Chapter 1491: (灬?д?灬) The big bald head in 1 Punch Man (...

The B-level hero ranks first, and the second-ranked S-rank hero is the sister of Tornado, who is also the sister of the B-rank hero faction "Fukiyuki Group". The eyelashes of No. 2 and the mountain monkey who ranked B and No. 3 in hero rank finally managed to find her target, Saitama, in an apartment in a no-man’s land in Z city.
But then...
That B-level hero ranked first, and also the eldest sister of the B-level hero faction "Fuxue Group" Big Sister Chuuxue soon discovered that the two capable men who had given her high hopes were actually taken by the bald man in the cloak, Saitama. Flies away with a punch?
However, the things that made her feel more desperate were actually those that happened behind:
In the beginning, of course, she had a violent conflict with that Saitama, but no matter how she used her super powers, such as using the power of mind to control the wind to attack, control the object to collide and bomb, or use the will to fly away. The rubble was caught in the rotating storm, causing countless stones to suddenly attack the opponent, causing the opponent's skin to crack, bones to shatter, and instantaneous collapse. The cruel stunts, smash, etc., are all in no way to be that bald. ?
Then, after fighting with a guy with a fierce murderous aura who could make her feel dangerous and fearful just standing there, Jaenos, ranked 14th in the S rank, also appeared.
Moreover, as soon as the opponent came out, he directly called the bald man in the cloak Saitama who was fighting with her as the teacher?
A dignified S-rank hero, but he should be a teacher who is only the seventh in the B-rank hero?
Chuuxue can't understand that kind of thing anyway!
Of course, what made her even more unacceptable was that the bald boy actually blocked her in front of her in the previous accidental shot when Janos arrived, blocking most of the explosion shock waves and flames for her, so that she would not be injured. Too heavy?
And then, something stunned and unbelievable happened to Chuuxue...
The S-class hero Jenos, who repeatedly claimed to call Bald Saitama his teacher, soon fought against the murderous ninja and the guy of unknown origin. The dazzling combat skills, movements and speed of both sides, let alone Let her judge, she can't even see their movements just by looking at them!
The difference between her and those two people must be the difference between heaven and earth!
But finally...
Those two people, whether it was Jenos or the ninja man, were knocked down by the bald man in an instant. She didn't even see how he made the move?
In short, there is too much information about what happened in this no man's land in City Z today, and she really was stunned on the spot.
And when she followed the bald man and Janos back to each other’s apartment to deal with the injuries, the hero was ranked 7th in the S rank, his real name is unknown, and he was also called the'strongest man on earth'. KING, unexpectedly appeared at the bald Saitama's house at this time, and called him brothers and sisters. He seemed to be very familiar with each other?
Of course, if all of the above just made Fubuki stunned and incomprehensible, then the little girl who appeared at the dinner table during the following dinner and was robbing the bald Saitama for food, finally completely defeated her. His guardianship made her fully understand:
The bald man she originally wanted to teach, the Saitama who wanted to recruit the other party into her own "Blowing Snow Group", the "Bald Cape Man" who is currently ranked seventh among the B-level heroes, is absolutely not what she imagined. It's that simple!
That guy...
It must be hiding the strength above S rank, and at least far surpassing the 14th Demon Transformer Jenos of S rank! Otherwise, it would have been impossible for her to easily end the terrible battle that she couldn't understand at all.
At this moment, sitting in a corner of the dining table, Chuuxue, who was like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, finally couldn't help but speak timidly.
"Who on earth are you?"
"Why can Jenos, who is a 14th member of the S-level, be a disciple, be friends with the S-level KING, and still live next door to her house?"
"Also, why can you be so strong?!"
She first put down the dishes and food in her hand, and then stared at the bald head who was a Class B hero like her, but whose strength was very different.
"Are you asking me?"
"I'm actually just an ordinary person who wants to be a hero...because I have a dream of becoming a hero since I was a child, so I started to exercise hard. I insisted on it for three full years. It was very hard."
"As for them, they are all my friends."
Scratching his hairless bald head, Saitama said seriously.
Jenos did not speak, but continued to eat his meal.
