
Welcome, please remember the address of this site Read on your mobile phone, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "The Journey of the Shadow Bear Tibbers"...
(This chapter was originally published after the two volumes of StarCraft, but I decided to publish a chapter ahead of time! You can read it in advance, why, I think you all know!)
After finishing the StarCraft Scroll, Lord Anne, who ruled most of the heroic federation in the Kepru region, finally took out her treasure again, opened the portal of the space gem, and stepped on her to go home. Journey...
This time, to Annie's surprise, that space gem that is always messing up suddenly seems to be a little reliable?
"Huh? Tibbers, are we...really home?"
After bidding farewell to the reluctant Galen, the two Union generals of Dreyus, the Archon Leona and the rest of the Union, Little Annie walked out of the space gate and came to a planet she was very familiar with. .
At this moment, she was floating in the air, looking at the forest below, smelling the familiar air, and the star in the sky, she had seen for several years, and its familiar warm light...
This... should be Varoran, right? You can't be wrong!
Aha! This time, the king can finally return home?
(Little Master Annie, actually, I don’t want to think about it and bother you... because I found some strange things Although it is 100% of the planet Valoran, it is definitely not the tile where you are. Roland Planet!
I don't know if something special has been discovered. After Tibbers was silent for a while, he relentlessly slapped his master Anne. )
"Tibbers! You must be talking nonsense again! This is obviously our Valoran world!"
Just floating in the air, Little Annie lifted the bear in her arms with both hands to her.
"Look at the forest here, the vegetation here, the familiar smell of magical elements in the air, and the sun in the sky! Here, it is obviously Varoran!"
Annie can be 100% sure here, it must be Valoran, it can't be wrong!
It just made her a little strange How could she not be able to locate the coordinates of the teleportation platform of the main castle of the gray order in the land of voodoo?
This makes her want to locate directly, and then send it back, no way!
It must be some lazy guy who accidentally closed the teleportation circle and forgot to open it, right?
It must be so!
So, wait for her to figure out the location here and determine the location, and then use a few long-distance teleport spells to directly teleport back to the land of voodoo. These little things are definitely not difficult for Little Annie herself.
(Yes! This is indeed the Valoran world, but it is not the Valoran you are in! It is another parallel plane, just like you have been to many different worlds...
Tibbers sighed again, his little master is actually really pitiful. Look, after so many worlds, I finally returned to Varoran, but where did I think that here, it turned out to be Varoran in a parallel world...)
"How do you know?"
Annie looked at Tibbers in her hand with contempt, this bad thing.
Why does it dare to say that this is Varoran in a parallel world? I didn't see any difference by myself!
The planet is still the original Valoran planet, and the sun is still the sun she had seen since she was a child, even those in the sky, during the daytime, the stars that most people can't see!
So, how does it know that this is parallel time and space? What evidence is there?
It must be nonsense!
So, Little Annie doesn't care, she must be ready to determine her position, then swish and send home directly! Mom, Amoryn, must miss themselves very much, right?
If you do the math carefully, it seems that I have been up for years...
(Of course I know! Look at the following two little girls playing in the woods... This is why Tibbers dared to assert that this is a Valoran world in parallel time and space! Nothing like this More evidence!)
"Huh? Huh?!"
This, this, this... this is impossible!
Anne, who was floating using the spell, was reminded by her little bear Tibbers, that she finally recovered from the excitement of returning to the world of Valoran.
Then, when she looked down in the direction indicated by the bear, she suddenly became dumbfounded, she was so dumbfounded, half-opened her mouth, and stood motionless in the air...

Following Little Annie's gaze, under the forest, there are two little girls playing on the grass.
"Andy, come here..."
Today, Annie is going out to play and have a picnic with her sister Andy. The two of them brought a basket of apples and some lunches.
And playing with her is his sister Andy.
Annie still remembers that since Annie's father found her a new mother, not long after that, she had this sister Andy who was almost two years younger than herself.
Andy can be said to be one of the few people she can play with herself.
Because, Annie herself knew that her own body seemed a little different from ordinary people...Some terrible things often happened...
Therefore, in normal times, other children don’t dare to come and play with themselves...
