Chapter 1394: ???(?)???? President Anne’s first...

After half a month...
Regarding the mess between ‘Nirvana’ and the Freshman Council, it was finally announced in the joy of everyone’s satisfaction.
This time, there was basically no achievement. The Ten Great Wizards, Jura Rekis, brought some regrets and feelings, and brought the members of their guild. The two Leo who also did not play much role. Bastia and Shiriya Brandi returned to their "Snake Ji's Scales" together.
In this operation, the equipment provided unexpectedly played a huge role, and it was almost a decisive key role, Mr. Yiye and others in the "Cyan Pegasus" guild, they happily boarded their aerial demon. The crit guided ship "Christina" began to return.
In this battle, a certain little girl president taught them a very good and vivid lesson, allowing them to see for the first time that their spacecraft could still display such a powerful combat power! Presumably, their guild will definitely know how to use their equipment correctly in the future.
Just like...
First go to train a group of qualified five-star gunners who can be as accurate as a little girl president?
Of course, what the people in the "Cyan Pegasus" guild think, a little girl who feels bad doesn't know, and doesn't want to bother about it.
Because, at this time, she has also happily controlled the'Nirvana' mobile city platform, which had been dismantled with some key functional modules, returned to the bay north of Magnolia, and was making Makarov and Mi Raj and the others arranged manpower, and almost overnight, they used magic to move the guild castle that was originally located in the north of Magnolia to the platform of'Nirvana', and then let'Nirvana' stand high. In the bay, her "sky" city under construction became a sight of Magnolia, which attracted a lot of people to watch.
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
"Let's say it, this toy can't be given to the guys of the new council. Now that it is brought back, it is so beautiful here!"
Standing on the third floor of the "Fairy Tail" castle, overlooking the entire city of Magnolia condescendingly, watching the beautiful scenery in the distance of the bay, watching the ships honking the whistle, and many flying up because of curiosity. A group of seabirds and seagulls, little Annie stood on the guardrail happily showing off.
That's right, just show off!
Because, she got it back. It was her first achievement since she became the president, and she almost always compares some bad old man to it all at once?
From today onwards, this ‘Nirvana’ is no longer called Nirvana, it is now just a mobile city and a magic fort, a kind of existence similar to a floating city.
However, unlike the floating city, it can't fly. It can only move on the six giant feet connected to the earth, and through the giant feet, it draws the continuous magic power from the earth to supply the daily needs of the entire city platform.
But no matter what it was called before, the people of Magnolia now prefer to call it the "Fairy Castle in the Sky". It has become a new landmark of Magnolia and a great existence like a lighthouse.
"Don't stand there, be careful you fall..."
Elisa, who was not far behind, shook her head, looking at the proud little guy in front of her, she didn't know what to say.
To be honest, they really sweated secretly before.
After all, the other party immediately arrested all the troops of the Newborn Council, and they really ordered Nirvana to move to the city where the Newborn Council is located, and the conflict between the two parties suddenly intensified.
At that time, she thought that their guild was going to be an enemy of the council and all the justice guild alliances! But how can I think, in the end, it was the paper tiger-like freshman council that took the lead in admitting counsel, and sent messengers to negotiate with them, and almost agreed to all the reasonable and unreasonable requirements of the little guy in front of him?
Fortunately, those things have passed, and none of the things she was worried about happened. Except that she has never found the "Geral" Wendy said, which made her quite regretful. Now everything is true. There is nothing to worry her.
But speaking of Wendy...
Looking around, Eliza, who could not see Wendy here, couldn't help sighing.
Because even she did not expect that the "Demon Cat's House" guild was actually a phantom created by the president Robin Lu for Wendy?
In fact, together with the chairman Robin Lu, they are also an undead who has been dead for four hundred years, or is it a thoughtful body?
That kind of thing is really incredible!
Anyway, Eluke has never dared to imagine that a dead person, a thinking body has such a huge magic power to transform a whole guild out of thin air, and those people in the guild, those thinking bodies still have independent personalities. individual……
But if you think about it seriously, Elsa is relieved again. No wonder, after all, the other party is the creator of Nirvana. Then, Wendy and Xia Lulu have been deceived for so many years, it seems that it should be taken for granted?
It turns out that Nirvana is not an ancient existence. In fact, it is only a creation four hundred years ago, and it is also the president of the guild of the "Demon Cat's House". It was Robin Lu who lived four hundred years ago. Created before?
However, everything is now over.
