Chapter 1534: (??□′) Bomb! ···*~●

boom! boom!
boom! boom! boom!
The ships of the Li's fleet under a certain miserable little girl just lined up in a formation of "冂", standing still and those who were trying to rush towards them from three directions. The enemy bombarded fiercely.
At this time, even a certain little girl, the grand admiral, had already discovered:
Although the three waterways are surrounded by reefs, for the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce ships, which are relatively small and have a shallower draught, their medium-sized ships can disperse and move towards the Li family fleet regardless. Rush, and there is no need to worry about hitting the rocks or running aground.
And if the Li family fleet wants to go out, they can only honestly slow down their speed and drove out carefully from the winding waterway avoiding the reefs. And that kind of thing, when the two sides are fighting, just Obviously it is an impossible task.
Therefore, arranging the ships of the fleet into a "冂"-shaped formation and using it as a fixed turret to bombard the enemy and prevent the enemy from approaching has become one of the few viable options for the Li family fleet.
boom! boom!
boom! boom! boom!
The artillery battle continued. Many Espinosha Chamber of Commerce ships were shot. They had to stay behind because of fire or broken masts or other reasons. At the same time, there were billowing smoke and The rumbling shelling complemented each other, declaring the intensity of the battle in this sea area.
However, more Espinosha Chamber of Commerce ships are still under the unified command, accelerating and bracing their scalp with cannonballs flying in the sky, moving towards the Li family fleet in a serpentine manner over the wide sea. Constantly charged.
Of course, it is only a unilateral shelling by the Li family fleet for the time being, because the shortest distance between the two large fleets is about 800 yards, which is obviously beyond the effective shooting range of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce naval guns, even if Those heavy cannons are no exception, let alone the small cannons on their bows that are more frightening than practical.
Therefore, they had to shorten the distance between the two sides by half or more before turning and using the main gun positions on the ship's side to launch an artillery attack on the Li's fleet, which was motionless and even anchored.
At this time, in front of the Li family fleet, because there were only 120 artillery on the side of the flagship of the Xiang Feihu, and the number of enemy ships exceeded 20, the firepower was slightly weaker. The medium-sized armed clippers of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce took advantage of the loopholes and rushed to the forefront. At this time, they had already entered a dangerous distance of five hundred yards.
boom! boom! boom!
Therefore, it was taken care of by the artillery line of the flagship of the Li's fleet, "Xiang Feihu".
In an instant, a dozen rounds of shells landed on the periphery of its ship, smashing up a series of high splashes of water.
But it's a pity that it may be blessed by God now, or it may be due to luck, or the admiral standing on the bow of the other party, who does not know the name and name of the admiral, played a role?
Anyway, it is lucky now, and it rushes towards the "Xiang Feihu" with extraordinary momentum.
"so stupid!"
"You get out of the way, let people come by themselves in this shelling!!"
Annie kicked off a clumsy artillery man who was looking at the fastest enemy ship, and then she went up to do it herself, and after randomly pulling the heavy cannon for two shots, she resolutely grabbed it. The iron sign ignited the gunpowder of the medicine gate.
boom! !
Amidst the many chaotic shelling sounds, the cannon in front of Annie roared.
Immediately afterwards, amidst the fire and black smoke, a round cannonball dragged a long black smoke trail, whizzing towards the coquettishly moving medium-sized clipper, and was so immortal. Just as the opponent turned, he hit the bottom of the opponent's largest mast.
No matter how tough the mast is, it is also made of wood, but most of the solid shells of this era are cast of iron or lead, and the acceleration of the bombardment gives the shells huge kinetic energy. Therefore, the main mast of the warship that rushes forward It was just as hot as it ran across the sea in the chaos of wood splashing, the screams of people, and the falling of masts, and the speed gradually slowed down.
"Look, you can't fight like this, how easy is this?!"
?(? ̄? ̄)??
After sniping out the mast of the enemy’s fastest and most violent Clippers, Annie claps her hands triumphantly and threw the red iron fortune in her hand. The gunner who was still a little silly, looking at her with incredible eyes.
boom! boom! boom!
Soon, when the Clipper lost its speed and was in situ, and there was chaos on the deck, the artillery on the lower deck of the'Xiang Feihu' opened fire.
In Xia's instant, nearly 30 shells flew towards the enemy ship that had become a fixed target. Soon, at least a dozen shells hit it, and then the hapless ship Shrouded in the flames and smoke of the explosion, the sailors on the ship began to scream and jump into the sea to escape for their lives.
"Very good!"
