Chapter 310: Insight Plan (6)

   Boom! ! !
When I didn’t know if it was an anti-tank missile or other small grenade, it exploded beside Captain Ivanov. It didn’t seem to treat him apart from staggering his body and making the left side of the armor black. Regardless of any influence, he still fired while cooperating with the forty Marines around him to rush forward quickly.
   Numerous large-caliber electromagnetic bullets smashed people or vehicles in front of them. In the face of weapons and equipment that had been different for generations, the resistance of the diehards of Hydra seemed useless.
At this time, the hydras who had stolen from the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. were desperate to find that their bullets were ineffective against the enemy, the fragments of high-explosive grenade explosions were ineffective, and even the short-range shock waves of those small missiles were ineffective. invalid
   "Where is the blaster?"
   "Hurry up! Install a directional blasting device immediately and destroy this iron door!"
After a few bursts of fire, a fortification consisting of several armored vehicles and sandbags outside the gate of S.H.I.E.L.D. was broken into pieces, and another group of recalcitrants of Hydra were eliminated. They rushed directly to Aegis In front of this gate of the bureau.
It’s just that, now here, the heavy iron gate has been put down, and Ivanov is trying to lift his foot and kick twice, feeling as if he can’t do anything after this big iron gate, he can only turn to the two behind him. The demolition soldiers gestured.
  嗖! Whoosh!
At this time, two sharp blasts hit, and Ivanov’s personal holographic radar on his helmet began to flash a group of red alarms, and then he turned directly without thinking about it and raised the electromagnetic rifle in his hand. Started frantically at the source of the alarm.
   Boom! boom! !
Two close-range explosions sounded one after another. I don’t know which Kun-type fighter launched two air-to-ground high-explosive missiles that he exploded on the volley. The one that exploded recently was even away from them. The Marines gathered outside the gate of SHIELD headquarters are only less than 30 meters away!
   Then, the fragments, steel balls, flame smoke, etc. after the missile was hit and exploded, all of them were enveloped in an instant.
   However, when the gunpowder dissipated, the pilots of the Hydra fighter at a high altitude in the distance discovered from radar and optical instruments: The power armor soldiers who are gathering in front of the gate are actually all right?
The Hydra pilots didn’t understand. When the fragments exploded at such a close distance, the densely packed steel would definitely cover an area of ​​more than 100 meters in a radius covered by a missile that exploded in the air. !
   But even if it's all like this, it still can't deal with those armored soldiers?
   Are they going to switch to armor-piercing depleted uranium bombs? However, if you really want to use a large armor-piercing missile to deal with a small infantry unit that can run and jump, will it be a bit stupid?
  Besides, the kind of armor-piercing shells used to deal with battleship tanks, their Kun-type fighters are really not equipped!
   After all, they are only the armed forces of SHIELD, not the fully equipped national army! The equipment of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very smart, but it is not comprehensive. Now it can be equipped with high-explosive air-to-surface missiles, which is already very good!
   Two years ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. even had nuclear bombs back then!
   It's a pity that after launching nuclear bombs to deal with the aliens invading New York, those big killers were ordered to be handed over to the military as soon as possible, and there were none left!
   "Bah! Leave them alone! Break the door first!"
After looking at another Quinn fighter plane that was burning and falling obliquely to the distant lake without knowing who was hit by it again, Captain Ivanov hurried to those staring Marines. The soldiers urged.
Then, one of the Marine Corps members stepped on a heavy footstep, trot to the steel gate, and quickly pulled out a flat shape from a safety buckle box on his waist behind him. A gadget like the big discus.
   After pressing a few times on it, he suddenly stretched out his hand and patted it firmly on the steel gate of SHIELD! Then, he quickly turned around and ran, and when the other people saw it, they also greeted them at the same time, one after another ten meters away from the gate.
The round cake-like thing, after the Marines moved away, soon made a strange noise, and then, the entire metal iron gate, together with the big discus, gradually turned red, making it at the time of the night, It looks particularly conspicuous.
