Chapter 1508: ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

The two medium-sized wooden sailboats of the Li's fleet, Chunshen and Huachang, returned to Hangzhou smoothly within a few days. After submitting the more than 20 Japanese prisoners to the Ming government, they were commended by the government.
Of course, rewards are nothing more than verbal encouragement. Don't even think about rewards or other substantive rewards!
Because the current Ming dynasty officials did not pay attention to the Japanese pirates at all. In addition to making money for themselves, they were more troubled by the barbarians outside the gate and the thieves in the northwest. Where can I take care of the barbarians, Japanese pirates, and business travelers outside the sea?
As for Li's fleet to fight against Japanese pirates and other matters without authorization, it is not their business.
Anyway, the Daming officials along the coast would not pay, or leave people, or ship. The Li family would just go if they wanted to. If something happened, it would naturally be the Li family’s responsibility. They didn’t have the slightest responsibility. Once you get a benefit, such as catching a group of Japanese pirates this time, it's the merits of their Hangzhou government to report the victory, so why not do it?
"We're back!"
In the private residence of Li's Suzhou garden-style house, Li Huamei, who had been in the port for two days, finally waited for the return of his foreign employees (followers).
"Jaime, there is still a long time to go, are you back?"
"And Yi An..."
"Everyone has worked hard, sit down and have a cup of tea!"
Seeing the men coming back, Li Huamei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then stretched out her hand to signal everyone to sit first.
"How did you handle the goods you brought back and the Shibo Shipping Department?"
Yes, this is what Li Huamei cares most about.
Because they are armed caravans, cargo is the major prerequisite for the survival and development of her Li family fleet!
If the goods cannot be handled, then they have no money, and if there is no money, no one is willing to go to sea with their Li family to fight against Japanese pirates, go south to trade, etc., let alone want to cross the world.
The reason why Li Huamei is determined to fight against the Japanese pirates, even if he is taking risks, he has to do dangerous work that risks decapitation, such as privately-selling sailors, privately forging (purchasing) artillery, purchasing weapons, etc., but it is not completely absent. Reason.
She was born in the Central Plains and grew up in the army in her early years. Her father was a captain of the Daming Fleet (Navy Division), but she died in battle against Japanese pirates many years ago. He had forged an unshakable feud with the Japanese pirates!
It was also shortly after the death of her father and the fall of the navy, that she, who was unwilling to do nothing by the government, resolutely took over the burden of her father, even if she was not recognized by the Ming government, she stubbornly organized Li Jiachuan. The team, who served as the admiral himself, was responsible for fighting against Japanese pirates.
So far, she has a total of two medium-sized armed merchant ships (fortune ship type) that can be used. On weekdays, they not only need to travel to and from various places at sea to make money, but also need to be ready to fight against the Japanese pirates who invade the Daming Sea. All she relied on was just the like-minded people in front of her who were willing to follow her.
In addition to James Ludwei, Xingjiu Baimu, and Yian Dukov, who have just returned, there are also adjutant Yang Xien and Charlie Huisen who have been standing by.
Yang Xien was formerly her father's comrade-in-arms, but now she is the housekeeper of the Li family and her adjutant. She has always been caring for her, and she has been instructing her on sea warfare and related skills in command of his subordinates.
Of course, those things mentioned above are not important. What Li Huamei wants to know now is, of course, the issue of the delivery of goods, because the sale of goods cannot bypass the government and the city's shipping department. But it was really in vain.
"all the best!"
"Don't worry, Admiral, as I said earlier, bribery is very useful!"
"Now Hangzhou has also been handled by us, and the goods can be shipped normally in the future. I also went to the officials just now to say that 3% of the future transaction volume will be handed in as a special'tax' on time, and The fleet only needs to ensure that every time it comes back, it will pretend to be a foreign ship, and those officials, including navy officers, will turn one eye and close one eye."
Seeing Li Huamei looking towards her, Yi'an Dukov spoke a little bit carefully in a fairly fluent Chinese.
"A bribe?"
"Sure enough, it's the same as I thought..."
