Chapter 1572: (??﹃??)Tutu is so cute

Heavy snow? After about half a night, Annie was still wandering around in this sanctuary with heavy snow. Then, she found that she had nothing to play with. In the end, she couldn't help but strolled for half a night and saw Ami. After the guy Liya hadn’t even finished the trial, she had to return angrily, planning to return to the village where demihumans and half-orcs live in the sanctuary, and to the temporary small house she was assigned to. Go to sleep.
When she returned to the village, she was shocked to find that the bad guy who had troubled her before, that Garfiel Tinzel, and a certain lazy guy covered in bandages, that is, the uncle the clown, they actually They all ran to the entrance of the village and looked outside with a serious expression, not knowing what they were waiting for and guarding against.

?˙?˙)! !
"Hey! What's wrong, is there any problem here?"
Seeing that there seemed to be something interesting in front of him, Little Annie stepped on the thick snow, and rushed to the two people like a gust of wind, and splashed them with the flying snowflakes and ice scum. It's all over my head.
"What are you looking at?"
After rushing to the entrance of the village, without waiting for the answer from the two of them, Annie began to tap her toes, and kept looking at the same white snowfields and woods outside the village, trying to see what caused the clown monster. The uncle and the villain Garfiel are here as if they are facing an enemy.
It's a pity that after watching for a long time, she still didn't see anything, nor did she perceive that there is such a powerful existence that is powerful enough to make the clown monster and Garfiel around them all have to stand guard against it. .
"You'll know in a minute!"
"Those bastards!!"
Garfiel's mood at this time seemed a bit irritable and a little disturbed, so that he was not in the mood to answer Little Annie's question, and even gritted his teeth and cursed.
Of course, he definitely didn't dare to scold Little Annie. As for who he was targeting, he didn't know for the time being.
And Rozval, who was covered in bandages and did not wear two more clothes when he came out, didn't seem to be afraid of the cold and didn't answer.
At this time, he just stared silently at the forest outside the village that was also covered by thick snow, until the back of a plump rabbit with little sharp horns, red eyes and snow-white fur came out from inside. His expression changed a little bit.
"It turned out to be Bunny..."
what! ?(???)
Seeing that it was not a terrible monster that came out, but just the kind of bunny whose attack power might be less than five, Annie suddenly laughed out of her voice.
Just now, she was still thinking whether she should get some supper or something before going to bed, but now it's all right. Before she can figure out what she wants to eat, supper will be delivered to her by herself. Things are better than right now.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
However, Annie's words had just fallen, and more, that kind of exactly the same rabbits jumped out of the forest one by one.
They are just like densely popped out of the woods, jumping towards the village. There are thousands of them, and they are all densely packed with red glowing eyes in this pale night. It looks extraordinarily permeating.
Soon, they came leaping towards the village in huge numbers and in a dense formation, not afraid of people at all.
At this moment, Annie finally knew why the villain Garfiel and Uncle Rozval just now made such a posture as if they were facing an enemy.
It turns out that this is what happened?
"A lot of meat, the rabbit is so cute..."
However, unlike the grim expressions of Uncle Rozval, the clown monster and the bad guy Garfiel, that were like a stern enemy, Annie was still excited and snarled looking at the rabbits that were slowly ramming over. Those who know how to act will take it to heart.
"It's Duotu, also called'big rabbit', but big rabbits are based on misrepresentation. They are not as big as you think, right?"
"Their offensive power is not strong. If there are only one or two, even ordinary villagers can easily solve them with a stick and courage."
Before Duotu jumped to the village, Rozval began to explain patiently to a tragic little girl.
Duotu, that is, the big rabbit, the black snake, and the white whale are the three terrifying beasts in the world!
It is rumored that it is an edible monster created by Daphne, the gluttonous witch, based on the premise that she can automatically multiply without worrying about eating up?
The individual with multiple rabbits is not big, and the strength is not strong. It can be picked up by ordinary people with one hand. It is also a cute white rabbit on the outside, but it has a cute little horn on its head that represents a beast. The legendary rabbit that looks as huge as a beluga whale.
Although their individual size is a cute white rabbit that can be grasped with one hand, in fact, they are also brutal monsters. They like to move in groups and have an appetite that can never be filled. They will hunt and kill them endlessly. The surrounding creatures will go to the next place to continue looking for bait after they have swallowed it all. It is a natural disaster like a terrible locust swarm.