   This is actually a melting blasting device that uses the principle that metal generates eddy currents under the action of alternating electromagnetic fields, and the eddy currents generate a lot of heat! Of course, it is definitely more brutal, more advanced and more efficient than the induction cooker microwave oven of this era!
Under its ultra-high power, it can make the metal itself within a certain distance of its contact surface generate extremely high heat in a very short time, so as to use the melting point of the metal to destroy or soften it. The purpose of breaking through obstacles!
   Generally speaking, this kind of thing is specially allocated to the Marines for landing on enemy warships and intending to capture and capture enemy ships! After all, in a space battleship, the most indispensable are all kinds of steel gates and all kinds of metal separation walls.
And when landing on an enemy's battleship, if you want to break through every steel door closed by the enemy, you definitely can't let the electronic warfare crack the code or simply pull out the wire and touch the two, as shown in the movie. You can do it!
   In the age of interstellar, even the worst door cannot be easily cracked in a short time!
In addition, the urgency of the time required for landing operations, if the enemy’s bridge or power compartment cannot be captured in time, maybe the battleship sees a bad chance. After leaving the battlefield, a leap will take your land with you. The team members are back home! At that time, those Marines who have entered the enemy's battleship, besides staring at them like teasing and waiting to be captured, what else can they do?
   So, as early as the Tyronnian Federation, on this side of the human race camp, their academy of sciences developed a reliable and effective means of breaking and landing for the army, that is, bombing!
However, at this time the problem comes again: after all, within a battleship, space is limited, and the thickness of each iron door is different, and if the power of the bomb carried is small, it may not be possible. If you effectively break through those steel gates and the power is too great, it is possible to kill yourself first?
   When landing on an enemy's battleship, every second is a must. Where can I have time to slowly crack or study the strength of the enemy's gate and consider the amount of explosives to use?
   So, in the end, this molten blasting device defeated all other blasting methods and became the most popular type of door or wall breaking device when the Marines landed on enemy ships!
   It’s like this, the steel gate of S.H.I.E.L.D. under the action of the melting device, gradually
It gradually turned red, and at the moment when it was so red that it was about to melt, the big discus suddenly exploded, forming a directional explosion impact on the door.
   Then, countless red hot molten iron sprayed into the gate!
At the same time, the entire steel gate collapsed in an instant. Except for a small part of the broken red thick steel plate still inserted on the gate, the others have been melted by the high temperature and splashed down, becoming a Tantan's red iron juice
   "Good job! Quickly, now, rush in!"
Seeing that the iron gate had been successfully destroyed, and there was a burst of screams, Captain Ivanov grinned and waved his hand, letting the marines behind him quickly follow his steps. With the sticky high-density molten iron, rushed directly into the door!
   "Remember! Anyone who shoots at you is an enemy!"
After turning around a corner and seeing an armed militant with a Uzi submachine gun, who dared to pour dozens of bullets at him madly, Ivanov took two steps forward and replaced the magazine when the opponent was busy. During the time, he stretched out his hand and patted the opponent's head directly against the wall.
  噗! From the ground, after a muffled sound like bursting of watermelon, the red and white ones flowed all over the wall.
   "Listen well: Although the head of state gave us an hour, I ask you to completely eliminate all recalcitrants in this building within 20 minutes!"
   "Now, the whole army assaults!"
After quickly explaining the main points in the channel, Ivanov did not wait for the response of his men, and took a few team members, ran quickly toward the largest wooden door in the corridor, and directly Bumped in.
   "I broke through the perimeter defenses so quickly"
   General Ross these people, although they put the switch card before, so that the power armored soldiers of S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers can continue to advance, but they did not just let the other side ignore it, but always followed the other side.
   Until now, after they followed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident headquarters, they watched blatantly on the roof of a building not far from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bridge.
