Chapter 185: 5 fireball gods of witches (3)

Charlotte Millet, the witch leader of Port Royal, is now working in the Governor's Office of the former City Hall.
wrong! At this time, there should be no governor in Port Royal. Now, this place, called the office of the chief consul of Port Royal, is more appropriate.
Now Charlotte is not only the chief consul of Port Royal, she is also the high priest of the Flame Cult created by her newly created, in charge of all military and political affairs in Port Royal, as well as in charge of the teaching affairs of the Flame God and the Flame God. She still serves as the principal of the Witch Academy under construction.
At this time, Charlotte Millie was wearing a delicate and tight-fitting golden full-body armor, sitting behind the main office of the office with some official documents.
The exquisite and compact armor showed her perfect body with bumps and bumps. On the front of her golden breastplate, there were five small red flowers that were burning blazingly, like their magic flag. The flame, coupled with her original beauty, and the temperament that began to become self-confident and fierce after she started to master some magic, all these factors combined make her a girl in the most upright and best years as beautiful as heaven. Like a war angel!
It is precisely because of this that in these two months, after having her own charisma bonus, under her raised arms and her absolute strength, countless young men and women willingly worshipped the of flames. Under the brilliance of the teaching, the Flame God cult, which she constructed with a witch, soon took shape.
Perhaps, the reason why she can go so smoothly is also related to the atmosphere of the New World.
People here, especially young people, are more receptive to new things and have crazy factors in their bodies that are willing to take risks. For those people, let alone taking refuge in a witch, if there is enough temptation, I am afraid they will be enthusiastic to sign up if they are transferred to be a pirate.
After all, this is not the European continent. People who dare to come to the New World and the Caribbean Sea to seek a life, who have already put their lives and deaths out of the question. Since they can gain power and wealth by taking refuge in witches, they have nothing to refuse. reason.
Besides, here in the New World, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the witch is so powerful, it is always right to find this thick thigh to hug!
You know, the witch propaganda said that the flame goddess had come to the mortal world to spread magic, and the angels of the church had only existed on the murals until now. Therefore, young people who are brave and unwilling to be lonely will know how to choose in their own comparison.
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
While Charlotte was approving a document, three short and clear knocks came from the door.
"The door is unlocked, come in."
Hearing someone knock on the door, Charlotte had to put down the quill in her hand, leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, changed a comfortable sitting position, and looked at the original Wetherby Swann who opened the door and walked in. Governor.
However, he is no longer a governor. Port Royal does not have the position of governor. He is now just an assistant consul in Port Royal, under the command of the chief consul Charlotte, who is responsible for apportioning some royalties. Leisure and miscellaneous government affairs in Hong Kong.
In these days, Charlotte has also relied on the cooperation of the respected Wetherby Swann to get acquainted with government affairs and gradually control the entire Port Royal. Until now, many things are still inseparable from the other party. , She was very satisfied with this old nobleman who was skilled in government affairs. He was able to help herself a lot.
Especially, after Charlotte personally transferred the other's daughter, the restless eldest Elizabeth, and his only daughter to Fudge and received the Flame Cult to teach magic, so that she was completely branded as a witch, this veteran of the British Empire The nobles also began to serve Charlotte and the Flame God Sect with all their heart.
After all, he has no retreat now, right?
At that time, if he is willing to abandon his precious daughter and return to China alone, then it is considered that Charlotte's plan has failed. Anyway, she was not afraid that the old nobleman could see through her plan. She deliberately absorbed that Miss Elizabeth into the Flame God Cult and publicized it. What else can he do besides admitting his life?
"What's the matter, Archon Swann"
Charlotte asked, and continued to look down at the file.
Among their witches, after all, there are only a few who are literate, and even fewer know how to handle government affairs. It can even be said that there is no reliable one!
The cause of Flame God Sect has just developed, and talents and the like still need time to slowly cultivate. Therefore, in addition to doing many things by herself, she must rely on the former governor.
"Master Charlotte! The construction of the Witch Academy outside the city is almost over. When will you have time to check and accept?"
Wetherby Swan looked at the girl who was sitting in his original office and bowed his head slightly.
He looked at the witch leader and chief in power, and sighed softly in his heart. This young woman, her wrists and abilities, he has seen this young woman since this time.
Although she seems a little immature when dealing with some things, there is no doubt that this girl is a powerful guy. Not only does she possess powerful strength, she is also greedily learning about political affairs, many things It is obvious to all to get started quickly.
If she was not a witch, and she didn’t turn her daughter Elizabeth into a witch, then it would be great that I would try my best to train her and recommend her to a young nobleman in the upper echelons of the kingdom.
"I see, if I have time, I will go for acceptance."
Charlotte was noncommittal and didn't say when to go for acceptance, but just responded.
