Chapter 220: Night battle (3)

It may be because the environment on the human and insect battlefield in Area C is too noisy, explosions and rifle fires interfere, and the tank troops did not hear the call for support? Maybe it was because you didn't receive the order from the base commander? Or, it's more likely that the Marine Corps' first line of defense is only a hundred meters away from the insect swarm, which is really too close?
Therefore, the tank troops deployed on the base command center did not rashly respond to the requests for artillery support from the two captains of the Marine Corps, Galen and Dreyus.
Bastard! Where are the tank troops?
Da da da! ! !
Galen was still shooting vigorously. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the flames of his rifle muzzle hadn't stopped.
Suddenly, in the Marine Corps' first line of defense, for the first time there was a scream that belonged to the human side tonight.
It turned out that it was a bug who did not know when it slipped into the defense line of several Marines not far to the left of Galen. Then, it took advantage of the opportunity to suddenly violently jumped onto the back of a hapless guy, and began to frantically wave its two huge sickle-like limbs. Every time it attacked, it was able to deeply Insert it into an armored powered combat uniform made of high-strength metal?
Da da da! ! !
Later, when the other Marines heard the screams and turned their guns to help him break the ferocious bug that broke into the line into pieces, the hapless Marine was already lying on his stomach. On the ground, nothing moved.
Only the bright red human blood, mixed with the corrosive liquid of those insects, shed a lot...
damn it!
"All the columns of the second line of defense, continue to maintain firepower output, suppress the swarms, and other people, immediately retreat to the second line of defense, hurry up! Don't fight!"
After secretly cursing those unreliable tank troops, Galen immediately issued the order to retreat.
A steady stream of insects are continuously rushing out of the huge crypt, and the first line of defense is too close to the entrance of the cave. Without sufficient buffer distance, facing those insects with speed and quantity, It's no longer necessary to defend.
Now, the number of insects is far more than they expected, and their first line of defense is too close to the collapsed hole, so that the corpses of monsters and insects that have accumulated more and more have been seriously hindered. Their shooting sight.
Just now, he even saw two more insects, under the cover of their companion’s corpse, after jumping for a few times, they flew into a shooting position on the Marines’ defense line. Although they were quickly shattered into pieces on the spot by dense bullets, these two insects also caused serious casualties to the Marines in that position in that short period of time.
In the case of close combat, those recruits who have little practical experience and are easy to panic, the panic shooting of their rifles, or the bayonet less than 30 cm long on the muzzle, are especially good at close combat. In all, there is obviously not much advantage.
"Zizi... Please answer when the Marine Corps hears! This is the tank unit. We are ready for shelling. The first round of coverage shooting is about to begin. Please be prepared to evade!"
Finally, when the Marines on the first line of defense were about to successfully retreat to the second line of encircling defense, the response of the tank troops rang in the channels of the two marine commanders Galen and Dreyus. .
"You're a shit, hurry up and shoot!!"
The battle situation was so bad in an instant that the tank soldiers were still grind, and Dreyus directly exploded on the spot.
"The shelling is coming! Everyone, hurry up! Retreat at full speed to the second line of defense!!"
"Hurry up! Everyone withdraw!"
After finally hearing the response from the tank unit, the two Marine commanders, Dreyus and Galen, continued to pour nail bullets towards the swarm, while shouting loudly in the channel and slowly retreating. With.
It was not until they saw that most of the Marine Corps members of the First Column began to obey the order and turned to retreat at a high speed. They stopped shooting, each carrying an electromagnetic rifle with a red barrel, and then turned quickly towards Ran across the second line of defense.
At this time, the insect swarms who had lost the close-range fire suppression of the Marine Corps were finally able to cross the high hills formed by the corpses of their companions, like a tide, toward the Marine Corps that was retreating at full speed 100 meters away. The players chased away.
"Hurry up! Bastard! Don't turn around and shoot! People on the second line of defense, pay attention, open fire to cover us!"
