Chapter 212: Interstellar Edition Chicken Eating Contest (1)

After Doug from the base command center finally dealt with the disputes caused by the distribution of tanks at the heavy factory, the communication request of the Captain Hope arrived on time.
"Doug, recently, how is the progress of the second phase development goal of the ground base?"
Now, it's time for the weekly report.
Captain Leona on the Hope, connected to the ground command center on JNO.3 on time, and started a routine weekly holographic video call with the commander's Doug.
When Doug’s 3D holographic image appeared in front of her, Leona smiled and nodded towards the other person. Then, while casually asking questions, she began to look down at the panel in front of her. She now needs to deal with some at the same time. important things.
On the other side of this planetary system, on taking out the asteroid belt, Nozomi’s second command center has already been developed.
Unlike JNO.3, you need to fight bugs while the poor people develop and collect minerals. The difference is that the No. 2 base on the asteroid belt only needs to hold back all kinds of metal resources and start building various large and small Little Star Harbor.
So far, the No. 2 base has successfully built two small interstellar ports. After feeding back the energy from the No. 1 base on the planet ground, it is now conducting trial production of those small Wraith fighters and a large number of assembly line production armored transport ships.
After all, on the human side of their Hope, whether it is the crystals and gas collected from the ground to space transportation, or the transportation of people and various refined metals from space to the ground, they need a large number of transport planes to act as freight.
As for building a larger and more advanced Starport, which is used to produce heavy battlecruisers, it has only just begun to enter the planning and construction list. It is estimated that it will take at least a month of accumulation. The second base can be used. Get it out and officially enter the production stage?
"Report to the captain, at present, everything is normal on the ground base!"
After Doug had a military salute, he reported loudly with a serious expression.
"Today, we have trial-produced the first batch of ten heavy arc siege tanks. They are equipped with standard 80 mm plasma guns and 120 mm arc jars in siege mode, which can be used for land warfare. The team members provide powerful long-range firepower support! If there is the huge monster bug before, we don’t need the help of ghost agents. We can now destroy it with our own firepower!"
Thinking of the heavy casualties that the huge monster bug caused to the Marines that day, Doug felt heartache for a while.
Although, now their ground base on the planet has received more military and personnel support from the Nozomi, but those warriors who sacrificed to protect the base will never survive...
"That's great, now, do you have any difficulties on the ground?"
After hearing the words, Captain Leona nodded, and said nothing.
As for the current development status of the ground base, she herself actually knows better. After all, on the orbit of the planet JNO.3, so many satellites are working uninterrupted at full power.
Through the recent monitoring, the staff of their Hope and Dawn Brain were surprised to find after analysis: On the surface of this planet, it seems that no traces of bugs or monsters have been found?
It's just that under the bottom of this planet's yellowish-brown acidic liquid ocean, their military reconnaissance satellites found many entrances similar to underground caves, and from inside the caves, they detected the strong life fluctuations of those insects.
Now, the scientific team on the Hope and Zhibrain Shuguang are working hard to solve the problem, intending to use the outer shell of the zerg to develop a new type of corrosion-resistant and high-pressure-resistant special metal alloy, and then use this to make an unmanned detector to go deep into the ocean. During, investigating the specific conditions in those caves.
Especially in the submarine river not far from the ground base, in a place not too far from the base, there is also a huge cave entrance. The new type of military satellite of Hope can also detect bugs from it from time to time. Signs of life.
This shows that the bugs that attacked their ground base came from here! Moreover, the bugs inside must have never given up on the humans who invaded their homes?
"Report to the captain, our ground base is still in urgent need of various metal resources! The more the better!"
Hearing the captain's questioning, Doug was not polite, and he asked for the metal materials urgently needed for construction and heavy weapons.
After the ground sub-base plan was cancelled, the collection of various metals from their ground base began to become very difficult. They had no more sources other than the lean ores that accompanied the collection of high-energy crystals.
And with the two poor armored transport ships that transport metals from space from time to time, this capacity is obviously far from enough!
Doug now thinks, is it to find an opportunity to write a report, suggesting to restart the previous sub-base plan?
In her opinion, as long as the base continues to develop in this way for a while, those alien indigenous bugs shouldn't pose much threat to their humanity, right?
"We have already made specific arrangements for this matter: In the asteroid belt not far from JNO.3, the production of Base 2 has begun. When the new transport fleet is completed, you will not be short of various Kind of metal."
This matter was already in the original plan, and Captain Leona didn't want to repeat it.
After they discovered that there were alien monsters on planet JNO.3, they began to implement this plan:
The ground base of the JNO.3 planet is responsible for collecting energy minerals and producing ground forces and a small number of small fighters that can be used on the planet.
