Chapter 146: Illidan and the Flame Alliance (2)

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On the beach of the Broken Isles, when Illidan summoned a large group of deep-sea amphibians, Naga, and recognized their leader from it, he turned out to be an old friend he had met thousands of years ago. Well... ahem, wrong, it should be After getting acquainted with Ms. Vasiqi, Vasiqi quickly agreed to the request for alliance with Illidan and was willing to lead her Naga tribe as a result of the influence of both parties or other factors. Illidan service.
Anyway, their group has nothing to do recently. In the deep sea, in addition to sleeping or sleeping all day long, to provide some help to Illidan, in her opinion, is also a good choice. This is her excuse for Vaschi to convince herself, as to whether this is the case, only she herself knows.
So, after the communication, Illidan and Vasqi led the naga and deep-sea fish people under her, slowly walking towards the depths of the tomb of Sargeras.
On the way, they could easily see that this tomb was not originally a tomb.
Whether it’s Illidan or Vaschi, they can see the exquisitely carved patterns and the charming carvings on the walls from the surrounding columns. Even the ground and ceiling are full of these exquisite Artistic pattern processing.
In fact, both of them knew that these were the styles of the upper elf buildings...this was the city of Kaldorei. From these buildings and murals, the two of them seemed to vaguely see the glorious traces belonging to the Kaldorei Empire...
This place also belongs to the outer layer of the cemetery. Except for the slight noise made by their group of people when they move, the two have not yet discovered any guard monsters or demons.
The two of them walked in tandem, not far from each other in silence. If you ignore the group of ferocious naga and murlocs behind them, they seem to have returned to the city of Kaldorei, the powerful Kaldore back then. The Thunder Empire, at that time, they also walked in the magnificent streets together like this, enjoying the warm sunshine and the wonderful energy rays radiating from the Well of Eternity...
It's a pity that today, ten thousand years later, it has long since become a human being... The remains of Kaldorei, which are basically intact here, are still so beautiful. And of them, one of them became an evil demon, while the other was cursed and twisted into a monster in the deep sea...
"Master Illidan, can I take the liberty to ask, you came here all the way, and you woke us up by casting spells, and you entered this place where there seems to be danger. What do you want to come here for? Or want to find what?"
After remembering the glorious days of the Kaldorei Empire for a while, looking at Illidan who was the first to lead the way, Vasqi finally couldn't help but ask such a sentence.
Looking at the surrounding relics that originally belonged to the Kaldorei Empire, Vasiqi sighed.
I don't know why, she just wanted to ask him such a sentence, maybe she can't stand the dull atmosphere right now? Or just want to have a few words with Illidan?
"It doesn't matter if I tell you, because... not long ago, after defeating the Burning Legion’s conspiracy again, and after the Defiler Archimonde was also defeated, their other high lord of the Burning Legion, that Kiel Kadan found me. He asked me to come here to find an artifact called the Eye of Sargeras to help him deal with the Lich King called Ner'zhul."
Illidan directly told the cemetery where he came here, and did not hide from Vasiqi, nor did he intend to hide it from her.
Because, now this Vaschi is not only his friend ten thousand years ago, but also his only one now, and basic trust is still necessary.
And... I don’t know why, seeing this Vaschi next to him always makes Illidan feel pity for the same illness. Both of them have become a strange appearance different from the elves, so that he can't give birth to the slightest. The heart of deceiving.
"Burning Legion? Ten thousand years, have they really come back..."
When Vasiqi heard this familiar name again, she couldn't help but frowned, and the snake hair on her head began to dance unconsciously. She had an inexplicable hatred for the Burning Legion!
It can be said that when their Kaldorei Empire was destroyed, they were sucked into the maelstrom and turned into the ugly appearance in front of them. All of this has nothing to do with the Burning Legion! Or, it can even be said, all thanks to their Burning Legion!
"If I remember correctly, Lord Illidan, haven't you ever sworn to destroy the Burning Legion? Back then, you found the artifact and reversed the portal to drive the demons out of Azeroth. Of... Then, why do you now serve the Burning Legion again?"
On this point, Vaschi said that he did not understand. Could it be that Illidan's original intention has changed after ten thousand years? He also succumbed to the power of the Burning Legion?