When Dreyus, who was retreating, saw a running Marine in the distance, he didn’t know if it was due to panic or courage. He actually ran and stopped, turned and fired, and then soon After being overwhelmed by the sea-like insect swarms, he couldn't help but screamed loudly in the combat channel.
That bastard, he just wanted to die on purpose? Then he got his wish! There must be one more spot on the Marine Corps' death list!
Da Da Da... Da Da Da! ! !
It’s a pitiful day. After the Marines of the First Column rushed to the second encircling line of defense, the Marines of the Second Column, who had been waiting for a long time, finally opened fire, rain-like metal storm, and then Once frantically, they shot towards the swarm of insects that were coming like a tide, and dangerously stopped their rushing posture from fifty meters away.
After the Marines of the first column adjusted their state, they began to change their magazines or simply changed weapons on the spot and joined the shooting, once again pressed the insects back to a distance of 100 meters away from the second encircling defense line On the open area.
"All Marines, please be aware that after three seconds, there will be a full coverage bombardment. The bombardment lasts for one minute. Please do not approach the bombardment area casually!
At this time, the unhurried voice of the tank unit commander came from the public channels of all the Marines again, and then the other party's three-second countdown.
"Three, two, one, the shelling begins!!"
At this time, in the open space in front of the base command center far away from Zone C, there were only less than twenty Marines armed with rifles and guarding the command center, showing a little weak defense.
However, not far from their guard circle, there are a total of nine huge heavy siege tanks that have already launched the siege mode.
Long before the battle began, these tanks had been ordered to switch from the assault mode to the siege mode early, set all the parameters, and have been standing by.
The two huge crawler wheels on their sides have been stowed and turned into two pairs of huge gun mounts and have been firmly rooted in the ground, while the two pairs of crawler wheels on the front and back are spread out into pairs of eight-character shapes. The front end is grounded, and the entire huge tank body of the tank is firmly fixed. Even their 80 mm caliber double-barreled artillery has long been switched to a 120 mm caliber arc shock gun.
The gun tracks emitting the unique light of the long green light electromagnetic artillery, at this time, are aimed at Area C where the sound of battle is coming, the collapsed area where the bugs emerged and the Marines forced to let out. Near the first line of defense, they have been included in the shelling range.
"Attention to all units: shoot quickly in one minute, open fire!!!"
boom! boom! boom!
With the command of the tank commander, the muzzles of the nine huge tanks that had been lined up suddenly exploded out of huge flames caused by the friction of the shells and the air, and then nine full shots of 120 mm. The caliber electromagnetic shells whizzed at an extremely high speed and slammed straight toward the cave opening in the collapsed area!
boom! boom! boom!
Soon, in the collapsed area in the distance, a series of nine small mushroom clouds formed by huge explosive flames and thick smoke soon rose up near the collapsed area.
Then, among the heavy smoke and flames, and the metal projectiles and gravel barrage that burst out, countless alien monsters and insects piled up on the ground and near the entrance of the cave were instantly emptied by the violent artillery fire. In the area, countless insects or insect stumps were overturned by the shock wave generated by the explosion and blew into the sky.
Red, green, or the corpses of insects, as well as all kinds of weird liquids, in the violent explosions, like rain, splashing and falling over the entire C area...
Soon, after the first round of salvo shelling was over, the Marines were surprised to find that the density of the bugs on the ground was reduced by more than half? For the rest, most of them were temporarily trapped in a short-lived state of circle after being shocked by a shell explosion.
And this is just the first round of shelling. In the distance, the nine tanks lined up near the base command center, at this time, it took less than three seconds, they The barrel of his gun lights up again.
boom! boom! boom!
Another series of nine rounds of 120-millimeter arc shock shells slammed into the scattered insect swarms that were trapped.
Another nine huge explosions sounded, and after eliminating countless piles of insects, they also awakened them in time.
Then, they screamed one after another, and once again began to rush towards the second line of defense of the landing team members.
Of course, this shelling is not over yet!
If those bugs think that the human terror shells are over, then they are wrong!