"The problem is here, you see it too."
"There are so many of them, they can multiply indefinitely, and the number is almost endless. Wherever they go, they will eat everything they can eat like locusts..."
"They only eat meat. They are meat-eating monsters. This is their most terrifying place!"
With a wry smile and sighed, Rozval L. Mezzas, who was not afraid of the cold, said quietly, with a bandage all over his body.
However, she didn't know if it was an illusion. Annie discovered that there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth?
"Are they delicious?"

However, Annie didn't care about what was wrong with the uncle the clown and why the rabbits didn't eat grass. She was more concerned about the meat quality of the rabbits now.
"I heard it's delicious, the best kind of food?"
"and many more!"
"Annie, what are you asking about this?"
Rozval is somewhat inexplicable. In his opinion, the current situation should be to find a way to prevent the many rabbits from eating them, but now, the little girl in front of her asked about their fleshy condition. Is it possible that in this case, she still wants to eat them?
(? ̄﹃ ̄?)
"The best ingredients..."
Annie didn't answer, but smiled strangely, and at the same time, the halazi at the corner of her mouth could not bear it anymore.
So, after asking about the general information she wanted to know, before the two of them could say something, she didn't retreat but moved forward, and directly jumped towards the rabbits on the thick snow.
"What are you doing? Are you crazy?!"
"Although they are very weak, but with so many of them, they will definitely kill you alive soon!!"
It's not without reason that Garfiel stood with Rozval at the entrance of the village and didn't dare to go out.
Although he transformed into a giant tiger, he could destroy dozens of tiny monsters with one claw. He had tried it in the dense forest before. At that time, he had destroyed at least thousands of monsters in the forest, but that was completely It's useless!
They couldn't be killed no matter how they were killed. After killing a large group, another large group automatically multiplied. In the end, he had no choice but to escape back, intending to stay here in the village.
He never thought about evacuating the villagers, because he himself knew that it was useless. With the enchantment of the sanctuary, the villagers would definitely not be able to escape, and now there is that terrible beast. "Duotu", they have no way to escape when they have been trapped. It might as well be here to defend themselves by virtue of the terrain, it may be safer.
That's right, the only thing he can do right now is to stay at the entrance of the village, try to stop them for a period of time, can stop them for a few days, and then, hope that the silver-haired woman can complete the trial earlier and completely liberate here?
"People are not afraid of them!"
"A lot of meat!"
Playfully grimaced at the two behind her, and then, Annie, who had jumped forward for a certain distance, stood directly on the thick snow and looked at the ‘walking flesh’s who were approaching.
Annie was not completely worried. She saw it at this time. The meat in front of her seemed to be a bit too much. She would definitely not be able to finish eating by herself, and she could not finish catching, so she must be weird to raise it. Troublesome!
But it didn't matter. Soon, she thought of a solution and caught a ball of fire, ready to start work.
ε=(′?`))) Alas~!
(Tibbers silently despised some self-righteous stupid human being. Anyway, it knows that the big battle that the other party has made is nothing at all in the eyes of its wicked little master. The problem is just to do what you like, there is no other possibility.)
"Not afraid?"
Rozval knew that the little girl Annie was so magical.
However, he is also more aware of Duotu's situation!
It wasn't an existence that could be easily defeated by brute force like dealing with the knights of the kingdom or the white whale. Therefore, he was not very optimistic about Annie's actions this time, and waited patiently to see each other's jokes.
"Then let me wait and see..."
Of course, Rozval does not think that those rabbits can cause any harm to Annie. After all, their attack ability is really too weak, and they can't fly. A powerful magician like them, even if it is true They can't beat them and can't be eliminated, and they can turn their heads and leave the sanctuary. They have too many ways and means to deal with them, which are not the simple-minded Garfiel can imagine.
In Rozval's gaze with interest and Garfiel's worry, Annie still stepped forward in disregard, and with a greedy gaze hesitatingly patrolled the densely packed rabbits.
She is thinking hard about which one is better to catch first, and which one is fatter?
At the same time, when a wretched little girl was struggling in the sanctuary about how to catch one of the fattest rabbits, the twin maid Rem was also in the village of Alam, not far from the mansion. Encountered the attacking enemy.