The Witch Academy is very important to her layout. It is impossible to say that she does not pay attention to it!
Therefore, in order to build this huge witch college, she also specially arranged to replan and rebuild it on a high ground outside the city of Port Royal, covering dozens of acres!
In the planning of this witch college, in addition to the small city wall surrounding it, there is also a main castle and several three-story small and medium-sized buildings. Originally, she thought it would take a long time, but she didn't expect it to be completed in less than two months.
"Why is it so fast and there is no problem with quality"
Charlotte wasn't very clear about architecture, but because of the importance of the college, she still asked.
"You know, because there are a group of pirates who don't need to eat, drink, sleep, and are not afraid of being injured or killed as coolies. Moreover, they are magically tricked by you, and they don't dare to lazily or run away, so...the construction process is much faster."
Wetherby Swan shrugged and answered easily.
Whoever has dozens of coolies who are not afraid of death and work hard day and night, plus sufficient materials and funds, it is hard to think about it! And if you hire normal workers to work, you won’t be able to work long every day, plus the time to eat, drink, and rest. The efficiency is definitely not comparable to those of skeleton pirates.
"Oh... it turned out to be those pirates. It seems that they are still useful!"
Charlotte narrowed her eyes slightly, and she decided that she would continue to enslav these villains and would never give them freedom easily.
Now, on these pirates, in addition to the original curse of Aztec gold coins, Charlotte used her half-dangling magic mark to curse the opponent, just like the one in Norrington’s hand. If they dare to run, then they will wait to be burned to death by the magic flame!
In the past two months, she has not only planned the Witch Academy outside the city, but also built the first cathedral belonging to the Flame God Sect in the original church location in the city for their missionary work.
Why do you want to ask where the original church is?
Of course it was burned to the ground by Charlotte! Do you think that the oath she swore was a joke!
On the first night after Little Annie and the others sailed out to sea, Charlotte took some people and burned the original church clean, and all the priests who had bad deeds were also stuffed into the fire. Li was burned, and the others were forcibly expelled from Port Royal.
As the saying goes: It is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years, but that night for a witch!
Their church, after provoking a group of women, and still a group of witches with magical powers, thought it would be better than the current Port Royal. Those church members have become wanted criminals, dead to death, fleeing, no more There is no place for them.
"By the way! How is the site selection of the Flame Palace going?"
After thinking about some unrelated things, Charlotte asked what she cared about most.
She will build on the high mountains of Port Royal, the co-lord of the witches, the only true of the Flame God, the supreme goddess who brings light and flame to their witches, and the sole leader of the Flame God, Anne Hasta. A magnificent palace of the goddess.
This matter has already been decided, and there is no room for carelessness!
"Um...Master Charlotte, we really can't do anything about this matter right now!"
Wetherby Swan secretly wiped the cold sweat on his head, and he knew that the other party would definitely bring up the matter again.
You know, building a majestic palace requires the consumption of materials, gold coins and manpower, which are all a huge astronomical number... even if there are hundreds of pirates who are not afraid of death to help!
Even if the manpower can keep up, the materials will definitely not be able to keep up. It will be a long-running and costly large project!
"Building the Flame Church and the Witch College outside the city, plus the slabs on the road leading to the Witch College, has consumed most of the materials and gold coins. At present, the vaults in Port Royal are almost gone. Money!"
Thinking of this, Wetherby Swan was anxious and had to take out a handkerchief and wipe the sweat from his forehead.
"Moreover, these days, you have equipped hundreds of cult knights and a lot of battle witches. Those armors, weapons and war horses that need to be specially made are all expensive...We are already fast. No money, Lord Charlotte!"
Wetherby Swan began to complain, these witches, they really can spend too much money.
When they asked to rush to build armor, he strongly opposed it!
When he thought about it, an armored cavalry, just a full set of equipment, horses and vests, would cost more than dozens of gold coins. This is too outrageous. Now is the era of guns and artillery. What use are those armored cavalry? It's a waste of money!
"If you have no money, it will be so fast"
Charlotte was a little surprised. She was not very proficient in these large amounts of finance.
She remembers clearly that there were still a lot of gold coins in the vault! That’s why she ordered the creation of the Guardian Knights, and also built the Witch Academy at the same time. Unexpectedly, the piles of gold coins in the vault would be consumed so soon.
"I really don't have any money! My lord! I don't know where the material procurement costs for the next stage will come from!"
Wetherby Swan flipped through the financial data on his hand, and when he reached a certain page, he spread it out in front of Charlotte.
"Master Charlotte, you'd better see for yourself."
He didn't want to explain anything anymore.
During this period of time, the witches have organized an army, built churches and colleges, and purchased a large amount of building materials at high prices. Coupled with the operation and consumption of other government functions, they have simply spent money like water. It is really inappropriate. money!