Just three seconds later, the third round of shelling struck again. When the bugs fired on the rifles of the landing team and tried to cross the encircling blockade, the third round of nine shells roared and hit. After coming down, the nine flame mushrooms that were re-exploded instantly smashed them while they were running, and countless insects neighed and fell into the flames of the cannonballs and the bullets of steel balls...
Then, three seconds later, before the flames of the third round of shelling had time to disperse completely, the fourth round of shelling appeared again.
boom! boom! boom!
Another round of shelling...
Before the flames burst by the shells had dissipated, the sixth round came again...
With their artillery, the small-scale artillery units of the Humans on the Hope let the insects on this planet know for the first time that their flesh and blood bodies are so fragile in front of human heavy technological weapons!
After the twentieth round of shelling was over, the one-minute rapid covering shelling was finally over...On the battlefield in Zone C, there was a mess, no matter whether it was alive or dead, there were hardly many bugs still intact.
Nine heavy tanks lasted for a minute of saturated artillery bombardment. They were in the small collapse area and near the first line of defense, and they poured a full 180 shells of 120mm electromagnetic arc shock artillery!
The entire battlefield and the swarms of insects near the sloping hole in the collapsed area were bombarded by their tank troops, which was terrible! Countless large and small cannon pits are filled with broken bodies of various insects, as well as their disgusting red and green liquid...
At this time, the tank units that had completed the support mission stopped firing. Their gun barrels, due to the one-minute rapid firing, after each tank fired 20 rounds, now had to enter a short cooling down. During the period, the electromagnetic artillery tracks of their tanks were already slightly red with bursts of white smoke.
Da da……
The Marines were still shooting sporadically, but now on the battlefield within their sight, there were no more bugs daring to rush out of the sloping hole, only a few scattered bugs, still staying in a mess. On the battlefield, they wailed, struggled, and looked back in panic, trying to find their companions, or did they want to escape this hellish place?
Da da da!
Then, their fate was only a series of ruthless shots by the Marines, killing them one by one.
Killing the enemy on the battlefield has nothing to do with right or wrong, and there is no kindness!
"My mother! Galen, it's no wonder that the tank troops didn't dare to respond to our call for support just now. If they were calling for support just now, the people in our first line of defense would probably not be able to survive. Right?"
Dreyus stared at the battlefields in front of him dumbfounded, and said with lingering fear.
This is just one minute of rapid firing of nine tanks, creating a hell-like doomsday scene? Looking at the ferocious and broken corpses of insects, everyone couldn't help swallowing.
Only that few tanks can have this kind of power, and what if they are a large group of tanks with hundreds of tanks? What kind of power would it be?
They all know it. Now, in that heavy factory in the base, those workers and smart devices are working overtime to produce heavy arc light siege tanks!
After all, this kind of heavy equipment for assault and siege has always been one of the core forces on the ground in human colonies! If, in one or two months, at that time, their ground base will have at least hundreds of tanks, right?
At that time, just by relying on such terrifying artillery fire, can these insects not be able to shoot their heads?
Surely it will?
"Are we... victorious?"
Countless Marines began to whisper and talk in the channel.
Some even walked out of their defenses, and took a few steps forward, seeming to want to clean the battlefield and make up for those bugs who have not yet died?
"Everyone returns to the defense line! Don't be careless, look! Everyone needs to be careful, there seems to be movement under the ground again!"
Sure enough, as Galen's voice fell, inside the huge inclined hole, there was another hoarse and harsh sound when the insects roared.
With so many bugs dead, those bugs, they haven't given up yet?
Click! Click!
As more and more people heard the hiss of countless bugs coming from under the huge hole, the Marines regained their spirits and once again replaced their weapons with ammunition clips and loaded them, ready to welcome them. The second wave of bugs fight.
Now, the insects they have eliminated, roughly looking at the past, are estimated to be more than thousands, right?
Many Marines even reddened the barrel of the second electromagnetic rifle, but now, those bugs are actually planning to launch a second wave of battle?
How many bugs are there in their ethnic group...

