Chapter 229: Demacia and Noxus Project (6)

In the Grand Canyon on the other side of the planet, the eighteen Marines still turned on the searchlights on their chests, one by one, and the eighteen pairs of metal armored boots stepped on the gravel, rustling and rustling. In this rift that seems to never go to an end, his voice is marching toward the bottom of the ground in silence.
No one knows how deep they have entered, because, except for the energy and transmission machinery of their armored-powered combat uniforms that are still working, other equipment has long been out of operation.
While taking the lead and walking in the forefront, Captain 031 looked at a non-metallic mechanical watch in the mask that was specially issued for this mission.
From the above time, he can know that they have been walking for about two hours in this narrow, winding down passage until now. Although a bit beyond the scheduled time, he still takes the lead. Marching.
From 031's point of view, it should not be far from their final destination now?
Due to the depth of the earth's crust, the temperature here is much hotter compared to the maximum temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius on the surface of the planet!
Captain 031, who led the team in the lead, just took a look at the thermometer embedded outside the armor. Here, it has reached a high temperature of almost 70 degrees Celsius?
He couldn't imagine: If there are really bugs below, wouldn't they be afraid of being cooked if they stay in such a high temperature environment for a long time?
This universe is really amazing...
Can you evolve that kind of terrible bug that is not afraid of strong acid and can survive in such a high temperature environment? It is possible that those bugs, thrown in 100 degrees Celsius boiling water, may not be able to cook, right?
Anyway, Captain 031 thought as he walked, if he was replaced by a human, then there was definitely no way to survive this harsh high temperature environment without protection!
"Attention everyone! If you find the situation before, just move lightly!"
Suddenly, Captain 031, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped moving.
He raised a fist suddenly, and whispered to the marines behind him, and told them to convey to everyone behind him one by one, before he grasped the electromagnetic rifle in his hand a little nervously. After gently opening the insurance and pushing the bullet into the chamber, he turned off the searchlight in front of his chest, slowly moved forward, and walked carefully step by step.
In fact, without the captain's reminder, all of them have seen it.
Not far below this cracked path, at a distance of more than fifty meters, there was a large gap in this narrow passage that could accommodate several Marines standing side by side. Outside, it seemed to be faint. There is red light coming from there, it looks like the red light naturally emitted by planetary magma?
"Quick! Be lighter, pay attention to your feet!"
031 continued to lead the way and warned carefully.
Finally, at this short distance of fifty meters, even when they moved slowly and cautiously, it only took less than a minute to reach this gap.
"Oh, God……"
"Damn UPL..."
This is a huge underground cave...
The Marine Corps members who first walked out of the gap, including Captain 031 who took the lead, were just two steps out of the gap, and they were suddenly shocked by the sight in front of them.
They could never imagine that in the crust of this planet, there would be such a huge internal cave, and in the cave, there would be such a huge swarm nest?
The leading Captain 031 looked around and saw only a swarthy worm nest at the end of his line of sight, and even more in the darkness where the line of sight could not be reached?
He felt that this huge underground cave was at least several times the size of the island on their ground base?
Under the red light of a dark red lava river that did not know where it came from, he could clearly see: on the ground of the huge cave below, even on the edge of the cliff where they stood, They all have a thick layer of red-purple strange substance.
They seem to be special substances formed by certain fungi? Or is it some kind of active substance that reproduces through the aggregation of flesh and blood?
Then, on these strange, tentatively regarded as active bacteria blankets, there are countless green or red buildings, large and small, and different in height.
Their size is just like the size of their human command center or barracks, and each one seems to have life, constantly moving? On top of their huge bodies, there are many huge arthropods with fangs? Or tentacles?
Then, in the gap between these fungus blankets and huge flesh-and-blood buildings or flesh-and-blood creatures, countless large and small bugs are busy back and forth.
Among them, there are the four-legged dog bugs that used to attack the base before, and the snake-shaped bugs that shoot bone spurs. Of course, those huge mammoth-shaped monsters are indispensable!
