Chapter 211: Base chores (2)

When Xiao Anni and Galen were quarreling and finally arrived in front of their destination square, in front of the gate of this huge fortress-like heavy factory, a line was neatly lined up. Heavy siege tank.
When seeing these red-painted, six sets, three pairs of huge high-belly road wheels, and two huge and mighty metal machines with ferocious barrels, Little Annie’s eyes instantly It lights up.
She was born to like this kind of big, hideous, powerful and terrifying war machine!
Sure enough, it seems that they are exactly the same as the game that Hope was set up for the selection and training of recruits a while ago, and the tank in the holographic simulation platform!
I just don't know, when they are actually opened, what is the difference between them and those in the game? Is it very interesting?
"Wow... What a beautiful row of tanks!"
There are a total of ten huge and hideous metal weapons, they are arranged in a neat row like this, it seems that they are very intimidating.
Annie felt that she suddenly wanted one now...
Then, Xiao Anni thought for a while, and immediately ran to one of the tanks with the number 01.
At this time, she discovered that this tank was indeed exactly the same as the one in the holographic simulation. The six sets of road wheels alone were much taller than her height!
Hmm, not bad!
It's really a nice big guy. Little Annie feels that something like this fits her own aesthetics!
After feeling for a while, Annie first looked around the tank carefully, and after touching it enviously, the big eyes behind her ghost helmet mask immediately began to turn around. I don't know, what the is she thinking again?
Then, she supported the track wheels of the tank, and after borrowing the force, she suddenly jumped onto the huge 80mm double-barreled turret of the first tank.
"You all listen to me, and I declare: From now on, this No. 01 tank belongs to me, and no one is allowed to rob me!"
Because, Xiao Anni suddenly discovered that in the heavy factory, among this large group of people, she should be the biggest official?
She is a major officer, and all of them, except for a second lieutenant, Galen, are all recruits, private sergeants, or technical officers of the internal service department?
Looking at it this way, it seems that she has the final say here, right?
Therefore, after standing pretty on the huge turret of the tank, the little ghost Annie, who was wearing red and white tight armor, completely ignored the mood of the crew members who were waiting for the tank to be assigned. She just waved herself. Fist, and announced his orders loudly in the public channel.
She has already decided: this tank, from now on, will be the exclusive private car of her ghost. It's useless to persuade anyone. If you dare not give it, then she will grab it!
It doesn't count if you it, she will beat anyone who dares to talk more!
"That's our tank! Fuck..."
After hearing that the No. 01 tank just assigned by their own trio of Eagles had been forcibly occupied by a little girl, Nolan, the team leader and tank captain, immediately became a little uneasy.
Where is this kid from? Dare to come to his place to make trouble?
Originally, Nolan wanted to directly reprimand and scolded a few words, but when he saw the rank of major on the chest of Little Annie's armor, he was so shocked that he did not dare to say Tell me the cruel words.
This little girl in strange armor, she turned out to be a major officer? How can this be?
and many more!
This seems to be... a ghost suit? Still a major? A little girl? So, is she the little alien girl who was rumored to have burned the huge monster with a fire? Is the ghost agent who is rumored to be very powerful?
"That... Chief Reporter? This tank No. 01 has just been assigned to our Eagle Team... Or, would you choose another one?"
At this time, Nolan finally knew the true identity of the other party, so, after holding back the cruel words about to speak, he hurriedly persuaded the other party in a cheerful manner.
"Huh? The Eagle Team? It seems familiar..."
After hearing what the other party said, Xiao Anni frowned and thought about it. It seems, where did she hear the name?
But for a while, she couldn't remember it again.
(My little Annie, they should be the second-ranked tank squad that you beaten up on Hope’s simulation game platform! The little bear Tibbers who is being pinned by Annie in his belt , I quickly reminded my master.)
correct! Is it the team that you saw on the Nozomi online simulation game platform?
"Aha! I remember!"
After being prompted by her little bear, Little Annie finally remembered why the name of the eagle group in front of her was so familiar.
"It turns out that you are the team of the Eagles? In my opinion, it is almost the same as the stupid eagle! You are so good, and I have been destroyed 86 times! You still have the face to follow me Grab the tank to play? Go away, go away! Now, I have already announced: it belongs to me!"
After remembering the origin of the other party, Xiao Annie laughed out proudly, pointed to the number 01 tank at her feet, and solemnly announced again.
