Chapter 308: Insight Plan (4)

The arsonist Annie has successfully escaped from the scene of the crime, and she thinks she will not be found out that she has done bad things. At this time, she is wandering on a quiet street in Washington. She needs to think about it. What should she do next, or how should she do it?
   At this point in time, there are not only fewer pedestrians on the street, but even fewer vehicles.
They are more often parked by their owners in the parking spaces on the side of the road, and occasionally when three or two pedestrians pass by in a hurry, they all look curious and surprised at someone carrying a car. A teddy bear, and a little girl dangling on the street at night.
   However, those pedestrians, although they don't understand why a little girl would still wander in the street when it was late at night, she was as wise as them, and did not go to her own business.
(My little master, it’s so late now, don’t you really think about going to bed first? Look, at this time, how many pedestrians and vehicles are there on the road? Later, if those nine heads If the snake guys continue to deal with you, then it will definitely not be the kind of little trouble like just now...
  Tibbers felt that after the release of a certain Balrog, whether it was the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. or something else, it would definitely be shocked by its little owner, right? Then, if the Hydra guys plan to attack again, it will definitely not send a bunch of trash fish! At least, they will be a large group of fighters or missiles to the extent? )
   "Sleep? Where can I sleep! Tonight, if I don't clean up those Hydra guys, I can't sleep!"
Annie looked at Tibbs the bear with her left hand, stepped on trivial steps, and shook it with her right hand while shaking her fist fiercely, raising her to face S.H.I.E.L.D. Said the direction.
(The little one doesn’t understand. Why are you still wandering around here? Why don’t you go directly to that SHIELD and clean them up in twos or twos? What a simple matter, you are still here Akira? Stay a while, maybe the police uncle will come and take you home!)
   "I'm thinking of a way!"
"It's just that there must be a lot of people in their Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D., and then, if you clean them up one by one, it will definitely waste a lot of time. That would be too much trouble! So, I haven't thought about it yet. , What should we do?"
   Those bad guys must teach them a profound lesson. No one can question her determination on this!
   But, if she let her do everything herself, Annie felt it was too trivial, and she was most afraid of trouble.
   "What you should have seen just now, something like Erhei. If it is released, it will only cause trouble! If it is released again, it will burn the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, what else can it do?"
   "And don't mention bear, you have become lazier than me!"
"As for Xiaopang... he hasn't learned to be lazy yet, but he will only lose the big Ivan. This little earth will definitely be unbearable! So, people suddenly felt that this matter is too troublesome! No! If I teach them Hydra, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, and if I teach them, I may be delayed all night!
   Annie is struggling with this little thing now, and when she doesn't tangled anything, she will clean up the bad guys after what happens.
   (Then you should hurry up to find some helpers, and let them go and clean up the group of Hydras. It shouldn’t take much time.)
   "Find a helper..."
   "Actually, it's not impossible... It's just that I just asked a paladin and a priest to help the new Lordaeron. Now they haven't gone back, are they going to trouble other people's homes?"
   Annie thought for a while, if you want to quickly clean up those Hydras, just pull a little high-end force over, it must be a crushing situation, and it is fast and good!
   But the new Kingdom of Lordaeron just helped me out. Wouldn’t it be a bit bad if I went to ask them for a lot of Paladins or warriors?
And if you look for her own army of fire elements, although they are more obedient and stronger than the Balrog, but they look too non-mainstream, whether it is the Fire Demon, the Little Balrog, the Hellhound, the Fire Eagle or the giant lava giant, they It is really not in line with the aesthetics of the people on the earth, if you really have to make it out, it may not be of much use if it is missing, and it will add chaos! If there are too many, it will definitely make the world chaotic!
  Maybe, after seeing her fire elements, people on Earth thought they were invading again! When the time comes, if the two sides fight, will she help the earthlings or her own fire element?
   But actually, as far as Annie is concerned, her fire elemental creatures are also very cute, they look prosperous, beautiful and capable of fighting! Only those mortals who don't know how to appreciate would think they look terrifying, right?
