Chapter 1278: Hahaha?? (???*) Just like you...

   Two days later...
The weather here today is very good. The blue sky has thick clouds, so the sun is relatively not very strong. In addition, the Shanghai wind and waves are not too big, so it is a good time for the family to come to the beach and have fun. .
However, it is a pity that due to the fact that the Earth has suffered too much recently, and the chaos that is happening all over the world is still going on, so there are not many tourists in this resort. It is usually densely packed. There are not even more seabirds and seagulls on the beaches, shallow seas and dams to rest or forage on the beaches.
  Of course, no matter how many tourists there are, and no matter how bad the public security environment is on the earth today, it will definitely not affect a heartless little girl!
   "Go away! Go away..."
   Isn't this?
In this Pacific island resort called Xia Hoyi, Annie was successfully buying the snacks she needed with the green banknotes brought from other worlds, and she just sat on a beach dam and wandered around. With her feet without shoes, she drove away the seagulls who wanted her to feed and ate and sucked.
   As for the response and attitude of the shopkeeper or a bank in the future that the real banknotes she squandered in the past two days are actually ‘counterfeit’ in this world, she doesn’t care.
   "Tibbers... Don't you think they didn't hear it? And they still know that the two strange guys are just arguing, whoever comes to contact them first is not the kind of "talking up" you said!"
The two sneaky guys in the distance Annie actually noticed just now. After all, even if she doesn’t like to use her own perception or other abilities to monitor her surroundings, there are two big living people who always use it. Keeping her gaze locked on her and watching Spicy for so long, she will definitely be alarmed.
And she also knows that the two people in the distance are actually not ordinary people. They seem to have been modified with strange technology. It is a strange technology mixed with magic, science and the rules of the universe, so they have a huge The strength and extraordinary physical fitness?
But those little things are not important, because Annie doesn’t care if the guys she doesn’t know have been transformed or have any abilities, she only knows, as long as those people don’t come to her and do anything bad. Things that make her disgusting are fine. Otherwise, maybe she will really throw her little bear Tibbers out, and let the two guys know why the flames are so hot?
   "Of course there is!"
   "It’s the bad guys who strike up a conversation, and it’s the strange stalks who are in contact. Although they can all be burned, there is still a little difference!"
   Annie said that she didn't know the two guys on the far beach behind and didn't want to know them, as long as they didn't take the initiative to make trouble for herself, she would definitely not be troubled with them.
Annie didn’t say a word, she continued to sit on the fence of the dam by the sea, watching the scenery and the seagulls in the sky and eating her own things. At the same time, she listened to the one who was approaching and her feet were stepping on the beach. The sound of footsteps in different shades.
"Hello little guy, it's boring to be here alone? How about, do you want some coconut water? This is what I just ordered, it's very sweet, and I haven't drunk it... Uh, you watched me do it like that What, is this wrong?"
   Liu Chuang’s method of talking to women is obviously not very clever, let alone talking to such a little girl! Therefore, after being stared at by the little girl with that kind of suspicious, vigilant and disgusting eyes and staring at him for a while, he couldn't help feeling a little at a loss, even the hand holding the coconut with the open shell and the rotating straw inserted slightly. It became a little stiff.
Annie ignored the coconut in the other party's hand, because she had already drunk a lot of things like that, so she just tilted her head and looked up and down curiously. Then she came together and wanted to'talk up' to her own strange bird. Mengda asked:
   "Weird scorpion, are you the kind of guy who plays with TV and wants to cheat little girls?"
Annie doesn't burn people casually, nor does she let her bear do that kind of thing, but... if the other person is the kind of guy who wants to treat a smart, cute, well-behaved little girl like her badly If that is the case, then she would definitely not be polite.
   "Bad, badass?"
   "No! Of course not! Don't talk nonsense, uncle, I am a good person, how can the kind of good person who guard the earth be a bad guy?!"
   Liu Chuang hurriedly exclaimed and shook his head to deny and explain.
Although he was indeed a gangster in the past, even if he has never done anything like murder, arson, and crime, he has never done anything less like blackmailing and molesting women...Of course, that was before. He Liu Chuang can now It's not the stubborn and rebellious little gangster leader of the past, he is now a heroic hero who defends his country and the earth, and his roots are tight!
   And, he is still a high-level man in the military guarding the earth. He is a man of the earth's battalion company. How could he be that kind of villain?
