Chapter 1447: ???(?·??·?)?? The truth in the fairy sword world...

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Today, Wang Xiaohu accepted a small task from the main god, with 20 sects contribution points. He said he was needed to prevent two groups from fighting around Shengyu Village, affecting the public security environment of Shengyu Village and Flame God Sect?
After receiving the task, Wang Xiaohu set off happily.
Because he needs to collect a hundred sect contribution points to redeem the most basic elementary ‘physical strength’ enhancement of the ‘Nezha’ Great God, so that he can be more comfortable when using those four magic weapons?
Outside the forest in the south of Shengyu Village, Wang Xiaohu just flew and arrived at the mission target location and was shocked to find that he actually saw two large groups of Miao people preparing to fight in the forest, and his mission target seemed to be those. Miao people? !
Wang Xiaohu has never seen such a big battle. Even now he has a magic weapon that can fly to the sky, but he never thinks that he has the kind of group that can intervene in two or three hundred people and can stop them. , So he rightly persuaded him.
"I advise you not to be nosy!"
"Get out of the way!"
The voice on the left is a large group of vicious male Hmong black and evil gangs led by a one-eyed bad old man.
The one-eyed old man at the head, after seeing Wang Xiaohu rushing into the middle of the confrontation between the two sides, of course he saw the artifacts on Wang Xiaohu's body and feet that seemed to be ugly, so after a little weighing, it was like this. Warned gloomily to Wang Xiaohu.
"Little brother!"
"This is the grievance between us Bai Miao and Hei Miao. It has nothing to do with you. Please get out of it as soon as possible. We will release our arrows later. Don't hurt you by mistake."
On the right, the voice was a group of white Miao female soldiers in blue and white Miao uniforms, led by a beautiful big sister in red Miao uniforms.
This group of Miao people are not as fierce and evil as the one-eyed lousy old man, and they still seem to be very beautiful. In addition, they are also a group of Bai Miao big and small sisters who are very pleasing to the eye. Therefore, Wang Xiaohu subconsciously believes that, The white seedlings on the right seem to be good people?
But considering that both sides are aggressive and carrying bright long swords and long swords, Wang Xiaohu did not dare to talk casually, but after hesitating for a while, he directly controlled his not-so-skilled Hot Wheels. He flew leisurely, reaching high into the air, just looking at the two groups below condescendingly.
Wang Xiaohu didn’t know why the Lord God would issue him that mission. Anyway, he didn’t think he was capable of stopping those two gangs, and even if he did, he didn’t dare to go on anymore, and planned to do that dangerous mission. Give it up.
Soon, looking down from a high altitude, he found that judging from the number and arrangement of the two sides, it seemed that the young ladies who claimed to be Bai Miao had a better chance of winning?
Because, he saw, those black seedlings seem to be not as many as the white ones, and the young ladies of the white seedlings are still ambushing a lot of archers on the periphery. Once they draw their bows and release their arrows, they believe in those fierce blacks Miao would definitely be unlucky, which is the same as the wild boar he had seen before being led into a trap by hunters and shot into a hedgehog?
"Elder Shi!"
"You are surrounded, give up resistance, we won't let you easily get the princess, is it too late to surrender now?"
After seeing Wang Xiaohu slowly flying high in the sky, the two Miao people breathed a sigh of relief.
Then, the female Miao who was headed, dressed in red, and seemed to be the leader of Bai Miao, screamed and persecuted the old man with one-eyed dragon.
"Only you stinky ladies?"
Looking at the white-miao female soldiers around, the old man of the one-eyed dragon sneered so much, without giving up resistance or surrendering.
"Don't think that more people can win me!"
"Kill them!"
With a sudden wave of his hand, the lonely and lonely Heimiao old man did not retreat but instead moved forward. While speaking, he ordered the ferocious Heimiao people behind him to cover up and charge forward together.
"Let the arrow!"
"Elder Shi!"
"Although you have supernatural powers, but after all time is not forgiving, it is useless to be strong, surrender!"
"I bother!"
"Even if the old man is no match for him, he will fight with you to die together!"
"Come on then!"
"Go to hell!!"
At the same time as the arrows were raining down, the leading female Miao took two helpers to block the fastest rushing'Elder Shi', and then the black seedlings endured a wave of arrow rain and fell down. After getting some people, the two sides fought fiercely in the woods just over ten miles away from Shengyu Village.
Spells such as arrow stones, lightning, firelight, and poisonous miasma exploded in this place. At the same time, stumps, broken arms, blood, and corpses became the main theme in this inaccessible forest, allowing you to watch One of the eight-year-old poor boys was shocked to see.
At this time, in the sky, Wang Xiaohu saw it, and the two sides fought so hard that they couldn’t deal with each other, and the brains of some young ladies were beaten out, and then they just fell on the dirty ground motionlessly. Can't stand up either.