   In the final analysis, some people's appreciation level is too low to appreciate! In Annie's view, whether it is the fire element or the Balrog caught from the Lord of the Rings, they are more in line with her own mainstream aesthetics, and they are also the source of pets that meet her basic requirements.
   (In your interstellar world, isn't there at least hundreds of billions of people of all races? Just pull some troops over, and tidy up that Hydra is not like playing?!
  Tibbers doesn't understand, why is his little master now so violent? Still want to pull a bunch of high-level fire elements or the elite human legion of Lordaeron? Isn't this going to fight high-level wars, it's just a small matter, as for such a big trouble?
  Instead of that, it would be better to just throw the Er Heizi to the SHIELD headquarters, it would be easier? )
   "That's right!"
   Hearing this, Annie's eyes suddenly brightened, she almost forgot, in terms of manpower, maybe there are more people in the interstellar world? Although their individual strengths are uneven, their technological level is high!
   "So, Tibbers! Shall we send out some Zerg army? Or are we looking for Protoss fanatics? Or, just drive my new Führer directly over?"
   Anyway, in this world, Annie can use unlimited energy, and the portal can be opened as big as she wants, and as long as she wants to open!
So, she really wanted to drive her Führer over, and then put it on show in front of Uncle Coleson and the others, letting them know how small their S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft is. And ridiculous, will they dare to show off the broken plane in front of them in the future?
   (Okay, master! It doesn’t need to be so troublesome, you should let the little one go!)
   (It’s not this bear bragging, it only takes half an hour for the SHIELD headquarters and the Hydras!
In ten minutes, the small one can demolish the headquarters building of S.H.I.E.L.D., and make it live within a few hundred meters of a blade of grass and nothing! At that time, it can be guaranteed that it will not delay your time to go back to bed!
  Tibbers suddenly launched a ruthless attack. From its point of view, whether it was to release bugs, protoss, or head of state, it would definitely cause more trouble! Rather than being so troublesome, it's better to let Er Heizi or it do it on its own! At that time, although a little more innocent people may be killed, it is better than tossing and ruining the entire earth, right? )
   "Huh! Bear, you're naughty again..."
   "Just now, you obviously said that you want to find a helper first! Then tell me, who should I call out?"
   It was it that wanted to be lazy at the beginning, and it was it that told me to find a helper, but now it is still it that denies my proposal! So ah, Annie could only grab her own little bear angrily, grab it in front of her own eyes, and stare at each other fiercely.
   If it doesn't give a statement that satisfies itself, then it is beautiful!
(You can just find a few teams of Marines to come over. The left and right are just attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building, and you are not going to attack the earth. You find the Zerg or the Führer, do you think the trouble is not big enough ?
  Tibbers felt that the human marines in the Kepru region had also immigrated from the earth, and they were also earthlings. At least, from the appearance, they will not be too repelled by the earth humans in this world? And if a bug or a protoss is made, a terrified earth person who can't handle it well, will first throw a few nuclear bombs to wash the ground?
   Now Tibbers, like his owner Anne, likes to use nuclear bombs to smash the enemy to play! However, if someone else smashed a nuclear bomb at yourself, it would be less fun...)
   "You mean those Marines?"
   Annie started to bite her finger and thought about it seriously. If it's just the Marines, it seems that it's really OK?
  Federal Marines, whether it’s armored powered combat uniforms or those electromagnetic weapons, in terms of combat effectiveness, it seems that they can pick Captain America casually, right? Except that they can't fly, if they play hand-to-hand combat, I'm afraid Iron Man has to admit it, right?
   "Okay! Then it is decided happily, I will contact them now!"
   After finishing talking, Annie took out a communicator, and at the same time hurriedly opened a small space door connecting the interstellar world, so that her instrument signals could be connected to the capital Haven.
   "Crooked? Is anyone here? Just squeak if there is one!"
