Chapter 1568: ?(????)?*?? Get together

The latest website: Lugnika, the Kingdom of the Dragon, is a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic country with vast land and abundant resources, large population, rich and diverse geographical scenery and climatic patterns. It has a long history and has been founded for at least four hundred years.
Although, recently all the'known' royal family members have passed away and the royal family's blood has been severed, so that the kingdom has caused some minor turmoil, and the martial law has been in effect, and the country's responsibilities have been temporarily handed over. The "Wise Man Association" is hosted, but the economy of most parts of the kingdom is still gradually recovering and is in a relatively peaceful and stable state.
Today, in fact, the people of the kingdom have gradually become accustomed to life without a king and royal family. In their opinion, it seems to be no different from the past, because the nobility and the upper class of the kingdom still occupy a lot of resources. And squeezing them from all aspects, it will not be improved because there is no king, but it will become even more unscrupulous.
Therefore, the people at the bottom did not care about the king's election that was being carried out some time ago in the kingdom.
Although they have also heard that some candidates for the king’s election have given the king’s election speech at the throne meeting that "everyone is equal" or "smashing privileges", but...that kind of thing, they don’t need to think about it. The sages, knights, and nobles who currently hold the kingdom's power must definitely not allow such new kings who have made clear that they are going to oppose the privileged class and vested interests.
The people at the bottom of the kingdom think that the new king of Lugnika will surely choose from Priscilla Vallier, the "Blood Bride" who represents the interests of the old nobles, and Kursho Kars, who represents the new-born nobles. Teng and Anastasia Hexin, the president of the Chamber of Commerce representing the interests of the wealthy merchants, choose one of them, right?
After all, only the old nobles, new nobles and big merchants have the financial and strength to compete for the king, and only Emilia supported by an unknown frontier count (Rozval L. Mezzas) And the vagrant girl Firut, who was found out of the slums and had no supporters except Reinharut van Astraia, really made people see no hope of winning.
Today, all of the above thoughts, which were originally deep-rooted in the hearts of the people, have finally been shaken!
Because, it is said that there was originally only the silver-haired witch Emilia supported by the little-known frontier earl. The half-human, half-elf (half-demon) who was not optimistic about it, actually obtained a mysterious and powerful arcane archmage. s help!
And that great mage, she not only made a riot in the palace, defeated all the generals of the palace knights, and made the sage society and the nobles powerless, but also alone defeated the white whale, one of the three big beasts that have ravaged the world for more than four hundred years. , So that he changed in an instant and became the hottest figure in Wang Xuan?
At this time, in the first-tier court area that was the highest in the Royal City of Lugonika and was also the land of the royal family, a group of elders from the Society of Sages, those representing the interests of the new and old knights, the new and old nobles, and the big and small merchants, were working There was a meeting in a secret room.
"Let's talk about it, now, what should I do when I wait?"
"It has been discussed before..."
"For the Hasta collar, which is the territory of the former Rozval L. Mezas frontier, should we announce the recovery? Also, should the disciplinary measures for the little girl continue to be announced and implemented?"
"Right now, those things that are going viral in the city, I must have heard of everyone here, so today this matter must be decided early!"
"It's the topic of our meeting today!"
It turns out that the reason why the elders of the Wise Men's Association are in a meeting is to discuss related punishment measures against a nasty little girl?
Obviously, they did not intend to easily forgive the kingdom and the sages, knights, and nobles who presided over the meeting in the royal palace on that day, but they still intend to discuss about the little girl. And the territories acquired illegally to carry out some severe measures?
None of the elders rushed to speak, but sat silently in their respective positions. You look at me, I look at you, all waiting for others to express their opinions first, and some of them simply do things directly. Closed eyes high-hanging state of meditation.
"Is there anything to say now, didn't the little girl, Kursiu of the Duke of Karlstern, say it?"
Finally, without knowing how long it took, the elders of a sage association finally couldn't help it, and directly sneered and sneered:
"Beluga, the strongest existence among the three big beasts was crusted by the little girl alone, and the attack of nearly two thousand people taught by the witch was also shattered by her..."
"A beluga whale, two thousand witches cultists, lost even without a wave..."
"You guys, what should we do?"
"What can I do?!"
The elder who took the lead to speak crossed his fingers, slightly propped up the gorgeous wooden table, and sneered around all the people present, and said so.
"We can't do nothing, right?"
"It's a fact that she is making trouble in the palace and sitting on the throne!"
"Moreover, now that matter has spread in the royal capital, and even the entire kingdom, the elders of our sage association, as well as the royal palace knights and the nobles who were present at the time are almost gone."