The No. 2 base in the asteroid belt, after receiving the energy backfeed from the ground base, began to build various interstellar ports and build a large number of interstellar fleets and armored transport ships that they currently urgently need on the Hope.
"By the way, Doug, is there anything special in your ground base now?"
After reaching out and swiping a few times on the holographic panel in front of her, after reading a few documents and pressing the confirmation button to agree to the execution, Leona asked casually.
Now on the Hope, apart from work and work, she doesn’t have much fun every day, plus there was no war during this time, so Leona wanted to ask her friend and former first officer Doug , Look at the ground base, are there any interesting things worthy of her attention?
"Report to the captain, everything is normal! Except for the ghost agent of Little Annie, who forcibly robbed an arc tank, there is no special situation in the base for the time being!"
Just now, the eagle team who was robbed of the tank and the logistics technical officer who was disrupted in their assignments had already filed a lawsuit to her Doug's command center!
Just now, she managed to comfort them, and for that little girl, Doug had no good way. She had just said something badly, but that little girl, the other party just didn't buy it!
The other party has made it clear: if you don't give it, grab it! What can she do?
Therefore, she also took advantage of the trend to mention this dumbfounding farce in front of the captain.
Actually, at the beginning, Doug didn't understand the fact that little Annie, a ghost agent who was not doing business properly, relied on her rank to forcibly grab a group of tanks that belonged to tanks.
In her thoughts, the ghost agent, both in terms of treatment and importance to the base, is far higher than that of an arc tank. Even the cost of manufacturing the ghost suit alone is much higher than that of a heavy siege tank!
Moreover, ghost agents play a very important role whether they are infiltrating and investigating enemy intelligence, or even locating and launching nuclear weapons produced by the base in the future-fusion bombs!
Doug believes that in the near future, it will be about a month at most. If everything goes well, her current base command center will probably produce the first batch of fusion warhead missile weapons!
At that time, Little Annie, who is a ghost agent, has extremely high authority to order the launch of nuclear bombs!
As long as Xiao Annie doesn't throw nuclear bombs at the base or the heads of human forces, even Doug, as the commander, doesn't have much reason to oppose the other party's order to launch nuclear bombs.
If it is in the army sequence of the Earth Federation UL, the authority of a high-level ghost agent is definitely much higher than the authority of her base commander, Doug!
And now, this little Annie, she is arguing, wanting to become a big tank soldier? That's nothing but the bottom line!
She has such a good set of ghost suits, and once she runs into the tank, then, then, what use will the stealth function have?
In case, if the enemy's attack can hit the tank, only one shell is needed, and it is very likely that a very important ghost will be reimbursed!
"Strong... to grab a tank? Does she even drive a tank?"
After Leona froze for a moment, she almost thought she had just heard something wrong.
Recently, Captain Leona was very busy and didn't have time to pay attention to the affairs of Little Annie, and the popular holographic simulation game platform that was almost founded by herself in the HMS Hope.
Therefore, she didn't know how much of a reputation the ghost agent Xiao Anni had recently made in the StarCraft game platform of Hope?
"Report to the Captain! Major Anne is currently on the Hope’s game platform. In the past two days, the number of tanks she drove to destroy armored targets was 2,333! Number of destructions: zero! So far , Ranked first in the tank rankings!"
It was also after reading the recent situation of Little Annie and knowing this record, so before that, Doug arbitrarily snatched a tank from Little Annie and didn't know how to deal with it.
For the time being, she could only open one eye and close one eye, acquiescing to the other party's behavior, and then, here to mention a word to the captain.
"This... will it really be so powerful?"
Hearing this, Captain Leona couldn't believe it.
Hope’s game platform was issued by her hand, and she certainly knew how important this game is to the human beings!
Since, now that little Annie can achieve such an amazing record on the game platform, if she really wants to drive a heavy siege tank, then she will definitely be a trump card?
"Who are the other two people in her chariot team? Are they from Galen or Dreyus?"
At present, they only have a ghost agent on the Hope, coupled with the powerful magic of the other party, so Captain Leona definitely does not want Little Annie to switch to a tank soldier!
However, if the other two occupants of the Annie's car group are transferred out, and an elite tanker is added to take over the position of Annie, then, presumably, the new tank group can also exert a powerful force, right?
Leona was already thinking about it: as long as it is determined that the other two crew members of Annie are not the two most important frontline commanders of the Marine Corps, Galen or Dreyus, then she will definitely order those two crew members. Call it out and create a new elite tank team!
