Chapter 1444: (??ω??) True Gods in the World of Fairy Sword (8)

"It is said that since the opening of heaven and earth, the half-snake goddess Nuwa created mankind, and whenever demons raged, she would stand up to save the people."
"Once, when people did not respect the sky and provoke the anger of the sky, the emperor sent the evil stars and the evil gods to the places to disturb the Quartet. He also caused the Gonggong to send the water of the Tianhe to flood the Chinese state. The gods of the Quartet avoided the heavens, but Nuwa remained alone , To prevent the gods and demons from harming sentient beings."
"at this time…"
"Nu Wa was wearing a red dress, holding a snake stick and running around, killing Gonggong to stop the flood, cutting the mysterious turtle to fill the sky, lowering the blue dragon to the white tiger, chasing the evil stars and eliminating the evil gods, and finally the Quartet calmed down. After that, the emperor was angry and angry. And the hill of broken construction wood, the ladder to the sky!"
"From then on, Nuwa and the fierce stars will never be able to return to the heavens."
"Thousands of years later, the people of the Sifang Shenzhou will no longer be persecuted by the gods and demons. People have forgotten the existence of this goddess. However, the legend of the half-snake goddess is still circulated among the Miao people in our south. ."
Under this old bayberry tree in the south of Shengyu Village, disciples Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan and their master Huo Daxian are sitting here, eating sweet and sour bayberry while listening to some A Miao girl explained to them the story about the half-snake goddess Nuwa.
That's right!
From Dali, southern Xinjiang, as the daughter of the patriarch of the Bai Miao clan and the heir to the patriarch, the girl Anu, who was taught by the saints of the Witch Moon God, has now
become the fifth person in Shengyu Village under the Flame Great Fairy Gate Disciples.
Fortunately, the martial art is not sorted by the order of entry, but by age, so now she is not the last disciple, but she is still the youngest sister!
And the one who was teased by her at the dock yesterday and had a was said to be her big brother Li Xiaoyao?
The other party had gone to Xianling Island yesterday to help the fairies and inform them. Now I don’t know what the situation is. Anu is very worried...Of course, she is worried about the situation on Xianling Island. As for her only The big brother of One Side Fate, she doesn't care about each other's life or death!
But no way, now she can't go to Xianling Island, because the only two small fishing boats in Shengyu Village have gone to sea, she can't go directly to the sea to swim over, and it is impossible for her to fly unfavorably. Wang Xiaohu tied her and flew over with her.
Therefore, due to various reasons, she had to join the Flame God Cult. Now there is really no other way besides waiting patiently in Shengyu Village.
"In other words..."
"Senior Sister Anu, you are actually a Bai Miao who believes in the Witch Moon God Sect, and the three fierce uncles who came to the village before are the Hei Miao who were fighting with you. Are they bad guys?"
"Is that so?"
After listening to Anu's interesting stories, Wang Xiaohu quickly came to his conclusion, and then asked after analyzing and summarizing it in this way.
"Probably it is?"
With that said, Anu looked at the ‘Huntian Aya’ wrapped around Wang Xiaohu’s arm with some resentment.
"I wanted to stop them, but I couldn't beat them by myself. Just when I wanted to go back to find someone to help, I was caught by you."
Although Wang Xiaohu's own strength is not good enough, he can't really exert the real strength of Hun Tian Ling, but he can recover instantly after being cut off. It can be long and short, tough, and can be tied at the same time. The ability to bind everything is enough to make her envious.
Anyway, Anu felt that she was not the opponent's opponent, even if the opponent did not know martial arts at all, nor did she know how to use magic!
So, thinking about it, Anu couldn't help but look at their little master who was eating bayberry with that hot gaze.
After being forced to apprentice successfully yesterday, the other party gave her a peach. After eating, her mana began to skyrocket, and she has continued to benefit even now. But it's a pity that the other party didn't give her any magic weapon. If she were to give her the same magic weapon like Wang Xiaohu, Anu felt that she might be able to laugh in her dreams?
"If only there were boats in the village..."
"Two fishing boats, one was driven out by the three bad guys of the black seedlings, and the other was lent out by brother Xiaoyao. Now they have not returned. Boss Fang’s cargo ship has gone to Suzhou again. We are now I can't help."
"It seems that I can only talk about it after Brother Xiaoyao comes back..."
After listening to the story, the two sisters Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan also sighed leisurely after understanding the basic situation.
They had said before that they would go with them because they were very worried. Of course, they were not worried about Li Xiaoyao, but worried about the fairies on the island!
But unfortunately, because their entry time was shorter than that of Wang Xiaohu, they certainly couldn't compare with the swordsmanship of that big brother Li Xiaoyao, so they could only stay in the village in the end. And now, that big brother Li Xiaoyao has been on the island for a day and a night, and has not returned until now. They don't know what the situation is, they can only continue to wait in a grieving manner.