Although, Annie also knew that her new mother hated herself very much, and she didn't like her too much...
However, Annie still likes her sister Andy very much! I like it very much!
Also, she also likes her father!
Why did they bury their mother...
Isn't it... What did you do wrong before?
"Look! Annie, there is a beautiful blue butterfly?!"
Suddenly, Anne and Andy, who were playing on the lawn, soon spotted a big blue butterfly with black dots. It lay on the nose of the little bear Tibbers placed under the root of the tree. There it flapped its big blue wings slightly.
It looks so beautiful! All the attention of the two little girls was attracted at once.
As a result, the two little girls quickly abandoned the fruit and other lunches in the basket and on the stump, and began to move carefully toward the butterfly.
It's a pity that when Annie's little fingertips were about to touch the blue butterfly, her sister Andy rushed over and scared the butterfly away.
"Wow! It flew away?!"
Seeing the beautiful butterfly about to fly away, of course little Andy would not give up easily!
So, she just bare her little feet, followed behind the butterfly, trying to reach out and grab the beautiful little thing that was going to escape.
"Ah! Andy! Wait!"
Soon, Anne, who was following her sister, realized that there was a danger in front of her, and she quickly spoke, intending to stop her sister.
Because, she found that in the front, in the direction where the butterfly flew away, it was a small river with fast water! In normal times, they would never come here to play easily, and their father and mother would not let it!
But today, the two of them, after chasing the butterfly, unexpectedly ran here inadvertently?
"Andy! Stop, it's dangerous! Stop!"
Seeing that her sister was still laughing and hopping chasing the butterfly and jumping on the big rocks in the torrential river, Annie could only rush to catch up and try to hold her sister.
I don't know if it was careless, or chasing a butterfly and forgot to look at her feet. Her sister Andy fell on the smooth pebble and fell into the rushing river.
Seeing, she was about to be washed away by the flood...
"Ah! Andy! Grab it!!!"
At the close of her hair, Annie lay on the big pebble and stretched out her hand that was holding Tibbers. Then, to my pity, her sister Andy also caught Tibbers’s hand in time. Little head.
"Grab! Andy! Don't let go!"
While lying on his own pebble, he stubbornly pulled Tibbers' leg, trying to pull his sister Andy back from the river.
"Andy! I caught you, I caught you!"
While gritting her teeth, Annie continued to use her force to resist the force of the river washing.
It's a pity that she is now just an eight-year-old ordinary girl. Her strength does not seem to be enough to pull up her sister in the rushing river?
So, when Annie was secretly anxious and emotional, the strange flame power on her body, and her little bear Tibbers, unexpectedly began to burst out the terrifying hot flame power...
At this moment, Andy, who could barely grasp Tibbs's head, was so hot that Tibbs, a teddy bear suddenly became hot, let go of his hand...
"No! Andy!!!"
No, how could this be...
Annie lay on the pebble, stretched out her short hand helplessly, watching her sister gradually being swallowed by the rushing river...
How could this be...
Do not……

No, how could this be?
It shouldn't be like this...
How does she look like herself?
Above the sky, Little Annie muttered to herself incomprehensibly.
She looked at the one lying on the big pebble below, calling her sister piercingly, who looked exactly like herself, and a little girl with the same toy bear Tibbers.
(Ouch! My little ancestor! Don't ask why, hurry up and save people! The little girl below is about to be drowned!
Compared with his little master who was shocked by the cruel reality, Tibbers is much more reliable! Therefore, after seeing the little girl below who was about to be submerged by the river, he immediately reminded his little master. That mortal little girl, if she has been flooded for a long time, she would definitely kill her! )
"Huh? Right..."
Hand of the mage!
Without even thinking about it, Little Annie stretched out her little hand and subconsciously pointed at the little girl who was about to be submerged by the river!
Then, the other party was quickly picked up by her from the river...
"Ah... Great! Andy! Are you okay?!"
Annie, who was originally in despair, saw her sister Andy unexpectedly fly up from the river water for some reason, she was startled for a while, and then immediately became ecstatic.
Great! My sister is fine!
This is really great!
