Chapter 1319: Happiness will not knock on the door, but it can be tampered with ψ(…

After burning the sea of ​​monsters that would absorb magic and cannibalism, and even their roots were burned into magma, to ensure that they were completely destroyed, and it was impossible to sprout and rebirth, Irena, whose thoughts became well-versed Once again embarked on their journey with a sad little girl.
However, this time they did not fly far before they ran into a weird man named Emir. The other party was collecting something called "happiness", and after they knew that Irena and Annie were travelers, they both lived and died. They wanted to invite them to his house as a guest. When the hospitality was difficult and they heard that there would be something delicious to eat, Little Annie couldn't wait to say yes, and then they came to this one. In the small village.
   The relationship in the village chief’s home is a bit complicated. Although there are only three people, it seems a bit shocking to Irene...
Because, Irene could see that the maid in this house, Nino, was a beautiful slave bought by the village chief, acting as a maid, a servant, and the other party’s object of venting, etc., and the village chief’s The only son, the Emil knows nothing about it, and even foolishly wants to give that Nino happiness?
Therefore, after this meal, although the maid Nino’s meal is indeed very rich and delicious, Irena’s mood is not very good, and she just sits in her own seat and drinks. Black tea does not say much about what has just happened.
   "Miss Nino, the food you cook is delicious!"
   "Don't worry! If this villain dares to scold you, he will help you beat him!!"
After eating and drinking, in the house of the village chief of the richest man in the village, Xiao Annie directly slumped in a chair. First, she thanked the maid Nino, who was cleaning up the tableware, and then turned her head unceremoniously. Go, threaten the owner who just saw Irena cast magic to repair the broken tableware, that is, the village chief.
   "No no need!"
   "I'll go to the kitchen to wash the dishes..."
   However, the maid Nino did not dare to accept Little Annie's kindness, she nodded her head in fright, then turned around and left in a hurry, she didn't dare to look at the ugly appearance of the village chief who was the head of the family.
As the host, he was threatened by outsiders in his house. The village chief was obviously uncomfortable in his heart. However, given the powerful magic power shown by the witch Irena just now, he still didn't dare to say it after thinking about it. Too much heavy words, he stood up with a cold snort.
"you guys……"
   "If you are full, just leave by yourself. There are no spare vacancies in our house. You don't have to come and say goodbye when you leave!!!"
  嘭! !
   As he said, he turned around and went back to the study, and fell heavily on the door of the room.
Although he is the village head and has absolute authority in this village, he can't deal with the official witch, or else... he only needs to let Nino put something in the tea of ​​the two to make them Know the sinisterness of human nature!
Especially the witch named Irene, who is so beautiful and dare to go out and wander around by herself. If she is not a witch, he will rely on what the other party has just done, said, and concealed threats to him. There are ways to slowly clean up each other, and sell them as slaves directly after playing enough with each other! !
   "Oh! Got it!!"
Annie didn't like the uncle village chief because she knew that the other party was a bad guy and had a strong hostility towards them. She was even harsher and abnormal towards the Nino who could make good food for them, and she would hit people at every turn. And if it wasn't for the other party's home, and if they had just eaten for nothing, maybe she would smash it with a fireball, right?
So, she doesn’t need to say that she doesn’t plan to stay here any longer. She is going to sit for a while, and leave after the guy named Emir comes out and says a word, so she won’t be in this small, two-story wooden house. Live in it!
   Irena didn't speak, nor did she make any response, she just looked at the study door that had just been closed, and then looked in the direction of the back kitchen.
   There, there was a faint sound of sad sobbing...
   There is no doubt that the voice is not the cry of the female slave Nino, who was bought back by the village chief with money? Presumably, it must be the Emil who opened his gift, the magic bottle that recorded ‘happiness’ he collected from all over the world, and showed those ‘happiness’ in front of the female slave Nino, right?