Compared with the hot battlefield in Zone C, where guns and guns are constantly being fired, the window of an officer’s room near the top of the first barracks at the core of the base suddenly lit up.
Obviously, there seems to be someone turning on the light now?
In this Marine Corps barracks, in the officer's room, a little girl was staring blankly, half-dangling her eyelids, and sitting up from the bed with her ears reluctantly covered.
Originally, our ghost agent, our major officer, Little Annie, did not intend to participate in this battle tonight.
In her opinion, when she herself had given advance warning, their Marines, even if they were useless, could easily defend against the bugs' attack, right?
Therefore, she originally planned to continue to stay in her own room, shrink in her own warm and comfortable bed, and continue to sleep in her retreat.
This is also the reason why Galen and Dreyus, all of them, couldn't find the coordinate signal of Little Annie's location on the map before the battle.
Because she didn't put on her armor at all, and she didn't turn on her life signal device, so of course they couldn't find her!
Little Annie wants to take a nap, how could she let them know? nonexistent!
"Tibbers, it's really noisy outside..."
In this metal battleship-like barracks, the sound insulation of the glass window does not seem to be very good. Therefore, Xiao Annie's sensitive perception and hearing organs can clearly perceive the lively situation of the distant battlefield.
(You are content, they are fighting desperately against the bugs, but you are sleeping here...
Tibbers felt that his own bad master was a bit too much. Isn't she afraid of letting those bugs destroy this base if the humans cannot stand it? Does she still want to go to the universe to play wandering? )
" are so don't know, people are only eight years old, so you have the heart to make me go to the battlefield to fight without sleeping well?"
Grabbing the little bear in her arms, Annie asked her cutely with tears in her eyes, pulling at its two furry ears.
(What you said seems to be true, but the little one almost believed...
How could Tibbers be fooled by her cuteness again? How could this little ancestor, who was afraid of the world not chaotic, afraid of war? What she is afraid of is just not being able to sleep comfortably, right? If you change the time, she promises to play better than anyone else! )
"Cut! Tibbers, I found: You are getting worse and worse, you turned into a bad bear!?"
Listening to the gunfire outside, Annie thought for a while, and finally couldn't sit still.
Then, after she threw Tibbers directly onto the metal floor, she lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed briskly.
(Yes! Before I was young, it was such a simple bear... The reason why it has become like this now, isn't it all from you? I think it was, uh...-Tibbers hasn't said yet After that, I have to stop.)
Because, a smooth little foot, when it came over, seemed to inadvertently step on its neck.
(Well, teddy bears have no human rights, so Tibbers decided that he should just shut up honestly.)
"Go, bear, be good, let's go to war now!"
Soon, after putting on her ghost equipment, Little Annie came over, grabbed Tibbers who was crooked on the ground, and tucked it into a buckle on her waist.
If there are other options, she actually wants to continue sleeping in bed.
It's just that now she can't help it if she wants to sleep, because the shooting is shooting outside again, and the artillery is rumbling again, which really makes her unable to continue to sleep with her head covered.
So, she had to get up early in anger, planning to wash up first, and then... just drove the tank she had snatched away and went for two laps? The tank she bought hadn't had time to shoot with live ammunition. Now, it's a great opportunity!
Da da da……
At this time, Xiao Anni heard that there was a burst of loud noise from the dense electromagnetic rifle shooting from the C area outside. It seems that the big Marines are fighting the insects again. .
Okay, then she has to go too?
Tilted her head and thought, after sensing the situation in the distance for a while, Annie had to sigh and walked directly out of her small room.
After a while, as Annie left, the automatic device sensed that there was no one in her room, and the light went out automatically, and then the room was plunged into darkness again.

Da da da……
"Everyone, fire, fire! Don't stop, keep the firepower output, don't let them out!"
While firing, Galen, who commanded the landing team to suppress the insect swarm, quickly discovered that this time, the monster insects crawling out of the collapsed crypt seemed a bit different from the previous ones?