   (Hello, this is the Office of the Head of State of Haven Star Capital District. I am Karishna, the Secretary and Liaison Officer of the Eighth Office of the Third Office of the Head of State Secretariat. What can I do for you?)
   When Annie thought there was no signal, suddenly, an unfamiliar voice rang.
   "Huh? Karisma? I don't seem to know you!"
   "Forget it, this matter is not important! I actually came to Galen or Dreyus. Please connect their communications to me! Very urgent, I will wait online!"
   Hearing this voice, and then looking at the big sister and the little head portrait displayed in the instrument in her hand, Annie was stunned for a moment. Then, she looked at the display of the communication channel. This was indeed the number of the former head of state's residence! It's just that she doesn't know why this operator is indeed someone she doesn't know?
   But, she didn't want to take care of these things now, so she directly ordered and urged.
   (Sorry, may I ask if you are...)
   Liaison Officer Karishna frowned slightly, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.
Then, she first looked at the communication identification code of the other party, and found that the communication was sent from an unfamiliar and unrecognizable area, and then looked at the other side but could not display the specific holographic image, she was slightly confused. Asked.
   Now suddenly a communication popped up. She asked her to help transfer the federation's high-level generals. She didn't even have a holographic scanning device. If she didn't figure out the identity of the other party, how could she dare to do that casually?
   "I am your Master Anne, please go and help me transfer, go right away!"
   Annie is also scratching her head now, and things seem to be getting more troublesome.
   At first, she did not seem to have recorded the communication methods of Galen's people! It's good this time, you can only use her contact device to directly contact her original head of state residence, but the result? It turned out to be someone he didn't know.
   (Sorry! Please show or read your identification code first, otherwise, the communication will be closed automatically after one minute.)
   Hearing this, Karisma sighed slightly. Sure enough, it was this kind of trouble...
   Since she came to this office and was in charge of this communication device, every month, she always received several communications pretending to be the head of their heroic federation Anne.
   Those little kids are really lawless!
   I don’t know, who on earth revealed the communication channel of this instrument to them? Could it be that someone was jealous of her Karishna's too little workload, so it was deliberately spread?
   Therefore, after looking at the unfamiliar digital code in the communication channel, Karisma made sure that she did not recognize it, and then she went on a routine and gave the final warning.
   "Wow! How can you do this?!"
   "Wait first! That identification code... I seem to have it!"
   After seeing that the liaison officer of the liaison office was someone she didn't know, and she didn't seem to be a fan of herself, Annie had nothing to do, and she could only start rumbling around in her space bag.
   Now, unless she is willing to go to the interstellar world herself, otherwise, this strange big sister, it is really possible that she will not continue to care about herself!
   "Aha! ID card, I found it!"
When Karistina on the opposite side stared at the countdown to the end of the communication, and was about to end this call made by a lawless kid, Annie suddenly cheered and took out a small U disk shape. The thing was directly inserted into a slot of the communication device.
   Actually, Annie herself is to blame for this. This is the first time she has used her communication device since she got it! And just now, she didn't even insert the authorization key like the mobile phone card that represented her identity!
   is the conscience communication device of these interstellar worlds. If you replace it with some unscrupulous manufacturer's machine, if you don't have a mobile phone card, let alone call, you can't even open the phone interface!
   Karisma originally thought that this was just another prank today.
   But where did she think that the holographic screen in front of her, which had no image display at all, suddenly began to refresh quickly
Line after line of code went up, and soon, the identity information of a little girl was displayed on it, and in the column of that name, it was written: Anne Hasta, Keplu District, Hero Federation Lifetime head!
   (Ann, Your Excellency, Heads of State Anne, is it really you?!)
   For this legendary existence, this little girl who has been missing for a long time and could not be found by the countless search fleets of the Federation, has she actually contacted the door?
   In excitement, Karisma looked at the identity information column again. When she saw the red one, showing the permission level of no.0, she finally determined it.
  With this logo, that's right!
