not to jump in the line, and don’t rush to talk. We will have time to talk to you later, and we will celebrate all day here! ’
On that very huge iron-making blast furnace-like iron pot, the mayor of Ore Town, the old man Thomas was standing under the ladder and took the same thing that everyone lined up to hand him, and then he checked it again Passed it to Zach, the shipper who was lying on the wooden ladder. The strong man who was sweating but still smiling like a big boy threw the same things that everyone had brought directly into the boiler-like size. Stew in a pot.
   That's right, it's a one-pot stew like a hot pot, then this is the essence of the heritage cuisine of Ore Town!
  ‘Excellent? Are you here with grandma? ’
  ‘Very good, let me see what you brought... How many fresh wild mushrooms? Not bad, really good, I received the materials from your home, let’s go, go to the chair over there and wait with your grandma. It’s very hot here and the boiler is very hot. Be careful not to hurt you! ’
  ‘Hurry up, children are not allowed to stay here! ’
  ‘Are you sure, you want to put a whole bottle of wine in? It's a shame for such a good thing, why don't I trade a cabbage for you... OK OK, don't be angry, can't I put it in? ’
'what! ’
  ‘It’s Goetz...You can still save the spring bamboo shoots to the present, and they look quite fresh. Are you sure... it can still eat? ’
   "Okay, let's put it in..."
  ’! ? ’
  ‘May! Red grass really can’t be put in. Sorry, this is really not good. It is slightly poisonous. It will make people feel tired if you eat it directly. You should ship it to Uncle Zach another day. He will definitely give you a little bit. Spend money...'
'what! Cheese is okay, red grass is really not good, you take this back to your grandpa or to Uncle Zach, good deed, it's not wrong to listen to Grandpa Thomas! ’
  ’Lin, Karen and Populi, why are you all eggplants this year? ’
  ‘Wait, what's the matter with your face, why is it swollen? Oh my god, Burberry, why is your beautiful little mouth swollen like a sausage? ! ’
  ‘Okay, I don’t ask the head office, right? next……'
  ‘Cliff, did you catch this rabbit? Well, now that it's processed, let's put it in. ’
  '? ? ’
  ‘Grey! What are you holding? Sandworms dug today? Has the sand inside been treated? Has it been processed? Then...then put it in, although it always feels weird to put this kind of bug in...’
'Well? ’
  ‘Ari, this chocolate powder is not so good, right? ’
'and many more! Mary, what are you holding? Let me see... blue grass? This one is fine and it tastes good...’
  ‘Harris, did you go fishing today? Okay, let's put in the internal organs after processing! ’
'Hey! ! ’
  ‘Bakir...Don’t put in plants that I don’t know. I know you’re a botanist. Even if you say it can be eaten, you can’t do anything as long as it’s something I don’t know! ’
  ‘Oh~! ’
  ‘Little Annie, here you are, let me see what’s in your basket? Hmm... It looks like they are all crops from the pasture, so many? If they are all crops, then it should be okay. Forget it, since you have all the dwarfs cleaned with magic, then I will not check it. You little guy is strong, come, you pass it directly to Zha K, let him pour all in together. ’
Finally, after Anne lined up and passed the basket of things she brought to Uncle Zach, and told him to throw it directly into the big pot of stewing boiler, Anne was finally able to smell the transmission from the boiler. The strange smell came out, while wandering around the square.
   "Sister Karen, Sister Lin, and Populi, how are you all?"
  Anne quickly found the three of them who had just left the team and walked aside to avoid the sight of the crowd. She looked at their swollen brows, noses, cheeks and lips with a smile and asked.
   "What are you looking at? Little guy, isn't it your nasty little dog's fault? Has it come today? Grandma has to give him a good beating!"
   Seeing Anne thief approaching, Karen, whose cheek was still a little swollen, pulled up his cuffs and searched around, preparing to find a nasty little milk dog.
   However, as soon as she pulled up her cuffs, she couldn't help but breathe in air with a grin!
Because ah, there are several red swelling packs of different sizes on her arm. Although she has applied the medicine provided by Doctor Dot to ensure that there will be no marks or scars in the future, it will be no matter what. Pain and swelling for two days.
