Chapter 1381: Hahaha?? (???*) Can't beat me...

   In an instant, that trick wrapped the powerful lightning of Thunder Dragon in his fist, and then released it instantly and hit the target severely. Then, with an uppercut, it blasted towards Annie's chin.
Although Laxus felt that his fist seemed to hit something, it was a pity that he did not feel the warm touch of the fist hitting his body. Instead, it was some kind of hard and cold thing. The fist that shook him suddenly stung?
Therefore, knowing that he did not have the ability to make a single blow, he did not rush to pursue it. Instead, he frowned, watching the one who was flew out by him, and dexterously turned over and fell in the air to stand firm on the ground in the distance. Little girl.
   "Damn it!"
   "How did you suddenly change back, fellow?"
   To be honest, Annie almost got caught just now.
   But fortunately, Annie was relatively easy to deal with a surprise attack of that level, because she used a fairy shield to protect herself at that moment. However, even though the shield was not broken, she was given a punch by the opponent and almost fell out of the ring.
   "There is lightning, your kind of stupid transformation spell is definitely not mine."
Laxus will not tell the opponent that he has always deliberately chosen to allow the lightning on his body to slightly erode his own flesh. Although the damage is small, it resists the opponent's deformation, breaks the unstable, and can reshape it. In reality, spells that change the essential structure of the world are definitely more than enough.
"and so……"
   "The Roar of Thunder Dragon"
Taking advantage of the opportunity to speak to the other party, Laxus saw that the other party had cancelled the troublesome green fairy shield, and when he saw the indispensable opportunity, he suddenly opened his mouth and let a thick lightning strike straight at him. The opponent's body blasted!
Like Naz’s Fire Dragon Slayer, Laxus himself, the Thunder Dragon Slayer, can also use similar moves similar to the
Fire Dragon’s Roar
to accumulate the lightning dragon’s electricity in the lungs. Then instantly spit out to destroy the target.
   After all, most of the'Dragon Slayers' are from the same source, so it is normal that some of their moves have similarities.
  ! o
Although Annie is not afraid of the opponent's attack at all, she can still use the fairy shield to withstand the opponent's bombardment. She does not think that the opponent's lightning roar attack can break her own fairy shield, even if she only uses'Lu Lu's power is the same.
   "Don't think about it!!"
  !? I flash!
   was already standing by the side of the ring, fearing that she would be blasted out of the border by forcibly resisting her, so he hurriedly flashed aside, and dodged the opponent's lightning dangerously.
   Boom! !
The edge of the    ring was directly blasted out of a large hole by the ‘Roar of Thunder Dragon’, and then the gravel dust began to spread.
   Shining spear!
  Anne is not the kind of fool who only gets beaten and doesn't fight back.
Therefore, when she jumped to the side to evade and hadn’t landed yet, when the opponent’s lightning bombarded where she was just now and exploded a big hole, she also waved to the opponent at the same time, and at the same time, she was on her shoulders. Tibbs the bear also coordinated, each launching a piercing missile, causing the two purple, powerful missiles that could be seen shining brightly even in broad daylight, to blast towards each other.
   Boom! !
   Two explosions sounded one after another, while the sky of rubble, dust, and firelight also naturally submerged the other party directly.
Since the ring is on the sea, it was built based on the ruined castle, so the sea breeze here is of course very strong, and in the case of strong wind, the smoke and dust after the explosion will be of course very fast. Will be blown away.
So, what surprised Anne herself and the audience was that after her two piercing missiles attacked by the shining spear, and after the dust and smoke of the explosion were quickly blown away by the sea breeze, that Laxus, at this time It is no longer in or around the explosion point?
   is behind? !
   "Tibbers! Help!"
   Suddenly, at that moment, Annie seemed to feel some kind of magical power fluctuations behind her and the kind of subtle electromagnetic effects caused by lightning, and she felt that her hair was slightly attracted by something to float away? Therefore, when she hurriedly turned her head back, she also hurriedly reminded a certain stupid bear, letting another fairy shield to protect herself firmly.
