Chapter 1392: Hahaha?? (???*) Bad guys, now...

Now, let the time go back to two minutes before a certain wretched little girl used the aerial magician crit ship "Christina" to bombard the location of "Nirvana" in all directions.
At this moment, Nirvana had just been unblocked, and a man named Geral who was cured by Wendy first found Nirvana and unlocked the seal of Nirvana for the first time. He didn’t know why. It actually rose from the beam of light, swayed on the ground, and when something was about to break out of the ground, before it opened the protective device, he resolutely set up a powerful'self-discipline collapse' magic circle on it.
See what he meant, it seems that he is determined to completely destroy this ‘Nirvana’ that has not yet begun to show up in front of people?
However, before he had time to see Nirvana collapse and collapse under his magic circle and be completely destroyed, a man and a woman suddenly appeared behind him and walked towards him with a sneer.
‘Geral! ’
‘Do you think that setting up a self-discipline and collapsing magic circle here with all your magic power can destroy this great miracle? ’
‘You really underestimated us. ’
The person who was talking was the strong guy holding a skeleton staff, white beard and hair, and strange runes painted on his face, that is, the commander and leader of the "Six Demon Generals", the one named Bu Ryan's guy.
And the woman who followed him was not the very revealing, who was the angel with two weird twin little stars, code-named ‘Angel’?
"It's you?!"
Seeing the person coming, Gerald was about to say something when he suddenly covered his heart.
Soon, as the two approached step by step, a small magic circle that was exactly the same as the self-discipline collapse magic circle he had set up on Nirvana suddenly appeared on his chest.
"You even set up a magic circle on yourself, do you want to die with Nirvana?"
"Yes, it seems that you have also been affected by Nirvana, and you want to be a good, righteous person!"
"Hum hum……"
Go to the front, look at the great miracle in front, look at the black light rising into the sky, and look at the self-discipline collapse magic circle set by Geral in advance, Brian of the "Six Demon Generals" is good After a while, he smiled disdainfully and turned his head to look at Geral who wanted to destroy himself.
"This magic circle is set up pretty well. It is really hard to unlock without a'key'. The reason why you set one on yourself is because you want to destroy the'key' together, right?"
"Perhaps you don't know? I used to stay in the Magic Development Bureau. During that time, I gained a lot, and I also used my knowledge to help them create a lot of magic..."
"It just so happens that there is this!"
"Furthermore, I also left a back door in this magic. No matter how complex the password you use to ‘encrypt’, I can just cancel it without using the ‘key’!"
After finishing speaking, the Brian holding the bone wand shook his head like that, looking at the wilting Gerald on the ground with an expression of disbelief on his face.
"Even if I don't use that back door now, it's easy to get rid of your self-discipline and collapse the magic circle, are you right, Angel?"
With a sneer, he ridiculed Gerald who was wilting on the ground, and after taking a look at the magic circle that was really incomprehensible to ordinary people, Brian looked at his companion, who was carrying two The'angel' of only flying weird little protoss.
"of course!"
The Astral Sorcerer'Angel' smiled, and then waved his hand. While Gerald was stunned, the two little Astrals turned into his appearance in an instant, just sneered while holding their arms while standing. Aside.
"The two kids..."
"They can replicate and become anyone, not only the other person's appearance, but also the other person's magic, power, and...memory?"
"So, your magic circle doesn't need the leader to take action, and I can easily disarm it!"
After finishing talking with a smile, the Astral Magus Angel'Angel' waved his hand at the sneered copy of'Geral' standing aside.
Then, the'geral' walked to the Nirvana beam without a word, and stretched out his hand on the light curtain of the self-disciplined magic circle and quickly tapped it with his ten fingers, as if he was typing some kind of password. general.
"How, how is it possible?!"
Soon, in the astonishment of Geral on the wilting ground, he discovered that the fake'Geral' had actually successfully entered the password, and the self-discipline collapse was easily broken with the'key' that he knew only clearly. Magic circle?
"Hum hum……"
"Anyway, thanks to Gerald, you helped us find it and lifted its seal. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't in a short period of time, in the hateful, self-proclaimed righteous Sorcerer Guild Alliance. It's easy to get it under obstruction."
"and so……"
"I have decided to make you die here a little bit of pain, just as a reward for you?"
Brian, the leader of the "Six Demon Generals", smiled triumphantly, although they have been beaten miserably by the Justice Guild Alliance during this period, and have been forced to hide in Tibet, and even their subordinates have been defeated by the enemy one after another. Three...
But now, everything will be different.
Because he will soon obtain the great ancient miracle of Nirvana, and use its supreme power to destroy the broken ship that always gets in the way in the sky, and then use that forbidden magic to destroy the entire world. Replace light and darkness!
At that time, he will be able to dominate and control the entire world! !
Geral struggled to stand up, but he was kicked by Blair and flew high with his eyes rounded, and fell heavily into a turbulent river, making a pop After that, he was nowhere to be found.
"Let's go, Angel, now, it should be us..."
"what is that?!"
"not good!"
"Hurry up!!"
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
boom! boom! boom!
It turns out that in the two minutes when they talked to that Geral and kicked each other, the air-magic crit ship "Christina" controlled by a messy little girl has been completed. The preparations for charging, reloading and steering were So, when they were just about to wait for Nirvana to break through and control it, those shells came in time.
"Angel, are you okay?"
"I'm fine..."
"The shell is coming again!!"
"Damn it!"
"Quick! Get out of here first!!"
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Although Brian, the leader of the "Six Demon Generals", was very unwilling, but looking at the densely packed sky, he was dragging a long tongue of flames toward them and swiftly shooting terrible shells, looking at the few just now. It was the horrible pits exploded by the school-fired shells. He felt that he shouldn't use brute force to contend with the shells, so he had to reluctantly abandon the'Nirvana' that was about to arrive, and instead rushed out towards the periphery first. , I plan to avoid enemy bombing first.
After all, Nirvana is not something that can be easily destroyed by enemy bombardment. He has time.
"Wait, wait for me!!"
Behind, the woman, the ‘angel’ Angel seemed to run a little slower, and then, amidst panic and fear, she naturally asked for help from her leader.
It's a pity that her leader Brian hasn't had time to escape by himself. Where can I stop to help her? Besides, even if he is willing to stop, those shells won't stop!
and so……
boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
Soon, the intensive bombing covered this large area in an instant, and the scope of the explosion was getting bigger and bigger, directly scaring that Brian into embarrassment to continue outside, fleeing away from the outskirts of'Nirvana'.
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