"Hit, it's on fire!"
"Ha ha!"
"They are starting to abandon the ship!!"
The second admiral Song Yifeng, who was following Annie, cheered on the spot, cheering for the wonderful performance of Annie and the row of artillery on the deck just below.
"All cheer up!"
"Those bad guys still have a lot of ships. Whoever dares to and slip, they will kick him in the ass!"
Annie didn't care about the reaction of Song Yifeng, the little servant behind her, but she was cheering and threatening the artillery while looking at the more than twenty enemy ships in front of her.
And when Annie commanded the artillery shelling on the side of the ship's side deck, and when Song Yifeng would only yell from behind, the chief officer came to the other side of the ship's side with a worried look that had no chance of shelling. There, I used binoculars to look at the pirates who were getting closer behind the fleet.
At this time, the pirate Aziza's fleet had rushed to a very close range.
Because, the eight cannons at the stern of the two battleships of the Li family fleet did not have the same sideboards as the one hundred and twenty cannons on the left, right and the front, or more, to form a terrifying firepower net to block the enemy.
However, the chief officer also saw that after shelling all the way, Azhisha’s small and medium pirate ships also suffered losses. One of the ships’ decks was even plowed out by artillery shells, and the upper limbs were broken. And the brains of the intestines, the red and the white ones were scattered all over the ground, it looked so miserable and dazzling!
But that didn't help. Although Azhisha's fleet was small and few, it had already rushed to three hundred yards behind the Li's fleet.
Three hundred yards, that is already a close enough distance for the enemy to bombard.
If it is a ship of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, it must have already begun to turn and use the gun positions on the side to conduct fierce bombardment on their huge Li family fleet, but at this moment, the Aziza pirates The ship did not, but continued to rush forward.
Because the pirate’s ship is a fast, small and medium-sized sailing ship, and it’s rushing towards the Li’s fleet. There are mostly only one or two small shotguns on the bow of the ship, and that’s just for jumping to help. The impact was prepared for the final suppression. Artillery at this distance would certainly not be effective. In addition, the ships of the Li family fleet are large ships with very high gangs. Even if they are bombarded now, those shotguns such as stone, iron, etc. It would also be blocked by the thick planks of the hull, so the chief officer saw that the pirates were not in a hurry to shell out.
boom! boom!
When the pirates didn’t plan to fight the artillery and continued to rush forward at full speed, once again, the stern guns on the two ships behind the Li’s fleet had eight rounds of cannonballs in a row. The enemy fought over.
However, the pirates still withstood this round of salvos.
Except for a big gap in the waterline part of the bow of a hapless Clipper that was smashed by a cannonball on the spot, the seawater poured in frantically, and the speed slowed down. The rest of the ships were at most only the sails penetrated. Or the deck is broken down, and only a few hapless ones are lost.
Even at this time, even the enemy ship whose bow was torn through the big gap did not sink immediately. Although it may indeed be unsaved, because it is made of wood, the pirates did not try to increase the speed of the ship. It didn't load too much cargo, not even artillery and shells, so it was still floating there now.
"good chance!"
"Everyone rush now!"
"Hurry up!!"
"They are loading cannonballs, and they rushed over. They have no chance to fire again."
"Kill them all!!!"
"Grab their ship! Grab their gun!!"
"and also!"
"The little beauty admiral who robbed their fleet!!"
The pirates made a loud noise and burst into laughter.
They are not fools, they have already figured out the specific number of cannons on the stern of the Li family fleet.
Therefore, after a volley of the two ships at the stern of the Li's fleet, they, who were lying on the deck to avoid the shelling, stood up one by one, and then began to wave the short in their hands frantically. The musket and the scimitar screamed and took out the shackle and rope net, ready to climb up at any time and kill people and seize the ship.
And some pirates screamed and climbed up the masts and grabbed the ropes one after another. It seemed that they were going to jump onto the decks of the two ships of the Li family fleet directly by swinging?
At this distance, when the artillery of the Li family fleet reloaded their shells, they estimated that they would have rushed to within fifty yards. In that case, the shooting angle of the opponent's stern gun would definitely not be enough, and they would never have to do it again. Worried about those terrible artillery.
At this time, at the stern of the Li family fleet, a commander was looking coldly at the three pirate clippers that had rushed within three hundred yards, and saw the despicable pirates yelling on the deck.
"Damn it!"
"The Musketeer is ready!"
Seeing those despicable pirates who seemed to have eaten them, the commander first spit heavily towards the surface of the sea, and then suddenly waved his hand.