Many Heroic Federation citizens think that the highest authority of the federation is the no.1 authority of the acting head of state, but Karisma and a very small number of high-level federations know that the highest authority is actually the missing head of Anne. The number zero authority, it is the number zero that represents absolute control over the federal army!
   "Yes, it's me! Hurry up, I don't have time to chat with you right now, transfer me to Galen and them, I have something to find them!"
   Seeing that when she inserted the authority key representing her identity and that big sister finally recognized herself, Annie hurriedly urged again.
  Since she wants to find someone from the interstellar world to fight for herself, then Annie will definitely think of her two heads of state guards for the first time. With Galen and the others, it must be able to clean up the hydra in minutes.
   (Very, sorry, Lord Führer!)
(General Galen and General Dreyus had already led the fleet more than a month ago to fight against the new round of invasion of the Ued Expeditionary Force. They are currently under the control of the Front Line Command. Permission to contact them...)
   Not long ago, the federal border post in the Krupp zone discovered: A large fleet has appeared on the periphery of the star zone! And the other party's flag is exactly the same as the Ued Expeditionary Force that had been planted in the Kepulu district and wiped out the whole army! And now, after many years, the other party has made a comeback, and is planning to launch a new round of offensive on the Kepulu region?
   So, for those senior officers who are commanding the battle on the front line, she definitely can't get in touch with Karistna! After all, it was a high-level secret of the Federation, and now, she might not even know where the frontline troops of the Federation were in the star field!
   "Then you can transfer me to other people, whether it is Sister Doug or Uncle Prang!"
   When she needed help, their gang went to fight? This is really boring!
   But what is that ued?
   Annie thought about it seriously. She didn't seem to have any impression. Ued said she didn't know her. As for upl or something, she has a deep memory! Because, when Galen and the others were idle, they often scolded those upl, cursing and cursing, she also wrote it down by the way.
   (Sorry... The Planck Fleet Commander and Lieutenant General Doug are also in the war zone now, and I don’t have enough authority to contact them...)
   (His Excellency Leona, Acting Head of State of the Federation, is holding a high-level meeting. It may take half an hour to get in touch...)
  The second wave of expeditionary forces from the Hero Federation and ued is about to start a general battle! At this time, whether it was the insect swarm, the Protoss, or their humans, the high-level or high-level generals of the entire federation were almost on the front line or on standby in the second line of defense.
   This one is not there, and that one is not there. Now Annie is a bit dumbfounded.
   (Excuse me, Your Excellency, Head of State Anne! Do you need me to help you contact other senior generals in the capital star? Even, I can help you contact senior officials of other races.)
   After finishing speaking, Karisma read out a lot of names, including humans, Zerg or Protoss. They are all high-level people who are currently in Haiwenxing, and she can contact them immediately.
   "I don't know them again!"
   "It's like this, I'm looking for someone to fight, and I need some support! You guys will send me some troops right away!"
   Annie is annoyed. If she can't find anyone, she will simply burn the SHIELD headquarters in a fire! She finally found a good solution, but she just wanted to find someone to support herself. Why did it become so troublesome?
   (Yes, Your Excellency Head Anne!)
(At present, there are more than 1,000 warships of the size of the garrison fleet near the capital star area of ​​Haven Star, with a total of more than 8 million combatants of various types. They are now in a state of combat readiness. May I ask how much support do you need? where?)
  Since it is the head of the federation who needs support, Karisma certainly dare not neglect!
Therefore, she hurriedly prepared the record and planned to submit the order directly to the commander of the garrison fleet later. As for whether the other party listens to the order, it does not matter to her. Anyway, she is just a small head of state. The secretariat liaison officer is nothing more than.
   Now, it's Annie's turn to not know what to say.
She just didn’t bother to take action by herself, so she needed to find someone to help attack the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the other party was good. She opened her mouth with a thousand warships of all kinds and millions of troops. This is the rhythm of letting herself lay down the entire planet ?
   (Your Excellency, Head Anne? Are you still online? Please answer when you hear! Hello?!)