Because he didn’t want to expose his teacher, and he already knew that the so-called
extremely hard
exercise method his teacher said was nothing more than one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, A hundred squats and a ten-kilometer long run, and no matter how hot it is, the air conditioner can’t be turned on. The intensity of the exercise is nothing remarkable. Let alone their heroes, I am afraid that an ordinary person will adapt after a period of time. It can be done.
"Can exercise become so strong?"
Chuuxue is obviously a little reluctant to believe it. You know, she has tried the same before, but in the end she was ruthlessly struck by her sister, and has long realized that excellent talents and talents are more important than the hard work of the day after tomorrow. Much more important.
"As long as you keep exercising for three years, you should be able to become as strong as me?"
"For example, one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats, ten kilometers long-distance running every day, and can't turn on the air conditioner no matter how hot?"
Saitama continued to speak seriously about the ‘correct’ exercise method that only he would believe to be true.
"How can it be that simple to become stronger?!"
With short black and green hair, green eyes, tall, fair-skinned, beautiful face, sharp eyes, slender waist and plump breasts, Chuuxue stood up directly, feeling that the bald man in front of her must be just dealing with her casually.
"Miss Fuxue..."
"Actually, I'm not afraid of you jokes when I say it. The achievements that the Heroes Association imposed on me before are in fact all of Saitama-kun. I am not as strong as the Association and everyone imagined."
KING, who was holding a bowl of rice, couldn't help lowering his head in shame.
He is different from everyone in the room. He looks very strong, but in fact he is really weak. He is totally unworthy of the praise.
Opening her mouth, Chuuxue couldn't say anything.
She was already a little numb, and there were so many things that had subverted her previous cognition in the no-man's land of Z City today, and she didn't know what to say.
She suddenly felt that the reason why Z City’s no-man’s land was rated as the most dangerous place in the world and attracted these terrible monsters to settle here was definitely not without any reason.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Annie ignored those guys, just while they were talking, she quickly wiped out the food that she thought was delicious.
I looked at Jenos, and then at the bald Saitama. Finally, Fu Xue took a deep breath, and then as if she had figured out something, she walked directly to a certain little girl and used the island country’s Etiquette knelt down.
!? (?\'\'??)?
"What are you doing?!"
Seeing this young lady with dark green hair suddenly resorted to such a trick on herself, Annie was obviously a little frightened.
"Master Anne, please be sure to accept me as a disciple, I want to be stronger, stronger than my sister!"
However, Fuxue, no matter what Annie thought, she directly knelt down on her knees, making her bumpy figure even more straight.
"No way!"
"Why, why?!"
It is because of seeing Jenos that Chuuxue feels his heart, that's why he intends to apprentice the little girl who is said to be able to magic (super powers) and is stronger than her sister Tornado in order to one day surpass her sister?
"Because you are a hero, I never accept a hero as a disciple!"
Chuuxue was stunned, feeling a little at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.
"Because Annie was expelled from the Heroes' Association, she said that she would defeat all the S-rank heroes, and she also wanted to find a chance to catch the first blasting of the S-rank, saying it was to meet and fight once to let the heroes know her. How powerful?"
"She hates the heroes of the association now, probably like this."
At this moment, Saitama, who was picking up the bowls and chopsticks on the side, blinked first, seeing that Fubuki seemed to be serious and pitiful, and couldn't help relaying it.
"Down with all the S-rank heroes?"
"Master Anne, are you willing to accept me as a disciple if I withdraw from the Heroes Association?!"
Chuuxue looked at Saitama, looked at Jenos, and then looked at the cold sweaty King who was full of fear. She gritted her teeth and quickly made a decision.
"Can you cook?"
Recently, Anne was a little tired of eating the robot maid’s meals, because those meals are always made meticulously in accordance with the recipes, and the taste is always the same. Although they are delicious, they always feel a little weird if they eat too much. .
Chuuxue nodded quickly.
"Do you do housework?"
It's too simple to do housework. Chuuxue said that she has super powers, but she can't have the ability to make money, or simply let her men do the work for them. There is nothing great.
"Then would you clean up, wash the dishes and wash the toilet like Janos?"
Chuuxue glanced at Jenos with some surprise. He didn't expect that S-rank new star would always rush to the forefront when he saw the weirdo. Most people looked forward to it, and felt that the promising devil transforming man would be like this here. Humble...