It was a girl with brown braids. Rem had seen her in the village before, and she was even bitten by the little milk dog that the other party was holding at the time. She almost died at the time!
No, she actually died once.
Had it not been for their great Master Anne, it must have been a sad corpse buried in the soil and gradually decomposing, whether it was her Rem or her sister Ram.
"It's you……"
Now, looking at the huge number of beasts such as Walgam (hellhound), evil bats, lion beasts, etc. appearing next to the opponent, where does Rem still not know the true identity of the opponent?
"Go back to your house immediately!"
"go back!"
Knowing that the barriers around the village used to guard against beasts must have been destroyed by the other party, Rem made a decisive decision and shouted orders to the villagers who either carried sticks or came out with bare hands to help or watch the excitement.
"Yes! Yes, Lord Rem!"
"Quick, go back!"
"Take all the children back!"
"hurry up!"
Seeing more and more monsters appear, the villagers who knew that the situation was not quite right and that they and others would never be opponents were scared to them after hearing Rem’s order. As if they were amnesty, they no longer dared to stay here at the entrance of the village. Instead, they exclaimed that they brought their families and children and ran back to their homes and closed the doors and windows tightly.
"Who are you? Are you taught by a witch?"
"What do you want to do here?!"
Holding the Meteor Chain Hammer, Rem, who was prepared for his work, did not care about the increasing number of monsters that appeared next to him, but coldly moved toward the back of the tall and mighty lion beast. "Mei Li", the little the Internet, asked sternly.
The other party had been to the village not long ago, and he also played with the children in the village. Rem thought that the other party was originally a child in the village. But what do you think, the other party turned out to be an evil beast. Make?
Of course, those are not important anymore.
What Rem wants to know more now is: the other party came to the village twice and three times, even this time with so many monsters, what exactly did he want to do?
Also, what is the real identity and purpose of the other party?
All of the above questions are what Rem wants to understand.
"Before my big dogs eat you, maybe I will tell you?"
The little girl Meili didn't answer Rem's question, nor did she care about the villagers who had hidden in the house for the time being, she just sat on the back of her huge lion beast with a smile and gently waved her hand.
‘Oh~! ’
‘Ha roar! ’
'squeak! squeak! ’
In the next second, countless hellhounds, evil bats, etc. roared violently, quickly rushed towards Rem and opened their huge mouths with sharp teeth.
Rem was not timid. He waved the Meteor Chain Hammer in his hand and smashed the three fastest Hellhounds with a single hammer, turning them into a pile of broken flesh in an instant.
Moreover, when she pulled the meteor hammer back, she also used the chain to sweep and shred several flying evil bats that wanted to attack her.
However, it was useless to eliminate three or five monsters. More Hellhounds pounced on them. Rem was soon half surrounded by them, so she had to be busy wielding her own weapon. Let the stretchable chain and the heavy round thorn-headed hammer under her tremendous power and superb skill effectively kill the beasts who are constantly encircling her.
In this way, the two sides gradually hit from the crossing at the head of the village to the flat field in the middle of the village, which is usually used to dry the grains, and the fighting became more and more intense, letting blood, rotten meat, bursting brains, and sweeping away. His dog legs and broken fangs splashed everywhere.
Ten minutes later...
"Go to hell!!!"
At this time, Rem broke out suddenly.
I saw that the speed of her swinging star chain hammer was speeded up several times in vain. The speed was so fast that it appeared to the naked eye as if countless chains appeared, and it magically turned into a pupa, firmly protecting her. In the middle.
And the hellhounds, evil bats and other beasts who rushed toward her without fear of death, but when they touched the chain-formed "pupa", they turned into pieces of shredded meat and The blood mist turned into scarlet in the sky and splashed everywhere, and a large area was emptied in an instant.
"Huh! Huh!"
There were a lot of scars on her body. The blood of the monsters mixed with her own blood. At this time, Rem, who had become a blood man, emptied the monsters and got a chance to breathe, so she hurriedly gasped. NS.
The injuries she suffered were not very serious, but her strength was consumed very quickly, and it was no longer possible to continue the high-intensity battle like just now.
Although, she still has assassin, she can stretch out her horns to demonize and double her strength and physical strength, and her combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced by then, but that does not give her the confidence to defeat the little girl and the other side. More monsters have appeared!