The "Demon Cat’s Place" guild has also been formally disbanded. Those members composed of thought bodies and the chairman Robin Lu have also disappeared between the heavens and the earth. Wendy and Xia Lulu, the two original "Demon Cat’s The only two members of the guild of
naturally followed Nirvana back to the city of Magnolia, and with the permission of the little girl’s president in front of them and the witness of many members, they officially became their big A member of the family.
The only thing Elisa worries about now is that little guy Wendy, and I hope that the other person can get out of the shadow of grief as soon as possible, and not hide in the room and cry all day.
Moreover, she was already thinking about it. Now there are a lot of vacant spaces above this "fairy castle in the sky". When they are sorted out, they will build an artificial bathing beach here, and they will also draw water from the sea below and do it. As a beach, when a new beautiful villa is built next to her, maybe she can arrange Wendy, Xia Lulu, Anne, Lucy, and herself in a house. In that case, maybe the other party will soon Can you fully integrate into them and forget the unpleasant things sooner?
"that's nice!"
Seeing a little girl still standing on the guardrail cheering proudly, she ignored her reminder, and Elisa didn't mind, just overlooking the busy guild members on this city platform.
They are busy dealing with the ruins of the city. They need to tear down the dilapidated buildings above, and then build their own "Fairy Tail" guild on the empty platforms outside the guild castle in the middle. Beautiful garden city!
At that time, everyone in their guild can live in this city. Everyone can be assigned to a beautiful house according to their family situation or together, and there is no need to spend money to go to Magnolia. Rented a house in here.
At that time, whether it's a big-handed little girl who can spend more than two million J in a month or two, or the Protoss Wizard Lucy who has been worrying about the rent, there will be no need to spend so much. Money is in unnecessary things, that is a great improvement for most people!
Of course, it won’t be of much use to some people...
For example, the guy Naz, even if he allocates a house to the other party, the other party will definitely worry about eating. Elsa doesn't even know what that guy is all about. She usually earns money from doing tasks. Where is the money spent?
According to Mila’s words, the generous bounties awarded by the new council for the crusade against the "Six Demon Generals" were all taken by him to the credits in the guild. Even if it wasn’t enough, it was still needed. Continue to credit to ensure that you will not starve to death?
"That guy..."
Thinking about it, Elisa sighed again and smiled bitterly, she didn't want to comment anymore.
At this time, looking at the other party being busy with Gray and the others in the ruins below, using her expertise to help push the broken walls hundreds of years ago into destruction and prepare for reconstruction, she thought...maybe, she Should I talk to Mila about paying a little salary to those who are working hard?
However, while Elisa was thinking about wrongs and feelings, she suddenly saw that a certain little girl suddenly jumped up from the guardrail, and then headed toward the balcony that was at least a hundred meters away. Jump up and down?
"Annie, be careful!!"
Then, of course, she rushed forward, trying to grab the opponent's arm.
Because Elisa knew it, Annie didn't seem to have flying magic. If she jumped like this, she would definitely be injured!
"Sister Elisa, do you want to come and play together?"
ヾ(⌒?⌒) Hurry up and jump down! ?
Annie, who took the initiative to avoid Elisa's hand, slid down at high speed, twisting and waving to the people on the balcony.
"This one……"
What surprised Elisa and the others was that at this time they discovered that outside the guardrail of their guild castle, a long orange transparent magic slide appeared out of thin air, and it hovered around the huge guild. The castle and the entire ruined platform hovered towards the bottom.
Then, at this moment, the little girl who had just jumped out cheered and waved at them.
What didn't say, the other party must have used the authority without authorization, using the other party's own as the president and the absolute control of this ‘fairy castle in the sky’ to control those huge magical powers for fun.
"It's up to you, but I won't play with children like you."
Anyway, this ‘Nirvana’ platform was snatched by the opponent based on their ability. Anyway, the magic power in this platform was also drawn from the earth, and the magic power used would also dissipate into the earth, so Elisa didn’t mind.
She just hugged her arms and watched the other party swiftly sliding around the guild castle and the entire platform in the air.
"Wait for me!"
"I'm coming too!"
"And me! Don't squeeze!!"
However, what made Elisa who was still somewhat reserved was slightly surprised that Lucy, Miraj, Hobbi, and Rebbi and others next to them, after seeing them, were so eager to use magic one by one. The long spiral slide that caused it to jump up?