   However, the fool with a negative emotional quotient probably doesn't know yet. In fact, he did an extremely stupid thing, right?
  Irena, who was sitting at the dining table, sighed faintly. She remembered a story:
I can’t remember the story in which book Irena read. Anyway, she only remembers that the book is about a husband who is a magician who was paralyzed in bed due to illness. The wife who can't go out travels around the world, using magic to record all kinds of beautiful scenery, and then bring back things to show his wife.
   But finally...
The magic made her husband show his wife the magnificent scenery, not only did not relieve the wife who was in bed, but made her feel even more desperate... In the end, she used a fruit knife in the magic The opportunity for her husband to go out to record the beautiful scenery silently ended her own desperate life.
   At that time, Irene was very shocked, and then she went to her mother in a daze, but as a result, her mother said to her:
  ‘Sometimes, what you think you’re doing for the good of others is not necessarily correct. She could bear the pain and loneliness, but her husband let her see the better things that she would never be able to enjoy. Under the cruel reality and the fact that her husband was not always with her, she chose That's a relief option for her and for him...'
  ‘Because, after seeing those beautiful things, she became even more desperate...’
   And how similar is the current situation to the preaching story that Irena saw in the book at the time and the summary her mother told her?
   The faint wailing sound from the kitchen made Irena couldn't help feeling a little upset.
Perhaps, for his status as a slave, for the cruel things that he is often bullied by the village chief, and have no freedom, no happiness, no salary, no vacation, no self, or even hope, etc., Nino still can barely do I endured it silently and got used to it, but... After that fool Emil showed those happiness to Nino, it was not difficult to judge from her cry, Irena. At this moment, Nino was obviously more desperate. Up.
   Irena sighed again.
   She knew that Nino was supposed to be able to tolerate darkness, but why did Emil let the other party see the light and hope that could never belong to a slave?
   "It's so pathetic..."
   "Teacher, you said...Should we help a bunch of Nino?"
   After hesitating for a long time, she was a little upset, but she didn't know what she should do. Irene had no choice but to ask her teacher who was also looking towards the kitchen.
   "But... Irena, did you just say yesterday that you were on a trip this time, and you will definitely not be nosy in the future. Why do you change your mind now and want to save the world?"
   Annie didn't say to help, but she didn't say no to help, she just blinked her beautiful blue eyes curiously, and asked Irene, who had a gloomy expression on her face, who didn't know what she was thinking.
"I do not know……"
   "Maybe, I am really not a qualified traveler, am I?"
   While talking, Irena's head dropped again, looking a little depressed.
"Irena, this world is very big, have you helped so much? And, your magic seems to be the same thing. This world is much stronger than you. If you want to manage everything If you do, you will be in big trouble sooner or later!"
   "Also, you forgot about the last week? How did you know that it was right to help her?"
  Although Annie had made up a certain idea herself, that did not prevent her from reprimanding Irene like a little adult.
After all, preach to Irena, and suppress the youngest in front of me, who repeatedly claims to be the youngest in history, is beautiful and talented, and is not lost to the colorful flowers, beautiful flowers blooming and beautiful like a doll The lovely genius witch is still a very interesting thing!
"I do not know……"
"But I want to help her... It's really cruel to her. Listen to her cry, how desperate it should be... That fool, Emil, he couldn't give it to him. Any promise she made, but she even asked her to see the happiness of others...I don't know how she should stick to it in the future..."
"I think……"
   "For her, if she doesn't know anything, it is happiness?"
After that, Irena became even more depressed, because whether she was a witness on the trip or a client, it was destined to be a sad story, and she didn’t know what to use. In order to write in her diary.
   "Then how do you want to help?"
Annie compromised. Anyway, she didn’t care and didn’t have any position. Moreover, there were too many nostalgic things she had taken care of, and it was not bad for one or two trivial things, and since Irene wanted to help a bunch of them. The food is delicious Nino, then help!