   "Isn't it?"
   "But if you really are not the kind of villain who wants to deceive children like this, then why do you come to talk to them and give them something to drink for no reason?"
   "Aren't they all acting on TV? When those bad buns want to deceive girls, they all like to use food or candy, or add things to drinks..."
   said, Annie looked at the coconut in the opponent's hand with disgusting eyes.
   She doesn't want to drink coconut water at all now, so this determines her attitude, even if there is really nothing added in it! Of course, if the other party is holding other delicious things, such as a large cup of jam ice cream or milk tea made from more than a dozen fruits, maybe she will happily take it and talk to the other party. Not necessarily?
   "That's impossible! I, Liu Chuang, is definitely not the kind of bad guy who tricks little girls, I just...actually, well, I just came here to talk to you and ask you some questions!"
   "Yes, it's probably like that..."
   Liu Chuang suddenly felt a little at a loss. After all, he was not a person who was good at communicating with others, let alone such a child.
  Because many things cannot be said directly, he can't let him come up and say: He Liu Chuang belongs to the Xiongbing Company. Now I have been ordered to take her back for investigation or other purposes? In that case, once the opponent is scared, even if they don't fight, they will be scared away!
   And if that were the case, the mission of the two of them who came to the earth from the universe to get in touch with and understand each other would be a complete failure. How shameless it would be to go back and report like that?
   "Really just want to talk?"
   "But, Shu, people don't know you, and you are so fierce, you know at first glance that you are not a good person, are you sure you really are not the kind of bad guy who wants to kidnap this kid?"
  ! o
   "The more people look at it, the more they think you should be that kind of person..."
Annie is a little pity, because she actually came to her own conclusion through the analysis and judgment of the dialogue with the other party, so she knows that this time it must not be easy to throw Tibbers out and let it go to a battle with the two of them. Show her something rare and lively.
   "Really not! I have never done such bad things as bullying children in the worst time before. I used to be a principled hooligan who only bullied adults, and my heart was not so bad!"
"Oh, right!"
   "Coconut water, would you like to drink it?"
After explaining for a while, Liu Chuang found that the description became darker and darker. Liu Chuang, who did not intend to continue the topic, saw that he finally had a hard time getting along with this kind of child who seemed to be uncomfortable, and quickly opened the one in his hand. The shelled coconut handed it towards the other party.
   "Don't let it go, it looks dirty, who knows if you have drank it secretly, or put something bad in it?"
Of course, Annie is just talking casually. The most important thing is: she noticed just now. Just now, the coconut was placed on the small table between the other two, and the two of them quarreled and discussed for a long time. , I don’t know how many spitting stars flew in, so she wouldn’t eat this kind of thing they brought!
   "You...I, am I that kind of person? If you don't believe me, I'll drink it to you now!!"
Unexpectedly, this little guy would say something like that. Although it is good to have this kind of vigilance, Liu Chuang felt that he had been greatly insulted, so he directly took the coconut and sucked in a straw. Up.
At this time, unfortunately, just as he was preparing to drink up this coconut with two glasses of water at most to prove his innocence, the seagulls flying in the sky, unfortunately, I don’t know which one just happened to fly. Pass and let the white sticky secretion fall accurately into the coconut that is as transparent as clear water.
   Liu Chuang was startled, and subconsciously stopped swallowing.
   Xiao Anni was also taken aback, and said that this matter really had nothing to do with her. She didn't intentionally let the thing fall at the right time and place. It was really just an accident!
   "Look! Shu millet, what you said to the teacher on TV is really correct. You can't drink anything you like from a strange millet!"
   Seeing that the other party's originally angrily expression instantly became stiff and sluggish, Annie finally grinned directly and joked.
   "Bah! Bah!"
   First, after the thing in his mouth sprayed out of the dam, Liu Chuang wiped his mouth awkwardly, and said his intention:
   "Little guy, let's put it this way, in fact, I didn't come to you to strike up a conversation, nor to do anything bad, but there are very important and important things to tell you!"
   "It's like this..."
First, he turned his head to the distant one who was grinning and joking with his thumbs up, and after a glance, Liu Chuang finally stopped tweaking, and directly asked why he had come here to have a conversation... No, it was a conversation. For example, why the other party is concerned by them, why did they come, why did Liu Chuang tell the other party these reasons, and want to invite the other party to'Tianblade 7'and receive relevant guidance and training. Barabara spoke out.
