Chapter 1583: ?(????)?* Another chaotic day

As the bright light of the Yang Sword gradually dissipated, the "anger" of the Witch Cult's Great Sin Secretary took on the role. The bandage weird had no trace at all at this time, and even no scum was left, and the place where the other party was standing, At this time, there was only one deep gully that had been cut open and melted.
At the same time, the gate of the water gate controlling the tower, hundreds of steps away from behind the bandage weird, has also been cut down by Yang Jian, directly exposing the chaotic bricks and the fallen one inside, no The bodies of the staff and guards who knew when they were killed by the Witch Cultists.
"Okay, amazing..."
"Is that woman Priscilla Vallier, one of the five throne candidates?"
"She is the scarlet bride, she is not something ordinary people can provoke!"
"I heard that she has the protection of the sun, and the magical nature is the yang attribute. You can pull the sun sword from the void. The sun sword will cut and burn any target at the user's will. It must be the one that just emitted the strong light. handle!"
"It's terrible attack power, it's really too strong..."
"It's just that she uses special moves directly when she comes up. Isn't that too messy?"
"Tsk, let's do it, the adults' thoughts are not something we can figure out, and you have to be quieter, her temper is very violent and arrogant!"
In Priscilla Vallier, he used his tricks abruptly, pulling out the Yang Sword from the void, and it turned out that the state of the Witch’s Church is not very good, and the angry teacher of the Great Sin Secretary, and re-throwing the Yang Sword back. After the void, the "Iron Fang" mercenaries of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce who came with them were amazed, and they couldn't help but start whispering and discussing behind each other.
"Shut up to the concubine!!"
While putting away her Yang Sword and taking out a strange mirror, Priscilla, who easily solved the enemy's head, first slanted her eyes and arrogantly stared at the mercenaries behind, and then gave a loud command. road:
"There shouldn't be that kind of sinners in there. You can go up with your concubines to capture this water gate control tower!"
"Move fast!!"
When Priscilla thought about it, no one else could solve a serious crime clerk as quickly as she did. So, since she had already dealt with the enemy leader here first, then she naturally wanted to Be the first to occupy and control the Watergate Tower to show off to others.
And this is the main reason why she just took out that weird mirror for the first time.
"Huh? Yes!"
After being scolded by Priscilla for a while, the mercenaries quickly recovered.
"Everyone rushed!!"
"Kill all the Witch Cultists!!"
"Occupy the tower!!"
"For Prestera!!!"
Then, they felt that they should indeed occupy the tower as soon as possible, and with the high morale blessing and encouragement, they rushed into the gap that was just cut by Priscilla with the sun, and soon rushed in. Just fight with the remaining witches' cultists inside.
"A bunch of trash!"
First glanced arrogantly and disdainfully at the group of mercenaries rushing into the Watergate Tower noisily, and then at Aldebaran who was still holding a few people by his side, Priscilla was noncommittal. I opened the mirror for communication.
It is a dialogue mirror, a magic tool for communication. In addition to the one in Priscilla's hands, Emilia, Firut, Kursho and Anastasia also have their own hands. There is a piece for the convenience of communication and coordination.
"The angry teacher of the Witch's Cult is the bandage woman Emilia said before. She has been beheaded by her concubine!"
"The water gate control tower at the South Gate has almost been taken down by the concubine, and the southwestern city has been basically cleared by the concubine. What is the situation on your side?"
Priscilla asked in the ‘Dialogue Mirror’ in an extremely arrogant and indifferent tone.
Yes, she was showing off on purpose!
Comparing all other candidates in this kind of battle, of course, can greatly satisfy her vanity, and she is also looking forward to seeing those women looking at her in the mirror. Wonderful expressions of consternation, envy and jealousy.
However, what makes Priscilla a little annoyed is that after she finished speaking, no one in the mirror responded immediately. As for whether the person holding the mirror was incapable of fighting in the battle, he was not willing to face her Priscilla. That arrogant face is temporarily unknown.