It turns out that recently, in order to enhance the combat capabilities of the soldiers and to fight against the bugs and monsters that may appear at any time in this dangerous star field, after the captain’s deliberate and intellectual arrangements, they were In the entire Hope’s network, the military’s simulated countermeasures equipment was combined with those dormant warehouses with as many as one person. Soon, Sugon Brain developed a holographic battle game that could be used by all Hope members. A game platform based on simulation training is built for it!
After the game was successfully developed and put into use, Captain Leona personally named it: StarCraft!
This game was developed based on the military's holographic simulation training system and was forcibly promoted on the Nozomi by the captain and members of the council.
To this end, they also specifically legislate: All the adult citizens of the No. Hope or the minor citizens who have reached a certain age must spend at least one hour each day to engage in confrontations between different services, or to fight against each other. All kinds of dangerous alien bugs engage in cruel battles!
Then, the Dawn Brain of Hope will score based on each person's score in each game.
These scores are very important to the citizens of Nozomi, because they can also be linked to additional benefits! People with high points will receive additional subsidies for food, clothing, housing and transportation, while those with too low points will only get the standard supply of Hope.
Moreover, this game is very free! Citizens on the Hope, they can choose various positions and positions in the game, or the equipment of arms for confrontation or simulation training.
From the most basic Marine Corps members to the most advanced heavy battlecruisers, as long as they can form a team and make up enough posts, anyone can drive the battlecruiser out for a walk, and fight Various enemy forces or bugs in the game are engaged in real holographic simulation battles!
The ultimate goal of Captain Leona and members of the Council of the Nozomi is to maximize the war potential on the Nozomi and select the most suitable positions from the more than 100,000 refugees on the Nozomi. The members, and those ratings are the key to whether they are competent for a certain position!
Once the weapons and equipment are manufactured by bases on the ground or on the asteroid belt, they can directly recruit them from the game, from among the citizens who have the best performance and are most familiar with weapons and equipment!
In doing so, it can not only maximize the combat effectiveness of the army, but also save them a lot of training time and training consumption, so that mankind can successfully fight against alien bugs, provide a steady stream of high-quality soldiers, and let every Hope Citizens can choose a position that suits them best. It can be said to serve multiple purposes.
Therefore, once this holographic gaming platform was launched, it won unanimous praise from all members of Hope!
This is one of the measures that Captain Leona of Hope came up with to allow humans to survive in battle in this dangerous and terrifying star field.
And this eagle team was originally the StarCraft game developed by Hope, among all the tank teams registered, the best score!
Otherwise, they would not appear in the ground base now.
It's a pity that since Little Annie discovered this game two days ago and appeared in it frequently, the glory of their first place in the chariot team was quickly stepped on by the opponent!
Even their Eagles team tried to challenge each other many times, but the result was always so miserable. They were destroyed by the opponent as many as 86 times!
Then, they could only lay aggrieved on the position of the second in the battle team...
"Eighty-six times... are you... you are the red devil?!"
Nolan was surprised, even he didn't expect to encounter the scary red devil in the game here?
He will never forget: In the game, the tank with the red flame painting has destroyed his team's tank 86 times in various confrontations!
Whether it is in a one-on-one single match, a big army confrontation, or a melee mode of hundreds of tanks, their eagle team has never won even once in the hands of the Red Devil!
Every time, they were beaten up by the opponent without any temper!
Now, after knowing that the Red Devil was an active-duty major officer of the Nozomi, he felt a little bit of comfort.
After all, the other party is a powerful ghost agent, and it is excusable that people like yourself cannot beat the other party?
"Well, if it is you, then I have nothing to say. This tank. It is not impossible to let you... But, can you show me the other members of your tank team?"
In any case, Nolan expressed his sufficient respect for the opponents who have defeated him 86 times.
Therefore, when he agreed to surrender this tank, he also wanted to see what this rumored invincible and invincible Red Devil chariot team looked like?
It would be even better if the other three could come and take a photo with their group!
At that time, Nolan went to the game forum to brag: their own Eagle team is actually not the second in ten thousand years old. The reason why they can't beat the Red Devil is simply because the opponent is a group of active soldiers, so ah, Should their eagle be number one in theory?
"You want to see other people? What other people?"
