Chapter 191: Encountered the Flying Dutchman (4)

After David Jones’s monsters and their flying Dutchman had a fuss in the middle of the night, most of the people lost their sleep. Finally, when there was a ray of morning light on the edge of the sky, the sailors simply did. They stopped sleeping, one by one, they returned to their posts and started to get busy.
The cooks went down to the galley cabin below to prepare the breakfast for the entire boat. The others who scrubbed the deck and reinforced the cables also started to do their jobs ahead of time.
And after seeing the actions of the Intrepid in front, the sailors on the two Spanish battleships in the back also began to curse and talk about the tattered monster ship, while they also started to work in advance.
The sailing life on the sea is so colorful. Maybe it’s encountering vicious pirates, or encountering the greedy privateers of other countries, or encountering a huge storm that suddenly blows. The crew has already got used to.
And now, I just met a flying Dutchman full of monsters. After they were shocked and curious, we didn't care too much. Anyway, the other party has been beaten away by a powerful witch, maybe , After they go ashore, will they use this to brag about drinking with others?
"Master? Why didn't you burn all those monsters last night? They look so disgusting and evil, they must be nothing good!"
The twins’ sister Christina asked in a puzzled way after bringing Annie a breakfast.
When she came in, she saw that her sister Cecilina had just taken out the water after Anne's washing, walked to the side of the boat and splashed it directly into the sea.
The crew members who were busy on the deck also saw Cecilia's behavior of wasting fresh water, but they didn't dare to say anything more, and they continued to do their own things.
Generally speaking, in this era, the crew sailing on the sea never wash.
Because fresh water is extremely precious on the sea in this era!
You never know, what kind of dilemma or unexpected situation you will face at sea? Therefore, conserving fresh water is a good habit that all crew members have long formed, whether they are navies of various countries, ordinary merchant ships, or even those pirates who are innocent, they all have good sea water habits.
Sometimes, even if it is stinking fresh water or sewage that has drowned rats, they all want to drink it!
As for the use of fresh water for washing, when they were on the boat, they couldn't even think of it!
So, you can imagine the sour and refreshing taste of the crew members who have been on the sea for a long time?
In Xiao Anni's original words: it smells like a dead salted fish that has been dried in the air, smelly and fishy!
Actually, at the beginning, the sailors on the Intrepid was abhorrent for wasting fresh water to the three Anne masters and servants, and even using them for washing and bathing every day!
After all, the total amount of fresh water stored on the ship is limited, and the daily consumption of the three of them is at least the amount that the crew of the entire ship can drink.
This is fresh water, the source of life when sailing at sea!
Moreover, when ships are sailing on the boundless sea, you never know when the next time they will dock for resupply, so they may become life-saving things when they are uncertain!
Among the various rumors they heard, the incidents of people who died of thirst at sea did not happen once or twice. All those who sail on the sea understand what fresh water means to them!
But now, they are wasted like this for nothing?
So, finally, one day, under the agitation of the crew, Brigadier Norrington, Captain Jane, had to mention this to the three masters and servants of Little Annie, hoping that they could converge a little.
However, afterwards, Xiao Anni's actions made them startled!
They still remember that at that time, after hearing their complaints, Little Annie didn't try to explain anything. She just stepped forward, waved her hand, and condensed a huge water ball on the top of the Intrepid with water making technique. The freshwater waterfall that came down directly washed the crew members who were protesting on the deck into chickens...
That freshwater waterfall, just above the deck, scoured the protesting crew continuously for a minute or two, and almost drowned the Intrepid!
For a qualified mage, it's not too simple to make water and rub bread!
Especially on the sea, in such an environment with extremely rich water vapor, Little Annie only needs a little magic power to have as much fresh water as she wants!
Since then, Xiao Anni has also said: Whoever dares to speak up, if she says she wastes fresh water, she will definitely create a few tons of fresh water and drown them directly!
After that day, none of the sailors on the Intrepid would dare to talk about the water usage of the three masters and servants.
This little witch who knows spells, they can't afford to provoke them. People who know spells are so capricious! Moreover, it can justly make you speechless and give you no reason to refute!
Thus, since then, no crew member has dared to complain about the witch's waste of fresh water.