Wang Xiaohu, who had never seen such a scene before, was so frightened that he hurriedly let himself fly a little higher, for fear that he would also be involved in it.
"Not good! I must tell Senior Sister Anu to them!"
Then, after a long while, remembering that he had just heard that the two sides claimed to be Bai Miao and Hei Miao, and remembering some stories that Senior Sister Anu had told, Wang Xiaohu finally got excited and knew what he should do now.
"The big thing is bad!"
"Senior Sister, come on, kill someone!!"
In this way, Wang Xiaohu exclaimed, stepping on his Hot Wheels, and swiftly flying in the direction of Shengyu Village, ready to go back and report the news quickly.
Behind him, in the forest below, the two sides clamored fiercely and greeted each other with deadly means such as swords, spells, poisonous insects, miasma, and arrows. Let more black and white Miao people scream and fall to the ground with blood splashing out, and bit by bit to completely dye the ground in this forest red.

When Wang Xiaohu was frightened by the fighting of the black and white Shuangmiao, he flew back to Shengyu Village for the first time to report. In front of the shrine of Shilipo Mountain in the other direction of Shengyu Village, a sloppy Taoist was also talking to a man with white beard and hair. The Taoist who Yujian descended from the sky confronted each other.
"Long time no see, don't come here without any problems?"
The Taoist with white beard and hair held his hands like that, watching the sloppy Taoist talking blankly.
"Thanks to your service, I am fine!"
"But Brother Dugu, don't you just stay on the mountain of Shu, why do you come here to find me?"
"What happened?"
Looking at the senior brother Dugu Yuyun not far away, the sloppy Taoist, that is, the Jiujian immortal Situ Zhong who had been stranded here in the ruined temple of Shilipo, asked in a somewhat puzzled way.
"I declare first!"
"If it's a trouble that you can't solve by yourself, then it's useless if you come to me. I definitely can't help you, and I won't necessarily help if I can help!"
However, when he asked Guiwen, he also pointed out that even if the other party found it himself, he himself would never return to Shushan easily.
"Do not…"
"Nothing on the mountain, I didn't come to find you back."
Dugu Yuyun faintly sighed and said such a sentence, then turned around, and began to look down at the scenery near the Shilipo.
Of course, there is also the Sheng Yu Village that has become a little unusual, even the head of Shushan cannot understand it.
Because, where's the aura seems to be too strong... and he found that there is still precious light circulating there from time to time, and it is more like a blessed land than the Hanging Mountain of their Shushan School?
You know, their Shushan Sect is built on the hanging mountain formed by the roots of the sacred tree attached to the heart of Pangu. It has always been regarded as the first school in the martial arts, and it is also the best for those who seek immortality and Taoism to learn from the teacher. select.
Since the first generation of the halal master was taken by the Emperor of Heaven to become a flying immortal, Shushan has taken the maintenance of the order of the human world between humans and monsters as its major responsibility, putting people first, eliminating demons and evil demons. By the generation of Dugu Yuyun, it is already the twenty-sixth generation. The generations have passed, and the inheritance can be said to be long and long... But now, he suddenly discovered that the aura in that small Shengyu Village is several times more dense than Xuankong Mountain, a little door that is not well-known. The small faction can occupy that kind of place, making him feel very hot when he looks at it?
"You didn't come to find me back?"
"Then brother, just tell me, why are you here to find me?"
"Senior brother, do you know? Before I came here, brother, I calculated a hexagram and found that the secret of the heavens was chaotic and the hexagrams were not obvious, but many things that should have happened have not happened..."
"I don't know, why?"
Shaking his head, the sword sage Dugu Yuyun, who didn't go to see the Shengyu Village again, and didn't answer his junior's question, just turned his head, looked at his junior, Situ Zhong and asked pointedly.
"What is a secret?"
However, the sloppy Taoist Situ Zhong did not answer, but asked directly.
"The secret is..."
"You should have had a disciple, and he is destined to be the head of Shushan in the future!"
"Yes it is!"
"Heh! That's right, it should have been, but I suddenly don't want to think about it now."
"Not why!"
"Brother, for the past twenty years, I have been thinking...what is Tao and what is God's will? Only recently did I suddenly wake up and see a glimpse of it, only to feel that the whole person is suddenly open-minded."
Dugu Yuyun did not speak, just like that with his eyes indicating that his junior brother Jiu Jianxian could continue talking.
"Brother, do you know?"
"Junior Brother, I have some insights these days. I think...the secret of heaven is not immutable, nor is the way of heaven. The will of heaven is not the will of heaven, it's human.
"The will of heaven can be changed, so can the way of heaven!"
"And if you can't, it's just that you are not strong enough?"