Now, the battle between the two sides on the periphery has basically ended. From what they saw and counted, at least a dozen Kun-type fighters were attacked and crashed, whether it was the surrounding roads, the lake or the distant woods. , Flames and thick smoke are burning everywhere, and the number of dead and injured armed personnel is even impossible to count!
   And those soldiers wearing power armor have now breached into SHIELD.
   Except for the dozens of special blasting devices that rushed in through the gates, more of them rushed in from the direction of the lake, directly hitting the wall or breaking through the windows around the SHIELD building.
   The weapons and equipment of those soldiers made General Ross look more and more enthusiastic, and the more he looked, the more frightened! That kind of power armor, and that kind of rifle, they all want it!
   "If it is replaced by you to defend SHIELD, I will give you five hundred people. Do you have the confidence to defend against the attacks of the soldiers wearing armored power suits?"
I watched with binoculars for a while. When all the armored soldiers had rushed into the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., no more battles could be seen, only bursts of gunshots and explosions and those who rushed past the window aisle from time to time. After the shadow or light of Yingyingzhuozhuo's figure, General Rose suddenly asked a major officer next to him.
   "General! If you have to arrange this kind of combat mission, I don't guarantee to complete it!"
   "Actually, let alone five hundred people, even if you give me a full battalion, under the attack of the other two hundred power armored soldiers, we can't defend the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau!"
   The major took another look at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building that was still fighting on the island in the heart of the lake in the distance, and then reported loudly.
   Actually, this major really wants to vomit a bit, this General Rose, don’t you understand? Apart from using anti-tank missiles or simply opening tanks to shoot directly, or using powerful missiles and rockets to cover and bomb the weapons and equipment of their National Guard, he really couldn't think of any effective means to destroy the opponent.
   The heavy power armor on the opponent's body not only moves fast, but also has agility. It seems to be extremely tough? It has just been proved that no matter it is bullets of various calibers, grenades, or fragmented high-explosive missiles that explode at close range, none of them can have much impact on them!
   This shows that the opponent's armor is extremely reliable, and there must be a perfect shock-absorbing and life-saving device inside. The general shock wave must not have much impact on them!
Think about the other party’s actions of raising guns and shooting missiles, hitting planes, or even jumping up and stomping on armored vehicles, or simply wearing armor and rushing into the crowd to play fighting. He knows that it must be an extremely perfect battlefield. The big killer is definitely a mature standard equipment that has been tested in actual combat!
   Therefore, the major thought that without targeted weapons, absolutely no one can defend this SHIELD headquarters!
Besides, they are a combat unit with a total of two hundred people. The opponent is not alone. Not only will they charge alone, they will also cooperate with each other for protection. Under such circumstances, he may be more willing to deal with the previous one. The Hulk who can brute force and throw things, not come to fight this terrible war machine!
   There are some things, in fact, General Rose has already seen it, but he is still a little reluctant to believe it.
   Fortunately, these powered armored soldiers belonged to SHIELD! Therefore, he felt that they still had the opportunity to get them back for their own military research and production use, and if these were enemy countries, it would be terrible.
   Therefore, at this time, General Rose has made up his mind secretly. In any case, even if it is turned over and grabbed, you must get these things! Whether it's those power armors, or those mature weapons!
  They are much better than those super soldiers' plans!
  Think about the years before them, they wasted so much money and time, but they just made a Hulk who is not under control! And those serums have too much side effects on the human body and requirements on the soldiers' physical fitness, and the failure rate is even higher! So far, the Super Soldier Project has basically failed!
   And those power armors ahead? Then they are too simple!
  They only need to be produced by the factory, then distributed and taught to soldiers to use it! Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem! Only this kind of thing that can be mass-produced and equipped in batches is what their army really needs!
  Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has been able to produce a full two hundred sets from limited funds, even hidden return
There is more! So, after their military obtains the manufacturing technology, it's not too much to make it one hundred and eighty thousand, right?