Looking down from the edge of this gaped cliff in the fissure, in addition to the insects they have seen, there are countless insect eggs piled up beside those fungus blankets or Roshan-shaped buildings.
Every now and then, there are one or two four-legged puppy bugs that break out of the eggs, and then they soon have powerful mobility...
Even 031 they also saw countless flying dragon insects, or the kind of alternative insects that were lying on their stomachs, could not be named, and had never seen them before. The other side just came up from the hideous outside, it didn't seem like Good bully?
Moreover, the most terrifying thing is: just where they can see, the approximate number of those bugs seems to be tens of thousands? And what about the ones you didn't see in the distance due to the dim light?
031 felt that he didn't dare to think about it anymore. This place must be the nest of bugs, right?
Or is this just one of their lairs?
It is very possible that these insects, like ants on the earth, have one group after another?
Anyway, Captain 031 would not believe that there is only such a nest of insects on this planet?
"Keep quiet! Everyone, slowly return to the gap!"
After taking a deep breath, 031 hurriedly spoke softly.
Then, while waving his hand back, he led the players back into the gap.
"Captain, what shall we do?"
It's dangerous, they retreated in time, as if they didn't alarm the insects?
After everyone had withdrawn into the gap and made sure that the insect swarm outside was not changing, the Marines looked at each other with lingering fear, and then looked at their Captain 031 together.
"032, untie the things on your back, be careful and light."
After nodding to the players, 031 exhaled, and said to the taciturn player #031, who was carrying a huge square rucksack from beginning to end, next to him.
Afterwards, 032 glanced at the captain, said nothing, just walked over without saying a word.
When he turned and squatted down gently, so that the captain could help him to untie the heavy thing on his back that resembled a large cabinet from the buckle on the back of his armored-powered combat uniform, the two men joined forces and combined it. Gently lifted to the side of the gap.
"what is this……"
Seeing the strange behavior of the captain and 032, everyone else was a little confused.
032 had seen the thing on their backs when they set off from the base.
However, no matter how they asked when transporting the spaceship, this 032 was like wood, and said nothing.
And when they asked the captain, the captain also shook his head and said nothing. Seriously, the rest of them were already very curious about this stuff!
Prior to this, when they were bragging on the armored transport spacecraft, they had guessed and bet many times that the stuff carried by the 032: either was some important combat supply, such as ammunition or food. Yes; or, it is some kind of latest anti-jamming expensive detection instrument?
And now, it's finally time to reveal the puzzle.
When they came up curiously, watching Captain 031 and 032, they were so exhausted before they gently opened the box-shaped mechanical code cover, when they clearly saw the contents of the cover. At the time of the sign, all the talents took a breath, and backed several steps together...
A Marine screamed, but fortunately, he suppressed his voice in time.
"Hey! I said Galen, do we need to continue fighting?"
In Hope’s game platform, Galen and Dreyus’s two elite marine squads, a total of twenty Marines, were once again resurrected by the stone bridge outside Stratholme. .
So far, in just one hour, they opened up wasteland, a special map created by Little Annie to exercise their cold weapon combat skills: Stratholme dungeon, which has been killed 32 times. Up!
These Marines, from the very beginning, only knew how to hack and hack, and now they have learned to divide the work and responsibilities, respond to each other, and form against the enemy!
Therefore, after they struggled to destroy for the tenth time, they succeeded in destroying the speed-type elite monster that was entrenched outside Stratholme gate, the elite food that had eaten them eleven times. Ghoul!
Of course, this is still the simplest mode...
Then, after destroying the elite ghoul at the gate of the city, they began to steadily advance, relying on the infinite resurrection ability to reset the map. So far, they have successfully encountered the first Stratholme. The real BOSS in the city!
Then, unsurprisingly, twenty of them were blocked by the other side, and they could no longer explore the city deeply...
It’s fine if you just can’t make an inch, but that boss, that is also a giant ghoul, and the monster called Timmy by those cursed sect’s mages, has eaten their two Marines. Twelve times!
