Chapter 187: 5 fireball gods of witches (5)

"Oh, God……"
"What kind of people are we fighting against?"
"Sir? What should we do? Our cannon does not have such a high shooting angle!"
The sailors and soldiers on other ships of the Caribbean Fleet also saw the armored witches who flew into the sky, armed with flame swords, and approached them aggressively. Within a short period of time, various levels of riots occurred on each ship. .
As long as they are not fools, they all know that those enemies who are wearing plate armor cloaks and holding magical weapons that are incomprehensible in flames, and even flying, are definitely not easy to deal with!
If the other party had another pair of wings, I'm afraid, people like them would just surrender directly, right?
The soldiers began to be at a loss and asked the officers what to do. The gunners stopped their plans to launch artillery or reload them. Even the officers at the bottom were undecided and asked their own captain.
And the captains don't even know! When dealing with pirates, or even with things like monsters in the sea, maybe they still know how to deal with them.
However, when dealing with this kind of enemy that can fly now and is obviously not an ordinary human enemy, it is not something they can easily decide.
Therefore, they unanimously looked at the center of the fleet, waiting for the next order of the largest flagship, the "Committed".
"Lord, what should we do? Please give me an order!"
The adjutant of the flagship dedicated ship also endured the anxiety in his heart and ran to Lord Beckett's side and asked the other party to issue an order in response to this situation.
"Anthony, I have a bad feeling..."
As the flying enemies approached, Lord Beckett finally sighed, turned his head to look at his adjutant, and said in a lonely tone:
"Failure will be inevitable... Maybe it would be better if all this is just a dream?"
Unlike the eagerness of the adjutant, Lord Beckett looked a little calm.
He now seemed to understand a little bit why Port Royal would be occupied by a group of heretics who were supposed to be witches, and why the shrewd and capable Brigadier Norrington, who ruled over a thousand elite soldiers, would easily surrender.
It turns out that these enemies are fundamentally different from the ones they usually face. They... actually do witchcraft?
Besides being able to fly, they must also have other attack methods, right? So, what method should I use to resist?
Musket? Norrington’s soldiers also had more than a thousand muskets...
"Your Excellency, give the order!"
Seeing the enemy in the sky getting closer, the adjutant couldn't help urging loudly.
"What can we do with such an enemy?"
Lord Beckett ignored the adjutant Anthony, but turned around mutteringly, and continued to look up at the figure that was flying towards them, getting closer and closer.
It seems that the one wearing golden armor... is a woman? Witch?
Regarding witches, Lord Beckett said that he himself had seen a lot of witches, whether real witches or fake witches, didn't they just make themselves weird and then play some disgusting witchcraft?
Where is there such a witch who can fly in a full-body plate armor dressed in heroic weapons?
There must be something wrong with the intelligence, right?
"damn it!"
The adjutant Anthony couldn't help getting furious when he saw that his chief was messed up at this terrible moment.
This kind of aristocratic master who has not experienced too much hardship is not reliable! If you replace it with a general who was killed in a storm, no matter whether your enemy is a or a devil, flying in the sky or swimming in the water, it doesn’t matter whether you can win the fight or not. In this case, they will only play Command to fire, hit it first!
"Hurry up! Send out the Musketeers, line up! Target: Enemies in the sky! Tell them that they can fire freely!"
Seeing that the enemy had flown only tens of meters away from the outermost warship, the adjutant Anthony, who was unwilling to sit still waiting to be killed, could no longer take care of so much. He passed his commander Lord Beckett directly, and turned to the military order with a grim look The officer ordered.
"Huh? Yes!"
The messenger was stunned for a moment. First, he glanced at the lord who was the commander of the fleet. After seeing that the other party neither agreed nor opposed, he gave the order loudly.
After waiting for a long time, the captains of the outer warships who finally received the order began to act. In fact, even if there is no order, they plan to do so.
On their boat, a large group of musketeers began to rush to the deck. After simply arranging a formation on the deck, the musketeers in their hands raised their muzzles one after another and aimed at the enemy attacking from the sky.
Actually, they even wanted to bombard them directly.