"Report to the captain! When Major Annie drives the tank, she doesn't need a gunner or information officer. She has three jobs alone! So, her tank team actually has no other crew!"
At this point, the corners of Doug's mouth twitched unconsciously.
She can't even imagine until now: the opponent is alone, how did she hold three positions in the arc tank?
Take a look, that little Annie, not only has to drive a tank, but also pay attention to the radar, but also input data and aim and fire. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do, right?
Although the siege tank has an advanced automatic loading device for artillery shells, which saves troublesome manual loading work, but...
Doug just imagined this little alien girl, Annie, in an arc tank, running around between different positions, jumping up and down and maneuvering, for a while he drove in the captain's position, and then he ran to the gunner. Aiming at the position and firing, but also pay attention to the contact of friendly forces and the position of the enemy, she can feel the black line full of her...
Doug can't understand at all, this kid, will she die if she has two more players? Isn't she too busy?
And, more importantly: Doug can't understand at all. In this case, how did she get that outrageous record? Are all her opponents a group of pigs?
"No other crew...?!"
When Leona heard the words, she was stunned again, and even stopped her work.
She now seems to feel that in the two or three days she has been busy with chores, has she missed something?
"Well, Doug, regarding Anne's matter, you can leave her alone for now, just let her play... By the way, do you have any other things?"
After thinking about it, Leona has decided to leave the little girl alone for the time being, or finish today's routine report.
"Nothing, Captain!"
Doug knew that this was their captain's eviction order.
So, after she gave another standard military salute and stood upright, she ended the communication with a wink.
Anyway, in the past few days, the ground base has nothing to do.
Whether it is a production task or a defense task, she strictly executes it in accordance with the original plan. Except for Xiao Anni who robbed a tank today, the other soldiers on the ground base, even if they are not too disciplined. Good recruits, they don't dare to mess around on this dangerous planet.
After Captain Leona finished communicating with the ground base Doug, he quickly started to operate on his panel.
When her white, slender fingers quickly swiped over the less important documents one by one, another ten minutes later, after reading the last document of the day, she exhaled heavily. .
Up to now, the documents that she needs to sign in person today are finally finished!
Fortunately, according to the various reports and documents that she read and submitted to her captain, everything is still normal on the Immigrant spacecraft Hope and the two base command centers.
"Shuguang, give me a look at the files, I want to see: Our ghost agent, that little Annie, has she made those messes on the gaming platform these days?"
After finishing all his own affairs, Captain Leona can finally take time to pay attention to the recent developments of Little Annie.
After Doug mentioned it before, she is also a little curious about the little girl's affairs, so she wants to know more and more in detail.
Actually, let alone Doug, even as a captain, she can't understand: How did Xiao Annie achieve such an outrageous record by herself?
"Your order has been received, Captain!"
After hearing the command of the captain, the holographic image of Shuguang Zhinao soon appeared in the bridge.
Then, in front of the captain, it listed a large holographic table, on which it listed the various achievements and achievements of Little Annie in the game these days, as well as some other important information.
"Annie Hasta, military code: AN01, gender: female, age: eight years old, military position: ghost agent, rank: major, current level of authority: A-level"
"The code name of the game platform: Lady of the Flame, the gift code: The Red Devil! (Note: This code is jointly recommended and voted by the citizens of the game of Hope, named because of their preference for the red color of the flame.
After Sugon Zhinao listed Annie's brief resume for the captain, he waved his hand and listed a series of data on the opponent's game platform:
"Achievement: Crazy tanker! (Single-driving tank destroys 2333 enemy armored targets/time, the number of destroyed: 0!
"Achievement: Super Ace! Never Fire Eagle! (Red Wraith fighters shot down enemy aircraft: 666, number of shots down: 0!
"Achievement: Battlefield veteran! (Participate in more than ten major battles, and survive at the end of the battle!
"Achievement: Super Soldier King! Survival expert! Voldemort! Big Water Ghost! Wretched King! (Participate in survival challenge mode more than ten times, kill number: 1322 people/time, number of deaths: 0!
"Obtained the title of commander: Infantry genius! Assault master! Born to be a general! Recklessly manage the army! Unscrupulous!"
(When leading a troop: foot combat ability +3, ambush ability +6, commander +4, prestige -2 chaos +1, morale -1 victory +3!)
Soon, on this big list, it listed in detail all the achievements and achievements that Little Annie has obtained in the Nozomi conscription game and on that game platform these days.
How can this be? Is there something wrong with the system?
This was Captain Leona's first thought after seeing these data.
This is absolutely impossible!
Then, this was Captain Leona's second thought after carefully savoring the true meaning of these data.