This made many of them feel that they came to this map, in addition to training melee skills, more, in fact, they are only to give food to the undead in the city, right?
Twenty fresh, sweet and warm human meals?
Although up to now, they have also learned a lot of opportunistic things, and have researched many ways to target the undead or use the strange energy of the weapon.
For example: use the flames in the city to burn the undead, and use those stone or strange water bottles around the wooden house to smash the undead? Or, against the supernatural spells released by those weird monsters, use the energy of your own big sword or axe to counteract the damage, and then hack the opponent to death?
"Then fight again? But this time, we won't go to the right after entering the city. Try to go to the left instead?"
After thinking about it, Galen felt that they should try again, anyway, there is still a little time before the end of the meal.
If you go to the right in the city, they have tried it many times before!
On the corner of the street more than a hundred meters on the right, there is that terrifying ghoul named Timmy blocking the way. Galen is a little afraid of it!
For now, people like them can't beat each other for the time being, so stop sending food?
And if they don't want to refresh this dungeon and reset the small area at the gate of the city that they finally got through, they can only go to the street to the left of the gate and have a try.
"Left? The left is on the left! Everyone copy the guys and get up!"
After seeming to think that Galen’s idea was good, Delius waved his hand, letting Zhi Brain Dawn re-equip all of them with armored-powered combat uniforms, and took the lead in carrying his tomahawk into the city gate. Go.
"Brothers, we have all caught up. Let's go to the left after entering the city this time, and we can fight for the last time! As long as we kill a boss at random, we will quit and eat!"
In fact, Dreyus had already noticed just now.
Not far to the left of the city gate, he had seen it from a distance: In a dead end, apart from a few skeletons and ghouls, and a small number of cursed sect apprentices, it seemed that only one was standing and not big, only ordinary A small human-sized boss?
Then, if they first clean up those zombie skeletons and ordinary ghouls on the road, it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with the single boss opposite, right?
Anyway, this dungeon has been lowered by them. All monsters will only move within a certain range. It will no longer be blocked by a group of monsters just after entering the city gate when the difficulty was true. Surrounded!
Soon, the twenty men and women of the Marine Corps, each holding their golden-lit Demacia sword, or the Noxus battle axe, which is filled with red rage energy. Entered through the Stratholme gate that they had already opened, abandoning the difficult direction on the right, and turned to the street on the left.
"Quick, quick, quick! Everyone joins in and draws out the mobs first, and knocks them out one by one!"
People are all forced out. After being eaten more than 30 times, Galen and the others have also learned a lot of good ways to open up wasteland!
For example, now, when they pull monsters, and when they encounter something that feels terrible, they are all wretched forward, pulled out one by one, and then twenty people surrounded them and hacked them to death!
Only those little skeletons or slow-moving zombies who are weaker than them will rush forward and open the film randomly.
"Dreyus! Attention, there is a group of elite ghouls on patrol coming over there, don't lead them!"
Finally, after they had cleaned up the mobs on the road in a trivial manner, they finally reached their goal this time!
In the dead end of this street, in front of a strange human wearing pale cloth armor, the same color with pale skin, hair and eyes?
"Galen, what do you think of this guy's strength?"
Beyond the starting distance of this BOSS, Delius asked Galen a little uncertainly.
"I think he should deal with it pretty well!"
Galen looked at the weird man standing in front of a skeleton door for a while, then nodded.
"Look, he doesn't have those fangs and claws, nor the heavy armor of those elite death knights on patrol. He looks like an ordinary person? In addition to holding a wooden club in his hand, at most, Just like those cursed cultists before, do you use a little power?"
Looking left and right, looking up and down, Galen finally came to the conclusion: This pale cloth robe and the humanoid monster of skin color in front of him should be easier to deal with?
First of all, he is not as tall as his own Marines! Based on the experience of their Marine Corps destroying more than 30 times, in this Stratholme dungeon, the larger the size and the more hideous the appearance, the more powerful it is? !