   "I need two hundred Marines... Ten minutes later, I will open a portal between the two big trees in the courtyard of my former Führer’s mansion. You ask them to quickly prepare..."
   After thinking about it, and after adding it up with Tibbs, her little bear, Annie gave a small number.
   (Okay! Your Excellency, your order has been issued and the Marines are in place...)
   This scared Karisna to death. She thought that the head of their federation was besieged by some evil forces, so she needed to seek support!
   Just now, she was all ready to contact the Federal Assembly, the garrison fleet, and the army in the nearby star regions, but how could she have thought that the other side only needed two hundred Marines? !
   If I knew it was such a trivial matter, even if there was no order from the head of state or other generals, she could easily be transferred with Karisma herself as a liaison officer. Why would I need to contact those high-level federal officials?
   Anyway, this Führer’s residence is home to five hundred elite Marines all year round! Although, most of them have not experienced actual combat and are a little better than the honor guard, but their equipment and weapons are the most sophisticated ones in actual combat!
   As it is now, it only requires 200 people to support small tasks, then they must be able to do it.
   "Sky, how is it? Have you found Little Annie? Where is she now? I can't see her here!"
   At this time, on the side of the road outside the restaurant where Annie originally ate
, Coleson was sitting helplessly on his red "Laura", anxiously asking Skye, who was monitoring by satellite at the suburban airport, and at the same time staring blankly at the firefighters trying to control something. A little girl made a big fire.
   After that row of cars was ignited by everyone, the fire was out of control!
   Coupled with the gasoline filled in their tanks, under the blazing fire, there will be violent explosions from time to time, making the fire scene more chaotic and dangerous!
Therefore, the firefighters can barely control the fire around the parking lot, and they can barely let them spread to the surrounding streets and buildings. As for the vehicles in the middle, they can only let them slow down after they burn out. Slowly goes out...
   In this fire, Coleson himself conservatively estimated that at least several hundred million were lost, right? This is Annie. Her little rich lady can definitely afford it, and she is not afraid of being held accountable? And if you change to another person, it will be enough to stay in prison for a lifetime!
   "I'm sorry, Coleson, I have tried very hard to find it now!"
Skye used only an ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. computer without the help of other auxiliary equipment. In addition, she still stole the permission to use the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite, so she was asked to be the oldest one at night. Finding a little girl in the city really embarrassed her.
   "I suggest, you'd better go around casually, maybe, your chances of finding her by yourself are a little bit higher than my chances of finding her?"
  What else can we do in this situation?
   Skye felt that unless she was given permission to all networked cameras in downtown Washington, she would definitely not be able to find the little girl for a while.
But now, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. is said to be still occupied by those Hydra doves. At this time, they dare not do anything like invading S.H.I.E.L.D. The other party was watching.
   "Well, I think you are right..."
Looking at the vast fire scene, the skyrocketing flames and the explosive sound of explosions, Coleson also felt that according to Annie’s personality, he should not stay here, so he might as well walk along the street slowly Take a look around.
   "Wait! Oh my god!"
"Coleson, I think I might have found Annie! It's just northwest of you, about two blocks away from you. You keep going north, then turn left at the fifth crossroad. She is in that park. There! I will post the location in your navigation. Now that there are few vehicles on the street, you may have more than ten minutes away!"
   Just as Coleson had just drove his own car away from this street that had long been crowded with fire trucks and police cars, Skye's exclamation suddenly sounded in his earphones.
   Then, Coleson's heart trembled, and without asking more questions, he hurriedly accelerated, and started speeding away at a high speed as Skye said.
   "What's wrong with Skye! Did Annie set the flame demon again?"
   Now, there are so many people in the city, and Coleson did not dare to activate his flying ability. He could only accelerate and rush through the red light intersections, hurried to the north.
   He heard the surprise and urgency in Skye's tone, so he subconsciously felt that it must have been Annie who released that demon out to make trouble! Could it be that Little Annie still wants to burn the entire city? This is Washington, some things, even if SHIELD is still in their hands, they are not easy to cover up!