Huh? Is there a freak who can fly?
wrong! Is a flying...self? !
As her sister flew towards the river bank, Annie also saw a face that looked exactly like herself, but the other herself with different clothes was slowly flying down from the sky.
Huh? Is she beckoning to herself? What exactly is going on?
Seeing her sister lying on the grass by the river bank choking on the water in shock, and the weird man beckoning to herself, Annie didn’t wait to think about it, and quickly hugged her arms and was missing when Andy had just grabbed it. Tibbs, who had lost one eye, wiped the tears from his face, and jumped from the big pebble to the bank of the river in twos or twos.
"Ah? It's strange, am I dazzled? How come there are two sisters Annie?"
Finally, Andy, who had choked several mouthfuls of river water on his stomach, staggered and stood up.
When she saw two sisters Anne who looked exactly the same on both sides of her, she was not only a little stunned, she also rubbed her eyes vigorously.
"Thank you for saving my sister... But who are you? Why do you fly? And why do you look exactly like me?"
Annie was relieved a little when she saw that her sister was all right.
Just now, I almost got into trouble again!
Then, with a suspicious look, she looked at the weird man who looked exactly like herself and wore very gorgeous and gorgeous clothes.
"Um...this matter is a long story..."
Looking at this wet little girl, and then at the other's face and Tibbers in her arms, Little Annie suddenly became depressed.
Here, maybe it's the same as what Xiao Xiong said...
This Valoran world seems to be a parallel world...
Although it is also Valoran, it is not its own Valoran...
So annoying!
The gem of space is indeed a nasty broken stone!

Finally, after the three met each other for a while, they once again returned to the stump where the two little girls were playing.
"Although I don't know why you look exactly like me, but in order to thank you for saving my sister Andy, this apple, we ask you to eat it!"
While looking curiously at herself, a weird person who looked the same as herself, Annie picked out the largest and reddest apple from the basket, and then carefully handed it over, while slamming at the bear in the other's arms.
Her little bear... seems to be the same as her own?
What happened today is really strange...
"Thank you... In that case, I will invite you to eat these magic cakes too!"
After receiving another apple that she handed over to herself, Little Annie felt a strange feeling in her heart.
So, she generously took out the two most delicious Quel'Thalas magic cakes from her space pocket.
She doesn't have many cakes of this kind herself, so she is not very willing to eat it!
"Wow! Great! I actually have two sisters Annie! One of them will make something delicious!"
Andy on the side, after unable to understand why there was another sister Annie, he stopped thinking about it.
Soon, she pounced heartlessly on the big magic cake, and began to eat with big mouthfuls.
"What's the matter? Why don't you eat it? It's delicious!"
While gnawing on the apple that the other party gave him, Xiao Annie asked curiously.
"Are you... magic?"
Annie looked at the cake that had been transformed in front of her. Before thinking about it, this weird person who could not only fly, but also used a trick to save her sister, suddenly became a little hesitant.
"Yes, this is magic! Wouldn't you do it too?"
After another bite of the big apple in her hand, Little Annie asked curiously.
She doesn't quite understand, why is this herself so strange?
Little Annie can see that this different plane of herself, in the opponent's body, also has surging magical power and flame power, although it is not as strong as her own!
So, why didn't she rescue her sister who fell into the water just now? Will you just lie on top of a big rock and cry? What's the use of that?
"They all said...I am a weirdo...and, magic...very bad..."
After hearing that the cake really was something related to magic, this Annie was about to touch the hand of the cake, and she quickly retracted.
She just hugged her own little bear Tibbs, looked at the cake in a daze, and didn't say much.
"It's nonsense!"
"Who said magic is bad? See if I won't kill him!"
Seeing some people say that magic is not good, little Annie feels a little uneasy.
"Annie, you have to believe me. Only magic can make us do whatever we want! Only magic can make us protect everything we love! And only magic can make us do things that many people can't easily do! Who dares to say If the magic is bad, we can beat him! If anyone dares to say that we are weird, we can burn him!"
Little Annie held the big apple in one hand and raised her small fist.
This feeling of oneself persuading another one is really strange!