Little Annie was stunned by what the other person said. She didn't understand this strange uncle, what did he mean?
How could she not understand what he said? Who is he going to see?
(Master, he is asking you, where are the other people in your tank team? He may not know that you are driving the tank alone...-soon, Tibbles the bear at Annie's waist , So he had no choice but to give a hint to the little owner of the trapped circle.)
"Oh! So you're asking about this... But, I don't have any other members! I have always driven tanks by myself, no other people!"
After being reminded by her own little bear again, Annie suddenly realized.
Actually, at the beginning of the game, Xiao Anni also tried other people in the group to operate the tank together, but unfortunately, in the end, Xiao Anni either disliked them for being too stupid, or that they were too ugly, and Or, dislike them for inaccurate play?
So, in the end, she just kicked all the stupid guys who were in the way out of her game team. From then on, she embarked on the road of no return to her solo tank...
"A person driving the tank? Just you... alone?!"
Now, it was Nolan's turn to be stunned again.
He thinks this is unlikely, right? He simply wanted to wonder, did he hear something wrong just now?
Drive the tank alone? How can there be such a thing?
You know, in this heavy arc light siege tank, there are three necessary positions!
One of them, the most important tank commander, is responsible for driving tanks and issuing various orders; the second is the gunner, who is specifically responsible for aiming and firing; and the third is indispensable. The information officer, he is responsible for keeping an eye on the radar, maintaining communication with friendly forces and searching for the enemy, and in the shortest possible time, transmitting the enemy’s various position and movement data to the gunner’s shooting system so that the gunner can find the enemy and proceed Accurate shelling.
"Then how did you beat us eighty-six times alone? It's impossible, isn't it?"
This is totally impossible!
This is very unreasonable!
Therefore, the short Nolan can't imagine how the other party can accomplish so much work alone? This must be bragging?
Or is she actually not the Red Devil she was talking about? The Red Devil is someone else?
"Huh? Isn't it possible to be alone? When I drove the tank, I was alone..."
Annie thought about her situation at the time. Although, it was a little rushed to drive by herself, but it is indeed possible.
If she drove it alone, she would be better than the dumb guys in the group!
"Anyway, I was driving while searching for the enemy. After seeing the radar display, I just changed the position and fired. It's actually quite simple!"
In the past two days, this is indeed how Annie came here.
When she played tank battle, let alone how enjoyable it was!
While driving the tank hurricaneously, while firing violently while traveling at high speed, every time, after a loud bang, the enemy tank will be beaten to death?
"Then... how did you aim? If you are alone, it will take a long time to locate the enemy's information, right?"
This is exactly where Nolan was puzzled.
Every time they encountered the Red Devil, both sides found each other from the radar at the same time. After all, they were both the same tank and the radar search range was the same.
Therefore, once they find the enemy, they will definitely be discovered by the enemy at the same time!
However, every time at this time, Nolan and their Eagles team found out: the other party can always fire a shot in a second or two faster than their own team each time?
When they had just finished inputting the data and preparing to launch, the other side's shells had accurately hit their tanks. And this reaction time of one or two seconds is their death time!
Even if they did not shoot many times, but tried high-speed maneuvers first to try to evade first, it would be useless to attack them later?
"Why aim? After seeing the enemy, can you just fire it directly based on your feeling?"
Little Annie frowned and thought for a while, she seemed, but she had never used that assisted aiming shooting system, right?
Anyway, the trajectory of the shell and the resistance of the air are fixed and can be calculated! After seeing the enemy, directly aim with the line of sight, then look at the radar or the estimated distance in your own head, and then just shoot directly. Is it troublesome to lock the enemy and input the artillery data?
"This shooting?!"
Well, if this is the case, this major ghost, this little girl, she seems to have been shooting straight with the naked eye?
Then... the most important thing is: the three of them, the three really cooperating tank teams, the Eagle team he has always been proud of, can't even beat a little girl who drives a tank alone?
This is a joke, right?
Nolan suddenly felt that he had been cured for many years of heart disease, with a vague sign of suddenness? I just don’t know, who has a quick-acting heart-saving pill here on the ground base?
Where are the medical soldiers? He, Nolan, now, urgently needs the support of medical soldiers, this matter, as soon as possible!
"I'm sorry, Major! We have pre-allocated these tanks! Moreover, ten tank teams are also ready. We currently have no extra tanks to provide you."
