Chapter 259: Queen of Blades (2)

Of course, the Queen of Blades Kerrigan also saw the strong blue light emitted by the magical scepter in the sky. It just burst out with a dazzling light. After a certain shock wave-like ripples swept across the entire earth and sky, It gradually calmed down, and the light became softer, not as aggressive as the previous one.
The insect swarms who were slowly surrounding the enemy were also shocked by the strong blue light that just swept past!
But when they discovered that the light did not actually cause any substantial damage to them, they calmed down again, and screamed in a low voice and pressed on the enemy again.
"Huh! Start attacking! Destroy those humans and protoss!"
Although Kerrigan didn’t know the meaning of the bright light that the other party just released, and why it didn’t cause any harm to herself and her own population, but she didn’t want to have a lot of dreams at night, but she still sent a message to her own insect swarm in the spiritual link Orders to attack immediately.
Because, she faintly felt that the scepter-like thing seemed to exude some strange fluctuations, which gave her a very bad premonition. If she didn’t quickly destroy those enemies, something would definitely happen. Very bad thing!
"Roar~! Hiss~!"
The next moment the order was issued, the anger of countless thunder beasts, and the ear-piercing neighs of the puppy Hydralisks echoed in unison. Then, under the order of the Queen of Blades, they were like waves rolling and roaring one after another. , Swept directly towards the enemy...
"The darkness is not terrible..."
"For Shakuras..."
There are too many swarms, and the situation has taken a turn for the worse.
Zeratul, who knew he was unlucky enough, resolutely abandoned all the weight on his body, inspired the green psionic blade on his left hand, and stood on the high-level temple Callas and those who had just retreated. By the side of human fanatics.
In the final stage of this life, he intends to heroically kill the enemy with his brothers, and calmly face the coming eternal darkness together.
"For Shakuras..."
The zealots shouted loudly, and then, they drank their bodies one after another, and the psionic blades on their two fists rushed out, and the golden psionic blades faintly aimed at those who swept toward them like a billowing torrent. Swarm.
They are preparing for the last battle of their lives, even if they know they are mortal, they will never back down!
It seems that I hurt them...
Seeing the templars around him with firm faces and no trace of fear, Zeratul sighed.
They are the most heroic warriors, the most respectable and the greatest protoss!
Zeratul felt that if he didn't have to come to Ulan and pursue the so-called ancient prophecy, they wouldn't have sacrificed on this planet in vain just because they came to support themselves?
"Today, let me start embracing the darkness..."
The insect swarms are already approaching, and their waves will soon hit the weak rock on their own side, and then, it will not take long for them to be completely submerged, right?
But Zeratul is not afraid. He will fight to the last moment. After that, he will accept his own destiny and return to the darkness...
"Hey! Stop it for me!!!"
Suddenly, under the crisp sound of a little human girl that almost spread across the entire battlefield, the swarms of insects actually stopped?
Moreover, many of the huge thunder beasts even couldn’t stop at all because of the too much kinetic energy. As a result, they fell to the ground and squashed a lot of crowded hapless Hydralisk and puppy……
"This! What happened?"
The changes in the swarm at this moment were immediately felt by the blade queen Kerrigan who was watching the battle from a distance.
"I order you to attack immediately! Destroy those enemies!!"
So, realizing that she was wrong, she hurriedly pointed at the group of humans again and issued the highest order of immediate attack to the swarm in the mind link!
Kerrigan is really a little frightened now, those human beings actually have a way to fight against themselves?
She has long known that humans have a phantom energy launcher that can be used to deal with the spiritual link of the insect swarm, and she also knows the effect of the phantom energy launcher on the insect swarm.
But the phantom launcher is more like a force field device, and its body is so huge that it can only destroy the insect swarm that enters the force field or attract the insect swarm to attack. It will never be able to forcibly her against the insect like it is now. The supreme command of the group!