Although, she didn’t care very much about Illidan for whom Illidan was serving, she only cared. She was loyal to Illidan now, as long as the object of allegiance was him. Others, for the current Vashj , What's the point? In this long and cursed life, what can she expect?
"You are wrong, Vaschi, my determination to deal with the Burning Legion has never changed, and will never change!"
Hearing the words of gas anger, Illidan paused, turned around, and stared at this pitiful lady who was almost as tall as herself and turned into a monster.
"Whether it was before or now, my determination to destroy the Burning Legion has always been firm! And now, the reason why I came to this tomb of Sargeras is only because of mutual use with the devil."
Thinking of Kil'jaeden's terrifying strength, Illidan couldn't help but frowned, like the kind of powerful and desperate existence that he can't deal with now, so he can only choose to forbear it temporarily.
This has nothing to do with right or wrong, just to achieve the ultimate goal!
"Haha... the devil is using me, why am I using them? Okay, let's go ahead and be vigilant. In front, there should be some guarding demons. I have smelled them. ."
After smirking, Illidan shook his head and reminded them to pay attention to their surroundings, then turned around and started leading the way.
When Illidan began to absorb the power of the Skull of Gul'dan, he also absorbed the opponent’s knowledge and a lot of memory. Therefore, he knew the road leading to the room of the poison eye and what the road will be. Monster.
In the room of the poisonous eye that Gul'dan failed to open, there is the ultimate goal of Illidan's operation-the eye of Sargeras!
"What? Here is the tomb of the Great Demon Lord, the evil Titan Sargeras?"
After knowing that this place came here was actually the graveyard of Sargeras, who tempted the queen to fall, this truth surprised Vasily!
"In that case, wouldn't the big demon know about our conversation just now?"
Thinking of this, Vaschi's face began to become a little unnatural, she just seemed to ask something that shouldn't be asked.
She knew that a powerful demon like Sargeras would definitely not die easily, and she just stupidly asked Illidan's question... Then, didn't all the demon know Illidan? Your plan and intentions? Will this have any bad effect on him?
"Heh! You don't actually have to worry about these, Vaskey."
Illidan began to take up the two Azzinoth war blades in his hand. He had seen it now. At the corner of the aisle in front, several demons were lying in ambush there.
This is really stupid, don't they know that Illidan himself is the most powerful demon hunter? How can a demon hunter who specializes in not dealing with demons be sneaked by a group of inferior demons?
"Whether it is Sargeras or Kil'jaeden, they actually know that I am full of hostility to the Burning Legion. But, so what? As long as they think I can still be used, they will still give me strength and even give me thinking Everything I want! Even if I talk about the destruction of the Burning Legion every day, I can't shake their determination to use me to do things for them!"
"They have the power to make me desperate, and they have the power to ignore everything as a source of confidence. Therefore, they don't care about my intentions at all. As long as I can complete the tasks they give me, they will give me what I need. Even if I use these powers to destroy them..."
Illidan knew that in front of the big lords of the Burning Legion, he was nothing more than an ant that could be used and a valuable bug!
Whether it's Sargeras or Kil'jaeden, how could they care about the idea of ​​an ant? What they care more about is whether they can complete their assigned tasks on schedule, nothing more!
Just like this time, Kil'jaedamine knew that when he was in the War of the Ancients, he and they had shamed the Burning Legion once, and their plan to conquer the world of Azeroth fell short; this time, they killed their Legion. Several of the generals made Archimonde lose to Mount Hyjal.
But, so what? As long as he still has the value to be used, after Archimonde was killed and no one was available, didn't Kil'jaeden find himself in a hurry and force himself to complete the task he issued?
"So it's like this..."
After thinking about it, Vaschi still couldn't understand the thoughts of these people or demons. Is it because they are in different positions, so they have different thoughts? She feels hard to understand...
"But, Lord Illidan, I still want to ask, why are you trying so hard to destroy the Burning Legion?"
Regarding this, Vashj had already wanted to ask, how could a demon organization like the Burning Legion that is not only powerful but also huge, can be destroyed casually? Wouldn't Illidan choose a more reliable target?
Hearing Vasiqi's question, Illidan was also a little silent.
"For the world of Azeroth, because I like this world, I live here..."
After pondering for a while, he gave this simple answer.
That's right, he Illidan likes this world of Azeroth, and the Burning Legion wants to destroy this world. Then, his Illidan wants to destroy the Burning Legion, it's that simple, so pure!