The previous bugs, which they called puppies, had four legs, fierce fangs, short and thick tails, and a pair of huge and scary sickle-like limbs that grew on top of the head like tentacles.
And now, these worms screaming out of the hole, they are like a huge cobra with the upper body raised? Moreover, they also have a pair of arthropods with spurs that are characteristic of insects?
What kind of bug is this monster like a big snake? Cobra with arms? Big crawler?
Gee! How many kinds of insects are there? Is it really like an ant, divided into queen, worker, male, and soldier? Will there be more?
"Keep firing! Don't stop, never let them rush over!"
Da da da……
When Galen and Dreyus were happy because this new bug, which seemed to run faster than the previous four-legged bugs, could not break through their dense electromagnetic rifle firepower net, they were surprised to find that those Bugs, after they rushed out of the hole and advanced a certain distance, they stood still and didn't charge?
Now, they actually bulged their upper body, making the cross-section of their body a bit larger, which made them constantly torn apart by the intensively shot spikes.
What are they doing? Is it spraying venom like a snake?
Galen and Dreyus, who were changing their magazines, looked at each other, and felt a little strange to each other.
Now there is about three to four hundred meters between the two sides. At such a distance, those insects are still naive to spray venom to attack? They must have brain problems, right?
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
The sound of countless sharp blades cutting through the air sounded, and something like a blade flew over.
Just as Galen and Dreyus, who had replaced their magazines, were smiling and preparing to continue their attack, they were surprised to find that those bugs did not actually intend to spray venom or something, but spray another Something more terrifying?
Numerous densely packed small bone spurs, at a rate no less than human electromagnetic rifle bullets, from the collapsed area 300 meters away, like the previous barrage of the Marines, with the bursts of change when the air was cut through. Sounds, and shoots over quickly.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
Countless screams began to scream in the formation of the human marines. Through the things nailed to the armor, they discovered that the things that are like bullets, which are flying in densely, are actually one after another. Slender bone spurs the size of a human child's finger?
Moreover, at a distance of three hundred meters, they can actually penetrate the Marine Corps' 20mm thick non-critical parts of the steel armor? The rate of fire is still so fast? A snake-shaped bug, after being shot, is like a high-speed machine gun?
What's the joke? ! Even bugs have their own long-range weapons?
"Help! I'm injured! The"
When Galen was hiding behind a huge boulder in an emergency, and pulling out a bone spur that was more than 20 millimeters in armor from his front chest armor, he was shocked to discover that there was a densely packed bone spur next to him. The Marines who shot like hedgehogs were making a piercing scream.
The other party screamed while trying to run towards the base barracks. Unfortunately, after only running a distance of more than ten meters, he fell to the ground and convulsed twice. Stop moving...
This bone-spur-like thing... is it still poisonous?
Seeing the bone spurs glowing with blue light, which was grabbed by the mechanical arm of his power armor suit, Galen couldn't help but feel a little numb.
"Everyone, pay attention to concealment! They have the means of long-range attacks! Everyone fights back, hurry back! Don't stop!"
Da da da……
At the moment when Galen was shocked, Dreyus was not idle. He was hiding behind a small rock, while shooting hard, while shouting loudly in the channel to give orders.
The bone spurs from countless lasing shots, the rock that directly hid him, stung him to the outside. It was all that kind of horrible bone nails. At least, there are hundreds of them, right?
They even cut off a thin layer of the edge of the rock, and many bone spurs were still nailed to Dreyers’ shoulder armor, almost hurting the Viper team several times. Captain.
But the danger is that at such a distance, the penetration power of those bone spurs does not seem to be enough to penetrate the thickest armor of the shoulder and chest.
"Where are the tank troops? Hurry up, the bugs have long-range attack methods, and we can't stand it anymore! Request artillery support! Fire the gun now!"
After seeing Dreyus's behavior, Galen reacted immediately.
Then he began to call the artillery troops loudly in the channel.