Kerrigan felt that this kind of thing was even more terrifying than human beings would use one hundred large-yield nuclear bombs to bomb themselves!
You know, Kerrigan, the reason she dared to be called the Queen of Blades, and the reason she dared to rule the entire Kepulu region and stabilise the other races, could dominate and kill the human beings. She has absolute control over these massive swarms of insects!
This is the source of her power and confidence in the Queen of Blades!
But now, those humans are actually under her nose, savagely snatching her command of the insect swarm? In her opinion, there is really nothing more terrible than this!
"Damn! I order you to attack immediately!!!"
Seeing that his command just now was invalid, those bugs even ignored it, but after screaming in place, Kerry became angry!
As a result, she began to arouse her powerful phantom energy, forming a bright white lightning shield-like force field around her and sending out special fluctuations that only the insect swarms can perceive, and once again to those halting insects The group forcibly ordered.
Suddenly, a Zerg puppy that was too close to the human side fell down strangely and rolled and wailed while holding his ugly head? Soon, in the next instant, the fragile brain under its hard shell suddenly burst from the inside. When those brains splashed on the ground, they twitched for a while and stopped moving...
At the same time, other bugs began to commotion more or less.
Some of them are showing their hideous fangs, and some want to attack forward; some are groaning and retreating; some even staring at the necks of their companions unkindly. It seems to be hesitating whether or not to pounce on it and take a bite?
"Cut! Okay, let's do that for today..."
Looking at the female insect who is still energizing her own phantom energy in the distance, trying to regain the control of the insect swarm, then look at the insect swarm standing in place and tumbling dozens of meters in front of her team. After thinking about it for a while, little Annie flattened her mouth and reluctantly gave up her original plan.
Afterwards, she reached out and grabbed the scepter in the sky out of thin air, causing it to explode again with a dazzling blue light, the tumultuous bugs finally stopped screaming or mourning.
They whimpered at each other for a while, and after the blue light became softer, they began to turn their heads, and slowly retreated like a tide.
Soon, they retreated to the darkness in the distance, temporarily letting the shadows disappear from their bodies...
"Hurry up! Just use it now and send it right away!"
The voice of Annie's order just fell, and waves of blue light teleported on again on the Marines beside her.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
After the slight noise during transmission, except for Galen and the three hundred Marines who began to calm down and re-aligned, the other 19 members of the Führer Guard gradually disappeared from her. Then the invisible battleship Führer in the universe was immediately thrown to Queen Blade's side, faintly forming a loose encirclement, surrounding the opponent.
"You have to work harder, but I have no time to help you at the moment!"
Seeing that her plan had been successful, Annie hurriedly spoke to the members of the Führer Guard that had surrounded the Blade Queen Kerrigan on the channel.
This is the first time she has applied this spiritual gem, and has to control such a large number of insect swarms. This kind of technical work has already made Little Annie feel a little bit burnt and busy!
In fact, she is really not good at this kind of micro-operation...
What she is best at is actually: catch fireballs, and then throw them to burn the enemy! Or, catch bigger and more fireballs, and burn an enemy city? Or even an entire planet?
For example, just now, Xiao Anni originally planned to control the insect swarms, and then let the insects kill each other, killing them all!
But how can I think that because the number of insect swarms is too much, far beyond her expectations, coupled with the instinct of insects to survive seems to be faintly resisting her outrageous command? In addition, there is the Queen of Blades in the distance, that Kerrigan is making trouble on the side, desperately trying to get back the control of the insects from his own hands, and also want to order the insects to continue attacking his humans?
Therefore, under the two contradictory orders, those bugs questioned both orders. Except for a few that were overwhelmed and brain exploded, the others just stayed in place. There was a commotion and hesitated under the conflicting orders.
So, when she was unfamiliar with her business and technology, she couldn't do anything, so Little Annie had no choice but to change her order for the insects to kill each other, temporarily allowing them to retreat a long distance.