Secondly, he doesn't seem to have any reliable weapons? Then he kind of wooden clubs, it is estimated that they can't break the armored power combat uniforms on people like yourself?
So, since there is not much time now, people like them are going to quit the game and go to eat soon. So, first pick this soft-looking persimmon to squeeze out your breath?
"It's not a wooden mallet! It seems to be called a staff?"
Dreyus corrected Galen's wrong statement for the first time. The apprentices of the cursed sect they met before, the freaks also liked to hold a wooden club, but it was not as big as the one in front of them.
"But what you said is right, this guy, it really looks like a bully!"
After correcting the other party's wrong statement, Delius also nodded.
The more he looked, the more he felt that this guy in front of him was so bully! The other party, at best, just like those cursed cultists, will use some strange magic spells, right?
Then, taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's attack, other people who were not attacked by the opponent's ability spells rushed up to kill him?
Look at the opponent's body, surely it won't be harder to chop than those ghouls, right? As long as one person rushes forward to chop him, then he is dead!
"Okay! This time, I will take the lead in the charge! Attention everyone, I'm going to start the blame!"
Since Delius also thinks this guy in front of him is a bully, it must be right!
Galen decided to him!
So, he began to greet the other players. After a while, he himself poured the righteous power of Demacia into his body and increased his resistance to those weird and strange spells. Then he took the lead and rushed forward. Once the opponent attacks first If you own, then other people can take the opportunity to chop the other person!
"Go ahead! Ready, once the opponent starts to attack me, you will charge directly!"
After speaking, Galen took the big sword with golden light, and after allowing the light energy from the sword to cover most of his body, he took the lead to walk a few steps forward and reached the opponent's reaction distance.
"Oh? Look, what did I find? There is a strange group of guys who have come to Stratholme and come to the world of our death? Ha ha... really interesting!"
Wearing pale cloth armor with no blood on his body, the weird person was beyond the expectation of Galen and Dreyus.
After they were within the reaction range of the other party, the other party did not directly attack, but first spoke and spoke? This is really rare!
"Oh, my mother! Look at me, brothers, this guy, he can still talk?!"
Out of curiosity, Dreyus walked forward two more steps grinningly.
"Hey! Who the are you? I see you don't look like a good thing. You must be with those undead gangs? Hurry up, otherwise, I will pass you by and kill you alive!"
Dreyus asked arrogantly while raising the huge battle axe that glowed with red anger in his hand.
You know, they have been fighting for so long, this is the first time they have encountered a monster that can only be so high and will take the initiative to speak. Those opponents encountered before, except those who only shouted and killed the cursed cultists. , And only the kind of monster that would kill people like them and tear apart their armor to eat meat?
"Alright, Dreyus! It's just a game character set by Little Annie, and it's just an NPC with a certain degree of intelligence endowed by the mind of the brain, so don't talk about him, quickly hack it to death, and then Everyone hurry up to eat out!"
Galen, who didn't want to waste any more time, grabbed Dreyus and walked forward with his great sword directly.
"Hahaha...a group of rude idiots, feel the horror of Malki's cold..."
For the enemy's offense, the necromancer, who calls himself Malki, didn't seem to care.
In his opinion, the twenty weird people in front of him are just a group of apprentices wearing strange armor and holding fairly sophisticated magic weapons.
This is certainly true. In Tamalki's view, these people are a group of apprentices of paladins and warriors!
Their ranks are just apprentices, they can't be higher!
And who is he Malki?
Tamaleki was one of the first wizards to join the cursed cult!
He specializes in ice spells and has studied a lot of necromantic magic. He has shown extraordinary talents in dealing with the cold of the tomb. Within the sect, his talent and aptitude can be said to be top Those who exist!
The never-ending thirst for power drove him to zealously hone his ability to control dark magic and ice energy, and was always ready to meet the day when he became an eternal and immortal lich.
The title of Pale Malki is not for nothing!
