Chapter 264: Hunting down Narud (2)

Planet Mistav 4, here is the main ordnance distribution center of the Tyran Empire, and it is also the most important military and heavy industrial area.
This planet is a professional heavy industry park, which is mainly responsible for the production of various types of heavy equipment required by the Tairon Empire: such as various types of tanks, large war robots, heavy siege tanks, military transport ships, various fighters, battleships and even In the main battleship, heavy battlecruiser and so on.
It can be said that this planet Mystaff 4 is one of the most important military sites of the Tyronn Empire!
Because of this, there is a mixed garrison fleet consisting of a major Behemoth-class battleship as the flagship and dozens of various large, medium and small warships. It is composed of a member of the Mystaff family who was born on the planet. The lieutenant captain served as planetary garrison officer and fleet commander.
It can be said that this is one of the areas that Mengsk focuses on. The important generals at the top are almost all his direct descendants! Even now, when there is more or less turmoil in almost most of the star areas, here, it is still as stable as Mount Tai, and there will never be a single mistake!
Anyway, the top empires of Mengsk the Great and the Keha Capital Region always think so?
"Lieutenant General Mistaf..."
"You are the elder of the empire, and Emperor Mengsk is not bad to you? I can't figure it out. Why did you follow that group of insurgents to revolt? What kind of benefits can they give you? It's worth your life. ?!"
In the space military port of Mestaf, on a huge plaza used to stack supplies, a pale-faced major general and a group of marines of the military police with a group of more than 100 men are being caught by a large number of troops. Tuantuan was besieged in the middle of the square.
However, they were still stubbornly hiding behind simple bunkers made up of metal boxes filled with supplies.
Not far from the front, after a holographic projection of the military chief Lieutenant General Mystaff appeared and persuaded them to surrender, among the besieged personnel, the officer with the rank of major general finally felt desperate.
"I did not rebel against the empire, nor did I receive any benefits!"
"Now on the planet Mestaf IV, the flag belonging to the Tyrann Empire is still flying, so Major General Lance! I think you must have misunderstood something? Or, if you put down your weapons now, I can face you face to face. Have a good talk?"
"Soldiers! Please believe me, as long as you hand over your weapons and surrender, everything is easy to discuss! Now, the matter is far from reaching the level of seriousness you imagined. Don't be fooled by people with a heart!"
Lieutenant General Mistaf in the state of holographic projection looked calmly at the young general not far away from him, with a smile on his mouth, and sincerely faced the military police and the man who were hiding behind the bunker. The major general said together.
"Shut up! Mistaf!"
"At this point, you still want to trick us soldiers who have been engaged in secret work for many years?!"
When Mistaf wanted to continue to persuade, the major general rudely interrupted the opponent with a loudspeaker in his armored-powered combat uniform, and secretly gestured to the Marine Corps soldiers behind him. .
"I bah! Don't think I don't know, but I have investigated! You traitors connected in series, the reason why you haven't rebelled right now, must be waiting for someone or a common signal to act. Right? That professional manager named Tosh?!"
Speaking of this, this major general named Lance looked sad and angry!
He regrets it now, he only hates that it is too late and too late when he receives the information and starts to react...
This happened a few days ago when a group of merchandise salesmen from the Terrado Chamber of Commerce came to this planet Mystaff 4 and began to sell the magical red energy newly discovered by their Chamber of Commerce between the military and the high level of the industrial zone. crystal.
Moreover, they also preached everywhere about how efficient they are, how rich and powerful the energy they contain, and deliberately released and disappeared, saying that they have some special effects? !
Because the other party uses the usual tricks of merchants, and on the planet Mistaf IV, in fact, they have always had transactions with the large chambers of commerce in this Terador region, and there are also various acquisitions of the other party. Ores or refined metals, so he didn't care too much, and of course he didn't care much about it.
But where did he think that he received a secret report two days later, saying that there were many high-level officers who were conspiring in tandem to suppress lower-level officers who refused to obey orders? And they are more or less related to the new sales manager of the Chamber of Commerce called Tox?
It’s a pity that he didn’t take it too seriously at the time, nor did he believe that there would be so many high-level officers on Mistav 4 to engage in collusion with a businessman. After all, those officers were high-level officers and had the right to How can money be messed with some businessmen?
