Chapter 289: Battle of Rohan (8)

The battle of Isengard did not end so soon. Because the United Kingdom of Alicia had taken a fancy to Saruman’s magic creature, the production base of the strong orc army, they did not agree with the tree shepherd tree whisker’s suggestion: Go and pry over that dam and flood Isengard!
Instead, it uses the combination of tree shepherds and trees and beards, plus muskets and cannons to advance layer by layer, intending to gradually erode the enemy's vital power and to maximize the integrity of this strange creature manufacturing base.
And when the coalition forces of the Second Alicia Legion and the Treant in Isengard began to tear down the high wall outside the Osank Mage Tower, and launched a raid on the base within the walled area of ​​the Isengard Tower and cleared half of the ground below. When the orcs were producing the base, at the horn fort of Saint Helm Valley of Rohan in the southeast, King Hidun Hussar, who believed in the indestructibility of the stone castle, was once again slapped by reality!
The pioneer of gunpowder, Saruman who graduated from the magic class, his strong orcs, used a bunch of large cannonballs to blow up a section of the city wall, allowing countless strong orcs to break into the retaining wall of the Horn Fort in an instant within!
Compared to Alicia United Kingdom, which can reasonably and scientifically use those black powder and use gunpowder and related technology to make guns and cannons, Saruman, the evil white-robed wizard who can also make gunpowder and has granulated And his strong orcs will be more magical and more unrestrained in their application!
Because they did not pass the steel craft and forging craft, and under the pressure of time, they abandoned the kind of skimming weapon that imitated Alicia Net and made it, and when the technology could not break through temporarily, they simply Just directly made those black powder particles into large iron bombs!
Then, they used the strong orc to carry them with their bodies, and finally used the suicidal attack mechanism ignited by human flesh, which just sturdily blown up the king of the Luo Khanate. To be indestructible, and dare to claim that the horn fort has never been captured for hundreds of years!
Moreover, on the first night of the attack on the Horn Fort, when the sky was not bright in the early morning, all the surrounding defensive fortresses and retaining walls were captured, breaking through to the gate of the last mountain fortress in one fell swoop!
This made the nomads of the Luo Khanate and the remaining elven coalition forces who can only bow and shoot arrows and behave handsomely in the most face of the horn for the first time feel the power of magical pseudo-technology!
It was the self-explosive artillery battles that made the strong orcs only use half a night to fight the Luo Khanate coalition forces to retreat into the last mountain fortress, losing all the outer walls and Defensive arrow fort and other facilities, only the main body of the mountain fortress for the concentration of refugees and the last gate...
Bang! Bang! !
At this time, within the mountain fortress of Hornbill, apart from Aragorn who is still actively directing the battle, King Haydon and some other people are sitting on the ground with a sad face, listening to those outside the door. There was a loud shout of excitement from the strong orcs, and the sound of a violent crash that followed the last door.
"This Rohan Fortress, which is said to never fall, this magnificent horn fort built by the ancestors of the past, is about to be captured..."
"Everything is about to end..."
Seeing the dozen or so soldiers using logs and heavy objects in vain, even their bodies against the cast iron frame wrapped in solid wood structure, Hidden knew that this place had fallen. Maybe it's just a matter of time.
"No more needless struggles, it makes no sense!"
When the loyal guard commander by his side bandaged his wounds, Hidden laughed at himself and said this to Aragorn, who was still commanding the soldiers to resist the door.
"No! Hidden, what you said, as long as someone guards, this fortress will not be captured?!"
After and Legolas hurried over, carrying a thick plank to continue to strengthen the defense of the gate, Aragorn was very dissatisfied and roared at the first discouraged Haydon:
"As long as they are still defending and fighting to the death, we haven't lost yet!"
At the juncture of life and death, Aragorn does not care about any etiquette, and does not intend to give this Xiyudun Hussar the slightest face, he almost pointed at the other party's head and scolded him!
Thinking of that day, he decided to abandon the capital Edoras and led most of the Rohan refugees nearby to take refuge in the Holy Helm Valley, and to avoid a head-on battle with the strong orc army, it was Hidden! He said how tough this fortress is and how unbreakable it is, it is his Hidden!
But the result? It's only half a night before the sky is up, and the strong orcs have already attacked this last door!