"Dawn, are you sure that you did not send the wrong data? How could she have such outrageous data? Is this still a human being on Earth?"
Could it be that those people who are playing games with the little girl are all fools?
Even if the little girl has good physical fitness, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to achieve this level, right?
Moreover, Leona clearly knows the difficulty of the campaign mode. As long as you participate in it, no matter who you are, no matter what position you are in, you may not be sure of survival, right?
Under the kind of overwhelming bullets and terrifying weapon attacks, maybe, just after entering the game, it was inexplicably finished, right? Just hit a cannonball and spread it a little bit, then don't want to live!
That little girl, how did she survive ten battles? You know, in the game, there is no such magical ability of her!
Therefore, in Leona's view, these data are simply absurd!
"Captain, I checked the data a hundred times just now, and finally confirmed that the data is correct! The accuracy rate: 100%"
Soon, in less than a second, Zhi Nao Shuguang reported its test results.
It Dawn is a smart computer with powerful computing and logical computing capabilities, and it will never easily have data abnormalities!
"I also found a problem, Captain, your logic seems to have some kind of error: Major Anne Hasta, she is not originally from the earth. According to her information column, she is a Valoran The human beings on the planet belong to an alien human."
Zhi Nao Shuguang relentlessly pointed out the logical error in the captain's words, and did not show any face to the other party.
Fortunately, it is a smart computer. If it is a subordinate, I am afraid that it will be hated by Captain Leona and is ready to be put on shoes or transferred to a dangerous department, right?
"Well, let's not talk about this now, I just want to know: What is it about this survival challenge mode?"
Leona didn't blame Dawn, she just frowned at the survival challenge mode.
She didn't know what this mode was, because she hadn't touched that game for many days after she went in and experienced it out of curiosity except when it was just launched.
After all, she is the captain of the Hope, who is usually very busy. Where can I go to play these?
Besides, this game was prepared for the selection of suitable soldiers for various positions from the 130,000 citizens of Nozomi. She Leona is now the supreme officer and captain of the Hope. Is it necessary for her to be ready to join the army at all times?
"Captain, the survival challenge mode is a new gameplay recently launched: the purpose is to exercise the soldier's personal tactical ability and survivability in a chaotic battlefield."
Soon, Shuguang Zhinao began to explain to the captain.
"This game is divided into a 100-player mode, a 200-player mode, and a three-hundred-player or unlimited-player mode! At the beginning of the game, all players are dropped by a heavy space armored troop carrier to a certain map of a planet with a harsh living environment, After landing on the ground, players often only carry basic equipment for survival. They need to collect various weapons and equipment and airdrop supplies on the map, and kill all the enemies, knowing that they will win the last survivor. until."
"The map is generally shrouded by a huge electromagnetic shield. It will gradually shrink as the number of survivors decreases, prompting all those involved in the game to participate in the cruel battle and pick the final winner."
"In this game, scores are based on the performance of all players, and are directly included in the personal ability column of citizens, linked to various benefits. Because it does not affect the recruitment of Nozomi, it can effectively improve the individual Ability to increase the possibility of getting a high rank when entering the army, so so far, this game mode is very popular with citizens who wish to sign up for the Marine Corps or other ground forces."
"Now, a word about this game mode is popular on the Nozomi: start a set of life-sustaining armor, equipped with weapons all depend on picking up! Kill enough for 999, and the officer position will be obtained!"
After a while, Zhinao Dawn finished the explanation. By the way, on the large pop-up information bar next to it, he demonstrated and played some pictures of players in the game for the captain, so that the captain could understand this mode more deeply. Meaning.
Leona didn't say anything, just squinted, looked at Little Annie's data for a while, then turned to look at the game screens.
"You just said that Major Anne, she never died in this game mode?"
Soon, Captain Leona understood the game a little bit.
However, what makes her feel incredible is that in this kind of game that is obviously a chaos mode, under the big melee of hundreds of people, how did the little girl succeed in surviving again and again in it?
Could it be that the ones she faced were really hundreds of pigs?
Besides, in the game, only her physical fitness will be scanned, and no abilities will be added! Moreover, no matter how good her physical fitness is, there is an upper limit in the game!
This upper limit prevents her from exceeding the strongest category of human beings.
In this situation, how did she manage to achieve this? Could it be... she cheated?
"Yes, Captain! So far, Major Anne's death record in the game is: zero!"
Zhi Nao Shuguang quickly scanned the database again, and got a result that even it felt a little strange.
After all, in terms of probability, the opponent's current record, if analyzed by probability, should be infinitely close to zero...