"You actually spent more than one million gold coins, so it's possible to spend so much, don't those pirates need to be paid?"
Charlotte's eyes widened. She didn't expect that in just two months, she would have spent so much money.
They have only built a witch’s academy, a flame church, and formed some troops now. Why did they spend so much?
After the two were silent for a while, Charlotte was a bit lost.
"Wetherby, please tell me, which is the most prosperous and richest city nearest to Port Royal"
Charlotte narrowed his eyes slightly and uttered a sentence that made Weatherby Swan frightened.
She has already decided, if there is no money, go grab it!
Anyway, the power of their witches will expand sooner or later, and sooner or later they will radiate and occupy the entire Caribbean Sea and even the entire New World!
Since they are going to fight sooner or later, take advantage of the present and continue to find a rich port to occupy it. Then, in a short time, they won't have to worry about money.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
As Chief Executive Charlotte was preparing to discuss with Wetherby Swann as to which port city to go to to make money, there was a sudden ringing of bells in the direction of the port.
"This bell...what's going on again"
Charlotte looked at Wetherby Swann, a little puzzled.
She seemed to be impressed by the rhythm of the bell, but she couldn't remember it for a while, and she didn't understand what it meant.
"This... seems to be a warning when the enemy is about to attack the port"
Wetherby Swann is not too clear, Port Royal seems to have been peaceful for a long time, there has been no large-scale enemy fleet invasion.
"Then I will go out and ask someone to ask now"
When Wetherby Swann was about to turn around and go out to find a soldier who is proficient in bells to ask about the situation, he found that two people suddenly pushed the door and rushed in. The thick solid wood door frame almost hit him. Nose.
After he took a closer look, he discovered that it turned out to be two young girls wearing red armors and golden cloaks with anxious faces. They were two of the five leading witches.
"Coriamary, is this... what happened?"
Seeing these two sisters, Charlotte quickly stood up.
She knew that now that these two people came here in such a hurry to find her, coupled with the rush of the bell just now, should something big happen!
"Sister Charlotte!"
"It's the British Caribbean Fleet coming! According to the rumored soldiers, they have about dozens of warships!"
Twelve-year-old Coria Beaufort and fourteen-year-old Mary Chaska, they walked up to Charlotte, stood at attention and gave a military salute and replied.
These days, they have initially gathered their own magic power, and they have also learned several new spells, most of which are simple spell grammars taught to them by Charlotte.
"Dozens of warships! It seems that someone has sent us money to send coolies."
Charlotte was not worried, but smiled lightly.
These people really don’t give up. It seems that they don’t know what they are going to face.
They still naively think that it is still an era when they can dominate the world with huge ships and cannons?
Do not! They are wrong!
When their flame goddess came to this world and passed on magic, the world has gradually begun to change!
Now, it’s time for the world to truly face the power of witches. Although most of Charlotte’s magic power is obtained through contracts, the little witches under her are not very powerful, and most of them rely on magic bracelets. The ability to cast spells, but compared to ordinary people, this is enough!
"Call all the sisters and apologists, we will go to the port now!"
Charlotte sneered and picked up her red cloak from the hanger. After it was fastened, she put on her golden helmet and walked out the door with a flick of her hand. Behind her, Corlia and Mary followed.
She didn't have the slightest worry about the attack of the large fleet!
When the construction of the Witch Academy just started, she began to recruit witches on a large scale. With the help of dozens of magic bracelets, they now have fifty-two combat witches who can levitate and fireball. There are also nearly eight hundred flame knights. Their combat effectiveness is extraordinary. Not only are they equipped with long swords and short-barreled muskets with enchanted flames, but the armors on their bodies are not pretty, but they have been specially enchanted by Charlotte. , In a certain period of time, you can simply defend against the approaching shooting of ordinary muskets.
However, this time Charlotte did not intend to let the cavalry attack!
She believes that it only needs dozens of combat When that happens, fly directly to the fleet that surrounds the enemy, and those who don't surrender and those who dare to run will be burned to the torch! And the rest, dare to surrender obediently
Therefore, she decided that she must completely wipe out the enemy in this attack! It is not only used to stabilize the people's mind and rule, but more importantly, it can also deter hostile elements and nobles who spy on them in the dark and are not willing to fail!
This time, she must make the Flame God Cult famous throughout the Caribbean Sea! Even shocked the entire New World, and even the entire European world!
She Charlotte wants them to know: their witches will no longer be the subject of slaughter! Witches are no longer the poor creatures tied to the cross and allowed to burn and persecute them!
She swears that the flames of the flame will let the enemies know what kind of existence is the real witch!
From now on, the era of their witches' revenge has come! (Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey" only represents the views of the author, Shadow Bear, if it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position is only to provide healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!
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