‘Aha! ’
‘Oh yeah~! ! ’
'Wow! ! ’
‘Yeah! Lucy, slow down, you are about to hit me! ’
'hateful! ’
‘You’re too slow, get out of the way! ’
‘I can’t get out of it...Ahhhhhhh! ! ! ’
Soon, bursts of joy and laughter from Yingying and Yanyan began to resound around the guild castle, in the sky above the former ‘Nirvana’ but now the ‘Fairy’s Castle in the Sky’.
"You cunning fellows..."
"I'll call Wendy, you must wait for me!!"
Seeing other companions having such a good time, Elisa’s hard heart seemed to have been melted away in an instant. Then, she thought of jumping up with it, suddenly thinking of something, and then turned towards There was a shout from behind his companions, and hurriedly ran into the castle.
Because, she felt that such a fun thing, it seemed that the new member Wendy who was hiding in the room and refused to come out should be called?
Yes, even if it is to be dragged, she will definitely drag the other party out.
‘Hahaha! ’
‘Annie! ’
"This is so fun, so long..."
‘Lucy! You are about to let me go! ’
‘Don’t let it go, who made you stand in front of me? ’
‘Yeah! ’
‘You touch it! ! ! ’
'I do not have! ’
‘Wow, the speed has increased, where is this going to go? ’
‘Isn’t it in the sea? ’
‘! ! ’
‘Also, is it really in the sea? ! ’
'no, do not want! ! ’
‘Stop it! ! ! ’
‘Can’t stop! ! ! ! ’
Soon, after a burst of laughter and laughter, repeated exclamations rang again.
Because, at this time, Lucy, Miraj, Lebby and others above suddenly discovered that this long spiral magic slide is not just leading to the ground of the platform as they imagined, but directly Continue to hover down, along the huge and high six giant feet, and continue to the sea below a few hundred meters?
"what is that?"
"It seems to be Lucy and Annie..."
At this time, Naz, Gray and Elfman, who were working on the ground with sweat and rain, also saw that they were frolicking in the air, or exclaiming high-speed "gliding" and frightened a few women, and then they couldn't help but stop. Coming down, and subconsciously raised his head to look at those figures that were'sliding' at a high speed.
"It's really them!"
"What are they doing?"
"It seems to be playing?"
"should be……."
"You hateful fellows! We are working, but you are playing?!"
"Stop, I want to play too!!!"
After seeing what the people were bluffing because of, Naz quit, and directly dropped the broken tools in his hand, and instead sprayed angrily into the sky with the tongue of flames, indicating that he would also go to play that looks very Interesting game.
Lucy and Lebby didn’t have time to take care of him. They saw that they were almost hanging on the ground and gliding at high speed, and then they continued along the long spiral slide towards the sea below the platform. Go away!
Soon, Naz and the others rushed to the edge of the platform, and watched Lucy and others as they were getting further and further away and their exclamations were getting smaller and smaller. They also finally discovered that they were on the long circling slide At the end, there is no place to slow down or buffer, just a vast ocean?
‘Yeah! ! ’
‘It’s over, it’s over! ! ’
‘Lucy, stop! ! ! ’
‘No! Can't stop at all! ! ’
‘No! ! ’
‘Ann, Annie? ! ’
No way, everyone had no choice but to move towards the end of the front one, UU reading, who was about to rush out for the first time, called out from the back.
"You must grab those magic ropes, or else..."
-=????=???? (^▽^)
Little Annie, who was the first to rush out of the long magical spiral slide, stretched out her hand and dexterously grabbed a magic rope that appeared out of thin air. Then, she swung out towards the distance and high ground while turning her head. Reminded to those friends who had slid down with her.
But then...
‘! ! ’
‘Catch, catch what? ! ’
‘Yeah! ! ’
'not good! ’
‘Wow! ! ! ’
Puff! Puff! Puff!
Annie didn't finish her words, followed by a series of exclamations, and after the exclamation, the sound of ‘puffs’ came naturally.
"You guys are so stupid!!"
Hahaha?? (???)
Annie didn't pay attention to them at all, but it took a long time to see those dumb guys who fell into the water emerging from the sea and panting, and then saw the magic rope floating in front of them for the first time, allowing them to catch them one by one. After living and being picked up from the sea like a chicken, she taunted so unscrupulously and let the rope pull herself up, towards the top of the guild castle, towards the balcony. Retracted.
This game is very fun, she will play it a few more times, and see the embarrassment of those dumb guys when they fall into the sea again and again.
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