And these people, now all blocked here, have directly become a group of turtles in the urn, and they have nowhere to run! Once this door is broken, the strong orcs outside, who are tens of thousands, come in. The people here, whether they are men, women, young or old, humans, dwarves, or elves, don't want to live alone!
"They are coming in soon!"
"The gods are here, who can come to save us..."
After hearing the louder and louder slogans of the strong orcs and the knocking of the door, the old and weak women and children hiding in the depths of the fortress began to scream and became chaotic. From time to time, there were bursts of cries of children. As well as the prayers of some old people, the scene became worse...
If it is in peacetime, maybe there are officials or soldiers trying to maintain order? But now, as they are about to break through the last fortress, they don't want to take care of it anymore. After all, once the gate is breached by a strong orc, no matter how much they do, it will become meaningless!
At that time, these people, from kings and nobles to civilians, women and children, will not be able to escape the ultimate fate of being destroyed!
He sighed slightly in his heart. After taking a look at the refugee gates, Hidden turned his head a little unbearably. Perhaps, he, the Hussar King of the Luohan Kingdom, will soon become the last king of Luohan?
What he never expected was that Hidden, in the end, would lose the title of a king of subjugation...
"Is there any other way for these women, children and children to escape first?!"
After watching the chaos of the refugees for a while, Aragorn hurriedly walked to the side of Hidden and asked.
In fact, Aragorn has long wanted to ask this question!
He thinks, as long as Luohan's ancestors are not stupid, there should always be one or two secret backs in this fortress, right? As long as there is a way out, he can safely continue to command the soldiers to resist, and then after the gate is broken through, he can run away, so as not to die in this stronghold built by the Rohan people!
Aragorn believes that no one will build such a fortress with no retreat unless that person is a fool! Cunning Rabbit or Sanku, let alone a person who can think?
No matter how bad, there should also be one or two secret passages for escape in critical moments!
While asking, Aragorn, who was busy coordinating the soldiers' gatekeepers, turned around and saw the two silent and ashamed King Rohan Hussars and the guard commander, there was a thump in his heart, and he cried There was a bad sound.
"Is there really no other way out?!"
After strengthening his tone again, Aragorn almost didn't get scared by the reaction of these two people!
These idiots of the Luo Khanate, did they really build a fortress like a cemetery? Are they so stupid that they don't even leave a trail for themselves? !
"There is a trail that leads to the mountains behind..."
"But no matter whether it is us, or these women and children, they are definitely not far away! Those strong orcs, they are too many! It won't be long before they can catch up and kill us... …"
Under Aragorn's questioning, the king's guard commander finally revealed a secret path.
It's just that the secret road is too narrow and rugged. It only allows one or two people to go in parallel, and the horses are definitely not going to pass.
In this case, how many thousands of refugees can escape? Even if they run into the mountains, what use can they do? Those strong orcs all over the mountains, they don't even need to chase them from the secret roads, as long as they are pushed directly over the mountains, they can easily overtake them!
"Drink!" "Drink!!"
Bang~! Bang! !
Outside the door, the strong orcs were still shouting slogans in excitement and slammed into the fortress gate that the Rohan people finally trusted.
Because they all know that in this mountain fortress, there are countless living human women and children! They are eager to eat their sweet flesh and blood, and listen to their temporary screams and wailing, and use each other's blood, with blood handprints, to dye the dirty armor on their bodies!
"Drink!" "Drink!!"
Bang~! Bang~! !
"This is really..."
damn it!
Aragorn looked at the soldiers who were wailing and desperately pressing the gate, and the gate that was getting more and more overwhelmed. He knew that with their two thin iron wooden gates, they could not hold on for long!
Now, the sky outside has begun to gradually brighten. Maybe, when the sky is bright and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the window, this place will be completely captured by the strong orcs, right?
"Hurry up! Fasten the gate first!"
Their time is running out, even if they want to retreat, they don't have much time, and if they run, they can't get out of many people! At that time, this place will become a of human flesh and blood, and at the same time it will become a venue for strong orcs to revel!
Bastard! What should we do now?
Aragorn's heart began to change his mind, he was thinking hard about countermeasures, and he was eager to find a good way to break the current deadlock.
"It's useless... we can't fight them now..."
