Chapter 1367: ?-(?????) Lucy of Alice

   It's already evening, and Lucy is walking down the sunset trail in silence with her shoulder bag.
   At this time, she just lowered her head and walked forward step by step on the lonely road.
   She is not in a good mood now.
Just now, she was in the study with her own father, and the Lord Jade Hatfilia who wanted to marry her to a guy she had never seen before for her own self-interest and for the so-called family benefit. The showdown and a complete fallout, and it is still the kind that is difficult to repair.
   If she secretly ran away from home before, then, this time, she will blatantly "abandon her home" and run away. I am afraid that she will not know when she will come back in the future.
  Because, in this family, there is no longer something that makes her nostalgic...
What she wants is never money or beautiful clothes, nor is it the so-called wealthy marriage arrangements arranged for her by the other party. What she wants is nothing more than a function that allows her to play her own role and recognition. She exists as a person, Lucy, and can still regard her as a place for companions and family.
And such a place, the kind of place to realize one's life value, so that she is no longer a dispensable puppet and'tool man'. She has actually found it and is about to go back there again. .
  ‘Look at that? ’
  ‘Isn’t she right there? People have said that she will definitely be fine, but you still have to pull others to find out, really...’
   At this time, a familiar and slightly complaining voice came from a distance.
  ’! ! ’
   This made Lucy startled.
Then, when she was thinking about her own thoughts, she couldn't help but stop subconsciously, and raised her head in amazement, squinted, and after blocking the golden but still a little dazzling light of the setting sun with her hand, she carefully walked away. Look carefully at the dazzling place.
'Hey! ’
  'Lucy? ’
  'Lucy! ! ! ’
'Hi! Lucy! ’
   Then, the voices and figures familiar to Lucy rushed towards her at the same time, making her heart startled, and at the same time warming up suddenly.
  ’! ! ’
  ‘It’s Annie! ’
  ‘There are Naz, Gray, Hobby and Elisa...’
'how come? ’
   whimpering, standing in the Hatfield family manor that was once her own and grew up, Lucy covered her mouth and smiled for the first time and shed some crystal tears.
   "Everyone, everybody..."
   Then she wiped her eyes so fiercely, she pressed her feet, and rushed towards the companions in front of her with all her strength, and then screamed and embraced enthusiastically.
   "There is also Hobbit..."
  ‘Why are you all here? ’
  ‘It’s so simple! ’
  ‘Isn’t everyone a little worried about you? ! ’
  ‘Hobby is worried about Lucy too! ’
  ‘Didn’t I leave a letter? I knew that you guys would definitely break into my room without authorization! ’
  ‘That will make me worry more! ’
'That one……'
  ‘Actually, it’s because of Lucy that you wrote a lot of unsent letters. After reading it, everyone felt that they had to care about you more, so they came. ’
  ’! ! ’
  ‘Damn it! Have you opened the letters I wrote to mom in the box? ! ’
  ‘No, it’s not me! ’
  ‘It’s Hobbit! ’
'Eh? ’
  ‘Naz, didn’t you take it apart first? What Habi found was obviously those weird underwear...’
  ’! ! ’
   "Give me my underwear..."
  ‘Damn it! You guys, stop for me! ! ’
  ‘Oh! ’
  ‘Don’t run! ! ! ’
Soon, chatting and chatting, Naz, who accidentally said something'unspeakable', and a certain inattentive cat Hobby, soon became the target of venting and attacking the angry Lucy. , A few people just made a noise in public here.
That kind of laughter and cries of pain quickly spread around the Hatfield Manor, and the servants and some people who were worried about Lucy's condition were attracted to look far away. Come, and show a certain look of inconsistency.
   "Lucy! Now that everyone is here, your castle looks very luxurious, then, hurry up, please go in and eat a ton?"
   After seeing those guys finally making enough trouble, Annie hurried forward and couldn't wait to pull the corner of Lucy's skirt, beckoning the other party to quickly bring herself to find those delicious ones.
You know, she was entangled by those guys who came here all night by train. In addition, she slept all the way and missed breakfast and lunch when she got up. Now she is really hungry and can't stand it. Just waiting to go to Lucy's house and eat for nothing for a few days before going back!