This time the order is much more reliable, and the bugs are easy to understand. Coupled with the indirect psychic link that has a higher priority than Kerrigan, the bugs quickly retreated and returned to the distant place. In the dark...
"Well, what's the matter?"
Zeratul was a little puzzled when he realized that the insect swarm that was about to pounce and tear himself and others apart, but suddenly began to retreat.
Then, when he looked at the distance, the human Marines who had teleported over and began to surround Kerrigan in groups, Zeratul felt that his head seemed a little dazed?
Those swarms, what happened to them?
"Is it the credit of that new human weapon? What kind of weapon is that?"
Feeling something in his heart, Zeratul raised his head questioningly and looked at the sky again.
There, there is a magic scepter that emits a soft blue light and illuminates the entire earth!
It was still spinning slightly above the sky, and under its light, all the insects on the ground, even the flying insects that came from above the sky, retreated far...
It seems to continue to emit some strange fluctuations?
Just now, it was the one that controlled Kerrigan's swarm, right? What is this thing? A new invention of mankind? Or maybe, an artifact left by an ancient sage?
The Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, swept around her sharply, this group of human Marines either holding a giant axe or a two-handed sword.
She is still trying, wanting to call her own bugs again in the spiritual link between herself and the insect swarm, wanting them to come forward, and use their fangs and claws to completely shred the humans who dare to offend her!
It's a pity that no matter how she summoned or gave orders, those insect swarms would never listen to her orders anymore. Even if she pleaded with them, they just screamed in pain and retreated slowly and firmly until they gradually disappeared. In the dark shadow of Ulan Star...
"Huh! Is it the effect of the scepter in the sky? It must be?"
Kerrigan whispered softly, and at the same time took a moment to glance at the strange thing in the sky that was emitting blue light and special waves.
At this moment, the Queen of Blades is not stupid. She is only secretly guarding herself, guarding the nineteen strange human marines around her, while she has a new idea, trying to break the unfavorable situation before her.
The current situation is very unfavorable to her!
She herself, turned from a queen supported by countless insect swarms to a lonely family in an instant?
Therefore, she decided, no matter what, she must try to destroy the thing in the sky, the scepter that emits blue light, must destroy it first!
Therefore, after watching the surrounding Marines vigilantly and seeing that they did not take the lead in attacking him, Kerrigan suddenly flapped the spur wings on his back, in the powerful and delicate psychic control. Below, she used the simulated anti-gravity field and the ghost energy ejected from the wings, at a very high speed, instantly towards the distance, towards the strange scepter above the high sky. Shoot and fly away.
She won't be so stupid that she is entangled here with a group of enemies who seem to be difficult to deal with, wasting energy! Right now, let's go ahead and destroy the thing that prevents her from controlling the insects! Then, let these humans feel the anger of the Queen of Blades!
"No! Catch her!"
Seeing that the enemy was going to fly away, and the direction of flight was the direction in which the scepter dropped by their head of state was suspended, Dreyus, who was in charge of this operation, immediately became anxious, and immediately shouted and ordered.
In fact, what Delaeus wants to say most is: This Queen of Blades, the pair of bone wings behind her that are more decorative than the actual effect, why can they fly without a wing membrane and can't hold the air? This Nima is really unscientific!
"The grip of faith!"
"The hammer of sanctions!"
Without an order from Dreyus, when the Queen of Blades flew into the sky at a very fast speed, several Paladins of the Demacia team each used their own long-range enemy control methods.
Afterwards, in addition to several warhammers condensed from golden energy, which appeared above Kerrigan’s head out of thin air and smashed down fiercely, other golden rope-like things were in an instant and just flew off the ground. , Above Kerrigan's bare feet, less than twenty meters high.
"Come down!!"
Although the golden warhammer was easily blocked by Kerrigan’s psychic shield and shattered and dissipated, the golden ropes tied to her ankles, under the combined power of several paladins, smashed them. She tore off from above the sky.