Situ Zhong, the Jiujian Immortal who looked like a sloppy Taoist, said with a smile, and stood next to his senior brother, looking at the distant Shengyu Village together.
"It seems that you are still obsessed with understanding..."
Shaking his head, the sword sage Dugu Yuyun sighed.
"Brother, is it possible to let that kid, like you, give up the marriage of the past, send the descendants of the witch queen back to Nanzhao, and then let the ignorant and ignorant girl also step on the road of Nuwa, and finally end up miserably. The fate of his wife, let his wife dissipate, and grieve for a lifetime. That is the will of heaven, is it the way of heaven?"
"If so…"
"Then Situ Zhong would rather continue to be obsessed like this!"
Holding his arms, the sloppy Taoist Situ Zhong just refuted the words of his senior brother and Shushan Immortal Sword Sect Dugu Yuyun face to face, and he still didn't give any face.
"You need to know that God's will is hard to violate, and if you act against the sky, you will be condemned by God?"
"The queen sent the witch down the mountain and betrayed a woman who loved me so much. I have had enough of that kind of pain. I don't want others to bear it again. So brother, don't worry, I won't accept him as a disciple!"
"I won't be like you. In order to gain the Tao, I will sacrifice everyone, and then I will perfect myself. I will do my own way!"
"Brother, Situ Zhong can't agree with your way!"
"He has already worshipped that Great Flame Immortal as his teacher. I have seen it and learned the purest Taoism. The future is limitless. He has no chance with us at Shushan now, so he can't ask for it."
Having said that, thinking about the bits and pieces that he has been stuck here these days, Situ Zhong suddenly laughed with ease.
"Flaming Fairy?"
"It feels a little weird..."
Sword Saint Dugu Yuyun ignored the ridicule of his junior brother, so he pondered alone, not knowing what other ideas he was making in his heart.
boom! !
Suddenly, there was a bang from a forest in the distance, and then the scarlet blood and poisonous flames burst, even in this mountain temple in Shilipo, you can clearly see it, let the presence Both the Dugu Swordmaster and the sloppy Taoist Situ Zhong were shocked.
"That is…"
"The sky and the sky are bright and the sky is bright, and there are monsters who dare to be fierce here?!"
He frowned and glanced at it, and found that the place was full of resentment. I think there was a lot of grievances and deaths in the sword saint Dugu Yuyun, so he could no longer bother to talk to his junior brother. He pinched the finger of the sword, and then the flying sword was taken out of the sheath. , Relying on the sword like that, he rushed towards the place where the blood and poisonous fog exploded in a vain volley.
"Hey! Brother? That's the place of Flame God Sect, you..."
No way, Situ Zhong, who didn't want to be nosy at first, thought for a while, and finally could only grit his teeth and let out his flying sword and flew past behind him unhurriedly.
What the two of them didn’t know was that when the explosion sounded, after receiving Wang Xiaohu’s notification, a distracted little girl who was a little closer had already arrived at the place where the explosion occurred with Zhao Linger in advance. And saw the extremely tragic scene.
"We are late, it seems we are all dead..."
Wang Xiaohu jumped directly off his hot wheels, and then retched on the ground, his childish face turned pale with fright.
"Ah no!"

"It seems that the hot guy hasn't had a short breath yet?!"
Rushed to the scene with Zhao Linger and Wang Xiaohu, who was jumping, and saw the tragic scene, saw the corpses all over the floor, and countless big and small sisters were blown to pieces, and a large number of intestines and fragments were hung on the surrounding tree branches. There were terrible forests everywhere, which looked like a rain of blood, and after a certain wretched little girl exclaimed, she turned towards a woman lying in a pool of blood so indifferently. Pointed to the past.
"Save people first!"
Although Zhao Ling'er was also very frightened, but when she heard Anne said that there were still people, Zhao Ling'er rushed over for the first time, and then ignoring the blood on the ground and the opponent, carefully supporting the opponent into his arms, UU Reading www. used Jingyi Mantra and Guanyin Mantra to heal the leader of Baimiao.
"Where is the evildoer here?"
While Zhao Ling'er was treating the Bai Miao woman, a certain white-haired and white-bearded sword sage also flew not far above the forest.
"What a cruel method, evildoer, you must not forgive you!"
Then, he saw for the first time that Zhao Ling'er, who was covered in blood, was holding a woman who was like a gossamer, and her hand was still stretched into that woman's arms, as if he wanted to take out his heart and liver alive?
"Look at Feijian!"
Look at the terrible scene around you, look at the scarlet all over the floor, the black and white men and women who have fallen dead, and look at the extremely tragic corpses, intestines and flesh and blood, thinking that Zhao Linger is showing some bloodthirsty. The demon technique, the Sword Saint who didn't let go of the last survivor could not bear it anymore, and before flying close, a swordsman sword cut towards Zhao Ling'er's neck.

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