Therefore, after another two days, he started to investigate quietly, and then the investigation was terrible!
After that, when he was about to order an in-depth investigation and immediately notify him of the garrison commander, Lieutenant General Mistaf, whom he believed to be the most trustworthy empire, but he was brutally suppressed by the opponent? Not only were they falsely accused of most of his subordinates and arrested on suspicion of treason, even he, a major general officer, was restricted from going out and communicating with others?
Therefore, after knowing that he was caught in a huge conspiracy vortex, he was forced to lead the military police force of more than two hundred people in his headquarters that could be controlled, and forcibly raided the Mistaf space station. Military port, prepare to grab a battleship to escape here, and look for opportunities to report this to the military police in the capital of the Empire!
Originally, his plan was very good, but he almost succeeded...
But how could he think that the direct military police force that he always thought was very loyal and reliable was also secretly spoken against by those rebels?
As a result, when he reached the final step of the raid on the military port, he was helplessly blocked by the military that had already prepared...
"Major General! You don't have to worry about it anymore..."
"Here, as early as a few days ago, the strictest signal shielding was implemented! All signal reception and transmission are handled by dedicated personnel and intellectual brains. Therefore, if you want to secretly transmit external signals for help, it is absolutely not possible!"
In his office, Lieutenant General Mistaf, who was observing here, saw through the other side's tricks at a glance.
This group of people actually want to delay trying to use small communication equipment to send out signals? Don’t they know that the entire Mistav 4 planet has long been under the strictest signal military control in the name of the exercise?
Any communication that does not go through the information center is absolutely impossible to transmit, let alone the portable low-power devices they have!
"So, hurry up and surrender, this is your last chance..."
After speaking, Mistaf shook his head and waved to the troops behind his holographic projection.
Then, the imperial troops that surrounded the enemy one after another gave way to several heavy siege tanks in the rear to drive up, and their double-tube 80mm plasma guns The Major General Lance, the military police and others who were still in the middle of the square trying to defeat the stubborn resistance were approved.
"You look down on us too much, Mistaf! Those of us value honor above all else!"
After finishing speaking, the major general led his men to start fire on the opposing army, let countless electromagnetic bullets rub the thick armor of the siege tanks, and hit them all wearing imperial military uniforms. Marines in combat uniforms.
"Alright, then I will do what you want..."
Sighing, looking at the metal bullets flying in front of him and behind him, Lieutenant General Mistaf seemed to understand something. After nodding, he didn't say much.
However, when his holographic projection disappeared, the muzzle of those siege tanks made a loud roar, and then the flames of electromagnetic shells completely flooded the supply square. The pile of simple fortifications stacked by metal boxes in the middle...
And when Tosh secretly recovered the important Mystaff ordnance distribution center of the Tyrann Empire, on the outermost barren planet in the Terrado galaxy, the magic battleship Führer was beating Huberian. After the number, he chased Narud's medium-sized warship to the planet's synchronous orbit.
"Uh... Master Führer? What should we do now? Do we need to send a Marine to land on the planet and catch the guy named Narud?"
Looking at the Mobius Foundation battleship on the planet's ground that had to forcefully land on the surface of the gravel dunes, Captain Planck, after secretly sipping two sips of wine, approached his head of state and asked quietly.
Now their Führer was chasing over, flying on the orbit above the opponent's landing point, and staring closely at every move of the battleship below.
"Catch Narud? Why do you want to catch it? It's really inexplicable!"
Annie glared at the old man who loves to drink, and after looking thoughtfully at a dark corner of the bridge, she smiled and ordered:
"Turn on magic detection! Lock the life signals of that Narud, and then shoot them directly!"
Anyway, the people below are all infected or corrupted bad guys, and Annie doesn't bother to catch them or kill them one by one, just bomb them directly on the orbit!
Here, this barren planet has no atmosphere, which just doesn't affect the power of particle laser weapons or electromagnetic shells. It can carry out ultra-long-range bombing attacks in orbit without restraint.
"Okay! Your Excellency, take a good look at it!"
Hearing that there was no need to land but to bombard, Planck's eyes lit up!
This battleship Führer has never had a chance to fire at full power since its modification! Right now, take the fallen warship below to practice hands-on practice?