As long as we continue to study the ice spell and the undead system in depth, I believe that soon, he will almost be able to transform into a formal lich and gain eternal life, right?
So, when he looked at the twenty people on the opposite side, either holding a sword or holding a battle axe, even daring to challenge him, Malki smiled disdainfully and lifted him up. Staff in hand.
"He's going to cast a spell! Everyone rushed! Hacked him to death!"
Seeing that the monster in front raised the wooden club in his hand, and after the blue and white light flashed from the head of the rod, Galen hurriedly yelled, and at the same time fully activated the power of Demacia's justice, covering it. To the front of his body.
According to the previous plan, he should let himself charge first, withstand the opponent's attack, attract firepower to his players, and strive to hack the opponent to death in the shortest time!
"The Tomb of Ice..."
In an instant, after the blue and white light flashed, a terrifying cold current swept across, and in an instant, Galen and Delaeus, who were planning to be swarms of people, slashed their enemies into pieces of meat. Twenty Marines, all of them were frozen in large blocks of ice exuding icy energy.
"Ha ha ha..."
Looking at his own masterpiece just now, the twenty lumps of ice cubes, and the faces of the weird people who were frozen in the frozen tomb were frozen in astonishment, Maleki nodded in satisfaction.
Then, he stretched out his own staff again.
A series of blue ice arrow spells began to shoot out from the top of his staff.
He didn't rush and smashed these weird people who dared to provoke him, together with their strange armor, and shattered them into pieces of frozen shards...
Soon, the twenty Marines, Galen and Dreyus, were once again resurrected in front of Stratholme Bridge at the beginning of the map.
They just looked at each other, and none of them spoke again.
After a while, when Dreyus was about to say something, Galen immediately interrupted him by raising his hand.
"Okay, don't talk about it... now, offline! Eat! Wait until the evening, let's continue!"
With a black face, Galen didn't even think about it. He clicked the holographic button to exit the game and disappeared in front of everyone.
"Uh... I just wanted to say that!"
After shrugging his shoulders, seeing that Galen had already exited first, Dreyus waved to the others.
"Yes! Everyone should withdraw, go to dinner!"
After speaking, he also had a dark face, and reluctantly clicked the button to quit the game.
Damn it!
Finally, after sitting up from the simulation cabin, Delius suddenly felt that this splash game map was actually not fun at all!
Originally, they thought that they finally came across someone who looked like a bully, but what happened?
They are twenty of the most elite Marines...
He didn't even have a chance to resist, and instantly let the opponent freeze into twenty large blocks of ice?
Then, he was knocked into piles of frozen fragments one after another like a peas.
That guy is definitely much harder than the ghoul BOSS called Timmy!
At least Delaeus felt that the ghoul's attack method was still within the scope that people like them could understand, and what was called Malki just now, he still had such a powerful ability? Or could it be a frozen spell?
This broken game, let people play it?
In the simplest difficulty, how difficult is it to do? After a group of people tossed for so long, they were still wandering around the gate area of ​​Stratholme?
"Go, Captain! Let's eat!"
One of the team members, after passing through Dreyus's simulation cabin, greeted Dreyus who was sitting on the simulation cabin sulking.
"Huh? The easy difficulty of Stratholme is 0.01%?!"
When the Marines quit the game, UU read www.uukanshu. Com has already eaten enough and returned to her single room in the barracks. Under boredom, she opened her permission panel and checked the information on the map she had obtained.
Then, she saw the degree of completion that surprised her.
Are they all spicy?
It's all adjusted to the lowest difficulty, but it's only 0.01%? Before losing them, there was still a face to say that they went to the planet Azeroth to grab a place to settle?
"Huh? He died so many times? Is that so persevering?"
After thinking about it, Little Annie hurriedly added a hidden setting in Stratholme dungeon on real difficulty: once the opponent clears Stratholme on real difficulty, the great demon, Archimonde Will appear and appear outside the city!
Hehe! In that case, if you give them another hundred years, don't you think they can pass Stratholme on real difficulty?
That's right, that's how it should be done!
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