It's just that the artillery on the battleship does not have such a large elevation angle, and the ones that can directly hit the enemy in the sky can only be anti-aircraft guns, definitely not gunpowder naval guns of this era.
No one dared to forcibly raise the firing angle of a naval gun. If they had to do that, they wouldn’t be able to defeat the enemy. Those gun barrels that were overturned by the huge recoil would have their own guns first. Little life!
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Finally, after the flying armored witches in the sky approached the effective distance, the outer warship musket team began shooting into the air under the orders of their respective officers.
Countless musket explosions sounded.
After a burst of gunpowder smoke from the shooting, the hot lead bullets blasted towards the enemy in the sky for the first time in this era!
Although the soldiers are also very afraid of such flying enemies that are beyond their comprehension, but in the minds of most of them, these flying enemies may have only acquired some special abilities. .
Now that they have so many muskets, in the case of close-range shooting, even if the opponent can fly, they will definitely be shot with countless holes of flesh and blood, and then they will be directly dropped?
"Ah! My hand is broken!"
"Help... they really do terrible witchcraft!"
With the firing of the musket, countless screams began to sound in the next instant.
It's just that these screams are not from the witches, but from the musketeers who just fired!
Those musketeers who shot the witches wearing silver and white armor are okay. Their bullets will only be deflected or bounced away; and those who don’t have long eyes directly aim at the soldiers who robbed the witches with golden or red armor. Unfortunately, the bullets they shot would be bounced back, directly piercing blood holes in their heads or limbs!
Countless blood or brain plasma began to burst and splash out, instantly dyeing a small piece of the deck or those beautiful white sails.
They will never know that there is a kind of magic, called a shield, that can absorb physical and magical damage, and the bullets that are bounced or deflected are proof!
And there is a more powerful magic shield, which is called a reflection shield. In addition to absorbing physical and magic damage, it can also bounce attacks to the enemy. Those who have fallen on the deck, or screamed, or have been directly The dead soldiers are the best example.
This reflective shield is an extra simple enchantment attached to the five-person witch bracelets of Charlotte and the others. In this low-magic world, it seems unusually useful.
"How can this be? How is this possible?!"
The adjutant Anthony, who had just issued an attack order on behalf of the other party, was now dumbfounded.
After their countless musketeers approached and fired, those enemies were intact? Some can even directly bounce the bullets shot out? How could this happen?
Oh, God……
What kind of incredible method is this? Are they all demons crawling out of hell?
After Charlotte saw the enemy start to attack, he gave a cold snort and gave orders loudly.
"Everyone spread out and surround them! Don't let any ship run away! Those who don't surrender or resist will be burned!"
Charlotte herself knew that the shield of their witch bracelet was time-limited.
Now, they must take advantage of the enemy's deterrence, and use thunder means to directly force the opponent down! Only after burning a batch of ships and letting the other party realize that they have the ability to easily destroy the entire fleet, the remaining ones will give up resistance and honestly surrender.
"Yes! High priest!"
The witches floating next to Charlotte responded, and then quickly dispersed.
Above the sea and sky, with their white silhouettes, they slowly formed a sparse connection, faintly enclosing the entire Caribbean fleet in battle.
The enemy's flagship, should it be that one?
Seeing the witches under his command, Charlotte began to fly directly towards the center of the enemy fleet.
In the center of these enemy fleets, there is the largest and tallest warship, and its decoration is also the most gorgeous!
Generally speaking, that warship should be the enemy's flagship, right?
Then, the highest commander of their fleet must be on top!
So, now Charlotte intends to directly surrender the head of the enemy, so as to achieve the goal of successfully capturing the entire fleet! She believes that she can do this easily.
"Who is the commander?"
Charlotte flew directly to the top of Lord Beckett's flagship Dedication, more than ten meters away, and asked sharply.
When she was about to say something to force the enemy to land, how could she think that she suddenly rushed over to a smaller battleship side by side. The sailors and soldiers on it dared to move towards her regardless of life and death. Shooting, even, there are some sailors playing with a smaller light gun on the deck.
They... are they planning to forcibly raise the muzzle, and directly fire at her?
"court death!!"
Charlotte screamed, it seemed that these enemies did not intend to surrender easily.
