Chapter 156: Chaos and more witches

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Now the Governor's Palace in Port Royal has become a mess in it. Although the competent butler is still trying his best to maintain good order, it is obviously not effective.
Regardless of how the old housekeeper would appease or order, those maids who have family members in the city, or ordinary hired workers, want to quickly escape from this dangerous place. At this time, their job is no longer the envy of others. It's a trick, but a reminder. This governor's mansion is probably the most dangerous place in Port Royal!
Outside the Governor's Mansion, hundreds of British Royal Lobster Soldiers dressed in red were holding muskets around the government's mansion, which was not too large, and looked nervous as if they were approaching enemies.
The more than 1,000 regular soldiers in the entire Port Royal, except for the more than a hundred who have died and the necessary troops defending important warehouses and municipal departments, most of the other troops have gathered here.
However, even if the troops here are abundant and well-prepared, they do not have the slightest sense of security!
Having faced real witches before, they finally understand at this moment that the advanced muskets and fierce cannons they used to be proud of are so pale and powerless when faced with the extraordinary power of that witch!
Because, not long ago, the soldiers who were organized by Brigadier General Norrington to attack the witch had once again collapsed back. Hundreds of them, apart from the dead, those who fled, and those who dared to return to the Governor's Mansion, there were fewer than two hundred? Moreover, most of the people they came back lost their muskets and cannons? Ran back after losing his helmet and armor?
"Your Excellency Brigadier General, we have done our best... that little witch and her flame monster are so cruel... we can't do anything about them!"
Brigadier General’s adjutant, Gloves was all dirty, and then his hat was gone. He brought back the rest of the troops, with less than two hundred men, then trot and walked to Brigadier Norrington to salute and report. With.
In fact, he really cannot be blamed for defeating the war, nor is they too incompetent, it is because the enemy is too powerful! Whether it was the little witch or the giant flame bear that was holding cannonballs with bare hands, it was not something ordinary soldiers like them could deal with.
"I already know, you guys... forget it, let's go to rest now, go."
Norrington sighed, looked at the embarrassed adjutant, and then looked at the soldiers who had thrown their guns away. He also knew that they had actually tried their best. Such an enemy really seemed like a god... When the sentinel who was observing the battle came back to report to him, he was already mentally prepared, and now, as expected, he was not surprised.
Receiving shells with bare hands? Invulnerable? Full of flames? Ha... How can they deal with such a monster? After thinking about it, Norrington kept his face black, turned his head and walked into the Governor's Mansion.
At this time, this large city on the Caribbean island with more than 10,000 people has begun to chaos. After the witch who hijacked the execution ground once again defeated the second organized attack by the royal soldiers, the city’s Public order has completely collapsed!
Those citizens who don't know the truth must either hide in their homes quickly, or panic thinking of taking a boat out at the pier to escape for their lives!
And the captains or merchants of the ships, one by one, can't take care of supplies and the like. They all set sail directly for the first time, for fear that one second later will be harmed by the witch.
At this time, even after the royal soldiers who had been maintaining law and order and routine patrols disappeared, those desperate sailors, bankrupt businessmen, or cruel pirates were all blushing, not knowing where they came out. , And began to stage a variety of incidents of smashing, smashing and looting in the crowded port area.
In addition to these thugs who want to make a fortune, there are also some villains who are afraid of chaos in the world are also setting fire everywhere, trying to harass those honest citizens.
Of course, some people, in order to protect their property and family, took up guys and started fighting with these rioters. For those who dare to go to the New World to find a living, fighting and fighting are commonplace. Anyway, everyone has swords, guns and swords, who is afraid of whom? If you don't accept it, do it, whoever admits to counseling will be finished! As a result, chaos began to gradually spread from the port area to the inner city.
If the army in Port Royal doesn't hurry to quell the chaos, I'm afraid they won't have to wait for the witches. Their city, the most dazzling jewel in the Caribbean, will be directly destroyed by the mobs, right?
"Norrington, what should we do in this situation now? Is there any way?"
In the meeting room of the Governor's Mansion, Governor Wetherby Swann wearing a delicate wig, looking out the window, after the thick smoke rising from the port area, began to circle in a hurry.
This is the city in his jurisdiction, the most prosperous city on Xinfa Road... Now, is it possible for him to watch him being ruined by those thugs?