   "Then how long do you think it will take them to completely capture the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
   looked at his watch. Although General Rose wanted to report something important to his superiors, he was worried that he would miss this epoch-making battle that he could observe with his own eyes.
   "Report to the general! According to the current form, in about ten to fifteen minutes, those power armored soldiers can completely end the battle!"
   "It is impossible for the armed personnel inside SHIELD to stop the elite steel soldiers!"
   This major just saw clearly that it has only been five minutes since the armored soldiers entered the building of the SHIELD headquarters, and they have already broken through to nearly 20 floors! If the depth of the facilities under S.H.I.E.L.D. is the same as the height of the facilities on the ground, they can completely end the battle within fifteen minutes at most, and the generals have no suspense!
   Anyway, wearing that kind of power armor, fighting indoors, is really advantageous to those soldiers who have armor but recklessly! They don't need any tactics, just keep charging, anyway, there is no weapon that can effectively hurt them.
   "You're right. The battle should be won soon. It seems that this time, the old Nick Fury won again!"
   Although Ross still knows, there are three cutting-edge Sky Motherships in the bottom factory of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
However, judging from the current situation, they probably have no chance to lift off. Those power armored soldiers rushed to the ground too fast and too hard, and now, the water barrier on the lake has not been opened, like the sky mothership. Such a big guy, if you want to start, you don't have one or two hours of preparation time, it will definitely not work.
   Unless, those people in S.H.I.E.L.D. had already completed the maintenance of the Sky Mothership before?
   "Heh! But, what? Anyway, SHIELD will be over!"
   "At that time, whether it is the three aerospace motherships or the mature armored power suits, they will all belong to our military!"
  Looking at the battle here, General Rose knew that tomorrow, after dawn, no matter who wins or loses, SHIELD will definitely be over!
   Someone must be responsible for what happened here tonight!
  There is no such organization, and it can be intact after such a large-scale fight in the capital Washington!
   At that time, no matter what excuses Nick Fury had, now, after so many people have died and so many elite fighters have been lost, the government's army has enough reason to take over this organization that has been floating outside! This matter has almost become a foregone conclusion!
   So, they S.H.I.E.L.D., just waiting to be officially disbanded!
   "God! What is that again? Some kind of shield force field device? SHIELD has such a good thing?!"
   At this time, General Ross saw another good thing that he dared to be interested in: Is it a transparent force field device that looks like a shield?
Just now, when a Kun-style fighter was trying to launch two air-to-surface missiles at the little girl standing on the edge of the bridge and the four powered armored soldiers next to her, a soldier suddenly opened one. What kind of device, and let it instantly unfold a large hemispherical shield, including all of them.
Afterwards, the violently exploded missile flames and fragmented steel all blocked the spherical shield. When the smoke cleared, the few people in the hemispherical shield and the red sports car were not affected at all. s damage.
   After taking a deep breath, General Ross suddenly made up his mind: In any case, he must try to take down the entire SHIELD, disband or take over it!
   Then, grab all of it!
   Finally, use those advanced gadgets to arm their own army! Not like it is now, a lot of good things are all taken over by a group of spy intelligence organizations.
Looking up at the sky, the plane that was flying high and had just dropped two missiles at the six people here, then, Annie thought for a while, and she grabbed it on her free right hand. A fireball came out.
It's a pity that when she was about to lock the opponent and throw an over-the-horizon fireball to burn the opponent directly, above the sky, a white beam of energy suddenly flashed towards the engine of the Kun-style fighter. Pass! Then, the tail part of the opponent's aircraft began to billowing smoke, and spirally planted into a small wood below.
   "Hi, Coleson and Little Annie, are you all okay?"
   "Uh, it seems that I was drinking too much, so why do you look at you all seem to be ghosting?"
   Soon, a large-sized golden and red robot that looked a little stout, slowly landed from above. It turned out that it was Iron Man Tony Stark who arrived in time and helped the little Annie and others in the sky to shoot down that S.H.I.