Now, although all of them are also fighting back, they are at a disadvantage in numbers, and they were beaten up by those bugs. Seeing those bugs shooting bone spurs while still advancing steadily regardless of their casualties, it seems like , The balance of victory, is tilting to their side?
boom! boom! boom!
In fact, without Galen’s call, the military intelligence officers in the remote command center had already issued the latest combat orders to the tank troops in the first place.
Therefore, when Galen’s voice just fell, another artillery attack slammed over. Under the bombardment of nine 120mm large-caliber arc siege jars, the snake was steadily advancing in an instant. The formation of the worms was swallowed in the flames caused by the explosion.
boom! boom! boom!
The artillery bombardment continued, and the second round of artillery shells came again, once again engulfing the worms who were planning to regroup into the explosion.
Originally, the tank troops planned to cool down the electromagnetic gun barrel for another minute or two, but now, the situation is so critical that they can't take care of that much.
They plan to conduct another one-minute coverage shot to give the Marines some time to rectify their defenses.
"Great, that's it, blow them all up!"
"Everyone, start shooting! Hit them back!"
Da da da……
Seeing the insects wailing and shattering in the continuous explosion flames, Galen couldn't help but cheer loudly.
Then, when he saw that the shooting density of the bugs had decreased, he organized the Marines to conduct a new round of intensive strafing counterattack, trying to push the bugs that had advanced to a hundred meters away and re-press them back to the big crypt Go to the location over there.
However, what everyone can't think of is: the coverage bombing that was supposed to last for one minute suddenly stopped after only three rounds, and no more shells flew from a distance?
"Damn it! Tank troops, what the are you guys doing? Hurry up and shoot! They are about to rush out again!"
While Dreyus was shooting frantically, he anxiously yelled at the tank commander in the tank unit in the communication channel.
Just now, those bugs who were finally suppressed are now making a comeback? Let them lose the little advantage they had just brought back under the gunfire!
"Do you think I want to? Some flying bugs are here! Ah! We lost a tank!"
Previously, Nolan, the commander of the Eagle Group who was robbed of the tank, was also the temporary commander of the tank unit. He was yelling furiously in the channel.
"Hurry up! All tanks, switch to assault mode! Disperse immediately!"
He is now hurriedly manipulating his car, wanting to hurriedly change their tank from siege mode back to assault mode, and then make it move, so as to avoid being caught by the few statues flying in the sky. Attack of dragon-like flying insects.
They are now, at the base command center, flying at high speed, and spraying some kind of highly poisonous and acidic venom at a tank that can't be avoided? Or is it a poison sac?
Anyway, Nolan knew that it was definitely not a good thing!
Just now, one of their siege tanks did not have time to retract the gun mount and switch back to the assault mode, so it could only be attacked by the flying dragon-like insects on the spot, and melted and corroded. It became a pile of useless scrap iron!
As long as anyone who is not blind knows, the hapless people in that tank probably don't even have much skeleton left, right? So, for the remaining eight tanks, no one wanted to follow in the footsteps of those unlucky ones. After switching back to the assault mode, one by one began to increase their horsepower and accelerate randomly.
Although the flying insects were too close to the command center just now, two were shot down by the security cannon on the top of the command center, and one was shot down by the twenty Marines who were on guard here, but now there is still The three below can still chase the remaining eight tanks running around the base, but they have nothing to do with each other!
If you can't take care of yourself, let alone support the C area battlefield of the Marine Corps.
Now, after the three flying dragons were far away from the attack range of which security gun on the base, they were constantly diving toward the moving tank with their agile flying posture.
Da da da……
The Marine Corps members who followed and planned to provide firepower to their tanks could only follow in vain and kept shooting into the air.
The number of them was too small. Not only could they not run through tanks, but also the flying insects on their two legs, so they were soon far behind.
Whether it is the tank unit or the main battlefield of Zone C, they have already been defeated and retreated under the attack of the insects. It seems that this base will soon fall?
Suddenly, an explosion sounded, and a ball of sparks exploded high in the sky. A flying insect flying high in the sky was immediately blown into pieces with the explosion.
boom! boom!