Hidden had already begun to think that he would die here with dignity like a qualified king, instead of fleeing, being chopped off by a strong orc like a bereaved dog!
"No! We can actually rush out..."
"Yes! You can follow me to rush out! Even if it is to fight for the slim line of life for women and children?"
This is also the first line of life for Aragorn!
As long as they mount on their horses, condescendingly follow the gates and stone paths, rushing out unexpectedly by the enemy, maybe they have a chance to break through the army of those strong orcs who are eating the corpses of the dead?
Anyway, it's better than waiting to die here, right?
At this time, when the sky was about to dawn outside, the sound of distant horns faintly came in, and at this pre-dawn moment, it seemed especially sweet.
"Who will it be?!"
After hearing this strange horn, everyone including Aragon, Hidden, and other soldiers and refugees quickly ran to the row of stone windows of the castle and began to crowd together, thinking Look at the outside, who is here again.
Because, they knew that the strange and crisp horn sound was definitely not the war drum of the strong orcs or the wolf howling terror bugle, nor the horn of the Gondor kingdom, nor the elves and dwarves they were familiar with. Or any force!
"That is……?"
"That's Alicia..."
Then, facing the faint light when the sun was about to rise, Hidden saw that at the mouth of the Saint Helm Valley, there were two huge red-bottomed and white condor flags rising from the horizon. They were being held high by the hands of two cavalry in red armor, and appeared at the position of Taniguchi just behind the battlefield of Saint Helm Valley.
Hidden and Aragorn, who were lucky enough to have seen this flag in the palace of Edoras, quickly recognized it!
After the two red-armored cavalry holding the huge flags stationed on their horses, an unusually tall and majestic white unicorn, wearing a golden armor and a beautiful figure in a red cloak, finally trot. Appeared in the middle of the two flags.
"is her?"
"That is really the United Kingdom of Alicia..."
Aragorn, who was about to persuade Haydon to rush out from the horn fort that was about to be captured, and Aragorn, who carried out a decisive assault with the orcs, saw this surprising situation from a distance for the first time.
"Queen Ofina..."
Hidden said the name, he still remembered it clearly.
They, the army of the Alicia United Kingdom he hadn't been very optimistic about, they actually came here as scheduled? But, can they really beat the tens of thousands of strong orcs that surround the horn fort?
In this regard, Hidden had a faint suspicion while he was lucky.
"Huh? It looks like there are a lot of people, but what's the use?!"
Looking at the distance, the densely packed strong orcs and a small number of Dunland barbarians mixed forces, Ofina felt that the number of opponents placed here is at least three to five thousand, right?
It's a pity that the other party is a bit stupid. He didn't even send basic guards, and crowded all the troops into the Holy Helm Valley. They also blocked the way back. It was nothing better than this. More stupid!
"Kelly, you immediately lead three hundred musketeers and all the lark lancers, and go to block the small gap on the left."
"Today, these monsters, don't even want to run!"
With a smile on her face, after pointing to a very steep in the Saint Helm Valley, Ofina spoke extremely cold words.
"Go around now, now!"
Then, she gave an order to a female officer who was following behind her and riding a horse to catch up.
Ofina feels that the terrain of the Saint Helm Valley is very good. It is full of grasslands, flat terrain, wide vision, and there are no huge rocks or trees such as shelters, which is very suitable for their Musketeers to exert their full strength!
Moreover, the situation is even better at the moment: within this Saint Helm Valley, the escape from here is possible except for the entrance that I am currently blocking and the mountain castle that has not been completely breached, but only in the distance is left. , The small gap that is very steep and not too wide near the upper left of the castle?
Now, as long as she sends a firearmer to stand up and block there, Ofina believes that even a hundred thousand strong orcs can easily rush to it, right?
"Yes! My Majesty!"
Kelly understood the importance of the steep gap at a glance, so, knowing that the task is important, she didn't say much, she turned and rode away.
She is going to lead the three teams of Musketeers and the two teams of "Lark" Lancers, a total of more than 500 people, immediately set off, before the strong orcs discover the importance of the gap, where they will stay firmly!
This is just like what their queen just said, today, the tens of thousands of strong orcs in the Saint Helm Valley are real turtles in the urn, one of them counts as one, no one wants to run!
"Pass:'Goddess' Fury' Musketeers, step forward one hundred yards, five lines, and start line up!"
