Chapter 1481: ?(????)? Punch the big bald head in Superman (8)

After queuing up to fill out the form, soon, in the sixth special venue of the Hero Identification Examination, in this large stadium, nearly two thousand candidates were divided into different groups under the guidance of the examiners to prepare in an orderly manner. Perform various physical fitness tests.
  ‘Please line up the candidates in two rows! ’
  ‘Pay attention to order! ’
  ‘Don’t whisper, please keep quiet! ’
  ‘Please strictly follow the serial number on the form for the exam. If you get the number, please come forward and prepare in advance. ’
   In this large stadium divided into different functional areas, Annie is also lining up in a line under the guidance of the staff who maintain order.
   "How can such a little girl come to take the exam?"
"do not know……"
   "Can she afford to lift a barbell?"
   "I think, the kind that can lift 5kg?"
   "5kg is a bit difficult for me. Look at her small arms and legs, she must not be able to lift it up."
   "Maybe she came with her family, and then cried to join in the fun?"
   "It's so messy."
   "I think her physical fitness test must be zero, it can't be higher!"
At this moment, in Anne's team, a group of brawny muscular guys lined up behind Anne, whispering to her and pointing, saying those extremely ridiculous and ugly words, and directly regarded her as The object of pleasure.
   Of course Annie heard that, but she didn't care too much, and she didn't plan to care about the spicy bad guys for the time being. Instead, she planned to avenge her revenge later.
   "Please pay attention to the sixth group!"
   "The 1500-meter long-distance race is ready to start. The race event is to run a circle around the race track at the conference site. Only the first place can get full marks, and those who meet the standards are qualified!"
   "Please come here and follow the numbers to get your place!"
Not long after, a staff member came over. He first glanced at a little girl who was looking upset in surprise. Then, according to the list, he led all the people in this group to a long-distance running track. , And then let the players stand on separate tracks.
   "No. 021630, Contestant Annie Hasta, can you put the toy in your hand on this table of mine first and get it back when you finish running?"
Although I don’t know who made the little girl with a stuffed bear in her hand come in, I saw that the other party had already appeared on the assessment list, and it seemed that the hero assessment regulations did not rigidly stipulate the age. The lower limit and upper limit, therefore, the examiner who presided over the long-distance running can only pretend to be invisible and kindly remind the little girl.
   "My little bear is very fierce. If you put it down, be careful that it bites you!"
   Apparently, the examiner didn't really believe that a stuffed bear could bite people.
"okay then……"
"up to you."
   But think about it, he didn't say much to the little girl who had achieved good grades and passed the physical fitness test. He just saw that the contestants were already in place and signaled the starter to be ready.
Snapped! !
   Not long after, with the sound of the starting gun, the group of runners who were racing with Annie rushed out towards the front.
   At this time, a certain little girl still stood still on the spot, watching the players rush forward at a speed of one hundred meters and ten seconds.
"Small Peng……"
   "Ahem! This player, the starting gun has already fired, are you not going to run?"
Looking at the dozen or so contestants who ran so fast in front of them, they had already run more than a hundred meters away, and then at the daze girl standing indifferently at the starting line carrying the stuffed bear, the judge on the side couldn't help but feel a little weird. Asked aloud.
   "Shu 黍......"
   "Is it true that I only need to run a lap along the track and run to the white line behind to win?"
   Annie didn't care about the guys in front, but pointed to the white belt that was pulled up by the staff several tens of meters behind her and asked.
"Yes, it is……"
   "The person who runs to the finish line first in each group and is still within the prescribed time limit can get the full score of the project..."
The referee sitting behind the table didn't understand the meaning of the little girl asking about that kind of thing. Anyway, in his opinion, she definitely missed the first place, maybe even unqualified, and then won in this link. 0 marks?
   "It's that simple?"
   nodded, although Annie said that she understood the rules, but she didn't mean to act, and she still stood still in place.
   "Are you not going to start yet?"