If you use human terms, it is: this is absolutely impossible!
"Oh... well, then, Shuguang, you will immediately record a priority schedule task for me!"
I don't know if something interesting came to mind, Captain Leona actually started to laugh.
"Please give your order, Captain."
Zhi Nao Shuguang listed a schedule, which was the captain's usual schedule.
Whenever it was the scheduled time, it would be responsible for reminding the captain of what to do.
"When Major Anne participates in that survival game, you remember to remind me, I'm going to see, how did she win this survival game?"
Captain Leona, who was originally from the regular army, was very unsightly for the dazzling achievements of Little Annie!
She even thought: It must be the citizens of Hope who participated in the game. They have never had any combat experience. That's why this outrageous result was caused?
Therefore, she decided that she, a veteran in the true sense, must have the lawless little girl know: what kind of existence can be called a real soldier! What kind of existence is the real king of the battlefield!
"Okay, Captain! This task is now entered in your schedule and is in priority status."
In an instant, Zhi Brain Dawn was at the top of the captain's schedule and entered a different color reminder of the task.

"Hey! Captain, shall we be on duty tonight? Isn't there that large group of recruits? Why should it be our Viper squad to stand guard? Is there something wrong with this task list?!"
At the gate of that huge barracks that looked like a metal battleship, Dreyus and his Viper squad members were now gathered here to talk loudly and loudly.
Actually, it's not wrong to say that this barracks is a metal battleship!
Because this huge barracks like a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier in the old age of the earth can fly when necessary, or even fly directly into the universe!
It's just that its flight speed is relatively slow, and it doesn't have the ability to travel at warring speeds.
However, it can be deployed in any harsh environment!
Whether it’s in the non-atmospheric vacuum environment outside the universe, or in the harsh atmospheric environment of planet JNO.3, it’s not wrong to say that it is an alternative warship, but it is different from ordinary warships. In addition to having Apart from some improvised machine gun turrets for self-defense, there is no such powerful weapon as other warships.
After all, it is just a barracks with its own energy, free movement, and the ability to produce and maintain individual equipment.
"What's the noise? Do you still have discipline? Don't ask Lao Tzu about this kind of shit! If any of you have any comments, you should directly report it to Commander Doug at the base!"
Dreyus carried his rifle and waved at them impatiently.
He himself still complains about the need for their Viper team to be on duty and stand guard in the early hours of tonight! Where is there time to hear these whispering here? To annoy him by vain!
"Look for Commander Doug? Where can we dare? Besides, we don't have the authority..."
As soon as everyone heard their captain say this, they immediately confessed.
Except for Captain Dreyus, the people with the highest rank are just sergeants. Where else can they communicate directly with Commander Doug at the base?
It doesn't matter if you complain privately for a while, but for this small incident of standing guard, if they really report it layer by layer and let Commander Doug know it, then they are really crazy!
One can't fix it, but it must be put in collective confinement!
"Okay, stop grumbling! Isn't it just a night shift? What's the big deal? Go back to eat, eat, and drink! Then, go back to your room to sleep and replenish your energy! I warn you, I’m on guard tonight. No one is allowed to enter the simulation warehouse to play games, otherwise, they will be locked up for three days!"
Dreyus impatiently turned on and drove these bastards, and asked them to roll into the barracks, and after eating and drinking, they went directly to their respective dormitories to sleep.
You know, you have to be on duty at night, and the planet is not safe!
If these still sneak into the game platform of the simulation warehouse as usual, if they are not energetic at night and cannot respond to the possible enemy situation in time, it will be fatal!
He Dreyus still remembers clearly: on the day they landed, the tragic look of the hapless people killed by that huge monster. Therefore, he does not want that situation to happen to himself and his players again!
"Get out, get out! Captain Dreyus, you guys get out quickly, you're about to hit it!!!"
Suddenly, when Dreyus was about to step forward again to drive away the under him, there was a sudden movement behind him, and then, it seemed that it was Galen's voice that was piercing in public. Howling loudly in the channel?
Cack~Boom! ! !
After a violent brake and the harsh sound of the crawler and the ground rubbing, a huge red arc-light siege tank rushed at an ultra-high speed. After picking up a slip of dust, it stopped dangerously. In front of Delius and his party.
At any rate, they didn't hit them. Otherwise, the first non-combat attrition of the ground base might have occurred here?
Looking at this huge heavy arc light siege tank that was dangerously parked in front of him and the others, the two pairs of hideous tracked load-bearing wheels in front of it were only less than a foot away from his armor...
Delaeus and the others couldn't help feeling a little bit afraid at first, and swallowed their saliva with difficulty.