"go to hell!"
   Thunder Dragon's Jaw! !
I don’t know when Laxus suddenly appeared behind Anne. Since the punch just now failed to break Anne’s shield, this time, he directly focused Thunder Dragon’s lightning on both fists, and then exhausted all his strength. He slammed toward Annie's back, to be precise, he hammered toward the emerald green fairy shield that she hurriedly cast.
  嘭! ! !
Under the dual effects of tremendous power and lightning, in an instant, the little figure with a green shield around his body was directly smashed towards the competition arena under his fists, and at least there was The other side of the ring two or three hundred meters wide flew upside down.
   When flying into the air, the green shield shattered directly.
   Obviously, when Annie did not cheat, that level of Faerie Shield would not be able to completely withstand Laxus's close-range move with the power of the ‘Thunder Dragon’s Jaw’ with double fists and full force.
  嗤~! !
In mid-air, Annie hurriedly adjusted her posture, and then at the moment she landed, she hurriedly got down, grounded her feet, led out the lightning around her body, and made the uppers of her feet rub against the rocky floor of the ring tightly. , And after rubbing out two long, smokey trajectories, and at the same time making a long harsh rubbing sound, they finally stopped dangerously at the end of the other side of this huge oval ring. Down.
   "Are you quite tenacious?"
   "I already know the strength of your fairy shield. Are you aware of failure?"
After the attack of the Thunder Dragon's Jaw, I found that I used the opportunity to use the explosion cover to concentrate the magic power on the whole body, so that the whole body was covered with magic power and lightning, and at the same time, it could activate the body, improve the attack power and defense power. And speed, greatly providing melee combat ability and using lightning to "teleport" the sudden attack behind the enemy. After he couldn't defeat the difficult little girl in one move, Laxus smiled and stood up straight, and just ridiculed. , Sneered at the little girl at the end of the ring.
   Of course, although he appears to be relaxed and ready to win, in fact only he knows his own situation.
In the morning knockout and the quarter-finals and four-strong battles in the afternoon, he himself has consumed too much magic power, and now he has used the'Thunder and lightning suit' to greatly enhance his strength, so if If he can't beat the opponent in a short time, he will be exposed.
   "People can defeat you without a shield!!"
Annie was a little angry, because she had indeed been raided twice by the enemy and almost shot out of the field. If the opponent forced her to cheat or use power outside of Lulu's own ability, then this competition It's really embarrassing.
Although no one knows that she cheated secretly, but in order not to let a certain hateful little bear look down on herself, she decided that she must take it seriously and let the certain bear and everyone know that she is not Queen Anne. It's so messy!
"is it?"
   "Then I will wait and see, I hope you better not use it?!"
   Hearing what the other party said, Laxus was delighted, and then hurriedly ran on with words, hoping that the other party would really stop using that troublesome shield.
Otherwise, if the opponent has been playing attrition wars with his shield, with the opponent’s troublesome shield that can barely break with all his strength, as well as his seemingly dexterous skill and sensitivity to magic, he can definitely give him Dragging it alive until the magic power dries up is something he absolutely doesn't want to see.
   "If you don't need it, you don't need it!"
  Anyway, even if Annie doesn't need a shield, she still has ‘Crazy Wild Long’, ‘Wonderful Idea’ and ‘Sparkling Spear’, even if she doesn’t need a fairy shield, she will never persuade each other!
"Kill you!"
   Shining spear!
   So, as soon as he raised his hand, two more piercing missiles orbiting around blasted toward the other side of the opponent's competition field.
   Boom! boom!
   Two explosions sounded, and fire, rubble, and smoke once again filled the place.
Without even looking at the place she attacked, Annie turned around and raised her hand. She moved to a seemingly empty place not far away and used flat A, which is ordinary, by herself and her shoulders. The dozens of ordinary missiles fired by Tibbers each made them form a barrage, and then they shot towards that place.