Okay, then you might as well give them some color and let them know what is irresistible!
A fireball began to slowly burst out on Charlotte’s left hand, which was not holding a sword, and slowly grew larger. She decided, and set an example to the opposing commander of the ship that dared to shoot at her, otherwise , The enemy’s flagship, I’m afraid it will continue to resist, right?
"Fire of Fracture!"
Charlotte slammed the fireball on her left hand at the warship that was still approaching her. Under her control, a fiery fireball slightly larger than a human head was directed towards the small warship. The deck screamed.
Soon, after almost a breathing time, this fireball with extremely high magical energy directly hit the gunpowder barrel next to the cannon that was erected and was about to bombard her.
boom! ! !
There was a violent mix of gunpowder being detonated and the fireball breaking apart.
After the gunpowder was ignited and exploded, all the sailors who were playing with the artillery were blown into a pile of fragments and flew out, and the magic fireball also exploded at the same time, countless flames, as if out of thin air, directly It drowned the entire battleship in flames.
Countless fire people screamed one after another, rushing out of the cabin one by one.
Fortunately, they can jump directly into the sea and let the sea water extinguish the flames on their bodies in time, but more, they fall on the deck one after another, and some fall into the cabin without even touching the cabin door. Inside, was swallowed by the ruthless flames!
After a while, more and more violent roars began to sound inside the small warship. Those explosions should be caused by the gunpowder barrels in the inventory being ignited.
boom! boom! boom! ! !
After a burst of explosions, black smoke billowed into the sky...
Those smashed gunpowder barrels directly blasted the wooden warships one after another huge gaps, and countless flaming wood chips were blown into the sky, and then landed one after another, just like a rain of flames. general.
boom! ! !
After immersing for a while, the battleship suddenly let out a huge roar.
That was the largest ammunition depot in the bottom of the battleship. It was finally detonated by the flames. Finally, the battleship was instantly broken into countless fragments, and at the same time it was broken into two dilapidated parts. The horror of countless people around. In his gaze, the heavy part began to sink slowly into the sea, and only a few burning planks and large fragments continued to float above the sea...
"Now! Tell your decision: surrender? Or death?!"
Amidst the smoke and flames formed by the burning and sinking battleship, Charlotte flew up to less than ten meters above the Ziya bridge and looked down at several officers-like people around the bridge below.
"Hurry up and tell your decision!"
Charlotte impatiently swung the flame sword in his right hand and pointed the tip of the sword at them.
Watching them retreat in fright by her actions, in a panic, behind her closed golden helmet, where others can't see, her mouth bends a proud arc.
However, Charlotte discovered that there is only one exception to the people below?
"You are their commander? Very good! Now, speak your decision!"
Charlotte took off her helmet directly with her left hand, hugged it in her arms, and pointed her sword at the opponent.
It was an officer with a slightly short stature. He was still tilting his head up, looking at herself blankly with eyes that had almost lost focus.
"God... is this an angel?"
Lord Beckett stared blankly at the witch in the sky wearing a golden armor and a golden cloak, floating out of thin air and looking down at him. Her youthful and beautiful cold face, exquisite and compact golden armor, reflected in the sunlight. , Against the backdrop of the fire and smoke, it was so beautiful, it seemed like a descended from the earth!
Do not……
This should be a war angel sent by the gods to the mortal world. This should be a possible existence in mythology, right?
Had she just destroyed a battleship, or if she had lost a pair of wings and made countless killings, he Beckett would have thought so?
"So... Did Norrington lose like that?"
At this moment, in Lord Beckett's heart, there was surprisingly no fear and no longer fear. Now, he only had peace and a trace of understanding, of course, there was still a little bit of inexplicable, inexplicable touch.
"Now! Your decision? Live? Or die?"
Charlotte is getting impatient, and she doesn't have much time to stalemate here with these people.
Therefore, after inserting the long sword back into the scabbard, she began to ignite a shattering fire on her right hand. She had decided that within ten breaths, if the other party did not reply, then destroy them!
"Anthony, go and raise the white flag..."
After sighing, Lord Beckett sideways said to his adjutant and closed his eyes helplessly.
