Chapter 1450: (っ????) The true **** in the fairy sword world (1...

The water in this newly formed big lake outside Shengyu Village is very clear and bright. It may be because of the deep tiankeng. The lake looks slightly dark, but it is very calm, only the surface. Under the breeze blowing and the bright sun, the surface of the water glowed with rippling colors, which looked like a huge gemstone as crystal clear and translucent.
Of course, because this lake is a bit big, little Annie looked for it for a while, and finally found someone who was sitting silently on a boulder on the surface of the lake, looking at the fallen and broken trees around and the calm lake in a daze. Guys.

"Hey! Miss Linger, what are you doing here?"
"So it's not stealing something delicious..."
After quietly leaning over to take a look, Annie found that the other party didn't have that kind of delicious or fun things in his hands, just a few stones, which inevitably made her a little bit disappointed.
Zhao Ling'er didn't speak, but after looking at Annie, she turned her head and looked at the lake in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.
"There seems to be big fish in the lake..."
"Did those big fish in the river come in? Let the old fisherman at the pier come here to fish and watch..."
Seeing a few big and fat fish suddenly jump up on the lake in the distance, Annie suddenly felt that she didn't seem to have eaten the fish in this newly formed lake?
Anyway, Aunt Li's sweet and sour carp is pretty good, and she hasn't eaten it for a few days, so she will catch one later.
Later, to see which one came out of the lake was fatter, she caught which one, took it back and put it in a steamer for steaming, and then topped it with sweet and sour soup to satisfy those big carps. The wish of the cage door to become a fairy?
Zhao Ling'er still ignored Annie's words as if she was talking to herself, still just staring at the lake in a daze and slightly startled.
"Um...Miss Linger, Aunt Li called you to go home for dinner, what are you staying here to see?"
Annie suddenly remembered the purpose of her coming here. When she came out, Aunt Li said that if she meets Zhao Ling'er, let the other party go back for lunch with her on time?
Today, I heard that we will make braised pork ribs, braised pork knuckles in sauce, stir-fried big eagles and fresh fragrant river clam soup. There are everything from the sea and the mountains. If this Zhao Linger does not go back soon, then she will definitely not leave dishes for the other party!
"Master Anne."
"I was just thinking, should I go to Southern Xinjiang..."
Once again, I looked back at the little girl Master standing next to me, and then think about this lake is from my own hands, think about the reasons for the dispute between Bai Miao and Heimiao, and what my grandma said when I returned to Xianling Island the day before yesterday. The sad look on Zhao Linger's face became a little heavier.
That day, the Baimiao leader Gai Luojiao and Anu both told her a lot of bad things about Heimiao, of course, and her biological father Wuwang's bad things, her grandma also admitted, and Ling'er finally got to know her. The cruel fact that Niangqin and her had to escape from Nanzhao Kingdom and came to Xianling Island because of the persecution, and were taken in by the Lord of Lingyue Palace.
"Southern Xinjiang?"
"Is it just the place where the bad guys and black spoils are? What are you going to do there? Is it possible that you really want to go back to be your princess?"
Annie felt a little unbelievable, because she had also heard about it, knowing that this poor young lady Zhao Linger had to escape to Yuhang County when she was hunted down.
"Grandma said that if Ling'er has the ability, Ling'er should go home to find her mother's whereabouts, and she will do her filial piety for her children. Regardless of whether her mother is alive or dead, she will always know the result."
For many years, that mother who hardly left any impression in her mind had found herself in the future, which gave Zhao Ling'er a vague premonition in her heart.
However, since she is now strong enough to hit a big lake with one blow, and able to resist the old Taoist's several and three attacks without losing, Zhao Linger felt that she was now capable of returning to Nanzhao.
She must find her mother and confront her biological father Witch King face to face, and ask him face to face why she and her mother were persecuted back then?
If she can, she still wants to get back a fairness!
"I want to find my mother..."
"I want to know why Dad would persecute us..."
"I also want to stop the White Miao and Hei Miao tribes from continuing to fight and fight, because both of them are from my tribe. I don't want them to kill corpses all over the place here or elsewhere like that day. It's really terrible..."
Thinking about the broken bodies that I saw here that day, Zhao Linger sometimes had nightmares at night.
Moreover, she also faintly understood why the old Taoist priest was so angry and misunderstood her. If she were to be replaced by her, she would probably do that too, right?
"Oh okay?"
"Then go if you want!"
After thinking about it, or not thinking about it at all, a certain rascal little girl said irresponsibly that might encourage the other person to do those dangerous things.
(● ̄ ̄●)
"Ann, Master Anne, do you also support me to go to Nanzhao to find my mother and investigate the truth?"
Zhao Ling'er was shocked. She originally thought that the other party would be like Aunt Li for a while, directly reprimanding her and persuading her not to rush for a while! Anyway, if it was Master Anne and the Great Flame Immortal also stopping her, she would definitely not dare to act rashly.
But how can I think that the other party actually supported her like this?