I just moved to that place with lightning, and then, as soon as he appeared before he had time to shoot, he saw a series of missiles rushing over. Of course, Laxus didn’t dare to be aggressive, and while he burst back, he did not forget to hold the lightning with his hands. Block in front of yourself.
  噗! puff! puff!
   In the next instant, a series of missiles kept hitting him and on the ground!
Then, of course, as small holes were punched out on the ground, his arms, shoulders, thighs, and other parts inevitably appeared small red circles scorched and wounded by the missiles, even among them. Faint blood oozes out.
"Go to hell!!"
I found that the lightning raid that I had replayed the old trick didn’t seem to be useful. I saw that the other party was raising his hand, and I seemed to want to use that kind of piercing missile with amazing lethality at the moment when I burst back and didn’t land. I was furious. Laxus waved his hand, letting the'Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji' that he had brewed just before the teleportation, and let the Fangtian painting halberd that turned the Thunder Dragon's electric device into a high-speed throw to the one who was preparing to once again. The little girl who was attacking towards him.
   "Don't even think about it!"
Annie saw what the other party threw towards her, so, subconsciously, she threw out her sparkling spear, so that the two piercing missiles shining with bright purple light blasted precisely to the sight that the other party threw out. It also looks very powerful on the tip of the Thunder Spear.
   Boom! !
  In an instant, the flames of the explosion, the winding lightning electric snake, and the purple magic vortex exploded in mid-air.
   However, their attacks did not stop.
On the contrary, after the gorgeous explosion, the two of them once again you came and went to the ground, or a close-range raid, or a long-range bombardment, or an emergency evasion, and they fought against the huge sea arena in such a dazzling manner. .
   Gradually, the two of them dismantled the entire arena in disarray, making the sky of fire, smoke, lightning, gravel, explosions, huge waves, and the magic of transpiration become the main theme of the sea.
  ‘Wow! ’
  ‘Good fight! ! ’
'carry on! ’
  ‘Quick! ’
  ‘Little girl, defeat that arrogant boy, I am very optimistic about you! ’
  ‘Asshole! ’
  ‘Can you beat a kid? You should hurry up and keep going! Hit hard, yes, drive her to the sea! ’
  ‘Come on! ’
  ‘Quick! Go and beat her! ! ’
  ‘Oh! ’
  ‘Any such obvious attack, won’t you hide it for a while? ! ’
'Pretty! ’
  ‘That’s right! The little guy, just like that, blows him up fiercely, and he slows down! ’
'Correct! That's it! ’
Unlike the little Annie and Laxus who are fighting anxiously on the sea competition arena, the audience watching the game next to them is not too big a problem at all, just so noisy, and loudly cheer their respective favored or supported objects. At the same time, and yelled indiscriminately, as if they were the masters of wizards?
   "Laxus, his movements have slowed down, and the magic power on his body is dropping sharply. It seems that he is really going to lose this time."
"After all, after the battle between me and Mistgang, his magic power has been consumed too much. On the other hand, Annie, she basically hasn't taken any shots today, and there is not even a decent battle, and it has only been a little bit until now. Get a little serious, one will go down the other, and if this goes on, he will definitely have no chance of winning."
   "He has no more magic power to launch an attack now..."
   "And Annie, her attack frequency hasn't changed at all, and she doesn't know how much magic power she still has."
As the so-called laymen watch the excitement, the experts watch the doorways. Unlike those onlookers who just noisy on the coast, Elsa, Miraj and others are watching the game from the balcony on the third floor of the guild’s castle. There was something wrong with the fierce confrontation.
   So, they sighed like that and spoke out their opinions.
At the same time, silently for the one who is still stubbornly squeezing his own magic power, using electric shocks, lightning triggers, lightning guns, lightning shocks, lightning storms, lightning bullets, etc., and even Mielong Upaniy to attack that becomes more and more With ease, the attack became more accurate one after another, and Laxus, the little girl who had caused countless wounds on Laxus, was worried.