"I do not know……"
After all, this is the housework of the village chief’s house, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with the other party doing such things to a slave that was bought with money. So, although I really want to intervene, Irena is really wrong. Know where to start.
   "This way..."
   "Then, just burn the villain village chief directly, what do you think of this idea?!"
   Annie started to make bad ideas.
   As for whether the village chief should die, or whether they are doing it like this, she doesn't want to worry about it~!
  Ε=)) alas
   "No way! No way!"
   "He didn't seem to have done anything too bad... Moreover, they kindly invited us to be guests. If we did that, Emil would definitely hate us!"
   was invited by others to eat at home, and then burned the owner here after eating. How could she, Irene, do such a frenzied thing?
   "Just burn them one by one?!"
   There is no doubt that the "two people" in Annie's mouth are undoubtedly the village chief and Emil, the village chief's son. She thinks, since we are going to save Nino, and since burning the village chief will make the fool Emil hate and hate, then it's okay to burn them together, isn't it okay?
  ! o
   "That's even worse! Teacher! Are we that kind of bad guys?!!!"
Irene, with a black face and black lines, bitterly looked at her teacher who didn't speak his mind. At the same time, she carefully looked in the direction of the study and the kitchen, and discovered the conversation between the two of them just now. After it didn't affect the three people inside, she was relieved.
   If the words they said just now were heard, maybe they thought they were the robbers from where they came from!
You know, Irena is the youngest in history. She is beautiful and talented. She is not lost to the colorful flowers. She is beautiful and beautiful like a doll. How can she be a robber? That kind of thing?
   "Huh? Isn't it?"
   "Of course not! We are just travelers, kind travelers!!!"
   Irene flushed her face and tried her best, not wanting to be led into the ditch by a little girl who couldn't tell her position.
   "That's it!"
   "Buy her with money?!"
   As she said, Annie took out a large pile of gold coins directly from her bag, and the golden gold almost didn't dazzle Irene's eyes.
   "But it doesn't work either. After they have money, they will buy more and more beautiful maids. That bad guy will definitely do that."
  Ε=)) Humph! !
   Without waiting for Irene to say anything, Annie quickly rejected her proposal and put away the golden coins again with a wave of her hand.
   "I didn't think about it..."
   If Irene knew what to do, she wouldn't be so entangled now.
Because, the key to this matter is indeed a bit complicated, far from being as simple as her little girl teacher thought. Anyway, she has not been able to come up with one that satisfies her for the time being, and everyone is happy without hurting anyone. The idea comes.
Annie is also a little entangled, because she is better at letting her set fire to bad guys, but asking her to find a way is really embarrassing her, she can only think of directly burning the troublemaker, and then completely solve it. What is troublesome is not just a solution. As for other things, you really can't demand too much.
   After all, she has always believed in the kind of problems that can be solved with fists and force, so she would not use her head!
   "If it doesn't work, let's leave and leave the problem to the Emil fool to solve it by himself..."
   "Quickly forget about this, we won't have so many worries."
After racking my brains for a while, Irena, who couldn't think of a good way, was about to give up, because the two outsiders did not really interfere with this kind of thing, and it seemed that they did not do it right. Then just don't do it, and leave quickly, just as if you haven't seen anything?
   "Forget about it?"
  ! o
   "Yes, people have thought of a way!"
   At this moment, to remind Irena, Annie suddenly thought of something that a bad organization called the Ministry of Magic often did to ordinary people in other worlds.
"That one……"
   "Irena, you should remember the spells in those magic books that the bear gave you last year? In the Hogwarts Spell Book, there is a very fun and interesting spell!"
   Annie didn't say it clearly, she just gave the witch apprentice Irena, who was looking at her, a thief.
   "You mean..."
Irene didn’t know which spell Anne was talking about. After all, she learned too much and too mixed, whether it was the magic of the witches she knew, the spell of Hogwarts, or Azer The Dalaran spell in the world of Russ made her think of one of the at least thousands of spells, which really embarrassed her.