"They all look so spicy, so ugly, look pitiful, why burn them?"
Annie frowned and pushed aside the dinner plate on the table in disgust.
This is salted fish and hard bread. She has had enough for a long time, so she will not eat these things!
Annie thought for a while, she felt that she should secretly take out a hamburger from the space to eat while the twin sisters of Cecilia and Christina were away.
This is not that Annie is stingy and refuses to feed them, but that there are not too many burgers left in her inventory, and she must save until she reaches the next world where she can supplement food.
Even if she stocks these items, when she was in New York at that time, she bought too many times and put them away when she couldn't finish them, so she couldn't give them anymore. Fortunately, these things will not deteriorate in the pocket space, otherwise, Annie would not have to eat it herself!
"But... they even said they would eat us, it must be evil!"
Kristina still felt that it was a pity that Master Anne didn't burn the monsters! Such evil-looking creatures shouldn't be allowed to go away casually last night.
"Aren't they still eating it?"
The ones that said they were going to eat her had already been burned by Annie, and the others, since they didn't utter any wild words, and the attitude of apologizing was barely reluctant, so let them go.
Besides, it's useful for Little Annie to keep them. She wants to see if they are bullied by herself, will they release monsters to retaliate?
In her opinion, surely it will? For example, if she can't fight, or if she doesn't fight well, she will definitely release Tibbles the bear to help!
"Alright, Lina!"
Cecilia quickly interrupted her sister's complaint, stepped forward and took her hand.
"Don't disturb the master's meal time here, let's go out to practice the spells and get a good proficiency."
During this period of time, Annie has taught the two sisters some spells or some practical spellcasting skills from time to time when she is idle and idle.
The two sisters now, in terms of their true strength, are probably only under Charlotte, right? What they lack now is only in the accumulation of magic power and the proficient use of spells.
Christina did not dare to hold on to her sister, and soon walked out of the captain's room and closed the door.
After seeing the two finally walked out and closed the door, Xiao Annie was relieved.
So she immediately jumped off the chair, picked up the dinner plate and rubbed a few steps, went straight to the window, and threw all the bread slices and salted fish on it into the sea.
Then she walked back to the table again, took out a hamburger from her space pocket and ate it beautifully.
Seeing how skillful her movements are, it seems that she has never done this once or twice!
Suddenly, the door of the captain's room was slammed open from the outside, making Little Annie almost choked.
"Master Anne! The big thing is not good! There is a sea monster, that sea monster, it is coming soon!"
Fortunately, it was Jack Sparrow who came in, not the twin sisters who would ask themselves for things.
Little Annie, who was enjoying the food, saw that the person coming in was the Uncle Sparrow, she continued to eat her own delicious food calmly.
Now she doesn't want to see a big sea monster, the most important thing is to eat a full stomach!
So, after stubbornly responding to the other party, she continued to slowly grab the remaining half of the burger and gnaw.
"Let's talk! What kind of sea monster this time? Don't it be the octopus face again? He is not big at all!"
Annie glanced at Jack Sparrow dissatisfiedly, frowned, drank the salty bowl of fish soup on the dinner plate, and asked with a breath.
She doesn't believe in the lies of any huge sea monsters anymore. Those last night were just cursed monsters from a ship.
and many more!
It seems...Is there really a sea monster?
"Master Witch! It's really a big sea monster! Big octopus, just as big as a few ships!"
Jack Sparrow couldn't help screaming loudly as he watched Annie unhurriedly.
"Huh? Are there really sea monsters?!"
When Little Annie ate just now, she didn't turn on her perception. Isn't there Tibbers anyway?
And now after paying attention, she finally discovered the existence of the other party in her mental perception.
A Spanish battleship dragged at the back of the Intrepid was actually being embraced by a huge octopus monster?
Sure enough, it's a sea monster...
"What a big big octopus... It looks so delicious!"
Annie followed Jack Sparrow out of the captain's room and came to the bridge at the stern, looking at the warship behind that was struggling with gunfire under the raging sea monsters!
Octopus, or takoyaki or something, Little Annie has eaten a lot!
It's just that she has never eaten such a big octopus, but she doesn't know, how good is it? Would it be troublesome to cook such a big one?
Second, at this update rate, the Caribbean Roll will end in a few days.
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