Waiting for another few minutes, until Priscilla was a little impatient and was considering whether to enter the control tower of the South Water Gate and kill the Witch Cultists to vent their anger. Finally, there was movement in the ‘Dialogue Mirror’.
"My side is also going well..."
"Well, Filut was slightly injured, but it doesn't matter."
"Even though the enemy is difficult to deal with, I was still beheaded and killed. The opponent seems to be also a great sin secretary, and is he responsible for the "bad eating" in gluttony? "
At this time, the face of the little handsome guy with a blue nose and swollen red hair appeared in the dialogue mirror.
Obviously, it was Reinharut van Astraea, thanks to a miserable little girl, his injury did not seem to have fully recovered, but, fortunately, it just looked miserable. But it doesn't affect him to fight.
"Now the north gate area is under our control, and the enemy in the tower is currently being eliminated, and the battle is ongoing."
"There are still many members of the Witch Cult in the northeastern city. I don't know where they came from. We are seriously understaffed and can only temporarily control the vicinity of the tower."
"The call is over!"
Rein Harut, the strongest sword saint of the day, said so and so in the dialogue mirror.
However, although he looked relaxed and claimed that Filut was only slightly injured, he did not appear on the scene and what he called "shortage" and "can only temporarily control the vicinity of the tower." 'It is not difficult to know that the battle in the northeast city area they are responsible for will definitely not be too easy, and the situation must not be optimistic.
"The southeast area has been basically eliminated by our side. At present, the warriors of the Kalsten family are surrounding the East Gate Tower!"
"We haven't found the enemy's serious crime secretary here yet. Our attack has been very smooth!"
"After the tower is completely controlled, we will send support to the northeast city, over!"
Not long after Reinharut ended the call, the heroic Kursiu, the head of the Duke of Karlstern's house, also appeared in the dialogue mirror in a majestic manner.
I don’t know if it’s luck, or because they are really strong?
Anyway, their actions so far have been smooth, and the chaos in the southeast city has basically been calmed down. The chaos and destruction created by the Witch’s Cult has been suppressed to a very low level by them, and once they have taken the tower, their mission It is complete.
"The northwest area we are responsible for has also been basically controlled, but the progress of the West Gate Tower may be a bit slow?"
"We have encountered a weird swordsman now..."
"But it doesn't matter. Although the opponent's strength is indeed very strong, we should be able to get rid of him soon, and then take down the West Gate Tower. Please don't worry, everyone!"
As the host, Anastasia seems to have encountered hardships, but fortunately, her chamber of commerce and mercenary group are here, even if she has provided a lot of manpower to other people, but only in terms of strength, Here is still the strongest of their Hexin Chamber of Commerce.
Therefore, that weird, eight-armed swordsman who looks like a corpse or undead, it must be difficult for them.
"Sure enough, my progress is the fastest!"
Hearing that Firut, Kurxiu, Anantalia and others in the dialogue mirror are all experiencing different degrees of trouble, and then look at the South Gate Tower, which has been completely taken down by him at this time, Priscilla In the dialogue mirror, he sneered arrogantly.
Everyone was silent, as if they were all busy with their own affairs. Of course, maybe they didn't want to argue with Priscilla too much at this time?
"and many more!"
"Where is City Hall?"
"How's the situation at City Hall?"
"Your Excellency Emilia, are you there?"
"Please answer when you hear!"
Soon, Anastasia finally found that there seemed to be one missing key person in the dialogue mirror, that is, Emilia! So, seeing that Emilia didn't reply, she started calling out loudly with some anxiety.
However, the dialogue mirror was still silent, and the dialogue mirror that Emilia was carrying still did not answer anything, and it was not even connected to the communication of the people.
"Isn't there something wrong?"
"It's impossible to go wrong, in the eyes of my concubine, they are the strongest along the way!"