With a muffled sound, the blade queen Kerrigan was caught off guard, and was severely pinched to the ground, throwing up pieces of noisy dust.
Seeing that the enemy was struggling from the ground to stand up, Dreyus made a fierce attack and hurriedly said to a Marine on the other side in the channel, and then took the lead in charging the opponent from the front.
The blood-red axe whizzed, wrapped in a lot of anger, and with the momentum brought by the high-speed charge, it directly swung at the pair of bone wings of the blade queen who was climbing from the ground!
Delius remembers his little head of state's explanation, this enemy must be caught alive! Therefore, he selected the opponent's wings as soon as possible.
Although he knew from the previous battle scenes between the opponent and Zeratul, the opponent's wings would be reborn strangely? But cut them off now, it will always be right!
Otherwise, facing an enemy who might fly away at any time, it would be too passive for them!
"Huh! Looking for death!"
Kerrigan had already noticed the enemy who rushed towards her and raised the axe high, so after she stood up, she stretched out her hand towards the opponent for the first time.
Psionic pulse!
This is an elementary use of psychic energy, almost the same as she used to deal with Zeratul before.
Sure enough, in the next instant, the phantom energy storm roaring out of her palms slammed into the charging Dreyus!
It was like an invisible wall of air. After stubbornly restraining the opponent’s charge, Kerrigan made a violent force to increase the output of the phantom energy, and instantly lifted the opponent directly. Feihe smashed into a pile of rocks dozens of meters away...
not good! Are there enemies behind? !
Just after knocking away the enemy in front of him, Kerrigan suddenly discovered something wrong behind him!
Because, she actually heard the terrible whistling sound of the axe blade that was close at hand tearing the air? Moreover, this voice is not far behind her? !
Actually, another enemy launched a charge at him at the same time? Moreover, the other party has already taken the opportunity to attack such a distance from him?
Cut! !
Kerrigan, the queen of blades who had only had time to lower her head and short body, saw a huge scarlet axe swiping from above her diagonally and chopped off a few thick phantom hairs in an instant.
When the queen of blades, Kerrigan, stood up straight with a cold face, watching as she rushed past, she stood ten meters in front of her and turned to look at her red Marine with the number 018 on her chest. After the ridiculous look in the glass hood of the female team member, she squeezed her fist severely.
Because, behind her, her pair of bone spur wings had been cut off by Qi Gen by the attack just now and slipped quietly onto the dusty surface of the dirty Ulan Star...
"You guys did a great job! Very good!"
"Now, you have successfully angered me, then, feel the horror of Queen Blade!"
Feeling the intense pain in her bones behind her, Kerrigan began to mobilize her phantom energy, while secretly making a decision: She must clean up the people in front of her first, and then destroy the obstacle in the sky. The hateful device to control the swarm!
"No! Karas, you take care of the wounded first, and I will help those humans!"
Seeing the humans who had gained a weak advantage and the Queen of Blades who had begun to enter the violent stage in the distance, Zeratul activated the flashing skills after exhorting the high-ranking templar on the side, and disappeared into a black mist instantly. Among.
Smash it!
At the moment Zeratul just disappeared, Kerrigan stretched out his hands and shook his claws into claws, squeezing slightly towards the Marines surrounding him!
When the Marines were slightly stunned and didn't know what the other party wanted to do, the two groups of Nether Energy exploded beside them instantly!
A scream sounded, and the thirteen Marines who were covered, except for the two Paladins who had only time to put on themselves a shield of courage, the other eleven members were exploded in an instant. Can it blow up?
Besides, besides the damage to their armor, they all passed out in a coma at the same time?
Lightning chain!
Kerrigan was not idle, and while she was crushing her grip and breaking out, she once again launched her most commonly used lightning attack!
The two Marines who had just escaped a blow with their shields were not spared this time, and were directly hit by Kerrigan’s next two lightning chains to the chest. Then, their armor In an instant, there was an electric spark and convulsed to the ground.