"Just like she stepped on the throne, she also stepped all of our faces under our feet. This matter must not be let go!"
"That's a serious crime, and it's a minor crime to be put on the guillotine!"
The sneered elder had just finished speaking, and an elder who looked at his face was just a middle-aged person patted the table with anger, and protested loudly in disgust.
"Then you go, I strongly recommend that you, your family's knights and attendants go to the border forest in person to capture the opponent and ask for guilt!"
"If you don't worry that you will be burned to death like a beluga?"
"Okay, okay, you guys, it's a meeting now, not a time for a quarrel!"
"Then what do you say?"
"What else can I do, I didn't see Reinharut being knocked down by one move?"
"Shall we ask Shenlong for help?"
"Although the dragon Polukanika did enter into an alliance with the royal family and promised to watch the peace of this country, the royal family is now extinct. Before a new king is elected, the validity of that agreement is very questionable!"
"I don't think that Shenlong will take care of these things. After all, the little girl has not reached the level of harming the kingdom. On the contrary, she also defeated the beluga and the Witch Cult. Now she is quite prestigious in the royal capital."
"I have also heard about it. It is said that many merchants and nobles are secretly visiting them in the border forest!"
While talking, the elders in the sage association didn't know whether it was because of worry, or because there was a ghost in their hearts? Anyway, after a certain elder said something in a yin and yang tone, the secret room quickly fell into a halt.
Obviously, it seems that the elders in the sage association are not monolithic.
Representing the interests of all parties, some of them are more thoughtful. Some of them must have quietly arranged their retreat in advance, and it is even possible that someone has secretly sent someone or visited the little girl’s house in person. Di and saw the half-money Emilia.
"I want to ask: On the day she made a fuss in the palace, we were alive in the Knights, anyone lost his life?"
After another while, suddenly, the elders who attended the meeting suddenly asked like this.
"That's not..."
"Sir, what do you mean?"
"If not, why should we be aggressive?"
"Even if the decision is passed today, it is publicly announced that she will reclaim her territory, and she refuses to be knighted and recognizes that she is a nobleman of the kingdom, but what good will it do for us?"
"Besides, we don't have the ability to execute, right?"
"Since it cannot be implemented, it will not do us any good, but it will also lead to unpredictable terrible consequences, so it is better to simply..."
The elder of the old ghost spirit did not say exactly what it was going to be, because he knew that the elders of the sage society who attended the meeting would definitely understand what he meant.
"We always have to show an attitude, we can't just assume that nothing has happened?"
"According to me, the half-devil king should also be deprived of the qualifications!"
"Elder, what do you mean?"
"I'm thinking, if we do that, will our palace here end up like the white whale?"
"Then what do you mean..."
After arguing for a while, and then hearing a certain possibility from the elders of the sage society, the elders who were still filled with righteous indignation just went down in an instant.
"Her strength, you must know it in your heart now, so I hereby propose: keep it as it is, we will do nothing!"
"She's making trouble in the palace..."
"We don't care, just assume it hasn't happened!"
"at the same time!"
"We don't know about her crusade against the beluga, and we will not promote or commend it!"
"As for Rozval L. Mezas Frontier's proposal, the report that the little girl was officially named a nobleman and transferred the territory..."
"Then continue to be shelved indefinitely!"
"What do you think?"
Finally, after seeing the argument for a long time, I could not get a result. I saw that the elders present were deeply jealous of the little girl, and then think about what the other party did in the throne hall that day and the miserable beluga. At the end, the elder of the sage association who presided over the meeting had to sigh and tell him the decision he had already thought about before the meeting.
They can only deal with this matter like this, otherwise, what else can they do?
The elders of the Society of Sages were silent, and no one spoke again... Obviously, in the absence of a better solution, they were planning to acquiesce to the decision of the elder.
At this time, the people in Hasta’s territory and a tragic little girl didn’t know what happened in Lugonika’s capital and the elders of the sage society had just passed a resolution for them. They are enjoying their lunch in the restaurant at this time.
At this time, besides Annie, who was sitting on the long table, there were Emilia, Betty, Ram, Rem, Petra, and after receiving Ram’s letter. Flandreka Ballman, the veteran maid who rushed back to reinstatement!
Since Annie didn't mind the aristocratic rule that maids could not be on the table, everyone was now asked to sit together.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
Annie was chewing her food, she enjoyed the feeling of everyone getting together to eat together.
But at this moment, Betty, the big elf Beatrice, was eating while staring at Annie with a vigilant and resentful look, and didn't know what was going on with her.