Then they immediately began to become angry.
"Asshole! How did you drive the tanks? The armored barracks are over there, the No. 3 barracks! If you don't drive the tanks over there, do you want to die here?!"
Dreyus stepped forward and kicked the tank's high track wheels angrily before he began to shout loudly on the public channel.
Just now, if the opponent did not have time to brake, if a heavy tank with such a heavy mass hits itself and others at high speed, it will definitely pinch itself to the metal outer wall of the barracks and smash it, right?
"Hey! Dreyus is a big man, I can warn you: If you kick my baby tank, be careful I beat you!"
Suddenly, while the captain of the Viper squad was still cursing, a little girl's voice sounded on the public channel, and Dreyus, who was angry, was about to continue cursing, and could not help but stop.
Then, a crisp metal sound rang, the hatch on the top of the tank was opened, and a small figure wearing a red and white tight armor finally painted the interior of the No. 01 arc heavy siege tank from these two red paints. Climbed out.
"Ah! It's you, Little Annie? How did you switch to driving a tank? Don't you want to be a ghost anymore?"
After seeing the driver who crawled out of the tank, it turned out to be this naughty and extremely capable ghost agent Little Annie, Dreyus was stunned.
In their opinion, letting the ghost of the high-end atmosphere not do it, this alien kid, she ran to drive the tank? Do you think Commander Doug doesn't care about them? Did she really give her a tank to play with? This is too much nonsense, right?
"Hi... hello, De... Reus..."
Before Little Annie had time to speak, a Marine Corps member rolled down with a bang behind the tank.
When the opponent got up from the ground embarrassedly, they saw the face in the face mask of the opponent and the 01 number on the chest, and they discovered that this person turned out to be Captain Galen of the Cobra Team?
"Galen? Why are you... lying on the back of the tank?"
Seeing what the other person looked like, Dreyus reacted. It turned out that it was this Galen who had just reminded them loudly on the public channel heartbreakingly?
He was actually lying on the back of the tank just now? Follow this tank to run wildly? Is he dead?
Once he was accidentally caught under the armored tracks of the tank by a high-speed tank, even if he was wearing an armored power suit, he would be instantly twisted into a pool of flesh!
"Hey...this matter...don't mention it..."
Regarding this matter, Galen doesn't want to talk more about it now, it's full of tears...
Originally, after Xiao Anni snatched a tank and completed a simple repainting and personalized painting, Galen, who was idle, was too lazy to walk, and then sat on the tank and wanted Xiao Anni to drive the tank. On your own.
But what did he think of, Little Annie, who had promised to open the tank slowly before, this little kid, after she entered the tank and closed the hatch, turned her face and refused to recognize anyone, and directly let the tank run wildly? !
Had it not been for his quick eyes and quick hands, Galen quickly grabbed an armrest behind the tank, I'm afraid he would have been thrown off long ago?
Thinking about the feeling of dying when he was bumped all the way, it was like riding a roller coaster, plus the feeling when the hard armor collided with the outer wall of the tank. Galen swears for his own sake. For the sake of Xiaoming, in the future, he will never take any transportation driven by Xiao Anni again, absolutely not!
In his opinion, this little kid, her driving skills are definitely the same as that of Captain Planck who was drunk after getting drunk!
Her little Annie and the old guy who loves to drink and drive are the same kind of people who want to die when they get crazy!
"By the way, Little Annie, your tank...what the is going on?"
After taking a look at Galen who was embarrassed, Dreyus turned around and looked at the little Annie who was jumping off the tank.
"What little Annie? You want to call me Major Anne! Or call me sir!"
Little Annie, who had always been a bit uncomfortable with Dreyus, raised her face solemnly, pretending to be a little adult.
Because, just now, this was big black, but he scolded himself! How dare you doubt Master Anne's driving skills? Humph! Next time, she must knock him over!
"Forget it, don't play with you, I'm going to have dinner now, see you tomorrow, everyone!"
After seeing the other people stunned, Xiao Annie suddenly laughed herself.
Then, she didn't care about them anymore, just turned around and walked in toward the metal gate of the barracks.
Now, the canteen in the barracks must have already opened, right?
It is said that it is no longer that kind of synthetic food? It is the new crops of the eco-park specially transported from the Nozomi ship? So, she is going to try it now.
Then, take another beautiful hot bath, and then go back to her room, get into the simulation warehouse, and continue to go to the game platform to kill those newbies.
"Galen? What is going on with this tank? Where did she get it?"
Since the little kid refused to say, Dreyus certainly found Galen who was limping over.