While the Marines following the tank’s were dumbfounded, there were two more cannon sounds. Then, the remaining two flying insects, before they even had time to escape, were exploded by two consecutive fires. It was directly smashed.
Then, something that made everyone even more stunned: a red-painted assault tank, carrying its two 80 mm muzzles high, was racing towards them at high speed and with The wild posture drifted and rushed.
Obviously, the method of bombarding flying insects just now seems to be the masterpiece of this tank?
But... Does the arc tank have the ability to shoot against the air?
If they remember correctly, it seems that there is no tank and equipped with anti-aircraft shells, right?
And... when the tank was driving at high speed on uneven ground, it even dared to aim directly at the artillery flying unit...
Is this still something human can do? This is a tank! Not an air defense tank!
"Humph! You guys are really useless! Eight tanks can't beat three flying reptiles? Wouldn't you raise the muzzle and just blast them down?"
Sure enough, in the next second, Xiao Annie's crisp and dissatisfied complaint came from the channel of the tank unit.
She just finished washing up, and when she came out of the barracks with a tank, she originally thought of going to the C area, but she did not expect to see the eight tanks on the base command center. How does the flying reptile spur off a chicken and a dog?
So, angrily, Xiao Annie raised the muzzle while letting the tank drive at high speed. After visually aiming at the three flying insects, she shot them down at a speed of one shot per second.
Siege tanks hit flying units?
Suddenly, Nolan of the Eagles team was speechless.
Seriously, they are actually tank soldiers, OK? Moreover, the arc light heavy tank has never had an anti-air capability? They have never seen the option of anti-aircraft ammunition and air defense training in the combat manual of the tank! They are a group of troops that can only fire on the ground, OK?
Of course, while Nolan was slandering in his heart, he didn't dare to refute the other party.
Because, that little girl, the other party is a ghost agent with the rank of major, and is nominally the superior commander of these big soldiers! Moreover, she was still fighting in the Hope game platform, and she had never failed once and beat the Red Devil who could not hold their heads up!
Just now, she used a dual-barreled 80mm tank gun that couldn't be airborne, while rushing the tank, she forcibly killed three huge flying insects at high speed!
Therefore, Nolan, the temporary commander of the tank unit, has neither the courage to refute, nor the excuse to refute!
"Tank troops, don't be stunned anymore! Hurry up and start the siege mode, and use the fastest speed to support Area C. The Marines will almost be unable to withstand it!"
When Little Annie's voice just fell, before the tank troops could say something else, Commander Doug's anxious and stern voice once again sounded on their channel.
"Yes, sir!"
Nolan didn't dare to talk nonsense. Under his order, the remaining eight tanks of the tank troops quickly launched the siege mode in place.
Then, each of their huge and hideous 120 mm muzzles began to turn directions, to the side of C area, and quickly transmitted and shot Yuan Yuan by the communicator to the gunner.
"Gallen? You guys hold on for ten more minutes! Ten minutes will do! A large incendiary bomb that was temporarily developed from the Nozomi is now on the way down, and in a while, We can completely drive the bugs back!"
Seeing that the tank troops finally started to take action, Doug immediately switched to the front-line commander channel and explained to Galen that he was performing front-line command operations there.
Just now, the letter of Hope came: Captain Planck’s transport spacecraft has already transported a modified large fuel tank, ready to be airdropped directly into the worm’s crypt. When the time comes, it will be directly detonated and completely burned. The bugs hiding in the ground!
Doug firmly believes: As long as you hold on for another ten minutes, as long as you hold on until the transport spacecraft arrives, the incendiary fire bomb that can destroy everything will definitely destroy all the bugs hiding in the ground!
"Huh? No one cares about me?"
Seeing that the tank troops started the siege mode and turned their muzzle to fire, Commander Doug also hurried to find the Marines to confess the mission. After no one seemed to care about her, Little Annie had to stop the tank. Come down.
She is now thinking: Is it to switch forms and fire cannons directly here? Or rush to the C area to crush the bugs to play?
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