   It's just that he just staggered and almost fell to the ground.
  The distance from New York to Washington is about three hundred and sixty kilometers. If you take a train, a car, or drive by yourself, it will take at least three to four hours. Even if you take a plane, if you don’t count the waiting time, it will take at least half an hour.
   But Iron Man Tony is different, his steel suit is the speed of a rocket!
   Under the control of Jarvis, the computer butler, he just squinted in the air for less than fifteen minutes, so that he went directly from the top of the Stark Building to the sky above the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident.
Then, before he had time to figure out the cause of the matter, when he saw a Quinn fighter attacking Colson and a little girl below, he didn't have time to think about it, and he reached out and gave the opponent's engine. He used an energy cannon and directly shot down the opponent!
   After Tony landed on the ground, the side effects of the hangover and high-speed driving began to appear undoubtedly. If Jarvis was not helping him, he might not even be able to stand still?
   "Hi! Little girl, how come you have become so violent lately? You are going to attack SHIELD headquarters if you make a difference? If things go wrong, it depends on how you end up!"
   "Also! Here I want to protest: these four guys are yours? Where do they mix? How can they look more powerful and domineering than my Iron Man?"
   While inquiring about the reason, Tony Stark also began to grumble dissatisfiedly with Jiu Jin.
  Although he is now wearing a heavy defensive steel suit, but compared to these Marines wearing tall and mighty armored power suits
For people, he still looks a little weak and slender? Especially when standing next to each other now, compared to the other side, the other side is really thick, big and strong, it can't highlight his sense of existence of Iron Man at all.
   "Huh! I want you to take care of my business?!"
   Annie didn't bother to explain why she attacked SHIELD!
   Anyway, once annoyed her, she would dare to come and fight even if it was unreasonable! Not to mention that now, she is the one who has the right to do so, so ah, when she fights, it will be more straightforward!
   As for her side, she didn't want to go to the Marine Corps's armored power combat uniform.
   These heavy individual armors are just ordinary equipment of the Marine Corps. Simply put, they are cannon fodder type equipment. Basically, it can be said that it is the lowest-cost military armor of the Hero Federation! And replaced by those bald brothers or reapers, it would be even bigger and mightier than his Iron Man!
   But if it's about beauty, then her customized ghost suits are much better than this Iron Man! At most, the armor itself does not fly?
   "You should take care of yourself. Next time I see Sister Pepper, I will tell her about your drunk."
   After staring up and down at the other person, she simply turned her head and looked at the SHIELD headquarters building. She needs to wait for her subordinates to quickly defeat the hydra, and then go in and take a good rest. It's already late.
   "Tony, thank you for coming to help!"
   "This thing, it is actually like this: Hydra lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D., it suddenly broke out. They not only attacked the director, but also attacked Annie at the same time. That's why."
   looked around and felt that no one seemed to be eavesdropping before Coleson quickly explained.
  In fact, Annie can’t really be blamed for this matter. He himself felt that if the Hydra in the headquarters of S.H.I. So, should it also be a good choice to directly use violence to defeat the other party and kill the conspiracy in the cradle?
   "Oh! God! I think I might really drink too much? Jarvis, help me remember, what is a Hydra?!"
   After hearing Coleson’s words, Iron Man Tony Stark thought about it for a while, but after he could not figure out what a Hydra was, he quickly ordered Jarvis.
   But, he is sure he has an impression of this Hydra!
   Okay, sir.
According to records: Hydra is a terrorist organization that originated from the Nazi scientific research department during World War II. It originally developed various new weapons for the Nazis. Later, due to the end of World War II and the unremitting efforts of the American captains, they were exposed Declared destroyed! And they had tried to use the power of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube to rule the world, but they obviously failed. As for why they are making a comeback now, because of the lack of intelligence, it is temporarily impossible to analyze
   "Okay! I think, I understand a little bit!"