This kind of lightning attack has a huge impact on the equipment of the Marines!
They are only half of their bodies being numbed by electric numbness. Depending on their physical fitness after being highly recruited by the energy of the Holy Light, they may be able to recover in a short while, but the damaged armor trapped them tightly. ...
Perhaps, they should suggest that the federal equipment department in the future modify an armored-powered combat suit that protects against electric shock? Or, simply tailor a set of purely mechanical outer armor for them? Otherwise, encountering such an enemy who likes to attack with lightning, it will suppress them too much!
"Hehe... now, it's up to you!"
After using his smashing and restraining skills and lightning chain to instantly defeat the opponents on both sides, at this moment, the only ones who are still standing in front of Kerrigan are the 018 and the other four who just cut off his wings. Marines?
Kerrigan felt that the power balance between the two sides was now more balanced, and there was a cliff behind her, and the enemies on her side had been crushed, so she could concentrate on dealing with the few remaining enemies in front.
"Asshole! Are you stunned by the fart?! How many times can she make attacks of that level? Let's go together! Fuck!"
At this time, Dreyus, who had crawled out of the stone stone in the distance, quickly scolded and scolded as soon as he saw the situation in front of him.
He was just being beaten into the air, but how could he think that when he stood up again, he saw that on his side, there were only a few who could still stand? !
(Master... Your subordinates don't seem to be very useful... Or, send me to help?
After seeing the situation in the distance, Tibbers was a little oversight.
That Queen of Blades, people just put two skills, and those who usually look at the Führer Guards, they are more than half in an instant? If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out!
A group of high-ranking warriors and knights is going to besiege a strong man who is at least heroic. After they have no numerical advantage, they are likely to be finished! )
"No need! Didn't a Protoss help out? Wait, they will catch her!"
After taking a glance at the battle in the distance, Annie continued to close her eyes to study the spiritual gem in the head of the staff in the sky.
Isn’t there a few that haven’t fallen? She is in no hurry!
Moreover, she didn't want to be a firefighter every time! She is actually a little girl who likes to set fire! She is good at arson, but saving people is not her profession!
"Give me a shield, you cover me!"
Seeing those idiots on both sides standing still and being brought down by others, 018 was completely angry!
Then, after she yelled at the four knights of the Demacia squad behind her, she raised her huge battle axe again and rushed up with a roar.
Slash violently!
After accelerating in two steps, she jumped up high, trying to control the armor, making her body like a tight curved bow, and the huge anger energy gathered on the hands holding the giant axe.
In the next moment, the tight body bounced back instantly, and the female 018 who was in mid-air exhausted all her strength, directly from top to bottom, struck Huashan with strength, and used her own blood-red big axe that melted massive amounts of anger and energy. , Slammed straight towards Kerrigan's face!
At this moment, she had long been unable to care about whether to catch or not.
If the other party can't resist, then she will definitely not be polite or keep her hands! Her vigorous force, an axe filled with almost all the energy of anger, would surely split the opponent in half!
As the saying goes, when your enemies meet, you are extremely jealous?
The Marine Corps member with 018 on his chest was obviously the culprit who had just cut off his wings!
It is this human being who cannot spare her!
Queen's Claw!
Therefore, after condensing a psionic pulse in front of her to block the opponent's axe slam and starting to wrestle with the opponent, she once again used the four terror claw blades formed by psychic energy behind the opponent, and they tore He touched the ground and cut straight to the back of the 018 Marine who was trying to chop off the tomahawk!
"Be careful!!"
charge! Intercept!
With four psionic claws grasping the shield of courage on 018, seeing that the shield was about to shatter and cut to 018's back, Dreyus, who had already rushed back, launched a charge on the spot, directly using himself. The power of violent anger smashed the four sharp claws that were gathered by psychic energy! Then, it's not over yet!
Charge again!
Kill the Quartet! ! !