They have tried their best. Facing this kind of invulnerability, flying and fireball witchcraft, and destroying a sailing warship at a time, they really have no courage and way to fight. Then, as the commander, he is left now. The only option to surrender is to order surrender.
As for the option of retreat, he never considered it, after all, their ship can't run away from those flying witches!
"Witch...Now that you have won, please give an order to stop your subordinates..."
Beckett had already seen that in the distance, on the periphery of the fleet, the witches under Charlotte had burned many warships.
Any warships that tried to retreat or resist have been burned by them into floating fire cabinets moving on the sea. Countless sailors and soldiers on fire, like dumplings, jumped into the sea to survive. Opportunity.
The screams, the explosion of the ship’s martyrdom, and the blazing flames and the billowing smoke that obscured the sky, have made Lord Beckett clearly realize that continuing to resist has become meaningless. The act of death.
This is really ironic...
They gathered the entire Caribbean fleet aggressively, and they also raised so many merchant ships to transport soldiers, but it turned out...
Was it already served by others before it had time to attack the port?
The entire Caribbean Fleet was ruined in his own hands in this weird way?
This change
It's too fast...
"Do you know? At the time, I thought I was going to die!"
After talking about his original experience in Port Royal, Captain Cyclops said with emotion.
"With so many warships preparing to bombard the port, I think that my ship, the Mary Pearl, must not be kept! So, I got into the captain's room and held the same ship. Shen is determined!
"At that time, I drank the last three bottles of fine rum that had been kept for a long time!"
In this crowded bar in Turtle Island, Captain Cyclops hiccuped his wine and took another sip from his glass.
The noisy surroundings made him a little uncomfortable, so he stopped talking and turned to look at the middle of the bar. After getting drunk, the drunks who were going crazy and fighting.
"Hurry up! Go ahead?"
Although Captain Bald could almost imagine the following things, he still urged.
Now, he is enjoying it!
The incredible Caribbean Fleet was wiped out by a group of witches, but there was nothing better than this.
"Yes! Keep talking, what happened then?"
Now is the most exciting time, and Captain Bearded also wants to know, what happened afterwards? It's best to be specific and let them know a little more.
"Uh... what happened later, I don't know!"
The hand of the Cyclops holding the wine glass froze in mid-air. At that time, he was drunk, and many of the following things were based on the crew of the Mary Pearl when they turned to tell him.
"do not know?!"
Captain Huo was so angry that he stood up, blowing his beard and staring, and wanted to go up and pinch.
In order to let the go on, he specially invited a guest back, but the wine was almost drunk. The said that there is no more information here?
"It seems that I have to consider whether or not to punch your other eye."
The bald French captain also stood up, clenching his fists.
Anyway, here at the Turtle Island Bar, it's normal to start a fight if you don't agree with each other. If something is undecided, it will be resolved by fist!
"Wait! Guys, wait a minute, listen to me!"
The one-eyed dragon hurriedly calmed the two of them. He didn't know what happened, but he saw the result. Isn't that about to say, what are they worried about?
"You may never imagine what an amazing scene I saw when I touched it out of the captain's room after hearing no shelling for a long time!"
After seeing the two of them being moved by their own words again and sitting down again, the Cyclops supported the round table with both hands, leaning in front of the two and whispering:
"I only saw the sky full of flames, and the thick smoke almost covered the entire sea! Countless battleships were burning, countless soldiers and sailors wailing on the water in the distance..."
"I estimate that about 20 warships were burned down! The others were all flying white flags! They surrendered collectively!"
After finally saying everything he knew, the Cyclops looked at the shock and puzzlement on the opponent's face, not to mention how proud it was.
Although this matter has nothing to do with him, no matter what, he was also one of the witnesses present at the time, which was enough for him to brag for a long time.
"Can a witch really do this?"
The two said in disbelief, they couldn't imagine, when did that kind of witch who only pretend to be so cruel?
"What did they use to burn down those battleships?"
The bald captain was still a little bit unable to understand, and waved his hand to burn a ship. Although the ship was made of wood, it was a bit weird!
That is more than forty warships in the entire fleet! Moreover, most of them are powerful first-tier and second-tier battleships! That was a real fleet, and those witches could actually defeat them and burn them and return them to prisoners?