   Tony nodded after thinking about it.
"Coelson, what do you mean: a terrorist organization lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., and then trying to destroy or continue to rule the world? So, they launched their conspiracy today to kill Nick Fury and want to occupy God Shield?"
   "But, please forgive me for saying one more thing. It's not that I look down on SHIELD, but why do they think they can rule the world by occupying SHIELD?!"
   Although Tony is still in a hangover, he is sure that SHIELD does not have the power to rule the world!
   Besides, do they really think that the military of all countries are all vegetarian? How many people are there in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.? Excluding those who are unwilling to join Hydra, how many are left?
   With that few people, still want to rule the world? It's better to let his Iron Man produce 10,000 to 20,000 steel suits. In this case, might it really be more reliable?
  啧! Not to mention, Tony Stark had already had the idea of ​​producing more steel suits. Now, when he saw these soldiers wearing power armor, his idea became even more urgent.
These ordinary people, after wearing armored power combat uniforms, in addition to being unable to fly, they can almost have the ability to fight his Iron Man. Then he himself must produce a little more armor to keep his steel. The extraordinary status of the man?
   Or, at least have to upgrade and change?
   "It's not good, in fact, they may actually be able to rule the world"
   Coleson suddenly thought of something, then his face turned pale and exclaimed.
   "Tony, do you remember?"
   "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s three latest aerospace motherships and the insight plan! If the people of Hydra use that plan to deal with us and those who oppose them"
   This thing is really terrifying. The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible!
   Now, Coleson finally understands why Hydra did it like this! Because, according to the original plan, those three aerospace carriers seem to have completed their debugging work within one or two days. At that time, they can take off at any time and rise above the sub-orbit of the earth?
   "Project Insight! Damn it!"
"I'm going to stare at the three gates now, and I absolutely can't let the three space motherships lift into the air, otherwise, we will be finished! Think about it now, is there any other filing just in case! "
Thinking of the advanced large-caliber electromagnetic machine guns and cannons on the three aerospace motherships, Tony Stark was stunned. Then he hurriedly flew up and down. After finally controlling the direction, he hurriedly After saying something, he flew straight to the direction of the underground hangar gate on the lake.
He suddenly regretted it now. If he was wearing an offensive suit instead of a defensive steel suit, then he could completely destroy the three steel gates under the lake with those powerful weapons. ! As long as the gate can't be opened, then the three aerospace motherships inside can't fly out completely.
   "Uncle Coulson, what is the insight project? What's the use of that sky carrier?"
   After seeing Tony Stark hurriedly flew away, Annie was a little puzzled. Isn't this Uncle Tin-hide always fearless? How can you say that what plan can scare him like this? She knows the aircraft carrier of the Earthlings, but does it mean that the air carrier is destroyed? Could it be that they built a new one again?
   "That was an original plan of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was originally intended to be used to combat certain terrorists, but now it seems that they will probably be used by Hydra to deal with us first!"
   "Oh, no, they are going to be launched"
   "How can your armored soldiers be strong? Even if they can easily break SHIELD
What about the headquarters? Now, our Hydra is the final winner! "
   Seeing the door of the hangar above the lake slowly open, Alexander Pierce finally sneered triumphantly.
   He is now sitting on the bridge of one of the Sky Motherships, and most of these three motherships have now been replaced by their Hydra people.
At this time, when Alexander Pierce saw the soldiers wearing armored powered combat uniforms attacking the outside of the hangar below, however, the opponent was afraid of being beaten by the electromagnetic weapons of their three Hydra Motherships. He could only cringe and hide behind those corridors, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.
   These electromagnetic weapons on the three aerospace motherships are still a threat to the armored soldiers, which can be seen from the performance of the opponents not daring to appear casually.
   Those stupid S.H.I.E.L.D. men, they thought that by releasing that secret armored soldier, Pierce would give him up? Then they were so wrong!