When he rushed to the other side, he turned around directly, launched a charge against Kerrigan again, and swung his axe horizontally, let him satiated with the power of anger, and moved towards Kerrigan who was wrestling with 018 The waist swept over!
Another psionic pulse appeared on his waist instantly, and Kerrigan used the powerful phantom energy reserve in his body in time to block the waist attack of the 011 Marine member again, and stalemate with the other two at the same time.
"Oh? Do you want to win by the advantage of quantity?!"
Kerrigan frowned imperceptibly when he saw that the four golden-painted Marines behind the opponent were about to rush forward to help and beat him.
Actually, to be honest, she was really a little bit scared at this time!
If in normal times, she had always used a huge swarm of insects to directly inundate the enemy, there are very few situations where she needs her own close combat like today!
Although her nether energy is very powerful, it also has a limit on its reserves. If it continues to be consumed endlessly, I am afraid that she might really be planted here today?
Kerrigan knew that he could never stay in such a stalemate anymore, he had to fight quickly!
Psionic Vortex!
After understanding this, Kerrigan exploded part of the phantom energy in his body.
After that, she let these phantom energies center on herself, forming a psychic vortex with a radius of tens of meters!
Countless lightning and psychic storms formed in an instant, and they began to tear at the two Marines with weird red energy on their bodies and not far away, the four big swords who planned to come forward to help. knight.
"Ah! Not good!"
Dreyus suddenly discovered that, in addition to the lightning eroding his body and armor, those fluttering psychic storms are actually still attracting himself to the opponent? Don't let yourself wait for someone to leave?
"Hurry up and think of a way!!!"
Under the circumstances that his own axe can't cut in, and can't retreat even if he wants to retreat, 018 is also a little anxious!
It's good now, and the situation is beginning to change to disadvantage them again! They don't want to find a way to leave this psychic storm zone as soon as possible, otherwise, it won't be long before, no matter what they are doing, the armor will definitely be the first to bear it! When the time comes, they will really have to be slaughtered!
Once the female insect in front of her, she continues to maintain this psychic wind violence field, and soon, when the anger energy in their bodies is exhausted, this terrifying psychic storm and lightning will definitely destroy They were torn into piles of fragments in the whirlpool.
As for the four knights behind her, she couldn't even count on it!
They are now resisting the enemy's whirlpool, while constantly pouring righteous power into themselves, trying to maintain which courage shield?
"What can I do? Hurry up and ask for help?!"
In desperation. Dreyus just remembered that below, there seemed to be a large group of Marines with their head of state and Galen!
Even Galen's bastard, it's almost time to rest, right? It's also great to rush over and help with a shield, or to slap the Queen of Blades with a sword!
Even if Master Anne is busy manipulating the bugs, he can't go away, but the Marines can come and help!
"Call those Marines! Hurry up!"
Dreyus used his anger energy to fight the enemy, and hurriedly shouted at 018.
He had just been attacked and fell severely. The communication equipment seemed to have been damaged, and he could not reach the Marines in the distance.
Now that the offensive is frustrated and the entire army may be wiped out at any time, call them up quickly, and three hundred people shot together, killing the Queen of Blades suddenly! Where can you care about life and death?
Otherwise, if you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that when the time comes, they will die first, but they are the people?
"Uh, what?!"
018, who just wanted to call for help, was stunned at this moment.
Because, she was shocked to see that behind the blade queen Kerrigan, at some point, a black smoke suddenly appeared?
Shadow Assault!
Then, in the weird black smoke, there appeared a strange protoss wearing a black cloak?
018 said that this Protoss, she happened to know her who had seen the opponent and Kerrigan singled out and talked before! It seems that his name is called Zeratul?
But at this moment, at the moment when 018's mind turned sharply, the green energy blade on the opponent's left wrist, at this moment, was quietly cutting across Kerrigan's slender neck...
"Let's destroy it together!"
Psionic Storm: Apocalypse! !
At the moment of life and death, Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, who is about to fall to the ground, can't care about anything at this moment!
