Chapter 1459: ?(???*) The true gods in the fairy sword world (...

After going to the Nuwa Temple to worship her mother, seeing her mother’s soul appear, and learning about the other party’s last wish, Zhao Linger, who received the Heavenly Snake Rod, the Holy Spirit Cloak, and the Holy Spirit Bead, immediately asked the Baimiao clan to do well. Related preparations, plan to cast a spell in the Nuwa Temple!
As we all know, the most important reason why the black and white Miao tribes have fought for many years is because of the drought and little rain in the Miao area. In order to survive, in order to survive and thrive, the two tribes must compete for the most important material. , That is-water!
As long as there is water, their respective people can live and the crops can be harvested. Once there is water shortage, neither people nor crops can survive!
Therefore, after discussing with Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao felt that it was impossible for them to really "use love to resolve the hatred between the black and white Miao races" as Lin Qinger's soul said, and felt that it was simply impossible to accomplish. The two of them quickly came up with another method:
Praying for rain!
Yes, just pray for rain!
The fundamental reason for the conflict between the black and white Miao people is the increasingly depleted water resources, and once it rains and there are plenty of water sources in all parts of the Miao area, there must be no one to fight for water anymore.
Although the solution has been found, it is not so easy to solve the problem completely, because Zhao Ling'er does not know how to pray for rain, nor does he know any in the gods, so praying for rain is not so easy to do. .
However, just like Lin Qing'er was shocked before, although Zhao Ling'er doesn't have much ability, she has an advantage that others don't have, that is, the little girl who is because of their mischievous master wantonly The huge spiritual power that she got her out of recklessly!
How big is the spiritual power?
It is so huge that only the use of basic five element spells can blow up the leader of the Shushan Sword Sect, the sword sage Dugu Yuyun, seriously injured and dying, and it has blown out a radius in the forest outside Shengyu Village in Yuhang County. The tiankeng of more than ten miles, and the terrible degree of forming a big lake!
Therefore, after Zhao Linger pretended to pray for rain, but actually used wind spells and water spells to randomly toss in the sky of Miao territory, it easily attracted storms and heavy rains, which ushered in the long-dried Miao territory. The rare rain made the almost dry river bed gradually full and rushing.
Maybe it was Zhao Ling'er who accidentally used too much spiritual power... Maybe, she drew too much humid air from the Indian Ocean?
Anyway, it rained heavily for three days and three nights!
Finally, when the Baimiao were worried that the drought would turn into a flood, the heavy rain finally gradually reduced, so that everyone's heart gradually returned to their stomachs.
And when praying for rain is successful, when the Miao area is restored to life, when the ten-year-long Shuang Miao war is about to end, when a human tragedy that has been devastated is about to be avoided, when the Bai Miao people are preparing to celebrate the victory...
Suddenly, a battle report came from the front. Hei Miao brazenly launched a war against Bai Miao regardless, and the instigator is said to be the Lord of the Moon Worship!
Therefore, today Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er, as well as his junior sister Anu, had to go to Heimiao, the palace of Nanzhao Kingdom, to capture or destroy the culprit behind the scenes, and to get rid of the lunar worship master. Fundamentally resolve the root cause of the war in Miaojiang.
Li Xiaoyao still humbly remembers the teachings of their little Master Anne:
‘If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved by spicy seeds, then go and eliminate the people who caused the problem. Then, the problem will no longer be a problem. ’
And this is the reason why the three of them are now appearing in the imperial palace of Nanzhao Kingdom and are confronting the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, Zhao Linger's biological father, the Witch King and the Lord of Moon Worship, and others.
Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao couldn't kill the ordinary Black Miao soldiers and stop the war. Therefore, they had to come and eliminate the moon worshiper who was said to be the black hand behind the scenes and the culprit who started the war.
They believe that as long as the Lord of the Moon Worship is eliminated, Hei Miao will certainly not attack and collapse. When that time comes, the long-lost peace will surely come to Miao territory.