"Nowadays, the Daming Navy has survived in name only, and has long lost its combat effectiveness. However, the Northwest and Central Plains have suffered famine and military disasters year after year. It is said that the robbers are about to hit the Gyeonggi area. Right now, the Daming Empire is worried about internal and external troubles, but those people are not. Be enterprising, and just ask for bribes from us..."
"What the is going on with this court?"
While speaking, Li Huamei couldn't help feeling a little sad, and just sighed and dropped her head, not knowing what to say.
She has been in contact with the world and knows that countries in the world are now busy fighting for maritime hegemony, relying on maritime trade and plundering to develop and grow themselves. Ship technology, artillery, and muskets are constantly improving, while the Ming Empire still insists on maritime bans and prohibitions. Chinese people go overseas to do business, private individuals are still not allowed to go to sea, coupled with the threat of Japanese pirates raging in the sea and territories, the maritime prohibition policy is strict, and coastal defense is increasingly degraded...
To be honest, even Li Huamei herself, if it were not for foreigners like Yi'an, James, Charlie, etc., would disguise her Li family fleet as foreign ships for the tribute trade, and also to the government and the city If Xu Yi bribed heavily, I'm afraid her boat won't even get in the dock, right?
"Don't think about it too much. Now that we can go unimpeded with a little money, it is already very good."
"Your Daming Empire is so big, there are some things that you and I can't easily interfere with."
"Don't worry, as long as they don't interfere with our business, it won't take long. With the convenience of sea trade, I can be sure that I can quickly develop and grow. At that time, the expulsion of Japanese pirates will be nothing more than a trivial matter."
Seeing the sad look on Li Huamei's face, Yi'an Dukov, who has a lot of research on the culture of the Central Plains, hurriedly persuaded him.
"I know……"
Nodding, Li Huamei quickly cleared up her mood.
After all, it doesn’t matter whether she can figure it out or not. Although the Ming Dynasty once prospered for a while, after all these years of natural and man-made disasters, after the eunuch’s power, chaos in the court, and riots, now The chaos of the imperial court, I'm afraid it will become more serious, all she can do is to adapt.
That is to say, the coastal side has not been poisoned by the thieves. The places where the thieves in the northwest are now scarce. If the thieves raged to the coast, then let alone do business, I am afraid that even The goods can't be sold, and they can't be bought, that's the last thing Li Huamei wants to see.
"Fine! I still don't think about those things, as long as the transaction can be carried out smoothly, let them do everything!"
"Where's that little guy Annie?"
At this time, Li Huamei thought of the little blond girl they brought back.
She investigated, and that little fellow seemed to be called a ‘witch’ by ​​those Japanese captives? Moreover, the three leaders of the Japanese pirates were burned to death by her?
In fact, Li Huamei was not too willing to believe that. In her opinion, that little guy was nothing more than a weird little girl with superb swordsmanship, magical marksmanship, and some tricks.
As for where the other party came from, and which country he was from, she didn't know.
Because, although she got along for a few days, she also asked several times, but she couldn’t understand what the other party said every time. In Li Huamei’s view, she might not even be confused by the other party herself. After all, she was just a child. Maybe , In the future, when they travel around the world, maybe they can find some clues from elsewhere?
When the time comes, just send the other party home directly, and it doesn't seem to be a big deal.
"Ask Annie?"
"The old man saw her fishing our koi in the backyard in the morning. At this hour, maybe she has already ran out to eat and drink, right?"
"I heard that the little guy is a restaurant in the world these past two days. The shopkeeper Liu of Zuichunlou has sent someone to tell the old man two or three times, telling us not to give the children too much money or let her go out alone. Run around, maybe someone will be abducted someday!"
"I don't know where her money came from..."
With that said, Yang Xien looked at Li Huamei, who was a little surprised, with suspicion.
Obviously, in Yang Xi'en's view, in this huge Li Mansion, those who can call the shots and squander a lot of gold and silver for the little girl, except for Li Huamei, the eldest of the Li family and the admiral of the fleet. There will be a second person.
These days, that little has even lived with his own lady. Don’t mention how much the relationship is. When will he get out even the lady’s dowry and squander it?