"Go if you want!"
ε=(ο`))) alas
"Before we go, we have to have lunch no matter what, right? Let's go, let's go back to eat first!"
. (ˊ▽ˋ).
Regardless of whether the other party went to Nanzhao to investigate the truth or to find his mother, those things are not as important as having lunch in Annie's view. Therefore, she just wants to fool the other party and go back to eat with herself as soon as possible. As for other things, she doesn't want to care about it !
"I also want to wait until Brother Xiaoyao comes back and tell him to go."
With Annie’s consent, the sad look on Zhao Linger’s face finally became cheerful as if the clouds were seeing the sun, and he jumped up from the rocks by the lake, then threw away the stones, and grabbed the little Annie. With the master's hand, he trot in the direction of Shengyu Village.
"Miss Linger, don't you plan to take that stupid fellow Li Xiaoyao?"
"Stop taking him..."
"Brother Xiaoyao hasn't practiced the Wuzhuang Immortal Method well. The journey to Nanzhao is too long and it is not safe to take him. I am going to tell him, and then I will go alone, and then I will finish those things as soon as possible. Come back as soon as possible."
If the previous Zhao Ling'er was a cowardly and cowardly girl who had never seen the world before, now after her spiritual power has skyrocketed, and she can use the'Dream Snake' to become Nuwa's real body and gain more powerful power. , She also gradually became more confident, and believed that she was capable of doing all the things she wanted to do.
"Yes too!"
"He is indeed a little weak now. He has to get on Wang Xiaohu to form a team before going out for a mission. He hasn't come back yet, but it's really bad enough!"
"Not at all!"
"Brother Xiaoyao's talent is very powerful, but the fairy techniques you gave him are too obscure and difficult to understand, even I can't understand some of them."
"However, I guess they should be back soon. I don't know if they can catch up with lunch?"
In this way, Annie talked to Zhao Ling'er, who was uncomfortable, while jumping happily in the direction of Shengyu Village.
When Annie was talking with Zhao Linger, what they didn't know was that Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu had never thought about coming back for lunch!
Of course, it’s not because they can’t beat the monsters, so they never need to go home for lunch, but because they didn’t go to subdue the demons and demons at all, they still stayed in the city of Suzhou and wandered around, and even got together. In a lively and noisy mansion, squeezed to the side of the big red ring in the courtyard of the other's house, watching other people's contests and recruiting relatives, and pointing and commenting.
"Brother! Brother!"
"Look, that young lady is so beautiful, just like a fairy!"
I don't know why, when Wang Xiaohu sees those beautiful young ladies, he always thinks that they are like fairies, such as Sister Ling'er, Sister Anu, and the two Ding's sisters who are getting better and better recently?
Of course, at the same time, he always had the idea of ​​seeing a beautiful little girl and wanting to tie it back with Huntian Ling...Always felt that he should be like Senior Brother Xiaoyao, can there be a beautiful fairy sister as a mother-in-law?
So, while talking, he couldn't help but look at the fairy sister on the ring a few more times, and the more he looked, the more he realized that the other person looked like a fairy. The impulse to tie people.
"Little tiger, have you moved your heart?"
" go up and beat her, and then her back to be a mother-in-law?"
Finding that Wang Xiaohu knew to look at girls at a young age, and he could not even blink his eyes, Li Xiaoyao suddenly leaned in and joked.
"No! No!"
"My dad said, I'm still too young, and I have to wait at least a few years before I can think about marrying a wife."
Wang Xiaohu exclaimed, then hurriedly shook his head like a rattle.
"Old Uncle Wang is too old-fashioned, don't always listen to him!"
"Little tiger, brother told you, there are not many young ladies like this. How many have you seen in Suzhou City? Although you are still young, you can win the battle and get it back and raise it first. When you grow up, can you marry and be a wife?"
"This statement, it is called Tong Yang daughter-in-law, rich people can always like this!"
Li Xiaoyao began to seduce Wang Xiaohu unkindly, planning to take Wang Xiaohu into some ditch.
"But, that young lady seems to be a bit older, she's not a child bride..."
Looking at the tall young lady on the ring, and comparing her size, Wang Xiaohu hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head firmly.
"Where is she older? She is only seventeen or eighteen years old at most. Haven't you ever heard that female juniors hold gold bricks?"
"Isn't it a matter of holding three or four gold bricks at most, you can't be beautiful!"
Although Li Xiaoyao felt that the other party was definitely not suitable for Wang Xiaohu, he still persuaded him with a grinning joking idea.
"No way, no way!"
"My father will definitely not agree!"
Wang Xiaohu waved his hands vigorously, not daring to agree with those outrageous things Li Xiaoyao said.
What the two of them didn’t know was that their every move and the words they didn’t know about avoiding suspicion had already been seen and listened to by a young lady on a certain stage. As for the other party has been gnashing his teeth and secretly shy and angry.
"Go to hell!"