   "It doesn't seem to be here..."
   "Damn boy, look at it. It made my brows and eyelids swell. When I went back yesterday, my father thought I was fighting with Karen!!"
After searching for a while with swollen eyes, Lin quickly came up with an answer that made them feel a little regretful... Obviously, she could see that the little guy Annie didn't treat the nasty piece of her house. The little milk dog Tibbers brought it.
   Of course, it's also possible that the cunning little thing knew what to face, so he didn't follow it?
   "You two are pretty good~!"
   "You, look at the mouth of the nest, and the of the nest... the nest, I feel painful when I speak..."
"Moreover, the den doesn't dare to sit on a stool, and can only sleep on its stomach at night... Don't mention how uncomfortable it is, woo... I really want to throw her bad dog in the boiler and stew it. !!!"
   At this time, Populi on the side also said angrily.
   Among the three people who were attacked by the angry swarms of bees on the ranch yesterday, she was the one who suffered the most injuries! Not only was she stinged several times in her mouth, even her was not let go, because she was so stupid that she pulled up her skirt to cover her face when she heard the words of Karen or Lin?
   Then, she couldn't take care of her own if she could care about her face.
   "Actually, people wanted to throw it in the pot a long time ago... But that's useless, it's not afraid of that~?!"
Annie said that her Tibes is not as simple as a dog. In fact, she often throws it in a pot, bucket or lava in the lava, so even the three people in front of her catch it. And really throw it into the boiler to stew, it must be no help.
   "Wait and see, Annie... When I catch it next time, are you afraid of it? Next time, I have to punish it well!"
   "That's right, Karen, I'll beat him up with you then!"
   "It won't work if it's beaten, Lin, let's throw it in the pot over there again, and then stew it and eat it! Will you dare to see it afterwards?!"
Although the three of them said so, Karen also knew that they were only verbal threats. Even if they did catch it, they would definitely not throw it into the boiler to stew... Now, Mayor Thomas and Zach are definitely not allowed. They have been staring there. She can secretly throw chocolates and candies in, even if it is good.
   "You can do whatever you want, I don't mind anyway~!"
   Annie didn't think that these three guys in front of her could beat her stupid dog Tibbers, even if the other party was suppressed by her, she couldn't exert any power at all.
  ‘Hey~! ’
  ‘Don’t make noise, don’t worry! Uncle Saibal, don't put that kind of stuff in, so many fishes, are we going to drink fish soup today? ’
  ‘There will be a lot of bone spurs and fishy smell later, that’s not easy to deal with! ’
  ‘I put too much ginger, I’d better put some ingredients in the bar, and then Zach remember to scoop out the foam...’
'what is that? wine? And grapes? Please, who brought that thing, how can I put that kind of thing in? ’
'Hey! Why is that potato a little green? Isn't it sprouting? Hurry and throw it away! ! ’
   "Dad is so long-winded, and he didn't eat by himself, why is his voice louder than Mayor Thomas?"
   At this time, the four people who were chatting quickly heard the noise and screaming from the boiler, and then Lin sighed helplessly to her friends.
   "That's because Mr. Dart is a professional chef. If he looks at it, the taste of this year's cuisine may be much better."
   "But even that might be useless, because everyone has already put a lot of things in..."
   "But luckily the pot is big enough!"
   "Yes, that pot is really good, you can put a lot of things in to make soup, and the nutrition should be good when I think of it, maybe I can let grandma drink some and bring some back if I think of it later?"
   At this time, Mary with glasses and Ellie who was still wearing a nurse's uniform also came over. They also came today, and they also brought a lot of things and threw them into the big pot like a big boiler.
   "Karen, Lynn, and Populi, do your injuries still hurt?"
   "Do you want me to change your dressing?"
   Seeing the embarrassment of the three sisters, Ally couldn't help but hold back a smile and pretended to ask with concern.
   Fortunately, she had to be on duty in the hospital and had no time to go to the farm with them, and Mary also had to guard the library just like herself and did not go, otherwise, it was not just the three of them who were stinged now.