He was curious, how did the tank of Little Annie get it? When will even the ghost agents be equipped with tanks?
This matter is also a bit weird.
"Where did you get it? Grab it!"
Maybe it was because the tone of the words was a little harder, Galen grinned, as if he had encountered some wound.
"She... took one of the ten tanks that had just left the production line today, so... Ouch... Nothing, I must have been hit somewhere, not to mention it, I will first Go to the medical officer..."
Galen was only halfway talking. Suddenly, his face changed and he immediately began to bend down.
Then, he waved his hand weakly, and began to limply push away the Viper squad and his entourage, and walked directly to the barracks.
He needs to go to the equipment area to take off his armored power suit, and then quickly go to the medical officer to see if he was hit somewhere on the tank just now? Or, did you hit the lumbar spine when you fell?
"Grab, grab it? This..."
Delius scratched his head a bit, not quite understanding what the other party meant.
Isn't the tank soldier equipped with a dedicated tank for each team? How can you grab it? Isn't it possible?
They are a military camp here, and not a vegetable market. If they want to equip or transfer positions, they can only apply through the process. Where can they be used? He, Galen, must be joking, right?
"Captain Dreyus? I heard...Heavy factory, there will be a new batch of tanks going off the assembly line tomorrow, or, at that time...Shall we grab one of them too?"
Seeing this red arc heavy siege tank, which was parked alone by the gate of the infantry and marines special barracks, some members of the Viper team were also a little enthusiastic.
They also want the previous one. If this kind of heavy firepower can be equipped in the Marine Corps, it would be very useful, right?
You must know that when a Marine is not only running around, it basically relies on its legs, but also often needs to be at the forefront of the battle line. Whether it is the damage rate or the degree of danger, it is usually the highest. Where can you be a tanker Come comfortably? Therefore, they also began to encourage their captain.
"Fuck off! Whoever wants to go, go, I won't go anyway!"
Seeing these and daring to use himself as a gunman, Dreyus slapped his hand on the opponent's head armor.
"Hurry up, everyone, all go back to eat and sleep, change the guard at night, hurry up!"
Dreyus, who didn't want to say anything, started to blast people directly.
He is not stupid, how could he be fooled by his subordinates to a tank? What do they think of the army? Are you still disciplined?
Besides, what Galen said just now, is it true or not? Even if it was true, Dreyus didn't dare to really grab a tank!
After all, little Annie, the ghost agent, is the baby of their entire Hope! Still made a huge contribution!
She is not only a major officer, with her powerful abilities and strength, she also has a lot of privileges and preferential treatments. How can his little ensign captain like Dreyus be comparable?
Still grabbing tanks? Give him ten courage, but he may not dare to go!
So, he wouldn't listen to the instigation of these bastards, he should eat, sleep, stand guard and change shifts at night, and it is serious to survive a long time!
If he really wanted to be a tank soldier, wouldn't he apply through regular channels?
Besides, being a Marine is not without a future!
Now he is an ensign captain! In the entire base, and even the entire Thousands of Marines on the Hope, he Dreyus and Galen, but the two veteran backbones and the highest-ranking captain commanders, may be able to mix higher in the future. Position?
When he thought about it, as long as he didn't die in a tragic battle halfway, it wouldn't be impossible for Dreyus to become a general in the future, right?
Wait until Hope finds a suitable planet and develops and grows, decades later, he will be able to mix a lot of achievements! And if he changes his career to become a tank soldier, he may not be much more promising than he is now!
In the Captain's room of the Hope, at this moment, Captain Leona, who had finished washing, did not turn off the light and rest, but continued to work.
She is comparing various photos of the entire planet detected by military satellites and the dynamic scan results of the entire planet.
What surprised her was: on the surface of the entire planet, there are no traces of those bugs?
It stands to reason that judging from the scale of the attack a while ago, the number and scale of their insects should not be small. Then, why can't they be found on the surface now?
This situation is very unreasonable!
The more I watched, the more Captain Leona felt something was wrong!
Could it be that those seed-like monsters are deliberately hidden? They...have high levels of wisdom? Or is there any other purpose? Or, they are not actually hidden, but just a cave creature living underground?
"Dawn, how is the research progress based on the bug corpses shipped back to the Hope?"
After pondering for a while, Captain Leona directly asked about Hope's intellectual brain.
In her opinion, maybe they can analyze the possible connection between the insects from the samples of the insects' corpses? Or, is it possible to infer that the other party has higher wisdom?
"Report Captain! The research has had preliminary results, but the biologists have not finalized the conclusion."
Following the call of Captain Leona, dawn appeared in the captain’s room very quickly.