"Prepare each gun group! Air-to-ground laser gun group, air-to-ground plasma rapid-fire gun group Attention! Aim at enemy battleships and any movable targets, and shoot quickly in three minutes!!!!"
After receiving the order from the head of Anne, Planck laughed and walked aside, using his rough voice to directly order the shelling commander from the bridge.
Then, at the moment when his words fell, a large number of large-caliber plasma rapid-fire gun turrets and bunches of blue-and-white high-energy laser guns were dragged downwards. It was estimated that it was still not long after the landing. The enemy ships that did not recover from the impact when they landed poured out a lot of gunfire!
When the high-energy laser beams of the laser guns at the speed of light irradiate the enemy ship armor instantly, bursting and melting into red pits of different sizes, the electromagnetic shells that follow behind are like It's like a violent storm, so I smashed it straight down!
In an instant, this medium-sized battleship the size of two football fields was directly annihilated in flames, smoke, and countless dust exploded from the ground...
However, this is not over yet, but only the beginning!
Because the command that Captain Planck just issued was three minutes of saturation and rapid shooting!
Therefore, even when the artillery crew thought that the enemy had been almost wiped out, they were still faithfully executing their orders, and continued to bombard the ground regardless!
Under the offensive of dozens of rapid-fire turrets of different sizes, countless electromagnetic cannonballs dragging red tracks and blue and white laser beams still attacked frantically from the various positions in the abdomen of the Führer Magic Battleship.
Thick smoke, explosive flames, countless fragments of warships, human flesh and blood, and dust in the sky directly tossed this ground of this planet as if a twelfth-level storm was blowing, even, Even the optical detection equipment on the Führer can no longer see the details of the ground and the surroundings of the battleship...
However, this situation quickly improved. After three minutes passed, the crew members who had been addicted to the gun reluctantly stopped the turrets with a bit overloaded muzzle.
"Captain Radar! Detect the ground situation immediately, is that Narud's life signal still there?"
Soon, because there is no atmosphere on this planet, there is no carrier or buoyancy for the dust and smoke to float in the air for a long time.
Therefore, shortly after the Führer battleship ceased its attack, the soot and dust that lost power and other materials that obscure the line of sight, gradually fell under the action of the planet’s own gravity, and soon fell to the surface of the earth. Everyone was able to see the status quo of the Mobis battleship.
In other words, there are no more warships after taking it out of the ground?
At this moment, whether it’s the Führer’s optical detection instrument or the Huberian watching the battle from a distance, only a bunch of battleship skeletons barely recognizable on the planet’s surface... and its original Those armors, bulkheads, and other facilities, etc., have long been destroyed by the terrorist bombing, and scattered scattered to the area several kilometers around the battleship...
"Huh? Not dead yet?!"
"He is the villain named Narud, right? A...the strange old man with red eyes?!"
Soon, Annie in the bridge couldn't help exclaiming.
Because, from her own perception, she has captured the other party's life signal, and it is still so strong and dazzling, there is no trace of it as if it is about to die!
Later, when the holographic projection of the bridge magnified the optical image, the others in the bridge also discovered that on the ground, not far from the wreckage of the broken warship, a shoulder was covering his wounded. The white-bearded old man with red eyes was raising his head and gritted his teeth at the Führer above the sky.
"Sure enough, it's really not dead!"
Dreyus and Galen were shocked. Under this kind of bombing, even people like them would probably not survive for ten seconds, right? And the old man underneath is so strong?
Moreover, looking at the opponent's body, there seems to be a faint red shield? Is this another existence with extraordinary power? Is it phantom energy? Or something else?
"Sir! A high-energy reaction is detected on the opponent, the intensity is equivalent least eleventh level of phantom energy? Extremely dangerous!"
At this time, a radar soldier in charge of detecting energy response exclaimed in exclamation!
After the Heroic Federation gradually integrated with the human world in the Kepulu region, they gradually used equipment similar to the humans here and the same energy detection system.
And just now, this radar detective was on the body of Narud on the ground, and detected a phantom energy response of more than tenth level?
Hearing this, Galen and Dreyus looked at each other and hurriedly flinched back.
Just now, they had planned to call for their lives and volunteered to teleport to the planet, preparing to capture or smash each other alive! But now, when they knew that the other party turned out to be an existence of at least eleventh level of nether energy, they decisively recognized it...