Now the other contestants have ran three hundred meters away, but the little guy in front of them is still motionless. This makes the referee somehow complain about the selection personnel responsible for the preliminary review and registration, and feel that the opponent is not. It's time for such a little girl to come in and mess around.
   "People are not in a hurry!"
   "It's better to let them run for a while, otherwise, others think they are bullying them!!"
   Yes, Annie intends to let those guys run for a minute, and then she starts to run, anyway, the first place in this group must be hers.
   The referee and the several staff members who heard him looked at each other first, but they didn't say anything.
They didn’t take Anne’s words to heart, they just thought she was just playing around, and instead they looked towards the finish line, waiting for those who were about to run over and appear in their sight. The players.
   One minute passed...
   The physical fitness of the players is obviously very good. No, they have already appeared in the sight of the referees, and they will reach the finish line in about 300 meters.
At this time, Annie finally moved and ran a lap in less than two seconds, and there was a roaring wind on both sides of the runway, like a cannonball, and it was just blowing. Qi Qiu instantly knocked out the group of bad guys who dared to laugh at her when they were in the queue and said a lot of bad things about her.
  ‘Wow! ! ’
  ‘Uh~! ’
   Soon, after a burst of exclamation and confusion, the referees had discovered that a certain little girl had already appeared at the finish line, and she was tiptoeing and dragging the finish ribbon into her own hands.
   "Shu 黍!"
   "They won, right?"
   looked at the stunned staff on the left and right, and then at the uncle referee who almost dropped his jaw in the distance, Annie directly waved the ribbon in her hand and asked.
   At this moment, at the track behind her, the same group of players were huddled and rolled there and wailed. No one could stand up for a long time.
   "She finished running?"
   "But how did she finish the run?"
   "I don't know, I probably just finished the run in just one swish..."
   "What is her grade?"
   "One minute and twenty-three seconds... But the time she actually ran, maybe less than two seconds?"
   "How should I score?"
   "Anyway, it's full marks, so write it in one minute and twenty-three seconds, and then add some additional explanation?"
   "Just do it!"
   The referee and the staff in charge of the timekeeping whispered to each other for a while, and finally filled in this line on the form:
   The sixth group, numbered 021630, Anne Hasta, the first place in the 1500-meter long-distance race group, took one minute and 23 seconds.
   Next, the second assessment item is weightlifting...
   Boom! !
  As the little girl dropped what was in her hand at will, the ground of this weightlifting test site in the stadium was directly smashed into cracks and tremors slightly, scaring the people around her a little further away.
   "Speaking of which you may not believe, people can lift up the whole earth!"
It turns out that when others were adding or removing barbell plates one by one and warming up, preparing to show their best results, she was too verbose and troublesome, so she directly put them in the stunner of all the referees and players. I don't know how many barbell racks were lifted up with one hand, and then they waited three seconds before dropping them severely.
   "Hey! How does she register for this?"
"do not know……"
   "How heavy is the shelf and the barbell above?"
   "I guess at least a few tons, right?"
   "Go! Count and see!"
   "Good, good..."
   "It's too messy, the shelves are almost falling apart..."
   "Is she a monster?"
"too frightening!"
   horror is horrified, but the referees honestly counted the barbell plates on the shelf, and then filled in this line on the player’s score form:
   The sixth group, number 021630, Anne Hasta, weightlifting, score: about 3210kg...
   Next, the third item is shot throwing.
   "No. 021627, score 21.30 meters!"
   "No. 021628, score 27.12 meters!"
   "No. 021629, score 32.55 meters!!!"
   "Please prepare for contestant number 021630..."
   Soon, it was Annie's turn to throw the shot.
   Hey hey!
   Annie walked to the horizontal line, looked at the shot put in her hand, and then at the referees who were waiting in the distance with the meter stick, she laughed a little bit badly.
   "Quick, get out of the way, be careful of being hit by her!"
   "Huh? Yes!!"
"be careful!!"