   After all, the other party is just a child, although he doesn't know whether the other party is really a child, but judging from the contacts and conversations just now, it is better for him to be more direct about some things?
"It turned out to be like this... Sure enough, people thought it was a little strange before, and they have been wondering why these two days they always feel as if they are being watched, and they think it is the bad guys who want to do bad things. Did you stupid guys hiding in the universe do it?"
   "Just a bunch of useless guys like you still want to train others, don't you think this thing is funny?!"
Her previous behavior might have been noticed by the people of the earth. Annie actually thought of doing it a long time ago, but she didn't mind, and even vaguely expected the bad guys to jump out and beat herself up, but... she didn't do anything. What came to mind was: these guys surreptitiously observed for two more days, and then they rushed over, saying that they wanted to incorporate and train her. Is this a bit overconfident?
  Anne doesn’t understand, her Queen Anne behaves so badly, and she still needs these useless dumb guys in front of her to train her how to use her abilities? To this day, people who can teach her to use her ‘power’ or other messy things, I’m afraid I can’t find one in the endless universe and the endless plane world, right?
"Little guy, I can tell you that we are very strong. It is very easy to train you as a little girl who has just awakened, even if you are very talented! Only by joining us can you get Things that will never be obtained or learned on the earth, anyway, are the kind that ordinary people on earth would definitely not be able to reach."
   "I used to be the same as you. I always felt like how I made a good beer, but now I know that we are still too small, and we have to work harder!"
For the little girl in front of him, even Liu Chuang had to admit that the other party was indeed a little bit better than them in terms of talent, because before or after the'awakening', they still couldn't control their own power abilities. If you use it, you can't use it as freely as the little guy in front of you and dare to face such a terrible demon in such a close situation, and then you can calmly counter and kill the opponent!
   Of course, what he admits is only the other's talent. In terms of strength, he is confident that he is definitely stronger than the little guy in front of him!
   "Are we earthlings?"
   Annie understands it. Obviously, what looks like a badass in front of you seems to have misunderstood something?
   "Shu 黍......"
   "Who told you that someone must be an earthling?"
Annie has basically understood the intention of the other party. To put it bluntly, these guys see that they have good abilities or great potential, so they sent him and the idiot who is paying attention here to contact and collect her. , And then want to take her to the angel spaceship called'Sky Blade 7'to receive training and become a member of the company that protects the earth, just like them?
   "Ah? What, what, you...really you are not a human being on earth?"
Liu Chuang was a little surprised, because he just judged from the tone, accent and other behaviors of the other party that the other party was a native of the earth, because other aliens, such as angels or Lieyang star people, When I first arrived, my performance would definitely not be as earthy as the other party, but now, the other party said she was not an earthly person?
  Ε=)) alas
   "Then I will give you a brief introduction!"
   "People's name, Anne Hasta, is a voodoo land from the world of... Runelands?"
   Annie thinks that this is almost the most accurate, right? After all, her home is indeed in the land of voodoo in the world of Runeland. As for other worlds, it can only be said that she has been to places. It is always inappropriate to talk to people when introducing herself.
   "As for the profession...people seem to have been the chairman of the board, the magic professor, the queen of the kingdom, the leader of the alliance, the head of the federation, the emperor of the empire, the immortal, the world controller, etc.
"People actually like to be called'Arcane Archmage' the most, UU reading and it is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful The kind of oh~!!!"
  . .. .:.
   "So, you stupid guys are definitely not qualified and have no ability to train others!"
  Oo hum!
   Seeing that another shirtless monster came to him and listened curiously, Annie stood on the guardrail of the dam by the sea like this, and said with a proud face.
   Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun looked at each other dumbfoundedly, and then they didn't know what to say.
They only know that things seem to be a bit beyond the scope of the relevant authority that they can handle on their own, and they are a bit at a loss as to how to deal with the little girl in front of them... Maybe, for the sake of safety, they are very interested in this matter. It is necessary to immediately report to the Sky Blade No. 7 in the universe, let the Chief Lianfeng and others know and let them tell them what they should do next?
   But in any case, both of them can faintly feel that the little girl in front of them seems to have a very uncomfortable background. It is not like they thought at the beginning, but a genetically awakened person!
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