Even if he was misunderstood and spurned by his own people; even if he was imprisoned for ten thousand years; even if he has now been declared permanent expulsion by his own people and his brother, but his purpose has never been changed in the slightest!
His Illidan is different from others. The reason why he will greedily and almost unscrupulously pursue stronger power, even if he is misunderstood by others, is not hesitating, but in fact, he is not for the power itself, but for more Good to destroy the Burning Legion, nothing more! For this purpose, from beginning to end, he has never changed!
"You paid so much, is it worth it? You know, the world of Azeroth, but you are not alone..."
Vashj felt a little bit upset for Illidan. He paid so much before and after, but look at it now. In the end, what did he get in the end?
Not only has he turned himself into a demon, alone, but also has to be hunted down by a group of night elves called watchmen? Decreased to the point where you want to enter a tomb of Sargeras, you still have to call yourself these naga to seek help?
"Heh! You are wrong, Vaschi, there is nothing worth or unworthy. As long as I am willing and what I decide, I will go on unswervingly! As long as I am still alive, no one can let me Shake everything! No one can!"
After finishing speaking, Illidan took up the war blade in his hand, rushed forward in a gust of wind, and cut a small group of demon guards and a few hellhounds ambushing around the corner into a pile of scattered Fragments.
Vasiqi was a little surprised, she just stared at the front in a daze, the figure fighting the devil.
Oh, sure are still the Illidan lord I knew back long as the things that are decided, no matter right or wrong, they will always go to the dark...just like you were to that Tyrande...
Hey... But, Illidan... It is precisely because of this that I chose to follow you...
So, let me see, how far can you go on this difficult road?
She sighed in her heart and finally figured out everything in relief. She took out the bow and arrow that she hadn't used for a long time since she went into the deep sea. Then, she waved her hand to let her men Let's speed up and catch up, and don't be left too far by Illidan, who has already started fighting with more demons.
Soon, with the help of Illidan’s curse horizon of Sargeras and the memory of Gul'dan, he, Vasqi and the group of Naga murlocs easily entered Gul'dan without any effort. The room of the poisonous eye that can be entered, finally found the eye of Sargeras that was stored here.
It is not so much an eye as it is a green, weird gem with a rune-like eye and exuding powerful evil power.
"This is the Eye of Sargeras? It really is a very powerful artifact!"
Vashj looked a little shocked at the green gem floating in the room of the poison eye and constantly exuding evil energy. She frowned, then watched Illidan come forward, grabbed it and cast a spell to gradually Shrinking, in the end, this artifact was held in his palm with one hand.
"Yes, what I'm looking for is this thing!"
After Illidan held the Eye of Sargeras in his palm, he nodded in satisfaction.
This thing really possesses terrifying power that he can't imagine. This is exactly what he needs! However, before leaving, he still needs to deal with another troublesome thing.
"Huh! Come out, Maiev, don't hide anymore, I have seen you."
Illidan held the Eye of Sargeras tightly with one hand, turning around and humming in the direction of the door. Now that he has obtained this artifact, plus the naga under him, he is already confident, and all he needs to consider is how to deal with the opponent.
"Ilidan, you stubborn villain! Sure enough, you are looking for these evil things again. However, this time, you will never get away. I will definitely catch you back forever. Imprisoned in the dungeon of our watchman!"
The night elf warden hidden in the mask and the cloak of the knife fan, Maiev Shadowsong walked out of the door and waved abruptly. A large number of watchmen troops began to flow out, instantly blasting this huge poison. The door to the room of eyes was blocked tightly, and they wanted to catch turtles in an urn, so that they had nowhere to escape!
"Hmph! You are wrong, Maiev, it is not me who is stubborn, but you!"
"Even now, you are still so stupid and still can't see the essence of things! You have been blinded by those ridiculous hatred!"
Seeing Maiev showing up with a large number of troops, Illidan shook his head helplessly. He knew that this mad woman would never let him go easily...this matter, it was time to understand.
"It's just that it's too late for you to arrive now. When I assimilated with the power of Gul'dan's skull, I also got his memory: this eye of Sargeras, it has power you can't imagine, this Power will allow me to conquer everything and destroy my enemies forever! (Burning Legion) And you, will be the first victims of this power, this... even if you imprison me in a dark dungeon for many years The best return!"