"Of course it's witchcraft!"
"Witchcraft is impossible to achieve this level, right?"
The two still refused to believe that so-called witchcraft could do this, which had subverted their common sense.
"Hmph! They are not ordinary witches. I saw them at the time. They were flying in the sky in the battle zone far away!"
The one-eyed dragon flaunted and looked at the two of them. He liked seeing the other person when they were shocked by his own words.
"They can still fly?!"
The two seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.
"Eh? Didn't I tell you just now that they can fly?"
The Cyclops is a little puzzled, he remembers, what he said just now, right? Or is he forgot to talk about this stall?
"Of course not! You said that you got into the boat, and it's the end when you come out!"
The two people answered angrily, this one-eyed dragon, can't tell the story seriously? There was no match, and they were itching to hear.
"Oh, well, now you already know."
Cyclops reached out and copied the last bottle of rum on the table into his hand. He didn't use the cup anymore. After unscrewing the cork, he raised his head and poured it into the bottle.
"By the way, in the end, did you make money in Port Royal?"
After listening to the excitement, they could probably sort out what happened.
So, now the two of them began to inquire about what they were most concerned about. Since the cyclops intended to go to Port Royal for transportation, did he make any money? Are there any business opportunities in Port Royal? This is what they care about most.
As for whether Port Royal is in charge of the witches or the British, they will not care about these messy things! In their opinion, as long as there are gold coins to earn, even if the devil stays in Port Royal, they dare to go!
"Oh! Money? Of course! Listen, what is this?"
After the one-eyed dragon looked around mysteriously, he turned to the two of them, freed a hand, and lightly patted a heavy pocket of his jacket.
As he slapped, in which pocket, there began to make a seductive crash, that was... the sound of a large number of gold coins colliding? !
Hearing this sound, the two captains, the Bald Guy and the chin-hued captain, looked at each other, and each took a breath.
"How much did you earn?"
The two leaned over again, lowered their voices as much as possible, and began to ask in a low voice.
"Probably... there is this number!"
The one-eyed dragon triumphantly stretched out a slap towards the two opposite people.
This is the most he has made this year!
The reason why he is here now is that he intends to continue to purchase some low-cost mission items on Turtle Island, such as dirt and the like, and then use the price difference to earn a few times!
As long as everything goes well, in the near future, the large farms he dreamed of, or the new ships and nobles, would no longer be a fantasy!
His small days have really become more and more vigorous and vigorous!
Seeing the slap stretched out by the Cyclops, the two of them were so startled that their eyes fell out.
Especially for the beard, he ran to East India desperately, back and forth for a few months, taking huge risks, and not making as much as this cyclops in the past ten days?
So, can he not jealous?
As for the bald French captain?
He even sailed to the sea and squatted, ready to kill the cyclops to the opponent's gold coins! This is Caibo moving people!
"Look at you for asking me to drink, I will give you another piece of good news for free!"
Maybe Cyclops saw something bad in the eyes of the two of them, maybe he wanted to show off his news, or maybe he was already drinking too much?
Therefore, he decided to give another message for free.
Anyway, it is estimated that this news will not be kept for long, so it is better to sell personal favors. Moreover, he believes that in less than ten days and a half, the entire Caribbean Sea and the New World will know everything, right?
"What good news?"
Hearing that there was still good news, the two of them temporarily put aside their silly thoughts, and carefully leaned forward.
"Port Royal is still continuing to issue rewards, and they are still buying a lot of various materials, especially building materials! Moreover, they are still buying at a high price!"
This news is indeed true, but Cyclops does not want to do this kind of business.
After all, the building materials are very heavy, and his Mary Pearl can’t hold too many things. How much can the witches make even if they pay a high price? Where can he earn more from this task now? Therefore, he kindly revealed the news.
"you sure?"
"Fake? What do they want building materials for?"
The bearded and bald guys were a little unbelieving. According to what they heard, the Caribbean Fleet surrendered before it had time to bomb Port Royal?
So, how can the intact Port Royal acquire building materials?
Don't wait for them to buy a lot of materials, but if the other party refuses to accept it, isn't it a big loss? A lot of money is not such a waste!