Therefore, she instantly detonated all the phantom energy in her body, forming a terrifying psychic storm. At the same time as it exploded, and centered on herself, a yellow shock wave almost visible to the naked eye exploded and moved towards Sweep around!
Rumble! ! !
The huge explosion sound and the mushroom cloud formed by dust rose into the sky...
The power and range of this psychic impact is so great that while directly flying the two humans around Kerrigan and a Protoss Shadow Master, other Marines standing or down are even a few miles away. A hundred meters away, the Protoss Force and the Marine Corps members of the Heroic Federation were also blown to the ground by this rush of psionic pulses!
Fortunately, Kerrigan hurriedly released the power of this apocalyptic psychic storm at the juncture of life and death, and did not maximize the damage, it was just that the scope of the shock wave spread farther.
When the dust and smoke exploded by the psychic storm dissipated, Kerrigan was weakly kneeling on the ground and vomited two big mouthfuls of scarlet blood.
For her, who had completely used up the nether energy stored in her body, at this moment, it was her weakest time... and even she had no strength to stand up and escape.
Is everything going to end now?
Looking at the mysterious instrument in the sky that still steadily emits a blue light and obstructs its control of the insect swarms, and then look at the distance, the Marines with three phalanxes and three hundred men are rushing towards him. The team member, the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, can only close his eyes in this large shallow pit that was blown out by his own nether energy storm in pain and sorrow...
It seems that it is really over...
Will his career as a queen come to an end with this kind of aggrieved form?
Once upon a time, the Queen of Blades, who had always relied on the horrible number of insect swarms to fight others, fell to the present situation, and was in turn surrounded by a group of humans and star spirits?
At this moment, Kerrigan unexpectedly replied a little bit of his memories of his human period, as well as that unshaven, bohemian smiling face...
The one in my memory seems to be... Jim Reynolds...?
"Ah... Kerrigan... Your end is finally here..."
In the distance, a sound of sliding stones sounded.
Then, Zeratul, the headmaster of this dark church, was trying to crawl out of a pile of stone lumps, and began to limp towards Kerrigan, and his left hand Above, it was his psychic warblade that was formed by the gathering of psychic energy, exuding green light!
"is it……?"
Kerrigan looked at the old Protoss man who came across with disdain. If she hadn't been calculated and dragged by humans, how could she be forced to use up all the phantom energy of her body by this old Protoss?
"Maybe you are right!"
"My doom may be right here... but I believe that your doomsday is not far away..."
Kerrigan clutched her shoulders and stood up weakly facing Zeratul. Even if she was about to die, she would stand and face all this calmly! Because she is Kerrigan, Queen of Blades!
"The future is still unknown...but your destiny is already doomed at this moment!"
Finally, Zeratul's psychic blade that emits green light was raised high, and pierced directly towards Kerrigan's head!
Zeratul will never be soft when he has done his best to deal with evil and beat the dog in the water! He hadn't forgotten how the mother star of their Protoss, Al, fell.
At this moment, Zeratul's mood is comfortable, full of the pleasure of being about to succeed in revenge! He desperately wanted to feel the invigorating feeling when his war blade cut down the head of this old enemy!
Of course, this is because he did not decipher that ancient prophecy, nor did he go to the planet El to find the wreckage of the ruler to pursue the remnant memory of the ruler. Otherwise, he would definitely not do this now or think about it?
So be it, everything is over...
Kerrigan, who saw the psionic warblade that was slashed towards his neck, knew that he could not get lucky, closed his eyes as if he laughed at himself.
Just when Kerrigan closed his eyes to die, suddenly, there was a sound of weapon collision?
"Humans! What are you doing!?"
Zeratul screamed at the human Marines who didn't know how to transmit it, and suddenly swung his sword to stop his attack.
At this time, the opponent's body was shining with bursts of golden light, which made Master Zeratul who was seriously injured and using shadow energy feel very uncomfortable!