Although Illidan didn't want to kill this Maiev, he didn't have much hatred for them, just the helplessness when he was misunderstood...
However, Illidan also knew that continuing to let her chase after him was not a way, and his plan could not be destroyed! Perhaps, burying them here now is the best choice, right?
"Farewell, Maiev? Shadowsong!"
As soon as he finished speaking, Illidan, who did not want to be entangled any more, mobilized the power of the Eye of Sargeras to collapse the ruins, and at the same time mobilized teleportation magic, teleporting himself and the naga murlocs under him. On the Broken Isles outside.
Then, in Noda’s tomb, there were only Maiev, who had gritted his teeth and a group of Watchers who could only stare at them. At this moment, they were looking at the top of their heads in horror and despair, watching the gravel that was constantly being shaken down. , This is a ruin cave that is about to collapse.
In the spring of the 21st year of the Dark Portal of Azeroth, shortly after the great demon Defiler Archimonde’s death, the Flame Alliance, which was no longer bound by the magic contract, finally brazenly launched the preparations for a winter and a half spring. An all-out war against the undead and natural disasters.
There were nearly two hundred thousand elite alliance troops and more than one hundred thousand strong tribesmen. In one day, they crossed the Sodoril River, rushed to the Western Plaguelands, and easily defeated them. The undead natural disaster defense position across the river.
In just one day, the entire Western Plaguelands, whether it's Andorhal or the important site of undead natural disasters, in the Barov family castle on Lake Dalungmir, and the current psychic college, are all in the flame alliance. Under the powerful front, it can be broken overnight!
"Well, everyone knows the current battle situation. Now the entire Western Plaguelands is nothing more than Andorhal and the castle of the former Barov family. There are still a large number of undead. As for other things. Place, it’s not worth mentioning!"
After smashing the undead’s Sodorier line of defense, the Flame Alliance began to set up their first marching battalion at Garron Farm.
After all, this is a super large-scale battle of the big army, marching operations are no joke! Therefore, they must step by step, and it is necessary to establish a large camp as a bridgehead and forward base. They wouldn't be like the original fire elements, let the massive army run like sheep, running all over the map!
Now, under the command and arrangement of Lordaeron Grand Marshal Garithus, the Fire Alliance army began to advance in an orderly manner. In his plan, in less than a month, they would be able to push the camp to Lordaeron's King City step by step. In the face of absolute strength, there would not be many setbacks.
"So, our plan now is: to separate a part of the Firehawk and Dragonhawk Archers and Lordaeron's first elite infantry regiment, sail south across Lake Dalungmir, and directly capture or destroy the castle of Barov's house. !"
"Then, at the same time, send most of the elite of the Knights of the Silver Hand and a part of the Griffin Riders from the Eagle's Nest Mountain to quickly go north, and directly smash the undead on the road to help Hearthglen! They can persist until now, and there must be a lot of survivors. By!"
General Marshal Garithus used a baton to point the Barov family castle on the sand table and the direction of Hearthglen to the north. These two places have already been initially investigated, and there are not too many undead. The partial division they separated is believed to be enough to deal with those undead.
"Finally, our remaining main force went directly to the west and captured Andorhal at the fastest speed, and then sent a small number of troops to the south to establish a camp on the main road leading to the Hillsbrad Hills, blocking it. The demon and undead from the south will take the road north to ensure the safety of the rear of the Western Plaguelands!"
"After the Knights of the Silver Hand returned and captured the Barov family castle, we repaired in Andorhal for a few days, and then we can go directly to the west, invade the Tirisfal Glades and approach Lordan in one fell swoop. Under Lun!"
In the big tent, General Marshal Garithos is making the final battle arrangements.
Everything seems to be well-regulated, there is no conspiracy, and no tricks, this is the big corps operation! Everything you pay attention to is real flat push, and then flat push!
At this point, there is not much strategy to speak of. The strength of the two sides is already on the bright side. Wherever there are undead, they will fight wherever they are, and wherever they are important, they will occupy wherever they are, and then directly push it over.
"Look, what else needs to be added?"