After seeing her bodyguard leading her troops to detour, Ofina gave orders to the remaining adjutant.
Then, looking at Aragorn from the window of the horn fort, Hidden and others were surprised to find that a large group of people without any armors and sharp blades began to appear on the horizon of the valley of the holy helmet, just wearing red tights. The men and women soldiers wearing weird wide-brimmed denim hats and holding weird iron rods followed the strange sound of beating gongs and drums, stepping on a neat formation and pace, just relying on a five-layer sparse battle of less than 3,000 people. The line, divided into dozens of neat square formations, quickly and completely blocked the rear exit of Saint Helm Valley!
"Ge Luoyin! Immediately build an artillery position at a high place, unload those cannons, and aim the muzzle in the direction of the Holy Helm Valley. I only give you ten minutes!"
This time, due to the hurried arrival, they only transported only thirty Cannons of the Nemesis in a carriage. However, Ofina felt that this amount was enough to block the exit of the Holy Helm Valley. !
As long as they want, they can even bombard that horn fort here directly?
"Aha! You are optimistic about it, Your Majesty Queen Ofina!"
As soon as Ofina's words fell, a small old dwarf yelled and ran back quickly.
If it were to hit the human towns in the north, perhaps Groyin might use some excuses to prevaricate the past, or maybe it was not very active.
However, if he fights a strong orc or a half-orc like he is now, then he won't have the slightest problem! He promised that under his professional command, when the artillery fired up, he would be able to fight quickly and accurately!
Besides, these high-performance cannons were made by the skill of their dwarves, and he is very clear about their data and various performances!
"Other troops, immediately build defensive positions in the rear, and closely monitor any enemies that may come outside!"
Now here in the Luo Khanate is not too safe, there are small groups of strong orcs and Dunlanders raging everywhere! After all, the current Dunlanders were all driven into Rohan territory by them!
Moreover, on their way here, they encountered many small groups of orcs raiders or small groups of wolf cavalry, so Ofina was not worried about her rear.
Therefore, she gave an order on the spot to let the Dundan cavalry, heavy-armored infantry, ranger and militia and other troops that have no combat missions, so that the troops of more than four thousand people should strictly guard against any possible threats behind them. , They just need to guard the back road.
"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen!"
After receiving the order, several old or young aristocratic generals from the former Illiyad Free Assembly happily took their orders. They will follow the order, not far behind the main gunners and artillery, to build multiple defensive camps and arrange their respective formations. Of course, this may take a lot of time.
"Is there no one in their Alicia kingdom? How come even those delicate women are sent to the battlefield?"
"What kind of weapon are they holding in their hands? Is an iron rod tied to a piece of wood? Why don't they even have basic armor? How can they fight those powerful, bloodthirsty orcs?"
"No, their formation is too loose... Moreover, the most elite armored cavalry and infantry regiments have begun to retreat? Does that woman really fight?"
At this time, after seeing the distant scene from the window of the horn fortress, some refugees or generals began to talk.
"Ahaha! Stupid humans! Even people with less than ten thousand dare to block our way?"
"You, and you! The people who took you, immediately go to me to disperse them! Kill them all!"
At this time, a strong orc leader who was naked, without a piece of armor, holding a large sharp-pointed knife in one hand, and gnawing at an unknown arm in the other, took a few steps forward, kicking a few of them. The little bosses who are rushing to eat have ordered.
"And you idiots, don't stop, continue to attack! Break the broken wooden door for me!"
"Did you hear that voice? There are countless delicious meats in this castle! Those women are much more delicious and tender than the men outside!"
After seeing a few of his men running out of the city wall and going to the troops behind them, they started shouting to tell the messy strong orcs to re-array and turn to Taniguchi, who was ready to assault the Valley of Helm. Then he turned his head in satisfaction, and yelled at the soldiers who were hesitating whether to continue hitting the door.
After hearing the general's curse and temptation, the strong orcs who were in a daze finally cheered again and began to shout their unclear slogans again, intending to continue hitting the last door of the Horn Fort!
At this time, outside the wall of the horn fort, a bugle and the shouts of strong orc soldiers rang.
"Drink! Hi!"
"Drink! Hi! Hi!"