When Norrington sent the hundreds of soldiers to intercept the witch, he still had a little expectation, but how could he have thought that hundreds of people would be defeated so quickly? Not only are muskets ineffective against witches, even those artillery shells can't hurt them at all? Could it be that that little witch really can't deal with it?
It was just a witch who paralyzed the British Empire in the most dazzling pearl city on the Caribbean Sea? What a joke! If this news goes back to China, he Wetherby Swan will definitely become the laughing stock of the upper circles of Europe, right?
"I'm very sorry, Lord Governor! The enemy is far beyond our imagination, so I still stick to my proposal just now. While the witch is not back now, let's pack our things and go out to sea and retreat."
Brigadier General Norrington no longer has the courage to fight the witch anymore. He believes that it is the wisest decision to retreat for the time being and to save strength. Before thinking of a way against the witch, it is best to avoid the witch’s edge. wonderful.
Because, according to the report from the soldiers who had just been investigating, the two witches took the remains of the other two witches burned to ashes and went out of the city for burial. No one knows, after they have dealt with everything, they will Won't come back for revenge?
So, since you can't fight the witch right now, it's better to leave the sea as early as possible!
Anyway, the Royal Navy’s Intrepid and Interceptor are still anchored at the military port. There is absolutely no problem in escorting important officials and their families away. Those two ships, even if two or three thousand more people are packed, are completely impossible. problem.
"What! You want me to retreat?"
Governor Wetherby Swan looked at Norrington with a look of surprise. What did he hear just now?
"You actually let me, a governor of the British Empire, abandon the city and run for his life? Just because of a little witch making trouble? This...this is ridiculous! Absurd! Unreasonable!
In fact, Governor Swann himself wanted to escape, but he didn't dare!
Because he is Weatherby Swann, the governor appointed by His Majesty the King!
Once he did this, he would become the laughing stock of the aristocracy of the entire British Empire! Then, the opportunity to return to the center of rights is lost forever! Even, it is very likely that even the title of nobility will be lost!
Therefore, he Wetherby Swann can die in battle or surrender to the enemy! However, he absolutely cannot escape without fighting!
"Huh! Who told you to burn witches? Look, it's all right now? You are making your own way!"
Elizabeth on the side was fanning a small paper fan desperately. She just came back. It’s almost dinner time now, and no one talks about the meal. Therefore, she is listening to the conversation between the two and can eat a little bit. Cakes and biscuits from the belly.
Elizabeth was still wearing her full dress before she had time to change it. The corset of this skirt was a little tight, which made her feel a little suffocated, so she could only shake the small fan vigorously while eating.
Unlike Governor Swann and Brigadier Norrington’s worries, Elizabeth, heartless, is still excited!
Because, she was fortunate enough to see the real witch on a trip today. She also had a few words with each other face-to-face, and she also saw the other's great power. Not only could she fly, but she would also cast those terrifying and gorgeous flame magic. Her father's soldiers in Port Royal were beaten up and down, it was amazing!
In her opinion, it was the right thing to go out and play today. She had an adventurous spirit in her bones. Not only did she not feel the slightest fear of it afterwards, but she also felt that what happened today would definitely be a good talk.
She was even thinking, wondering where to learn real witchcraft? If you can be as powerful as that little witch, is it not unacceptable to be a witch?
"Those witches are not what we are going to burn, but the church bastards!"
Wetherby Swan turned his head and glared at his daughter in annoyance. For those witches, whether they were sentenced or burned, it was none of his business. At most, they were invited to attend and help maintain order on the scene.
"Since it's talking about the church... Then, Norrington, since it was caused by those in the church, let them deal with the witches!"
Governor Swann thought of a way to kick the ball. What happened today is that they are totally a disaster. The culprit is the of the church. In this case, let the church members fight against the witches. He doesn't feel distressed when he is dead. Once he's dead, no one will come to point fingers at his governance!
"I'm sorry, Lord Governor!"
Norrington also thought about this matter, but it's a pity...
"The people in the church, including the bishop, were basically burnt to charcoal by the witch when they were in the square in the middle of the street, and they probably have few left to fight in the cathedral now."
Brigadier General Norrington also gritted his teeth a bit after hearing the words "church". Everything that happened today was provoked by their church. If they hadn't burned witches when they were crazy and idly doing nothing. What happened?