   For him, a momentary failure is irrelevant! Now, as long as they can successfully ascend to the sky, he firmly believes that the ultimate victory will still belong to them Hydra! At that time, they will rule the entire world and fulfill the aspirations of those ancestors!
   Boom! !
   Boom! ! !
Two explosions sounded one after another. When the iron gate of the hangar at the bottom of the lake slowly opened, suddenly, without knowing where the attack came from, it instantly hit the two engines of two of the sky motherships that were starting up. Above!
   Although the damage does not seem to be very large, it is clear that the attacker is very familiar with the weaknesses of this engine, and suddenly they have to stop.
   "What's the matter? Where did the attack come from?"
   "Damn it! It's Iron Man? Why is he here? Hurry up, the anti-aircraft firepower, directly kill or drive him away!"
   Seeing that one's own side lost two Sky Motherships at once, Pierce was furious in an instant! Although, if the two Sky Motherships were repaired a little bit, they might be able to fly again soon! But, obviously, they may not have that time.
Afterwards, immediately after Pierce’s order, countless large and small cannons and electromagnetic weapons raised their muzzles and muzzles one after another, and started shooting frantically at the Iron Man in the sky, scaring Iron Man Tony Stark quickly He turned around and ran, never daring to stay directly above this huge hangar.
   "The big thing is bad! I just knocked out the engines of two of them!"
   "Anne! What can you do? They still have another one, but their firepower is too fierce. My defensive steel suit doesn't have many methods of attack, so I can't rely on it!"
   Tony Stark, who was driven back by the fierce anti-aircraft fire, immediately asked the little girl as soon as he landed on the ground. He knows that in this situation, this little girl can only take action. This little kid, isn't she the best at throwing fireball skills?
   "Of course there are methods of attack! Look?"
   After speaking, Annie slyly opened a portal directly, and then her little fat robot ran out again.
   It's just that, this time it came out and didn't directly yell at it. Instead, it made its chubby head spin around, seeming to be looking for an enemy or something worth attacking? But obviously, in its procedures, there seems to be no threatening targets in the surrounding area.
   "This is a robot?!"
   "The four behind it are missile bays? It's great, Annie, let it launch quickly, and destroy the sky mothership before their Hydra comes up!"
   After seeing the robot, Tony Stark was taken aback.
   Then, when he saw the missile launch bay with four missiles on the back of the opponent, he was relieved and hurriedly urged. Now, the last aerospace carrier has not left the hangar under the lake. It is the best time to attack. Four missiles will be used to hit it. Make sure that one hit is accurate!
   "Yes, Annie, hurry up, never let that mothership lift off! Get rid of it!"
   After looking at the Sky Mothership that had gradually exposed the island above, Coleson also hurriedly urged. If you don't fight anymore, after it rises up, they will be beaten!
   "No! Don't!!!"
Just as Tony and Coleson urged the robots to attack, the four heroic Union Marines who were just standing guard and not talking much, all blocked them in horror, as if the robots attacked. It will kill them.
   "Why not? Now we have no other better way?"
   Coleson is a little puzzled. The situation is urgent now, and this human robot has missiles and will not use it to attack. Do they have to wait for the mothership to fly up and use rifles to shoot?
  Although the guys in their hands that are said to be electromagnetic rifles are also very powerful, but the large-caliber, accurate and rapid-fire electromagnetic guns under the Sky Mothership are not bad! At that time, it is not certain who beat who!
   "No, it can't attack!"
"We all know this robot. Its code name is Eamon Destroyer! It is a super suicide robot developed by the lunatics in the Federal Academy of Sciences! The four missiles behind it, each of which is equivalent to 10 billion tons Super fusion bomb, once it is shot out, we will also be killed instantly!"
   "In fact, the entire earth will be over in an instant!"
   "That's right! During the experiment, a barren unmanned planet was about the size of this earth! Then, it was blown to pieces on the spot."
   said this, the four Marines opened their masks one after another and exhorted them nervously. Use this weapon on the planet to destroy the enemy while also killing yourself!