   Seeing Annie's unkind smile, the next second, the staff tens of meters away from the throwing field in front of her ran away.
   Obviously, after they heard some rumors about Annie, they were afraid that she would do some terrible things on this project, such as smashing people over a hundred meters away into the brain and blooming something?
   It's a pity that those staff still underestimated Annie. How could she just throw a hundred meters away? In that case, how shameless she is to say it?
   "Scientific super-electromagnetic gun!!!"
   Boom! ! !
In the lightning lingering, the shot put was forcibly magnetized in Annie's hand and blasted directly out. Then, when the smoke cleared, when order was gradually restored in this large stadium, whether it was the players who came to participate in the assessment or the staff We only found:
As the little girl'throwed' the shot put, the upper half of the cover of the super large stadium was missing, and it was still tearing from the inside out. I directly saw the clear sky outside and the sky above the sky. The circle seems to be bombarded by what formed the huge turbulent cloud circle in the past?
   "Where is the ball?"
   "I was blasted out by her..."
   "Too exaggerated, right?"
   "Is that a cannonball?"
   "No, better than a cannonball!"
   "She is a monster..."
   Although I was a little scared, the grades always need to be registered. Therefore, the staff member responsible for recording the data had to bite the bullet and find a terrible little girl who was clapping her hands with talcum powder.
"Excuse me……"
   "Player number 021630, where did you drop the ball?"
   "Say an approximate distance, so we can fill in the form..."
   The pen in his hand was trembling slightly, and the staff member bowed slightly, and asked little Annie very flatteringly.
   "People don't know..."
   "Maybe...should...have already flown out of the atmosphere, right?"
   That's right, the shot put was blasted out by Annie at a speed of 16.7 kilometers per second. As for where it flew now, she really didn't know.
   Maybe they go to Mars instead?
   No way, the staff member paused, then looked back at the huge opening on the gymnasium and the ‘doughnut’ in the sky. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and wrote this line on the report card:
   The sixth group, number 021630, Anne Hasta, shot put, distance...unknown.
"All right!"
   "The following is the boxing test..."
   However, before the embarrassed staff member led Xiao Annie to the next test project, at this moment, a person in charge in a suit and leather shoes hurriedly ran over here.
   "Stop, stop!"
   "The sixth group, the player numbered 021630 does not need to test anymore!"
   "Her physical fitness test has passed the full score directly!"
   "Let her go directly to the final written test!!!"
   The supervisor who ran up to him said, panting on his knees, and said, promptly preventing a messy little girl from continuing to sabotage the assessment venue.
   Two hours later...
   The report card came out soon, and Annie, Bald Saitama, and Jenos all got their final grades and ratings.
  ! o
   "Why does someone have the lowest grades?"
   Looking at her own report card, looking at the scores displayed above, and seeing that she turned out to be the bottom of the three, Annie was directly angry.
  Because, it says on her report card:
   Notification of Hero Identification Test Results
  Name: Annie Hasta
   Hero level: C level
  Total score: 70 points and 100 points
   Written test: 20 minutes and 50 minutes
  Physical test: 50 points 50 points
   Looking forward to your future activity...
   Heroes Association
   "People's written test is obviously to use magic to copy the bald-headed can he get 21 points while others only get 20 points?"
   "This is not fair!!!"
   Yes, Annie is very dissatisfied with this score, and feels that there must be something tricky in it, maybe there is something shady in it!
   Looking at each other with their respective report cards, Janos and Saitama didn't know what to say.
   "You handed in the paper earlier than me, and then I felt that a topic seemed to be a bit problematic, so I changed it again..."
   "However, you should copy Janos, he can directly call the standard answer from the database..."
   "We have all become heroes. Please don't care too much about things like ratings and scores!"
After looking at Jenos’s 100 points and his score as an S-rank hero, then looking at his 71 points and Annie’s 70 points, Saitama quickly put away the transcript, and didn’t plan to entangle again. many.
  ???? On the last day of the month, all the monthly tickets are dropped~!
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