"I am Linger..."
"Qing, sister Qing...Did you come back and demand my life?"
"Do not!!"
"go away!"
"Quick! Stop her!"
"I am Ling'er, your daughter..."
"You... Linger?"
"No! You are not Ling'er, you are a demon!"
"Quick! Around, get them for me!!"
Zhao Linger couldn't believe it, that the biological father of the Witch King on the throne was so crazy that he didn't even recognize her, and kept saying that she was a demon girl, and he wanted someone to take her?
"Sister Ling'er, you can see clearly, that person is not your father!"
As he said, Anu suddenly burst into bursts of golden light in his eyes, and then activated his "fire eyes and golden eyes". The crazy old man sitting on the throne, the Witch King was instantly disguised and turned into a hideous and ugly monster. ?
"Father, daddy?!"
Seeing his father, Wu Wang, instantly turned into a monster, Zhao Linger, who was still a little convulsed and grief-stricken, was instantly dumbfounded.
Of course, at the same time dumbfounded, there is also the moon worshiper who was still performing hard!
He obviously didn't expect that the monster stand-in who had been disguised for many years and had never had any problems, today, was broken by a little white girl with no hair?
"Sure enough!"
"Sister Ling'er, let me tell you that we have heard from Bai Miao that the real Witch King has been killed by the Lord of the Moon Worship. Now the Witch King is just a fake..."
"Look at it now, it really is!"
Having said that, Anu couldn't help but be proud of the practice of spending a lot of martial arts contribution points to learn the skill of the eye and raising it to a fairly high level.
If she hadn't deliberately learned the spell that could see through the effects of other people's transformation after learning, I'm afraid that there might not be any moths out today!
The Lord of Moon Worship did not speak, but his face was a little uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.
"Worship the old thief!"
"Your conspiracy has been revealed!"
"Now the evidence is solid. You killed the Witch King, framed the Witch Queen, persecuted the princess, and deliberately teased the battle between the black and white Miao, killing countless lives of the two tribes, and making the lives of the Miao dynasty, you are very sinful!
"What else can you say?"
"Today, the three of my senior brothers and sisters must behave on behalf of the sky, behead you to show the public, and pay tribute to the countless souls!"
After pulling out a jade carved into it, vines entwined around a tree trunk carved out of jasper, a flower carved into ruby ​​was blooming, like a wand of ivy and jade tree like a perfect artwork, Anu was so vicious and gritted his teeth. Screamed at the moon worshiper who stood silently in front of the throne.
Anu was more than just a verbal threat, she believed that she would definitely do it.
Because, what she just said are just a few of the countless evil things that the old moon worshiper has done over the years. Among the Baimiao clan, when it comes to the priest of the moon worship, which one does not want to drink his blood and eat his flesh? , Gnaw its bones, sleep its skin?
Therefore, if only beheading the opponent, Anu still feels a bit cheaper for the opponent.
"Worship the moon!"
"Any last words, you can say now."
Looking at his wife holding the Heavenly Snake Rod tightly, and looking at the vicious Sister Anu, Li Xiaoyao thought for a while, and directly drew out his Tai Chi sword, pointed at the moon with the tip of the sword, and activated it at any time. Attack, let that lunar worship master pay its due price.
"Last words?"
"A big joke! Even if you see through it, what can you little children do to me?"
"Since you are here today, don't even think about leaving!"
Seeing that the matter was revealed, finally, the priest of worshipping the moon no longer pretended to be disguised, and directly smiled and waved his hand, letting the few warriors in front of the temple come forward, preparing to attack Li Xiaoyao and others.
"Warrior in front of the temple, come up to me, take them down!"
"If there is resistance, let's kill it!"
In all these years, after killing the Witch Queen, Nanzhao Palace had long been replaced by his people.