Besides, she didn't know if there were more and more powerful things hidden in the dark.
In short, while taking the time to take a breath, Rem finally understood that she could not defeat the enemy in front of her and protect the village with her own strength alone. Therefore, she was not going to continue to be strong, but instead planned Use other better methods.
"Quickly give up!"
"Sister Rem, although you are really good, but..."
"You won't have a chance!"
With that, Mei Li, the little girl riding on the back of the lion beast, waved her hand with a playful smile.
Then, more monsters than just now, and the hellhound with good size and strength poured in from the outside of the village, and then slowly came forward with a grinning grin, staring at the whole body with a pair of glowing scary eyes. Rem, with the smell of blood, directly surrounded Rem in the field.
"Do you think so?"
Rem was not annoyed, but coldly took out a bone flute from his arms that was hung on her neck with a rope, and then looked at the nasty little girl Meili contemptuously.
"What if it does?"
Rem decided that after she caught the little guy, she must follow Master Anne's appearance and press the other person on her lap, before giving him a slap in the ass.
"Beep~! ! ! ! ’
After thinking about it, she didn't wait for the other party to answer, nor wait for the monsters to rush up again, she blew the bone flute violently.
"What are you doing?"
The slightly surprised little girl Mei Li was stunned for a moment, and then, subconsciously, she reached out to stop the group of monsters that were about to attack Rem, and then asked in a puzzled manner.
"You will know right away."
Putting away the bone flute, Rem smiled contemptuously at the other party, and then re-squeezed the Meteor Chain Hammer in his hand, doing a precautionary work.
Now she is set to win!
Before her reinforcements arrive, she only needs to protect herself. It won't be too long. She is confident to withstand the attack of the opponent herd in a short time.
"What do you mean..."
The little girl Mei Li just wanted to ask again. Suddenly, she also seemed to perceive something. She suddenly twisted her body on the lion beast's back and looked towards the dense forest outside the village in amazement.
'Oooo! ! ! ! ’
‘Oh oh! ! ’
'Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! ! ! ! ’
With bursts of weird, terrifying screams that made her and the monsters under her tremble sounded in the depths of the forest. The sound sounded like a demon emanating from the abyss of of sin. The sound of horror roar is just like that.
"What did you just do!?"
Taking a breath, the little girl Mei Li, who felt that something terrible would happen, turned her head back for the first time, her brows were raised, her face was tense, and she trembled towards Rem who was looking at her with a sneer. Scolded angrily.
Without waiting for Rem to answer, the little girl Mei Li quickly discovered that shortly after the strange screams, black fog appeared in and around the village.
Immediately afterwards, countless ugly and ugly octopus monsters, that kind of hands and feet are all evil tentacles, with dense suckers, but they look like some kind of demihumans, and they are more than half of normal adults. The stronger monsters, which were taller, appeared one by one from the black mist. There were a lot of them, more than her hundreds of beasts. It didn’t take long before they were counted in the hundreds of thousands. She and the herd of herds closely surrounded the village.
"Very good!"
"It came a little faster than I thought..."
Feeling relieved, Rem directly threw the Meteor Chain Hammer in his hand to the ground, and then the whole person slumped on the cold and ground as if he had lost his strength.
She just thought they ran out of the forest after they heard her sound the bone flute given to her by Mr. Enzos!
But how can I think They still have that kind of magical means similar to teleportation?
"Destroy them!"
"That little girl, to catch alive, I will never spare her!!"
Although the body was very tired, Rem quickly eased and stood up, after wiping the blood beads on her cheeks, leaving her delicate face full of hideous blood traces. , She stretched out her hand viciously, and turned towards the faceless legion composed of N'Zoth’s heirs, who was suddenly appearing. Her face was completely at a loss and she didn’t know what to do. Girl Meili pointed away.
Rem didn't know if the little girl Meili was taught by a witch, but she only knew now that if the other party thought they were easy to bully, that would be a big mistake.
Although their great Master Anne took over this savage, backward and small-populated border territory for a short time, at this time they had the most powerful army in the entire Lugnica Kingdom, and they were all lords. They are incomparable!

(?ω?) It's the last day of the end of the month, and the monthly pass is going to be moldy.
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