"I saw that guy yesterday. He is definitely not the opponent of the Black Seed Leader. I just hope that he can be more alert. Don't be beaten to death, right?"
"I knew I went with him..."
"If you go with him, maybe you can beat the Black Miao leader?"
While talking, Anu sighed again with a bit of annoyance, and then snatched the bayberry in the basket from Wang Xiaohu's arms, and stuffed an empty basket into the other party's arms, beckoning the other party to step on. Hot wheels flew to the tree to pick plums.
After all, this old bayberry tree is so high now, it is estimated to be ten or twenty feet tall, so Wang Xiaohu, who can fly freely on the hot wheels, has become a dedicated fruit farmer for several women.
"and many more!"
"Sister Anu..."
"You just said that you are going to find a helper? But... this is Yuhang County. It's so far from Dali, Miaojiang, you're back and forth. I guess I've been there in half a year. Is that too late?"
At this time, Lixianglan suddenly thought of a problem, so she just broke her fingers and forgot, and then quickly came to a bad conclusion.
"Sister Anu, then you might as well stay here for a few more days. When I, Sister Xianglan and Xiaohu can help, let's see the situation with you!"
Ding Xiulan didn't think it was a good idea for Anu to go back and find someone. After all, Yuhang County in southern Xinjiang was really too far away, and it was the first time they heard it so far.
In a place like that, in the impression of the two of them, it seemed that only the felons who were sent would go, which shows how far and how sinister it is.
"Not at all!"
"There is no need to go back to southern Xinjiang to find someone. My senior sister, Gai Luojiao... is my original senior sister of the Witch Moon God Sect. She is very powerful. She followed me with a large group of Bai Miao disciples in the sect. The people who followed those black seedlings came together, in fact, they should be near Yuhang County now."
"However, because there were too many people from Heimiao and the elders who led the team were very strong, the senior sister did not dare to intercept them directly, so she could only secretly observe while arranging and waiting for more manpower."
"But what we didn't expect was that Heimiao's people were so cunning. Although their large army did not move, they secretly sent three people here. If we were not careful, we were given the first step by them."
"I just hope that there will be no accidents in the fairy island, or else..."
While Anu was upset, she grabbed a handful of Yangmei and stuffed it into her mouth, causing her delicate little face to be squeezed into a ball in an instant, but she still chewed with big mouthfuls, just like those The fruit that was stuffed into her mouth was like a group of cunning and hateful black sprouts.
"Is that so?"
"But don’t worry, Sister Anu. If they want to come back, they will definitely pass through Shengyu Village. Let’s just wait here. If the bad guys of the black seedlings succeed, you will run to report the news at that time. You still have time?"
Dingxianglan is definitely not good at fighting and killing things, and the reason why she agreed to follow the practice of immortal law is only to be able to be together with the most handsome guy in the village of Li Xiaoyao all day long.
Of course, her sister Xiulan should be the same?
Therefore, whenever she thinks of this kind of thing, she is secretly distressed. After all, there is only one Li Xiaoyao, and her sister seems to be robbing herself. Her sister is not willing to give in, so she can only stand in a stalemate for the time being. Finished.
"no need…"
"I have passed information to our people last night, and now I'm waiting here to see if that Li Xiaoyao is back first, or the three guys back first?"
"You are the'Flame Fairy', you must be very powerful, right?"
Suddenly, Anu seemed to remember something, and then hurriedly turned to the little girl who was leaning against the tree trunk, enjoying the delicious fruits like them, but never said anything, just listening to her story. The master looked over and asked.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
"It's really amazing, but what do you want to do?"
Although the tight body now is only the projection of Anne and Tibbers, and only the energy of the flame essence can be used, Anne felt that it must be possible to make certain guys unable to bully herself. Arrived.
Besides, she still has 10,000 ways to wipe out all those enemies without using the power of this projection clone. After all, there are too many things in her space pocket, just take out a little. Those guys suffer!
And ah, if it doesn't work, she can also summon helpers, as many as you want, and as good as you want, you won't be so angry, some bad guys!
"I just think…"
"People have all worshiped you as a teacher. Now that the apprentice is in trouble, you, the master, will definitely not die, right?"
"By the time…"
Anu said eagerly.
She was even thinking that if those Miao people really succeed in bringing out the person they want to protect, let her cheap master take action and clean up those guys fiercely. That way, She doesn't seem to need to go back to Senior Sister Gai Luojiao.
"You have to solve your problems yourself, because people will definitely meet the dead!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
That's right, Annie received all these protagonists and supporting roles, just to add a little chaos to the world that dare to oppose her, and to mess up the original world context and cause and effect. I really want to help!