   "Really? Elisa and Miraj, you all think so, is Annie going to win?"
   "Lucy! We are going to make a fortune!!"
   "I haven't made a fortune, I just bought a little Annie's lottery ticket, just a little bit more than yours!"
   "But Hobby, what are you going to do with that money?"
   "Hobby wants to buy a house of fish! What about you Lucy?"
   "I want to pay the rent for two years in one breath, and buy some new clothes for the rest... I haven't bought new clothes for a month! By the way, there are cosmetics, and I need to save some for traveling..."
   "Damn it!"
   "If you count it like this, the money doesn't seem to be enough!!"
Unlike Elisa and Miraj who worry about Laxus and certain things, at this time Lucy and a certain cat Hobby have already begun to plan for the huge fortune they won after redemption. Up.
"not good!"
   "Look! What does Laxus want to do?!"
   However, before Lucy and Hobby were happy for long, Naz and Gray on the side suddenly found something wrong, and then they couldn't help exclaiming.
"That is……"
   "Laxus is he crazy?!"
  At the same time, Miraj and the frail Elisa also noticed something was wrong, and then they all stood up in exclamation.
At this time, on the surface of the sea, in the midair of the seats of the referee team, President Makarov also stood up almost at the same time, and anxiously used the amplifier to face the sea and towards Laksa. Screamed out in shock and anger:
   "Stop it!"
   "The winner has already been divided, what else do you want to do?!"
   Of course he knew his own grandson, so Makarov, who saw clearly what moves the other party wanted to use, planned to take action to forcibly prevent certain actions of the other party.
"Do not!!"
  Hu! call!
   Laxus gasped, and fiercely refused the order of a bad old man.
Then, just as the referees screamed and fled, the group of guild presidents and certain council members in the sky stood up and prepared to interfere, and someone on the opposite side was making triumphant faces at him. Under the gaze of the little girl, she angrily took the last move she had brewed for a long time, and slammed into the rocky floor of the ring that had long been pitted!
   "I didn't lose!"
   "How could I lose to such a guy? That's impossible!"
   "You all die to me!!!"
Just after speaking, the violent electrons that Laxus made from the palm of his hand, before Makarov and the others could react, blatantly fell to the ground and instantly formed a small-scale, but powerful enough to change the terrain. burst.
   rumbling rumbling...
A small mushroom cloud swept through the sea in an instant and rose into the air. It swallowed and razed the entire huge ring to the ground in an instant. While overturning the referees and frogman referees in the sky, it was set off. The monstrous huge wave, just like a nasty celestial wizard summoning the Aquarius celestial spirits before, once again roared and rolled toward the panicked audience on the shore.
   However, this time there were shock waves in addition to the tsunami, so before the tsunami arrived, the audience had not had time to escape, UU read www.uukanshu. Com has already been blown to the ground by shock waves and strong winds.
   rumbling rumbling...
   The huge tsunami swept across the coast once again, making countless people who had just been tossed in the morning once again received merciless baptism from the sea in the chaos and curse.
   But fortunately, this time the explosion came and went faster.
   When they stood up again in shock and looked towards the place where the explosion occurred, the ring that was originally lying on the sea was completely gone! Instead, they are the chaotic tumbling waves that are still noisy from the aftermath of the explosion and...something that has become extremely huge, with one hand on his hips, and the other holding a certain unlucky person who has passed out. Little giant girl laughing.
   can't beat me, right?
   "There is no way, people are so spicy!"
   Yes, although the ring is gone, and although neither the referee nor the referee team knows where the shock wave of the explosion has blown, there is one thing Annie is sure about, that is:
   She won the final victory! !
   Moreover, when she turned into a fight against the explosion at a critical juncture, she also grabbed a certain nasty scar with her hand, and while grabbing the opponent, she saved the opponent's life.
   Some little girl who has become a giant didn’t think so much, she still stood in the ocean and laughed unscrupulously...
  Tickets, tickets, tickets? !
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