On this plane, how could she have such a bad idea of ​​magic? This is wrong!
Therefore, Xiao Anni decided that she must correct this outrageous and wrong view of the other party!
Magic, it is magic!
How can magic be wrong? Wrong, it can only be the misunderstanding of mortals and people who can't use magic!
If magic is really wrong, it can only be that the magic that the person knows is not strong enough, and he cannot use magic to achieve his own wishes!
(My little master, is it really good for you to distort the worldview of an eight-year-old girl like this?-Tibbers can't stand it anymore.
Annie in this world is obviously a well-behaved little girl who hasn't been deeply involved in the world, but she can't just let her mischievous female master teach her! )
"Shut up! Tibbers, I am eight years old myself!"
"But...some terrible things often happen to me... Mother Amoryn and she..."
When she thought of her buried mother, Annie's eyes began to be filled with tears.
She just hugged her little bear, curled up next to the tree stump, and stared at the cake on the stump and sister Andy who was eating the cake.
Little Annie squinted her eyes seriously for a moment. She didn't quite understand herself in this world, why is it like this.
"Well, Annie... let me teach you how to use your power correctly! I also want to teach you what is real magic!"
After gnawing at the apples in two more bites, and then looking at Andy, who is in another world who is in a big piece of Duoying, she seems to have guessed something very bad.
She has a faint thought, this self in this world, her family, seems to be a bit different from her in the land of voodoo? Otherwise, why can't she manipulate her body's power at will when she is eight years old? Even her own sister fell into the water and couldn't help her?
Think about yourself. When I was just three years old, let alone this small river, even if the old dragon that has been rampant in the land of voodoo for many years was burned when he said he was burned?
Humph! Who dares to say that Annie is a weird person, who dares to say that magic is bad, that old dragon is the best example!
"Sister Anne, are you going to teach Miss Anne magic? I want to learn, I want to learn too!"
Little Andy, who was eating delicious cakes from the High Elf Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, came over with her hands full of cream after hearing the words of the newly-appearing sister Anne.
In normal times, only sister Anne can do magic alone! And now if there is a chance, she will of course also learn, especially the kind of flying tricks!
If she could do it herself, then she would never be afraid of falling into the river again!
"But... Magic is bad... Dad will hate Annie... Also, so does the new mother..."
Seeing that this weird person, also called Annie, wanted to teach herself magic, Annie looked a little hesitant and didn't dare to agree.
There will be flames in her body for no reason. She has known it for a long time. This is why other people say that she is a weird person and dare not play with her...
And today, because of the flames on her body, sister Andy almost drowned...
Therefore, she subconsciously resisted this terrible thing called magic.
"It's nonsense! Come on, let me teach you now, what is the real magic!"
Little Annie has already noticed that the other party doesn't know any serious spells at all? !
This Anne of this plane, what she knows, is just an instinctive magic flame! Thinking about it this way, she has never been able to learn magic seriously and systematically, right? That's why there is such a saying?
The Tibbers in the opponent's hand... dare to come out casually and eat the Lord?
Just now, if it weren't for me, sister Andy would have been drowned because of it, right? This is really great!
Ha ha ha...
Little Annie decided Later, she will teach Tibbers of this world well in a while, and she will let it know the terrible things about Master Anne!
She also wants to let Tibbers in this world know what kind of miserable end any pet that dared to disobey the owner's order and bite the owner back? !
Annie decided that her newly invented 10,000 methods of torture would definitely be tested on Tibbers in this world! Must let it know, why is the flame so red?
(Master Anne, this matter has nothing to do with me, you must not come against me! I am your best bear, your most humble servant, your most powerful assistant! I am not in this world This heartless stupid thing!
It seemed that he had a premonition of something very bad, Tibbs Bear hurriedly jumped out to clarify.
It must let its little master know that its Tibbers is definitely not the same as Tibbers in this world! She mustn't make all of them...)
Time flies quickly, and one afternoon has passed!
"Sister Annie, are you really not coming home with us? I think Mom and Dad will be very happy to see you!"
Not far from Anne and Andy's home, after Xiao Anni sent them back here, she was about to bid farewell and leave.