Immediately afterwards, rows of musketeers armed with flintlock Miner rifles appeared at the stern and pointed their muzzles condescendingly at the pirate ship that had rushed to within two hundred and fifty yards and was still accelerating at this time. The enemies climbing on the deck and mast of the ship.
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
A burst of clear gunfire sounded continuously at the stern of the two ships.
While the cannons on the ship's side continued to roar, constantly blasting towards the fleets of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce that were trying to approach, causing losses to the enemy ships and gradually daring not to approach them, the musketeers were more than 20 or 30 people. They squeezed to the stern of the ship and fired fiercely at the approaching pirates, and then kept rotating the team, so that the gunfire continued without stopping.
"Hurry up!!"
Snapped! Snapped!
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
The crackling sounds of firecrackers came and went one after another, and at the same time, the pirates were screaming sternly.
Under the continuous and dense platoon of Migne rifles, the pirates who were still screaming had no choice but to fall back on the deck and try to find a place to escape.
However, they soon found desperately:
Even if they hide behind the ship's edge, the bullet can penetrate the thick plank of the ship's edge. The plank that may be a few inches thick is punched out one by one, at the same time, it is still powerful. Get into their fleshy bodies fiercely?
Even hiding behind a wooden bucket full of water is useless, because the wooden bucket is quickly smashed, and when the water in the wooden bucket runs out, they will easily be knocked down by the incoming bullets.
And those pirates who climbed to the mast first and prepared to use the cable to swing and jump to help on the deck of the Li family fleet were even more miserable. They had nowhere to hide, and they were directly beaten by platoon guns. A corpse like a torn pocket, then screamed and fell directly into the sea or hung on a rope, or fell directly on the deck and broke his neck, limbs and hands.
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
Snapped! Snapped!
The platoon of guns continued, and small holes were punched in the deck and mast sails of the enemy ship. Under the continuous and intensive shooting, the pirate ships that were originally brand new were quickly destroyed. The sails were in tatters and there were at least hundreds of gunholes. Obviously they couldn't keep the wind easily, and there were dense fresh cracks on the hull, deck and mast, and the wood scum was even more serious. Splashed all over the floor.
In the end, after the three pirate ships that rushed forward were baptized by the violent shooting from the Li family fleet, the last one turned directly and gorgeously and quickly fled using the power of the oars.
The last two pirate ships slammed into the buttocks of the two warships at the end of the Li family fleet in the "冂" battle formation, and the collision angle of the bow directly slammed into the Li family fleet. The stern wooden planks of the two big ships were jammed by the metal keel, so that the four ships were directly stuck together end to end.
Although, the Li's fleet was injured for the first time and the orange flower back door was blown by the enemy's ship, but the enemy did not take the opportunity to jump to help.
Because, at this moment, the sailors on the first class of the two pirate ships had been cleared by guns when they were tens of yards away. At this moment, look down from the edge of the Li family fleet. , The sailors only looked at the blood-red and fallen pirates. The enemy’s corpses were stacked one by one. There were so many corpses that blood began to gather and drip into the sea along the drainage outlet of Jiaban. Dripping scarlet viscous liquid.
In short, at this time there was no one standing on the deck of the enemy ship, and even the helmsman at the helm was killed by platoon guns, let alone wanting to fight the Li family fleet.
Obviously, the pirates seriously underestimated the melee capability of the Li's fleet. Although the stern of the ship is indeed a weakness and does not have enough artillery, it is wide enough and high enough to allow thirty or forty men at the same time. The musketeers shot at the same time and formed a platoon of guns. For the pirates who are good at jumping and fighting, it is simply a nightmare.
"The Musketeers continue to be on guard!"
"The rest of the pirates must have hid under Class A, staring at me on the deck, and they came out to fight one by one, and wait for us to clean up the Pinot Chamber of Commerce before we go to clean them up."
After spitting fiercely towards the deck of the enemy ship, the commander of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce re-looked at the artillery on the side of the ship who were still bombarding the enemy ship in the smoke and roar~www.mtlnovel. com~ Now the pirates at the stern are hiding in the cabin and dare not come out. The artillery at the stern of the ship does not have such a low firing angle, and if set on fire, they are worried that they will burn themselves. Therefore, it seems that the status quo can only be maintained for the time being.
"Send someone to the lower cabin and saw off the enemy's collision angle!"
"and also!"
"Organize the free sailors, go down to control their deck, and after sawing the collision angle, push their ship a little away!"
"Morning soldiers!"
"Send a semaphore to the flagship to say that we have controlled the pirates!"

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