   "No... she didn't release the flame demon..."
   Skye’s tone suddenly became weird again, which made Coleson even more confused. What was going on with this surprise?
   "What's wrong with that? Could it be that while she was dealing with Hydra, she set fire to an entire park?!"
   In the dark night, Skye can quickly lock the position, besides setting fire, there is only setting fire, right? He couldn't think of anything that would attract the attention of satellites better than burning a park.
   "It's not set fire! She... seems to have released an entire army of steel?"
   "I don't know exactly how to describe them, but I think you'd better pass it quickly! They have started to act now, they look extremely powerful!"
   "Their direction is... God! I see, that little girl Annie, she must want to take them to SHIELD headquarters! Haha! I think we might have fun watching tonight!"
   Under Coulson’s inexplicable and anxious mood, there were waves of Skye’s schadenfreude in his headphones.
   "Oh! Damn it!"
   When Coleson was about to continue accelerating, there was a sudden red light in front of him, and then, the huge fleet of container trucks that came and went, he had to stop.
   Now Coleson is already imagining, what kind of steel army did Annie summon again? Does she want to fight hard with the Hydras entrenched in SHIELD?
Henry is a middle-aged homeless man. When night fell, he got a decent dinner, and then he came to this park, ready to sleep on this bench with a pavilion to protect it from the rain. . Because he looked at the sky and knew that there might be a heavy rain tonight, he flipped through the trash can to several scraps of newspapers, planning to use them as a tool to keep out the cold in the late night rain.
However, when he slept well on the bench with a newspaper covered in it, he suddenly discovered that not far in front of his chair, there was someone who seemed to be talking, and looked very cute and cute. Little blonde girl? !
   For this situation, he was a little bit curious and surprised!
   You know, at this point in time, let alone a girl of her age, even adults, generally don’t go out or hang out on the streets at will! Because if you stay outside at this time, it means it's not safe!
   Of course, safety is relative, like Henry, he doesn’t care!
Because he is just a homeless man. Apart from a half-section bag that is held in his arms and prepared to be kept for breakfast tomorrow, he has nothing extra worthy of his attention, and he is not afraid of others. Come grab it!
   Besides, no one is stupid enough to hit the idea of ​​a tramp who can only use newspapers to keep out the cold and sleep on a park bench, right?
   Henry, who thought the little girl would leave soon, muttered two unclear words, and then continued to curl up, planning to add more sleep before the heavy rain, otherwise, it will be very cold later!
   However, in the half-dream and half-waking period, after a while, he could still hear the voice of a little girl standing by the big tree in the park intermittently. The other party seems to be talking to himself, and who seems to be calling? It's just that this distance is a little far away, he didn't hear clearly.
   But, after a while, when Henry found out that the little girl, she still had no plans to leave here? Therefore, he felt that it was necessary for him to remind the other party.
   "Hi! Little girl, it's big night, why don't you go home quickly? It's not safe here!"
   Although Henry himself is lazy and poor now, he feels that he is a good person himself! Therefore, he kindly yelled at the little girl who was still staying under the big tree.
  In this seemingly peaceful country, all kinds of evil can be seen everywhere, even the homeless people who don't care about them are often taken away, and then they never show up again! Then don't meet the little girl with delicate skin and tender meat in advance. A little girl staying in this kind of place in the middle of the night is very dangerous!
   "I want you to control?!"
   A clear voice came from under the tree.
   Obviously, the little girl didn't want to pay attention to what he said, and gave him a fierce look from a distance. Although it looked fierce, it was very cute in Henry's eyes!
   This can't help but remind Henry of his own two daughters who were abducted by wild men along with his ex-wife. If they can meet again, maybe they should be about the same age as this little girl, right?
   It's a pity that the man took his ex-wife and daughters together to settle in England on the other side of the sea. In Henry's life, except for the occasional phone call, he might never have the chance to see them again...