So, if you want her Annie Daxian to take action, then it will definitely not work. Those things must be solved by them.

"People are not going to teach you spells or kung fu in the future, nor will they give you magic weapons. Here is a secret treasure of the Flame God Sect. It is called the elder Chuan Gong. You can call it the Lord God. Anyway, you can find it if you need it in the future. It's ready!"
With that, Annie threw out a small thing that looked like a rising sun, and then it was not hot or dazzling. It looked only the size of a basket, just floating here danglingly. Under the bayberry tree.
"In the future, this big tree in Shengyu Village will be the sect of our Flame God Sect. You have to learn it!"
Annie didn’t have time to deal with troublesome things, such as martial temples and temples. Therefore, under all the simplifications, she set aside such a piece of wasteland of one acre and three quarters of land, even if it was officially her The school stood here.
"It's amazing, what is it?"
"never seen it…"
Seeing the round and seemingly non-physical biscuits floating in the air, the four people present, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan, Wang Xiaohu, and Anu couldn't help but exclaimed and watched the past for the first time.
"But Master!"
"How can it be used?"
Wang Xiaohu was the most courageous. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he drew in the ‘Elder Chuan Gong’. It’s a pity that he didn’t get anything, he didn’t touch anything, and he didn’t even feel the heat.
"Concentrate and stare at it. As long as you are a disciple of the Flame God Cult, you can establish contact with it. Try it yourself. Remember to work hard to do the task!"
After speaking, Annie, who was carrying the package of Yangmei, patted her and walked towards the inn with her little bear.
Because it's getting late now, she needs to go back to take a nap, and then look forward to what Aunt Li will do for her next night.
"Wow! There are my flintlock spears, hot wheels, Qiankun circle, and Huntian Ling!"
"Let me see?"
"Sister Xianglan, why does this elder of the passer-on say that the sect has insufficient contributions and cannot be exchanged?"
"I do not know…"
"Sister, look at you, I found these four swords of Zhu Xian, so beautiful... But, it also said that my sect has not contributed enough and cannot be exchanged..."
"What exactly is a sect contribution?"
"do not know…"
"The exchange needs...the many circles after the ‘1’, that is, what does the ‘0’ mean?"
"How would I know?!"
"Ah! It said, that is an Arabic numeral, which means... it needs a sect contribution of one to one hundred million points? But how much is one hundred million?"
"do not know!"
"Our fingers and toes together can count to twenty!"
"Hey! Sister Anu, where are you going?"
"Houshan, Shilipo!"
"I just took on a sect mission, saying that I went to patrol near the Shilipo Mountain Temple to the west and defeated two wandering souls, and then I can get eight points of sect contribution?"
"Stop talking, I'm leaving now!"
Obviously, Anu is a little more clever than the two village girls, Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan, and Wang Xiaohu, who is only eight years old. So, she soon communicated with the elder, that is, the main god, and she knew what it was like. Existing, and seeing the dazzling array of exercises and various treasures, she took a breath and plans to try to accumulate the kind of sect contribution points that she needs no matter what she needs to change.
"Ghosts come out to eat people at night, and it's still daytime..."
Seeing the Anu wind running away, Xiang Lan Xiulan and Wang Xiaohu looked at each other, not knowing what to say.
"Let's also see if there are any tasks?"
"Going to help Aunt Li make porridge, do you have two sect contributions?"
"Ah! But sister, I don't know how to cook porridge..."
"Wow! Sister Xianglan, this lord is a profiteer!"
"Look at you, I want to sell my flint-point gun, but he is only willing to contribute 80,000 points, but if I buy a new one, it costs 100,000 points?!"
However, when Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan and Wang Xiaohu were studying and yelling in front of the main divine light ball, what they didn’t know was that someone they were still worried about had already led a hair with a cyan ribbon. Tie into a double ponytail, with a plain half-arm with a pair of collars on her body, an indigo blue chest on top, and white trousers underneath, she looks pure and refined, quiet and agile, like a fairy-like girl who jumped from a small boat to Shengyu Village. On the pier.
"Little plum is back? Did your aunt look for you last night..."
"It's so good, UU reading is the little girl you kidnapped from?!"
Seeing Li Xiaoyao coming back, the fish seller who sold aquatic products first greeted him, and then exclaimed while looking at the little girl behind Li Xiaoyao.
"What abducted it?"
"This is the wife I just married!"
"In the hall of worship last night, the bridal chamber entered!"
Li Xiaoyao explained to the fish sister in the slang that the other party could understand, and proudly stood up his chest, at the same time, he did not forget to stretch out his hand and follow him behind him. She still looks a little shy. hand.

?( ̄??)???
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