Sisters Ram and Rem certainly noticed Betty's weird behavior, but they didn't care, they just ate their food quietly in their place.
And the little maid Petra was learning to eat with a certain miserable little master. It didn’t take long for her to come out of the village, and she had not been trained. At this time, she was so greasy that she was so greasy that she didn’t want to go. Pay attention to the etiquette that a maid should have.
Because, she has been acquainted with Master Anne these days, she knows Master Anne's temperament, and the other party will definitely not punish her for this kind of thing!
As for the new "old man", the maid with the oldest qualifications in this mansion but the lowest status at present, Flandreka Ballman, looked at Betty and the master with interest. That funny little master.
She obviously knew why Betty behaved so abnormally.
Because she heard Ram and Rem say that before she returned to the mansion yesterday, Betty, who had a small conflict with the new owner here because of certain things, and also lost the bet, after leaning on the account for a long time, Finally, the little guy caught the opportunity to get stuck in the library, and then he was hit hard?
That may be why Betty disappeared all day yesterday, did not go out to eat, and did not say hello to her.
However, this also sounded a wake-up call for Flandreka. She has secretly decided that she must not offend or make mistakes easily, and absolutely must not let the other party catch any opportunity to punish herself! That kind of thing is certainly not too difficult for her, a senior maid who has served in Rozval House for ten years.
"There is something, I want to tell you and everyone."
At this time, after basically eating the food on her plate, she saw that everyone had eaten almost. Emilia, who had been eating her own food in silence, finally raised her head and looked at Annie. Everyone at the table said.
"What's the matter, do you want this chicken leg?"
With that, Annie planned to pass the chicken drumstick she didn't want to eat towards the other party.
"No! No!"
"Is such that……"
After hurriedly waved her hand to reject Annie's greasy care, seeing everyone looking at her, Emilia slowly said her thoughts.
It turned out that after receiving the letter from Rozval L. Mezzas three days ago, she had been a little worried about the other party's situation.
After all, the other party found her Emilia and recommended her as a candidate for the throne, and took good care of her, and the other party is now injured because of fighting with the priest of the Witch’s Cult. To some extent, the other party It was because she loved Milia that she was injured, so she should go and see if it is reasonable.
Ram and Rem glanced at each other. Although they wanted to see the original owner, they still needed them here, so they didn't speak, but waited for the answer from their Master Anne.
If their master wants to go too, then they must go with them, but if the master does not go, they will definitely not ask to go with Emelia.
"So you want to see that uncle clown?"
"He's not dead yet, what's so good about him..."
"Forget it! Go if you want, no one will stop you!"
(??~??) Chew!
Hearing that it was such a boring little thing, Annie didn't even think about it. She continued to eat her own food while rushing to light her same greasy little chin, and agreed on the spot.
In the evening, Rem will cook the special-grade flying dragon eggs bought from the royal capital. If Emilia is not there, she can eat more of the good things that are said to be unforgettable. So, what about her? Might mind?
"that's great!"
"Then I'll leave later, and if Rozval is okay, I'll be back in two days."
Seeing that Annie didn't oppose her plan, Emilia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
"Master Emilia, are you sure you want to go to the sanctuary?"
At this moment, Flandreka, who had been listening attentively, spoke, and looked at Emelia's silver hair and sharp ears with interest.
She had known for a long time that Emilia was a half-human and half-elf girl, and the elf blood in her body was probably more than half, which would be very interesting.
"What's wrong, Flandreica, is there any problem?"
Emilia was a little inexplicable, she didn't know why her expression suddenly became so strange.
"Do not!"
"It's nothing, it's just that there are some people I know in the sanctuary, maybe..."
"Can I ask you to help with a message?"
Looking at Emilia’s serious expression, and then at a little girl lord who only cares about eating and drinking and has no idea what is about to happen, Flandreka suddenly laughed, revealing her mouthful. Fangs and sharp teeth.
Looking at Emilia and then at the sly smiling Flandreka, Annie didn't ask anything in the end.
She didn’t want to visit the clown monster uncle at all, she didn’t know him well, and didn’t care about the other's So, this matter has nothing to do with her great Lord Anne, who loves to go Whoever goes!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
"Does Flandreka want me to help with the conversation?"
"Do you have any acquaintances in Sanctuary other than Rozval? That's great, don't worry, I will bring you there for you!"
"Suddenly I was looking forward to it..."
"What kind of place is Sanctuary?"
After nodding and agreeing to Flandreka's request, Emilia began to look forward to it.

(∩_∩)~? You know
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