You know, even Galen with the highest energy level, before the human standard energy detection equipment in the Kepulu zone, when it explodes, at most it can be more than eighth, less than nine!
"Please pay attention, he still has eyes!"
"On a planet without an atmosphere, he can continue to survive without a protective gear, and his eyes are still shining red? He is indeed a monster mixed with humans..."
"Plasma torpedo preparation, three standard ammunition, lock that monster...launch!!!"
After seeing that Narud hadn't died, Planck frowned, and again ordered the Führer to launch three plasma torpedoes dedicated to the ship against the strange Narud on the ground.
This kind of plasma torpedo not only has the ability of high explosion and fragmentation damage, but also the ability of particle energy storm to break defenses. It is most suitable for sneak attacks on large warships with shields!
But right now, he uses three full to attack this monster with a shield, it will definitely work, right?
"Asshole! Damn human! I Narud swears that one day I will retaliate for the humiliation you put on me!"
At this moment, Narud on the ground is desperate!
He had just withstood a wave of bombing, and after seeing the huge battleship above the sky fired three large torpedoes again, he could only open his mouth and curse angrily.
Right now, on this barren planet with only Xiaokuai Rock and Shao Shuo, there are no caves or cracks for him to escape, except for the large and small craters. Can passively stay on the ground and get bombed!
Against the kind of torpedo that can track and super-speed, except for the ability to shoot it down forcibly, escape has no effect! And now, he doesn't want to waste energy to use long-range attacks, so he can only put a tough phantom shield on himself again, and just watch the three plasma torpedoes that strike. Stare.
"Report sir, all three torpedoes hit!"
Soon, three ultra-high-speed penetration plasma torpedoes with blue tail flames smashed into the body of Dr. Narud who wanted to run but couldn't run on the ground in half a minute! At the same time, it exploded three violent plasma flame storms, directly submerging the opponent.
"Ha! This monster, shouldn't you die now?"
After seeing all the plasma torpedo hits, Planck nodded in satisfaction, took out his bottle again, and took two guts when he was happy.
It is a pity that Captain Planck was disappointed again before he was happy for long...
When the energy storm and dust from the torpedo blast dissipated, the Narud, the other party, seemed to be alive and well! Moreover, he has become a twisted humanoid monster? While still staring viciously at the Führer above the sky with its red and crazy eyes, it also opened its mouth toward the sky and roared silently with its hideous and terrifying face!
Although it was protected by the Nether Energy Shield, it successfully used its own powerful energy to save its life, but under the terrifying plasma torpedo attack, it still suffered a lot of damage and consumed a large part of it. energy of.
"Huh! Does it dare to be aggressive at me?!"
Annie has noticed that the other party's spirit seems to be locking herself? It must be cursing itself, right? It must be, then, it cannot be spared!
"Planck! Do the fusion bombs and plasma torpedoes on our battleship look the same?"
Seeing the monster who was still not convinced and dared to lock herself in cursing, Annie decided to give it a good look!
Then, she suddenly remembered the three torpedoes that had just been launched. They seemed to look almost the same as the big artillery battles she had played on the planet JNO.3?
"Um... it seems so? They all use the same style of high-speed penetration rocket, but the warhead and range are different."
In fact, all the missile weapons of the Hero Federation are basically the same style. The only difference is the size or warhead filling?
"Master Führer, don't want to use those strategic nuclear bombs to blow up this monster? Isn't that necessary? It's too wasteful...or else, let's continue to attack it with plasma cannons?"
After understanding the thoughts of his little head of state, Planck swallowed a little embarrassedly.
There are indeed three strategic-level large-yield fusion bombs on their battleship the Führer! However, Planck had never thought of using them to bomb such a monster on such a barren planet. It was a bit too wasteful.
Strategic nuclear bombs should be used against important places such as enemy large military fortresses or industrial cities! Instead of just throwing it here!
Furthermore, he Planck also noticed that the monster named Narud on the planet below has been seriously injured, and it must not be long. It should be almost the same after a few more attacks, there is no need at all. Use a strategic nuclear bomb that can blow up a whole piece of land during the Earth era to attack a single target!
"Order! Prepare three plasma torpedoes, and then launch a nuclear bomb behind them, and launch it after the countdown to twenty seconds. You must blow it up for me!"