"I dare to promise in the name of God! Because they are said to be building a new palace!"
Hearing that the two of them didn't believe in themselves, the Captain Cyclops quickly swore.
"Come on, you heretics! Don't think we don't know what you believe!"
The two shook their heads at him disdainfully, their faces full of contempt.
Although they did not believe in his character, the two felt that the other party's news should be correct.
Forgive this one-eyed dragon without the guts to deceive them both!
If that's the case, maybe they can take a trip to Port Royal? Moreover, the sooner the matter is, the better! The best thing is to make a fortune in the past before others react!
"Ah... that... I suddenly remembered something, so I'm leaving now!"
Captain Huo stood up abruptly, patted the table, put on his captain's hat, and then led some of his men out of the door of the bar.
"I remember too! There seems to be a hole in my boat? I'll see how they repaired it!"
The captain bald also recovered and quickly stood up. After rushing to the Cyclops, he also greeted the men who were drinking on the other side, and a group of people left like this.
"Humph! These two bastards!"
Cyclops thought with his ass, knowing what they two were doing!
After knowing the news, I left Hong Kong overnight and hurried to Port Royal!
However, now he is not in a hurry. Because his ship still needs to purchase low-priced materials and other goods here in Turtle Island, he can't set sail before the collision is completed.
You know, the materials he is purchasing are all urgently needed goods in Port Royal!
As long as it is filled with his Mary Pearl, it must be another big deal! In the entire Caribbean, only Turtle Island has the cheapest goods! After all, they are all stolen goods...
Hehe, he is a law-abiding captain, how could he buy stolen goods?
At this time, after obtaining the diary contributed by Barbosa, Little Annie finally came to her destination.
It was an unfamiliar and remote sea area. It was daytime. Not far away, they even saw a small reef-like island, which seemed to reflect some strange light.
"My lord witch, are you sure that Poseidon's trident is under the seabed here?"
The Intrepid, full of gold and silver jewels, and two other Spanish warships stopped directly in this remote sea this time.
After learning that this was the magical burial place left by the sea Poseidon, Barbossa was so shocked that his eyes came out. You know, here and this sea area, they have passed through several times before, how could he think that under the seabed here, there are hidden treasures that these pirates dream of?
This is the artifact of Poseidon, the sea god...With it, can you have the power to rule the entire ocean?
"Master Witch, how about... I'll go down and see for you? Let me explore the way for you? Don't worry, my water level is very good!"
Not knowing what horrible idea came to mind, Jack Sparrow leaned in again.
Although he said that he wanted to go down to find the way first, but what idea he was making in his heart, I am afraid that only he himself would know.
"Huh! I don't need you, I have asked Selena and their mermaids to find them."
Little Annie cast a disdainful look at the evil pirate, and she sat on the guardrail beside the ship, waiting for her group of mermaids to return.
As soon as Little Annie had finished speaking, a wave of spray appeared under the ship's edge, and the upper body of a stunning mermaid suddenly protruded out of the sea.
"Master, we have found the artifact you are looking for, but... there is an invisible shield around it, and we can't get close to it."
The mermaid that popped up suddenly was Selena.
Just now, when the three ships of the fleet stopped and anchored here, they were ordered and dispersed in the first place, in charge of searching for an artifact called the trident on the bottom of the sea.
For the mermaids who are originally marine creatures, this kind of diving into the seabed to search for an item is not too difficult for them to exist. What's more, they still have a large group of people!
So, not long after, they soon found a special scepter inserted on a huge boulder on the seabed not far away. They wanted to come, that was the trident of the sea Poseidon that their new owner was looking for. Right?
It's a pity that they can't get near there, so she had to report back with anxiety, hoping that their new owner would not blame them.
Huh? It seems that it might be a good thing!
"You lead the way now, I will go down and take a look!"
After hearing Selena said that the Trident even had its own shield and prevented them from approaching, Little Annie finally became interested.
This kind of thing that has self-protection function will automatically protect and reject other people's approach, even if it is not a magical tool, it is not too bad to want to come, right?
So, Little Annie decided that she would go down in person and...take it away!
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