And those who are still loyal to the Witch King, such as the idiots like Elder Shi, were mostly sent out by him under various names. After years of war, they were dead and scattered. Now, Nanzhao Kingdom It has long since become a country where he alone has the final say in worshipping the moon. The so-called Witch King is just a dispensable tool.
"So courageous!"
"It's not certain who kills who!"
"Sun, Moon, Universe!"
Seeing the warriors in front of the temple surrounding the three of them, Li Xiaoyao did his part and took a step on his own. Then he stretched out his hand and squeezed a sword fight, and simultaneously waved his sleeves violently.
"Come for me!!"
Immediately afterwards, Yuan Daxian’s skill in Wuzhuang Guanzhen made his sleeves huge instantly. Then, those fierce and wicked warriors who seemed to know that they were not easy to provoke were instantly wrapped in the enlarged sleeves. , Then Qi Qi became smaller, and was soon received in Li Xiaoyao's sleeves, became the size of chopsticks and passed out in a coma.
"Fuck me, kill them!!"
Seeing that Li Xiaoyao still had that kind of magic trick that he didn't know what the trick was, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Master was embarrassed, and then after giving the order to the monster, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in an instant.
"Want to run?"
Like jade and fragrant!
Seeing the old thief of worshipping the moon running, and seeing the other party driving the monster forward, where is Anu willing?
Therefore, after the big brother Li Xiaoyao took the samurai in front of the temple with just one sleeve, she was not far behind, and sealed the monster in place with a trick of "like jade and fragrance", so that it could not move or attack. They can't use spells either, so they can only stare at them eagerly.
"We chase!"
"That old thief can't run far!"
With that said, Anu took Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao and chased them out of the palace for the first time. As for the sealed monster, she didn't care about it, because they could wait until they had cleaned up and returned after the moon worship. Overdo it to deal with each other.
And when Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger, and Anu are working hard to completely eliminate the moon worshiper and to eliminate the dispute between the black and white seedlings, in the middle island resident of Tiankenghu in Yuhang County, a bad little girl is also Is frowning about something.
Because, she just learned...
Yesterday, Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan, who ran to Shushan to rescue Su Mei and Lin Yueru, did not come back until this afternoon?
What I didn't say, those dumb guys of them have been slow to return, they must have been trapped in that inexplicable lock demon tower again! So, now Annie can only look at you with Aunt Li, looking at me and looking at you, sitting with big eyes and small eyes staring at each other in the empty martial resident hall.
ε=(′ο`))) alas
"Aunt Li, people will go and rescue them after dinner. Is this the head office?"
No way, Aunt Li kept staring at him, and the other party followed wherever he went, and the other party didn’t explain or speak, and just kept staring. Little Annie, who felt that this would not be the solution, could only cope Here comes the troublesome thing.
"Then when are you going?"
Finally, Aunt Li spoke up.
"How about going after dinner?"
Annie gave her own advice. She can work hard only when she is full. If she doesn't eat full first, she will be lazy. Once she gets lazy, she won't want to move...
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"No way!"
"You must go now and have dinner together after you rescue them!"
"Otherwise, let's sit here and be hungry together!"
Looking at the sky outside, Aunt Li turned her head straight away, not planning to bargain on this matter.
!? (?\'\'??)?
"Then go! Can someone go now?!"
After finishing talking, Annie directly raised her short legs, carried her little bear, and ran outside.
"That one……"

However, not far from the door, Annie turned back again, lying on the edge of the door frame like a thief, and whispered to Aunt Li, who was sitting still in the hall:
"Aunt Li, which side is west?"

Annie said that she knew that Mount Shu was in the west, but she was not familiar with this world. She didn't know whether the sun in this world rose from the east or the west, so this matter must first be asked.
Aunt Li did not speak, she just stretched her fingers to one side of the window blankly, where, bunches of golden sunlight from the setting sun were shining in obliquely from the window, and also illuminated the mottled floors on the hall floor spot.

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