"This one……"
  My best companions traveled thousands of miles to find themselves, and they also found their homes directly. With reason and reason, Lucy should have a good meal and arrange accommodation and other issues.
   "Sorry Annie, and everyone...or else, let's go out to eat. I'm afraid it is not convenient to entertain everyone at home..."
  Think about the farce I just had with my father, and think about the things I said. At this moment, it is really not convenient for her to do that kind of thing, so she can only say this with a wry smile.
   "Ah? Why? Is it possible that the big house has no food?!"
   Annie felt a little unbelievable. Anyway, she didn't believe that the guy who lived in such a big castle would not even have a good cook or food!
Besides, it's not that Queen Anne has never lived in a castle like that, or a larger and more luxurious castle than that, but she knows that there must be a lot of large and spacious guest rooms, as well as large restaurants. As well as a large group of servants and cooks, it is impossible not even them to be able to entertain them.
   "Lucy is afraid that there is something wrong, so don't ask so much. Besides, we are not very hungry. It is not impossible to eat outside."
Elisa seemed to see that Lucy's face was so unnatural, thinking that the previous incident with the Ghost Guild was caused by the other party's father, she hurriedly stopped her mouth and wanted to take Lucy a short distance. Anne, who walked to the castle, then persuaded her, preparing to give Lucy a step down, so as not to embarrass the other person too much.
   With a delicate mind, she occasionally noticed Lucy's abnormality, and felt that before they came, something must have happened here that they didn't know.
   Of course, although she said that, her belly betrayed her at this time, making her ‘not very hungry’ talk irresponsible at all.
   "But, what does it matter if you ask?"
   Annie, who just wants to fill up her stomach quickly, and only wants to eat a delicious meal, is there any trouble with Lucy? Therefore, she still stubbornly wanted to take Lucy back, and eat and drink in that big house, and stay at least for a day or two.
   Ai Lucy didn't know what to say, she just pretended to cough, and then kept winking at the other party.
   "Why are you staring? Did you get into the sand? People won't blow it to you!"
Although I saw the big sister Eliza blinking her eyes vigorously at her, Annie still didn't take it seriously, she still ignored the other party so stubbornly, she still only thought about delicious food, as for everything else, she was completely obliterated by her. I lost it to the back of my head.
   "You guy!"
   Now, even Elisa, the wise and martial artist, is gone.
   "It's not that I can't say..."
"Maybe you don’t know yet? Because of that matter, my father and I just broke up, and we had a terrible quarrel. We also said that we would officially leave the house, so... I’m afraid I really have no face to continue here. The place stays and entertains everyone."
   Lucy suddenly regretted a little.
  Because, she was already thinking, if she knew that her best companions were coming, she would definitely endure first, and wait for her companions to be entertained before going to a showdown with her annoying father?
   If that were the case, she would not be so embarrassed now.
   "It turned out to be like this!"
   "Then go out and eat, anyway, we have endured it for so long, we don't have to wait a while!"
   "But Lucy, you have to pay. I really don't have any money. Even the money for the ticket here is paid by Eliza."
   At this time, Naz on the side just didn't care at all and said with a big grin.
What he said was really true, because he really didn’t have any money... Recently, due to the guild war with Spectre and the rebuilding of the guild station recently, there is no mission or commission for him to claim it. And if it weren't for their worksite to provide nutritious work meals for all those who worked, he might have been hungry or went fishing like Hobby.
   "I got it!!"
   "Naz, you annoying fellow!"
   Lucy cursed with a smile and said bitterly, and generously agreed.
Although, due to the fallout with her father, she didn't get even a hundred J of pocket money when she came home, but she still has a small surplus in her purse, barely enough to entertain these companions, even if Several of them are big stomach kings, which is still okay.
   "Really, go out to eat, where do you eat well in the castle?"
  Ε=)) alas
Annie was a little frustrated, but Lucy had said that. She couldn’t insist, so she could only follow her companions in angrily, and walked out of the'village' step by step weakly, planning to go. Eat in that town a few miles away.
   "I'm really sorry for making everyone so worried and coming here from such a far away!"
   "You are welcome!"
   "Yes, Lucy, we are in the same team, aren't we?"