Therefore, she finally did not keep it anymore, and with a fierce kick, she kicked a young handsome who was using a double hammer off the ring, without giving the other side any face.
Clap your hands, put away the sword, and are in the arena for martial arts competitions, and Miss Lin, who is said to be very savage and prudent, then began to look around and ask loudly:
"The one just now is the eighth one. What this young lady still has is strength. Which one of you who owes you and is not afraid of death dare to come up and have a try?"
The eldest lady of the Lin family said so arrogantly, and still raised her somewhat rounded chin arrogantly, her eyes swept across the men and women under the ring, without paying attention to the people present at all. .
The audience quickly became silent, and no one dared to speak.
After seeing the end of the eight hapless guys just now, no one dared to challenge the terrible young lady who was savage and prudent, but who also learned a little bit of the real swordsmanship from the Lin family.
After all, that is the only daughter of Lin Tiannan, the leader of the South Wulin. As the leader of the South Wulin, Lin Tiannan is naturally not weak in martial arts, and the Miss Lin who has obtained the true story is definitely not easy to provoke, at least a few of the young generation. But they were all defeated under the opponent's hands, and they still defeated a full eight in a row without breathing, not to mention how fierce.
Like a ‘church’ like that, those guys who think they don’t have much real ability, how dare they go up and die?
"Yueru, your shot is too heavy, right?"
"Didn't I let you order all the way?"
"But you can see, the challenge is either being broken by your hands or feet or kicking off the ribs. What's more, there are people who are beaten blind. Who dares to come up?"
Not far away, a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit said with some grief, but since it was his doting only daughter, he didn't dare to say too much in public.
"Blam me?"
"I'm a woman, and these men can't beat me one by one. That's what they deserve!"
Miss Lin's family didn't mean to be enlightened at all, nor did she feel that she interrupted the hands and feet of those guys, kicked off the hapless ribs just now, and blinded one of the eyes of an unkind thief. What's wrong.
Shaking his head, the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes and Lin Tiannan didn't know what to say.
"No one dared to come up yet?"
"You men are all a bunch of trash!"
After looking around for a week and found that no one had come up, Miss Lin's family laughed again.
Then, after waiting for a while, she realized that no one dared to come up and vent her breath, she had time to look at the two guys who had just heard a lot of bad things about her.
He should be looking at someone who is looking at the ring with a smile and carrying a broken iron sword on his back, Li Xiaoyao who looks like a dog?
"What are you laughing laughing?"
"It's you!"
"You just said a lot of bad things about this girl, didn't you?"
"Hurry up, come on stage and give this girl three big bangs and then apologize. You just said the bad things about this girl underneath. This girl will not be held accountable. Otherwise, you will come up and give this girl a beating. You Choose one yourself!"
Miss Lin Family drew her sword out of its sheath, and pointed it at the thing that she was still telling Wang Xiaohu about'Tong Yang's daughter-in-law' with the shimmering tip of the sword. Li Xiaoyao, who was holding a few gold bricks, scolded angrily.
"Just say what? The mouth is on my face, you still forbid me to talk?"
How could Li Xiaoyao bear the humiliation of being humiliated in public by a little girl pointing her nose?
"Today this young man will discuss with you the girl!"
Therefore, regardless of Wang Xiaohu's pulling, he directly performed a five-zhuang fighting and star-shifting footwork, and directly ‘fly’ lightly onto the high ring.
"Good health!"
"I don't know where is Young Xia from?"
Seeing Li Xiaoyao's posture on stage, and then looking at Li Xiaoyao's appearance, appearance, and appearance, the middle-aged man Lin Tiannan couldn't help but stand up and asked.
"The chief disciple of the Flame Fairy of Shengyu Village, Li Xiaoyao!"
Li Xiaoyao didn't conceal it, and directly told his origin.
"Good good!"
"Young Xia, prepare for it, and the martial arts competition will begin immediately!"
Lin Tiannan, a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes, who looked more and more satisfied, nodded. Although he had never heard of the Flame Fairy, he sat back satisfactorily and motioned to an old housekeeper to ring the bell to announce the ninth scene. The start of the competition.
"What the flame fairy, this girl has never heard of it, look at it!"
However, Miss Lin's family didn't want to talk about martial arts, let alone the rules.
Before the old butler did not ring the bell to announce the official start of the competition, she slammed a sword at Li Xiaoyao's throat, who had not had time to draw the sword, with a ‘Seven Jue Sword Technique’ move.
"not good!"
"Yueru, Hugh is presumptuous!"
"Brother, be careful!"
"Hi! That person is going to be bad!"
"Fortunately he got out of the way, UU reading, otherwise he will die!"
"Isn't it? That Miss Lin's family is too cruel, who would dare to marry this kind of woman?"
"that is......"
"Keep your voice down and be heard carefully by her!"
After exclaiming, he found that Li Xiaoyao who was on the stage had escaped the fatal sneak attack. Whether Lin Tiannan on the stage, Wang Xiaohu off the stage, or the audience around him, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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