"Uncle Yang..."
"I promise you, I didn't give Annie any money!"
"She seems to always be able to make money..."
"Is it possible, is it really the kind of magic that turns stones into gold?"
While speaking, Li Huamei couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, and began to ponder and wonder.
"Miss, what are you talking about?"
Yang Xien didn't hear the words behind Li Huamei clearly, and then asked hurriedly.
"No! Nothing!"
Shaking his head, since she couldn't figure it out, Li Huamei didn't think about it at all, but looked at James Ludwig and Xingjiu Shiruki who were aside.
"Jaime, there's still a long time to go. It's not good to leave Annie running around. Who can find her back?"
"If she gets lost, it's a troublesome thing."
Shaking his head, now that today’s official business has been processed and that the goods have been sold and traded normally, Li Huamei does not plan to stay on the shore for too long. They will go out to sea at the latest tomorrow or the day after, so they should hurry up It's better for the guy to find it back.
"Can't lose it!"
"Miss, are you afraid you don't know?"
"It didn’t take long for the little guy to come to Hangzhou. She had already touched all those eating restaurants, like Zuichun Tower, Lanting Pavilion, Gulixiang or Dou Lao Fang. She found all the places that the old man didn't know, so how could she get lost?"
"When she is full, she will come back by herself."
Without waiting for James and Xingjiu to speak, Yang Xien on the side said with a smile.
"It's not good for her to be a Fanbang girl alone, and there are also a lot of gangsters in the city. In case she doesn't make any shots by the time, it will always be a trouble."
Yes, since Annie once subdued a whole ship of Japanese pirates alone, Li Huamei was not too worried about the little guy’s safety, but she had to think more about others, in case someone provokes that little one. , God knows what will happen!
Now it's in the city, not at sea!
Although the current world is a bit uneasy, the Ming Empire seems to be a little shaky, and it may collapse someday, but no matter what, there are kings in the city. Even the bad guys and scumbags cannot be killed like the sea. After being thrown into the sea, they have to consider all aspects.
"makes sense!"
"In this way, there is no need for Jaime and Xingjiu to go. The two Fanbang people are not good at talking, so the old man himself will find her back."
"You don't have to wait for me for lunch. I find that little girl and have a good meal with her!"
After that, I feel that staying at home now has nothing to do with important things, and think about it if I go out to find someone, I can get a big meal, it is better than staying in Li's house and eating the clear soup that is tired and crooked. The widowed Yang Xi'en brightened his eyes and gave a high-five. After directly vetoing Li Huamei's proposal to let James and Xingjiu go out to find people, he took the lead with a wave of his sleeves and walked out of the hall.
"The old man is really cunning!"
"Yeah! Agree!"
"Hey! Xingjiu, I heard that the Japanese pirates are going to pull down Caishikou and beheaded to show the public in a few days. Are you okay?"
"Huh? James, why are you asking that?"
"It's nothing, after all, they are always your people..."
"Do not!"
"They are pirates looting the coast. They are more than guilty. They are disgusting for me and the samurai!"
"All right!"
"Everyone, go and prepare. Since Annie and Uncle Yang are not coming back, let's have lunch early!"
Without waiting for James and Xingjiu to continue to talk about those things, Li Huamei interrupted their topic, and then looked at what everyone said nothing, then nodded, and walked towards the backyard of Li Mansion first, only to The people in the living room left a faint scent of peony flowers.
At this time a restaurant in Hangzhou, a little girl is patting the table vigorously.
ψ(`~′)o: The shopkeeper! Let's have a few more good dishes, they are not bad for money!

)︴: more! Take out your steamed buns, steamed buns and rice and distribute them to the beggars, and count them on their accounts. Let them take them away. They are dirty and smelly, which prevents the mushrooms from eating cold. NS!
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~: People don’t care if they are refugees or beggars...
?(?~?,)?: By the way, why the spicy "Dongpo Meat" is not good?
(?╭╮?): Let’s go to Xihucuyu first... If you dare to fool others with fish from other places, they will also burn the West Lake here, so that you will never eat the West Lake’s. fish! !

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