   "Your hand strength is really too great. Yesterday, when you rubbed the back, it was so painful. I don't know if you did it on purpose..."
Perbury looked sadly at the guy in front of him who was as bad as the doctor in Dort. Originally, her back didn't seem to be too painful, but after the other party's violent rubbing yesterday, she only felt more pain and fullness today. Up.
   "I didn't mean it!"
   "Because Dr. Dott said that those medicines need to be massaged vigorously to activate the blood congestion as much as possible to recover as soon as possible. It is better to have a long pain than a short one. Otherwise, you will have more swelling for several days!"
   "Yes, but you tried too hard!"
   "That can't be helped, because my technique is not as good as Doctor Dot, and you don't allow him to come in person, then I have to do that..."
   "He is a man, how could we let him come? Elle, you are really, so lightly said, if you change to you, you won't say that!"
   "Publey, patients are the same in the eyes of doctors, regardless of gender..."
   "But doctors are divided into men and women in the eyes of patients!!!"
   "Okay, stop arguing, it seems that there is almost ready to eat over there, everyone should go to the line to get some, and then we can eat and talk?"
"good idea!"
   "Go, go!"
When the strange fragrance that permeated the air in Rose Square in Ore Town became more intense, when the fire under the boiler-like cauldron became more intense, when the steam above the boiler continued to boil with the boiling soup Then, when people lined up under the auspices of the mayor Thomas and started to get the dishes that were scooped out by Zac with a long spoon, Karen hurriedly stopped the dispute between Perbury and Ally. He greeted everyone rushing towards the middle of the square in the distance.
   half an hour later.
   The autumn sun is still so good, coupled with the cool autumn breeze, so that staying here in the Rose Square without too many shelters will not make the residents of Ore Town too uncomfortable.
   Those people who have more or less finished eating and drinking a thick soup, their expressions are not very comfortable, but they are frowning?
   Gulu~! Guru~!
'what! ’
'my stomach……'
   "It hurts, Ellie, I suddenly want to go to the bathroom..."
'me too……'
  ‘Ellie, your grandma won’t drink that dish, right? ’
   "Not yet, but Yu must have drunk..."
  ‘No, I can’t hold back! Populi, get out of the way, I'm going in now! ’
'Hey! I came first, don't you push the door~?! ’
  ‘Oh, why are so many people here, let’s go home and go! ’
'Hurry up! Go! ’
  ‘Zack! This is the closest to the pier, shall we go to your house? ’
'it is good! ’
Soon, except for a few people who didn’t eat and drink, which caused no response, most of the people who drank the food rushed away. Soon the Rose Square was left all over the place. Yes, dinner plates, chopsticks, spoons and other things looked messy on the floor.
   "Hey! Annie, why are you all right?"
   At this time, what was wrong with the cooking that he didn't know, the mayor Thomas, who was in a hurry, saw a little girl standing not far away, he asked strangely.
"That one……"
   "Because they were just at the end, there was no time to eat? So Grandpa Thomas, why are you all right?"
   "I didn't have time to eat..."
   "Annie, did you put something weird in? We threw all your baskets of crops in before, and we didn't have time to check it carefully..."
   Seeing that there is a big problem with the important and cooked dishes, of course the face of Thomas who presided over the ceremony is a bit unsightly!
Therefore, he thought for a while and felt that the jam, chocolate or candy that some troublemakers had thrown in should not be a big problem. He felt that he could not find out where the problem was, so he had to ask the most likely problem and it was also The only big basket brought by a little guy who didn't look closely.
   "A lot!"
   "There are tomatoes, corn, onions, pumpkins, pineapples, eggplants, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and green peppers!"
   "That's it? It sounds okay..."
Those are all hot spring crops produced in the pasture. Thomas had seen them when he saw them before, and they were all cleaned very well. After all, the magic of those dwarves is very magical, so he didn't continue to check, thinking that it was definitely inside. It's all those crops that have been cleaned up.
   "There are some sea fish, and honey!"
   For Annie, who is tired of grilling fish, of course she will not be stingy to bring all the things she can't finish in the basket.
   "Fish? Honey?"
   "But that doesn't seem to be a problem..."