At this moment, the logistics technical officer who had been standing aside, holding a small terminal device and responsible for allocating and coordinating tanks finally spoke.
Today, the ten tanks that have just left the production line are vital to the ground base of Nozomi!
Moreover, ten tank teams have been recruited and are ready to be on the sidelines. In addition, Commander Doug has a close eye on this matter. As the logistical technical manager of allocating weapons and equipment, he doesn’t want this because Out of trouble, he was reprimanded by his boss and base commander.
Losing heavy weapons and equipment or assigning them randomly is a very serious crime!
"I don't care! Today, I just want to drive this car!"
Hearing that someone is guilty and fat, dare you to allocate tanks to yourself? Little Annie quickly turned her head and glared at the technical officer.
The eagle team has already acknowledged it, so he dare to come and grind with himself? Then, Little Annie looked at the rank sign pinned on the opponent's chest.
what! A sergeant of a small logistics unit, he even dared to come and work with her as a major?
Little Annie decided: If she gets the chance, she must find an excuse to close his small dark room and shut it down for a full week!
"Or, can you wait for tomorrow? If I remember correctly, at the latest tomorrow afternoon, our new batch of tanks will be off the assembly line. At that time..."
Seeing this little girl, Major Phantom, seemed a little reluctant, this technical officer was also a little bit troubled.
Then, he thought about it embarrassingly, and made a reliable suggestion.
Anyway, there will be a batch of tanks in the heavy factory tomorrow. At that time, if the ghost agent wants one, he can give her a report and try it? The final success or failure depends on the opinion of Commander Doug at the base command center.
Anyway, today, he will never make concessions. It is his duty to allocate heavy equipment, and there is no room for the slightest mistake!
"I want this one!!"
The ten dragons couldn't pull back what little Annie had spotted!
She just admits death like that!
When she herself is in the mood, if she wants something, she must find ways to get it! If you don't give it... Then she... Then grab it!
Throwing the big fireball over the basin, I asked if you were afraid?
Anyway, no one can care about her now!
Mother Amoryn is not in this plane, so she doesn't seem to need to be afraid of being caught by her mother when doing bad things and then being spanked?
"Forget it, Little Annie, come get another one tomorrow?"
Captain Galen, who had been watching the scene for a while, finally spoke.
He felt that it seemed that Xiao Annie could no longer be allowed to mess around like this unreasonably? Anyway, the technical officer has already said that today's tanks are all allocated, and there may be tomorrow, so wait for tomorrow?
"you shut up!"
Little Annie glared at Galen, then turned around, looking at the sergeant who was at a loss and asked.
"Just tell me, will you give it or not?"
As long as the other party dared to say nothing, Little Annie immediately went forward and grabbed the terminal device in his hand.
She is very clear: As long as she has seized the equipment and assigned the authority of the No. 1 tank to her name, the tank will be hers and no one can take it away!
Looking at the menacing Major Ghost, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com technical officer is a bit uncomfortable.
He has no other way to make trouble with this unreasonable little girl. People rely on the high rank to suppress themselves. What can he do?
Maybe he should contact his boss now? Ask, how should this matter be handled?
"Hello? Lieutenant Galen? Now, I see you staying at the heavy factory. A group of people are still clamoring. What happened?"
Finally, when Little Annie and the logistics technical officer in charge of allocating the tanks were in a stalemate, the voice of Commander Doug in the base command center came from Galen's channel.
Originally, Doug still had important things to report to Captain Leona on the Hope, but when she saw the holographic map of the base, more and more people were gathering towards the heavy factory. After someone was still arguing over there, she immediately contacted Captain Galen who was present.
"Huh? Your Excellency Commander! Okay, things here are actually like this..."
Afterwards, Galen began to hurriedly reported to Doug the reason for the dispute here: Little Annie planned to forcefully ask for a heavy tank that had just left the production line?
Hearing Galen's report, Doug, the commander-in-chief of the base, was also a little bit dumbfounded.
A ghost agent, how tall is a profession, can she go and grab a tank with a group of tank soldiers?
Besides, the ghost agent driving the tank? It's not very reliable to think about it? Her ghost equipment is much more expensive than a tank!
Then, Doug began to read Annie's current situation.
The update is coming, the exemption is in the process, a little bit lazy, six thousand six hundred and sixty-six words
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