Then, it directly revealed a holographic information board, which was densely written with various anatomy and research data on the corpses of the insects by the biologists on the Hope.
"I don't read this, and I don't understand it! You should summarize it for me, and be brief."
Seeing those dense files, Captain Leona felt a headache.
She is just a captain, and not a scientist. What kind of trouble did she show her that kind of highly professional terminology? She can't understand it either!
If it is about the performance of military weapons, or data, she can say a few words.
"Okay, Captain! Preliminary research shows that these bugs seem to have evolved selectively or purposefully from the different DNA of different organisms, and finally adapted to the extreme environment of this planet! They are all extremely efficient. Melee killer, moreover, there are many traces of biological genetic improvement with a strong purpose, they..."
Dawn Zhinao was still eloquently explaining, it made several more lists, and seemed to plan to explain them one by one for Captain Leona?
"Stop! Talk about the point!"
The muscles of Captain Leona's cheek twitched, and she said it all just now: Be a little bit brief, why does it say so much?
These smart computers are just dead brains and the logic is too rigorous!
She said briefly, the other party just sorted countless pages of reports into dozens of pages of reports? Is this what she calls abbreviation?
"Okay, Captain! The point is: this kind of worm creature seems to be a purposeful genetic modification, not the result of natural evolution! It seems that there is some kind of existence that was carried out to meet the needs of war. Improvement! The traces of genetic modification on them are very obvious!"
After getting the order of Captain Leona, Sugon Brain suddenly gave a conclusion that biologists can confirm.
"Are these insects a purposeful creation..."
Hearing this, Captain Leona frowned and began to ponder.
"Correct, Captain! Strictly speaking: they are not necessarily man-made objects, but purposeful alterations. There is no evidence that humans have transformed them. Therefore, the argument of man-made objects is logically , Not rigorous!"
Dawn began to grab the captain's speech improperly and began to speak seriously.
"Heh! Forget it, I won't argue with you about this. Any other important information?"
After being stunned, Captain Leona suddenly laughed.
It seems that Zhinao Shuguang's wisdom is not high enough to understand human language.
The man-made objects she just said were not necessarily human beings. She was referring to aliens? However, she didn't want to argue with a smart computer about this matter.
"Yes, Captain! We seem to have found traces of phantom energy on these bugs!"
Speaking of this, it seems that in order to increase its persuasiveness, Sugon has listed a lot of experimental data and lists seriously.
"Nether Energy? What does this mean?"
Captain Leona didn't understand what Sugon Zhinao wanted to express.
How well did you get involved with You Neng again? She doesn't know much about ghost energy, only knows that the existence and training of ghost agents by the Earth Coalition Government are listed as highly classified.
"This shows that these insects should be controlled by a special existence and launched an attack on the ground base!"
This is the preliminary conclusion obtained by the scientists! Moreover, before, the use of phantom energy for communication was an important scientific research project of the coalition government UL.
But now, the traces of phantom energy detected on these bugs do not belong to them! Then, the things that can be explained are obvious.
"Let's do it... don't say anything, let me think about it..."
The more I listened, the more alarmed, Captain Leona felt that she needed to digest it well first.
She has to sort out the clues here, if, on this planet, there really exists some kind of wisdom to control insects...
So, it seems that their next defensive measures are going to make major changes?
Ding Dong! There was a personal sound.
"Captain Leona, I'm sorry to disturb you now! Because there is a priority task in the schedule. Would you like to listen to it now?"
After the captain fell into contemplation for a few minutes, Zhi Nao Shuguang had to interrupt the opponent's thinking again.
Because, here, there is a priority task schedule, according to its logical agreement, it must call out to remind the captain.
"Priority task? Let's talk, what is it?"
Since it was the priority level, Captain Leona didn't blame anything, and nodded directly.
"Ghost Agent Annie has started to enter the game platform and is preparing to play a survival game. Would you like to participate now? Now, you only have five minutes to think about it."
Suguang Zhinao popped up a schedule. At the top, it was the priority task that Captain Leona asked to join.
This task was requested this afternoon after the communication between Captain Leona and Commander Doug on the ground base The captain requested it to be included in the priority task schedule. Therefore, it has faithfully performed its duties and reminded the captain in time.
Captain Leona, whose thoughts were interrupted, had no choice but to look at this priority task with a dubious smile.
Then, she nodded helplessly. After so many days, why not relax first.
Sure enough, there is still a gap between Intellectual Brain and human beings. Shuguang, it does things too rigidly. Obviously, you shouldn't bother yourself at this time!
Forget it, let's do this first, a little entertainment and relaxation, should it also be a good choice?
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