"Then why..."
"Or, let's send someone to have a look?"
"But we can't get away for the time being, Priscilla, can you go to the city hall?"
"It's so boring!"
"Well, since you have all asked so sincerely, the concubine will reluctantly..."
When everyone discussed in the dialogue mirror and planned to let Priscilla Balier, who had already completed the tactical goal ahead of time, take people to the city hall to check the situation, finally, the dialogue mirror that Emilia carried was finally Lights up.
However, soon everyone was surprised to find that the person who appeared in the dialogue mirror was not Emilia herself, but a maid in a skirt?
"I am Ram, the maid who is traveling with Emilia-sama. I'm sorry, now Emilia-sama can't communicate with everyone."
After appearing in the mirror and seeing many big figures staring at him curiously, Ram hurriedly saluted everyone.
"So it's you..."
"and many more!"
"What about Emilia? Why doesn't she come and talk to us by herself?"
"In the end what happened?!"
After the consternation, people soon had a bad premonition in their hearts, for fear that what was important would be something wrong with the core city hall that can control the entire city.
After all, the City Hall is as important as the Four Great Watergates. If it has been under the control of the Witch's Cult, God knows what terrible things those innocent guys will do.
"Master Emilia is not in danger!"
"We have cleared out and controlled the city hall. The priest, that is, the guy who calls himself Capella Amerada Lugnica, has also been taken down and captured by us. The city hall is now under our control. Next, please don’t worry."
"Master Emelia seems to have a little problem."
I don't know what's going on. Ram's expression in the mirror looks a little unnatural, and he speaks eloquently. He also turns his head and looks at the other side from time to time, not knowing what he is looking at.
"What's wrong with you?"
After squinting her eyes slightly and suppressing the gloating look, Priscilla asked with that kind of commanding tone unceremoniously.
"Master Emilia, she seems to have been corroded by the enemy with some kind of power, and now some weird changes are taking place..."
"Anyway, it's weird!"
No way. Seeing so many adults looking at her, after thinking about it, Ram had to say aggrieved in a relatively tactful tone, but she still tried to use those euphemisms, in order not to let him. Others think Emilia's situation is too serious.
"Can't Archmage Annie solve it either?"
Kurxiu in the dialogue mirror frowned slightly, and when she felt that things were not easy, she opened her mouth to the point.
Because everyone knows that Arcane Archmage Anne Hasta is the most powerful existence among them all, if the other party can't help it, they will definitely not be able to.
"Master Anne is not here at the city hall now."
"Not here?"
"Then where did she go?"
"I have no idea……"
"My sister Rem has gone to find her, but she hasn't come back to join us now..."
Hearing that the little maid in the mirror, Ram, said such a great thing, everyone couldn't help but be even more surprised.
What's more, what they don’t understand is how the little maid and Emilia won the city hall and captured Capella Emeralda, the teacher of lust, if the little girl Archmage was not there. Lugnica's?
"Ram, please be more vigilant, don't let the teacher, don't let the guy who calls himself Capella Emerald Lugnica run away!"
"As far as I know, no matter what spell it is, as long as the caster is killed, there is a great chance of being cured!"
"In short, please be sure to guard the city hall, and we will go to support you as soon as we control the four water gates!"
"When the time comes, let's think of a way!"
After thinking about it, Anastasia hung up the communication after saying a few words like this.
Immediately afterwards, everyone who was a little uneasy or had different thoughts also disconnected from the communication one after another.
"What can I do now?"
In the town Looking at the two almost identical monsters that were being trapped by Mr. Enzos with his tentacles, Ram put away the mirror in frustration, and then began to use it. The abilities of his twins kept calling his sister in his heart.
‘If you find the master, please let the master come to the city hall...’
‘Something happened! ’
'hurry up......'
‘Get the master back soon, I don’t know what to do...’
'Please hurry up......'

Monthly pass?~?·?·?
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