It's better now, those lunatics are dead! However, the trouble they caused will ultimately be carried by him, Norrington, and he should fill in the pits they dug? For this reason, so many heroic royal soldiers were sacrificed today. This is really outrageous!
In the future, if there is any more such thing as burning witches, Norrington secretly vowed that he will never send even one soldier for this! Absolutely not!
"Then what are you going to do in the end! Let's just do nothing here, just wait?"
Governor Weatherby Swann was already sweating profusely, and he simply tore off the wig from his head, even the basic appearance and etiquette.
A royal soldier in red rushed to the door and saluted.
"Come in!"
After discussing with the Governor for a while, Brigadier General Norrington, who was still at a loss, waved his hand at the soldier a little impatiently, telling him to speak quickly when he had something to say.
"Your Excellency Brigadier General! There has been a large-scale chaos in the port area, and it is gradually spreading to the city. Will you send troops to maintain order?"
Norrington frowned and thought for a while, did not give any answer, but turned to look at Governor Swann.
"My lord Governor, what do you think? Do you want to send troops to suppress the mob now?"
He himself was a little bit undecided. If he sent troops now, if the time comes, the witch will return to avenge him, I am afraid they will not be able to guard the Governor's Mansion with the remaining manpower.
If you don't send troops, let the chaos spread, maybe this city is destroyed like this, it's not necessarily! Although he, Norrington, as the chief military officer, could theoretically make his own judgment, at this time, maybe it would be a good choice to leave the decision to your Excellency the Governor?
"Well... let me think about..."
Wetherby Swan walked a few steps back and forth, hesitated and couldn't make up his mind.
Now that the city is in trouble, it is about his political achievements, so it can’t be ignored! But... the Governor's Mansion is about the lives of his father and daughter. It seems to be more important? Maybe... they can divide their forces to counter the rebellion, and then most of the soldiers stay here?
"Father, maybe the witches won't come back? Anyway, those villains in the church are dead."
Elizabeth said with a sneer.
Compared with the church, she is obviously more sympathetic to the witch's side. This may also be because she herself is a woman, right? Anyway, from Elizabeth's point of view, the more fierce the witches are, the better. It is best to kill all those villains, so that they dare not burn the witches again in the future? It's just a group of scum, it's good to die!
When Governor Swann was still undecided whether to send troops to counter the rebellion, another royal soldier hurried in.
"What happened again?"
The impetuous Governor Swann began to ask impatiently and loudly, "Today's affairs are not over yet, have you let them have a happy birthday?" He didn't even eat dinner!
"Report to the Governor! Witch... Witches are back!"
Seeing the governor's hideous expression, the soldier was stunned for a moment. When he saw that the governor's anger did not seem to be directed at him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully reported the situation.
"What?! Did they come to the Governor's Mansion?"
After listening, Governor Wetherby Swann was agitated, and before Brigadier General Norrington was ready to speak, he quickly asked what he cared about the most.
"Your Excellency, they haven't come here, they seem to be heading towards the prison!"
The soldier stood attentively and finished what he knew. The rest is left to the governor and the brigadier general to make a decision. There is no such thing as this little man here, so after getting consent, he turned his head. Just go.
prison? What's happening here?
Wetherby Swann and Norrington looked at each other. They didn't understand what the two witches were trying to do when they went to the prison. There didn't seem to be any important people imprisoned there? At most, there are only a few little pirates locked up, right? Oh! By the way, it seems that a big pirate has been shut down recently, the famous Jack Sparrow! Do they know each other?
"Hmph! Because I heard that are still a group of witches accused by the church in the prison!"
Of course Elizabeth knows these things, because, before going to bed last night, she heard from her maid that the twin daughters of a neighbor of the maid, because they are twins, usually seem to have some special feelings, so they were also taught He was accused of being a witch and was imprisoned in prison not long ago. I heard that he has suffered a lot!
The maid said before that she wanted Elizabeth to intercede in front of Governor Swann to see if she could save the two poor girls? This matter, Elizabeth has not found a chance to explain to her father until now. It is good for the moment that a real little witch has appeared. When she thought about it, it seemed that she no longer needed to intercede on her own, right?
Governor Swann and Norrington couldn't help but exclaimed, how come there are witches? They always thought that there were only the four who were tortured!
What kind of stupid things did the lunatics of those churches do? How many witches did they catch this time? Could it be that they wanted to have a barbecue party? These bastards...
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