Anyway, the Flame Alliance is now strong, and it is clearly bullying the undead and demons. Of course, he directly chooses important combat areas and targets. Everything is based on the main principle of annihilating the enemy’s viable power. First, concentrate your forces to annihilate the undead natural disasters and demons. The important strongholds, and the remaining scattered ones, can be handed over to the remaining troops to slowly clean up.
"Well, I don't think there is any problem, then do it!"
Dwarf leader Falstad thought for a while, and finally nodded. Although he and Garithus had a personal conflict, he still agreed to the other party's arrangement. All of this seemed quite normal, steady and steady, did it seem like there was nothing wrong, then, let's just do it, he didn't bother to think too much.
"I have a question. Andorhal is entrenched with a large number of undead, how should we attack? If we attack and enter the street without authorization, there may be a lot of casualties."
Sylvanas, dressed as a beautiful ranger, carrying a bow and arrow and a quiver, finally spoke. As the current king of the high elves of Quel'Thalas, plus she was a ranger general before, and she has the ability to protect herself, of course, she will not miss this kind of battle.
She has a wealth of experience in combat with undead natural disasters. She knows that in the overwhelming sea of ​​undead, no matter how elite your troops are, they can exhaust you half to death, and then tear you alive. Fragments! If the coalition forces rush into Andorhal, where there are still more than a hundred thousand undead, the loss will certainly not be small!
"You don't have to worry too much about this, this Andorhal will be attacked by the Flame Legion, and they will directly burn the city... and we humans, elves and dwarves, we only need to provide some necessary assistance outside."
After Grand Marshal Garithos nodded to the Elf Queen, he quickly came up with his own combat plan.
In fact, for the large human town of Andorhal, which is still an important land transportation hub connecting the three places, Garithus is reluctant to be destroyed like this.
He also knew the combat power of the Fire Elemental Legion very well, and Stratholme at the time was the best example. Once the fire elemental army is allowed to invade Andorhal, this large city will probably be burned to nothing.
However, there is no better way now. Compared to this heavily polluted city, Garithus is more concerned with preserving the strength of the coalition forces. After all, there will be a battle on the Tirisfal Glades. It is the Plaguelands that consumes too many troops.
"This plan is feasible, and we Quel'Thalas have no objections now!"
Several high elf ranger lords and ranger generals discussed with each other, and after looking at the map with their own queen Sylvanas for a while, they also nodded in agreement. This plan is quite satisfactory, and they can't fault it. In the face of absolute strength, they should indeed be so steady and steady.
"You guys are really troublesome! According to what I said, can you just fight over in a swarm? Cut! Forget it, don't care about you, just take care of it yourself, I want to go back and take a nap!"
Seeing these people having a battle and discussing so verbally for a long time, Little Annie became a little impatient.
According to her idea, it would be to directly release the fire element army out, let them fight wherever they go, and burn wherever they go!
Just like the Battle of Stratholme she launched last time, the fire elements rushed out in a swarm, burning the entire northern part of the Eastern Plaguelands, and then, at the end, slowly gather the troops back. ? It's so easy and simple. Wasn't she big and beautiful last time? Stratholme was captured by her and turned into a city of flames!
A group of people twitched their mouths unconsciously after watching Little Annie leave in a rage. Fortunately, the commander in charge of the specific operations this time was the Grand Marshal of Lordaeron, not the Queen of Fire.
Otherwise I don't know what she is going to cause! If it is the fire element, it may indeed be possible to fight randomly. After all, their characteristics and powerful strength are there, and they don't care about eating or drinking.
However, the armies of the other three tribes can’t do it. They have to pay attention to the coordination of the corps, the combination of work and rest, when they can rest, when to fight, and when to march. This is all a university question. !
These things require a senior commander to coordinate and command. This is why the Alliance Army will elect Garithus as the commander-in-chief. After all, he is probably the only one who has experience in commanding a large army. Like the present kind of army and civilians, with a total of more than 300,000 super-large legions, apart from the undead and the previous Kalimdor temporary alliance, I am afraid that only their Flame Alliance can handle it.
Fortunately, they tried their best to get Garithos to be the commander-in-chief. Otherwise, if this little girl is really messed up, I don't know what will happen now!
They can even imagine that if she really makes her mess, now, it is estimated that besides her Fire Elemental Legion, the other three elite legions, I am afraid that this Queen Anne will start to collapse before they start the fight. Right? In that case, the Flame Alliance would really make a big joke...
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