   "Eleven billion tons?!"
   Coleson can't imagine it. Is it because the girl's house, Little Annie, is running around with this stuff all day long? ! She is crazy, is this something a child can play with?
   "Yes, yes! This missile must not be used!"
   "Then Annie, do you have anything else? Change to a slightly more common one! Hurry up! It's about to fly! Or, you just set fire to the broken ship?!"
   After turning his head to look at the Sky Mothership, which was half exposed and slowly rising, Tony Stark could only ask anxiously again.
   "You mean a bit more normal"
   "Really! Here, here you are! You can take it and throw it on the deck of the Sky Mothership. Remember to throw it away!"
   After hesitating, Annie can only nod her head.
   Then, she kept digging from her bag. Soon, she took out a small piece of something, almost the size of a grenade? Of course
Later, she handed it to Iron Man Tony with a strange smile. She also had a lot of this stuff, but she hadn't used it yet.
   They are said to be quite powerful, if one is enough, right?
   "What is this again? Grenade? Bomb?"
   Looking at the little bit in his hand, Tony Stark was a little confused, then picked it up and shook it, it didn't seem to be heavy? With such a small grenade, can it be used to blow up the Sky Mothership?
   It seems that there is no special logo or description, so he expressed his doubts!
   "This is a deuterium 8 blasting device"
After speaking, the four Marines of the Hero Federation glanced at each other, and immediately closed the glass masks on their helmets, and at the same time lowered the armor plates behind the masks, and then gathered together calmly. Two big steps back.
   They all know that this thing is extremely dangerous and unstable! Yes, its characteristic is unstable!
  Anyway, the Marine Corps members of their Federation have never thought of bringing these things on the battlefield! If you really want to do that, it would be irresponsible for the lives of yourself and your teammates!
   Deuterium 8 blasting device, commonly known as the 8 bomb, is specially designed to deal with difficult enemy targets.
  This kind of device, it can throw a certain distance, and explode in a short time, yes, just throw it by hand!
   This 8-bomb use technique is a difficult technique to master, because only a few senior fighters who live long enough have the opportunity to master it! What's more, I am very pleased that its explosive damage radius is definitely much larger than the distance when standing on the ground and throwing it out with your hands.
   "Deuterium 8 blasting device? What is it then?"
   Agent Colson’s scientific common sense is obviously a bit inadequate, so he does not quite understand the true meaning of one of the words.
   "Isn't deuterium also a nuclear weapon?!"
  Iron Man Tony was shocked, he almost didn't throw out the things in his hands.
   This kid, dare you bring something a little less scary? Take a look! This is not a super nuclear bomb with the equivalent of tens of billions of is this a terrible deuterium grenade?
   Whose kid is this bear? The earth is too safe to be suitable for her development. Who will show her kindness to take her back? Tony even thought maliciously, the reason why she wandered around in different worlds must have been driven out, right?
   "Hurry up!"
   "It's about to fly out of the lake! Can you just take it and throw it on time? What are you afraid of!"
   He doesn't want it, Annie actually doesn't want to give it!
   So, while pointing to the space mothership that was gradually rising on the lake, she stared at an uncle tin man and said dissatisfiedly.
Tony looked at the nuclear grenade in his hand, and then at the four Marines who were keeping a distance from him. When he saw one of them, he gave his thumbs up, he gritted his teeth secretly and flew up. , Flew towards the center of the lake.
   However, what Iron Man Tony Stark doesn't know is: in the Kepulu zone, the same flying troops as him, those Reapers, are responsible for using these things!
   And, for some reason, the battle damage rate of the Reaper's troops is still the highest of all the troops! It is said that among ten people, there are not two left who can survive until the end of the war?
  The reason for this is that their Marines have always believed that there must be an extremely important factor with this 8 bomb! Because these bombs are very unstable!
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