This made Andy, who had only been in contact for an afternoon, felt very sad!
She finally had another sister Annie who seemed more powerful, but now she is going to be separated so soon?
Annie is very grateful to herself who looks exactly the same as herself, who is said to be from another world.
Because, the other party not only saved his sister, but also opened a door to the magical world toward him!
Recalling the endless knowledge that she had been forcibly stuffed into her head by the other party, she felt that in the future, she would never have such a magical runaway, right?
It turns out that the series of bad things that happened to me were not my own fault, let alone magic, but the fault of ignorance?
Therefore, she secretly made a decision she must carefully and diligently learn the knowledge that she has come here from another world and taught herself!
She wants to be a powerful mage who can use magic to protect herself, her family, and her sister!
Most definitely!
Since the self in another world can be so strong, then Annie believes that she will too!
"No... they are just your parents, but not my parents... So, don't meet..."
Looking from a distance, Little Annie saw a man and a woman in front of the big wooden house in the distance.
That man, although he looks almost the same as his father, the mysterious warlock, but he is really too weak!
His own father, the father of his own powerful mysterious warlock, he couldn't possibly be such a weak scum with only five fighting power!
"Goodbye, Annie, and sister Andy, I'm going home too!"
After waving her hand to say goodbye to the two reluctant sisters, Little Annie slapped her, and she teleported and disappeared in front of them.
She is now really going to find her way home.
Since this world is Valoran, she remembers that there is a certain existence that seems to be able to help herself cross different planes and find her way home?
Want to come, I am not far from my real home in the land of voodoo, right?
As for whether the other party will help herself, Xiao Anni doesn't worry at all!
Because, if the other party dared to refuse, she accidentally opened the space door and summoned several nuclear arsenal star destroyers from the Kepulu region. Then...
Ha ha ha...
Feel the end of the world and embrace the light of the sun...stupid god!
With 10,000 large-yield fusion bombs, are you afraid?
In the Kepulu region, the great, the brilliance of Head Anne can illuminate countless galaxies!

"Dad, Mom! I have good news for you! Today, I accidentally fell into the water, but I was rescued again! It was a big sister named Annie who saved me!"
In the distance, after Annie's teleportation disappeared, little Andy quickly rushed into the arms of his parents and said coquettishly.
"What?! Is there anything like this? Annie?!"
Hearing what their little daughter said, the couple hurriedly checked little Andy's body. It seemed that the clothes on each other's body really showed signs of being penetrated by water?
"Don't worry, Dad, everything is over! From now on, nothing bad will happen again..."
From now on...I will never get into trouble again...
Because I am now different!
Annie looked at her little hand. In the heart of her right hand, a flame that no one else could see was beating gently as she wanted.
It turns out that magic can still be like this...
Look at Tibbers on his left. It is said to have been repaired miserably today? Forcibly signed a magic contract with himself?
In this case, Tibbers can be manipulated at will by himself? Never mess around again? This is really great...
Thinking of this, Annie couldn't help laughing happily.
"Eh? You kid, why did you suddenly become weird today? Forget it, come back for dinner."
Seeing that the two children didn't seem to have any trouble, he didn't want to go into it, and quickly waved to Annie.
"Dad! Let me tell you, today's another big sister Annie, she also gave me a bracelet, look, is it pretty?"
After being hugged by his father in his left arm, and looking at the other side, he bent down and picked up sister Anne with his right hand, and little Andy stretched out his little hand.
On the wrist of her right hand, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com has a beautiful little bracelet...
"Little Andy! Have you taken other people's valuable gifts casually again? Go back soon!"
Andy's mother immediately became a little nervous after seeing the exquisite bracelet on Little Andy's wrist.
This thing, you can see that it is not a cheap thing, right? It's not a good idea for Andy to accept gifts from others casually like this! Best, or to give it back quickly?
"I didn't randomly accept gifts from outsiders! This is really what Sister Anne gave to me!"
Hearing that his mother wanted to return this beautiful bracelet by herself, little Andy was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.
Seeing her father and her new mother looking at herself together, Annie could only cover her cheek with a headache.
How can she explain this matter...
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