Chapter 1412: |????) Hello? Who are you acridine

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In the second trial on Sirius Island, that is, the question of looking for the grave of the first president, Mébius Viviamílio, was actually not what Naz, Gray and the other three groups of players imagined. So simple.
Because, there are so many powerful and weird creatures on this island. Some are huge, some are fast, some wear strong armor, some are highly poisonous, and some even speak human words. ?
In short, for those five groups of people, looking for a tomb that does not know the size and shape, or the specific location, on such a large island, and when looking for it, it is necessary to avoid the interference of various creatures. Keeping an eye on the progress and movements of other group members is not too easy for them.
Up to now, a full three hours have passed, but so far there has been no news that any group of members have found Mebis' tomb and successfully promoted.
Anyway, at the temporary residence of "Fairy Tail" on Sirius Island, Elisa who was cooking and the four of Mirage, Lisana and Jubia who were chatting on the side did not see any success. Find and return to the temporary base here to rest and eat.
"That is to say!"
"Miraj, because you heard Elfman said that he was going to marry Aba Gelin, you lost your mind for a while and let them succeed and defeat?"
"Is that true?"
"They really want to get married?!"
Eliza, who was wearing a swimsuit and an apron, did not care at all about the vast expanses of white skin and perfect hot super figure that she showed, and she exclaimed to someone on the side who was dealing with some bruises on her body. Miraj asked.
"Yes it is……"
"Otherwise, I won't be careless, just let them fight so embarrassed by the team..."
"Don’t you know that Elfman is still quite powerful when he is completely demonized. My'Satan's Soul' is also a speed type, and his power-type'Beastmaster's Soul' comes up on the face. It wasn't very pleasant, so I had to reluctantly let them pass the level..."
With that, Miraj couldn't help but stroke the bruise on his face.
For her signature girl who loves beauty, it was so cruel that her brother came to her face, but it made her resent for a long time, so she just let the two little pass the test directly, and turned to herself But he ran back to the temporary resident for the first time to deal with the injury.
Fortunately, in the case of the'Soul of Satan', her physical fitness has been greatly improved, so the bruise and look left on her face when she was beaten by the opponent. It's just a little swollen. After applying the plaster, it will be fine in a few days, and there will be no scars.
"I never seem to find out that the relationship between Elfman and Eba Green has developed to that extent..."
"Lizana, what do you think?"
After thinking about it, I found that I had never noticed any clues before, nor had Elfman found any traces of formal relationships with Elba Griyn, so she asked Lisana.
"I do not know……"
"Elisa, you don’t know, I haven’t come back for two years, although Elfman is my brother, but...has he been dating Alba Green? If you don’t know that kind of thing , Where do I know?"
"Hey! Jubia, what do you think?"
"I don't usually pay attention. I haven't been in the guild for a long time, and I'm not very familiar with everyone... However, I really haven't seen any signs of Elfman having a relationship with Eba Gelin."
"I understand!"
"Then, sister, did your brother just say that on purpose in order to defeat you?"
Seeing her partner Jubia didn't have any impression, Lisana asked Miraj with some certainty.
"Perhaps this is their battle plan?"
"But to be honest, their plan is very useful. It really scared me at the time, and then..."
Regardless, Miraj did not continue.
Anyway, the two guys worked very hard and cooperated very well, so she was a little bit merciful, and let them pass the examination smoothly and basically met the requirements of the former chairman of Makarov. Therefore, the situation is like this, even if that It was really just what the other party said deliberately, and she didn't want to ask for proof anymore.
"Brother is so cunning..."
"Jubia and I were deceived by President Anne. Otherwise, we wouldn't be so unlucky to run into Lucy who can summon Aquarius and directly restrain Jubia to death..."
Lisana couldn't help but gritted her teeth when she thought of asking for directions by herself at the time, and then that President Anne generously extended her hand to ‘guide’.
At that time, they obviously wanted to choose another path, but it turned out...
"You deserve it!"
"What kind of temper is that Annie, don't you know now?"
"Although she is very reliable at critical times, she can always surprise people and is very trustworthy... However, in peacetime, she is also known for being naughty and mischievous. She likes trouble and pranks the most. How dare you run into that kind of thing? Ask her for directions, it would be pretty good if she didn't trick you to Kildas directly!"
Shaking her head, Elisa continued to turn her head and continued to cook her pot of bone soup.
"As for the guy Annie, it seems that I haven't seen her all the time. Could it be that they went back with Kildas and Philip, right?"
Looking around, Elisa, who still couldn't find a little guy, couldn't help but asked in a puzzled manner.
"She won't go back so I guess she's still wandering around the island, right?"
"rest assured!"
"When the second round of trials is over, she should definitely come back with others, Elisa, you should cook your meal quickly!"
Miraj, who is the secretary of the president, knows very well about the little guy Annie, so she can guess what the other party is doing now, just after a little pondering.
"Almost adjusted the taste!"
"Since there are still three hours, let's let it simmer slowly!"
"Why haven't the group of Wendy and Meester come back yet?"
"I don't know this anymore. Maybe it's because I didn't find the way or the meeting point?"
"Then I will go to them with Jubia later, Miraj, you have injuries, so stay here with Lisana in the temporary garrison."
"no problem!"
When Elisa, Jubia, Miraj, and Lisana were chatting at the assembly point, that is, the temporary station with a few big tents, they just mentioned something bad The little girl is indeed wandering around in this forest on Sirius Island.

And ah, at this time, following some weird energy fluctuation, she succeeded in finding a weird person who was secretly sad sitting under a big tree.
Yes, Annie discovered that the other party should have just cried, because she saw that the other party’s complexion was very bad, and there were even obvious tears on her face. This suddenly made her feel a little strange, after all, an adult and It is indeed a bit strange whether the man still cries.
"That one……"

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