He subconsciously took two steps back, but almost staggered to the ground.
The golden light on the opponent's body, just now, almost hurt him. The golden energy made Zeratul feel that he was facing his natural enemy? What exactly is that golden energy? Why can the shadow feel faintly uneasy and fearful?
While questioning, Zeratul also reached out in time to stop the high-ranking templar Karas and others who had just run to the side and were about to do it.
He didn't want to have any unpleasant contradictions with these powerful humans at this moment, when he finally won, it's not worth it!
"I'm sorry! Our head of state said, this mother bug, she wants to live!"
After slightly exerting force to push back the weakened Zeratul, Galen, who finally teleported here just now, just blocked the blade queen Kerrigan with his sword horizontally.
Then, he also frowned slightly at the same time looking at the star spirit called Zeratul on the opposite side. The feeling the other party gave him was very different from the one on Haiwen Star! The star in front of him makes him feel instinctive disgust?
This is really weird!
Galen thinks, he has lived for so long, this is probably the first time he faced a person, this kind of unreasonable disgust inexplicably surged, right?
What is going on here? Could it be that this Zeratul, he owed himself a lot of money in his last life and hasn't paid it back? ! That's what those ancient books said, right?
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
At this time, waves of transmitted light and abnormal noises rang again.
The battleship Führer in space, after seeing that the overall situation had been set, Captain Planck once again sent down two siege tanks and ten humanoid Viking fighters, and came to the town here!
When the humanoid Viking fighters and siege tanks surrounded the Queen of Blades Kerrigan and faintly pointed the huge-caliber cannons and tanks at the opposite Protoss troops, Zeratul wittily restrained His subordinates kept them away from the human forces for a certain distance, indicating that they had no intention of being an enemy.
Of course, at this moment, the medical vehicle that has just been sent down is indispensable. A medical soldier began to run off the professional medical vehicle. They need to use the vital signal detector to carry out the unlucky Marines who were blown up. Urgent treatment, if they are not dead yet.
"Lock her up! Teleport back to the Führer, and lock her in the Forbidden Magic Prison!"
After taking a look at the Queen of Blades, who was too weak and unable to stand firmly, Galen waved to call in two sv engineers, and asked them to pack the Queen of Blades, and then close them to the Führer.
" seems that my destiny is not doomed yet?!"
Kerrigan not only did not resist the intention of human beings to grab themselves and lock themselves up, but instead accepted it with pleasure.
When she sat down weakly in the special cage that belonged to her, she mocked the anxious Zeratul in the distance with mocking eyes.
"If I were you, I'd better leave this planet within ten minutes!"
After watching the car and the svs escorting Kerrigan were transported away, Galen turned around and shouted to the stunned Protoss in the distance.
Because, their current task has been completed, and when they have cleaned up the battlefield, after all the wounded have been taken away, their head of state will also remove the artifact and return to the head of state!
At that time, whoever stays on this planet will bear the anger of the insects!
"Wait! Humans, what do you want to do with the Queen of Blades?"
"Please trust I think you'd better kill her immediately, the Queen of Blades, she is very dangerous...very dangerous..."
Seeing that these humans didn't kill Kerrigan, but took the conveyor away after catching them, Zeratul was anxious immediately.
An existence like Kerrigan can't be controlled by anyone. He can also guess a bit of human thoughts, but Zeratul feels that they are too naive!
Maybe, their behavior will lead to crazy attacks and revenge from a large number of insect swarms? When the time comes, maybe Kerrigan will run away!
"Sorry! I'm just executing an order!"
After squinting at the unhappy Zeratul, Galen said truthfully.
That Kerrigan, that mother bug, he actually wanted to kill Galen, after all, the opponent is too dangerous! However, to capture the opponent alive, this is an order from the head of state Anne, and he can only execute it unconditionally! I just don’t know, on the head of state, the so-called Forbidden Magic Prison, whether it works or not? Can you lock this Kerrigan?
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