   Besides, she really doesn’t know which one her teacher Anne is talking about!
   "It's nothing to forget!"
"Think about it, if you use that spell with the'memory spell' to modify the three of them... No, just modify the memories of all the people in their entire village, and change Nino to a distant relative of their family. My child, because his family is dead, has to live here, and modify their memories so that they treat her well, and at the same time make her forget those bad memories. Isn’t that enough?"
   is perfect!
For the first time, Anne felt that she didn't need a bear's reminder to think of such an ultra-perfect solution to the problem. She was indeed worthy of her Queen Anne, and worthy of her most, most, most, most, most, most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful arcane master of the name!
   "But, although I have learned the spell of'Forgetting All', I have never used it to anyone..."
Of course, the genius witch Irene knows that spell. In fact, she has learned all the spells, but she has never used it. After all, she is just a traveler, and she hasn’t played with anyone after so long. Conflict, and there are not too many opportunities to use magic, so now she is directly asked to modify the memories of Nino in an entire village, which really makes her a little nervous.
However, I have to say that she also admired and admitted that the method her teacher, who has always been unreliable, came up with this time is indeed feasible, at least, it is more likely to burn people than the two just now. The method is much more reliable!
   "It's definitely possible, Irena, you are a genius, I am very optimistic about you!"
  . .
  Irena can work Anne doesn’t know herself, anyway, she won’t tell the other party, she just feels troublesome, lazy, and doesn’t want to do it, so she left this question to the other party!
   "That's right, I'm a genius! It shouldn't take much magic to modify the memories of hundreds of people in a dozen households, so it's decided like this!"
Soon, after her teacher helped herself to come up with a good idea, Irena, the youngest in history, with beauty and talent radiating light, not losing to the colorful flowers, beautiful blooming like a flower, like a doll The generally beautiful and cute genius witch excitedly drew out her own magic wand, put it on, and prepared to use the "forgetting nothing" that can interfere with memory to the whole village, to completely modify the people in this village. Nino’s memory, in order to use this to change Nino’s tragic fate, so that she and the Emil fool can live happily here?
   "Then teacher, you are waiting here, if I did something wrong, come and fix it for me, now..."
   "I want to do it to him first!!"
   After finishing speaking, the fighting spirit Irena left the chair, walked to the wooden door of the study that was locked from inside, and stretched out her magic wand.
   Alaho Cave opens!
'you! ’
  ‘What are you doing? What a rude fellow, hurry up and get out! ! ’
   One forgets nothing!
Soon, there was a white light inside, and then not long after, Irena walked out, and first nodded to Annie, who was still sitting in a chair drinking juice, and motioned for her to fix the village chief before turning around again. Walked towards the back kitchen.
'what! ’
  ‘ What can you do? ’
   "It's nothing!"
   One forgets nothing!
   Irena blinked at Emir playfully, then raised her wand abruptly, and moved it towards the other's head, and began to tamper with some of the other's key memories with the memory spell.
  ‘Ah! ’
Seeing Irena shot towards the Emir, a certain Nino who had just struggled out of the arms of the Emir exclaimed in exclamation, and took two steps back in fear, wondering whether the witch in front of him wanted to do it. Something.
   "Don't worry, Nino, I won't hurt you!"
   "Now, I will give you happiness!"
  ‘Fortunately, happiness? ’
   "Yes, true happiness!"
   "Where is there any luck..."
   One forgets nothing! !
Soon, Irena walked out of the kitchen, and nodded to the still sitting teacher Anne, saying that everything was done, she summoned her broomstick and was going to hunt people in the whole village. And completely falsify all their memories about Nino!
   Some things that have happened, she must be unable to change, but now she can give Nino a bright future, and she can only do so now. Moreover, she feels that this will be the most meaningful thing she has done in the past 15 years, and she will definitely do it well, definitely! !
  Ε=)) alas
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