However, thinking that the other party would be able to lower her posture and achieve that level when they worship Saitama as a teacher, she gritted her teeth and nodded firmly.
Fortunately, she is only a little girl who wants to be a teacher. If she changes to that bald Saitama, if the other party also provides so many conditions, and even asks her to warm the bed, she doesn’t know what to do. .
"That's okay!"
It just so happened that Annie felt that if there is a beautiful young lady working as a maid at home, and then she can use it like Janos, maybe it's a good idea?
"Then please!"
"Mr. Annie!"
Chuuxue knelt down deeply, making King and the cute Saitama look at her again.
In this way, Chuuxue, the eldest sister of the Chuuxue group, started practicing with her new teacher and officially withdrew from the roster of the Heroes Association.
It’s just that it’s different from the ranking of the C-class crane tail when Annie quit. Chuuxue is the first and powerful presence in the B-class. Now, the other party directly announced its withdrawal. What kind of disturbance will it cause? Got it.
At night, after Chuuxue was somewhat awkwardly busy with all the housework and saw a messy little girl enter the room, she was sweating profusely and finally was able to soak in the bathroom comfortably.
"I don't know. Will my statement to withdraw from the Heroes Association cause confusion?"
In the misty bath, Chuuxue suddenly emerged from the water, revealing her white and round shoulders, and began to talk to herself.
"I'm afraid I will definitely do it?"
"Soon, I think the guy from my sister will definitely come here..."
While washing his shoulders and body with the water, Chuuxue thought so wildly, and began to examine a series of things that he decided after he was hit today.
"It's really troublesome..."
"But in order to become stronger, I can't manage that much!"
"What's the stuff over there?!"
"Someone is peeking?!"
Subconsciously, Chuuxue quickly stood up and wrapped her Miaoman body with a bath towel.
"A bear?"
Of course, Chuuxue knew that her teacher Anne had a bear, but she didn’t know that the bear would move. So, subconsciously, she thought it was the enemy, so she directly used her super power to make a wooden barrel move towards. The other party suddenly blasted.
??????: Ow!
A roar sounded, and then, after being attacked, the little furbolg grew rapidly under Chuuxue's stunned gaze, and then patted her with a paw.
The sound was stern, directly causing the lights on the second floor of the next door to be turned on again, and then the heads of a bald-headed uncle and a robot appeared on the balcony.
Of course, there is also a green, spiky ‘weird’ at the same time.
"what happened?"
"Do you need help?!"
Saitama yelled for the first time.
"Nothing, my maid was accidentally frightened by the bear..."
After a long time, the window of Annie's room was slowly opened. Then, after poking her head out, she first glanced at the direction of the bathroom, and saw that the enlarged little bear was innocently carrying the sleek young lady with her arms. Looking at the two uncles who were about to move on the opposite balcony and wanted to jump down to check what was going on, she quickly explained.
Tibbers had already told her that it was because of her own new apprentice (actually a newly-acquired maid?), that is, Miss Chuuxue suddenly attacked it, and then it grew bigger and fought back.
But the result...
It patted it lightly, and nothing was true, and the other party fainted. Fortunately, it didn't show any paws or flames. Otherwise, Annie would worry about which way to resurrect the other party now.
"Then make her remember to be quiet at't be surprised to sleep at us."
"Okay, Jenos, and the ball, go back to sleep..."
"Ball ball! Why are you pounding me again?"
After a while, the rustling rustling voices and complaints from the apartment building next door gradually diminished, and soon the lights in the apartment were quickly turned off again.
"You are responsible for tidying up, don't come to make people sleep!"
After closing the window again and closing the curtains, Annie ordered a certain bear toward the bathroom, and then jumped onto her big bed, ready to go to sleep.
(Looking at the sleek earth female in her arms, Tibbers hesitated. Although she wanted to open her mouth and bite the other's beautiful flesh, and tore off a thigh to have a good time, but……)
(Thinking that a bad little master would definitely not allow it, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to cause trouble, first he hesitated and gently squeezed the thick tender meat on the other side. Angrily and turn around, preparing to throw the stupid female human in her arms who dared to attack it directly into her own room.)
ε=(′?`●))) alas
(Speaking of which, it seems that Master Tibbers Bear hasn’t been able to eat a fresh female human like this in a long time...)

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