"If we knew that you would go back so soon, we're afraid we won't come. Don't you know, the station reconstruction is a super big project. Recently, the construction site is still short of manpower... It seems that this time I I am also a little impatient."
   "Haha! Elisa, you would say the same...Ah!!!"
   "It hurts... it hurts!"
   "Shut up, Naz!"
   "Exhibitionist, there is no place for you to speak!"
   "Huh! I'm hungry now, so I don't have time to fight with you..."
"But having said that, the small town where Lucy is your home is really big, and the rural scenery also looks very good. Unfortunately, there are no shops and restaurants. Otherwise, we don’t have to go that far, we don’t have to go. It's in the town ahead."
   While talking, Gray, Naz, Elsa and others began to talk about the characteristic town where Lucy’s manor is located.
"That one……"
   "Are you misunderstanding, this is actually not a small town, this is my courtyard... Those houses are where the servants, gardeners and uncles of the gardeners and their families live."
   "In fact, all the places up to the big mountain in front, to the first three miles of the town outside, are all my home!"
   Seeing that everyone seemed to have misunderstood something, Lucy smiled and corrected as she walked.
   "Huh eh?"
   "What's wrong with everyone?"
   Lucy is a little unclear, so she doesn't know why these companions of her own suddenly quieted down.
"Do not!"
   "It's nothing, but suddenly I feel that the sky is blue..."
"That's right! Annie, I heard that you really seem to be a queen, and even the Magic Council doesn't dare to criticize you. Then tell me, your country... is the kind of gram you said last time. Pluxing District, how big is it?"
   "Is there our Fiore Kingdom big?"
   "Also, how big is your home?"
   Elisa, who didn't plan to make any comments on the house of Lucy, a big dog, is going to tease a little guy who has always called herself a queen, so that she can find a little balance and comfort for herself?
   "I don't know how big the star area is..."
  Yes, the Kepulu region now radiates and encompasses several parallel universes and worlds. It is really difficult to describe the issue of specific size.
   "As for my house..."
   "The whole voodoo land belongs to my house, at least there are tens of thousands of Lucy's house as big!"
   Anyway, Annie knows that the last time I went back, the huge steel fortress city and the retro city planned to be built next to it all belonged to her home, anyway, it was many, many times larger than Lucy's home.
Elisa, Naz, Gray, and Hobby the cat suddenly stopped talking because they discovered that it seemed that the two women living in the villa were really older than the other, and they were definitely not like them anyway. Can the bottom DIAO silks be compared?
   "Anyway, Lucy's house looks great."
   "That's natural!"
   "Naz, you don't know yet, do you?"
"what do you know?"
   "The ancestor of the Hatfilia family, Her Excellency Anna Hatfilia, was the teacher who taught the culture and language of the first generation of Dragon Slayers 400 years ago!"
   "If it weren't for her, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any dragon-killing wizards like you."
   "Really? Lucy's ancestors are really that powerful? But Elisa, how do you know so many things?"
   "It always makes sense to let you read more books, so let's wait for the guild resident to be repaired. If I have time, I will be like before. UU reading will continue to tutor you with your homework?"
   "Absolutely never!!"
   With a startled heart, a certain man who claims to be the strongest fire dragon hides away in an instant.
   What are you kidding about, how could Naz do such terrible things?
He would rather fight Gray for three hundred rounds, or have a fight for most of the day, than to be the kind of person who can’t wait to put the content of a whole book into his head in an hour. Innocent toys under terrible teaching methods!
   "Miss Lucy, can't you really apologize to your father, and then ask us to have a good meal at your house?"
   Annie doesn't want to run too far to eat something in a restaurant, because there is definitely nothing better than the one in the castle. She has a deep understanding of this.
   "Sorry Annie..."
   "I'm afraid it really won't work, because my father's actions are really irritating!"
   "That's terrible..."
   Lucy gritted her teeth, thought about it, and finally shook her head.
   "People's feast..."
After failing to advise her, Annie's face collapsed, so she sighed quietly, and finally glanced at the Hartfilia family castle in the distance. She knew that she had no chance to go in and eat and drink. With his head downcast, he followed everyone forward, ready to go to the unknown town ahead to eat something casually.
   Do you still have tickets?
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