   This is exactly the reason Henry chose to wander. His original beloved woman ran away with someone, and his daughter also followed him to a foreign country. After being hit by a huge blow, he went on to fight again. What did he want?
   "You better listen to me, little girl! At night, you better not run around. The outside world is not as safe as it was during the day!"
   "At the intersection ahead, there is a police car. There, a lazy policeman will stop there all night to sleep in!"
"I think you can take pictures of his car windows for help? He is a fat guy, easy to recognize! Although he is a bit lazy, but he is indeed a good person, you just say that Henry let you go, he will definitely I drove you home!"
   This homeless Henry, after seeing the little girl more and more pleasing to the eye, he kindly reminded again. He also pointed out the shortest route for the other party in detail, and there was only so much he could help the other party.
   "No need! Thank you for your reminder, but I am waiting for someone now!"
   After a while, the little girl's crisp voice came over again.
   "Waiting for someone?"
   "Waiting for someone, 100 meters in front of the street, there is a 24-hour shop. There are tables and chairs at their door. I think you should be able to wait there. It's not far from here!"
   "They may drive homeless people like us, but trust me, they will never drive away little girls like you."
   This is crazy, Henry didn't understand, what kind of parents or relatives would make a little girl wait here in the middle of the night? If his two baby girls were still with him, he would never let them go out after eight o'clock in the evening!
   "No need! The person I'm waiting for should be here too!"
   There was another clear and sly voice with a hint of sly, and then, the thing that made Henry stunned happened...
  Henry only saw: That little girl, she waved like that, and instantly got a blue-and-white thing next to the originally empty park square? It looks about two or three people tall, several meters wide, or an oval...door?
Then, from the'door', we walked out rows one after another, all covered in thick power armor, holding huge sci-fi firearms in their hands, and carrying a big sword or great axe behind their backs...War robot? !
   "God! This is..."
   Is this the alien invading the earth again? For the first time, Henry remembered the New York war event two years ago!
   But, he soon realized that something was wrong!
   Because, it doesn’t seem to be a robot, but a group of living people wearing robotic armor? Just now, Henry turned his head and stared at him curiously through the glass hoods and found that in that sci-fi armor, there seemed to be a living male and female human beings?
   "Uncle blame, you are a good person!"
   "I think you are pleasing to the eye! So, now I am giving you a lucky gold coin, which can bring you good luck!"
When Henry found out that half of the park was filled with heavy armored fighters, the little girl jumped on the shoulders of one of the fighters. After she sat down, she threw towards him. Come here a shiny gold coin?
   It whirled and made a crisp noise when it collided with the ground, then it rolled and stopped just at his feet.
Seeing the iron army of almost two or three hundred people lined up in an orderly line, shouting slogans and leaving, Henry, who was dumbfounded, came back to his senses and picked up the gold coin by his feet. .
   "'Lucky Gold Coin'? It seems to be made of gold...?"
   "Heh... but What use is it if I ask for money now? And, I don’t need any ‘lucky’ anymore..."
   After murmured something to himself, Henry waved his hand and threw this ‘lucky gold coin’, which can be exchanged for at least a large sum of money, to the steel trash can in the distance.
   Ding Ding... Ding... Ding Ding Ding...
After a series of clear sounds of collisions, the gold coin was not accurately thrown into the trash can by him. Instead, after hitting the edge of the barrel, it was bounced by a huge force, and after hitting the ground a few times, it turned back. He rolled over until he hit the heel of his shoe, and then stopped spinning again.
   "I really don't need ‘lucky’! Let’s leave it to those who need it!"
After thinking about it, Henry picked it up again, and then looked to the other side. There was a small pond in the park farther away. After pondering for a while, and after taking a deep breath, he aimed at that In the direction of the pond, he threw out the gold coin again!
   After reflecting the light of the dim street lamp, the golden light drew a beautiful arc and flew directly towards the pond...
   However, it seemed that it happened to hit a branch in the air, and it was once again bounced off the concrete floor, and after two bounces, it rolled toward Henry again firmly.
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