After a glance at Planck, Annie ignored his suggestion at all, and instead spoke directly to the adjutant who was in charge of transmitting the attack order.
You know, she is the head of the Hero Federation, this warship is hers, and the weapons on it are of course hers! She can use her own things as she wants. Where can she manage so much?
"Yes! Sir!"
Here, the biggest official must be the head of state, Xiao Annie! Therefore, the adjutant did not dare to speak too much, and directly gave the latest instructions of the head of state to the missile unit in the combat post.
After the people on the bridge were silent for twenty seconds, three plasma torpedoes were launched first, and then another one that looked exactly the same...
"Here again, these humans!"
Before he had time to figure out a solution, he was about to dig a hole to hide Narud. After having just withstood the last wave of three torpedoes, he now discovered that the battleship was launched at him again. Four torpedoes?
This is really the rhythm that must grind himself to death...
Therefore, when he was forced to do nothing, he could only put a phantom energy shield on himself, and at the same time, his hands began to gather red energy groups, and then when the torpedo flew down at him at high speed, he slammed his hands. The energy group pushed up towards the sky.
With four torpedoes, he probably couldn't stand it! But if one or two of them are knocked out, maybe they can survive for a while?
Soon, the red energy group directly hit the first two torpedoes, and successfully melted the other side!
However, he didn't have the time and energy to deal with the two more behind, he could only strengthen his shield again, and was ready to hold on to it...
Narud felt that he had to find a way to leave here earlier, otherwise, sooner or later he would be killed by the battleship above!
Now, he has not completed the task of his master, Eamon, and has not resurrected a usable body for the master in the material world, so he must not die! At least, I can't die here now!
and many more! what is that?
After Narud had just carried a plasma torpedo that exploded outside his phantom shield, before he had time to think about it, he saw another torpedo burst out with a strange and dazzling white light, and then, in the next second, He doesn't know anything...
Renault suddenly didn't know what to say. He just thought, in the future, no matter what, he himself must never offend that little girl...
"I think that Dr. Narud, he must owe a lot of money to the Hero Federation, and he probably still doesn't want to pay it back?"
After a moment of silence, Matt suddenly spoke to Renault, who was also silent beside him.
In the distance of the planetary orbit, the SCV engineering vehicle has been used for space operations, repairing part of the melted armor on the back of the Huberian bridge, Matt and Renault are staring dumbfounded as they turn around and leap away. The Führer battleship, and, on the surface of this unknown planet, that huge incandescent fireball covering almost half of the planet...
Matt think, this is just to kill a person, do you need a nuclear bomb?
Well, even if that Dr. Narud is not a human, but a monster! But even if it is a monster, it is not guilty of throwing a strategic fusion bomb worth at least hundreds of millions of tons of TNT, right? !
"Well, Matt! Let's get ready to set sail!"
"At least we have two news now! One is good and the other is bad, do you want to hear that first?"
After taking a last look at the huge black-red mushroom cloud growing on the planet, Renault pretended to say something lightly.
"Speak together, sir!"
Obviously, Matt is in no mood to joke now.
"The bad news is: Our artifact fragment buyers are finished! And the good news is... we have captured several unowned transport ships!"
Renault smiled bitterly, then turned his head and looked at the other side with piercing eyes, the transport spacecraft that was mooring not far behind them! The crew on the ship had been abandoned by the Führer just now, right?
Now that the business of digging artifacts to sell money has died When the buyer is killed and there is no scum left, then he will do nothing and just hack Mobis. Forget these giant civil transport spacecraft of the Foundation!
"So, Matt! Hurry up and send the crew to take over those ships! Before their people come back..."
Hopefully, what valuable stuff can there be on those spaceships?
Groping for his chin, Renault looked at the spaceships and was a little bit guilty in his heart. He was afraid that this trip to the artifact business that lasted for several months would end up losing his money?
If that's the case, then there will be a big problem...
"Sir, this is really good news!"
After nodding, Matt also thought that Renault's idea was good, so he quickly stepped aside and began to dispatch the transport ships and related crews, planning to land on the transport ships and drive them away!
Matt has already thought about it. If there are no valuable possessions on those ships, then they will take the spacecraft to the black market and sell it! At that time, it is estimated that a lot of money will be returned?
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