There are many people who bring fish today, not to mention honey. Putting it in the soup can improve the freshness. It can even be drunk directly. It is also good for the body. As long as you don’t have a puffer fish...Of course, If there is a puffer fish, it is probably not as simple as diarrhea.
   "There are apples and eggs!"
   "You are not alone in putting apples and eggs in! Think about it again, is there anything special?"
  Though Thomas does not recommend putting fruit, he will not stop it, and the apples are not uneatable after being heated. That kind of apple pie is very delicious, and it won’t be too bad if you want to put a little bit in it.
   "It seems that there are mushrooms that I just picked today, and there are several matsutake mushrooms among them!"
   Those were picked by Anne when she went to the back mountain. They grew behind a pile of rocks. Most people really couldn't make it through, but they couldn't be troubled by her Queen Anne.
   "Oh! Matsutake! Little guy, you are so willing!!"
   "But these all sound okay, do you have anything special?".
When the little girl said this, Thomas was even more puzzled...because the other party seemed to put very serious things, and there were many good things in it, such as matsutake and honey, so he also started to rack his brains. Thinking about it.
   But no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of anyone who would put something that shouldn't be put, which caused a problem with the stewed soup.
   "That's right! There are still several beautiful mushrooms that I picked together in the back mountain, do they count? When people see that no one is picking them, they just picked them up."
  ! o
   That kind of mushrooms can be shipped. It is said that they are worth a lot of money?
However, now that the ranch is on the right track, there are a group of dwarfs who don’t need money to exploit it, and have a fixed large income every day, and there is no need to go to fish or search for mountains. After the mushroom, there is no desire to ship it, so I brought it here directly by the way.
   "A lot of beautiful mushrooms?"
   The mayor Thomas was taken aback, stopped thinking, then looked at the little girl with stiff eyes, and felt that he had faintly found the key to the problem?
   "Yes! I picked them in the back mountains, they are so beautiful!"
   Originally, Annie wanted to take it back and keep it for herself, but thought that she didn't know how to cook, so after struggling for a while, she had to use these guys for a bargain.
   "Ann, Annie..."
   "The mushrooms, are they like this?"
Suddenly, Mayor Thomas turned his head and rummaged in a trash can behind him. He quickly took out a beautiful and speckled mushroom. It was brought by the little girl Mei, but he saw it. They were picked out when they arrived.
   "Yes! That's them!"
   "But Grandpa Thomas, why do you have one here too?"
   "It's over, it's over! I knew that at that time, I really shouldn't have left Zack all alone..."
   "Stop talking, I'm going to talk to Dot to discuss it, little guy, you go home first, don't worry about the things here!!"
   After speaking, Thomas finally found the problem and hurriedly left.
   He intends to immediately go to the hospital to talk to Doctor Dort about the collective poisoning caused by the ingestion of poisonous mushrooms by the residents of Ore Town. But fortunately now: the cooking is a pot of stew and the number of poisonous mushrooms should not be too much, plus the pot of soup is too the concentration of toxins will not be too high. , Otherwise the problem is really big!
  ∑? !
   "Forget it, let's drink it first..."
  ?????? Gulu~!
   Seeing that Thomas with a bad nose hurriedly left, looking at the Rose Square that had been cleared in an instant, Annie thought about it, and then simply stepped forward, picked up a bowl of steaming soup and drank it in one gulp!
   She really didn't mean it, and she didn't know that mushrooms could not be eaten, and she could not be blamed for this. She was left with a large basket of things. Who made the bad nose old man want to be lazy and not check it carefully?
   "Although it smells weird, but it still tastes good!"
  ? = 3 hoo!
   Annie picked up another bowl, and drank again.
   She didn't think there was any problem, but she thought about it for a while, she picked up another bowl, and planned to take it back to the ranch to give her little bear Tibbers a drink to see if it would also have diarrhea?
  Although, there are poisonous mushrooms and chocolate inside...
After thinking that the Tibbers in her own house is not an ordinary dog, she quickly put the unnecessary or never-be-haved "worries" behind her mind, and firmly believed that it was definitely not. Something will happen!
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