It didn’t take long before the messy strong orcs outside the horn fort, and finally, under the kick and abuse of their respective officers, they soon formed a neat spear phalanx or sword and shield phalanx again. .
They each brandished the super-long spears that were several yards long in their hands or those iron shields and large knives, and began to shout neat slogans, toward the direction of Saint Helm Valley Taniguchi, toward the strange enemies.
"Huh? The dense phalanx is still advancing steadily?"
"Do you want to break through my Musketeer battle line with these strong orcs of less than ten thousand people? This kind of tactics has already fallen behind!"
Riding steadily on top of her white unicorn, Ofina looked at the sea like a black sea, and at first she slowly separated from their large forces, and was slowly pressing towards her side. After a few glances, the orc army began to drive the unicorn at its feet with disdain, and ran to the middle position of the first battle line in front of the musket formation.
Today, Ofina will personally direct this battle!
She wants to slaughter these strong orcs fiercely, and then let the Rohan people in Saint Helm Valley take a good look at the power of their Alicia United Kingdom!
She wants to let the Rohan people in Saint Helm Valley understand that when the time comes, they Rohan only need to be honestly a subordinate country!
"Stupid orcs, prepare to enjoy the baptism of'Goddess' Fury'!"
Here, she has nearly 3,000 of the most elite "Goddess' Fury" Mini Musketeers. The battle line formed by them is not something that these tens of thousands of strong orcs can easily break through!
Earlier, when Ofina was besieging the city outside Isengard, their mini rifles, which had an accurate killing range of close to six hundred yards and an effective damage range of up to 1,000 yards, had withstood the test of actual combat. of!
When the strong orcs on the opposite side, their coarse and relatively thin plate armor could not withstand the 17.8mm large-caliber cone of the Mini rifle!
"Heh! Come, get closer..."
I waited for a while before the formation, until I saw that the strong orcs had approached their battle line close to a distance of more than 400 yards, and at the same time they had smelled the strong stench from the opponent, Ofina sneered and drew out the golden long sword pinned to her waist and slowly raised it over her head.
Today, here, Ofina intends to wipe out these 10,000 strong orcs who have attacked from the main force!
She wants to put them at a distance of three hundred yards before firing and firing! When the time comes, no matter whether the opponent keeps going forward, or turns around to escape and retreat, there is only one dead end!
"That woman, that kind of distance is still there, what on earth does she want to do? Could it be... are they all crazy?"
Hussein King Xiuton looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't understand it. The opponent's current tactics and command are different from anything he knows or has experienced!
"I'm sorry, Hidden, I don't quite understand what they want to do like that..."
In the horn castle, Aragorn and Hidden looked at each other, not knowing what to say.
Whether it is the hussar King Hidden who has experienced many battles, or Aragorn, who has served as a senior general in the Kingdom of Gondor, do not understand it! They didn't understand, why did that woman do that? What is it or relying on it that gives her that inexplicable confidence?
Take a look, the army of those strong orcs, they are already close to their formation for nearly three hundred yards, they are about to speed up and charge!
And they, until now, their strange soldiers holding iron rods are still indifferent? Not only are they still lined up with that ridiculous and sparse battle line, but they still haven't even shot an arrow? Those people, what are they doing?
If they had not read it wrong before, right behind them, there are at least one or two thousand elite heavy cavalry and plate armored infantry? But what about those troops now? Why not send them to the front line to withstand the strong orcs? Instead, send those ridiculous iron-bar cloth soldiers? !
"Hey! I said Can anyone help me? Or, can anyone tell me: What is going on outside!?"
"What are you talking about? Is that Alicia here? What did they do?"
While other people were huddled by the stone window watching the excitement and began to whisper and talk, the dwarf Jinli jumped anxiously behind the crowd.
In fact, he didn't just squeeze in. It's just those stone windows. Their height everywhere didn't match his height. Even after squeezing in, he couldn't see anything outside!
From Jinli's point of view, these Rohan people, they don't pay much attention to the international spirit! When they built the castle, wouldn't they also fix some shorter and more humanized windowsills for their dwarves? !
"Huh! Attention everyone, you are in your position! The first!!!"
When the enemy’s phalanx finally slowly approached within three hundred yards of the predetermined attack range, Ofina’s right hand holding the sword finally faced the strong beasts who could almost vaguely see the hideous face. Shake it down!
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